Flesherton Advance, 4 Jul 1907, p. 5

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^vmwnp^Hwn t'»S3g>w^^'^-.^fiBw?;-ft*><^?»^^S^. ?M B Kei « ro â- 'X > TilE FLEESHERTON ADVANCE July 4 1907 KSTASUI8HE0 1*73 -1 : *» i ' ?*. I J THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - . • - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $i and upwards are received, - on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with aii Branches. tA FLESHE,RTON BRANCH Goorge Mitci^«13, Maaagev KIVft.WCI2Z3 ALSO AT BUH-Sl^M, IIA5i.SISTOM Vicinity Chips Baled hay ffr sileâ€" Andrew Beiiltie, Orarige Vallay. Markdale P.O. For money at lowest rates, land soeur- ity, go to A. 8. VanDusen, FlesIiBrton. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. W. Fields, in town, on Saturday, June 29, a daughter. Lath for saluâ€" Apply t) John II. Jamieson or Thos, E. Fenwick, Eu<?enia. The Flesherton school promotion re- jort will appear next week. 2 ewes and 4 eprini; lambs strayed to my premises. Jacob LoaghoaJ, part 'ot.s 3 and .3, con. 5, Osprey. Subject at the Bajjtist chur.h ne.\t Sunday moriiin^: ''The Ruin lif a Splen- did man." Rev. Mr. Kipp will pru.vch. Mr. Whitney, the Ceylon p;r.'»iii buyer, had the misfortune to run a n.iil into h s fcot the othtr d.iy. No so> iosis rosuits r.re anticipated although he is very lame ju3t now. For Quidityand Quantity ask yiardeal- pr for the new big plugs of "IioSih" "stay" and "'ourroncy" Chewing Toba^cuas. A number of yoang folks frini here took in the Owen fei'und vs. JLirkdale lacrosse match at the latter place oc Friday last. GIANT TRIPLETS • 'Currency â-  "Bobs" and "Stag" Chewing Tohaccces, in big pluL's. Quality always the same. Mr. Sirapsou's second letter from Idaho appears in tliLa issue and will prove very interesting to most of our readers. Later ( B we would like to hear from him agiin. Sheep strayed â€" One ewe with wool on and iwo spring Limbs. Information thankfully received by \Vm. Cameron, Kugenitt P. O. A special meoiing of L.O L. No. 88.3 is called for Monday evening, .luly 6th. Business of importance to tlie itienibers and a good turnout is requested. / C. E. Tryon â€" Practical P.iinter and / Decorator, will receive contracts for I church decoratiou and school houses. \ Pricc-ville, Ont. Osprey District L.O. L. will clebrate at Maxwell on the 12th, with a, choice concert at night, at which Bert Harvey, the comic, will be present. See bills for full particulars. Rev. Dr. Caldwell will proaeh a ser- mon to the mi'mbers 'itul friends nf L.t).L. No. 883 in their lodge room, Cey- lon, on Sunday afternoon, 2.30 o'clock. Wanted â€" Two good ^ir's for dining room and kitchen work. Wages $i4.t)n per month, ro<im and beard. Apply at once by mail to T. J. Heivloy, 6.30 Ytvrj^o St., Toronto, Dr. Cildwfll's Sermons for next Sut»- day : a.m., "The Flying Destrnyor ano Sprinkled Door posts"; p.m., To Young Mi'n. All Welcome. Master Harmon Hales gave himself a nasty wound on the back of his hand one day last week with a hand hatchet. Dr. Carter was obliged to put in a couple of stitches. Wantedâ€" A eood girl for general house- hold work in family of four; must be neat, clean and reliable. The right eirl will be well paid, initial salary $15.00 per month. Write at once giving refer- ences as to character to C. W. Chadwick, 67 Beaty Aro. Toronto. Flesherton baseball club went over and played a game with Priceville on Friday evening last. The score was 27 to 5 in favor of Fleahortcm boys. We await the return ni;itoh with 'juriosity. Lost â€" Between Vandelour and Flesber- ton or in the latter Monday afternoon, a number of letters :md etivielopes con- taining uo^Bsand receipts to the value of SrilHJ. linder pli'fts,' loHvo at this oflicc. Mr. Huskin ha.