Flesherton Advance, 4 Jul 1907, p. 2

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HINTS ON POTATO GROWING *•â-  Special Investigation by the Provincial Department of Agriculture. The Onlnrto Dr>i"'>''ifi"'nt of Agrlculluro i-i iiiukin|{ III! iiiv('bti}^ali<in intu Itio |)oiiil(j iiuliii.tr> 111 tliu Province liy Mr. il li. Sinilli, U.S.A. After vLsjiinij tin- most iiiii'<j('tunt iMiliilo-f^rowiiif,' sections o'. Ontario, he is pri'iJiiriiif; n special te- port (or pulilicdlii/ii. I'enilliig tin- free roiMirl, wincli will prol)nl)ly .show a more scrjoii.s sMe of ufliiir.s than is gcnt'riilly suppo.swl, tho followuig re- cuiiiiriiTidiilions ino pul out with u vii \v lo iiiijircvsiiig ii|'<j!i fnnncr.'* the iKcu-siily <<f iiiiineilmtP nclioii. Tlic Iniiliju'iit of poliiloi's lo f. rovcnl the lol Li n iiiiillcr of c.xln'na' itiiporlnnco. "Ontario proULicoil fowor potatoes in IIKMJ than slio ovit pioducoU in any Bintlc year in all tin' linie llio I'rovin- cicl UopartiiiciU of Aj-'riciiltiire have been collect int; intiirniaiion conccniinj,' ttie acrfUffcs aniuially devKjIod to farm tr<ip.s. Within thi; past f( w yiar.s the niva planted to ixiIuUm's in thi.s jirovincc has (Jecrcascil by 5().(iU<) a'jrcs ; the pro- duel tiy upi)ro.\iiMal('ly 0,(KKI.(MiO Im.sh- cls. fre.-iciit jndicullons ari' lliat the crop 'of I'.Mi" will ho litihler than last year's Willi the high prices thai liave ruied for .sonic Iiiih' .slron{,'ly mainlalned. I-'ririners, on the rijiht kind of .soil, who liavo planted a (,'oikI acrent'c to this crop thi.- sf ring, will, if they are able lo suc- cessfully tiring their crop lo tniiliirity, reaj) larger returns from jxjlaloe.s tlian Ihey criiild likely derive from any liiw! f)f faiiiiing in which they might cn«ngc, nnd it is lo (i/iint out briefly one or two 111 lie lliings thai in these days must ty? nllinded lo, if |>oUilo growing is to be successfully accomplished, thai this article has been prepared. Inahilily to cope with Iho rot has been illie great cause of failure in polalo growing in Ontario, yet live <lolliirji or ♦â- von less, will cover the entire c</.sl for â- niuteriiil and lal>or required to treat one ncro of ixjlalo"s with Ikirdeau.x Mi\- 4i:re, and this uii.\lure properly made nnd consistenlly and intelligently ap- plied is a certain preventive of rot. From ex[)erinients ollicially <<inducled al Ciuelph. at Oltawo, nnd at jiraclieally every expeiiinent shilion In the United Stales, and from the praclieal experi- ence of gi'<)\ers everywhere, Itordeatix Mixture lus proven Iho only efleclive p'tnedy for f'<)tal<j Hut. At (tilawa dur- ing the jiasl IhriM' years, the avciage in- rrensi' in yield from spraying with tliis mixture was !H.5 bushels iH'r acre. I!<jril(aux Mixture t<ir polalo spraying is mudo fr<iiii the following formula ;â€" r<;p|>fr suljdiale (hluesloiie or tilue vitriol) G I ounds. unsluked lime 5 p(,unds, water 'lO to :>l) gallons. As il is iii':<inveiiient to weigh the lime and cojiiier at lli(> time of mixing mid quite inijiijieliciihle t<i keep a sup- ply of ready-mixed Ikirdeaux <in hand, stock .yilulioiis of the copper and lime are usually prepared ready for mixing an reipiired. To prepare material sulli- cierit to treat one acre of polaloes four times, proceed us follovv.s : IMacc 