Flesherton Advance, 6 Jun 1907, p. 5

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>)» â-º • A * J . ♦ • . • * . ' . » • i % TilE FLEES 11 EETON ADVANCE Juke 61i)J7 KSTABUSHCO 1«T3 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - . - - Torontd $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $i and upwards are received, on wliich.the highest currer.t rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals li^erest added four times a year Savings Bank i>e(>artnient in Connection mth ail Branches. «* F1.ESHERTON BRANCH Gfeorga Mitchell, MRHa^ef- EraHGHC:« AJ^*b AT mmK-AJf, UARP-lSTOa Board wanted f-t di-en in or pi-ar f le M. K. Rlcfaarda<ja two or three chil- heriijii. Apply to Vicinity Chips For money »t Invest rates, land secur- ity, go to A. S. VaiiDusen, Flesherton. Ket. Mr. Kipp is preachiu(; next Sun- day morniDg on 'The Message of Jonah." The school trustees are erecting a neat wire fenie about the school at Ceylon. Co.id youni; ciw fir ealo, milkiu-;. Apply to A. S. VatiDusen, Flesherton. Mr. Bon Uislop, Thorn bury, was iu town Tuesday. Lith i-jr saleâ€" Apply to John H. Jaiaieson or Thos, E. Feawick. Eugenia. Mrs. Graham of Burlington is vtaiting hor friend Mrs. (Rev.) CMldwell. Mrs. Howard Armstroni; of Owen Sound spent a few days of last week at Mr. F.H.W.Hiclilins's. For Quality and Quantity a&k your deal- er for the new big plugs of "bolw" "stag" and •'currency" Chewing Tob&:coes. Edward Giwnell, a resident of Sins;- lianiptun fur thirty ei';^lit years, died ou Mny 29 a^ed 80 years. Mr. and Mr».-06"'r!:e Wilson of Sing- haoptou VLd.tdd friends in this ficinity during the past week. Mrs. .\i:drev(r Ber.tham is visiting her daus^hter, Mrs. Fred Sh-'ppard, at To- ronto Junction. For ^'OoJ second hand funuiure.giXKl as new, at hulf prices, call on B.J, ^rou!e, Flesherton. Mr. Tom Gamey.who has been in Dun- das lately, returned to Rock vale ou Thurs- day. Osprey farmers pleise take notice that the Institute meetins; to be held at Max- i well ou the ll'h inst. will open at I p. m. p. m. as advertised on the ! sharp, not ! \ small bills. j A seed meeting will be held at Flesher- jtuDon June 22 at 2 p. m. under the I au.i{>ice«» of Centre Grey Farmers' Insii- I tute. This is Cbetirst of the kiud held I here. I Lost â€" Two coa:«, one long dark rain ' c>nt, also short fawn box coat and black ' f'lUiitain pen with '^old bands. Loi>t oc May 24. Reward at this office. 1 I Dr, Caldwell's sermong next Sunday, }a. ID. "Sweet Love. Wonderful Love." ; p. ni. '"Traces of a rich Mine in Flosher- tun." Co't for sale, 9 months old.- Flesherton. general purpose -.•Vpply to Wui. mare, Rcid, Mrs. J. W. .\raistrocfi has relumed from Clirksbur^ accompanied by her Wtece, Ethel G»tf. Mr. W. H. Bunt is in Toronto this week as delegate to the Grand Lodge of Ohosen Friends. Standard wire fence is made of So. 9 hanl steel wire and tied with "the knot that can't slip". Bdnthaiu Bros., a^jeuts Centre Grey Listitute excursion to GuflpbonJune 26. Everybody should m-tke their preparations to accompany the crowd. Ihn auQual meeting of the Baptist churches uf the Owen S<iund Associaiiuu will be held this year at Paisley, un June 12, 13 aod 14 Rev. Lewis Kipp uf this place IS Clerk of the .Association. OLANT TRIPLETS "Currency' "Bobs'' and "Stiig" Cbowins Tobacci>es. in big plugs. Quality always the same. A young lady from Priceville received the rite of b.tptism at ths close of pr«yer- inuoting in the Baptist church, Wcdues- diiy evening last. G^t your flour, ccuient, salr, etc. from J, A W, Lloyd. Three cars arrived dur- ing the piist week. • •Joseph Gugins o( Osprey is preesing hi.s suit agtiiist that municipdity for ilaniage alleged to have been caused by water draining off the highway upon his pruj.