Flesherton Advance, 2 May 1907, p. 6

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PEnSONAI. f',fh\ORAPnS. InleroUdg (iussip About Sonic Pronii- neiil Proiile. A sliorl liiiio npo Ih*' C/Timin F.inprosa \vns u.hU<iI Ij.v n vory rirli l)aroii«>s what lliiiigs ill llic wdi'ld she would like best. •'I CUM li-ll you very roodily," soitl llic Ijiipros. "Thoie iii-e four tilings 1 pio- rri'Jo nil others, and llify nil Ix'gin willi 'K 'â-  I iK-y ore my Kiiisi-r. my kinder, my Kirche, Hiul my huclie" iiiiy KiiitJ. my cliililren, my cliurcli, and my kitchen). • Mr. F. C. .Selijiis, tli<^ IiinKiiis hunter of Mk jiiinit', wus iiicUnunuHl "Zcnlous' by fiis companions ut Huj^liy. On leaving fcliool lie went to .'^w ilzerlund to loani I'renrh and German, lie nillier .sturlled llif worthy ."^wilzers on one occasion by jr.inping into the Uliine clnd in lop-boots and ^'reat-coat. A duck which lio jiiid .â- "iKit had fallen into the river, and lie wanted to gel It 'out. Eai'l Hoberls. who ha.s given up his Unvii lious<> in Porlland I'lace and gone to live in the country, has I ian.sf ruined his largo eolloetion of curios to his resi- dence at Ivnglemere, near .\,scol. One uf the most higlily prized is n piece of dirty white lag. very much Ihe worse for wear: and many sw^'ing it have \v<iii- dered what on earth it wa.< (l<iing oinoiig the <;llier eurios. It i.s the "while fliig' Ihut General Cionje .sent to Lord noljerts intiinalinji his surrender at I'nardebei'g. It !.•< inlere.iJiiig to note how rapidly the ineniliers of Ihe Kngli.sh lloyal I'niii- ily ore dividing up the Itoyal .si)oils of Euro|x\ An Kiiglish Princess is on the throne of .Norway ; another. I'riiice.ss Margawt of Connaiight, will .some day wear the Swe<lisli crown. The daughter of Ihe l«l<: Princess Alice. King Kdwards sLslor, is now Ihe Czarinn ; the .son of Ihe Duke of .Albany is Uiike of Snxe- Oiburg-»jollia ; the eldest daiigliler of the Duke of fidinburgli Is <:rowii Prln» cess of n<iiiiiianiii ; tlic Tiviwn Princess of Greece is a daughter of King F.dwards eldest .sister; while n daughter of Prin- cess Henry of Uattenborg is on the Span- is!i throne. Easily first among lady aslrononicrs is the gifted wife of Sir William lluggins. It is not only since her marriage that I-ady lluggins has devoted herself to fclar science. The most trensured fKis.ses- .sions of her early girllKxjd were n siiioll teli-seofK' and star atlas. .<ir William lliiggiuss house at Tul.se Hill is splen- didly niled for the study of Ihe stars, bill l.a<ly llufijiins declaims tliat the first requisite for u Hrilisli astronomer Is a lir<jken heart. If the organ is not frac- tured already, the vagaries of ttie len-i- iilc Rrilish climate, to say nothing of London fog and smoke cutting off all ribstivalion.i for weeks together, will (effectually break it for hiin. Pe-ru-na Relieves Spring: Catarrli DEADLY PAIUI-LEL. "You drink boor in winter to ninkc you warm and in summer to keep you cixil," .sneered Ihe maid. "Ve.s," admitted the mini, "I handle it just as voii do o))enwork." Then the conver.salion InnguLslied. * You cannot be happy while you have r<.rns. Then di not delay in (.'eltiiij,' i. billle of lloUowuy's Corn Cure, il rc- iiKives all kinds of corns without pain. Failure with it is unknown. There ai-e at least Kl.fKX) habihial vagrants in (iieal nrilain. nn<l in Ijnies Of trade depression the number of Irunips nearly doubles. r.liiipinin : "This is your third lenii in lliis pris<yn. Are y<iii imt aslmnirti to have your fiien<ls see you heie?' Abashed 'xinvict : "lndee<l. 1 nni. The prison is disgraceful. The reeeptinn- room smells like n tnp-rooni. Ihe cells ore dark as caves, l^ie K<jvernnr is no gentleman, and Ihe table is not lit to Kit down to. Asliaiiied to have my friends come here? I am inortllli>(l every lime I see Iheni ; but what can I do V" TTie largest saltnon on record was n Kiissliin IWh. which \on Siebnld declarc£ to have weighed '.