^Tr yUsJytrbti Jlbtatta* TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PEIfifliiPUfib KOT MEN.' ^! 1 VOLXXVI, NO 1328 Fleaherton, Ont. Tl.uisc5ay July 4 1907 W. H THUKSTON, BDITOB BOPUlBTOB NEW Jewellery Store to 3ae Have y"« iRllnd in yot our new promises 1 Bigger Stock Better Display Of Jewrllry, W«tc:hi>», Cl.«kB, PUted Ware, »nd choice tUiims ia every liae. Pres- Get your Wedding eqts tiere, Set your Wedding Rings !\ers. Prices Right. Good* he BmI . W.A.Armstrong. Honoring the Pioneers. Away hack in the tiftiea " Bt^fura the azem«a'8 duy When wild beast and Indian Held the CDUntry in full i-way, B,^hire the 'itf'i of proKrt>eR, Ti!1 the civilizing hidid CltaiiR'^ the faoo "i uiiturtt Iitrci cul'ivxt^ land. Oh tliosc tirnve old ptoneurs, Who«e nniot'K may here he seen. To them liRcribe all ufudit And lot 'a !(«â- p their meni'-Ty (ireen. Then clear ynir ihiouts, my Ijoys, F.ir one Rood, roustnv cheer, ; For our deiir old >»Mcestoiii WhfjRo name* are ohiaelled here. â€" E. C. Bolaiid. of eduoarion. It waa sattl tkat 75 out o* every lOOIjoys and girl, go no farther than the publie school. The rui^ achoola should provide scienlido a(;ricaUaral edu- cation ; furmers' boys should haye soine- thinR to specially fit thorn for their call- ioi». The faini'T (o he suocessfQl must I be an cduc»ii-J niau. Mr. Colquhoun wna'WcUfreni'ivei. I Amoni{ t'aa other speakers were : N, \V, Camphell, In-ippctor South Grey ; Ee»'. Dr. Cald^veli, Rev. L. F. Kipp, I B'leshprinn ; Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Mark- i dnle ; P. McCul!ouj;h, Markdale, and C W. Cbadwick, Toronto. Industrial Home Notes (By •» Itifnate) Your cor. left tha home on Friday ^venintt for a few weeks visit atnonc friends in his old neighborhood, bat sends the following few itams In connection with the home for the p*st week previous to his departure : Another death occurred at the home on Tuesday last in the person of Mrs. John- son (colored) aced 82. The deconsed wag admitted to the home from Owen Sound in December 1904, and beiti j a amart old lady, an old and experienced cook, she was installed into the kitchen where she proved herself to be an adept assiatMtt Hiid where she remained unMl she Krew too feeble to contlnae in the oituafuiu She was always of a pie vsant and agreeable disposiki'.m and shared iho highest esteem of nil about her. As a •.â- fiieral thing sho enjoyed fairly good ho!\ltb while iu the home, seeuied to be ciieerful aid contimt-ed, a Me'ho<list and an all round eeain! old lady ; old aije was this provincii. The monument i« a hand- some piece of ?rey Scotch ^iranite with Lonjjford stuiie base and has iilieady been described iu tliette cnliimns. It is an honor to the section and to the man who erected it, Mr. 'V. L.Smith of Thoiubury. The chair was occupiod by Mr. John Bxlatid, wkri introduced the program iu a few well ch«i?en Words, durinfi the course of which he giivo the iq.terestiuf4 iuforraa- the only aiiparout c.«u»u of her doHth, } tj,,,, dj^t nb.mt SCO children- had been . NOTW. .\ lurirn nnmljer nf relics of early days and piirtrsits of some of the pioneers we-^ on exhilMtion. These included the old spinniiisf jenny, tin lanterns, and brass oandleHticks. Mr. John Boland •bAwed a rnckiiii; chair made by his fiiffier with an axe over fifty years a^, ' Tlie Fni enters provided entertainment and pmvifion fur the multitude, in gen- erous fashion, and we are pleased tn learn that their efforts were handsomely re- weirded. There were several football matches during the afternoon, in which Kimber berley cane off victorious with a single , exception, when the. Wodehouse club won out with a score of l-O. The monument was unveiled by the two old pioneers present, Messrs. John Holley and Richard Smith, who are both still hearty and spry. Probably the face most missed nn this occasion was that of the late Thomas Kolls. who joined his neighbors in the better settlement only a coapto of years ago. One can imngine with what pleasure he would have mingled