: 1 ^.iVNGLE^ What you (pend for under-_ wear buys most real value j ' in nt, comlozt, service â€" only when each gar- ment bears the trade mark in red ^-^ '* that guaiantees , you salijif action or your // money back. Made Trade /^arK in many fab- ncs and slylu, at various prices, in _r^ , form- fitting sizes for {I'^r^ women, men and children. See that the PEN-ANGLE is (here â€" it insure* your money's worth. THEN THEY LAUGHED. Mr. P'Kidle knew well Ihe value of ai jniliiil laugh which it ie so necessary to uitryUiic(* into llw beginning of a speech, tj put Ihe audience in n good temper, and especially so when a discussion of scjnio weighty and intricate subject is to follow. "Aslronomy tells us," he began, "ac- cording to our learned friend who ha.s just sat down after his -most interesting : remarks on that fascinating science, that an express train, travelling at tlie | rate of one hundred miles a second. ' would take several million years to \ reach a certain star." i Ho pausJHl and Ixjamingly lool(£iJ ; round on tlie assembled company. j "TJial was the statement," said one of \ tr.e audietK'e. i "I was just thinkinjr," went on Mr. l^oodle, "whul a proilicaiiient a niun vv<.ul(l be in if he missed llic lujsl train and had to walk I" LOVE\S GREETING. Old Ln<i.yâ€" "And so you expect to get hiarried when you grow up?" Little Girl â€" "Of coui-se. Everybody gets married. I wrm't -eay 'no' like Aunt Lucy did, and be an old maid- bo, Indeod." "Perhaps you won't like those who a.<!k you?" "Oh, yes I will. I feel sure Iha! when a real nice little boyâ€" I mcnn man â€" ocmes to nsk me Uj get married, I'll 'V so happy 1 won't wait to run down- Blalrs to meet him, I'll just slide down the banisters." UM'SIAL FI.NA.NCIAL STHE-NOTn. The annual report of the Merchants Cank of Canada was made public at Ihe forty-third yearly meeting, held at ihf head odices of the Bank in Mont- real on Wednesday the 19th of June. The unusual position of sirenglh and the splendid progress of this bank- ing ijistitution affords a lesson in care- ful managemert, which some of the hewer banks niight well follow. This results naturally, of course, from the 'Merchanis Bank being fortunate enough to have on its Board of Directors and among ils Oflicers ma^y . names cl prominence in Canadian financial icircles. Those who have funds of their own er trust funds to d'^posit would do well to look carefully info Ihe personnel of o banks directorate, ajid weigh llunr ireputalions when deciding wh<?rc to place Iheir money. Tho character 'f the Board and Ollictrs of a bank has, ifif cour.'ie, everything to do" willi ils progress and safely tor the depo.'silor. As a nsult of traditionally cnroful â- nianagemenl tlio combined reserve ; fund and paid-up capital slock of Ihe i SkTchanls Bank has this vear reuchea â- llie splendid lotal of $IO,(X)0.(XX). The fcuslness of the bank for the year end- ing May '3l.-;t, 1907. shows an increase In net profits to Ihe extent of over $200,000. They have reached this year tho enormous amount of alino.sl one tnillion dollars (to be'i'xacl SOfil.CCO.uC). which was disp<ised of in dividends 'o the extent of $480,000, and S-idU.OOO was added to the reserve fund. The bunk has gained In the year over §3.000,000 in defjosits. A careful inspection of these figure'' tmly serves to emphasize Ihe real pro- gress made by the Mci-cluinls Bank. M. £. F. Hebden has now had two years to show his abilily, and na one will quarrel with the results as they apixiar. lotdl Saves time, because it makes ironing easier. Saves linen, because it gives a better gloss with naif the iron-rubbing. Saves bother, because it needs no cooking. . . just cold water. And it CAN'T stick. Buy it by name. K)3 COLORS ON GERMAN RAILWAYS. On Ihe State railways in Germany the carriages are painted according to the colors of tho tickets of their r««p€c- live classes. First-cluis carriages are painted yellow, second-claas green, and tliird-cla&s while. ^iV\ Nurses' ;:md Mothers' Treasure Nearly all infants are more or less subjec^t to diarrhoea and such coinr plums while teething and as tHis period . â- f Iheir lives is the most critical, nio- ! Ihers should not be without a bottle cf \ Dr. J. D. Ki'lkgg's Dysenlery Cordial. \ This medicine is a specific tor such ' complaints and is highly spoken of iiy \ tiiose who have used it. "I'he proprie- tors claim •'. will cure any case of cholera < r summer complaint. "Ls ho parsimonious?" "Well," was th" guarded reply, "you might say that i h ? eai-ries liis money in a purse that \ shuts a good deal easier than it opens." ! Success \n LI*e \a depenilant upon good health, j you are out of iiorts, ill or foeitle, tairo "Ferrovim." It's tb« best tonic, li boltUti. ! AU medicine dealer:}. W I LSON'S FLY PADS â- very packet will kill more flies than 300 sheets of sticky paper If all the foi'ce of the two great water- falls, .Niagara and the Victoria Falls, cculd be used to produce power, the power would bo SO per cent, gniatcr than that'pi'oduced by all the coal at present dug from the world's mines. SOLD BY DRUCCISTS, GROCERS and GENERAL STORES U 10c. por packet, or 3 packets for 2Sc. will last a whole soason. I CalctUta is, next to London, the largest city in the British Empire. Bombay ocmes third, and Glasgow fourth. I ^ ! STANDARD BANK STAI'EMENT. ' Shows Increase in Tola! .\ssets fur tlie I year of 82,881,520. i The s'ateiaent presented to the thlrf>'- sccwnd annual meeting of Ihe share- hiddcrs of Ihe .Standard Bank of Can- ada was a most satisfactory one. Dur- j ing the past year the capital has bO'-n ; incr€iu5«Kl by $356,1J2, making it S1.540.- < 420. The reserve fund now stands nt .'!-l.GiO,420, an increase for Ihe year cl S35t),142. this being the premium en r.i'w stock issue. The balance carried forward on the profit and loss accoiuit â- was SlO.T.a^O. an, increase lav the year ; of $7:1,738. The deposits have increased ; SI,52(i.8ia during tlie year and dis- 1 counts also show an increase of $1,-1 O^o.-ViS. Total assets, which now ?1and ; at .$20,()26.6 10.87 are greater than tail year by 82,881.52. Ouick assets, cash. Dominion notes, legal tender,, now â- amount to $6,119,739. The perocntag<r| Oiiincd on capital was 17.82 per cent..; of which 12 per cenl. was paid to share- j holdi-is: Slo.OOO was written off bank ' premises, and Ihe balance carried for- ward to the profit and loss account. .Mr. W. F. Cowan and Mr. Frederick WyM wore re-eleclod president and vicc-pre- sioenl respectively. â€" safest regulator for baby. Prevents colic Bad TOtoiting^gives healthful rest â€"cures diarrbo«|i without the hannfut effects of medicines coniainiog opruct or other injurious drugs. ^ 24 25c. â€" tt dnig-fltores. Katioiul Drag 1 Chem- ical Co., Limited,^ Montre«I. Cures Diarrhoea' » J immm A pure, hard Manitoba flour for bakers and others demand- in f{ strengtli, color and uniformity. STRONG &WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS EVERYWHERE JUPPLltD WITH Vt AtSO HAKE -QUEEN CITY.' A BLENDED FLOUR THAT HA3 GAINED CHEAT FA\«OR A3 A CEKIRAL HOUSEHOLD 'ALL PURPOSES' FLOUR. THtCAPlPBELLMliLINGCd. TORIlNTacJllNlTION CLEANING ^ *^Sr« LADIES' . . . ** ".".^r.- 0>a b* ilooa parfac'lr br our r/neb Prooui. Trr 14 8WTHH AMIRIOAH OTglWO 00 . MOMTBKAIt TORUKTO, OTTAWA * QUIBMI An End to Bi!i' us Headache.â€" BiUous- nos>, which is caused by excessive bile in the sloniach, has a rtiarked effect up- on tho nerves, and often manifests it- self by .severe headache. This is the most dislre.ssing headache one can have. There are headaches from cold, from fever, and from other causes, but the most excruciating of all is the bil- ious headache. Parmelee's'" Vegetable Pills will cure it â€" cure it almost imme- diately. II will disappear as soon as the fills operate. » There is nnthing surer in the treatment of bilious headache. OOEBECSIEIlMSHIPCOMPm LLMITED. Out of the 12,150.000 lon.s of shipping owned by thi' British I^inpire. the United Kingdom owns lO.SS't.WK) tons. Qmada owns 081,000 tons of tlie remainder. Rivef aod Gulf of St. Lawrencs Summer Cruiaea in Cool Latitudes Twin Scraw Iron S3. â- 'CaropinA," witli el«o(ri« lights, dleotric belli and odl inudttm cjmforts. BAILS FKOM .