Flesherton Advance, 11 Jul 1907, p. 2

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HIGH SCHOOL STATISTICS Seven Hundred and Nineteen Teachers at the Present Time. The sooomi pnrl of Iho roporl of Ihc Oiilaik) KUiicnlioii IVpiiilniciit, issiit'il llii' olhor day, shows (hnl there nro Mvon huiuhud and ninoloon lligli soIkxjI teachers in Onliirlo ill Ihc pre- uml linio. Of Ihcso 2S.C5 |km' cent, aro wiiinen. Ttie |ieri'enlii(,'e of woriien to the total iiuriiber of leaclicrs has boon sloiidily increasing in lute venrs. In lift* it was i\.i per cent., in 1005 S3 prr wnt. and in I'JOe. 26.8 per cent. The hiKhcsl .salniy paid is S:ijm. The av- erage in 0/|ic(;iHle In.siitutes is $1,170, Which is $51 hife'hei- than last year. The average in High .scIhxiIs is $'J7o, an in- ci-ease of $4i over last year. The av- crogi' salary f«/r Mi<-n assistants is $!,• OUI. an iJifroase over last year of $68. The average for women BSsUlaiils us 87C2, wliicli is higher than last year by m. TF.CHNICAI, TRAI.MNG. The greater pari of ttUs section of the rrjxrrl is taken iij) with the re|)ort of Ihc in.<.peclor of technical e<lucalion ami the report of the in-sfjector of con- luiiiulion cluase.'i. In regard to techni- tti' training, Mr. A. II. I.eake. the in- i!|)cctor, says:â€" "The introduction « f ftrt, nature study, and construclive work should do, and are doing, inurli lo give a more practical trend to Pub- lic school e<liicution, but n curriculum c'l paper without edicient teachers is of little value. From observation and correspondence I am forced to the c<in- clusi<jn tliat a largo nunilicr of our teachers are without the necessary knowledge to enable Ihern to teach thcio subjects. A small (lepnrlmenlal grunt would encourage their inlroduc- lion. Thi.>; Would only need lo be con- tmu<'<i until they were llnnly eslnb- l.s-hetl, and their value recognized. To five to the teachers the k-nowlcdge lack- mg, steps such us the following might ht; taken:â€" 1. The issue of bulletins by 111*' department. 2. EstablLshing centres â- i1 instruction. 3. Lvncouraging corre- spondence regarding dilllcullies. i. Thi- inslitution of small circulating lib- raries Containing (say) twenty of the U'Kl books on thi'so subjects, acooni- panied by a brief explanatory pamph- let. "Up lo the present our educational svsteni has concerned itself almost en- t'.'ely with preparation for college life and the s<i-caliod learned professions, and those wtio have neither the incllna- l:on nor the opportunity lo take up ei- Iter have been neglected and not con- sidered lit subjects for educational ef- fort. Evei'y interest in the pwvLncft dc- ji;an<ls consideralion and whools of the following Glosses arc required:- 1. Ag- ricultural High Schools or classes. 2. Technical High' ScIkxjIs or classes. ?•. (xjnmierciBl High Schools or classes. 