Flesherton Advance, 6 Jun 1907, p. 2

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GIRLS i SCBED BY FIBEMEN Fire Damages Large St. John Dry Goods Store. A dpspnich from St. John, N. B., says: Oru! <jI iliL' iiMJhl serious llres SI. John lia-i had in y^ars was discovered a lew liiiJiuUis afk'f noon on Friday in .\luc- Auley Uio-s.' big dry goods eslablish- nieiil on King .SIrect, and in a very fchort linio tlioiisands of dollars' worth of damage was done, and several young wonan employed in llic millinery rooms *iii Iho fourth Ihior of the large build- ing, had then' means of escnix; cut off until (he hremen placed ladders to tlie rear windows on South Market Street and carried (he fiightened girls to tufcly. TIf.' lire start'd in the basement at the King Slreel front of the store, prc- Bumably in n quantity of cotton, but wliol caused it is not definitely known. â- Mr. li. It. NtacAuIcy \lsiliil Vhe bn.ie- nienl about 11.30 o'clock, but al thai time ttiere was no sign of what even- tually d^'vel<j|H^ into the most serious connngra.lion In the flrm'.s history. A few minutes after noon, while the big showrooms wore ^ well (lllcd wilh customers, an employe smelled smok" fljid a second later say n tiny curl i.s- 6uing from o ILilurc directly bchiml him. Word was .soon pas5>ed to the cuslnmers nj)d the store was eniptioJ cl all but em|)U)yes without the Rllght- esl diS'jr«l<T. In the meantime dense emoke liad fllkd the l>aseiiient anj pouivd up the elevator shaft \b the up- pci floiro. It being dinmr hour, many clerks were away from the store. Three (r four girls woiking as di'cssmakers on the upper floor, weie nearly suffocat- ed One girl kept crying out: "I am going to jump," but the liremen encour- agetl her to hold on. At last the big tiuck was liois'.ed by liremen and two girls rescued, nearly exhausted. Aii- ctlKr girl was takeji out of the Ironl en- trance on King Street by two of the sal- vage corps almo.st overcome with smoke. While llie liremen were rescuing fl'eso girls by the rear window un- oIlKT young woman appeared iit a big bow window on the Kiiif Sheet side of th' tliird floor. It was feared slio would jump to the street, but tlic lire- men oame to lier rescue. The llanves were confined to Ihe ba.se- ment where the fire started. The whole ol the splendid plate gloss fiont wan shattered by the firemen, and much of Ih.^ llooring on 'he lottier floor was rip- ped up. Firemen who were working in IhP cellar hnd n very narmw e.seape About e o'clock. Theyliad just gotten out of the (ellar when Uie first Iloor gave way. Old fell into the cellar. The lof^ Is in the vicinity of .$110,000 with insurance of SIOO.OOO. $80.00() on th<' .stock and $;'0.000 on the buiWing. TninD ADVA.NCE IN FLOl'll. Iligh Prirc ol NVhrai Cjiuscs Another Jump al Winnipeg. A despatch ftvim Winnipeg .says : The jumping wheal market has had iLs in- evitable effect of still further raising the price of flour. Friday at noon u further advance of 10 cents a bag on all grades of Hour look effect, and this Ls the third Advance in pnce in less llian a fort- Jiigtit, making an increase altogether of &) cents on some grades of flour and l>0 rent* on others. Tlie iKxjr con.solation is offered the W'innii)eg public of knowing * ' that so far Ihe price of flour has not lieei\ :jnciease<l by the mills in proportion lo the advancing prices of wheal. Now Climes this latest a(lditi<^)n to the prites and the consumers of bread can appar- ently make up their mind.s that flour will ascend still higher, «ind that they will not decline for a long tinie ahead. The two hrsl udviinces have not re.