\10.\TttKAL O.N .MO.VDAYS i» ip.m.. Srdand nth Jun«, 1st. ISth And iOeh Ju'.y, W.h sad 2«tb August. 9th and arA Septsmbur, and lurtBlghtly theivaltac tit IHutuu, N.4.. call' loti at Uuerxo. ii-npe. M»l Bay, Pores, Cap* Co»», Cirand Ui*«r. :iumm<r«lda, P.E.I., and Obarlut* Utuwn, P.E.L ITCn. Mange, Prairie Scratches and every lorm oi contagious Itcn on human rr animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. 11 never fails. Sold by all druggists. 'They say that Shifter is ten yonrs ahead of his lime." "Well, it's not true. â- 1 tn his landloi'd. and I know he's just «ix months behind." There I* no more ohatlsata skin tronbla than Bait Khouni. It aonietiraas lirigars for yaara, hiil We.ivar'.-i Cerate makes sh'trt work cf it. Alau, lai^a Weaver's byrup tu inaure peroiaaaiit cure. Ireland's wheat yield Is 37% bushels an aciv; that is nearly Tive biislicis an acr»> better than that of Great tirilain Tttere is nothing equal to Mother Graves' Worm Kxterminalor for destroy- ing worms. N*) arliole of its kind has given such satisfaction. Towiie : "It's funny. Burroughs is for ever preaching to hi.s friends ulxiul Hie necessity for saving their money.' Hrowiio : "Well ? ' Tuwne : "Well, he's the last fellow in the world who should preach that." Urowne : ".Not at all. The more hi.s fri<'nds .save the more he hao the chance to borrow.'' Jackâ€" "What do you do when in doubt flb<nit kissing a girl?' George -"Give her Ihe bciiodl of llie doubt!'' ISSIE NO. 27-07. It is a curious fact that thire of Ihe men who did most to fev»ilutionizo tho world hud always bad health. These were St. Paul, Julius Caesar, and Maral, the re^ originator of the l-'rcnch Bevo- lution. BERMUDA Sammar Bxoaralona. tU, by the new Twin Screw -i,s. 'Berraudian', 5,J0<i t ma. Balling nth and iSth Juno. 3rd, 17th and »l«t July, Uth and t»th luiiuat. •1th. Ilth and 25tb September. .Hb mih and :t'th Oatdbar, 6tli, 16th And jrth N.,»em. ber Terapsrature oouled by sea breozaa soldoni rUesab ite 8ii JegroeM. . ^ i... j Thi- llnest trips ot tho season lor health and Bumf'irt. „ . ^ L .\BTHUR AHERN, Secretary. Quebea A. E. OUTEHBBIDGE 4 CO., Agenta, 19 BixjaUway, New York. They are Not Violent In Acllon. â€" Sionic p«Tson.s, when they wish, to cieaiKSP Ihe stomach, resort lo Epsom f.nd othci' purgative sails. These are sp*.'i?dy in their aelion, but serve no per- manent good. Their u.se produces in- cipient cliilLs. ancfif persisted in they t injure Ihe stomnch. Nor do Ihey act ipon Ihe intestines in a beiiolicial way. Pnrmelee's Vegclable Piils answer all purposes in this respect, and have to superior. "I'm salisfled," said tho angry tailor, "that you intend lo cheat me out of my money," "AH right." chucliled tho hap- py debtor. "If you'i'e sali.slied, I am." SEWING .MAC.IH.NHS FOR RK.NT by,w'ei'l( or month, at low rales. I'lie Singer, and Wheeler & Wilson are rc- knowledgt'd the lightest-runiiirig and mosl convenient of any. Try one and be convinced. Only at tlie Suiger stores. lx>ik for tho Bed S. Singer Sewing Machine .C:o. Write us al Manning Chanilirrs. Toruiilu, for set uf Biril Cards Ircc. "Speaking of had falls," remarked Jones, "I fell out of a window once, and I'-.e sensation was terrible. Puring my transit through llie air 1 really Ivlieve I thought of every moan act I had ever eoiumitled in my life.' "H in I" gmwletl Thomp.s<m. "You must have fallen an awful distance !" H<illoway's Cxirn Cure is the medicine to remove all kinds of corns ajid warts, and only costs Ihe small sum of twenty- five cents. EASILY BE.VIEDIED. A wukman, on coming home one evening, was asked by his wife to loolt ni the Clock. .She ooiiiplained that it had been silent all day, and s^e oould rot -tell