>etty. Warnedâ€" Two good girU for diuin* room and kitchen work. Wagt'S §14.0" per month, room and b<<ard. Apply at gnce by mail to T. J. Healey, 6o<> Yongo i»t., Toronto;. Miss Koyce of the 4th line, Etst, met with a nasty accident Saturday uiorning. A pup with which she was playing, bit ber ill the face, inflicting a wound over an inch I'liig aboce the right eye. Miss Cailotta Rowe of Dundalk spent ^uticl.Hy nith Mrs. Fred Uickhng. Miss Rowe has a Tery tine voice and fiivore<l 1 he audience in the Methodist church, iH>th morning and evening, with a solo w hioh was highly appreciated . W. .\ Uawkin, Photoarapher, is pro- pared to do all kinds of photogrnphic work, a'so eulargipg in crayon and water c durs; picture frauiiiiit and viewing prtiniptly attended to. Teachers wishins to h »VH their school groups tak.-n can do HO by droppiu;{ a card to W. A. Hawkeu, Flesherton. Thi'S Hett, a young man who has worked in this vicinity during the pa't two or three years, met with a nasty ac- cident Sunday evening. NVhile going along by the cemetery swamp he fell and • lighting on his hand broke two of hia ling- ers at the first j:>itit. Dr. Carter set the iliKits, but Tommy will likely lie unaMo to handle his fist lively for some time lo come. A broken board in the sidewal'; is said to hare caused the accident. Mr. F. W. Micholson who advertised in the Advance Ust week for a lost steer j tells us he got it with the first insertion. I Have you lost anything? 1 Lost or strayed fn.m my pemsies on I May 1, one rhite ewe and two spring 'limbs, the smaller one with one black I front leg, and all having Ions tails, any information as to their whereabouts will be thankfully received. Chas. Stafford. For sale cheap or rent â€" Lot 30, con. 14. .Aitemesis. All plowing on this lot is di)no for this season and ready for seed- ina. -Apply to K. J. Sproule, Flesherton, or Johu J 5Iattin, across the road from premises. 12C0. rolls of \yall Paper, newest designs and finest coloritiss for parlors, diping rooms, halls and bed rooms for sale at Pricevil le. C E. Tryon. practical decorator. A No. 2 Massoy Harris cream separ- ator nearly new, und well cnrcd for. also a Kood eot of teuiji harness, both articles C>od and will be sold reasonable. F. N. Field. Wanted at once â€" Assintant for dress makini; accustomed tc skirls and ablt« to assist with waists. Apply to Mrs. Frank Smith, Flesherton. 2 ewes and 4 spring Iambs strayed to my premises. Jac<ib Lousheed, j^art lots 3 and 3, con. 5, Ot^prey. I'nr stomach tix<aM«s, tKllwosscss and coo «ti[vtti<>n try Cham ben 1.ui>°!