72 fx iinds of bliieslone in n liag or liasket and susj-end 11 near the .surface in HG gallons of water In a barrel. II will dis- solve in a few hours, nnd every gallon ndeiAvards dipi)e('. from this barrel will conluin exactly 2 r><iiiii<Js of blue.stone. I'or the lime aUick niixlure lake (V) liounds of fresh unslaked lime nnd 3(t galloiH of water. Slake llie ilnie by the use of as little of the water us (lossible, and when all is broken down, bring the s<duliwn to standard strengUi by adding what rcinnins of the 30 gallons of water. Kveiy gallon of lime mixture now con- laiiLS exaclly 2 jkhiikU <jt lime. TUobc mixtures. If kept under cover nnd evu- IK.ralion iireveiited, will retain their sltcngth all summer. In making the Hordeaiix It is imiKir- lant lo rememt.er that these slioiig "stock" mixtures must never be brought liigelher. Pour 3 gallons of the blue- .stone .solulioii iiit<i a ih-gallon barrel (an ordinary barrel holds between 40 and .'>o gallons), half lill ttie Imrrel with water, ad i 2% gallons of the lime Milulion, hll up with water, stir thoroughly nnd the mixlure Ls ready t<ir use. For applying, a spray pump will bo fiund e"onomical of Inlior and mater- ials, and the guiii in i;r<iducl fr'Hn one year's spraymg of one acre of potatoes will usuully pny the entire cost of such n.i npiiliance, but if none is at hand. U<,raeaux may be applied after the sanK' manner as Paris Green would be applied in .soluUon for bugs. The objeel Us lo keep the crop covered with Ihe inixlure during tlie sen.s<in in which blight is habUi to occur, and whilf; modern sjiray- in>; machinery does this a little beller ttian nnylhing else, there are scores of farmers in Ontario who are oblnimng quite .satisfactory results from applying the IJordeaux by whatever meuas urc al their disposal. In preiaring the mix- lure where any kind of power sprayers are t(j be used, alway.s strain Itie lim>' .sf.lulion when mixing with the blue- stone. Tlie lime sotnetimes sliikes himpv nnd clogs m the no//les. If re- quired Paris (Ircen may be applied with lb- Bordeaux, adding half a ixmnd of Paris Green lo each barrel of the niix- li;rc. .Spraying stiould begin aboul July l^lli and llie vines kepi covered till Seplem- ber. I'oiir appli-nlions as required, will usually acomplish this, .'^^ome have got fairly satisfnctory results from one g<K)d SI raying just al llie lime Ihc disease be- gins to sprejid, nnd as we gam in .spray- ing experience, the numb<r of applica- tion may perhaps be decreased, but ordinarily. It Is best to use the mixture al least four limes. ISoideiiiix is Ihe (miy efferllvo remedy yet devised for the coiilr<d of (i^iIhIo "blight. It is easy t<i make and easy lo apply, nnd where jiroperly made and Ih-roiighly applied is cerlain to be eltec- live. The only precautions to tiKserve in making are to use pure fresh iiialerlaK anil mix these in correct pro|Kirtinns nnd in the proper way. and in applying lo kinp the inixlure on the vines during tin. sea.son Hull blight Is likely to np- .pear. Parliament Ibiildiiig--, Toronto, June. I!IU7. riviu .Mi:.\ kii.i.i:i>. r. p. it. Ivvpress Washes liilo u Chinese S|M>rlal. A <|espalch froiy Winnipeg snys: No. •'67. regular wcsl-lxmnd ('.. 1'. It. expr. ss, Jirid a (liinise .special going east, col- lioed al Uiiller, 27.