Flesherton Advance, 11 Jul 1907, p. 4

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^Cly ll 1007 THE FLESKERTOIS AI) VANCE yuw^vwwvy F, T. HILL & CO. wwvywywv^^ We are Sacrificing Good Huslins 1;)C, 20c, 25c, 30c and 35c Muslins on sale this week at 12 1 -2 c yard. Owing to tho C(ild, bsckwnrd Hprin^ it liaa made tbo Hciwrn too shott for us to );et llirou^th our t^ii! Ktock of Drew Muslins in tlio ro^uUr way of aellin^, cDtiBoquently we are ooinpellu'l to take abi^ loss. Dus^iniitng Wed- ueadsy morning our entire stock of Dreaa Muslius >;o«a ou sale, in many cases at oiie-tliird of their f 01/~> value. ISo on hand oarly the boat always go firot. romember, your choice at per yard X^2^> Ladies' Sill<: Gloves. Ladies' Silk Gloves are also on the bargain list for this week. 150 pairs Ladies Silk Glorea ia colors of brown, tan, fawn and black, 2.5c 30c, 35o and 40o lines. On Mie thiii week at per pair 15c rien's Straw Hats V â- : . The late season makes the prices possible for Men's Fine, Hand-made Straw Hats. 4 dozen only, eltra line quality Straw tlats, latest styles in the tiiio hand-made braids, which sell in OfT/^ the regular way for 21.25, 81.50 and 81-76. On sale this week at each 0»C» ./^'' Tweeds and Worsteds Mill Ends in Fine Tweeds and Worsteds at very much less tlian regular price.s La»t week we ckijircd out the sample ends of IVeedit and Worsteds , from one of the best mills in Canada They come in lengths of 2^ to 10 yards and are on safe this weok at one third less than regular price. ^Q/-> Peryard :.. VJOU Fancy All- Wool Delaines at Half l*nce. 3 pieces fancy all-wool Delaines, in tine French goods, regular prices are 25o and 35o per yard. This T Op wetk at jubthalf priceâ€" per yard 12Jo and J.OL> Ladies' White Skirts, slightly soiled, for 5ftc. 3 only Lidies Fine White Cotton Underskirts, some with plain pleatiny, some embroidery trimmed. PkQrt They are slightly soiled. On sale this week ut vJOU Hardware Special 500 Electric Light Lamps in 16 candle power, 107 or 110 voltage guaranteed equal to anything on tbe market. On sale this week al 20c,. each. MARKDALE www? MIDSUMMER " " O J^ Jâ€" ^ iâ€" / " "" j^adies White Sliirt Waists, regular 1 50 to 1.83 for. 75c print Wrappers, reuulur 1.00 fijr 7uc Fancy Dre^K Muslins, .sellinjjat 10, 12^ and 1,5c Knibroidery Insertions, regular 10c for : 7o Ladies' White Undo: 8kirt^ regular 1.2.5 for 08o Ladies \Miite Underskirts, regular 1.60 for 1.15 Special piicees in all white goods including Oown.s, Corset Covers, Drawers- Women's Cotton Hose, rcg. 15c for , lOg ^ A coniploie 8t(ick of Parasols rangina i" price from 60c to 2 26 ^ Men's Purmshings. 1 A full r.-ingo of Sun. nier Underwear Fniicy Vor.t.s. Belts, Neckwonr, etc. j^ Cashmi re S(.ck.s, regular 26c for .r. _ 18c ^^ Fancy Shirts, regular 1.00 f<ir T'Jc ?l? House Furnishings I .V full ran;4J <â- { Carpcti in Tapestry Brusscl-s W .ol.-i, Unions, also Linoleuni.s jfc and Oil Cloths. Ucuu'hi at tbe idd prices ami ai there has bein a big ^Mi advance in these goods you will lini it worlii your while to make your purchases while you got the ben.-fit of thu old price. 4 yd wide Linoleum best quality at* per si|. yd ^k 50 Flour 81 Feed* Wo have a full si'ock of Hotii an 1 feed including, Bran, Shorts, Feed flour. ^ and FIVK ROSKS FLOUU made by thn Like uf the Woods Milling Co. Keewatin â€" Every bag of thibtlour ii guaranteedâ€" the best flour in the land â€" no other can eiiual it. lite ^^I'lcal^iirlon. ^tltan.;^ _ ^ $1.00 i.or «miiii)i if paid in advance, 81. 5o if not so iwid r« imbliahed every Thurnduy at »d v« Artemesia Council. in which Mtissrs. Walker Bros, was to have had the Boyne Bridtje conipletotl having expired, the time lie extended to Aug. 1, lw7, but nothing in this resolu- tion shall affect or alter the terms of the .igreeinont save as to time, or in any way relieve said contractors from the due completion of aaii contract according to plans and spocificationsâ€" Carried. Meadsâ€" Carsonâ€" That this Council ar the Salem appjtntnieat met at the Lai- sonago on the eveniug of the 1st of July and presented their jiastor, K.