-ulted In the bakers raising Ihe- price ol breiul, but wilh Friday's addition it is a fore- gone conclusion that Ihe consumer must pay more for his bread. I MJEST CONTIM IvS IN INDIA. Popiiliilion ol K.iislrrn llen(|:il in a Slate ol Ner\uus Irrilallon. A des|ialcli from Calcutta say.s : Al- Ihiiugh there have been no fn-sh out- breaks in F.aslein Hengal the unrest continues. It is largely attribulalile lo llie Hindu lll(l^^•menl to boyc<itt Fiiglish goods. The Mohanimwhins still refuse t., join the Imycoll and the Hindu biller- liess against them increasi^. A Hmdu organization callwl the National Voliin- leers is carrying on the agitation in the rural distiicis, keeping the whole jxipu- lation in a siaU' of iicrvoii.s iirllation. Tlie meinbei-K go arm(<71 with sjiears, chilis and swonls and sometiiiies hre- ariiis, preaching sedition, liainiiering Irade, de.slr<iyiiig foreign g<iods and ter- rorizing Ihe iiihaliitants. Trade has al- Iiuisl st<ippe(l and farming is hindered. The Jute cixip is likely to be seriously crippled. FAR.MEIt BLOWN TO PIECRS. Klisha IIiiK ol Prince Edward Couniy the Viriini. A dcspnt/'h from Belleville snj-s : A terrible accident occurred in Ihe town- ship of Hallowoll, Prince Fxlward coun- ty, shortly bef<iro 6 o'clock on Friday evening, when EUsha Huff, o very pro- minent farmer, was blown lo pieces. II.' wa.s part proprietor of U» Huff- .S[)rague Telephone Company, and was engaged putting up polos. After a Iwle had been dug he placed In it a charge of dynamite and ignited the fuse. Then he walked away a few steps, but n'turnifl and jilacetl hi.s hand in the hole. Just then the charge exploded, tearing away half of the man's head and shatt<'ring his body to pieces. Thos<' assisting him think .\ir. Huff must suddenly liave be- come cither demented or da7.e<l. (us he was generally most careful. He was .').') years of age, and leaves a widow oiul three grown up sons. nnovE STICK Tiiitoriui urain. D)naiiiilr Kilted Workman on ('xtnstrur- liiin East <il Kenora. A despalch fi'om Kennrn says : Ano- ther serious dyiiMiiille accident occurre<l on Wednesday at I'arry Camp, aliout 40 miles east of here, on the C.l'.ll. con- ntruclion work, under Foley linilhers, whereby Alex. M<l)onald, who has lieen In employment of the company for only three wtM!ks, was killed. He was loading n hole with dynamite when tlie explo- sion necurred. The loading slick struck him under the chin, iMMietraling through 4o Ihe liraln. lie was brought in to tlic rif yal Jubilee Ho.spiiiii in an uncoii.sciouK elate. ilL'MAN lEICSII KOEI>. Horrible Tales ol (Vinnilinlisni From Oer- niaii West Alrira. A despatch fwin Perlln says : The Cxilogne (Ja-AClte reports tlia', fearful can- nibalism Is still practised in the Ceniian West African prolectonile of Kamenin.' A Ciernmn merchant writes lo the news- paper that the natives not <inly devour their enemies, but also criminals and persrins who have been kicked up for trivial offences. The nierchani escniM'd Ihe fate with dillicully. Kaka natives, he writes, offer human llesh for sale in the public market, to provide which death sentences ore inipase<l for Ihe most Iri- viiil offences. The worst man-eaters be- long lo the Haia trilie. They are strict .Mohamim-daiis, and daily perform thcii* religious rites. jri)<;E HioDEixs itEPoin. .\lloriiey-tieherars neparlmeiil nercives l^llrr llegarding Case. A despotch from Toronto say.s : The Attorney-Cieneral's Department hn.s ' re- ceivwl a communication from Mr. Jus- lice Hidden in reference lo his judgment in which he sentenced Conductor Thomp- son who was in charge of the (Jraiul TriiiiU liiiin wrecked al dueljih, to three years' imprisonment. Ttie judge In his ietler asks that some action lie token bv the department to learn what ollicials of lh< railway were resiMuisible for allow- ing the man l<i work a longer number of hours in <ine day than the law alUiws. Some aclion will, il is underslood, he (nken by the deparlment In lur^irdance Willi the suggestion of the judge. LEADING MARKETS - BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, May 21.