July 4 1007 THE FLESH ERT ON ADVANCE THE MARKETS CAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH WEEK. 0.ta â- tS '.0 43 Pa^ 76 to 75 «.rl«y" "..".â- .*.â- ._ 60 to 60 AVhdttt .... .••• 80 to 80 Hay .19 00 tol3 00 PoUiOM, per bag 80 to 90 Butur 18 to 18 Ekl'k, fresh 16 to 16 Wool 24 to 20 Turkeys H *« 11 Cliickeng 8 •<> ," Goose.... 10 to 10 Duck. 10 to 10 Our Clubbing List Advance, and Toronto World, d.ily $3 25 Toronto Daily News 2 30 Weekly Globe 1 80 Mail-Empire 1 7o Fiiiiiily Herald & Star 1 80 Toronto Sur 2 80 Farmers Sun 1 80 Farmers Advocate 2 30 Weekly Witness 1 80 Saturday Niijht 2 50 Montreal Herald 1 20 In Furniture The larjHit and best stock of furnitaie e^ shown in Fleshor- ton. This i»1|(tunt fear of contra- ditttion. Conli^ and see some of th^ Aice things^ fit ^1^ Sideboards >v Dining Room, Cliairs Parlor 8etr% Bed Roon\ Setts A special redaction just nav on everything In order to rednoe the stock. W. H. BUNT u ^Fhstolon â- OdI. ^j Fa.ll Tex*m OPENS SEIT. '.tid. It pays to attend the TORONTO. OKT. "-^ (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sta.) Tlie school that ranks fir^t In thorouijh- ui'HS, p< pularity and genuine merit. Our BiiuiiJiknco is (greater, more students wore pUced in position! and at butter aalitries tliau in any previous year. Write today f'<r handsome catalogue. W.J. ELUOTT, Principal Clearing Sale At Port Law Kvorything in dry noode, grooer- iuB, Boots and Shoos, Hardware and Tinware, to bo sold for below vuluu; all sales strictly cash or produce. Bear in mind lam not loAving Port Lair, only selling the atook so I can devote more time to eave troUKhIng and job work. J. A. St. JOHN Genera Merchant and Tinsmith I'ort Law • • Ontario Farmers, Take Notice. 1 have c<!a«o(t wi>rkltig for McCi.miack ni*.:hine«, nit tliat I had .any f*iilt with tli>' iiii|il.aiiJiit.H. liiit Jackiinn & Iloiiiiali, cf Mnik- il.iloaolJ ft MjCorniftok alx fiwt l)luilir ti> Mr. WiUiiii MuM\ill6ii liwt harvcwt (or tiI2."p.(H) mi tiiiiM) payx, iii<(t hJH old raltgraou biiidiT :iiiii t.ioh aoltl tlu' old Liinder for •1.50, ami mi in'M j-.i.ir',i term:! they are charged to thoHf tliiu (•iThu|iiithoyKut them for luiu th.iuldo. Why ilon't thi-y Will thum to Markdalu farniurM for tliKi<.HTi"? Thin I can iirovti. I liave contract- i.i with I'Btcr Kuinlltoii, of l'ut<^rl(oroii((h to c ill liin imiiluniFntA Ht \furkdalo and Kli nhor- loll. I will 8ell thi! hindtira, six foot on oni' imy »i>0, "2 |)ay« |U.\ three imyi 8f2r»; <lrill«, onu ]. ly U hoo drill HU, 8 payii 1(13, tlir«« payi 8tlf., itikl Mtii.ir "iz'wtiKxirreajiond, tiiniilli.rorlarK.T. 1 mil Iw at MarkJiJo a('.ur tlii^ lir«t i.( March ^^«y Hatiiid^iy. Any ono wanting nmchliiM »: tiiyiXt* will And me nn Hatur.iay*. I have » mi • wcon I h.»nd Dritb on hand, aoniu only \\..rkid linn and two jroarH, Noxon, Oaliawa an I I'etiir llanilUon. A1m> a<(oiit for thr i;'K'l<nhiitt Flow, I'aii* Manure SproaihTand '.III TlirMbw. D. MADILU My Hair Ran Aioay Doih have • bOtag oat vldi yoorbrtr. Itisicbtlanreyottl TJwa vliat? That would fneto tUm scnftly) uoeveo, rough JjEtfak Keep ybor haft* 8t borne I FaiMn tiiliMy to jFoor acalp I T(m«tii«aalt)r4o it vith Ayei's Hilr. Vlgoc. It to aometUoc mora thaa a sbni^ hair dresa- hatr (ook^ a hidr food. 9W ^***T ^^'^S^SSS^^^ cnanr fBCTouL. SbortbornBull The thorotiKhbred Shorthorn Bull, "Favo \X*-," G2235, is for service on lot 27-28,2iid ran N. D. R.,Arteme«fa. Pedigree on application Terms $1.S6 ."VLEX. McKAE, Cuylon Business Cakds lUrOUUjOUOB A TOUNQ uL Banker Markdale Oo a gaasral banking bntlDesi . Hone j loaned a reasonable rate Call on as. TOBISLBTT, • Pottma«t«r, Ceylon. Commlaaioaar