May 19 1907 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE GREATEST OF TONICS Those who use it get well. A certain cure for all run down conditions and wasting diseases. Highly recommended for Insomnia. THE PROOF. The following l> a temple of thouiaods of testimonies to the wonderful mortis of PSYCHINE In tlio most dineult cases. Doc- tors are proscribing PSYCHINB In their practice with the most latlsfactory results. "Several years ajjo my wife was so seri- ously ill of lungf trou- ble as for months to be unable to walk, at which time a noted physician told me that the next dress that I would buy for her would be a shroud. She used PSYCHINE and is now reasonably well. Rev. C. E. Burrell, "Baptist Minister, Forest, Ont. ' For Coughs and Colds take PSYCHINE. For Throat and Lung trouble Uke PSYCHINE. For Catarrh and Consumption take PSYCHINE. For after-effects of La Grippe, Pneumonia and Pleurisy take PSYCHINE. USED PSTCHm 20 TCAIS AM. "Years ago I was almost a physical wreekt and was suffering with lung trouble. Frieada and neighbors thought I would never get better. I began to despair myself. Losing faith in my physician, I procured another (MM who recommended the use of PSYCHINE. It was surprising beyond description tbs effect it bad. I seemed to gain with every dose. Inside of two weeks I was able to attend to my housework again. There ar« no symptoms oi' consumption about me aow< "MRS. HENDERSON, St.John,N.a"/ For Loss of Appetite take PSYCHINE. For Indigestion and Dyspepsia take PSYCHINE. For Chills or Fevers take PSYCHINE. For Run-Down System take PSYCHINE. To Feel Young and Keep Young take PSYCHINE. An Unfailing Cure for all Throat, Lung and Stomach Troubles. A Reliable Remedy for diseases caused by exposure to cold or wet For sale at all drueflsts, 50o. and SI. GO, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 178 King 8ti W., Toronto r â- Tn e In Furniture The largest and best stock of furnituru ever shown in Flesher- ton. This withont fear of contra- diction. Come and sue some of the uico things in Sideboards Dining Roon\ Cl^airs Parlor Setts Bed Roorei Setts A special reduction just now on everytliing in order to reducu the stuck. W. H. BUNT rlon - Out. Hereford Bull for Service Horefoid Bull for survice, Spartan No2706 Winner of SwecpHtaken Silver medul at ElaMt Grey Agrifiiltunil Kiiir, IWMi fur best 2 year old liuU any breed. Will at;Hid f )r iiervice at lt>tll»U, 3rd west T.S.It Terms 81.00 and 85.«(). W. BUSKIN Sbortborn Bull The thi)rou((W)red Shortlioi-n Bull, "FaTo â- Ite," (>2235, is for service on lot 27-2>*,2ndr.%j> N. I>. K,,Artemesift. I'edigreeon application Terms tl.2.i ALKX. McUAK, Ceylon l- 'X) (Xr^s^ now is a 6ood Cime To nn'.ur tlio well-known IKLUOTT XOROHTO. OUT. CanaJVs Hi.;li yiudo (.;oraineroial and Shoithiiiid sohdiil. Our graduates are aivrsys «mccesKful. Their sjuerior training enables them to got and hold oxfiellent positioiiH. Tho pupils who unuluate fr.nii our school are in the highest and hest sonsc trained for bu»- nesilif'j. O) ininence now. W.J. ELLIOTT, I'riiicipRl Cur. Yunge and Alexander Stii. Business Cards H/fCUIOiOUaH * YOUNG VL Hanker Markdalo Oo a general bauking bUBiiiesB. Mooey loaueu a reasouablo rate Call ou us. TCHISLETT, • rufltuiaster. Ceyloo. Commiuslonor in H.C. J .Convovancer, deeds, uiortKaKua, losses, wl'ls etc. carefully drawn up OolleotioUB uiad*. clia.,.