^ niili's ea.sl of here, ehorlly after 5 <)'cl<iik on I'ridiiy afler- jioon.»The uccidenl resulted in llie «!ealli of five Chinaiiien on Uiard Ihe fpccial and Ihe serious injury of N. Iv OConiior, of SI. John. N. H., a giiiird on llu' special, and a immloi- of China- iiicn. Tlie cause of Hie wreck was •• inisuiideislood Order. The. injured linvi been taken t<i Kort William. 200 dm: in iiiitiucAM:. Immense Waves >evnsliite Many Paris of the Carolines. A despatch from .Sydney. N..S.\\.. pays: The rierman sleamer Geiinani •. whicli has nrrived liere. reiwirls a hiii rieane, nccomimnied by immense wnve«, whii'li .swepi tlie Caroline gpiiip. Miun isinnd.s were deviislated, and il is esli- mated lli.il al least two hundred nn lives perished. 4. BUKAU IN SICAI.Kn llAfiS. Dircrl From Baker lo Consumer is iden of VVinni|H>)| Conl roller. A despalch from Wiimi|>eg snys; l-;n- cnsed in a sealed oiled paper hag nil. I tliiect from the baker lo consumer. without handling by delivery lioys or storekeepers, is Ihe way Controller J. \\ , naker w<iuld like lo sec loaves ' f bread delivered to consuinei'.s in Win- nipeg, lie i.s now liriiiging Ihe ninlter before Ihe health nulhoriliis, ni;d a move along this line may bo cx|xcled In the near tulurc. i|i ._ C.ANAUA AND SOITII Allllf.A. m _ Tiadc llelween T«o CoinUries lo lie Developed. A despalch fr<iin I/iiidon says: Sir \. Jones, referring lo his grnni of free fossnge lo cominerciiil travellers be- tween Cunndn nnd .'^iiith Africa, snys Itiere should be nn enormous livide be- tween Ihe Iwo coimlries. 'I'lie lilder- l.empsler Cxinipany would do 'ill they cculJ lo develop il. i'\i.i.i.N<; oi I i\ wiiiCAT .\iii:\. The Manitoba Deparlinent Issues a Crop Kullelui. A despuich from Winnipeg snys : A liullelin dealing with the condition of ticps, live slock, elc, in Manitoba was Lssued on 'fhuivsday morning by Uie local Ik'pnrlmt'iil of Agriculliire and Immigralkin. lte[)oils of c<irrespondenls indicate pr.imising conditions in every section of Ihe piii\ ince, A falling (jff is leiKirlcit In the acreage of v\heut, but a sulislantial increa.-.e in tlie acreage of ',•>[> afid barley. The wtieal acreage reported in liisl .\var's June biillelin was 3,t4t.r>37 acres, igninst 2,7>*',i„').'i;t acres this year, l.asi year Itiere were l.t,'):).%l acres of •Ills, this year 1,213,5'.>G ncros. 'the liarlcy acreage last year was i.i'.).i>7() ncies. A.s lo live slock, Ihe llgure.s show the altle falleiied during ttie winter nnd Ilii' iiumtier of milch oows : Cattle Milch Districtâ€" (aliened, cows. Soi.thwesUrn tO.O,")!* 2.').(l."ii N<,rlli-weslern b.'.m 2,872 N'l lib Cenliiil 5,;Vi2 22,'.tlS Soulli Cenlral 3,385 17,li)7 Kiislern 3,213 20,0(11 lolals 2S,li2 114,(112 The employment and farm labor prob- lem is shown lluis ; I'lirni hands employed IH,,^! liiiiii hands required 2i.5s:i Il mule servants employed ^.(IIO l-'emalc sciAunlii required .5,102 LEADING I^ABKETS fiRKAD.STUr-'FS. Toronto, July 2.â€" Call board quota- lions are : â€" WhcaUâ€" Onlarioâ€" .No. 2 while. OI%c nsked, outside, 8!K; bid. No. 2 re<J. 8Uc biu, outside, H'jy^c bid west; No. 2 mixed, 9Ic asked. nai'leyâ€" No. 2, 53c bid, 48c bid for one load, .September or October shipment : No. 3 cxirn, l»c bid, October shipment; .No 3, 50c bid. Pensâ€" No. 2, 81c asked, outside. Oatsâ€" No. 2 wliite, 4Cc asked, outside; •S.''