â€" Call board quota- tions are: â€" Wheatâ€" Ontarioâ€" No. 2 wHiile, 78c bid, ouslde; .No. 2 iiiixed, 77c bid, outsidCj^ Whealâ€" Manitoba â€" No. 1 northern, 90c ask<-d, track Goderioh. Barleyâ€" No. 3, 55c asked outside, 50c bid. Hi,asâ€" No. 2, 80c asked, outside, 79c bid. Oats No. 2 while, *2c bid lor 10,000 bushels, 42c asked for 5,000 busJicls. 'Hyeâ€" No. 2, 72c asked, outside. Prices are:â€" Wheatâ€" .Manitobaâ€" Ijjke portsâ€" No. 1 hard. Ci8c; iNo. 1 norlhem, 96c; No. 2 northern, 94c. WhertIâ€" Ontarioâ€" .No. 2 white winter, 70c to fstc; No. 2 red, 7t»c lo 8(Jc; No. 2 nuxf<l. 79c to 80c. Oatsâ€" No. 2 wliilc, 41c, outside; No. 2 mixed. 40c. Pensâ€" '/6,i^c bid. Cornâ€" No. 3 yellow American, 57)<;c to .5&-. lake and rail. ."iOc to ri9>ic all rpil; Oiilnrio. 48c, Chatham freights. Hye-- Quite dull. 6.5c to GCc. Harleyâ€" No. 2, b^y^c lo 54c, outside; No. 3 e.xira, 52>!;c to .53c; No. 3, 5l}ic lo 52c. Flourâ€" Onlorioâ€" 90 per cent, patents, M to S3.I0 bid; Manitoba, first patents. .«i.75: (seconds, !M.I5 to $4.20; bakers', 84.05. Toronto. Branâ€" $21 to Hii; slwrls quoted «t *22 to $23. outside. COUNTRY f'HOnUCR. Rulterâ€" Supplies are houvy, and in- creasing daily. Creamery, prints 25clo26c do solids ..., 23cto2-tc Du;ry. prints 22c to 23c <lo tubs 18c to 19c Clicese^l3': for large and I3>^c fur t\\jns. I'.ggs 17e to 17>aC. IPinej â€" Pails, lie to 12c Tit.; combs. .?l..50 lo $2.50 per dozen, according lo qua'ily. Beans- .$1.50 l-i .SC'iS tor hand-picked anl $1.35 lo $l.in for primes. l'otalo..sâ€" Ontario, 85c lo 90c; east- ern, $1.00 to $i.tfl, ill car lots on hack 1m re. Ontario, noniinnl. Bale<I -Hayâ€" Steady al $12.50 lo $13 for No. 1 timolhy and $10 to fiixjondary grades, in car loN per ton $11 for here. Balofl per Ion, Sirawâ€" Steady at $0.75 to in car lot.s here. . PHOVISIONS. $7 nre.sse<l Hogsâ€" Firm at .$9.25 for lightweights and $S.75 for heavies, form- cr.s-' lots. Car lots nominal. IViikâ€" Short cut, .$23 to $23.50 per biirr«>l; mess, $21 lo .$21.50. SinoUed and Dry SMlle<l Meatsâ€"I/mg dear bacon, lie to ll>^i." for tons and eases; hams,. me<liuni and light, I5).^c lo Itic; heavy. U'-^e to Ific; backs, Ki^c h, t7c; shoulders, Ik- to ItXc; r<ills, lij^c; out of pickle. Ic le.sK than .sinokc<l. Lord- Easier; tierces, U'Xc; tubs, 12)ic; polls. 12>i;c. CANADi'S BRIGHT PROSPECTS MO.vrnFAi. MAnKirrs. Montreal, May 21.â€" The local market for oals Is very much stronger, and for No. 2 while .Manilobas 46>^e to t7c is i.ow ipiotcd, while f<ir Onliirio same grade 46c to 4C>aC Is being cpioled (piite freely. Buckwheatâ€" 5.5c to .56%c per bu.sJiel. Cxirnâ€" .American No. 2 yellow, 55c; No. 3 inixe«l, C5e ex store. » - Peas -Boiling jieas. $1 in carload lots and $1.10 in jobbing l<ils. Flourâ€" Manitoba spring wheal, .$4.25 to W.tiO; strfing bakers', .$4 lo $V.tO; winter wlieat palenl.s. $4.10 to .$t.2,'> siriiighl rollers, .$3.CiO lo .$3.70; do, in bags. $l.f>5 to $1.75; extras, $1.-50 to $1.55. Millfeed-Manitnl»fi bran in bags, .$20 U, .$22; shorls. $22 lo .«i22.50; Oiilari<i bran in bags. .$20 lo $21; shnrt.-. -$22 Ui S2!).50; milled mnuille. .$'l to $25; siraight gniin, .$2S lo .$.".> per Ion. Hotled Oals-I'er bag. SI.!X1 to .$2. Hay -No. I. $I3..5.): N>i. 2. $I2..50; No. 3, $11.50: clover mixed. $11; pure clover. $10.50 lo $11 per toll ill car kil*. Cheese Firm at liXc nullerâ€" The market show.s nn Misier feeling, and ilVje Is freely ipioled. p,pjt,_ Prices lire iiiR-hanged at ITYjC to ISc. I,a,.a_Compoiind Ini-d, 9)^0 to lO^c; kellte lord. I.V lo I3X<': Poro lord. 1J'.