1. Academic High .ScIkxiIs." A number of recommendations are oLso made In reference lo c<iulinuntion cias.sea requLsit/', it is claimed, "lo briilge Ihc gulf between the rural scliool and tht Ontario Agriiullunil ('/ill<'ge." Tl'H.NKKY K.NUI^kKU SF.NSELI->»S. DeKperale Allempl lo E!iea|>e from Chalhuni Jail. A despatch fivitn Chatham Fnys : 'Arthur Sniilti, of Knox, Peiin., and Ed- win Baldwin, of Wuinsfield, Ohio, on Thiirsdoy made a desperate alteinpt to break jail, by which the turnkey, Chris- lopher .Somerville, nearly lost his life. Uoth men were arrasled on Tuc.s<lay, In Tilbury, a few mllos west of here, for <(/rgery and the uttering of two forged chc«|uos for sniiill amounts on the .Sovereign Hank of 'lilbury. They were arniigned before Judge Rell here on \Vednes<lay, when they pleaded guilty and were reman: led for one week for sentence. F.n ;> Thuiwlay ninrriing, whilP Iho turnkey was niuking his rounds, he entered Iheir cell. He had laid the heavy lock on the floor while ho undid nnotlier fastening. One of the pri.s<ini'rs seizcsl the lock and with it hlruck the turnkey a terrible blow on the head, kiKjcking him .senseless. f'K.vernor Davidson, hearing the distur- bance, rushed In, and unarinert, \vrest(\l the lock fiiiiii the a.s.sailants, at tli(> snmo lime calling for a.ssislnnce. When it arrived the men were easily traiisfn'reil I') snfcj" quarters. The turnkey will re- CLver. 4. MISSINt; WITH MILLION. Cffinaii Ran'. Muiinaer llrliiaH nuin I'lMin TliotisuiJs. A desjiulch from Herlin, Germany, nays : It devekiped thai last week's l)iink failure al Maiienburp, due lo the •lef.ili-alioii of the inunnger of the (viii- rerii, was mure serious than al first re- porle<l. The losses are now said to t<dal al/oiil .fl.UKl.lilKi. Thoiisiinds of small depositors kjsl tluir savings mid ninny tradesmen were ruined. It was rumored 01 the Herlin Ik/ursi' during Tliui-s«liiy nllei'iHKin that u private liaiik at Daii/.ig (mil liwii iiffeclcNl by the .Mnrieiiburg (nilure, cMiising a (hop of two poinUs in lis ^llUll•s. The feeling of uneasiness caused by the .Marienburg failure mid the lepoil from Danzig \\m inciea.seil by the annoiineeiiieiil of the arrest al Anklani, roiiieruiiia, of Ilerr Knorr. a imnker, on tho charge of embezzling $I0(3,IKIU. mot's IN SASKATCHEWAN. Increase in Arreaoe of Every <'A'real Sownâ€" C^niparallve Figures. A <1«*;patcli from Ottawa says : C. C. Tastle-s, warehouse commissioner al Winnipeg, reports to tho r>epartnient of Trade and Commerce Uial the acreage of grain crops In Saskatchewan for the present sea.son compared with the posl is us follows ;â€" 1007. Wif,. Wheat l,9fi.'.,774 1.7:iO,5KC Oat.s 7(v4.17() 6;i<i.H75 Harley fiO,905 5:1,505 Elax 80,48.1 7U,(K)5 Spellz 874 708 The increase In wheal us 13.07 per cent.; in oats, 10.42 jkt cent.; in barley, 15.S7 j)er cent.; in lliix, 15. 7b per cent.; and in Spellz, 13.41 [wr cent. Tho number of uctfa .Miwn in Mani- tolia Is iLs follows : -Wheal. 2,78<J.553 ; oats, 1,215,500; hurley, 649,57(1; llax, 25,015. "soo" rnAinr. i",788,3i9 tons. June llelurns Show Nearly Tlirce .Mil- lion Increase. A despatch from Snult Ste. Marie says: Juno trallic llir<jugh •Hi* ".Son" ship canals broke all records and brings the setts^m's total to dot^' up to 17,788,- 310 t«jiis. This is slightly under three millions greater limn for Uio same pfiiod last year. The hilal for June V as 8,805,442 ons, over a iiilllion t<Mis lncren.se <iver May. Heavy trullic was noted in ore, grain and coal. ^ Of the lohil tonnage. 