< Stviaadl and Livi-r Tublet-i. >Ur.v WmarkiblvcfUMi kav* been effev-ted hy th#ai. Price 23c. SaM^ici- fr««. For sale by W. K. Richardsoa. CouDciUor McLoughry han<led us some specimen's of beavers' handiwork wh'ch be secured oo Beaty's creek, two miles north of the village. A few years aso a Colony of beavers t«K'k up their residence at that point and fliv>ded the eld l-c»ver- meadow. Their dam was torn away several times and it is rumored that some of the little anioials were captured, but there are evidently some yet left. Rev. Walter Nichol preached in the Presbyterian church heie on Sunday Usi to a very appreciative congregation. The rev. gentleman is a son of Mr. John Niohol of Glenelg and has recently grad- uated from Knox culleee. where he proved a most brilliant scholar, winning the iraveUinj schol uship, valued at $400. On this he took a trip to Gerin iny and has only lately returned. Hii cngro- iiation here on Sunday were much pleased with the sermon, A grand garden pwlf, under the ans- pioi'S of tho Ontario Women's Institute, will be held at the residence of Mr, \^ m. Wilcock, west back line, on June 20. Dr.Xnnie Backus of Aylmer will speak on Tho importance and meaning of w.'inen's woik, and Miss Isabel Murray of St. Thomas will fii^e a Ulk on Food Values, illustrated by d'jmonstiations on meat and vegetables in the afternoon. .A good program will be provided for the evening;, including addresses by the dele- gates. Tea will be servctl from 8 to 9 o'clock. Adniis-ion 15 cents. All the members are revpiestid to bring ba.skets. The meeting of Centre Grey Farmers' Institute will be held at Maxwell on June Uth, 15)07 at the hour of I o'clock sharp. 1. â€" President's Report. 2.â€" Dis- cussion thereon. 3.â€" Report of exicyt- ive presented in writing by the Secretary. 4.â€" Treasurer's reiwrt presented in writ- ing. 5, â€" Auditors' report presented in writing. 6.â€" Suggesiions of p&iiits at which to hold ii'BuUr meetings. 7.â€" Election of Directors; Election of Auli- t-irs. 8 â€" Suggestions fki to how tho liislilute c u be impDved or made more useful. At 2..'«) W. P. Gamble B.S. A., Ontsrio Aijricu'lural College, will address the niv-eting. Mr. Gamble has given a good de.ll of attention to the study of food stuffs and will have much of interest to state to the meeting as to the coin- jpwatiie value of the various kinds of Ifeedi which are niw offered to the I farmers under different names. .\ basket / picnic. Tea and sugar supplied, Markdale and Kiuiberleyfiiot-ball teams play off their tie game for n Silver cup on th* Aarieultural grounds, Flesbertnii, ^n Tuesday, J one It. See bills for par'icu- lars and be sure and jee the game. Do N'ot .Vetjlec-t The Cnildren At this season of the year the first unnatui al loosenens of a chilil'ii bowvla should hav" im- mediate attentiun. The bc»t thine that can Ije Sfiven is Chamberlain's Colic, Cnuleri and Diairhuea Remedy followed by castor oil aa ilirected with each bottle of the remedy. For â- Â«Ue-by W. E. Richardson. Liberal Convention East Grey Liberals held their anaual meeiin.; in Clayton's hall on Tuesday, when the following ofljcers were ay- pointed : PreS , A. McDonald; Vice Ptes., A C. Pattetson ; Se''., .R D. Carruthers. Executive â€" Dr. MeCul- lou^h, Cbatsworth ; W. McLean, Hol- land Centre ; T. McMischell, Sulavan ; W. W. Trimble, Artemebia ; P. Mc- Cuilough, Markdiile ; W. C. Harris Eu- phrasia ; James Foster, Collmgwood ; Nelson Hurlburt, Tbornbury ; E. W. Norman, Osprey ; Jos. McLean, Proton ; D. Sinclair, Dundalk. The usual reso- lutions uf confidence were passed. The selection of a candidate was deferred for a facurs convention. The Choral Concert. Lovers of good music epjoyed a great treat m the town hall Friday evening last when the Choral Society, andet the leadership of Mr. Newton Large, render- ed a mixed program that wxs entusiast- ically received by a large audieu'je. The program was made up oi four choruses by the Choral Union, solos, due-sand 'luartetts by individual members assut- ed by Mrs. Lirge and Master Howard Large, the youn.;t6t member of the talented Large family. Master Howard Large was bora iu Fleshertor. as were ihe other members of the family, con- seipjeiiily chis wasnot the first occasion when his mu.'sical voice grse ted our ears, but in the old days ho wore long white dresses and his voice had not absorbed classical miLsic to any great extent; it was of an infantile nature. Sev-.nteen years have wrought marvels and he is now the possspbsor uf a powerful and mu-sical tenor that tickled th-j eiu-s of his audienca and made encores necessary iu every member. Mrs. N. Large was slso a f ivi rite and in her solo, "Springtide," the rendering w is superb. Amoiig the choice things given by the visitors was a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Large, 'Oh that we two were May- ing," a solo, "Clover Blossoms,'' hy Uoivard Large, trio, "When far from thee" by Mr. and Mrs. Large and Howard Large, and a vc-ry fine duet. "After the fray," by Howard and Newti n Leae. Besides the cbcruses Mrs. BUckbor-a and Mi^ C^istene Richardaoa gavw a duet "NLK'tume' that wa« bi(k|y plaw- in<!. A quartet by .Mis Laijee, Mms Tourstoo, U<s$ Tumble «ad Mrs 6;ia.k burr w-js a)»j aaaclt ap|>r«eialied. Tb* chorus«s, ot oors^.wef* tbe craod *iaaiiC- tioQ. and wetxs mt^aibe it\iy c::v«]i t^j the tony co*i.-«s unaer Sic. lisrgo., whf bad b«eiL. poepuir.^ ftcsci ii<c weeks. While all we«« exc»Ali^^ Inmi, in â-  opintva V e ^bs us "OA llMk J<0e^ « >• â-  th« pi(«« de r««i»:»--*s^ StM««Jln«« *• heard a finer p»ev-e of WHMal binding and tones tta»n wiis fanMbed in this quaitit old pla.â- .(at:^>lt 'Melody, which ev:d«DCvd an amount «f practice and palieDce on tlie {>«rt of K>th leader and singers thtt dd them immense credit. Tha other choruses were, "Wi;h horse aijd hound,"' The boys of theoM brifinde" and 'Gov-'d nicht beli'ved," all full of melody and beautifully rendered, of mui>ic owe a debt of gratituto Large for th3 pain -taking work done here a'itb prospect of small gain. H • should not tiimlli depart with- out un.lerstandiug that the people of Flesherton are endowed with gratitude of a practioal kind in the fullest measure for the fivois hi haj given. Th'j proceeds of this concert, |amounting to about $3J, went to pay exponses of the I'nio.i, ren'al, lighting, etc, and wjuld ji4St about square accounts. L^^rCoil^^r-r;^;^-:^,^:?;-:/-^:^:^^ i . spring Time. . Has surely come so you should prepare for it by baying yonr Muslin 3 Delaines, Batiste, ranging from 15c per yard to 50 Ladies Silk Waists 6 only Ladies Si;k \'>.i:>us all of the laUst styles, all sizj», regular 84.50 for... 83.00 Gents Summer Underwear We have a large stock of Balbriggans and rnion L'nderwear for 5<)c per suit and up to .' l-'*0 per suit White Shoes 4 doz. of both Lidies' and Gents', Blucber cut, Shoes and Boots, ail sizes, Tj, for per pair fl. 50 and ?1,75 Jr,j We have a large stock of Wliite Hose, both in plain and lisle for 35c and 'â-ºJ ^ ioc per pair |^^ White Hose Buggy Spreads 3 doz. of the litest Bji{.;y t-preads in ae market . Linen, Animal and Floral designs, each 91.W and II 25 Ki F. G. RARSTEDT || Flesherton - Ontario Ji; NOW that spring weather is approaching you will re- auir-3 finer Footwear. 