>9 reasonablo. Also Krooeriea, Hour, food etc, kept iu stock, Prices rJKht. RJ BPBOULB I'odtmaeter, Floaherton uommlasloner in H.C J., Auctioneer Con royancor, Api'ralser and Money Lender Keal Estate and Inaaranco Agent. Deeds niortgagoa, leases aU'I wills carefully drawn up and valuations made ou shortest notice, luouuy to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col actions attended to with promptness eharges low. Agent for Ocean Domiuiou KUaujship Company. A call solicited. UcPUAIL, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Oroy. Terms moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. Tho airaiigoments and dates of sales can ba made a», TuK AovASi R office. Koaideuce and P.O., Ceylon, Tclei)bone connection. Deo. 8,07, Bob Cook Rounded up. D. GEO. 0. LUDLOW Cuunty of reasonable terms Llcousod Auctlouoer for tho County of 6rey. Prompt service aim Proton Station P. 0. Bub C(«)k, who defied all the con- stables iu Diifferin county to iirrest him, moved west some time ago, but he is cuniiug back again, according to a Win- nipeg despatch which says : Word has been reaeivod here from Estevan of tho arrest of Bob Cook, an outlaw from Duf- feriii county, Ont<irio, who in wanted in the east for breaking jail at Grand Val- ley and fur threatening to shoot High ' Constable Marshall of Orangevillc last March. A reward of a hundred dollars was offered for him, dead or alive, and when he settled on a farm near hero the Mounted Police promptly took a hand in the game. Sergcjint Lett rounded him up and arrested him single-handed, al- though Cook is credited with having beaten three constables in a tigiit on the streets of Orangeville when they attempt- ed to lock him up. Uo had a bntcu of revolvers, a rifle and shotgun, all loaded, ' in his possession when Sergt. Lett called. Cook is now in jail in Hegina, and will be sent East. ^ 1 1«» « « ACordl«l Invitation to disease Tliis iaai) apt description of constip- ation. ItH an unnatural condition to begin with, and it's more, because it brings about blood detorior&tion, in'eif.ires with digestion, renders you susceptihle to tlio infectious diseases nrid Causes anaemia Not so much a purgative as a ntiturnl stimulant to tho bowoU is what you neod. Vou get it in Dr. Uamiltun's Pills which . increase your liver aotirity, restore the bowels to perfect action and postively cure constipation ai'd its attendant evils.; Insist on having only Dr. Hamilton's | I'llts of Mandrake and Butternut, 25c perj box at all dealers. I IIARTEY PEBIOOE, Pevotsham *• Insurance, Heal estate and mlnlrg stock broker. Couveyancer. liOaiis and Collections, Write for rates on Kire, Life or Sick bduuflt insurauco or inforiuatiou legarling Cobalt I mining stock. Hotter contracts and lower I rates on fire Insurance bow. Societies Clearing Sale At Port Law Everything in dry uoods, guicer- ies, ])i)(ila and Shoes, HsrdwHre und Tinware, 'o bo sold forbrluw thIur; all salds stri>-lly cash or produce. Bsar in mind lain not leaving Port Law, only soiling tho sto^k so 1 c.<ti devote more time to uavo trouiihlng and job J. A. St. JOHN Genera Merchant and TinsiiiiiS Port Law - - AG D W meets oii the last Uonday IU eacu month, iu their longe room, Chrlstoo's block. Sp.iu. M.W., Frank Chard ; 8ec.. T. Illakely, Financier, W..J. Itel.amy. Visiting brethren Invited, PKINCB ARTHUll LODOB, No. :03, A.F.ft A M, meets in the Maaonioball. Strain's block, Fleshsrton, every Friday on or before the full ujocu. W A.Aimstioug, W U.; Ueib. Smith, Bttratary. noUBT FliRBHF.nTON 09.1. I. 0. P. meets in ^ Cbrlstoe's Hlock the last Wednesday evening of each luoiitli. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. C. K., Dr. Murray; It. B., 'i'. Ilebiy; Fin. Hec, C. N. KichaidBOu. Please pay duos to Flu. Bee. botoro the first day of the month. CnoSKN FItlKNDS-Plesherton Council of Chosen Filends moeta iu Clayton's hall nrst and third WediieRdav of each niout S p. m Pay aHsassiiionta to the lieoorder on or before tt>e (Irat darot each month, ('hief Couuoillor, T. I)lakeloy:Ueoorder, W. H. Buul. Medical r\R CABTRR " M C P & 8 Ont. Phyalolan. Snrceon. etc OfBo* and resideocoâ€" Peter si , Flosherton V.'UI<U1IU|1« (Iraduata Toronto Uuiverslty. Mem- ber of Ontai Id College oj Phyaleiiaiia and Snr- geona. Maxwell, Oof. 8«coeasor to Dr. Scott. Farmers, Take Notice. 