Flesherton Advance, 6 Jun 1907, p. 8

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â- <, ^ June 6 1907 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE SSWiSH \ THE MARKETS CAREFULLY CORRECTED EAC WEEK. (.Us 40 '.o 40 I'oas ' 76 to 75 Karley 45 to 45 AVhout 85 10 85 Hay l'< 00 tul3 0') . I'utnrocs, per bag 80 lo 00 Huttta- 17 to 17 Ki'«*, fresh 10 to 10 Wool 24 to 20 Tiirkuya 11 to 11 CnickLM* - C lo 8 ticuse 10 to 10 Diiclrt 10 to 10 r -y^ i In Furniture Tlie hrgdst and best stock of fuiniturij ever shoivn in Fleshur- t'»u. Tliia withont foar of contra- i)i'<:tion. Come and sec aume of thu uicc things in Sideboai*ds Dining Roorq Cl^airs Parlor Setts Bed Roonq Setts A special reduction ju«t novr on everything in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT %Tunnitune Suealer TO FlesbertoD - Oot. Cyâ€" • J Summer Session During July und August. By entefing the I ELLIOTT >;^/-^ TCKCl-'TO, ONT. "-' Now, you will he through your comsn in the DU'ly full 'aIixIi is iin excolK^uc tiiiiij to get eiiipliiyment. I'lcpHro f(jr \\m- iliona paying StO, 950, 8«0 mid ?7U it month. Our cdlitj^o Ims unexd-llfd fiiciiitic^i; the iil'iindBnce tirows gifii'er; inori) srudonts nro gotting poHiii(jiiH. Do- »irc "succpiw " Kducatcfur it hy Htfeml- ji'g our Bchool. Others have. Will you? Write for catnloguc W.J. ELLIOTT, Principal Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. Cock-a-Doodle-Do JuHt n word to people who raise poultry. Ifyotiwnnt g"od, lioJillhy I'liickciis, liuy yi.ur incubator from .\. Wil«oii. I set allmuchinoB in running order that I sell, 80 till! purchaser will have no troulilo and c«ii depi'iid on having food ri'«uit8 the first hatch. 1 always h:ive a niHcliinu go- iii:;. Call and see and tin coininced tliat jou tru behind the times without an incubator. A. WILSON, Floahertnn T3ox 240 Clearing Sale At Port Law Kvorything in dry good>, grocer- • ies, liools and Hhnes, Hanhvaro mid Till .van', 'd Iu' hoM fur bi low value; all Balm .Iriclly cash or produce. Hear in mind lam not , tiavin;{ P.irt Lv.v, mily Helling the utoak Ko 1 can de\o;o iniiri) time to eave troui^hing and job tJ. A. St: JOHN Ciouera Moroh»iil and Tni.sinilh Port Law - - Ontario Farmers, Take Notice. 1 have cea«o.| vi-orkiiig for McGiirmnok mkchliiui, not that I had any fniili with tint i'u,iluiiiuntH, liiit.iack Mill & llaiiiiah, of Alurk- lUluii'ilt a M^O.iim.iok six foot liiiidcr to .Mr. AViUoa Mi'NIiiV.cM \iM harvest for %\T<M\ on thrje p:iy.<, and hill olil VattiT-^oa Mn'li<r ami tli<)ii uold tliu ol'l tijiitliT f ir SI. JO, and on nt.it yBirH tviriiiit thuy me ili.nguJ to ihosi. that Jijrliap.1 thuy (Jit tlioiii f.r I.'bs than I do. Wliy *lou't llioy "till tlii'ui t<i Markdilf fariiuTii (.ir . t!ie».imi'J Tlii-i I "an |irovi'. I liavnoiitract' vA with I'ctur Hamilton, of IVIitI) .ronKli, |,o »ell liirt liiipleiin'i.tit at MarUdalu anti KIcidior- till. I will Hull the Lindi'rd, alxf I ,tou oncpiy SilO, 2 p.»yii Jll-I, thrt:c jwy4«l2i); drillii, oiitf |>jy I'J li'Mi drill Wl, 2 pays ?(i;t, tliifp pay< $ti", »nd oth'rr At* to cirif"!' md, rni.tlltir or larger. 1 will Im at M.irl; lal« nl'ur llu) llrat of M.ticli v.u'. y .'^.