>Xc 'asked on a U-cenI rale to Toixuilo: VtXjC bid. Other pri'-es nre : â€" Wlieat-Onlarioâ€" Unchanged ; No. 2 v/tiile winU-r, m- lo m: ; No. 2 red or .Vo. 2 mixed. 8fle to KOc. Wheat â€" Mnnilobaâ€" Lake ports. No. 1 hard, Wc ; No. 1 iiortliern, 'JS^c ; No. 2 ncrlhern. 91c. Oals -No. 2 while, «>;; to iS^c, oul- .side; Manilolxi, 45c to 43 %c, outside. Ua'nâ€" No. 2. yellow American, GO>^c to Glc. linrleyâ€" Nominal ; No. 2, 53^c to 5l.!<;c; No. 2 exira, 5l>ic lo 5;i^c. Pea.sâ€" No. 2, 11 'Ac lo 78^0. ny<'-â€" 70c. nilckwtie,Tl-^COc. Klourâ€" Ontario, 00 per cent pnlenis, offered al .$:t.!')5 ; Manitoba llrsi jialenls, $-i.75; seconds, $4.15 lo S-4.20; bakers', .'54.75. Urun-S18 lo §19. • • • COUNTHY PRODUClf. niitlcrâ€"Price.s show no further change. Creamery prints 20c to 22c do ."oliils lUc to (Xte Oniry. prints 17c to 18c do solids 17c to OOc Cheeseâ€" 12%c for large and 13c for twins, in job lots lier<». ICggsâ€" 17c lo 18c IH'r dozen in cose lots. Henii.sâ€" .^l.-in to $1.55 for hnnd-pickcd and $1.35 to .SI. 40 fur primes. Polnloe-sâ€" Delawuies. $1.30 In $1.35. in car lols on track here. Ontario, ISI.IO lo » 1.1.5. P.nlcd Hayâ€" $14 to $15 for No. 1 liin- ijlhy und $12.50 to $13.50 for secondary grades. Haled Strawâ€" .S7 to S7.25 per Ion in car lols on truck here. THE PERILS OF LABOR PROVISIONS. Oressed Hogsâ€" Kasy nl .$0.,5n for light- weights, and SM.7J to S'J for heavies, fiirmers' lots. Porkâ€" Sliorl cut, $22.75 lo $23 per bar- rel ; me.ss, .$-'1 t<i .S2I..^0. .^niokcd and Dry Suited Miiil.sâ€" Long clear baton. He to ll>ic for tons and cases; liains. mcdiuia and light. 15%c I) IGc; heavy. t^Xc to 15c; backs, li'>>i;' to 17c; shoulders, IO%c to He; ridls, ll'/tjc; out of pickle, Ic less tlian smoked. l.nrdâ€" .Steady at tlioso prices: Tierces, I2>ic; tubs, 12Xc; pttils, I2%c. MONTrilCAI. MAMKCTS. Moiitrent, July 2.â€" Holled Oaksâ€" From .'r:.'.25 I . $-i.i7yj jier bag. In a jobbing way $2.30 is nsked. a" fair Irude is jiassing in oats on tin? heal Minrket. lUilders arc asking i'.'c i>i 4',i,^c j>er bushel for .\<i. 2 while .Mniiitolias, iS^c to Wc for No. 2 On- liirios, â- 47>^c lo 48c for No. 3, and 40c !o 47c for No. 4. There is a good demand for nil lines oi inillfeed. and bran and shorts art- linn ul unchanged qinitatuins. DijMK'stic trade is res|)onsible tor the bulk <if Ihe business that is passing in tialcd liny nnd prices nro steijdy. Provision Marketâ€" '11 lerc was only a fair deniniid and prices dropped If* to 25c per hiindredweiglit, with snles â-  f select lols weighed olt _curs al $7 lo .S7.25. . Cheese nnd Biiller-Chocse exyiei ienc- i-i' a (! rhne this morning. In the but- •ei iiiiiiket prices wero unchanged. Townsliijjs 20Xe lo 21c. (Jiicbec 20>ic In 2('>^c, Oulnr.o. 2 le, Ontario dairy 17>.ic In 18c. The cheese market prices droit- ped to Oiilario tlV,c to H%C, t<.wii- .shqis lt;<;c. Quebec [\%c. I'^ggs-Prici's were l(i%c wholesale Uls and IS.'