-v. Ria^h with an address and a ^purse of mom y which had been quietly contributed I y the warm hearted people of that pait if Proton township and took the pastor completely by surprise. Death again visited this vicinity and on the 21st Juno Miss Dorothy Mclntyre Artemesia Township Council met in the town hall, Fleshorton, on Saturday last. The members were all pre.sent, the Reeve 111 the chair. Minutes of June session were reftd and confirmed. The following eomniunications were rend ; From the secretary of Ontiirio Municipal Associa- tion re meeting of the same ; W. Wilcock regarding exchange of old road allowance fi>r deviation on lot 30. 1 N.D.R. ; A. McCabe, objecting to closing of Arte" niesia street. Price villo ; H. Allen, re 180 sideriiad. Byhws t>84. 685, 68(), 687 and 088, to close u\> and dispose of jiarts of Harvey .street, -•Vrtemesia street, (Juoen street anil Town Line Street, in tho village of Priceville, were introduced and rea<l a tirst tinid. After considerablu discussion these bylaws were laid over for further consideration. Canionâ€" McLoughry â€" That tho follow- ing accounts for gravel used by overseers iluly certified bo paid : A. McDon.tld S2.15, W. H. Pattersim l84, George Clark 84.60, Peter Muir 8<1.75, James Oliver *;(.16, (Jeorge White ^3, Frank Taylor 81.76, (ieo. Williamson t3, Mrs. Jamie- son 82.26--C»rried. Mea«la--CarHonâ€" That J. A. Heard be p.tid as fiilluwH : One rooter plough $26, and one riwcl planer 960, totiil 176. â€" Carried. Meads â€" Mclioughry â€" Thai Walker IWini. lie i*id tJWXl on account of bridge uuntract- Carried. C'arson â€" Meads - â-  That Walker llros. 1 hn |iaid 812, cimtract price for Htratght.tm- uigHtruaniat Boyne Water briilgo -Car. McKenzie - Mclitnighry -That Mr. Meads lie refundml 76c paid by him for Miench-and repairs to grader- -Carried. McKenzie â€" MojmIs â€" Tlmt Mr. Mc- Loughry be paid tlO for live (lays super- intending work with graderâ€" Carried. Mclioughryâ€" MclConzieâ€" That |75 bo uxpemled on town line .\rtemesia and Cilunelg at lut« 106, lOK, Toronto line, to meet a like amount t.o lie expended by (flenelu, and tho commissiouer of Div. 2 exiieniTthu same -Carried. \Iea<ls Mcljoughry â€" That 876 lie gianted and ux|>eiided by Mr. McKenzie on CaniplH)ir« deviationâ€" ('arriod. Carstm --Mcljoughry â€" That in regard to rv(|uost of Mr. Richard All«n, relative to IWI mdu ruad, tho Clerk notify him that this Council is prepared to carry out the resolution ijasmid in lUOi regarding M;tid rcMui -Carried. McuIn- McKenzie â€" That tho Reeve and Clerk Vie a committee to wait on Mr. Win. Wilcock in regard to a settlement (or lands puruhawHl from hiui for devia- tion around lake in lieu of 30 sideroad, N.D.U., and duo<U liu drawn up and exe- cuted -Carried. McKoniie-.Mo*iUâ€" Ttiat W. A. Arm- ittronj Im) |Mrmltte<l to out down and re- move Hha<le trees opposite lots 1 and 2, 'J'oroiif*! atreot, Floshorton. .UpKoniieâ€" MoLou^hryâ€" Tlutt the time â- of 'he south line, Oleuelg, passed away i-ricoviuu ai •» o uiotn ij.ui. ww niu i.^^w. after a lingering illness of about 2 yeai-s Inst, to discut>.s tho matter of closing part Idunition. Miss Mclntyre was the eldest of town line as asked for by solicitors of I daughter of late Rot. Robert Mclntyre, C.P.R. â€" Carried. [Baptist minister. Shu was burn in Ulvas McKensie â€" Meads â€" That Harmon j Isle 57 years a^,o and came with her par- Radloy is hereby appointed pound keeper i ents to Canada when quite young. She in tho room and stead of D. McTavish, , had been a member of the Baptist church resigned â€" Carried. Council adjourned. Dest MeUlolnoln tlie 'World Collo und Ulutiorreu. for from her youth and was an active Sunday j School woiker. The