In B. O. J , Oonvevaooer, deede, mortgase*, iMsei, irillB oto. carefully drawn up Colleotioai mada. charge* reaBonable. Alao groeeries, floor, teed etc, kept in etock, Prices ri«ht. RJBFBODLB Poatmaater, Fletbtrtoo uommlsstoner la H.C J., Auctioneer Cod- Teyanear, Appralaer and Money Lender Real Batata and Inaoranee Agent. Deeda mortgagea, leaaea and willa carefully drawn up and Tklaatlona made on aborteat notiae. money to loan at lowest ratea of interoet. Col aotiuna attended to with promptness ohargas low. Agent tor Ocean Dominion 8t«amablp Company. A oall solicited. DUeFHAUi, Uoensad Anetloneer for tbe • County of Orey. Terma moderate and satisfaction govanteed. Tbe arrangomonta and dates of aalei can lie made at Tub Auvancb ofllce. Realdenoe and P.O., Ceylon, TelspUone connection. Deo. g.OT. GVM. a. LUDLOW, Licensed Anetloneer for tbe County of Orey. Prompt aervice and reasonable terms. Proton Station P. 0. I HABTRY PEBIOOE, Fevcrsham ^* iDBuranoe. Koal estate and mining stock t)rokor. CoUToyancor. Loaiia and Coilectiona, Write for ratea on Klre, Life or Blck bonunt insurance or Information roKarling Cobalt mining etock. Hetter contracts and lower rates on &ro Insurance now, Promotion Examinationa. Report of Eugenia Public School. Fronisr III to jr IVâ€" Jakie Sloan, Russell Park, Wesley Plant*. Jr III to sr 3â€" Laurie Fisher, Klsie Armstrong, Irene Walker. From 2 to jr IIIâ€" Louie Hislop, Millie Campbell, Leila Sloan, Fred Plantl, Lily Campbell, Mary Tumor, Willie Hogg, Mae Park. From ir II to sr IIâ€" Allie Williams, Johnny Wilson, Wes Armstrong, Charlie Fisher, Charlie Park, Dave Jamioson. From A. to sr pt Iâ€" Wes Latimer, l<ea Williams, Mabel Williams, Robbie Leopard. From B. to pti- -Delia Wilson, Barb- ara Armstrong, Margie Park, Leita Jah.i^son. From C. to B. pt I -Leon Pedlar, Wallace ArmstronK. B. R0LF8ON, Teacher. SOCIETIE.S AO U W meets ou the last Uouday in eacn montb. In tholr longu room, Cliriiitoe'a block. B'leshorton.at 8 p.m. M.W., Frank Chard; Roo., T, lllakoly, Kiuanolur, W.J. Bellamy. Vlaltlog bretbrao invited. PniNOB AHTHUH LODGE, No. fflS.A.F.* A M, meets In tbe Masonic ball. Stralu'a blook, KleHberton, every Friday on or before the fnll moon. W A.Armatrong, W U.; Herb. Smith, Secretary. nOUllT FLRBHEKTON, 005, I. 0. F. moeta In V Cbriatoe'a Illoek tbe laat Wednesday evening of each month. VUitlng Foreatora boartlly welcome. 0. B., Dr. Murray; U. B., T. UcLry; Pin. Bee, 0. N. BIcbardaon, Please pay duca to Flo, See. before tbe first day of tbe month. CEIOBRN FblENDSâ€" Flsaborton Uounoil of Chosen Prienda meeta In Clayton'a ball Qrat and third Wodnoaday ofeachniont H p. m Pay aflBessnionte to tlie Becorder on or before tue tlrst dayof each month. Chief Councillor, T. l)lakeloy;K<oorder, W. H. Bunt. Medical DB CABTRR H P A fl Ont, Phyalclan, Surgeon, oto OOlue and realdenoeâ€" Peter St., Flesherton HB.A. T. BONO " Qraduate Toronto University. Mem- ber of Ontario College oj Phyaloliane and Bur- geons, Maxwell, Out. duooeasor to Dr. Scott. T P OTTEWRLL • Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" second door aoutb west' on Mary street. ThU atreet runs aoiith Presbyterian Ohnroh. H WILSON, lllaokumltb Uradtiato of tbe Veterinary Soionoe Aaaoclatlon. Boaidouoe, Durham itreet, on- poalte Boyd, Blcklliig'a hardware. Legal LUOAS WBIGHT * McAKDLE Harrlstors Solicitors ConveyanoorB, rtc Oinoesâ€" Owen Sonnd.Oot andMarkdaleOnt W H Wbiout, MoAhDi,B I B Luoab N liâ€" Flusberton oineo, Mltobell's Bank •very Saturday. Dentistry Ttr. B. C MURRAY L. IX H,, deiital Burgeon *J honoi gradimto of Toronto Uiiiverfitv and B»yal College