1 have ceased working for McCormack Dttchiiiea, nnt that I had any fault with the iinplein'Mits, bnt.luckson & H.tnn.ih, of Mark- dale add a Mi.'C irui.ick six foot liinder to Mr. Wilson McMoIlen list harvest f..r (Pi'i-IM) un three pays, aii'l his nlil rattersun l>in>lcr and tlion ixiM the idd hinder fur $l.o(l, and on neil yctr's term 1 they are ihargod to those that If.'rlups thoy ;;nt them fur less than I do. Why tlon't they tell them to Markdnle farmers for tliesatni^? Tliis 1 can pruve. I hweo iiitr,tet- ed with I'uter llaiiiiltoii, uf IVtirhuionifh, to Mil his iiiiiileniiMita at Markdnio and Vleshur- tun. 1 will .-i-jll the hinders, six fixitoii ime pay tlio, 2 |>;iys Sll.'i, throe pays $|-ji); drills, one IMj 12li<K> drill #1)1, 2 piys iCA, tlir.upavx ?<>A, aud other hIk-'S to ciirre.Hpuiid, Kiiiall.*riir larger. I will ho at M.iikdale uf'er tho lirst of March w«ry Saturday. .\uy one \vantin(( machines or repairs will find me on S.-iturlvys. I have s «ne second liaii'l Di'ills un h;kii<l, smiie unly w rked one and two yoara, N ixuii, Osli.twit aod I'etei' Hamilton. Also a^'ent for the Uoekahutt 1*1. iw, I'ari* Manure S|iroadertnd oaThrsaho:. D. >MinUA J P OTTRWELL ^ Vaterluary Huigcon Oraduate of Ontario Veterinary College. teaideuce â€" sjcoiui door south west or Mary street This atreot runs soiith Presbyterian Church. H WILHO.V, BlackKtnlth , .. 'dradiiato of tho Veterinary Hcieuoo Aaaoclalloii. Besilnnco, iiurh^iiu jtroot posite Bojd, Hii;klii.g'B htt.dware. op-j Legal T U0A3 WRIGHT ft McABDLH " Hariiatets Solicitors Conveyancers, etc Oraoea-Oweii Hound, Ont andMarkdaloOnt ' ''"' Ihtetcsta of hoth W H \TRioHr, MiAuDi.B I H Licas N n -Fleshertoii otllca, .Mitchell's Bank STsry Baturdav. Dentistby Agin the Guvermint Now The CheMoy Enterprise, a government organ, is warm on the Ottawa administra- tion over its action in regard to tho new postal law, and in last weeli's issuo lets out in the Following ktyle : The Ontario Pioss Association, which ii supposed to represent the best iuteres's of newspaper men in this proviiice,pa3sed a resolution asking for the increased post- age on Yniikue papers and magazines. John A. Cooper, editor of the Canadian Magazine, who was one of the Ins wigs of tho press two years »K(i, was liigoly in- strumental in having the change made. Recently the Press Association requested the Postmaster General not to bring the new law into ellect tilt tho end cf the year lut action has boon taken too late. Tho publishers will have to put up with the new law. The now arraiiiiemcnt mrans a loss to us of 34o un each paid-up subscriber in the United States for the balance of this year. Wo have one subscriber iu Dakota paid in advance till Dec. Slst 1911. Our direct loss on this subscriber alone w II l« #2.42. We have cut our 1 st in the United States from !K) to 68 and at the end of the year ail who have not paid 11.60 for 10U8 will be removed from the list. We intend to bill the P. O. Dept. for 84c a year for loss on each of our ^aid-in- advaiicc subscribers, and if tho account is not paid, well we may have a word to say I in the g.f.j. about such high handed I action. The daily papers will suffer to a gren'oc extent than the Uical presw. The Moiitit- al Star has notified its subsjvibira in tho United Stales that heiicef nh the sub- Boription price wi.l be iiy.78 per y^-nr as fu'ilows: S'3 for the paper and $6.76 for pOS'sgO. Theio is » lot of rot talked these days abuiil stimulating trade between Great I Britain and Canada. It is a st<iitiment»l [tr.ide to a«roat oxiont, but if tho Caiindi- lui »nd U.S. O-'verninen's were to como to a mutual under^tandiiii,! in regard to a reduction of taritl'H it would be in the countries. As far as the Enterpriao is concerned we have G8 goo.l reasons why postage should nut bu inadi. 