'Ve have made a very special eujrt in selecting oar goods. Our stock of Shoes was never so nice as now. TLey are neat and nobby- la Ladies Bals we have Kid, Dongola, fine qual- ity, la Oifords we have a fine range of the latest styles. In Geats' wear we Lave a full range of all kinds. We also have a targe assortmeDi of Children's Shoes. Trunks and Ttlcscopes a large Stock at lowest Prices. Call and gee ui. .- ' Lovers to Mr. he has tiancial THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWX- * SHIP OF ARTK.MKSl.A. KotioelB borebr giveu that tbe Muuioipal Council of tbo Corooration o( tbo TowuRbip of .wlemosia wlij, ut a ijaeotiuK to bo helJ ou b.-it- urUav. tbo 6tli liiiy vi Jnty, UW, at the hour of 10 o'cl ck iu the fbreuocii, in tlio town hall, in the ViKafte of Flosberton, coudder flvo several b.vlawa for olufiiig, etO|)piug np, sellius and couvuviuq ibe rollowlug voriious of biKQwaye respectivtly, uauielv Firstâ€" A poriiou of Barvoy street in the Til- lage cf I'ticeviilu. m.ne pajticulai-ly describt'd as follows : Itcgiu-<iuj{ at tbe intersuotiun of tbo westerly limits ot .^vteuiesla street auil tho uortberly liiuits of Harve; street iu tbe village cf PrieeviUo; tlienco >oiithwe»terly akDK tho nortboily liiuits ot U&rvoy stroct a diatauco oi dve bunilrod auJ twenty eikbt |928) toet to tbe esst'.irly Uuins of »'rinef>8S suroet : tbeuce soiithdily olouK tbe oastorlv limits of fiiucess street i^ro«1uco(l southerly a dis* taaco of sixty-six (°'6| feet; thence oortb- uasterly aloi'ij tbo suntborly limits of Hai'vev street a distaneo uf two hundred aoil oightv-one WD toot : tbuncc u^utheaaterlv ou a ctuvo'd line to the loft having a ra<lius of tweuty-oiuo hundred and ^i.xty-iour and uiue tenths ('JtfCJ.<Jlfi.t.'t a dii-tanou of two buodied and liftv-throo and ouo half iiia.i) feet to tbs Wusteiiy liiuita cf Artcmcsia street produced soutbetW ; theneo uoi thorly along tho wsstorlj liiuits of ArteiUtfsia street piodaced southerly a distance cf ton ilU) feet to tho point of beeiu- uiuR : »ai I tiact of laud ooutaliiiug sixty-four huaare<Uhs (0.(H) acres, uioie or lees. becondâ€" .^po'tiou of Har?oy street in tbe Viilafocif l>iicevillo.a'orepiuticularly doscribsil as follows BoKiuning at tbo mturseution of Prioceas street and the uo;'theriv liuiits of Harvey sh-vet in tbo Villace o; I'lieeville; tbenoe westerly alon^ tho novtboily liuiits of Harvey str )«t a distaucu of tbirtven bundled and eighty throe il363) feet to tbo easterly Umita of the township line hot reeu O'.oQelg and Arlomesia ; Uifuco eonthorly al'iufj tho easterly limits of the township Una between Glenelg and Art}me«l\ prodneed southerly a distaueu of twenty-two ( >il foot ; thence northoa-oterly aioag a straight iiue whose course is north seveuty-utne def^reoa thirty*thrcu minutes east [X-no 3J* b'-) a distauce of ten hundred and 8lx:i-fl ve llCti) feet to a point cua si ivtl cuiv liljfixioi' itfi": : i. ?T iraj c-irve to the Infi a flissi â-  ; - >i;t IvfC] feet to a Tioiiii on Lii. :•-.;... . u» ef Harvey stroot ; Tibnnoc DorilKtusro! t i., .