7,033,62(i was eastliound riid 1,831.810 wesllioiind. It is <>xpect- ed that July and August will show still heavi»T trallic. * (iOLD NEAR KENOIIA. Consldernliie ExrIlenienI FiiK' Sample. A d'spatiti from K<ii<ira snys: by Fhidinn Cxin- sidenilile (â- xciteiiienl was aiyjused here by Ihc llnduig of u fine sample of gold- billing quartz on Macke.vs or the old N'.eiizif Island. Free gold is also said ',o have been ilisNivered in that vicinity. DISAFF ECTION I N INDIA Has Spread Among Landholders, Peasants and Coolies A despatch from Lofidon says: In- iHaii diwpnlehe.s represent the lixmble 111 India as in iiuwise over, but as ra- ther liiereasing. A cori'es|Mindeiil, who Ynh reliini'd lo Calcutta Ir-iin three lour.s of the mo4 disaffected districts ui hfligiil, telegraphs that tlu^ si'riousness of the j4ituallon is hardly realized by the EuixuK'ans in Imlia or at home. A few years ago the discnnleiit was c<in- ImnI to a few pleadi'is and clerks, but liow d has spread among the lundliolil- e>-s mid the llengal aristocracy, as will Us uiiioiig the peasanls and c'K)lies. Ill the lliiiisal disli'icl coiiimtltees o! fi.lely, iifh'r llios<' called into existence during Itie Fnncli revolullon. hiive liivii formed. These coinmillees hold jlidieiiil enipilries. summon witness. ^s and piiiiisli offenders. The riovernnienl liiis exhaiisled its reseivo of p<illce and taS' boii'ovved iMinpmiies ol (iurkhas fr-iiu Assa jnd military |K>lice from \tb>^ l-'mvUiCes. These arc iKJsleil .n small batches aUjuI tho country, but aiy iiiinlile to prevent the persecution ni ktynlisls. The worst tialure of the siluulion is llie glowing number of lissuulls on Ku- r<i|ieaM--. Altei- detailing some of these Iht coi ies|Kiii(|ent adds that Kuixipeiins gc about luiiied with revolvers. Ku- ropi'iin passeng<'is cuiiy shotguns ac-xiss their knees in Iraiiis. Ladies are afraid Ui liuvel till the Assiim-llengal laiKvay. A liiilUc otltcer said ttiere was «hinger of certain .seeliiuis of Ihc line being dosed <iwing to tlie r<'lU( tance of guards Biid drivers I41 take trmiis out. (in one occushin no fewer than llfleen ghnrds refused lo wcvk. The iiiipresslon s gaining strength Ihat firearms are lit- tering into the c<iun(ry from Calcutla and from ( himdcriingore In enstorn rten- gal. An<dher ((irrespoiKlenl al Simia .v [Oils the extension of the sedition in- U) the central l'ixjvL'<ces. LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS, Toronto. July 9.â€" Wh^al-Ontarlo â€" K.rm; inclined lo vary on sniull trans- actions; No. 2 while, 88c to 89c; No. 2 red, 8Sc lo 80c. Whealâ€" Manitobaâ€" Sellers quote No. 1 lard 09%c; No. 1 noilhern, 07>^c; No. 2 northern, 05c. Cornâ€" Firm; .No. 2 yellow, 61c ito 6\%c. Burley-Noiiiinally quoted No. 2 55c, No. 3 extra 54c. Hyeâ€" Dull, around 70c. Huckwhealâ€" COc. Flourâ€" Ontarioâ€" 00 per cent, palenls. $3.40 bid, axm asked. Munittd.u lirst patents, .'i;'..75; seeonils, $4.20 lo $4.25; bakers, Sl.(»6 I.1 $4. Id. Branâ€" $17 t<i $17.5u, outside; shorts, a'ljout $10. outside. COUNTHV PnODUCE. Butterâ€" Market is steady, and supplies i.re heavy, and demand good. Cienmery prints 20cto2IC do .sfilids lOctoOO*' I'niry prints 17c to 18c do .s<,lids 17clo-00c Clieese-12>ic for large and I2^c for Iwins, in job lots here. . ^'He^^â€"nc to 173<;c per dozen, in case lots. Beans- $l.c:> U, $1.70 for hand-picked and $l..yi to $l..',5 for primes. Totatoesâ€" IXIawares, $1.23 to $1.30, in car lots on truck here. Ontario, $1.10 to $1.15. BahHl Hayâ€" $15 lo $15.50 for No. 1 lim- olliy; No. 2, $12.50. Baled SIraw -$7 to $7.25 per ton in c.'