(3 pounds. rrCil. Mange. Prairie .Scratches and fxeiy f<irm of contagious lleh in human or Jiiiimals cure din 30 minutes by V\'ol- («ird's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. When n wedding party arrived nl .St. Mary's Parish Church, Scarborough, the liride>iiiaids wi're told thai they oviild iKil enter, as they were not weai'- Ing hats, but oiil ywreiiths of ijinrfjiier- lies. They then placed handkerchiefs over their heads and were adini'tted. rtie Finance ('oinmillee of the r?er- mondsey 1l'<i'oiigh C<^)imcil recomiiieiid n reduction of 7d. in tlie .£ In the rate for Ihe ne\l year. The council, before declining the rale, will enileav<ir to in- duce the IViiird of Guardians to return n surplus of .Cijrt.tino. by which n fur- ther reilucli</n of ."xl. can be etfected. 1)0 DDS / KIDNEYi /. PILLS ^^ * \\\\x.>-, ISSUK TvO. 18- •T. MISK r>OI«\ IIAVIUCN. •WillioHl hesiljilion I write to lliaiik you (or the ureal reliel I have (oiind in \oin- viilimlile medicine, I'eriinii, and will rail liie alteiilion of all ni\ friends Mifferinii "illi ealiurli to that (act. Be- sides I rlieerliilly reronnnend it to ,'dl siifferiiiji with ralarrli In any (oral."'â€" Miss Dora lla>ilen, 819 Glh St.. S. \V., Wnshlnulon, D. C. A CASK OF SI'RIXt; CATAimil. Mrs. N. P. I.awler, M:\}/j N. Broadway, Pittsburg, Ka-i.. wriles: "Last spring i caught a severe cold, which develo|>ed into a serious cose of catarrli. 1 fell weak and sick, and could neither eul nor sleep well. "A member of our club who had been cured of catarrh throujih the use of Pe- runn advised mo to liy it, and I did .so at once. I expected iielp, but nothing 'ike Ihe wonderful chaiiue for the bel- ter I obseived iilnKist as soon as I stori- ed taking it. In three days I fell much better, ond witliin two weeks 1 was in flue hcallh. IVriina is n wonderful nHHlicine." no.NT ovF.nnnAW Youn dank ACCOUNT. To overdraw your bank occoiinl. whe- ther menially <ir [ihysiiNilly, is more siii- c:<lal even than to <iverdraw niiiterially, P.epair wasted tissues, strengllir'n shat- Itreil nerves and rejuvenate your rlieu- iiiatie syslcin by visiting tlie famous Mineral Salt Springs of the "St. Calh- urines Well' of SI. Catherines, Out.. A |-.,sliil card hi J. I). McDonald, District I'ussenger .\gcnt, Grand Trunk Hallway System. Toronto, will bring illustrated descriptive matter. The housing coiimiillee of Ihe Ital- tersea H<iiougli Onincil have decided that II will be jiece.ssary to increase the nnis to make the Lalcliinere and Town Hall Estates as far as possible self-sup- â- HIng. ctioleia and all summer complaints are .so i|uick in their action that Ihe cold hand of death is upon the victim before they are aware that danger i.s near. It allncked do not <lelay in mA- ting Ihe proper medicine. Try. a dose <:f Dr. J. D. KelUrnns Dy.sentery Cordl- a,, and you will get lininediale vehct. It Olds with wonderful rapidity ond never foils to effect a cure. Next to London which has nearly 1.19,- (Viii .lews. Maiictiesler is Ihe town with Ih â-  largesl .lewlsti [xipulation. It has is.dOd. (ilasi^'ow-ii large cityâ€" has only Ci.-'iDn, and Liverpool 7,lXMt. A UTn,K qUIET In tha iMit of all diet, jt It will not malia bona »iul niuscla but " KcrmTim " will. T17 It. AU drug and gauaral •turai. (l (wttlaa. "If you e<uiu' In a year's lime and soy you have nol touched drink, 1 will refund the m<iney," said the ma0.i»lrole a I Grays in lining u man for an assault <,n a constable. Do N<d Delay.