^: i: :he *.oa*herlv limits ot Harvrt Ht:-(f i a £is.;.t:>oe cf two hundred and iwnnty "ili ltk>: to tbo westerly limits of .â- .-nst f-tj-*.:*! ; tteDce cortberly alon^ tbo â- 'Vlx liii_:i> pf Princess strxet )>iolnoed . : ' (T T » i..iiaoce of sixty -six [fiSJ feet to the â-  - cscing ; said tract of land contoin- i ; . fifty-one hundredths [1.51J acres. Thirdâ€" A portion of Artemosia f-trort in_ tbe Viila^of Piiceville.maro partii,nlailydo.«iibe«i a* follows: Uogint/ing at tho intcisuotion of tbe westerly liiuits of Artoniosia street and thu northorly limits of Harvoy street in tbo Village of Pricevilio ; lliencu northerly aloo»; tho west- erly limits of Arteinesia stroot a dtstanoo of ODO hmiili-od and sovoaty-oiuht I17BJ foot ; tnenoe northensfcnrly en ft curved lino to tho loft havius a i-a lins ot twenty-sovnn hnnd'od and oighty-niiioaiid nino-tfjnths [iTKl.Ol lent a distal. 00 of sixty-Sbvon fWJ feet to tho oastorly limits of ArCiMuesia slici't; theneo sontberly olouK thocKSlorlv li^nils of Artuniosift street a distanceof one hundred and eiahty-oiR^t iIM foet; thence sonthwostoily on a curved lino to tho right, liaviiJR a radina oi twafity-nino hundred sad fixty-fonr and nino tenths ['39111.9] feot a distance of sixtv-soven [1171 feet to the westerly limits of .-Vri mosia street produced .southerly ; theneo uortberly .aloii'; tho westoiiy limits of Artemcsia street produced southerly a dist.iiice ot too (lOi fiot to tho point ot besin- ni':g : said tract uf land containing t-*euty-i>iue hundredths CVM) acres, more or less. Fourthâ€" A portion ol IJaeou atrecii in the Vllldgeof Pneoville.more partionWrly described OS follows: H'<glunlng at tho intorsootion of the uortberly llm'ts cf Harvey (rtreot, thence northorlvslonc tho wostiirly limits of Quocn street a distance of ono baiKlre.1 aud seventy- eight and throe-tonlhs it78.3| feet; tbonoe northea-itei ly alouR ft slraiitht line whoso coui-so is north s^vi'uiv nine d^iiroes tliirtv-rhree ininatejieitst N. 73' ^J^' E / adistancc ot sixty- six /iVii (Aft to the easterly limits of Qnocu -street; tbnneo southerly along tho easterly limits of Qnoen street adistauce of oue hnndi-od and severtv-si.x ,'178/ foot to the nort'ierly li'ritsof Harvey street; thonee southwostsrly lilong 'he northerly limits of Harvoy street proiuced w sterlv ft diataiico of sixtv-six W,/ feot to the point of beginning ; said tract of land containing twcnty>Beven bnnJrodtbs /0.'2T' aoi'ps. move or less. Fifth- Subject to a similar BylaT bolng p;\s«od by the Municipal Cornell of Glenelg ant) to thoproviiaionR of the Munioinal .-Vot. A portion of th'* towuline between tho townships of G'eneig and Art-oniesia, mo.-o particulai-Iy dosorihtd as follows ; Heginning at th • Inter- s-K-tionof tho easterlv limits of tho township liuo between OloDoIt' and Artemisia, and the northerly limits of Harvov streot in tho ViU.iao of Pi icevillit ; tbonoe no; tbrtrly alooa tho oai>t- erlv limits of the to>vnahip Hue between Gloneli ftn-1 Artoinosia a distaucoof two hundred and throe 'iSM feot; thuDco sonthwesto- ly ou a straight line who-;o courso is south soveutv- nine .i-:areos thirty-three iiiinnten west '.'