.i k)Ls on truck here. PROVISIONS. Dre.ssisl Hogsâ€" Nominal at $9.50 for llghtwi ighls and $8.75 lo $9 for heavies, larmers lots. forkâ€" Sliort cut, .$22.75 lo $23 per bar- rel; mess, $21 lo $21.50. Smoked and Bry SaMf^ Meats.â€" Long ('.ear bacon, lie to ll^c for tons and cu.scs; hams, medium and light, ISl^c to 16r; heavy. 14%c to 15c; bacIvS, lO^c 10 17c; should<Ts, lOJ^c to lie; rolls. 11 Xc; out of pickle, ic less llian sinokeil. Lardâ€" Steady; tierces, 12,'ic; tubs. i;;>ic; pails, 12?ic. MONTREAL MARKETS. .Montreal, July 0.â€" Outs arc .steady under lair demand, and sales ol Mani- bjba No. 2 white were made al 49Xc, Ontario No. 2 ul 48>ic lo 4!»c, No. 3 at 47'^c l<i 48c, and No. 4 at 40^0 to 47e per bushel, ex store. Flour- Market al«o keeps firm. Choice vheal patents, $5.10 lo $,').20; sectiiids, t-4.50 lo $4.()(i; winter w'heat patent,'^, S4.85; stniiglil iv.llers. .$-1.10 lo .$4.25; do in bag.s, $i.',Hi to $2: extras. $1.00. Maniloba bran in bag.s, .$21; sixirls, $2:t pi>r ton; Ontario biiiii in bugs, .•SIS..'.!) t<i $20; shorts, $22 to $22..50: nulled iiKiuille, .$24 U> .$28 per lOJi, und straight grain, $30 Ui $32. Rolled Oatsâ€" Prices uvc steady al $2.25 tr $2.27 ^ per bag, und for cornmeal SI.45 lo $1.50. Ihiled Hayâ€" Priees sho\fe-no change. No. 1, $10 In $1(1.50; No. 2, $15 to $15.50; clover, $13.50 U' $14; clover mixed, $12- 50 to $13 per Ion in ear lots. Oflicial quolulion.s for buller are: Townships, 20%c to 21c; (Quebec. 20>4C U) 20)<;c; Ontario, 20c; <lairy, 17^c lo 18c. Recelpls to-day were 2,385 puck- ages. (.lUNWâ€" Onlnrio. ll^c l<i ll%c; Que- bec, llJie; townships, ]l%c. Receipts l;,-<lny were 26,033 Ixixe's, an extremely li'.ige supply acc<iunled for by the rec- ent holidiiy. Weak lone of market was continued. In the egg mnrkelk wholesale lots weri' al lOXc, and small lots 17>ic. Barrelled P<irkâ€" Heavy Caniida short- fill mess in li<rees, $32 lo .$32.50; heavy Ciiiiudi,! sliorl-eul me'S in barrels, $22 to $23. ,511; .silecled heavy Canatlii slwirl iiicss, boneless. S|H'eial quality, $23 lo $23.50; Can;ida short-cut buck. ,$2t.50 t<i $22; light Canada shurt-cul clear, $20..V) to .$24.,')0: Ciinada shoit-eul mess in hall barrels, $11.25 I41 $I2..'>0; Canada short- cut backs, $11 lo $11. .50. I.iird-C/imrxiund, lOc to lie; pure Uird, I2'ic to 13c. I'cjees are .slea<Iy. The same good <Ienuiiid ronliiim-.s for ah siiKikixl meats. Hams, 25 poiinils and upwards, I4e; d-:i 18 to 25 jxiiinds, UV.^e lo f5c; do 12 to 18 ixuinds, 15c to l.'.'V-; lUi 8 to 12 piiiiiKis, lOe; do large hams. l>..ne <ul, rolkxl, lOr; <lo small. I7r; English boiiek-.ss breakhist bacon, \[j<-\ tUi Ihiik, l3Xc; Wuul.sor bacon, lacks, II'm'; spiced rolled bacon, b<iife- less, short, 14c; do long, I4>ii^ lo 1.5c; Wiltshire bacon, 50-iKumd sides, MVjC hi i:>'. BUFFAJ.O MARKirr. Buflnio, July 9.