-^c lo tile small l-^ts. No Less Than 91 Fatalities Reported During May. A despatch from Otlawa s.nys: Pe- perls to the Labor Dep.irliiiejil show IKat Ihe number of trade disputes dur- ing .Moy was 49, an increa.se of twelve over the corresponding month of 1900. The lo.ss in working days was appiMxi- mnlcly 88,325 as compared wilti 45,075 i.i May of last year. The Increase is largely due to the strike of coal miners in ttie west, and of longshoremen n Montreal. There were about 411 firms and 11,097 employees affected by the various disputes. There was a marked upward tendency m wages in nearly all lines of industry during the month. Tho number of new ngrcemcrits with respect to wages re-: ported to ll:c d<!parlmenl was consider- iibly in excess of lliat during Ihe cor-i iosp:;nling period in any previous year; since 1903. Nearly all the new a^>ree- iiicnts were on Iho basis of higher wage schedules. In the majority of cases the increases were obtained ns a resull ft amicalde negotiations and without liieii-ijir between • employers nnd em- ployees. "" During May there were 2S7 work peo- ple injured ia uiduslrial accidents. Of these yi were fatalmnd 1% resulted in seri(jus injuries. Huihvay accidcnls were responsible for twenty fnlalitie* end thirty by them were Injured. BUl-TALO .MARKIT. Buffalo. July 2.â€" Flourâ€" Quiet. Wheat -.Spring strong; No. 1 hard, $1.03; W'in- le. firm; .No. 2 white, $l.fi2. Corn.â€" Frm; No. 2 yellow, lil^c; No. 2 white, 57>!;c. Oalsâ€" Unsettled, weak; No. 2 while. iXXc- N<J- 2 mixed, ibXc. Bar- leyâ€" Quiet; Western offered 78 to 85c. Hyeâ€" Scarce and strong; No. 1, 91c asked c.i.f. NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET. New York. July 2.â€" Wheatâ€" SfxH firm; Nn. 2 red, 97%c in elevator nnd «1.00>i t.n.b. alUiat: No. 1 northern Dulutli, !^l.03% f.o.b. ulloat; No. 2 hard winter, .^).U2X f-o.b. atloat. .-. .. • CATfLE MARKET. Toronto, July 2.â€" ICxtKirl trade con- tinued quiet. Very few cattle were of- fering, ami the demand was only mid- d'ing. (Juolalions were easier, clioice -selling from .$5.00 lo .$5.75. Medium grades are dull. Light offerings and a better demand Were th-' features <if the days trading HI buleher cattle. Extra choice .s<ild from .$5.25 to .$5^0. NUvliuin (pialily were unchanged al $4.50 to .$4.7.5. Choice cows sold from .$3.50 to $4.15; common' oows. $3 to 8;!.25. Ruyers of slockers and feeder catlle r(porled a good demand for good qua- Idy. Choice were quoted from .$3.75 to .$-4, c<3mmon from $2.50 to .$3. Milch cows were dull al .$30 to .$.50 for choic/" and .$20 to .$25 for ennmujii. Veal calves were quiet and unchangt-d u\ 3c lo Oc per tb. ExiKirt ewes were quoted from .$5 t<i $.").25. and Inriibs from 8e lo 9c (H'r ft. The market for iKigs was ea.sy, as a rcMiIt of heavy deliv<'ri-e.s, but no further (leilines were regisK re<l. Buyers qu<it- ci; .seh'cts at $0.75, with luosix'cls for lower levels. if. srivVMiiH Bi rm:d. Kxplosion ol Lamp Slarled Fire in ICn(jine-room. A despatch from Saull Ste. Marie snys : The sleumer Bnlchewiina, of the Gaiiley Tug Line, was Uitnlly di'slroyed <m Wi'd- nesdiiy night in one <if tlie lirsl marine di.sasters of the sea.son al Copper Mine PtinI, llfty miles west of Ihe "Soo," on the' Canadian side. At ten o'clock lire was di-scovered in the engine-room, due It Ls said to the explosion of a laiii{>. The llaines made rapid progress, c< im- pelling Ihe engineers to make a hurried exil, leaving the engines in ojieration. Ttie vessel was i|iiiiiediiilely luriied lo the sliore one mile away and bea -hed, the crow of fifteen men, under Capl. Jiiines (lanley. all being laiuleil safely. They reaclusl Ihe ".Soo" on Thursday iiKirning <iii the tug Shainiviek niuie the w\4>e for tlie incident. The Ihileliew una carried a cargo of iron <iie from Ihe Helen Mine for the Algnina Iron Works a' the "Soo." 