ol Oental Snrgooiis of Ontario, Oas aduilnlatarod for teetb oxtraoliou. omoe at residence, To ronto atreet Flusberton, Shorthorns, Bees and Poultry Our boaa have wintered well and we have a nnmbnr of oolonlux lor »ale and young swaniis after ttm ftrat nt June. Yon aluiiild see our pt*n nfS. C.Urown Loghoma befom getting your eggs for hatebiiiM; BO eauta lor IH eggs. Lot iro,aa(lB,T« au. B. AIXKN, FloabortOa acid, â€" fleah-eating substitutes and insist on "Putnam's," it'a the one sure and painless care. Wardrobc-McDoaald Report of Promotion exims. of Port Law Public School. Sr. Ill to Jr. IVâ€" Minimum mark? neiesaary 262â€" Wilfred McNally 357, Frank Taylor 343, Edgar Jackson 343, Geo Fisher 288, Alvin McKenzie 274, May Cornfield 262. Sr. II to Jr. Illâ€" Marks necessary 225 Birtio Shiers 283, Arthur Wateon 2«3, Harry Fisher 202, Vina Watson, 253, Sarah Croft 853. Recommendedâ€" Lillian McKcnzie, Liz- zie Croft, H.W.Stafford, Teacher. * fc iiai t * â€" 1 he Tremble of Old Age. With the advance of years the vital functions of the body slow down, lu consquence the organs of secretion suffer, the action of the bowels are lessened and there is no longer healthy circulation. The biain is congested with blood, giddi- ness, trembling and cold extremities are common. No assistance is sc potent as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. By their direct action on the stomach, liver, and kidneys they cause an immediate change. Mild, free from eripe, strengthening and cleans- ing the whole svstem, no medicine is so valuable in old age as Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake & - Butternut. Try these Pills, 2oc per box at all dealers. East Mountain. A very pretty house wedding was cel- ebrated at the home of Mr. H. McDon- ald. 114 Seaton St., Toronto, Wednesday, July 26, at 2 o'clock, when his daughter. Miss Etta May McDonald, became the wife of Mr. Arthur Wardrobe. Rev. Easier oflSilated. Roses, Carnations and many other cut flowers decorated the rooms and balls. Miss O. Challis attend- ed as bridesmaid. The groom's brother, Mr. Alf Wardrobe, acted as best man. Miss Florence Richardson played the wedding march. After refresbmenis were served Mr. and Mrs. Wardrobe left on a trip to Detroit, Adrian and other points throughout Michigan The happy couple received many beautiful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Wardrobe on their return will reside at 114 Seaton St. Toronto. Miss Mabel Cliard of Rockvale spent iMirt of last week with her sister, Mrs. Ilobt. McMuUen. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carruthera have re- turned home after visiting with friends at the Sault and elsewhere. Mr. Chus. Brauiffof CoUingwood is visiting with his uncle, Mr. John Braniff. Mr. and Mrs.E. Cross of Wiartim spent the Ist with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Uumbcrston. Mr. Wm. Harbottle of Toronto is visit- ing with friends on the 3rd line. MisHCH Mary and Alma Humberstono arc home for eiimmer holidays. Miss Mary Braniff is home for suiniiier vacation. Miss Helor.;i Allen, our popular school toachcr, left im Saturdiiy for her homo to Kpund the .sunimiT holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mc>lullen cntor- tiiincd a iiyniber of their friends on Fri- day uveiiing last at their homo on the 3rd lino. The oldor folks enjoyud thomselvos with games while the younger ones trip- pud the liulit fantastic to the wee siun' hours uf the inoniing. You nay Be Sick TcnSght Without a moments warning pain springs upon us. At the outset it is instantly cured by Nerviline. Surprising what fifteen drops of this marvelous