?. 79- ;<.!" VV / a dittance'of sixty-aix ,66; foot to the Wt»«t«rly lieiits of tho tbwnsl'.ip Hue h.-twoi-n nione'g and .4i t.-'inosi-* : tluMico-.iouthcvlv along tho wostsrlv limits of tho town line bptneen Glc;'elR and .VrtemosiaadiJtsnce of '-ito bun- dr'?d an I twentv-flvo f!<ij; f^-^t; tho-joe north- e.-i»f.orly ou a straieht lino whose co;ir«o is norr.h flcventr*nino dearoos thivty-threa min- nt«»fi ottPt S. 79^38* E./ a dlsttnco of sixty six â- iT.; foot to tboea-terW llmitertf the town liuo b,'tw<>cu the townships of fllunolg and Art'- muaia; theuco nortborly al.^ng the easterly limits ot tba said towu line a distauce ot twciity-Hro Jli f.-et to the point of boslnnlna ; said rr-»:( r.f land contaiuiUK thirty-four ban ciredibs ttSl,' ociO:i, uioroorles-s. All penH>nsiutoro8t.ed or who.-e l.xTids niav or rai-ln be prejadiciallr alTooteil by <uob proposed I'yl 'ws many of theiii are re.piirett to attend at said nisvting. who â-  they will ijo heard in iwrsou or b »• counsel or soUolt.ir with ref -jruuce thereto ui>on petitioning t-j be so heard. DatoU this Wth day ot Uay. 19 j7. v.. I. BFLTAMY. Clerk Tow3s'jlp ot ArteoieJit. Farm Laborers Ji nd Domesti cs Thare !>-. I a :i| 11 .iiit-ed by the Doininio!) ij"i,.rnment t.> place immii;ntiiis from tho United Kingdom in positioni as farm labourers or doinestic .servants ill this vicinity. .'Vny persons requiring such help shouhl no- tify me personally or by letter stating fully the kind of help reiiiiired, when wanted and wiiges ofForod. The nu-nbers arriving may not be sntliciont to supply all requests but every effort will bo made to provide each applicant with the help required. W. W. TRIMBLE Canullan Qovernment Emplovmcot ARcnt FLESHERTON. ONL HOMESEEKERS' S£COND-ClJ«SS ROUNO-TRIfi EXCURSIONS TO M.4NITOB.\ SASKATCHEW.IN .\IBESTA IIATCO Excursions lonvsTcnTnto Tuesclay«. m*'^" June 4, ia i July 2,10,30; August """"• 13, 27j Septi 10 atnd 2*. Tickets food to return within tixty days from going D ITCQ Are the same from all poiuts in Oslario- ''*'^*' rangiuR from (32.00 r«unU-trip to Winnipeg to ti2.nO round-trip to Ed- monton. TiuiLuvs to oli points ID th« Nortb-weat. TOURIST SLEEPERS ^^-j^H^^lS^c.^ will be mil on 9Hch exourvion, fiUly equtppeO with betiding, et«., smart |,>tjrier in cUnrg«. l^erthn mu.<t b« secureJ and pc'ui tbr thn'>ush local agent at least six <ia>-s before exoursion leaves. COLONIST SLEEPERS J'i7J'L'•^t^.^!^? CANflDMM- PACIFIC. ber t Us. pnsjeofiora ... -.J. will be use<' aa possible m placw of orditury ceachos. nipplying their own bedding, will be used aa'fat bli ... Rates and full information contained In ftt9 Homeseekert' pamphlet. Ask na;^rMt C.P.R» •cent for a cop-,', or writ* to e. B. roSTER. Bittrlet Piu. A^t., C.P.R., Towtq Fo- ti.jk)tj a III fill! mf.uMii^ioa sou W. Cajsar, .A^enf, Fles'rerton. Yorkshire Boar (or Service The lijidei siirned has ( ir service on lot IfiS, 2nd W. T. A S R.. Ait«m?sia, a Uioniughbr«a YiirMiirelxiar, •"Lnkeview Victor," Ni>.l,'*4a)^ Toi-ma $1.00. Th jrou^e.-els extra. A splen •lid atock Kettcr, ', 1 Iec37 TH03. QUIGO, Prop

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