< procured from .A. ,S. Himter. Llurhain, another lim; Hereford Bull, 14 months ot<!, w!:ioh s'ands fcr service at his st.ible. Mr Duckelt, Eugei.ia, bogs to inforn) his patii^ns that he has :^ol about one thousand bushels of fie.'^b 1 unit, lime, tilt best lime he ever had. 1 .itn r»ady and wdling 'o aoeomod.ito (ny cu<<tomors as usuhI J. n. Diicli'-'tf. The Royal Templus r.f Port Law held an open tneetina in b.'iesohool house there on Thursday tveoing la.»r. An dddross wa« delivered by E.t. L'ccnae Inspector Spencer, of Col ingwood, on "The Aim of the ordt-r" xnd hy Lfwis F. Kipp. B. A. Klesherton, on "Prtiaress nude in Tcmoerance Work in Recent yeara." Music K".8 pro vid'.d hy Mrs. MoKensie and others. A lunch was served at the conclusion of the meetmg. Grand Orange Demonstration, Mark- dale, July 12th, â€" Speeches, Games and concert. Prizes for marching and lodges coming a great distance. Specinl trtiin as follows:â€" Corbeton leave 10. .30, fare 7or; Dunlalk, 10.40, fiOc; Proton, 10.,"(0, 40c; Flo^herton, 11.00, 25c. See bills for particulars. Jus. I. Ruwe, Master 104 L. O. L. Teacher Wantedâ€" For S. S. No. 11, Artemi'sia, male or female, holdinsj a second cl.iss cortiiicate,dutipa tocommeiice third Monday in .August 1007, Appl cs- tions r. ceivcd up to July 15'h, 1907. Apply -tating salary to Geo. Pritchard, Scc.-Trea* , Vandcleur Sandy Hoy *as up before -Magistrate Vandiisen on Saturday oh.arued by Noah Pivnic with as.«aulc and using abusive lani/u.ige. The otfence rook ph-.co at Mnxwell a week ago Fridny Sandy \\a.s obliged lo doii'ite live dolLirs to the mun- icipal fui-d ai.d divide up another seven di'llars and some centa amoiie court olH- cers a;ni wilmcsses iu order to pacify an (>utrag-d publie. Sandy should o.-eupy his tists and tons;ue in more orderly pur- suits, and it is hoped that he will Uo .•^o in fu'ure. Mrs. Jane Sharp, relict of the late. lohn Sharp, died at the home of her sjii,\Vni , near tliis villsije, on Monday, at tho ng.- of 8f) years. She was born in Ireland, and camo from Dailiogton with her hus- band 4lj years ago. Mrs, Sharp had for some time been ijuite feeble. Tho re- mains were laid in Flesherton cemeteiy on Tuesday hy llie side of her husband. She leaves behind tho foil. wing children: Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Nottawasiga; Mrs. Charles Irwin, deceased; Mrs. A. Riwe, Maiiitoba; Mrs. Geo. Johnston and Mrs. Jos Blaktly, Artaniesia; Jjbn ef the Sault, .\udrew of Manitona and Wm. on tho old homestead. On Fiiday last, the Artemesia and Markdalo Sunday School Association held its annual convention in the Method- ist church Markdale. Very few delegates were in attendance at; either session althoussh the Flesherton churches were well represented. Addresses were deliver- ed by Rev. H.. Berry, Priceville, Rev. J. A. M.itlu'son, Priceville, Rev. Dr. Caldwell and Rev. Lewis F. Kipp, Rev. J. J. Ferguson, Dundalk, and Rev. A. Shcppard, Markdale, and iVIrs. Cook, Markdalo. The t.liioers elected for the next yeiir are: Pres., Rev. Lewis F. Kipp, Vice Pres., J. R. Hogg, Sec. Treas., W. H. Bunt. The ne.xt conven- tion will be held in Flesherton. Grand Orange Celebration in Owen Sound The first celebration held by 'he now county of West Grey will he held in Owen Sound, Fiiday, July I2th, 1007, to celebrate the 2]7ih anuii'eisary of the battle of the boyai^. All lodges coming are requested to communicate with the secretary statin:; number uf brothers ex- pected in procession, the number of the lodge and name designating same. Ain|ile accommodaiiim is guaranteed to all, single fare on all trains on C.P. R. and G. T. riilways, giod to 1.3th. Good speiik tis have been secured and