8 times greater on papers guiii,> to US. without at least, cno year's >ynining being given. For the purpose of removing obstruc- tions in the Noitawasiigi River tho Ontario Government has donated thd sum of 85000, with an as.>iuraiice of a further grant if necessary, to complete the work. It is estimitod that 10,000 acres of tho finest furmiug land in tho Pruviiico of Ontario will bo thus reclaim- ed, and made fit fjr culti ration. It Actually Destroys the Cause. That's why catarrh is invariably cured by inhaling •'Catarrhczone." The heal iiig vapor spreads to every part of the broathiiM? oifaiis. Gt>rm.'» infecting tho tissues of the nose, throat and lungs are killed. Nothing is left to cause illim alion. Spots that are sore are healed. Discharge is cleared away and catarrh becomes somuthini; of tho past Use "Catarrhuzoiie." aud your recovery is gmranteed. Two sizes, 25o and $1.00 at alt dealers. A remarkable case of resucititioa is reported from Builington: â€" At Zimmer- man six-year-old Hazel Belt fell into the milt raco when walkinir across on a plank. Her father jumped into the water and fianlly rescued her, but to all appearance life was extinct. Thinking tliat he was carrying a dead body, he hurried towards home. Fortunately ha met Mo.-'srs. Arthur Truman and J. N. Og«, who procured a barrel and rolled iho hiilo «irl in it, also rubbing the littlo body with alcohol. Fur an hour and a half they labored. apparonily iu vain, Imt tho girl was tiually revived. Her hiolher was drowned in thes;imo mill-race a yiar sgo, Hany Children Sick. Got their feat wot, catch cold or cramps, wnd give mothers an anxious time. With the first shiver or sneeze rub the little one's chest with nervitino, garnle the tliro,\t, and give ton drops iu hot water at hed-tiino. Next niDniiog alt is well. Noculd, no time lost at schiol. If Pol- son's Neivilno i.s'iit in your home get it there at oucc. Dealers sell it in large 2oc bottles. THE MARKETS CAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH WEEK. Oiits 38 'o '8 Pn.ts 75 to 75 Karley 45 t'l 46 Wheat 85 to 85 H.iy 10 GO tul2 0) Potatoes, per bag 65 to 05 Butter 20 to 20 Biigs, fresh . . 15 to 15 Chickens 6 to 8 Getwo 10 fo 10 Tiiikeys 11 ta 11 Ducks .. 10 to 10 Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial- ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armsti«on«|y ^ iEV/tLE"" 'NS DPTiCJANi i^lS^IS'XX^fS^^^I^X/XX/S^ St%^}I^Xt kt%km In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggotis, Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Sep arutors and Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY D' 8. C. MURRAY I,. I). B , -lartttl anrg»on honei irsdsKts of Tcinnto UiilTarfltv and lisjal (.ellsgs of Osiital !tiini>ons of Ontaiio, I Uas s^iainialsroi fur tettli extraction. Ocfst reslttnce, Toi»n;o ttrett, risabertoD V'or stomach tvonlJes, h'Ili()UsnCH,s ami coii- stipatidn try t'liainhenl ;in's Stomach aud Liver Tjiltlets. ^lany remarkuldy eure.^ ha\"e I eon olfci'ted liy them. I'rioe iw. .Samides rce. For sale by ^V. K, lliohardson. Heard's Carriage Works Flesherton Carriage Worls If you are thinking of bu^'ing a buggy be sure and give me a call before buying elsewhere as I have a first class selection to choose from. / Guarantee Satisfaction in Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing. ^ ; ,_ All kinds of oloughs and iilough repftir.s on h.ind; also repairs for Massoy llari'is, Noion and MoCormiuk f.irm implementM. A^ent Fox* iA ERE^MiERiiMJRf E>, IVIoTiLVISH I keep a stock on hand al- ways and anyone wanting a cream separator please drop me a card and their wants will be attended to. FlesaHer ton