(tui'day. -Viiy oiio wanliiik' iiiavliiiii'n or rrii.iir4 will tind me on .Satiir layn. I huvu Hu.nujocond luiid DrilL u:i hand, i*nn<e only w.irk.'d OI1-1 and Ino yi.ar», No\on, Onhawa Mild l't.'t<''r >liniiltuii, AUo o^t'nt for the CVkuhntt t'liiw, I'ariii Mmiuro !^preAdt'^anll Local option went into force in Ripley on May l«t. Putlands hotel has quit buMinexs and the proprietor of Irwin'8 hotel has put up a irate on hLiy-ird. The farnuTH now pay lOo for horse* in au open shed, 15c for »tublu and 25c for hay. The meals have boon increased to 50g in the hotel. It did not wotk that way hero. The toiiiporaiice people of .Hipley ureuwsy bjhind the times. -A Hi air Dressing Nearly every one likes a fine hair dressing. Something to make the hair more manage- able; to keep i! from being too rough, or from splitting at the euds. Something, too, that will feed the hair at the same time, a regular hair-food. Well-fed hair will be strong.and will remain where it belongsâ€" on the head, not on ^he comb! The beat kind of a testimonialâ€" "Sold lor OTOr aiaty years." A tfAdo by J. C. Ay«r Co.. Lowell. Alea tamantusUxTCsc of Ls^l O CiEKkV PEaOKAL. Sbortborn Bull The thorou^hlircd .Shorthorn Bull, "Favo ice," 62235, i.'i for service on lot 27-28,2nd ran N. D. K.,Ai'temeiiia. I'edigreeou application Terms $1.25 .•VLEX. McRAE. Ceylon BUSINE.SS Cards M-CULLOUOn & TOUNQ Banker Markdale Do a Kflneral banking buBiuo6B. Money loansd a ruasonablo rate Call ou uh. TCHI8LETT, • l'utittna8tt.ri Ceylon. Comwisxiuiiur in H, c. J , Convevancor, deeds, lUortKaKO't. leawn, wlllu etc.oaculully drawn up Collections mad *, char^o» reasonable Alec grauerica, Uutic, feed utc, kept in btock, i'rlees riKhl. RJ SPROULE I'ojtmastor, Flcshorton K/cnimisiiionor in H.C J., Auctioneer Con- royanour, Appraiser and Money Londor ICeal I'^state and lusuranco Agent. Deeds pjnrt(;aK<i>** leases and wills carofuUy drawn up aii^i valuations iiiadu ou ehortout notice, money to loan at lowest rutus of iutorest. Col ootious attended to with promptness cbar^rcM low. Agent for Ocean Dominion St«aiusliip Company. A call solicitod. r\ McPFIAIf., LicpnHoJ Auctioneer for the ^' (bounty of Grey. Terms moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. The arrangemuDts and dates of sales can bo made a', Tus Advance ofllce. Itosideucu and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone fonnoction. Doc. 0.07. GKO. «. LUDLOW Licensod Auctioneer for the ** County of Oiuy. Prompt serTlcs oud roasonable terms. Protou Station P. 0. J HAIIVEY PEKIOOK, Feversham *' Insurance, Heal estate and mining stock broker. Conveyancer, Loans and Collections, Write for rates on Klru, Life or Rick benefit iusurauce or iufornialiou regarling Cnbnit mining stock. Hetter contracts and lowot rates ou fire iDsuranoe now. Societies AO U W meets oii the last Uonday in eacn montli, in their lodge room. Chrlstoo's block. Klesherton.at 8 p.m. M.W., Frank Chard ; Sec, T. Illakely, Finanolsr, W.J. Del. amy. VtalttDg brethren itTitad, PUINCB ARTHUU LODtili!, No. :BS, A.F.A A M, meets in the Maaonicball, Strain's block, Floshorton. every Friday oo or before lliu full mocn. W A. Armstrong, W M.; Herb. 3iultli, Hocrutnry. noi'KT FLRSHERTflN B9.