'the boat was parity in- sured, h\d the Ganley Line will lose heavily on the disaster. A m:w co^iet. IMember nt Domiidim Observatory Stall Miikev Discovery. A despatch fr<iiii Olliiwn sii>s: Mr. J. s. PInskelt, who has charge of Ihe big lehiscope of ttie Doiiiini.in Observntory, a few days ago dis<ov*.'red a brigtil rotnet whicli is iipiuoiichlng Ihe sun anil is <laily gr<nving more brilliant. Al pur-erit the c^imet can U- s<'i'n through an <ipern ginss in Ihe early iiKiriiUig, toward-; the .soiilbeasl, luid in a few weeks will probably be visiidc to the liUkid eye. The comet will Increase In brightness lill .Sepleiiibcr, when it \yil| be nearest Ihe sun. IRA 11 A Marked Increase ization Shown in Natural- Statistics. A despatch from Otlawa snys: The re- turns of naluralizali<in in Canada for 190(1 have been tnliulaleil by the Secre- tary ofvSlale's Deparlmenl, and show thai a very large proiKirtion of CoJi- nda's new citizens from foreign coun- tries nre talking the oath of allcginiice. During the year Ihe naluralizntion tolalliNl 1(1,2-42, as compared with 0,032 f< r the pievious yenr, an inciense cf ."..010. The Naluraliznlion Act reipilres thro'' years residence in the floinlnion belore papers ol citizenship can be taken <iUt. Taking inUi eon.sideration the fad that only the heads lof families and young irien over 21 years of age of for- eign birlh need to take tho oath of al- legiance, Ihe total of 10,242 for In.st year probably 'epo*****^ a l^e^-^ *-»- migration of thirty to forly thousand. And since three years' residence is re- quired il will be s<>en that almost Itie whole foreign inimigriiti<in of i'J03 has beiome naturalized by law. The t<jtal n.aluralizati<ins of immi- grants fr<im l/'niled Stalcii were 3.8HS, which, compared willi the immigriilion figures of 11KI2-03, show that nearly all thi American male settlors in the West arc taking the oath of allegiance lo the British Crown. The total immigration for the month of April was 44,051, ns compareil wilti 3."^ ,313 for April of lost year, an iiicrea.ve ,'.t 25 i)er cent. For the ten monllis, July 1 to April 30, Ihe Immigration was 1C.3".718, compared with 124,031 lor the C'lrresponding moiiltis of the fiscal year, an Increase of 4,687 or 3G per PICKPOCKKT'S HAUL. Thousand Dollars Stolon in Winnlpc) Ituilding. A despatch from Winnipeg say.s Pickixickets are busy tiore, und nimici ous thefts nre repiultsl. J. J. Miller, ai I'wn speculalor, was relieved et a thou sand (Uillars in Hie elevulor in the Ban! oi llnmilton building on Wednesda allenioon just alter he had ca-shed i dratl. GR.VTl'ITY 10 LOUD CBOMEU. lirilish Governniriit to Prc.se^nl llii Willi $2.'>o,oeo. A despatch from I/indon says: It ' slated thai the Government will nwar Uiid Cromer, whi lately retdgned 111 p<isl of Britisti nnd (>3n.sul-t'i«o«ral I Egypt, the sum ol $250.