funeral took place on the 23rd, Rev, Mr. Kipp conducting the services. A number of tho people herj celebrated I Dominion Day at Uurhani, Vandeleur, COAL Several cars of No. 1 Hard Coal to arrive this wonth. Parties who use Coal fjr the winter iiionthi should give their onlers now aud get the lowest price â€" call and leave yjur orders â€" i go;)d time now to ga; it in. Hard^ware A full stock of stoves, ranges and he.it..rs, -ixo.i. s.ins and all kiiuli of wood men's supplies, also BUILDER'S SUPPLIES. Parties contemplating building should not neglect getting our prices before puicHasing elsewhere. J. & W. BOYD I FLESHKRTOX •DRAQOY." USED-UP "I find Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Shelburne and other outside points. Ularrhuua Kemooy to be the best remedy lu j ' The world," says Mr. C. L. Carter of .Skirum. " "I am subject to culio and diarrhcwu. Last spriuK it seemed as thnuKh 1 would die, and I think 1 would if I hadn't taken Ohain- berlalu'a Colic, Cbulemaud Diarrhoea Rem- edy I bave'nt l>een troubled witli it since until this week, when 1 had a veiy Hevere attack and took ImU a bottle of the tweuty-five eon* size Cbumlierlaiu's Collo, Cholera aud Diarrh- oea Remedy, and tliis morning I fet'l like a new man." For sole by W. K Richardson. lOTII LINE, OSPREY Last week's items Th« crops and hay are growing very fast after the beautiful rains and warm weather. Mr. and Mr*. Win. llorton and daughters Isabel and Mary of Colling- wood, spent the first with Mr. and Mrs U. J. Coli|uelt« uf Fairriew. Weddinv bulls are ringing. A good many uf our young people at- tended the picnic at Rookhareu en July first and report a good time. Our teacher, uilss Jeuii Rudgors, in spending her hulidayi at her home at St. Marys Mr. Fred and Miss Ida Heron spent Sunday with their cousin, Mrs. Harry Morton, in Collingwuod. Mrs. John Hudson has returned home after vIsiikaK i>er sister, Mrs. Win. Waltsri.at Uarrie. Miss Amelia Ueitnian of Mclnlyre ia visiting her sistor, Mrs. Dr. Park ot Koversham at pressnt. Miss Watson, teacher of suhool section Nu. 0, had a large gathering at the picnic Incouneoiiou with the school onThursday last. PRIOKVILLK Intended for last week The gronrtuu crop* uo making rapid growth under the very favorable weather ounditlons of late. Passers by all sesiu to admire that fine field of fall wheat ou the farm of Mr. J . MrMlllan, nt th« "six oornori." You Lack the Vigor, Courag:e and Staying Power that "Ferro- zone" Can Supply, Night comes and it's bnrd to sleep. Morning dawns and the anxious, tired feeling is still there, Don't neglect thia gradual decline; it can't cure itself. But by forming rich, pure b looJ, Ferro- zone will quickly supply tho nutriment and building material your system craves. Instantly you are aware that some powerful force is building up your de- pleted energies. .\t once you feel braced, toiled, strengthened. Search tho woild over and you won't find anything to tone up a Weak system like Forrozone. Physi- cians claim it is tho uiost strengthening, uplifting medicine ever discovored. . No more spells of tiredness, but bound- ing, joyful health when you take Forto- zone, of which Mrs. H. S. Gold, of Biws- inaii, Man., speaks in the following words of piaise: "1 statu iny case beciiiso I think it I may assist other women to health. \ ' year ago I w;U4 almost i\ nreck. I tvas I pale and eiuaoialod, suffering fiom nervousness and hysteria. Little tbim;'- going wrong in the house bo. hured me. The doctor advised different treatments but they didn't help. He sai-l my low condition was duo to weakness that might never bo cured. Ferrozone had a peculiar itrateful etfeot and built me up quickly. The ills I sulfered from are cured. I am nuA- strong and vigorous and was made so by Ferrozone." Why not cast aaide the chains of sick- ness aiid enter thu bright happy life of robust health. Let Ferrozone help you â€"let it cure you oiieo and fcrover. Price 60e per box or six boxes for $'2.60, at all dealers, or N. C. Poison & Co., Hartford, Cuau..U. S. .