^i- In 13'<c. Poll; -Pnrrels heavv Canada shorl cut mess iKirk, $22.,50; licrres. heavy Canada short cut iiies.<! jioik. .$33; half l.r.rrrl'. Cniind;! short ciil mess pork, SI 1.50; barrels selecteil fienvy Canada short cut miss jioik, $11. ,50; barrels .se- ll rted hiNivv Cnnndn .short cut mess p.irU .«!23.50 Smoked Meals- Miims. evh-a ffiimilv Pf.rW. .$22..5(i: li.'ilf bnnvts cul tiack pork. $11. .50; barrels Ciinruhi shorl cul clear pork. $?l Population of Eighty Millions eBfore End of Century. A despatch from l/ondon snys: Pro-i lessor siephen I-eocock spoke on 1'liurs- ' day nl the Victoria League on the ipies- lion of Canada. Mr. Haldane, moving h vole <if thanks, said it had licen c»l- ciilaled Ihat Canada before Ihe end if llie cenliiry \v<iul<l iiossess a i>opulallon ("f HO,0oo,(KiO. What a ix)wer thai would be! II miijlit be Ihat Macaulay'.s laiiMUis vision w<iiild be realized and the centre ill the empire lie transferred elsewhere, but If <leveUp|iment went on on right linns 11 would be a devckipnienl ol the .same empire, the same people . perine- Pled with a deeper sense ol unity. The Archbishop of Canterbury si)ot<o ff the Immense ami grave pKibleiii of Canada. Men uiuUrlaking spiritual work are going llieie in (juile Inade- tiuale numbers.' The dinicully is as greiil as any Ihe Church has had lo contend with. The Bishop <if M<iiitreal said all Ihe wit and wisdom <if F.ng- lnn<l w<iuld be needed lo solve Ihe prob- ilem how to p«'ipeluale Ihe iiiagnillceiil |k<yalty now animating Ihe Canadians. large short licht bar- PLOT ABAINST LIFE OF m Soldier Confesses That He Accepted Bribe\| to Assist in Murder. A despalch from SI. Petersburg says: A Terrorist ooiispirucy dii'ectcd against the life of Emperor Nicholas, the exist- ence of which has been suspected for some time past, has been revealed by the arrest al Tsars koe-iselo of a soldier of the Guard Regiment. Ttie man eon- fissod lo the acceptance of a large money bribe lo aiisisl in the murder t f his Majesty. According lo Ihe details of the plot, the existence of wiliich has been con- lirmcd by one of Ihe highest olficials of the court, suspicion xvas directed lo the soldier by the fact that he was seen lo have in his possession considerable sums of money. He was at once placed under observation. Wlien he noticed that he was being shadowed he became panic-stricken ond sougHit the authori- ties. He then broke down and volun- inrily made his confe.'sion, after which be begged for protection. All the threats of this oonspiilacy, which is radically different from lorm- â- ?r altcmpis of this nature, ore not yet in the hands of the secret service men. A few underlings have been appre- hended, but the real instigatons of Uie crime, and the men who furnished the bloixl money, have not yet been iden- * tilled. II is thought thai the money • Ufcd is part of llie proceeds of several political robberies committed during iasl Fall and Winter. Many of the • particijiants in these so-called expropri- , alions have been arrested and executed, tut the loot was never located. * Ttie police olUcials maintain a mys- * Icrious silence wtien questioned regard- . ing IhLs conspiracy. They rpfust> lo either alTirm or deny the story, and * limit themselves to slating Ihat Wierft. is indicalion thai the men arrestetl IilsI week ill this city were connected with* this conspiracy. ' . This stutement coincides wilh infor- malioii obtainetl in revolutionary cir- , cies, where il is declored that the men appivhended last week w^re occnpiwl ♦ with the reorganization of the fighting > bnnds of tile revolutionists, which the pLlice succeeded last year in breaking * up. and that the authors of the present • conspiracy must be sought outside "f SI. Petersburg. highn- on an active ilemnnd for cattle at the Weslern Market to-tlaj;^ Values ranged from $5.10 to .