Flesherton Advance, 6 Jun 1907, p. 4

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W W law n i m i I i|»«ii«i JlNE 1007 THfe FLESKfiRTOK A U V A K C E »p?" ^HiWmm a F, T. HILL & CO. in^ Attractions I With Big Inducements for the Wool Season WOOL ! WOOL! WOOL I Tlie season is now on and the marketing of Wool to flic best advantage is what interests the growei". For some months past we have l)ecn ]M-cpann<,' for the coming of the wool season and it is here and we are pre- jjared to pay the higheot cash or trade prices for any quantity, and also to give the best values in many lines of merchandise that has ever been oflfered by this store. It will pay yoii to let us handle your wool this season. The following lines are a sample of the big values we are otFering Big Value in Woo! blankets 150 puiri tine nll-vrool Munkots in c;iey, full sis piuiTidR in wei|{lit, mude l>y one of tliu LksI iiiiiU in CtiDuda. KoauUr market vulue $2 50 por p.iir. Duriu;; tho Wild] sciiSDn our prico pur pair in 1.95 Snap in rubber blinds 300 gcod quality Rubbflr lilinds on best Hsrtahorn roller ill color of orcani only, (rimmed with hca^y (]un)ity of lac J to mttch 2ij t» 4 inches wide. Reg. 65c and <iOc value for regular selling. Speci»l for the Wool season ..'..'. 30c ^ n Stirrttid Sale oi Cadk$\ €bilcirer/$ and men's Cotton and 0asbm«re l>o$iery At one-third to ont'-half lew than roguliir prices. The»e were niadoby iho Brantford Hosiery Company, one of the LtiKeat and beat mills in Canada Sume time aito we cleared from the mill somb 5,000 pairs of tino cotton and cnahmeie hosiery, being the ovor- makes and odd lines. They are all in good dependable wearing qaalities and during the wool season you can buy your hosiery from the store at one-third to one-half less than is regularly paid, so be ou hand early. LADIES' AND GIRLS' HEAVY RIBBED COTTON HOSE 20 and 25c qua'itiesHilIinf! for 14c per pair. In this lot there art floO pairs of heavy ribbed cotton hosu and all sizus are represented. This is an excel- lent line for ;!cod slruiig wear, especially for girls or boys, and the price i« so low. Per p."vir He WOMEN'S FINE CASHMERE HOSE, PLAIN Very niuih reduced ir. pi'ico 400 pairs Ladies Fine Cashmere hosi>, plain weave, Bi-anili'sa feet all eizea, made from the Kiio Kotoiiy yams representine 40c, 45c, and 50c qualities. Special sale price duiitig thn wool season, 3 pairs for $1.00 <« per pair 36c \mm MAR BIG VALUES IN MEN'S HALF INCLUDED 2oo and 30c lines for 19o HOSE ARE 250 pairs men's fine Cashmore hoso in black only, aUo heavy ribbed worsted line* whic/i are so good to wear. In the regular way these lines sell for 25 and 30c per pair. During tho wool sewon per pair lac BIG VALUES IN MEN'S COTTON SOCKS In Fine and heavy Iine», 2 pairs for 25c ^ 250 pairs men's cotton hoio, some are plain, soma are ifC ribbed. They come in colors of browu, black and 2^ grey. Special value at 2 pairs for 25c ^ KPALE wwww^ Artemesla Council. Artemenin Township Council met as a 1,'ourt of Revision on AsHORsnieiit Roll of iWl. Timre were prosont Me»nr». Muir, McLuugh y, Carson, Meadcs and Mc- Kenzie. Each of the nl><>vo as iuoiiiIiuih t>f the said court HubscrilHtd t<i and inadu the rui|uiru<l oath as such iiuMiiliur, whun tho following appeals wmo heard mid disposed of: Georgian Bay Power Co., assessmout on old Hoop and Venoor property re- duced to $12iN).O0. A. it 0. Muiislmw, roll sustained. Edwaid and William O'Brien entered n:i toiKintN for |i,t 31, con 14. R. ]'. Legate's business asseasniont was j.tiuck oir the roll. Roliert Kwaiit'm, a.sso.s«inent on lots J.'i3 and I'M 1 S. W., assossiiienl reduced tf.".().()(); lots 137, i:58 and 130 1 N. E., roll HimUiined; and as to Mr. Swanton's iijipoal against lot l;i.5, 1 N. E. as being too low, roll sustained. J. A' W. Biiyds' usscssineiit on village lots 10 and 11 Toronto St., and 10 and 11 llil street was reduced $1(H).(H) and their nssesKinontof i)ts. of li>t« 152 and 163, 1 S. E., rcducotl 8200.00. - Court adjourned. After the Court of Revision the Coun- -cil met for general biiMinus.s, tho Reeve ill the chair. The niinutes of last session Mere load and coiilirmod. Petition of a tirge iiuiiilHsr of ralopayorw of Prioovillu »i.