prizes will bt given for largest lodge, best uniformed and for fife and drum. A. royal wolci ice is extended to idl. Johnston Little, Sec. Com. Personals Mr. and Mrs Robt. Phillips of Toron- to are visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. Herb Staples >'f Cleveland is vis- iting his uucle, Mr. Mark Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Croflon of Han:- il;on viaittd friends here this week. Mrs. E. White fud Miss Murii^l Mc- Tavish are \ isiting friends in St. Pauls. Mrs. Chaa. Stewart is spending a fe>w days with friends in Camalaliie, Mrs. O. Mitihell visited frie ids in Toronto l;i8t week. Mi.ssThirsk of Toronto, is visiting heT friend Miss Jennie Wilson. Mrs. Douglas i f Colltngwooil, is visit- ing the pareutal home. Mr. nnd Mrs. J.W.Rlnlioly of Corbet- ton spent Sunday with friends in town. .Mrs, John Whitten ^peiit the holiday wiih her daughter in the city. Mr. .\ . B'lrron < f Kt rwin, Kansas, visited Mr. Jos. Con field this week. M ,«» F.thol Trimble left this week for a mont l;'s visit with relatives at Detroit. Miss Lizzie Hale, teacher in Shelburne pt>blic school, visited in town this week. Mr. R. Benlham and Miss Zella visit- ed friends in Williamsfoid this week. Messrs. Harry Stewart and Geo. Woods of^ff r>auls visited friends here this we^ MS^^j, «v^ yHickling of Collingwood, spent aTLytk...}s last week with his cousin Mr. F. 117%. Hickling in town. Mr. Geo. Mitchell and his son Kendnll drove to Alliston to attend a family re' union ou Monday. Mr. A. Munshaw has left for Meant demons, Mich., for the benefit of his health. He will remain a month. Miss Edith Tuttle of Toronto is spend- ing a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cornfield in town. Miss Ella Cripps of Thorn bury, is spending a few weeks with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Genoa, Mrs. Geo. Hale of Fevershara left here this week to visit her sister, Mrs. Wm. llorton, at Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. .1. Mills attended the wedding of her brother-in-law, Mr. Joseph Mills in Shelburne last week. Miss Mabel Boyd is in Owen Sound writing on her examination for matricul- ation. Mr. Win. McCormick and daughter, Mis.-i Nellie, of Gore Bay, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bellamy. Mrs. F. Hickling of Colliuewood, visited over Sunday with his cousin Mr. F. Hickling. Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd, sr., of Mimiit Forest and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Boyd of Radison, Sask , are visiting with Mr. John A. Boyd in town. Mr, Edgar Bellamy of Toronto spent tha Ist at his parental home here. He wa.« accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A. Shcdd.'u. • Misses ElUe and Jessie Phillips of Toronto are spending their holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Phillips. Mr. Newton Cornfield is visiting his brother, Jos. in town. Ho is just out of the hospital where he has been con- lined for some time. Mi.ss Durrant, milliner at F. O. Kar- stedi's for the past two seasons, left on Tuesday for her home in Mitchell. She was accompanied by Miss Florence Thurston, who will visit Mitchell friends for a coupple of weeks. Mr. Fred Sproule left for Winnipeg on Saturday to resume business. His pait- ner will •' do " Europe this summer and Fred will have full chsrjio of tho law law oliice. He is doing well in tie wes- tern metropdis. BBS^"?" Noticeâ€" The Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Co. contracts to pay market value for household effects, farm stock, i:iiplonieuts, hay and grain also losses or Ja'na^ie in full caused by lightning at about, half the cost that other companies charge. An Institution that offers such terms deserves the atronago of all prop- gre^sive farmers. A post card addressed to their agent, W. J. Bowes, markdale, rcgaidiiig terms will receive prompt at- tention. Constipation For coDstipatiun there is nothing quite so nice as Chaiiiberlaiu's .'Jtoiiiiwh and Liver Tablets. They always produce a pl.sasant iiiovemeiitot the bowels witlicmt any iliB.a(;rce- aljle elfect. Price 2oc. .Samples free. ^ull for* Se2?