â€" Fkiurâ€" Strong. Wheat - .Spring. slMing; No. I N<irllierii, !rl.03;%; Winter dull; No. 2 wliile, $1.02. (<,rnâ€" Finn; No. 2 yelUiw,, .'lO^e; No. 2 while, ,'>0>ie. Oal.s- .shady; N<i. 2 white, 47%c; No. 2 mixed, 45c. Barley Noth- int, doing. Hye-N< . 1 olfered 89c c.i.f. Canal freights unchanged. cAiTi.i: MARKirr. Toixiiilo, July 0. There was n fair de- i.iand for g<Xid l<i clwiice cxikuI callle, and as llie supply was none loo ample, prices were belter all round. (liMid sloekers are wanted, but poor slull will nol .sell. The (leinand for milch cows is just IK w veiy ea.sy. 4>ie t<i 5' per ixmiul. Sluep sold fairly wM; good to choice ( xporl ewes are worth from 4>i lo 5c per iHiund; bucks and culls from 3 lo 4j per piiiiid. "Calves are unehnnged at from $5 to SIO each. Good calves are wantW. TRUSTED TELLER'S HAUL He Put $96,317 in a Suit Case and Said Oood=bye. A despatch from New York says: De- teclivcis Ihroughoiit the United Stales arc searching for Chester B. Bunyun, paying teller of the Windsor Trust o.nipany, who, the directors allege, is missing, with $9<;.3I7 in cash. Ceorge W Young, a director of the trust com- pany, confirms the reports of the defal- ci't ons. which the detectives say is one of the most roniarkable ever reported. Riinyan is accused of having placed $'Jii,3l'7 in currency in a suit case Inst Saturday, and, after shaking hands with his banking a.ssociates, left I'le trust company. Since then ho has nol l<en .seen. Runyan, it is said, did not even go to his apartment to bid good- bye lo his wife, to whom he had lieen p.arried for live years. He is said to- have taken all the cash available in Ihe bank last Saturday. The directors, :t is stated, have inude up all the loss <jf the defalcation. Runynn was a man of exemplary ha- bits, so far as J<nown, and his c<induct was such as not to arou.se any suspi- cion. When the auditoi-s wont over his accounl.s on May 1 they were found lo be all right. VICTIM OF ILI.M-FLA.MMEM. Old Trirk Was Worked at SL Callier incs Post-office. A despatch from St. :atherincs says All unknown man on Friday appeared at the stamp counter In the post-ofilcf and asked Mis« Ethel llaynes, stamp vendor, for change for a $20 bill. Mi.ss llaynes said she had a ten and two lives, and the stranger, jaosing as a one-armed man, Iho olher hand being in his pocket, asked her lo put them in an envelope and seal it. This done, the stranger counted out $19.75, and linding tlial he was short 25 cent*:. Ivanded .Miss llaynes buck what sho thought was the sumo envelope, while ho went out to get the olher quarler. On his not returiiing the envelope was found to contain no- thing but two sheets of blank paper. BlILDING NEW LMLS. .'\loney Rranted by Covernment for New Ontario Judiciously .Spent. .\ despatch from Toronto says: Dr. Bruce Smith, Jail Inspector, has just returned from a tour of inspection < f the jails in New Onlurio, and stales It at llie grant of $100,000 voted at Hie lasl .session of the Legislature for the building of new jails and improvement •A <lhers in that district was IxMiig ju- diciously expended. .Now j.iils are being l.uill nt (lore Bay. .Sudbury, Port .