(KiO In recogD tion of bis service* in that coutilry. d<l ml an taj eaj sal ofl pal hel IT IS Sill .MORTIMEn. Lieul. -Governor Ainoinj Rerr|)ients of Kino's Uirlliday lloiiors. A despatch from I-ondon says: The K ng's birthday honors include Ihe fol- kiWiiig: â€" liaronetcy-^rC'J'- Ivor Herbert, c.k- Mi;j(ir-Oenernl, Canada. Kiiighiliood- Mr. Nathanial Dunlop, Ciiuiniian of Ihe Allan Line. Order of St. Mi.cha.el niid St. G<'orgo Grand Crossâ€" Sir William .MacGregor, G-veinor of Newfoundland. Knight Commander â€" lion. Charles Filzjialnck. Cxjiiipanions â€" Mr.. James-* Stewart Pills. Newfoiindlund; Captain B. H. An.struther, Royal Niivy; .\lr. Alfred Duclos Decelles and Mr. .Martin Joseph uriflin. Knight Rnchelor â€" LieiiV-.-Governor William .Mortimer Clark and .VI. F. (,'. .S. I.aiig<'li<.'r and Mr. Rok'rt Gillespie Reid (in recognition of services to New- foundland). Victorian Order Knight Commanderâ€" Knrl DundohukI and Sir T. G. Shaugh- nes.sy. Sir Ivor .lohn Herbert Bart com- iiiniided the Canadian Uical forces w-ilh the local rank of Mnjor-iiejiernl fivjin Ih'M to 1895. .\l Queen Victoria's jiibiln? commcnioration hi 1897 he wa» ill coininand of llie colonial Iroops. -*- ciiAiuacD \vri II mikdku. Henry I><>ckyer ('omniiKed .(or Trial at Stratford. A despatch friiiii SIrntfoid says: Henry Ixckyer. who in a tight here stjmu weeks ago siruek lh<^ blow which Ihe Gir.irier's jury found cnii<ie<l 'the death of .Noah Hills, wiis brought bi'fore Police Magislrale O'Loune <iii Friday. .Medical and other evidence, which was practb cally the snme ns thai given lx'f<ire the C/,r^ner'.s inquest, wu.s lienid, <ind the .Magislrale .sent the prisoner for trinl <ii the charge of niunlcr. r/>unKel for till defence tried to have Ihe eharge cl.aiigid to manslaugliter, but Ihe c<jiiit held Hint Ihe jury might if they wished make a change in llie charge. Th« trial will likely lake .place at l.he Fall .A.'-sizes in Scpteiiiber. Bail was refusetl. t- STAHTLING KMDE.NCE. Cook ol llic (Crystal Stream in Keur ol Fire. A despalch from St. John, N.B., says ; A sensalion was caused on Wednesdaj a! tlie inquest al (xilo'.s Island into llu bi'iiuug <if Ihe Crystal Stream, in wliicti four men lost their lives, by the tesli- nioiiy of .Mrs. May Coleinuii, c<iok on Ihe sleumer. She .said she was in fenr ol lire, nnd this was chiefly because .Mi's. Chase, Ihc stewardess, had lold- her ven- geance ngaiasl Ihe Cryslal Slieain hao l-een llirenlened, II it t<iidv ten years. .Shi Ihnuglil (â- .ai)lniM G. II. Perry of lh« sttamer .Mierdreii, who fornn'i'ly was on the Crystal .SIreani. was the iiiun meant a< having tlireatciicd the steamer. Cap- liiiii Perry was shown this statement on the arrival <if his steniiier here on We<l- nesday, and he denied il strongly. H« imputed a motive to Mrs. ("oleiiiun, say- ing he was inllueiitial in having her dis charged from the steamer Star som' years ago. -*- â- wa nii ' in * it I â-  pre I , <!lu Is ' Ufe * rec ♦ a ' I 0I!( ♦ jea < VilJ. . •'â-  rep ten ♦ "1 1! • divi • jng • e,\ii * bon • of I ', kiio .^1 ', Ing Is SI J^>,wisl '*^ His » dub • unsi I jecl •i*and f iiea beni "\ . belli ' evei ' writ ' SI altli , beci • ano ioiis thy •Mo mix i due has lilo' "1 and A eski tion shoi ' self â-  th-? ' Am , .,, ' her, ' A ' 0|.e ^ ber I a k ' plot .' its * croi sa.s- â-  cipi ' not Ihe; huv niai anil re|i tho uni sha laki ans El is l-> 1 wiv Jim N her

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