^irice Thornugi.bred Durham bull for service. JOHN ADAMS, Flesherton. Farm tor Sale Lot 133-6 7, :ird cou. \V. T. S. B., Artemesia, cvutaiiiing about MS acres, about 20 acres bu^li and Rwattip. Weil watarod, largo frame barn ftud c.-^mfnrtub!e tiouso. ijjiiall orcliard. I'os- sossion to be had iu fall. For luico and terms apply on farm to the undersigutid or Flesherton P.O. JUHX STEWART, Prop. mill': CORPORATrON OF THE TOWN- 1 SHIP OP ARTKMKSIA. Notinp is hereby given that tho Municipal Council of tho Corporation of the Township of Arteineeia will, at a meeting to 1)8 held on SaC- urdav. tho Otli day of July, 1007, at the hour of 10 o'cli clc iu tho forenoon, in the town hall, iu the Vilitme of Flesherton, uoasidor five several bylawB for oloi'inR, stopping up, sollint! and convoying tho following portions of hiRUways resi'eotively, natuoly : Fnti'Tâ€"-\' portion of Harvey street in tho vil- laco of i'tioevillo, more particularly described as foilitws : bei^iuninf^ at the intorsectiou of tho westerly limits of .\rte(uesia street and the northerly limits of Harvey street in the village of Piice villi-' : thence Routhwesterly alcug the northerly li'-uits uf Harvey street a di:.tauce of live himdrijd au.l t.ventyeikht t-'WS) foot to the o'lbtcrly liniit« of Princess street; thence soulhmly alon« the casterlv limits of f!iiice..ii'< street produced southerly a dts- taucc of hi-xty-si-^ (60) feet ; thence north- easterly aloi>fi tho southerly limits of Harvov street adlr.tcnco of two hundigd and nii;lit.v-oiiu '2311 let t ; tbunco i.ortheasteriv on a curved 1-ue to tho U?ft having a raoius of twotity-uine hu:idrod and yixty-fonr and nine tcitlis ,2064.91 foot a diptauoc of two hundred and i1fty-t!iree and one half i'ij;t.5) foot to the westorty Unfits of Artomtsia street produced BOiaboily ; tbeiico northerlj along tho wosterlj iiujits of .Vrt* inesift st:reot p.oducod .southerly a distt'iec of ten (10) font to the pilot ot begin- ning ; "uiil trect of iHjjd co!:taii!ine si.vtj-four liuu'lvedihs ORI) acret", nio.'e or less. Second â€" .V portion of Hiirvey street in tlie Viilagoof Ps iooviilo.U" ore particularly de*=ciibed as ;Qilows : Heginioim at the? intersection of Princess -itrect and the northerly limits of Harvey st eet in the Village of I'riceviile ; thanco wcyloily along the noriheily limits o< 111'! vov str'jet a distance of thirteen huodrod and elg'uy ihreo (l:)SS) ftnt to the ea«twly limits of the town.'ihip lin^^ bet vcen (Honslg and /\i-t.oniefcia ; tphciice soitthorI.»-sl >»g the eiii-tei'Iy Iiiuir5 of the township lino bet we.-, n Ol^n.-h; and .\rt.emesia pr-iitnced southerly a dintaiico of' twentytwo' ('32) feel : thenco northeasroriy olong a straight lino whose course is north scventy-nino degrees thirty-three -ninu* ^s east (N- 7t) 5 â- ):}" K.) a distaoco of ten hundred aud si.tty-livo ;1C^1 feot to apoint on a spiral curve Gents' Purnishings We have on baud a number of nice Suitings. All of the finest tweeds and ^i worsteds. All at the lowest prices. TIES I /( Also have a fine range of the newest Ties iacludina plain chocks stripes and jjj' T.j plaids in all oohrs. Also some oninge and blue for the Orangemen for.... 25c t-'^ Ready-Made Clothing Si Call and see how nicely we can fit you in a Ready-made Suit. We h*ve just fe/. '•" what