$5.40 for good lo choice exporters, and from .$4.90 to $5.05 foi fair to good ones. Choice selected butchers' cattle .sold al $4.90 to .$5.20; fair to gotxl biilrhers' I'otlle brouglit .$4.40 to $4.85 ; common. Si to $4.35; cows, $3.25 to $4.10 [x-r cwl. Hood grain-fed laiiitis, .$7..50 to $S per cwl ; common lanilis very slow and al- most unsaleable; spring Inmtis .$3 lo .$S each ; export ewes llrm nl .$6 lo $0.50 each ; bucks. $4.50 lo $5.50. Heavy feeders. 1,0.50 to 1. 1 50 lbs, were in .steady demand nt .$4.50 to $4.75 per cwl. Sliorl ketips biiiuglil $4.75 lo S4.yo per cwt. Calves were steady al .$3 to .$7..50 each. Hogs were- unchanged at .$6.K2>.;; for selects, and $6.37>!; for lights and fuls per cwl. J. LEASING OF COAL LANDS. New nefliiliilions lor the Western Provinces arc Approved. A despatch from GHawa says: The Covernor-(ieneral-in-('/nincil has apjirov- ed of new regulalioiis concerning Ihe leasing of coal lands in Manitoba, Sas- katchewan, Alberta, Ihe Yukon, the North-West Territories, and Ihe railway bell of Hrilish Columliia. They provide thai coal areas may be leased for a periotl of 21 years, al an annual rental of- $1 irP advance; Ihat no application shall be for more than 2..50O acres; that priority of legal possession shall ensure title; that operati<ins must be Ix-giin wilhin 12 months; that a ivix'ally of live cents per Inn shall be paid, and that ac- lun! setllers shall be allowed l<i buy coal for their <iwii use at the price not lo excetxl $1.75 per Ion nt the pit's moulh. AWFIL HAY AGES OF PLAGl'E. Nearly Half a Million Deaths in the Past Three .Months. .\ despalch from London says: The I.nniel's India corres^iondenl reports that during Ihe week ending .\pril 13 there were 87,tGl cases of plague and 75.472 deaths, an increase of 14.000 in tlif number of cases, and 12,000 in Ihe number of deaths from Ihe previous week. From October. 18%. to l>eceiiilier, lOtH'i, the total deaths from the plague were 4.411,212. and during Ihe lirst three months of 1!)07, no loss Hum 4!»5.000 «lealhs are known lo have occurred. There has also been increosed niortalily fiom other causes. The death rate for 'lie wtiole of India has increased slead- i'v for the past live years from 29 per thousand in 1901 to 36 in 1905. lels henvv flank pork, tr.i backs, $24.,50. $21; barrels clear RPFFAIO MARKET. Billfal", N. Y.. May 21- Flourâ€" Steady. Whe'ilâ€" .Spring dull; No. 1 Norlhern, f-I.OIVj;: Winter, no <ifferinss. Corn- - Firm; No. 2 yellow, 5'.V; No. 2 while, 5i>^c. Oalsâ€" Weak; No. 2 while, M\ir\ No. 2 mixed. 45>a''- narley-No ofler- ings. Byeâ€" Firm; No. 2 offeretl, lo or- rive, 80c. NEW YOUK W'I1E.\T MARKET. New York, May 21.- Wheal â€" .'^iwl easy; No. 2 red, W%c in elevnlor and 9'tvie r.o.b. alloal: No. I norlhern Hil- liilh, *l.O>.i f.o.li. afViat; No. 2 hanl-win- ter, $1,02 f.o.b. alkial. GOLD IN THE SASKAm.llEWAN. Valuable Drr(tflin<| Lease Secuifd East ol Prince Alberl. .\ despalch from Prince Alliert, .^ask,. sr.ys: Th<us. II, BrookiS. a former resi- dent of this city, who has niaik' a f«ir- lune at Ixilialt, and SenaUir Turly, of I'.pil Wayne. Ind., hn^•o se<ui<Hl leases of the gold <lri'<lging privileges east of Prince Alberl, in the ,Siiskalchewan River, They will put four or the dredg- er to work al once. Tho success of llio gold ilivdge that is workijig w^est <ir Prince .