with the crowd on this occasion, and what joy it would have given htm to assist in the ceremony, His genial face anil hearty greeting wore much missed by very miny who knew Monday was au historical day in the i '"m iij life. His memory la kept green annale of School Section Ko. II, Atte- '»hd his name perpeluated among those mesia (Vamleluur) when about 1000 'others who arc honored with a lAaea on people nssemblod to witness the ceremony I this stone. of unveiling a monument to Iho pioneers i The names on the monument are : J. of that soctiim. This ides originating in j Boland, .Tane Boland ; W. Buchanan, the uiiuds of the people of y»ndaleiu-,has j Matilda ; J. Cbadwiok. Elizabeth : C. attracted much al:ietiti"U throughout the Carson, Mary; â€" Cooev, Nancy; D. country, and is unii|ue in the annals of Campbell, J^an ; T. Gilbert, Roesnna which she a'KH"'ared to realize was close an hand. In the absence of the R^v. J. S. I. WiUoii, the Rev. Mr. Ri-binsor, Anglican iM'nlster, officiated over the re- mains preii'ioa to their removal to the cemetery the following morning nared in thnt section during the l<iAt fifty y eats, and that they had not cost the inunioipali'y one cent for the prosecution of crime. Thia was an extremely credit- able alKiwini;. On the pliitfoim were the followii g Wax. Scott,tho youth admitted a rmmth gentlemen : " Two of the pioneersâ€" J. Hof ago from Osprey, was discbargnd on !Vt(.n- 1 i,;y god Richard Smithâ€" a pathetic rpm day last and w cut to work in the gfavel ; na„t of e»4-ly siugvles; J. J, Tillpy, J.n pit on the Industrial home property, from which gravel is bemg drawn forMarkdale new cement sidewalks. We unders'aod he W!«n taken on as • temporary asci-^tant at the hoa<»e of refuge on Friday ls.<it. Wni. Rinnans and Ed. Black who claimed thoir discharge on the llrh June A.Graham. Elizabeth; T. Gregstfn,Kliza; T. Gilbert ; J. Holley, Hannah; \V. Hal\ Marv ; J, Jones, Agne.1 ;'T> Kells, Sarah; W. Kniiiht, Sarah ;- J Lomas, Mary ; A. Mclvin, Ann , R. Smith, Eliza ; W. Smith, Mary .\nn ; R. Shannon, Eliza ; A. Sawell, Ann ; J. Teels, Eliza; R. Warliiie, Strah ; .1. WilliRms, Mary ; J. W. Weber, Margaret. At the base of the stone in Inrse letters is Iho ono word, ' ' Pioneers " The face of the stone con- tains the following : •• 1857â€" 1907â€" To the founders nf S. 8. No. U, Artemcsia, whose Courage, honest intention and »t«- bility of purpose converted the primeval forest into homos for themselves sod those that came after. Erected by their descendiintH." During the afternoon MissE. C. Boland road the clever little poem which heads this report. both ret «rn«<l to the.' home on Mouday last, the 23rd. This is the third time the former has been admitteil and the latter twice and both are now, most prob- ably returuod for keeps. Repto and Octogenarians without moans, home or friends cannot very well ootulwt the ups and downs of this cold cold world. loth Line Osprey ALL THJN, PALE WOriEN spoctor of M.idel S<>liool«; A.. H. U. Col quhoun. Deputy Minister of Education 1. B. Lucas, M. P. V. ; W. L. Smith, editor lif the Fanner's Sun; U, W. Chad- wicK, the fii-Kt white buy horn in the aic- 1 â- â- ti<m; and JudiJie \VidJitfeld of <7wen , Can Learn the Cause of Their Ner Sound. The tiist white girl lorn in the vOUS, Used-up Condition. section was also present in the person of ,,,. . •,.,,,• n Mr^.JohnlJolund, Imtahediduottakea With women, illhoalth is usually seat on the pHt form traceable to nerve exhau.stioii. toeUng The piOKram was opened by the school 'â- «o-<J'?^'» and tired most of the time is children singing "The Maple Leaf," Can- I'fttures warning that more nerve force McFARLAND & CO. Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE PRICE INDUCEMENTS That should attract you to this store $10 Mens' Suits for 7.00 24 only men's suits consisting of Medium and Dark fancy tweeds, blae and Mack serges, single and doable breasted style of ooat, lined with good quality of farmers' satin, well tailored and excellent fitters, eto. There's not more than one or two of a kind but all sizes in tlie lot. Their mates sold freely at 18.50, 9.00, 9.50, 10.00 and 10.50, to clear your choice for per suit $7.00 $5.25 Boys Suits for 3.40 29 only boys 3- piece suits, comprising blue serge and light, medium and dark fanef tweed* of good pattern, well made and sood fft ters. not many of any one pattern* There's only one way to keep a clothing stock clean and that is as the season advance. Cut the Price which we htve done with this lot. Just S9 snits, 3 pieces as stated, that WQ are selling at 9^50, 4.7o, 4.90, SM and 5.25, your cbotoe while they last, per suit $9(40 35c. SERGE OR TWEED FOR24o. About 150 yards of Blue Serge, Dark and Fancy stripe tweed, 27 inohea wide. Th<» tierge is suitable for boys wear and the tweed fur men's trousers. Regular value 85o yard. Sale price per yard 24o. ei.OO FELT HATS FOR 50o Four dozen Men's and Bnyn' fiir-felt hats, in medium and large brim style, colors, black, brown and slatv, some are bound. Uoeular 75q, 90o and 1.00 to «lear at each , .50o GLASS TUMBLERS i5e. DOZ. REa.75 220.Clear flint glass tumblers in liirht weight of gojd quality, bought at a siicri- tice to clear which enables us to sell, reg- ular value 75c per doz., clearing price, per duz 40c NEW BLOUSES REDUCED. Never before in the history of this store have we had such a handsome range ut ladies' blouses, and as you know thd season was late in opening up for them, hence we have decided to sell our tegu- lar 75o and 35c white lawn blouses fur 6Bc. Our regular 90c and 1.00 white lawn blouses for 78c. It will surprisK you wlien you see them, the amount of embroidery lace, insertion and tucking that is put into thsde new blouses at above prices. SATIRES, VESTINGS. MATTINGS . AND MUSLINS BEDUOED. Three hundred and sixty nine yards con- sisting of fancy dress sutmca, Voslim.'s, cream niattinKsand fancy muslins. Iu this lot you oould not help selciititm something in harmony with your fastp. The regular prices range from 2.")c t" itij ptsr yd. and and all go on, bargain Cable ao per yard ..,^,..,.... 14 McFARLAND Si COMPANY >i i'-j ada's national nir. J. J. Tillcy, inspector of model schools, waa then introduced. He was not usetl to open air speaking and it proved too much for him. Ue is troubled with a weak heart ai'd w.is compelled to desist before his speech was nearly over, lie refeirad to the tadical cliangojj recently introduced hy the E'liicntioii department. Chinges had been takiii'.' plauo during LliB pa«t HJx'y years ;iud it was iiece.««ry to make new ruKnlitions to niuet olwmued is required. You must huild up, nourish the body, vitalize the nerves, got mure flesh and bloml. It's the abundant nntiiment and build- ini; mu!;erial in Forri'zono thtit ei a">le3 it to cure s>o mniiy sick women. It iiicrenscs the appetite, adds weight and atrongtli restores lost 01 lor atiJ dcvelopa a surplus of energy and nerve furoe that defies aickne-ss of any kind. There is living proof in Mis. D.miel Forsjuson, jr., of Read her statement: :i^^:^-^^L^^^;oZ^'^^SiSrf^^!?S^ BENTHAM BROS. SUBBI The bountiful rains of the pant;' week h.ivo caused the farmers generally to wea* broad sni'les. | We understand that the storm of IhhIj Friday assumed violent proportions ca.st of here, causing two or three mill dania 1 „,„„,; ,,„„ .^,i>,...v „ _ , to be washed out and many bad washouts s„t,ditiijns. Ue thought the loundation ^ i'''«o<->'w unt. ,,,...,, t ,.,.o,v on the hilU< in Nottawasnga township. „f education should be the same for all | "A year ago my l.eullh failed. I giew Lightning struch the barn of Mr.Altert children up to thirteen or fouitoeu, after ; "iin and, exoeedu.oly pale. Hpllingshoivd of tho I2th liuuintheNboriii • • • .... ... -:.i:„ of' last Friday and splintered some of the timbers baiUy. Lightning also struck Mr. ii. Roberts' burn on Sunday lawt and guiis, 1 also refrfrred 10 the position in «hich En«lsiid found herself in oompetition , , . ^. ,, ,. , wiih Germany and Fiance, owing to the ' P'>lpt"t">"- ^.u coiil.1 scarcely ^ â- ..'".. the benefit I ilorivud m one week from Color ctime back to my hoeks. My viiali^y and appnlite increnr> fith At tirrfoa I nervous and sick fiolintored the timbers in ono Wid lj,idly. 