you want. Prices ranging from .5.00 to 16.00 per suit. ^^ i I SUGAR Just arrived a car of Redpath's Granulated Sugar at $.5.00 per cwt. A Car of Cement. Also arrived a week or so ago. Recommended by other cement msnufoctur- ers to be one of the beet made at Shallow Lake for $2.24 per bbl. F. G. RARSTEDT Flesherton - Ontario ^ ^r^j^^^i^^r^ ' nyffg^^ T jgsggji r x ' ^^ Spring ^Summer Shoes NOW that spring weather is approaching you will re- quira finer Footwear. " â- - We have made a very special effort iii selecting our goods. Our stock of Shoes was never so nice as now. They are neat aud nobby, In Ladies Bals wo have Kid, Dongola, fine qual- ity, la Oxfords we have a fine range of the latest styles. In Gents' wear we have a full range of all kinds. We also have a large assortment of Children's Shoes. . -.jy :':-â-  Trauks and Telescopes a large Stock at lowest Prices. Call aud see us. Wm. CLAYTON <s\ ^^^^^^^2 thence uovthcnstiirlv on a spiral curve to the left a distance of uincty-eight [98] feet to a point on the sonthdrlv limits of Harvey stroet ; thence northeasterly along tho southerly limits of Harvev street a distance of two hundred and twenty [-2^0) feet to tho westorly limits of Princess street ; thence northerly along the westerly limits of Princess atrnet proluood northerly a distance of sixty-six IfiOJ feet to tjhe point of boginuing ; sold tract of land oontaia- iug one and llfty-one hundredths [1.51] acres, more or less. . , ., Thirdâ€" A portion of .Vrtemesia street iu tne Villaceof I'ric nillo.moro portitularlydeiicribed as follows : Hpgiu!ii;ia at tho intersection of the '.vestorlv limits of .Vrtomosia street and the northerly limit.'! of Harvov street in the Village of Priceville ; thenco northerly along tho west- erly liniita of .\rteinesia street a distance of one hundred and sevunty-oight [17.S1 feet ; tlience northeasterly GU a curved lino to the l'.ft having a radius of twenty -seven linnd-ad and eighty-nine and nine-tenths i27W.'.1J feet a distance of sixty-^evon rn7] feet to the oas^ erly lii'iits of Artemesia street; theaco southerly along tho oabtcrly limits of .-irtemosia street a distance of one hundred and oighty-oigbt (188) fout- thence soiithwostorly on a curved une to tho 'right, having a r.-idiua of tweoty-mne hundred and .-i.-ttv-fonr an i nine toutha I'iWH.gj feet a distance of sixty-soven [071 feot to the wcsterlv limits of Ait.'mosia street prodnoea southerly : thonoe northerly along tho wc-jtorly limits of -Xrtcmesia street produced sontberly a distance of ten (10) foot to the point of begin- niuK â-  said t|raatof land oontainingtwonty-nme hundredth8>(l.«liacros, :noreorl08B, Fourthâ€" A portion of Queen street Iu the Village of Pnoevillo.moro particularlydoscribed as follows : Uoslnuing at tho intorsootion of the uorthorlv limits of Harvey stroet, thonce uorthcrlv along tlio westerly limits of tjuocn street aiiiBtanceof one hsndred and sevauty eight and three-tontha (178.;)) feet; thonoe nertheasterly along a straight lino whoso ooursa is north soventy nine dogroes thirtytbree minutoaoast ,' N. 70° 3:1" B adistauoe of si-xty- six '66/ feet to tho easterly limltB of Queon stroet; thence southerly along the eaatarly limits of Queen strset a distance of one hnndrea and Boventy-Bix /I7n/ feot to the northerly lin its of Harvey stroet; thence southwesterly along the northerly limits of Harvey .street produced w.'Storly a distance of sixty-six /es; feot to thopointotbeginniug: said tract of l«nd containing twcnty-sevou hundroaths ,Ua7/ , acres, more or lees. ^ • ' Fifthâ€" Snbjeot to a similar Bylaw being passed by tho Mnnicipal Council of Olooolg and to tho inovislons of the Municipal Act. A Dortion of tho townline between