med- icine will do. It's exteriial action is no loHs ct'rtain than it's wonderful effect when taken internally. Of course Nervi- line is powerful ur it couldn't be so pen- etrating. But not iirating or caustic. There are other pain reniediea, but when yon uRe Nerviline you see the ditfi-ronoc is this,- others relievo, but Nerviline does cure sprains, strains, swellings, earache, toothache, neuralgia, loinbaeo, ill fact alt muscular pains. Large bottles 85c at all dealers. Ceylon A number of our citizens took in the excursion to Orangevillo on the 1st. A euriouH case of spontaneous combus- tion occurred recently to Mr. Jim Milne of the C. P. R. office hero. He wont down to the lake to bathe, thi other day, leaving his cUithes piled in a heap on tho shore, and while ho was in bathing; with Boino othor boys his dry goods took tire and when ho returned to land they wore entirely consumed. Mr. Patlison and littlo son spent Sun- day and Monday with his brother in ( )»- proy. Mr. Fred Jones is home for a few tlays visiting friends. Miss Mario Chislett ]mid her friend.^ a flying visit last week. Mr. Jos. Mills rutuimcd to town ou TuoMilay from Molanclhon whore he wont to liiko unto hiiiisulf a wife. Wo wish tho young coviplo niucli happiness. Wo undorstaud I hoy are going to reside in t<iwn. Hoiiry Down of Osprey paid a vi.sit !â- > his si.stor, Mrs. T. Chislett, Inst week. llev. l>r. Caldwell 8peak.s to the Omngo- luon in the hall here next Sunday at H.'M p. in. S. S. moots at 1.80 and tho Bap- tist service is withdrawn. Mr. and Mrs. John Baxter of CoUing- wood visitod her lirothors and sisteis, tho Muirs, of this vicinity, this week. To Improve III Temper To irnprove the physicial suBering of corns. Quickly done by the reliable I'utnam's Outu Bxtractor. Beware of Bad Burn QtilcKly Heeiled. ''I »ui so delighted with wbalCbambeilain'a Salve has done for me that I feel bound to write and tell you so," says Mrs. Robert Mytton, 457 John St., Hanulton, Ont. "My lif.le dangliter Piad a bad bum on her knee. I applied Chamberlain's Salve and it healed beautifully." This salve allays the pain of a bum almost instantly. It is for sale by W. £. Richardson. Stolen Furs Pound; Kimberley On Mimday some workmen who were loading a car at the ^latino had occasion to look under the storehouse platform for an article, and were astonished to see some fur articles tucked away there. On fishing them out it was discovered that the lot contained five ladies' fur jackets and coats, mostly Persian lamb, four men's fur coats and a rain coat. The garments were all slightly worn but were valuable and cost from 9500 to $800 when new. They had all been ticketed as though sent in for storage or renovation, but the tickets had all been torn off with the exception of throe. In the pocket of a valuable coon coat two large envel* opes were found addressed to W. J. Thompson, Winnipeg, the envelopes bear> ing the business stamp of a Manitoba town. These envelopes had never been mailed, though stamped, and one contain- ed three two cent stamps. This may as- sist in locating the onuer. The garment are now in charge of Mr. A.S. VanDusen and the Attorney Generals department has been communicated with. The articles were loose when found, in two bundles, without any wrapping or ties of any kind, and had not lain there long as the scont of camphor was still strong on them. Teike the postmeiBter'sWorcl for It iiir. F. M. Hamilton, poatmaater at Cherry- vale, Ind., keeps a sttKjk of general merch- andise and patent medicines. He ^^y^: "Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is atandard here in its line. It never