Ihe reason. Her husband took it down and exam- ined it carefully. Then he took off the T'ands and face, and looked al Ihe 'worlts with the aid of u magnifying g'.a.ss. Nc.xl he blew into it with a bellows, oiled Ihe wheels, and put it back again. But sliU it would nol sliike. Tired and puz/.leil, he went off lo bod. No.xl morning al breakfast bis wife said to him: "George, I think I can tell what Js wrong with Ihe clock." "Well, what Is if?" he sharply asked. "It wants windijig up," said his part- ner Too many people know a lot of things that are none of their business. Steward (to the seasick passenger): "There's a wireless message just come f'lr you, sir." Unhappy Passenger . "Be-read it to me, p-plca.«e.'' Steward , "Yes, sir. It seems to be fixjin your wife, sir." "Wh-whal does she say'/" "'^es, sir 'All well at home. We arc having your favorilo dish, roast pork for sup- per.' " "Bo-roast pork ! Wow-wcw- wowâ€" lake it away 1 Boast po-po-po ; lake it away, quickâ€" quick !" "SUN^UFE" Assurance Company of Canada, UKAD OKFICH, MOXTRKAT, Sonic Fuels from the Uepurt uf 1901!. 1. Gash Income from Pre- miums, Interest, Bents, etc § G,2l2.(il.-i 02 Incnase over 10O.i .. .. •»;<a,122 7'.l 2. AssiHs as at 31sl Dc- ceiiilicr, 1900 24.202.692 0.5 III! reaso over 1905 . . . 2,U83,307 i;3 3. Surplus earned during lOOG 921,721 34 Of which there was dis- tribuU.d to policyholders entitled lo parlicipato Ihat year 208,6.')S '17 And set aside to place ' reserves on all p<)licics issued since D<cembcr 31st. 1902, on the 3 per cent, basis 207,763 51 Sui'plus over all Liabili- ties and Gapilal (accord- ing to the Hm. Table, with 3>^ and 3 per cent. interest) 2,225,247 -45 4 IValh Glaim.s, .Matured Endowiiienls, Profits and oth'T pavments to Pol- icyholders during inot; . 1.980.855 52 !' Payments lo Policy- holders since organizu- li,.n 15.099.223 87 C. Assurances issued and paid for iJi cash 17,410,0.54 37 â- ?. Life Assurnnces in force December 31sl 190C l02,5G(i,3rS 10 4. Hleks : "I suppase Dreamer is still pottering alxiut at his inventions?" W icks : "Well, he has actually perfected a great labor-saving sclHvne al last." Hicks : "Beally !" W ieks ; "Yes. He's going lo marry Miss Millions I" ' To Know is lo Prevent.â€" If the miners who work in cold water most of Ihe I'ay would rub their feel and legs with Dr. Thomas' Eclcclric Oil . Ihey would Cicape niu.scular rheumatism and ren- dei their nclher Umbs proof against the ;ll effects of oxixisure to the eold, Tho.se setting out f<ir mining regions would do well to provide themselves with a supply before starting. MADE IN 2 and 4 Cycio Engine* CANADA M Complot* ir Launches REWORKS. Ltd. . ONT. HAMILTON MOTO HAMILTON The Standard Bank • OF CANADA The Thirty-second Annaal Mooting of tlie Bank was held at the Head Office on Wednesday, the 19th instant, at 12 o clock noon, Tliu chair was taken by the Presidciil, -Mr. W. F, Cowan, and Mr. George P. .Sclioltiolil. Honoiil .Mau.mer, .lotod ii.-i soiretary to tile meeling. Tho following Keport waa presented ; The Directors, in presenting to the Sharoholdcrw the thin.v-sceond Annual Report of the Bank, have pleasure in calling attention to the satisfactory result! for the year ending 31st May, 1907. .\fter making llie usual provis;on for Bad and Douliffiil Del)t». Itebate of In- terest on unmatured Bills under discount, etc.. the profits amount to $251,618.20. being 17.82 per cent, on the average i)aid-up eapit:il of the Bank for the year. To thi.s has been added $356,142. the premium on new stiK-k issued at 200. which, to- gether with the balance of Profit and Loss .\ecount of $51,791.72 brouglil forward, makes up the sum of $639,551.92, This amount has been appropriated as follows : Quarterly Dividend No. 63, paid Sept, Isl. 19C8, at the rate of 12 per cent, per annum 5 36,347 33 Quarterly Dividend No, 64, paid. let Dec, 1906, at the rate ot 12 per cent. per annum 40,525 54 Quarterly Dividend No. 65, paid l8t March, 1907, at the rate' of 12 per cent, per annum 44,948 00 Quarterly Dividend No. 66, payable 1st June, 1907, at tho rate o( 12 per cent, per annum 46,059 60 Reduction of Bank Prem'iBes, etc 10.000 00 Transferred to Rest ,Vccouni from premium on new stock 356.14100 Balance carried forward to ProQt and Loss .