>>king the council to t.iko no action in llui opening u|) of stieots in Pricevillo until the (;. P. Ry. Klatimi site is linally lixed. This was laid over for fiuilior tonsideraliiiii. Mr. Meads and Mr. Car- ^on as Cdiiiinitteo on rrioevilUi streets re- lioitod that tlioy hail inlorviewed Mr. J. McArthiir and Mr. Riley who iifjieed to linvo fences reiaovud in a ruaKonable time. IvlimatuK fnnii the police villages of Prieo- ville and Flesherton for rato of 1907 wore tiled. McLoughryâ€" McKeiizio- -That the re- iM>rl of Messrs. Muads and Carson re 'ricoviUe streets be received and thoybo I'nid f2.00 each for their servicus-Car- ii...d. Meadsâ€" McLoughryâ€" That the village <1 Markdalo be iiaid ?l'2.00 their uccounl for rent of hall for Division Court for two years â€"Carried. ("arsonâ€" Mojids- That Lucas, Wright «V McArdle's account of 95.00 for legal Korvioos re Court of Revison 1900 be j«»id â€" Carried. McKen/.ie â€" MoLoiiv»hry -That the as- hcssor be paid 9'.i 00 for equalizing tho iiHsessnienl of the police village of Prico- ville and the same to bo charged to sikid villago--Carried. ('arsonâ€" Moadsâ€" That the resignation of Colin McLoaii as |iound keeper bo ae- iopto<l and Thos. 11. Atkinson beappoinl- i-d in his Btoiid- -Carried. McKonzieâ€" Meads- That Robert Ora- liain's offer to give land one rod wide ly- ing along that |)art of the valley mad from his deviation 73 rods south and siilUcient t imhor for bridge on said road for the sum I'f 870.00 bo accepted â€"Carried. McKonzie â€"Carsonâ€" That the Assoss- HienUlloll I's revised by the Court of Re- \ ision (subject toany appeals to Co.Judgo) lie cortitiud by the Clerk and bo tlie AssoH-Hnienl Ilofl f<>r Pt07â€" Carried MoKonzio- Carson -That By-Law 682 (drainage By-Ii<iw No. 1) lie now rcvid a (bird time, signed, scaled and onl<ired in lly-I^kw Isiok - Carried. ' ('ouncil adjourned. BITINC PAINS n THE BACK. Ev"ery man and woman â€" who has dragged the day out \rith back " almost breaking," and then tossed in bed from side to side in a vain endeavor to fttKl relief from the maddening pain â€" would pay $10 a box, if necessary, for Bu-Ja. Tu; first box gives Bticn instant re- liefâ€"and afterwards take* away every trace of pain attd soreness â€" that sufferera would not l>e without them at any price. liu-Ju costs only soc a large box â€" and is guaranteed to cure Kidney aixl Bladder Tronbles, and Rhemnatfani. If your druggist doe* not handle Bu-Jnâ€" the Gentle KWney PiUâ€" write The Clailin Cbem. Co.. Ud. 'Windsor. OnL 66 I'mulelenr Mrs. Wm. Richards m <if Chatswortli visited friends in this neighborhood re- cently. Mrs. Geo. Warling is very ill at pres- ent. Dr. Ego is in attendance. An Fpidemic of chicken pox has been prevalent among the youngsters in this iieichborliood. Mr. S. Gilbert has the contract for building tho new shed for tho Foresters. Mr. and Mrs. Beard visited friends at Berkley recently. Mrs. Morell and Mis. Davis of Chicago visited at Mr. R. Douglas' recently. Mr. Will. Alcox, pronrietor of the Co- bal' limekiln finislied burning his first kilii of the season on Saturday niyht. Mr. Kentncr. plioto artist, came and took tho picture of tho kiln and surround- inus ou Saturday inoniing. m »<» n m â€" â€" â€" â€" When That Cold Comes, How it is tu bo cured? This method is simplicity itself. Rub tho chest iind throat well with Norvilino, use it as a garble and take some in hot water before retir iii,' along with one of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No»t niinning finds you refroshol, free from cold nnd bright as a dollar. These household roiiiodies are wimdorful succcsafol, and ootaiuly won't fail in your case. For sale at all dealers. and dirty and untidy habits in general. Wo think he is too severe. For a week or two in spring most places have a ragged appearance ai d this is what Spectator has been seeing. Ho should come again in June or July.