â€" When, through dehili- Inled digestive organs, piiison llnds its way into the bUxid, Ihe prime eonsid- oriilioii Is to gel Ihe poi.son out as rap- idly niid as thoroughly os po.ssible. De- lay may mean disaster. Parmelee's \e;,'ntalile Pills will be found a most valuable and effective medicine to assail the inrliider with. They never fail. They go at once In Ihe seal of the trou- 1>1 ' and work a pcrmiinent cure. 'Tliey had a dispute, ond agreed In leave it lo Ihe milllary expert. "What tiullel," they asked, "do you consider Ih" deadliest ?" For .several minutes he reiiiaiiied in a brown study. Then he looked up with Ihe air of one who had settled the matter llnally ond dellnllely. "The one that hits," he .said. An editor i.s a nuin who }s liable to graiiiiiiiitical liluiiders, loolhochP, t.vjw- gi aphical oiTors, and la|)scs of memory, ond usually he lias half a million people watehlug lo calch him trippiinu. And yd, Ihe wocUI Is full of people wi>C want lo b« edihti's ! In ?" B.sked tjie ma'am," answered the rk in the boarding hoiue. ".She's in her ixxun." "Are you sure?" "Yes, ma'am. I just overheoiid her Uk\f ing a nap." Wi's. ??i-lirtorer Id MI'S. Sl'll caller. /Yes, niaid-iil-*!! work CONSUMPTION IS NOT HEREDITARY Such is the Derision of the Urilisli Medical Association. 'The old theory of Coiisuinption being hticditaiy has been completely explod- <i: by the iiivostif;otioiis of the British .Medical Ass<jciiiti<in. Ojiisnmplion -s liuirly and only a germ disea.se. Dut luiij,' weakness and c<jiili-!u:tcd chest, winch is coiiiinoiily constitutional or in- lieiited, form especially favorite .soil and conditions for tiic lodgmcnl and llie (lcveio|imeiit of consumption germs o- tulx-rcuUisis. One of Ihe world's most famous physicians spent his life sludyijiK Ihis disease and finding a cure. As ii result ho gave to the world the most reiiiaikahle and successful cure f<u- tuberculosis, and all the conditions that lead up t<j it, thai has ever blessed the human race. Thai <jne word "Psy- chijie'' embraces Ihe life work of one <f Ihe world'.s greatest benefactors. Thou- sands u|Kin thousands owe their life lo P-ychiiie. .space permits only one te.s- liinony ikjw: ".Several years ago my wife was so seriously ill of lung ti-ouble as for monlhs fo be unable to walk, at whicii lime a ivdeil physiciiui l<d(l me thill the next dress thai 1 would buy foe her would be a shroud. Slu- used Psychine and is now reasonaljly well. ".Anolher case llinl cnme under my notice was .Mr. Galbrailh. "His was an extreme case; np- parently, so far as I could judjie, a hopeless cn.sc. and yet he is now fo much improved as lo be away on a visit. Previous to g<iing he was gaining at the rate of 3J^ ixiunds [ler week, and was annin (|uite well and able lo walk about. The doclor.s absolutely gave him up." HEV. c. E. nuMnr:LL, Baptist Minister. Forest. On I. Psychine is a world-famed remedy f( ;• the cure of all those troubles that lea<l lo Con.sumption. such os coughs, colds, La Grippe, ehiils. bronchilLs ca- tarrli, night .sweats and fill stomach and wasting disease. .At the druggists, 5(k. and .Sl.no. or write Or. T. A. Slo- cum. Limited, 1?J King stri'et W., To- ronto. 4. PA STOOD TIIIDD. "I'vo got n wonderful boy," .said the father of five. ".My oklest. 1 mean. He i^iinie to mc the <]ther night with a sub- ject for cnnipositioii. He asked mo off- tiand t<i write It for him. 1 put d<iwn my pa|H'r and wrote it. ! Haltered myself llial 1 did rattier well willi that composi- tion, it having been some time since I hud had ocrasioii l<i write one, but I hardly expected Ihe encoiiiiiiii I t.'nt Ironi llim. 