\r- lliur and Fort Frances, while Iniprove- loenls are being made to the 'Soo" jail and the one a I Kenora. The work is LeLng somewhat hampered by the <iver- iTowding of the jails in the district wilh lutiorers who are working on the double tracking of the C. P. It. 4. MANY BY-LAWS CARItlEU. I'lOflressive Port Arllmr I'liderlakinij Some Uiu Things. A despatch from Port Arthur .says: Thirteen by-laws were vote<l on on Wed- in sday und adopt-ed by a majority vole. These included the construction of tw-i concrete and steel bridges, the purchase .if street cars, llie expenditure of $Oii.- iiOO for improvements lo the Current H.v<r, e>l!ension of the waterworks .*25:tjOOO. for the erection of a fvolico sta- tion, for double-tracking the street rail- way for seven miles, the estublishmenl of an incinerating plant, for the erec- li<n of new lOr barns and the isolation hospital and for park improvements. AIhiuI $C.fHl,lX)0 was called t»u- by the various bylaws. .\ plel>is(it<; on do^ \«lopnienl <if I>og Lake Falls revealed nil nnirmative resfionse, while the pro- |.osal lo purchase land for a fair gixnmd was rejected. Tho vote was small and lillle interrst was taken. FHENC.II SOLIHEUS Ml'TINOl'S. Men Uialled for Service in .\lrica and Corsica as Penally. A «lespalcli from Paris says : Rei oris of iiiutiiiies among regiments encumpe<l at Lurzac have l>e»'n couimoii during the lasl week. They have always been met by (illlciul denials and the produclion <it coiiimunding <d1icei-s' reports that all was well in the camp. Tliut this was nol nllogetlicr Iriio is shown by an olll- cial slalenient on \\cdnes<l;iy lo Hie elfrt't thill uNMil n huiuhixl men belong- ing to the UXllli Regiment weiv being sent away lo be distriluiled among olher regiiiient.s. It is ollicially said that eleven of Ihoin have gone to .Mai-seilles. whence lliey will be Ininsferied lo Cur- sican and African stations. (-.1 NBOAT ON CHEAT LAKES. Oreal Drilain lias (liven Permission to llie llitiled Stales. A despnlch fixuii Wasliinglon says: The Stale DeparlnienI has received the a.suraiKV of the British Crtivernmenl 11, nl there will In' mi objection to the ritpiesl of this (Mivernineiit in sending the gimlK'at l>oii Juan de .Vuslria to the (heal Lakes, where she will be used (•.'â-  cruising purposes by Ihc luivul mi- litia. A DISAPPOINTED LOVEH. Winnipeg Suicide is lilrnlilied as a Weallliy Farmer. A despatch from Wiiiin[>eg snys: The Central Park suicide has l>een identilled as Israel Scott, a weallhy farmer of Eplin, Man., who was distippoinled in a love ufhiir alxiut three nHinlhs ago, uml has since been spending his lime in tho cilv without eniploynienL STE\MEn MOINT HOYAL WRECKED. .Six .Memliers ol Crew Drowned, Includ- ing First Officer, Purser and Steward. A dcsp.-itili from Victoria, B. C, says: The Hud.s.iirs Bay CxDinpany's islerni wheeler Mount Royal, plying on the Skcena, w.is a complete loss by wreck on Saturday afternoon. Captain John- .s<,n and all the pas.sengers were saved. .Six of the crew were drowned. Thd de-ad are:â€" W. .M. Lewis, lirst ollicer; James O'Keefe, purser; A. WiIIls, ste- ward; B. Frnyne, fireman; a Japuiies« raipenlcr and a Japanese deckhand. Ip<lians with canoes did good service m the w irk of rescue. .Meagre details were received Satur- day niplit of the loss of the Hudson's Bay steamer Mount