%, I. 0. P. n-eets In " Chrlstoo's Illook the last Wednesday evening of each month. Visiting Foresters beartily welcome. C. n.. Dr. Murray; U. 8., T, Henry: Pin. Huo., C. N. Kichardson. riuasti pay duos to Flu, Bee. before tbe Brtt day of tho month. CFIOSF.N FhlKNDS-Floshcrlou Counoll of (;hoHnn Friends meets in Clayton's hall first and third Wednondav of each moiit 8 p. m Pay aHBosHiiicnts to tlio Pneorder on or before tPoDrst ilayof each month. Chief Coauolllor, T. Hlakaluy:Keoordor, W, H. Uunt. BU Ttueah^, Medical DH CAUTP.R M (!P A 8 0ut,riivBlcian,Rnrgeon,eto Ollico and residonceâ€" I'olor St., Floshorton nit A.T. POND " Graduate Toronto tlulverslty. Mem- bor of Ontario Collego o; PliyHiollanB and 8ur- gocns. Maawell, Out. rtuooesHor to Dr. Scott. T p oT'ruwin.r, ' Votoriiiary Kurnnon Oraduato of Ontario Veterinary College, rosidohco â€" ssoond door south west' oQ Marv street. This stvoot ruDi loiith Presbyterian Chmch. H WILSON, llla<kfmllh 'iradiiate of the Veterinary Rolence ABHOoiatlon. Utisidunoc, Durham Itreet, op- posite Uuyd, niekllug's hardware. Lecal LUCAS WKICHT & McAHDLK Itarrintsrs Holicltors Conveyanoen, etc Omons-Owcii Sound, (lot and MsrkdaleOnt W II Wainiir, MoAnui.H 1 K Lunia N II -Flushortoii oOico, Mitchen's Dai.k svety .laturdav. Dkntistuy D, UADILL. D'. U. C. MVHRAV I,. D. 8 , I'ental Kurpoon honoici'idiists of Toriiilo llnlvomltv and Tlnva! (*oIIet.'ii of DbiUal Stirgeons nf Ontario, (las adiulhlKt-orod far teeth extiaotloii, fll^o at rasldju-'O, Toronto street, I'ls tlioitcn Grey Deanery Meets at Duriiam Durham, May 10.â€" .The Grey rural donnury niccting cmvened at Durnam on Tuesday and Wodnofiday. The opening moeting was held in Trin- ity Church tin Tuesday evening at which Hov. W. J. Connor.fonuor roctor,pru;ich- ed nnuxcellont sermon on Mntt. x: SJO-eiuh Tlio clergy of tho deanery t»king part in service. On Wednesday morning Holy Coin- luunioii wa>> udiiiinistorod by Rural DcJin Ardill assisted by Rev. A. A. IJice. There was (I good attendmce of delegates ai;d luo'iibcrM present. Rev W. G. Ilcilley then conducted a sacroil study of Jnhn xv. in the original. Con.iideralile diHCussion followed. The inuctiug then adjourned for dinner at the rectory. Th(^ iifternoon sc.s.tion opened at 2:30 o\.lfxk with Ritril Deun Ardill in the chair. Much discufUiion arose and much bene- fit was derived from treating with such hulijccts lis tho Church Cen.sus, Mission Collections, ImmigiantH, Y. P. A'h, Jubilee Fund, W. A. M. A.. S. S. Con- vention, etc. Rev. .\. A. Bice, Rector of Durham, was elected Secretary of the Deanery. Tho Rev. McJ. Baldwin, a niissionMy at present ou furlough from Japan, then addre.sst'd the meening at sfune length on the life and customs of the people of Japan. He also illustrated from a map the diHorent iiii-s-iinnary jurisdictions of the country and explained the work of the church in each Rev. J. Ardill, R. D., then followed with an address on the position of the clergyman -with society. Much discusion followed and the afternoon session full of helj) and encouragement waH brought to a clo.sed. In the evening an iUustratod Lecture on Jitpaa was dtilivcrod by Rev. J. Mc- Queen Baldwin of Japan in the town hall to a very appreciative