\lberl has slliii\ilHle<l interest in Ihe gold di'<xlging. Or. Bougli)sedge and the lion. W. ('.. Ramsay have taken a lot of black sand out of the river. This sand luas to lx> sbiiiped lo Hie StaU-s. wher»> the gold is exlrioaled. They are. however. n.ovv pulling in a purifyinj.1 plant of their own, and will exiract ttie gold. PEST SPIIEADING FAST. Nova Scolia Alarmed at Extent ot the Drown Tail Moth. A despalch from Halifax says: The Ciovcrnmeiit ' ' Nova Scolia, llMirouglily akiiine<l al the exieni of the brown-lail n.olh in this province, and Ihe danger shouUl Ihe pest ln'coiiie general, havd issued a notice Ihat a bounty ot 3 cents 1 cr nesi will be paid on all species se- cured. The nests are to be c<illecletl iilglit anil morning and brought lo the .sch<iol leachers, who will keep a record. Then tliey are lo be sent by tlie leachers hi the nepartment of .\grieiillure, at- Truro, Tlie pest has now made its ap- peai'anee in Ihe public gardens nl Hali- fax, and il is being frequently reported in the .Vnnaixilis Valley. THE DEADLY HOLLER. James Torrance, u Vounn Man, Killed Near Lurknow. A dc.s.patch from I.ucknow .soys: \ sad accident occiirtu'd on Friday inorn- iiig resulling in Ihe ik'alh ot .lames, eldest BOii of Mr. IV'lei' Torrance, near this village. The young man was en- gaged rolling ill llie Held, and, nl'hough ;io <iiie saw Ihe aceid^'nl. it appears thai Ihi 'horses, po.ssibly frighlened by a pais- S'Ug train. iHTnnie uiiiiianngeable and ran away. When f<nin<l Mr. Torrance wns stili dlive but uiiiconscioiis. an(J die«l shortly after. Deceased was uIhiuI 24 years of ag«>. CA'rri.E MARKET. Toronto, May 81.â€" Prices were slightly rnAGEDY IN THE FAH NORTH. A Trader Loses His YYile and Three Cliildrrn. A despalch from Duck Lake. SasU., says; Word comes here by a trader from the for north of a terrible drowning ac- C'deot in which the wife and three chil- dix'ii of Cl. C.anliiial, another Independ- ent trader, perished. Cardinal and his family were ci "i; Coal Lake on the k-e. he being .iiieiid on isnowshoe.s. Hearing o scream, he turni-d, only lo S(e Ihe entire family perishing in" the water, his desperate efforts lo save them belne without avail. LORD'S DAY ACT IN MANITOBA. Di-piilalion Asks Government That Cer lain (;iaiises be Not Enforced. A despatcti from Winnipeg says : A depiitalion consisting of over one hun- dred reslniirant kcejiers, wholesale men, retailers, fruit men and others, wailetl u[xin the (lovernnient on Wednesday mornnig and asked that certain clauses of the Lord's Day Act be not enforced, as it was in the best interests of the gen- eral public. The Cioverniiicnl pronilse<t the deputation every consideration \yos- sible and inliniaUxl tlial after the decl- ^ sions handed out ot Toronto and flanill- ' ton recently il would not bo likely thai- reslricti\e measures would be enforced , in Maniloba. 4r FAMINE AND lEYEH. Is Spi'cadinii Daily in China's Stricken _ Districts. A despatch from Shanghai says : The Ihoiusands of women, ch.ldren and aged' lier-soiis who were dying of .starvation in- Ihe streets of .Sing Kiang Pu were placetj on Wednesday in a camp outside Ihe city and are being fed by the relief organiza- tions. Famine and fever are spreading,' and addilional families needing reliet are being enrolled daily. The funds sent^ within the jiasl seven days will prevent' the cutting off of unripe gram. KING EDWARD'S GltT. Will Present Spanish Royal Baby Wilh Arlistic SiUer Cup. .\ despatch from London .snys : I'rincj .Arthur of (Ainnauglit ,s.|aiti>d for .Ma<lrid on Wednesday evenuig, taking with him King Edward's christening gift, a sJ'vei gilt cup of artistic design. \ ? . 25,500 IN APRIL. Rrlnrns ol Imndnranis nt Canadian ' Ocean Ports. A despalch from Ottawa says: Some i5,5(l0 hiinilgrunts onived al ocean ports ' for the month of .April, compared wilh • lb.87(i in April, I9('<). nn lncrea.se of 51 . pel cent. The outlook tl present is \ ihat the immigration for the current , venr will reach the 300,000 mar.'v. Last year it was 215,000. doii the life, wher this in it has

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