'On Frichiy, June. 21st Mr. Aaron Sayors msaed peacefully away in the 74th year of his life at the homo of his son-in- law, Mr. GtMi. Thompson, of Fevershmu. Deceased wa« an old resident of f)8prey jest competitois. lie sjiid the proposition township and was highly respected by .ill wag now t« do away with the lowest oer- who knew him. The sympathy of the tiCcate and admit to teaching only after entire neighborhood goes out to the aged- one year of normal training, widow in her sore bereavcineut. The re- ! The Deputy Minister of Education be- uiains were interred in Providence ceniet- ' Uored a country which did not honor its rt . , i- _.. : ..,.:.....' . .._ ij «« ... A.;.» TU.. which they should bo able to specialize lw»«P7>«'fi^':y; , , _ ^. , ., fur their life work in <n,« of f.air classes- ' l't.»dacl,e. All d^ty I was "••«<»•; thcl...arned prof«»«ion.K, com.norcial pnr- m«ht it was ditUcut to obtair restful na..uf.;otuies or agriculture. He;Hl««p. My ;M-l'«t"e wm vHriahlo and - â- • ' indiKes.tijn liothorod mo cmisidorably. I hecimo worse and ^mlTeied from heart b.licvo latter countries udopiinj^ toohnioal educa- ' lion, enabling them to become herstvong- J rerrozonc. ancestors would 8o(m cea«e to exist. The pioneers had done â- great work iu this country. They came with only courage ory on Sunday last where an imprcssivo. service was held by hia jiostor. Rev. H E. W. Korap. The semi-annual meeting of Osprey , and muscle. Their conditions and re. district L. O. L. wjis hold in the Orange sources were of the most meagre. They | UttU in Feversham on Saturday, June 22, ' had made many saoriHoes and we had to W. D. M , Bro. F. W. Brownlee In the make financial sacrifiO'S in order to fit* chair. It waa decided to celebrate the out our b.iys and girls ft>r thnit life work^ 12th in Maxwell this year ' ed, reuowed ntrvo' force and better .spirits came al8>. Forrozono. did f^ world of I good and inadumc well. Remember this: No aloohoMc stimul- ant can nrmriJh and build up like Ferr^i- zone. .Fifty cents pet* box or t,\%. bOTes for $2.80, AtalMealisrs, orN. O. Poi- son & Co., Kinestcn, Onf., and Hart- ford, Conn,. U. $. A. HARDWARE. This is the season for builders sup- plies. Renieniber, wtj hit ve .i full stock of eyorything in that lino. AVe can quote you lowest prices, as our .stock vr.iH bunj^ht ai luwest. import piito. Have you over seen or exjuniiied the Cyclone Wabiiing Machine 7 If not, call in :vnd have a look at thuiu. Tho best and easiest wusli- Sirou the market.' .Tust a word about Wirn Feijcing Bon t use any other kind until yon have setjti.tho i<Uonlard WiiH)Ftnce> made ojf No. 9 hard steel wir(! .anil liudSvith "tJiu tiotlmt binds. ' GROCERIES. Our Grocery Stodj: ia comjiluto in every line. Wo handle nothing but the bisb lines in Groceries and give our [lor- suual giiai'iiiitoe that thuy will give - tho be.st of satisfaction. We pay highest prices easta or (i*ade fur Facui Produce- Pure bredv White Leghorn Eggs fi^r sale. Board wanted f.>i two or three chil- dren in or near Flosherton, Apply to I >Ye should aeep slgUt of the practical end »• K.^'Chardson. ** Zh^ Busy gornur Store ** F L E S H E R T N, ONTARIO. Hew » tin - Shop. I desire to inform the public tlvat I h««fi opened a new Tinshop in the Chrifltoe Block, Flesherton.l I have purchasotl Mt. F. O. KirsL^fs complete linsmithing outfit and m\\ fully propnie.1 to do all kinds of cus- tom work, includinir eavo trougliing, fiirnaoe work and repairing of all kinds. A full stock of h<mieinude tin uoods will be kcjii constantly on hand, I purpose giving Hatiafaotion tu my patrons and all my worK will bo done with that end in view. Give me a oaJl-atid a chance to deuioii- strato my fitnoss to s«rve you, FTe$l^erton» ^ a P. norris, 'A '. i- t % ^1 > t^-' '''