â€" Durham Review. VViirk is progressing very favorably on the new railway, but tho contractors are in ncud of more help. Posters are out advortisins; for teams at 814.00 a day to work on the roud between Proton and Durham. It was understood a year ago that this portion of tho road would be oomplotod by the first of .July next, but it will V)o some months later. Perhaps tho snow will fly again before the road is in operation. There is no settlement yet between tho Company and tho town re- garding rii^ht of way through the town, tho principal hitch being over the pro- tection at crossing at foot of (larafraxa street hill Not only is there a difference in opinion between the Company and the Town Council but there is aUo a wide difference in local ojiinion. Sumo want a gate and watshiimn, snine an olectrio bell, and others see nothing but death and destruction unless the bill be exca- vated and tho town be given an overhead driveway. A decision of some kind must 80(m bo arrived at. â€" Chronicle. C5oUo «i>t1 Dlnrrliocn. PainH ill thii Htninach, ccillo and iliarrhoea are cpiickly r.1i«vKl hy thv iis« i.f Chamlier. Isliis Cdlic, t'holora anil Diarrhoea Rcnvdy. Per sale by W. K. Kichsrdson. A writer in last we«k's Flesherton Ad- vance signing himself "8pect«ror" and his article "Sham.> to Prlceville" berates tho ciiiEoiis for neglect of their graveynid A Case iu West Arichat. ^ Mrs. A. P. Ferguson, a well known Cape Bietoner, lias cured asthma by "Cataihozono." Her statement is c<in- vincing: "Although I-was troubled for yo.irs it was only recently I tried Catarrh- ozone. When an attack started I g>'t out my inhaler and invariably got quick relief. Feeling satisfied (Varrhoz-me would cu"^, I continuod the treatment till one bottle was finished. I didn't uso more bocaase I was cured and the a-ithma has never returned." Catarih- oEono is sure death to asihinn and bionchitis. Try it and be convinced. Two sizes, 25c and 1,00 at all dealers. -^^m W. J. Winters, a Wiarton photog- rapher, was shot accidentally on Friday, Uis condition is seriotu, A B. Spender, License inspector of Collingwood, has been "superceded" by George Montgomery, whose qualific- ations are that he is a good citizen, a strong toni|>eraDCO advocate and one of tho strongest partisans in tho community. No reasons are given for Mr. Spencer's dimissal, It will be of interest to students who purpose writing on the higher grado do- partmoiital examinations this sunimor to learn that special care will be taken by the examiners in .setting the papers to avoid what is known as tho "catch paper' The papers this year will deal with the work veiy comprehensively, but will avoid anything like '' catch questions." The mcnibors of Orillia council have taken to heart the fact that people who break the laws regarding the sale of liijuor should be treate<l the same us people who lireak other laws. The Orillia police have been ordered to visit each hotel at least tbreo times daily Concerning the enforcement of the Liquor Act, and if they find liquor being supplied to persons , under age, or tu persons under tho influfnee of liiiuor to issue a summons against the jiarty fur- nishing tho booze. This is m it should be. Noticeâ€" The Sydenham Mutual Fire Innurance Co. contracts to pay market valuo for household effects, farm stock, implenirnls. hay and grain also lo.^seb or damage in full caused by lightning at about half the coat that other companies charge. An Institution that offers such terms deserves tho atronage of all prup- gressive farmers. A (>ost card addressed to their agoiit, W. J. Bowes, markdale, regaidiiig terms will receive prompt at- tention. Some disease among cattle has been takine them off rapidly. We heard of one farmer in Oaprey losing eleven head this spring and another in Melanchon losing seven. Cattle in good condition and apparently healthy as well as those of a poorer class are subject to the disease, which ends fatally in a few days. Vot- erinaries, as well as fanners, are puzzled with the disease. Tanner McKenzio sava he novor, at any time, got so many hides of animals dying irom disease as during tho past munth or two.-~Dund«ik Heiald. WO Hf? A.S tlio wool seti.son is approacbinj,' we f'lcsire to inform ^ our customera that we are in the market for any ?. quantity of gooJ clean Wool -wrsislx&dL aaicl ^ un.'S^a.slned. We will pay the highest market I&j price in ca.-ih or produce. When your wool i.s ready i4» Bring it out to the store on the corner. We'll guar- ^ antee satisfaction. I Special Bargains «• Ladies' Shirt Wai«'8, white lawnl, cmbrcfiderod fronts, short sleeves, raniiing j|; in price from 1.00 to 2.50 jT Ividica, Men's, Misses and Children's Whito Canvas Shoes. A full and !tR complete stock at special price, 7(^. Ladies' Parasols in black, white and fancy colors at 50c to 2.50 I House Furnishings jT A full rangrt of Carpets in Tapestry Brussels, Wools, Unions, also Linoleums TV? and Oil Clotlts. Bcusht at the ild prices and as there has b«eD a big w advance in these goods you wii! tind it worth yoar while to make your ^ purch iscs while you gft ihu bene5t of tho old price. 