Royal, operating < n Ihe .skeena Hiver between P<irl Es- s ngton aiul llazellon. The vessel struclf while negotiating the dangerous rapdj ;n the worst jiart of the river al Kitse- las Canyon, and sank almost inimedi- aWly. * EXl'RESS TH.MN WRECKED. The Fireman Killed and Engineer ij Badly Scalded. A dcspnteh from Rainy River. Ont., says: A train wreck occurred on Fri- day niglit on the Canadian Norlhem, six mdes east of here. The wrecked liain was .No. 2 Exprcssf easlbound, and was in charge of Engineer W. llamillon and Omduclor McCcali. Si»v miles eusl of Rainy River the kicomo- live stiuck It'ire enttle, which were ly- ing on the track, derniUng tho engine, nail and baggage cars and the lirsl and see<ind-class c<iaclies. Tlie sloei)- trs and dining car did not U'ave tlw rails. Engineer llaiiult<in was badlj sculde<l, but his injuries are not ex- pecled to cau>se death. Fireman Vance was sti badly injured Ihat he afterward* (fifd in the lK:spital. THE YEAR'S SI RVLIS. Kalancf on llie Right Side ol Canada's Hooks SIO.UUO.OOO. .\ despatch from Ottawa snys: The re- turns of ivveiiue and expenditure for Iht li.scal period of nine inonlhs, which Closed March 3lsl, have lieen prncli- cally all received by Ihe Finance Deparl- iiieiit, and it Is now possible to deter- nurve the amonnl of the surplus for the last lisoal period. II is aluKisl sixteen end a" half millions. The. ivveiiuc nmounled to $07.0ta),328, am! Ihe expen- ditures of revenue amount to .'i«51..542,- Mil, leaving a difference on the right s do of Itie Ciovernnient IxKiks of $10,- 427.107. The exp«"nditure en ca|ulal ac- ci lint during the period was $14,234,- 025, having S2. 102.5 12 for the reduction •'f the IXiiiiiniou delit. SLEi;i'WALKKRS PEA TIL Climbed lu Window of Industrial School and Jiinip.'d. .\ despatch from Montivnl says: .\n- Uine HolKM-t. the 15-year-<ild son ol Chief of Police Roliert, <it Laehiiie. wliil« walking in hi; sleep <in Snturday night, climbed In a window of tlie \kiiiks In. diislrial Sclioiil nt Oka and jiimpetl out of the window l<i Ihe gioiHul. a di.stuiiefl of -to feet. While walking In Ihe garden in tho iiKirning one of the Inoiiks fviund the lad's dead body clad in a n'ght shirt lying close to the school wlall. Ills .skull was fractured and death iiiusl • ave beeji insluntuneous. 4^ PLA\TI\(; TREES ON l>R\IRIK<<. .\r(i\e Cniiipaiiin ol Education (ioina on in Ihc Norlliwesl. A desjiiilrh from Ottawa says: .\n a**" live cuiiipaigii is going on in the N<iith- wesl in ta\or of tree propagation and tree preservation. The oIlicinN have been busy getting the eslablisheu farm- oii- and Ihe new settlors on prairie lands to plant trees. Hh (iRAIN IS (iltUWIM; FAST. ('.. P. R. Report of Western Crops «• Wcullier is Fii\orublo. A despatch from Winnijieg says: The w<vkly crop iv)Kirt was hande<l out by Ihe ('. P. H. ollieials on 'rtiursdny morn- ing, and indications all iilong Ihe line art l<i the effect Ihat Ihe whe-il ami <ill;cr grains are growing fust undor ffivornlile weather condition.si. Tlioi'e bus been plenty of rain In most dis- tricts, but -V'veral n»HHl more sli.iweis. The grain is up 10 to IS inches in kuuiM places. k â-  i;

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