audience and this brought one of the most successful tiieet- ings of the chapter to a close. The next meeting will be held, D. V., in Owen Sound. A. A. Bitje, Secretary. Svery Mckn Hta Own Doctor The average mau cannot afford to employ a phyysician for every »li|?ht ailment or injury that may occur in liis family, nor can he afford to neglect them, as so slight an injury as the scratch of a pin has lieen Known to cause the loss of a limb. Hence every man must from necensity be his own (!< ctor for this class of ailments. .Success often depend iijion prwnpt treatment which can only be had when suit- able meiliciues orekept athsnl. Cliaml)t'rlain'8 Kuiiiedit's have been in the market for aiany years and enjoy a (food reputation. L'h.-iinberlain's Colic, and Diarhoea Remedy for laiwel complaints. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs, coIdH, cioup and whoopine cough. Chainlicrlain's Fain lialm, an antiseptic liniment., for cutH, bruises, '^urns, sprains, SwelliiigK, lame back and ri^eiimatic [uins. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets lor constipatiim, billotisness and stomach troubles. Chamberlain's Salve for diseases of the akin. One Ijottle of each of these preparations costs but $1.25. Kor sale by W.E. RichiU'dsou. HONOIl ROLLS Report of Eugenia P. S. for May. IVâ€" Ettie Latimer, Clara Latimer, Albert Sloan, Harold Wallace. ni «r.â€" Jakie Sloan, Russell Park, Wesley Plaiitt, Katie Jamieaon. HI jr. â€" Laurie Fisher, Klsie Ann- strong, Irene Walker. n sr. â€" Louio Ilislop, Mary Turner, Lily Campbell, Millie Campbell, May Park, Fred Plantt, Wesley Armstrong, Johnny Wileon. II jr. a â€" Leita Sloan, Dave Jamieson, Allie Williams, Willie Uo^-.', Charlie Park, Charlie Fishi r. H jr. aâ€" Susie I^eopard, Fr\iik White I pt. «r. -Charlie Williania, Willie Williams, Lizzie Williams, Edgar White, Pl.l a â€" Wcs Latimer, Mabel Williams, Noa Williams, Robert Leopard. Pt. 1 bâ€" Maritio Park, Leta Jninieton, Delia Wilson, Barbara Armstrong. Pt. 1 câ€" Leon Pedlar, Joe Williams. Avenge attendancn 35. P.. RoLMKiN, Teacher. Report of Flt«ihorloii public achuul. Honor standiiig for May. Skniop. Dbpahtmrnt IVsr.â€" Ficd Bellamy, Pearl Badley, Robt. Bellamy, Flora McMullen, Joseph Legard, Fred McTavish, Jessio MoCaul- ey. InIEUMF.HUTE DurARTMRNT HI sr.â€" Eddie Loucki, Lil au Arm strong, llerbie Mcljood, III jr.â€" Teiia McLcod, Glndys Corti- 6idd, Velma Talbot, E hel Riobardson, Iva Mitchell, Horl.ie Sullivan. II sr â€" Ruby Radley, Dell Thurston, Albert (Jillespie. II jr.â€" Hi-rbio LeOard, Vera Louoks, Willie Davii, M»ud Boyd. II pt. »r.â€" Lilian Bunt, Vina Hastio, Alice McLeod, Lcono ThoinpNou. II pt, jr.-KMa Karsledt, Mildred Wright. W.J.&liLl, Principal. Repot t of Ceylon public school for May. Fourth c'ftpsâ€" Kate LcLeod, Wills Mclicod, Vera McAluUen, Maud Hemp- hill, Ma Rulledgo. Third clat»-J. .1. P.Vtiion, Myrtle Ilouiphill, A. Mo^^ul^>u, .^nnie Kiglish, Ettiie Chialeit, Lena Leirate. 