'The next day nt dinner linie he came rustling lionie, hurried up lo nie and slap(ie»l me on the hack. •'•Hurrah for you. Pop!' he cried. 'You are all right. You ktaiul thirU in till' doss.'" THE HEMFDY. 'Tramp : "Madam, 1 am suffering from indigestion.'' Lady : "Wtiy, I'm sorry. W hat con 1 do lo help you " Tramp : "Madam, you can cure me in- stantly by giving ine something lo digest." AS TO EXTPAVAGANrE. Speiulall •. "If Td known you were .so exiravagunt I wiiulil never have married you." Mrs. Si)endflll : "If 1 hndn I been, pni)a would never have let you." Prevent Disorder.â€" .At Ihe first symp- toms of internal disorder, Parmelee's Vegelidile Pills should be resorte<l lo iinmciiiale'.y. Two or three of these salulary pellets, liiken Irx-fore going lo t (<1, l<illow«><l by (ki.ses <if one or two pills for two or three nights in succes- SH 11, will .'•orve as a preveiilive of at- tacks of dyspepsia and all Ihe discom- f<.rls which f<'l!ow in Ihe train of Itiol fell di.Miidef. The means ore simple when the way Is known. IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND Mvws By MAIL Anorr ioiin dlix AND HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences In (lie Land That Iteigns Supreme In the Coninvwclal World. Five snakes, each 2 feet in length, have been killed at Port Isaac village, Cxjrnwall. Lieut.-General Dra-rien will assume coimiuuid of the Aldeitliol corps on De- ctiiilx'r 1, in succession to Sir Jolin French. Niueleen vessels, agfiiegating 43,000 tons, have been launched from the f^l.vde shipbuilding yards <hiriiig .March. While ploughing in a Held at Monks Itisboroiigh (Uiick.s) a ploughman turned up a Itoinan copper coin dated A.D. 3(51. Lord .Methune has o|Kned a new Ghiirch Lads' Brigade drill hall at H.'j;h W'yoonibc, on u site tiiven by Earl Curringlon. Princess Christian is to preside at tlie annual summer sale of the ftoyal .Scliool of Art .Needlework, which is to b' held in May. F<ir sixty years without a break the aped sexton of Easton Church. Suffolk, has sung in Ihe choir, which he joined al Ihe age of 2.5. Two vLsils are to be paid to Alder- .<itK)l Ihis summer by the Kingâ€" one for the purpose of holding a royal review u.i Loffan's Plain. Funeral volleys fired over the grove of a young naval olTicer at Apuldra/n have had Ihe curious effect of cracking one of Ihe church bells. '* An army ve'eran has died al Ipswich In his 86th year in the person .if Alfre<l J<dinson. wh<i scned at Inkerman, Al- ma. Balaclava, and .Sevaslopoi. A screen of her own working has been given by Ihe Princess of Wales lo the London section of the Australasian Exhibition, of Women's Work to be held in Melbourne. Bravery characterized the conduct of Police Constable Plackelt, of Hackney, who. In stopping a runnaway horse, was dragfted 50 yards. He holds re- wards from the Royal Humane Society for saving lives from drowning. Summoned at Dover for not sending his liltle girl Flose. aged eight, lo school. Harry Philpotl said the child priirtieally kejit house, at Ihe same lime looking after two younger cliiklren and her mother, who was subject to Tils. Dover ha.s been .selected for Ihis year's e^jiiipetilion of tho Nulional .\i|illery .Ass<iciotion, tlie hif;h elevali<in of the puns on the cliffs making il more suit- able than Shoeburyness, where Ihe pre- vious conipetilicus have been held. Does fit Doesn't shrink Pen- Angle â- Underwear , has the soft' 'â- ^^^ warm feel' the akin enjoys. Doesn't itch. ., fl^ Made for men, wo- men and little folks, in a variety of styles, fabrics and prices. Weautliorize e v er y dealer in Pen-Aogis Llnderwear to replace, at i er cost, aaf gaimenl faulty in material or making CRDAIV!