fail:! to give satisfaction and we cuuld h^irdly afford to be without it. For sale by W. fc. Richardson. Dominion day passed off very quietly. Nearly^ all the citizens taking in the â- ports at Vandeleur. Mr. and Mta. Bert Striker and t«o children and Mr. A. Summers of CoUing- wood spent Sunday and Monday at Mr. B. Wickens. Miss Annie Scott of this place who has been attending Normal School in London, Ont., is holidaying at her par- ental home here. Mr. G. E. Finlay of CoUingwood, spent Sun<?ay and Monday at Mr. J. R. Faw- cett's. Quite a number from here took in the excursion to Guelph, on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. William Fawcett, of Rocklyo, visited friends here Dominion day. Mr. H. Lament of CoUingwood, was in town on Blonday last. Mr. Will Walter of Toronto, was tho guest of his brother Mr. 0. H. Walter on Dominion day. â€" .^â€" •^ â- The Department of Education has under consideration a plan whereby public school inspectors, in addition to attending as they d'> now, tho meetin gs of the trustees, will hold at least once a year a public meeting in every township under tholr respective jurisdictions. Ratepay- ers, trustees and othcis interested will be invited to attend to discuss the particular needs and difficulties of tho localities in recard to cducatiim. This step may bo an inaugural measure in an educa- tional campaign to bo carried on in the country districts of the Province. If tho scheme succeeds in arousing the interest of ratepayers in this section it will have been worth tryina. At the present time absolutely uc interest appears to be taken, as a general thing, by tho rate- payers, even tho annual school meetings being so poorly attended that the trustees' reports are read to the trustees only. It is lime an effort of some kmd was made to interest parents in educationalmntters Sliortt\orri Cattle fcr Sale Levinia; and Wimplea, tbe iMSt of breeding and qualitT. Bull, cows and heifers for sale at reasonable prices Lot 32.con.S OUAS. BTAFFOBD. Flesherton Wait For It. Union Sabbath schools of Shelburne will run their annual ezcorsion to TORONTO & NIAGARA FALLS, U.S.. Friday July 5tb 1^7. This excursion will go by large boa'* to Lewitton then np tho GRE.\T GORGE R()1;TE to NIAGARA. Tickets from Flesherton to Toronto and Niagara $2.05. Niagtr^ tickets good *o return on any regular train up to July 8th. Train leaves Flesherton 7.10 a. tq.. This will be the beat excarsion of the season. GROCERIES All the groceries you want at the right prices at our store. All kinds of fancy biscuits, canned goods and teas. Wo sell Electndeno, tho best illuminat- ing oil on the niiirkct. AH kinds of flour. Five Ivjsoa, Ford's P,*tent, M')rn- inif Glory. ICE CREAn This is ideal ice cream we.ither and our ice cream is- tbe best. Try Some. W. L. Wright. FLESHERTON 1 1 111 i In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, Harrows, rioughs, Cream Sep- arators and Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works >r Flesherton Carriage Works «^%^%^'«^ 1^^^'%''%^ %^^«/%«. If you are thinking of hnying a Imggy be sure and give me a call hetore buying elsewhere as I have a first class selection to choo.se from. / Guarantee Satistaction in Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing All kinds of idouyhs and plough ivp;iiisoii hand; alw reiJ-iiiM for Masaey itairiH, Noxon iiiid Mi't'orinick f.-trsn i:nplonioiit«. A^eint For" MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS D. MoXAiriSH t keep a sttick on Land al- ways and anyone wanting a cream sepanitor please drop me a card ami their wants will be attended to. - - JPlesHerton. V