2nd clas<â€" Eliia MoLeml, Muriay Legito, Roy Riitlodge, Jaiiios McMullei', Muriel Legate, Snowden McLeod. Parr II â€" A. Live Lizzie Eiiyli»h, L- Ri.lly, F. McMull.n. Part I ar- Pearl Whitney, Willie Phttii-OIl. Part Isr O. .Madill. J. WitBOS Teacher. Portiaw Mrs. .J. W. Bates and daughter of To- ronto have been visiting the fovtnf r's niollnr, Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor. Mrs. ii. hnsi returned home while Miss B.ites remains for a more extended visit. Mrs. W. (3. Jamieson has been severe- ly ill, but we are glad to report consider- able iraprovemenf. Mr. .fames Coriifiuld viiited friends in the Qu«en city recently. Mr. Thomas Taylor reooritiy purchased a cement mixer also a considoraOle supply of 111,-ilorial for it to atir. T. 11. McKunzie lost â-  year old colt Nat week. The animal tan at. full speed inroa fonce and broke H.m neck. .Mis.s Jackson of Toronto is viBitina '•t the parental home. HOW COSUMPTION STARTS, Ifred When You Wakenâ€" Lan- guid All day- Neves Worn Out â€"Snap All Qone. Vi'ur limbs feel "dratrgy" and exc«s- sivcly weak. A niiiht"« sle.p sekl.>ni briiigii Hutisfiiog resi. Coolinuous h.-ad- iichcH, exhaustion aud nervous sen.sation 4 destroy health. Soon every sp'irk of vil^ility is used up. Then you catch tuberculosis. Start to-day. Build up, get new nerve f.rci', and overcome this process of decay L'.se Ferrozone, which physicians consiib r the most vili,alizing, uplifting tonic ever made. Ferrozone cures bec^iuse it can furnish the body with sufticient nurriiuent and buililini; material. Think of tho instant efTectâ€" at oi.c© the a|>putite increases, delightful color in theclieeksprovesilmlricb, red bio id is be ing circulated. Tired niusoKs are iiivigor- ated, lllosh and weight are ailded. Noi ve foice develops, and bounding, joyous health is tirmly established. This is certain â€" Ferrozone restores failing strength from any cause. The experience of Mr. Tbos. Down, of Sclireiber, Out., proves this: ''tlousehold worries and cares had about exhausted my strength. I was weak and miserable. My cheeks lacked the color of health, ftnd occa.sionally I b.ad spells ot rheumatism. Then my appetite full iff, and nothing could tempt me to eat. Worn-out feelings, chills and des- pondency filled my very bein?. I hecaniu anaemic and dwindled down to a shadow. Consumption was very near. Ferrozone put strength in my body with a rush. It built me Uji, stMOtf, virile and htppy. and I have been well ever rittcp." Feirozone cures sickness Viy curing tho real csuseâ€" lack of Ido.d and nerve :oiu!. It keeps people at their best â€" tit, ready and anxious for work. In 50c. boxes only fix for §2 50, at all dealers, or N. C. Poison & Co.. Hartford, Conn.. L'. S. .\ , and Kingston.. Mrs. H. Doherty. living near Me.iford, died very suddenly of heart failure. Gilbert VanWyck, an old and respcct-- ed resident of Meafoid, aged 72, to. k paris vree.. iu mistake for soda and died after several hours if sufTeriug. Tho mistake \\x>s n-nde in the daik. Tetter Cured. A l.kdy customer of ours had suffered with tetter for two or three yc^ara. Itguts.i b.'ul > n her hands that shn could not attend to h»r iKHLSuhuld duties. One box of CUani'ieiliin's Salve cured l>er. Clwmiberl.iin ' s medicines give splendid Itatisfaciion in this community -M. U. KOONKY A. Co., AI- iiiond, Ala. Chamberlain's medicinoj are for saleliy W. E. Richatd.son. Young Plants. â-  :,. l ui . , - I u.ig