4 yd wide Linoleum ^ best quality at, per 8<J. yd 50 1 Flour & Feed We have a full stixik of tloiu and feed including, Briwi, Shorts, Food flour, I and FIVE ROSES FLOUR m.vle by the Like of the Woods Milling Co. * Keewatiii â€" Every bag of ihis flour is guaranteed â€" the best flour iu the land » â€" no other can equal it. Hard^vare » A full stock of stoves, ian;;es and heaters, axes, saws anJ all k'nds of wood ; men's supplies, also BUILDER'S SUPPLIES. Parties contemplating J building should not neglect get'in'.^ our prices before purchasing elsewhere. IJ. &W. BOYD i FLESHERTON ; The editor of this paper purchased a brand new ti.sliing outtit for the 24th of May, and after following tho meanderincs of the Saugeen River for a distance of something less tlisn fifteen miles and catching only a few small chubs he has decided to offer for sale all and singular every part and parcel of his whole pis- catorial iMraphernalia, and to give up fishing as a' .means of livelihood. The whole outfit co.it 18c and with the excep- tion of one hook, a sinker and half of a live cnt line, which may be found in a tree by the river Vank, it is practically as good as new, and will be sold without reserve to the first cash purchaser who will give 25c fur it. This is the chance of a lifetiino. First come 6rst served. â€" Durham Chronicle. For S.\lb â€" Registered Jersey stock. One yearling heifer, 1 yearling bull, 2 spring heifer calves. Apply to H. E. W. Kemp, .Maxwell Ont. Reeve Agnew of Meafotd will build and rquipa telephoue line from Meaford to Walters Falls. Martin-Senour Paint is guaranteed 100"/, pure. Bentham Bros., agents. Go lo Benthim Bros, for oranges, lem- ons, banannas a:id pine apples. A full stock on hand. £l'lortt\crriCattle fcr Sale lierlniuanj Wimples, tbe best ol breeding and (jualitv. Hull, cows and bettors for Bale at reasonable prices Lot S2,oon.5 CH.IS. STAFFORD, FUshertOa Pasture Farm for Sale Pasture farm, KX) acres; 73 acres grass, 15 acres hardwimd, lOaoros swamp, never failing creek, well foiicej. Lots 21 & 22, lat oon. S.D.K., Artemeai.'*. jnl9 -R.WATTERa, PriceviUe, Our Clubbing List Advance, and Toronto World, daily |3 25 Toronto Daily News 2 30 Weekly Globe 1 80 Mail-Empire 1 75 Family Herald A Star 1 80 Toroiit<i Star 2 80 Farmers Sun 1 80 Farmers Advocate 2 30 Weekly Witness 4 80 Saturday Night 2 60 Montreal Herald 1 20 "notice to gontractors The undersigned will Wat PROTON STA- TION, town lino Proton anl Arteinesia, on Friday, SSth of Juno. 1907. at tlie hour of 2 o'clock p. m. To let the contract for the construckion of an opendraiu from lot 185, eon.2, 8.W.T.&S.K Artemesia, to lot 201, con. 4, S. W. T, A S. R., Proton. I'laiis, i)rofilei«, etc., can be seen at the office of the Township Kintineer, Utindalk. do* eph McArdle Ismac Traynor Reeve Proton Twp. Twp. Engineer Summer Stock. I have ou hand a number of Bub> bor Rugs, Dash Aprons, Dusters Fly Nets, Whips, Axia Grease, Hoof Ointment. Harness repair, ing of all kinds doue promptly. 0. W. PHILLIPS Directly opposite The Advance oflice. Flesherton, - - Ontario WINTER HARNESS GOODS Big St ock = = Bes t Stock BellSt Blankets , Robes Fur lined coats, pocketbooks, satchels, razor strops and other leather goods. altera -hesl makesâ€" and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont, . Get Ready . To take a belter position. Success de- pends upon your fitness to accept pro- motion when it presents itself. A few D.onths spent iu the OWEN SOUND, ONT. will thoroughly prepare you to ftsoe it a better position and place your s jir'.oes in f roster demand. Three courses of study, lUSINESS, SHORTHAND & TYPE- WRITING, and PREPAR.-VTORY. Stu- dents admitted at any time. Spring term now on. Full particulars sent to any address free. C.A FLEMING, Owen Sound Pure Bred Camwortbs and Berksbires I have for sale young stock of both breeds fcr breedmg purjHwes. Oome and see them or wnte lor price*. M.17 07 -6. W. Ross Vaxw^. I * • * '\ * > * •I • •t % »i » •I • • : « « ' k 4 ' t

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