the townships of Glenelg and Artemesia, more partionlarly desciibed as follows: Beginning at tho inter- section of the easterly limits of the township •iue between Glenelg and Artomosla, and the ! Farm Laborers flndDoimstics I have been appointed by the-. Dominion Govurnnitnt ti place immigrants from the Unitod Kingdom iu positi.nns as farm, labourers or domoa'io servants in thia vici;iit,y. Any persona requiring such help should' no-, tlfy ino personally or by letter- stating fuily the kind of help recjuired, when wanted and wages olt'ored. Tho numbers arriving may not bo siilfieient to supply all rec(U03t» but every eti'>rt will he niade to provide each npiUcmt. wiih the help riMjuired. W. W. TRIMBLE Canadian Oovcrnment Employment Agent' FLESHERTON, ONT. HOMESEEKERS' # • CCONO-OLASS ROUNO-THIP â- XCUNSIONS TO MANITOHA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA niTCR Exour«ioD* leav* Toronto TttaMtaySh HRICO Juna4,tS|Jul»a,l«,30|AuKtw« 13, 2T| ••pti M ami M. TIelwta gaoi date >d to raturn within sixty days from coini northerly limits of Harvey street in the VLlago • •!. â-  . ?ii . . 1.1. „...^^ >. A>-^1i.<vl ir ainnn t 'iln iifl.^t.«. of oiPi'icovillo : thenco north.irly along the nost.- . srlv limits of tho township line between Qiuuela ] and \rtemesia a distance of two hundred and , throe "XY.M feat; thfuco Bouthwostn ly on a{ straight lino whoao course is south seventy^ i ui'ied.'grues thirty-three mintitos west /8. 70 = ;â- Â«" W 'a di'itanee of sixty-six /(V3/ f,}ot to tho | we^toi'ly limits of the township line between \ (jlene'aaad Artamobia; thoncesoatherly along j thoweatBrlv limits of tho town lino between Ciio'iol" ami Artemesia a distance of two hnO' i dreti audtwontyflve ;a!5/ feet; the.;co north- I oa^tmly on a strulght line whose c«urse Is nor'h bovontyoiiue ilosroes thlrtytbroo uilu I nteseaat /N. 79° il3"B./a distance of aixty-slx i 'IW/ feiit to the cast'.-rly limits of the towu lino | betwei^n tho townsi'lps of Glenelg and Arte- mesiu; thenco northerly along the oaetsriy limits of the said towu line a distauoo of t'.ventv-two /'32,' (eet t') the point of begianing ; said tract of land contaiulug tbirtyifoar hun. dra^lths /0.3-1, acies, more or loss. Al! persons lutarosted or whoso lands may or mieht be projudlololly affected bv "uch proposed hvlswfi or any of them are required to attend at saidu:oetliig. when thoy will be noaid in neVHon or bv counsel or soliottnr with releroiiao tibareto upon petitiouiuaWbo so hoard. Dated this 30th day of May, 1K7. W. J. UBLliAMT, TqwDBhip CU):k ot JtrtooMBla . DITCQ Are the same from all points la Ontario. ""'*â- ** ranging from S32.00 rouiHl-trip to , ~^~"~ Winnipeg to $42..i0 round-trip to Ed- monton. Tickets to all points in ttx North-weat. TOURIST SLEEPERS ^„S'^e^»'T.i!j '" will be run on eacli excursion, ft&lly equipped with bedding, ^4"., omart i_)orter in charge. I^rths mu9i be secured ftnd puid i<iT through lomil agent at lenat six daya beforw oxcursion leavi;^, COLONIST SLEEPERS i",r?^^^.^^^^ *"'~'""~"'*^~~''"â„¢'^'^'" bertha. paMengera •upplying their own ".)«<iding,"will be used as fat •0 possible in ploce of ortlinary ooocbea. Rates and full Information contained In frae Momeseekers' pamphlet. Ask nearait C.P.R. agent for a copy, or write to C «. FOSTER, Uitriot Paai. Ift, (XPJL. Tsrtnto For tiok.it-^ ,'iod l;ill iiif orui.i ion sie \V. Ciusar, Agent, ITleshorton. Yorkshire Boar for Service Tilo tindi-M sigiied h:ts fir sen'iee onliil llrtj 2nd W. T. A S R.. .Vrtemesia. a thonnighhre Yorkshire hoar, "Lalteview Victor," Jf o. t'<4:.'<J. Terms ?l. 00. ThorougbredKextrn. A splen- did stock getter. ldoc07 TH03. qVIOG, Pr.ip..,

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