\ccouDt 103,529 4S $639,551 92 During the year a second allotment of J312.500 to Shareholders of record wag made suk 100 per cent, premium out of the increa,sod authorized capital. General By-laws will be submitted t«»r the sanction of the Shaieholders, includ- ing one changing the date of the closing of ttie financial year from the 31st day of May to the 51st day of January ; also a By-law authorizing the Directors to establish an OfHccrs' Pension Fund and to contribute annually from the funds ot the Hank in assisting this Fund, Brandies or (<ub-branches of the Bank have been cstablL-ibed during the year at Belleville. Bond Head, Cambray, fobalt. fobourg, Grafton. Lindsay, Ottawa. Price- ville. Strathroy, Toront<» (corner Charles and Yonge Streets*, and Woodville, mak- ing a total of forty-seven Branches, all in the Province of Ontario, The Head Office ,iiid Branches ot the Bank have been carefully inspected dur- ing the year, and th<> duties of the staff have been efflciontl.v discharged, W. F. COW.\N. Toronto. 31st May, 1907. President. â- PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. Dr. Balance brought forward from 31»t May. 1906 Pndils for year ending 31st May. 1907. after dedurifng expenses, interest accrued on deposits, rebate of in- terest on unmatured bills, and making jirovision for bad and doubtful debta Premium on new slock Cr. 63. paid Ist Dividend No. $31,79172 .Sept.. 1906 ., Dividend No. 64, paid lat Dec, 1906 Dividend No. 65, paid Ut March. 1907 Dividend No, 66. payable iBt I .June. 1907 , 251.618 20 Written olT bank preiBia«f{. 366,142 00 efc. Transferred to Rest Account, premium on new slock Balance on Profit and Loss Account carried forward »639,551J2 GENERAL LIABILITIKS, Notes in circulation $1,093,436 Deposits bearing in'.erest (includ- ing interest ac- crued to daU') ..,$12,786.577 50 Deposits not bear- ing interest: 1,890,089 75 $14,676,667 Dividends unpaid 267 Dividend No, 66, payable Ist June, 1907 46,059 Due to agents in Great Bri- tain 1.174,984 Due to other banksâ€" In Canada 99,484 In United States 201.678 STATEMENT, ASSETS, 00 Ould and Silver Coin Dominion Notes : legal ten- j ders Notes and Cheques of other I banks Deposit Willi Dominion Gov- ' ornment for security of note 2S circulation 40 Due from other banksâ€" In Canada 60 111 United States Dominion lioTernnient and 56 otlier flrsl-class bonds Loans on call on Government, 40 municipal, and oi4iar first- 48 class bonds and slocks Capital Reserve Fund Rebate of interest on bills discount- ed Balance of Profit and Loss Account carried forward . $17,292,577 69 $ 36,347 33 40,625 54 44,940 00 46.059 <0 . 10,000 00 356,142 00 105.529 45 $639,551 9a $212,022 3* 1,608,042 00 662,154 7S 50,000 Ot 215,528 9} 128.383 39 2,369,953 IS 883,654 52 $6,119,739 14 . $1,540,420 00 Bills discounted and advances 1,640,420 00 current 14.237,926 86 Notes and bills overdue (esti- mated loss provided for) . . . 47,693 73 Bank premises, etc ll<'al estate other than bank premises 105,529 45 Otbor assets not included uo- 3,334,063 18 dor the foregoing 120.626.640 87 27,920 62 218,683 13 10,000 00 12,371 IJ »20,626,640J7 The President, in presenting the Report and Statements, colled attention to their satisfactory nature, and on motion they were adoptod. The usual motions wore then posted, and the following gentlemen were elected Directors tor tho ensuing year, viz W, F. Cowan, Predarl<-K Wyld, W, V. .^llen, W. R, Johnston, Wellington Francis. F, W. Cowan, and H, Langlois, At a subsequent meeting of tho Board W. F. Cowan w»e re-elected PresidenO and Frederick Wyld 'Vice-President. Toronto, 19th Juu*. 1)87. GEO. F. Si HOI,l''lF.l.n. Qcneral Manama*.