g' We haVe oil hand an anasu.tlfy fine .'dec fonof strong healthy Tomntoe, Cchry and Cabbage planta. Woalso havo ol the way a fine lot of high cl.i.s.s fi.iwer pUnta including Bogonia-s, Ferns, Coleu«, Pansy Geraniums, Flowering Maplea, Baly l!nmbler Roses, T.a Rtwes, Uydringe.is, This is only a partial list. These plant* will b3 flit slier?. C > no cwly W. Lr Wright. F L E S II E R T O N Noticeto Creditors I:i theinaf.er..f iheo.state of GEORGE ALEXO'DKR, lare of the Township of Osprey in the County of Grey, Farmer, decc-viej. SOTICi is hei-'iby civoii pursuant to tttu P.evisud Statutes of Outailo, IW, Chap. V^ that all creditora and othuis liarioA'cislms u^'aiijRt tile estate of the .=iaid George .M^^auder. ilecease.'l, who did<l on or about tho t".vent'.' Beventh (lav of Soptnoilwr, A. 0, lODO.arer-ouir- e-l.ou or before tlie I0th da\ o( luue. A. D. 1S07. to Kend by p.tst iirepsid or delivery Ic W. ti. Ali.iter, l-evL'i'siiam, Oulaiio, pxcootor of tiie la t will and toscsoietit of tha said deceased, their christian &ud suruanieK. a<MruHses ana dcoriiitions, tlio fill {larticulars of their elaims the staceiiiuut of their acocuut.i s::d tho nature of the stcuritiis (if any) held by •dioin, AND FUKTHFR TAKE KGTICF, that after such last njBDtioned data the ssid executor will proceed to distribute tho assets ot tho deceaBud .luiong tbe parties rntitied th.;iiiK:. having re- paid only to the ii'ai.ns of w.bieh they shall then have notice and th.%t ihc ssid excc-otor will tiotbrt liable for tbe said ai^etsor aav part thereof to any poriwn or persons of whosa claims notice shall not have been received by him at tbe time of such .iistributibn. Dated April, a6lh, A. D. 1007. Luca.H Wiight ifc McArdlo, O'Veuiiound, Out. Rolicitora (or tbe Executor. Shorthorns, Bees and Poultry Onr bflss have winterod well aud we liave i iiuiiilMr uf colouies fot ?a)e and yonn^ bw»rui^ hlUtr tbe Qrst of Juue. You Khould see our pea of S. r.Urown Leghorns bef.-r© getting your e^KB ^<^^ hatcbin^; 50 centB for \:i e^^«. Lot !70.2ad B.T&S.B. B. AI*L£N\ lt2&htX-oa Prevention of Eye Trouble. Prevention Is better than cure. It Is cheaper. It i$ possible vbcn cure Is impossltle. Eye trouble may be avoided by the tlmelj Me of glasses, averting: discomfort, tnfferlnf and permanent impairment of slgrtiU We are properly equlppcii to adjust grlasses and evarantee satisfaction. i|tV/fc.LS' "ND :>f>riClAHi In Sleigh.=!, Buggies, Waggons, Harrows, rioughs, Cream Sep arators and Wire Feucing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Flesherton Carriage Works If you are thinking of buying a buggy be .sure and give me a call before buying elsewliere as I h.nve 9 first class selection to choose from. I Guarantee Satisfaction in Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing AU kinds of ploughs and jilou^li re{>»ivs on hand; also repairs for Massey Harriti, No.xon and McCiuinick farm iinjilements. A^ent Fox* MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS I>. lyioTAVISIi I keep a stock on hand ul- w lys and anyone wanting a cream sepuraior please drop tnc n card and their wants will be attcndtHl to. - s ,Flesliterton

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