°*ST FIIOIR A pure, hard Manitoba flour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformity. STRONG &WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH FLOUR A NO FEED. WRITE US. VE ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN CITY.' A BLENDED FLOUR THAT HAS GAINED GREAT FAVOR AS A GENERAL HOl'SEMOlO 'ALL PURPOSES' FLOUR. THECAMPBtUMlLLINGCU TOHONTO JUNfTIOIN ONI CARPET DYEINQ ^^ lad OiMDiag. Tkia la a ipcolaltf wt»h tka ^* •RITISH AMERICAN DYEINQ OU â- â- â- 4 â- MttMlan kf tamt, aad w tn nra loia>ii(y Ma III Bn WiL MmtrMl. Celluloid Starch Easier Ironing grIveB better finish on things starched with Celluloid Starch, the only no- boil cold-water starch that can't stick. You will like it best, once you try it Buy it by name. Anygoodtlealer. Y'OUNG ME.N WAVfEDâ€" FOR FIRE- -*- men and brakemen; experience un- necessary; over 500 positions open al the present lime; high wages; rapid promo- lion to engineers ajid conductors; $75 to $20(1 per month; instructions by mail at your home without Interruption with present occupation; we assist each stu- dent in securing a position; don't delay; wrile to-day for free catalogue, instruc- tions and application blank. Nalional" Railway Training School. Inc. U.32 K., n'.s'<m Riock. MiniieaiKilis. Minn., U.S.A. STAMMERERS Saves La b r- ^) T i «n e - Li â- men. _T 00 Th« ARNOTT HBTNOD I* Iha only logi- cal nittho4 for the care of StanntrlBg. It treat* tba CAUSE, not OMroly the HABIT, â- ad Inauroa natural apaach. Pamplilot. par* tlcalara aad ralerancoa aent on requeat. THE ARNOTf INSTITUTE BEgLIN. ONT, CAN. •M FOR SALE, 300 LIGHT DYNAMO In good running order. Bar- gain for cash. S. FHANK WIU^ON, 73 Atirlaide SIree* \>es(, roaONTO. In 1K97 only li,-il)6 Ilriti«h emigrated lo British North America. The number has been growing since then by leajxs and bounds, and last year reached 97,133, ot whciiii 75,l)6-l were English. Pulillc-hn\ises in the I'niled Kingdom luimliered 9«i.727 in the year IHSI. in ino< the niinil)er was only 'Jl.soa, nnd il is still steadily diminishing. Help your children to grow strong and roliiisl by eounleracting anything thai ciHises ill-lteallh. One xieat cause of dis- ease in children Is worms. Iteinove them with M<itliei' Ciraves' Worm Extermina- tor, it never fails. The Admiralty Ls controlled by four Sea Lords, (me r.ivil Ixird, Hiid a F'nrlla- inenlary and I'iiiiincial ."Secretary. The latter get.s Ihe best pay of allâ€" iinniely, » 10,000 a year. II Lays a Stilling Hand on Pain.â€" FoT pains in the jiiints and limbs and for rheiimiilic pains, neuinlgia and liimba- g... Dr. Thonias' Edeelric Oil is with- out a peer. Well rubbed in, llie skin absorbs it and It nuirkly nnd periiian- cnlly relieves the affecte<l part. Its value lies In its magic property of re- moving pnin from the body, and (or Jlial good quality it is prized. 'rhfe tJnit«d Kingdom prwluoes SoiirtC 600,000 cycles yearly, of a value of 3)i millloTi pounds, and of these exports nearly 50,000. ANS OV THB best old tlma ramedlM tot all IktaataetloB^ luoh u Koaoma, Rln|wonn, Aoald- bead aaA alnllar aSaoUona U Waatar'a C«i*(a. ft ti an oiatnaat that baa bi»a(M t«U«l to 4'/. On Your Savings Compounded Quarterly 8«ad for booklet "BANKING BY MAIL" It •xplaln» how our Savings DepartmoBt U no furiber from you than your nearest mail box* Capital and R*a«rv« $2,900,000 1 THE UNION TRUST CSa L imited Temple Building, • Toronto

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