-V., and Kingston, Ont. Eugenltt The delightful shower on Mtmday morning was a blessing, as cro)u« were ^lieginuiiig to siillvr for tain, but tho Al- The ileara shovel will mote weal about mighty Hand who does all things will a mile, this week. Isonds us rain in due season. Re». W 5" Roach preaahed his farewell ' The Pi-osbyterians heioare having their sermon In tUo Methodist cbnroh lasfc Sun- church jiainted inside and other nooiled day. Aft*>r a fnar year paslcirate Mr. jiiuprovonieuts doup. Tho ladies' garden Roaohleavoe Iheqiroul* In a b tier finan-lnai-ty held on Fridiiy evening acldod a oial ooudltiun than when he entered u|>«n little to their funds. It was well iiatron It and peace and baraony frerall all over ized and a good time enioyed by all. "• I Mr. Grantham of Toronto was the A large dvlegtMoa itt the nismbert of gue»t of Mr. and Mr*. W. J. Mage« for a « few days. Mr. Magoe returned with him to the city for a sh.at visit. Several from hero took in Friday's ex- i cursion, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. j John Williams, Mrs. James Magee and 1 daughter, Mrs. Rtibert Gorley, Airs. Will ! Gordon. | Mr. Charles Turner had three head of cattle killed by liglitning during tho xtoriu a week ago. They were found bo- i siUe an elm tree that h:\d Wen struck. | Mr. John Kernahan, who has lioen tho i guest of Mr. John K. Jamieson, h^vs re- , turned to his home in tho city delighted with bis visit and greatly improved in health. All were sorry to part with Mr. Gau' i din, as during the tinio he was here, he ' made many warm friends of all denoiiii- i nations. The Rev. Mr. Laidlaw iireachod his first sermon to bis people liere ou .Sunday evening and createii a favoi-ablo inijiression on all present. The Presbyterians are giving a call to Rev. Mr. Little. We trust both churches will find their new pjistors as good as tho old. Mr, Roman and siin uf St. Catherines have been t>ut:Sts at the Eugenia bouse tbe past weelc. Mt. Geo. Sloin of Toronto spent D-iininiou Day at Mi. Beecroft's. Mr VViU Campbell visited his parents in the valley. Miss Annie Jamieson, with her mother at Eugenia. Miss Klla Pedlar spent a few days visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker spent Dominion Day with ft lends at Singhamp- ton. M'-.Likie (nee CUra'Akitt) of Toronto, was the guest uf Mrs. Johnston for a few days. \1r. John II. Jamieson has gone to the city fur a while. m Liceuso Inspector Matt Beckett added another to bin li.st iif seizures yesterday afternoon. Shortly after hvo o'cUick he visited the Pacific Hotel and succeeded in tocaiing i quantity jf beer at the rear of the barber »ho|i which is in the h^tel building and faces on Waiter St. Tho liipior consisted III 63 pints of Schwans at d Ri-inharts Beer. Mr. Beckett will lav iiifiwrnation a.^aiiist Mr. Chits. S. I' leining, Keeper of the h-iuse, for" keep- iiig lujuot i.ir sale."â€" O. S. Sun. Core Yourself of Kidney Trouble at Practically no ExpenM.' Jost a few boxes of "Bu-Jn,** and yoq â- will be well. Simply take "fci-Al,* follow tlie directions, atKl you will be free of this terrible disease, 500. • box. At dnis'sisU, or by mail direct from TlieCbfliii Chemical Co.. Limi- ted, WimUv>r > lilt Summer Stock. I have on hand a number of Rub- ber Rug^ Dash Aprons, Dusteis Fly Nets, Whips, Axle Grease, Hoof Ointment. Harness reiiuir- iug ff all kinds done promptly. 0. W. PHILLIPS Directly opposite The Advance office. Fleshkutox, - - Ontario WINTER HARNESS GOODS BIfl St ock ^ :: Bes t Stock B$ll$» Blankets , Fobcs Fur lined coats, pocketbooks, satchels, razor strops and other leather go.ds. utters-besi makes-and everything in the harness line. Ws MOORE, Flcsherton Out. Pure Bred Camwortbs and Berksbires 1 li.i-.n tnrdale J'ouiig stock of l>it:ibtt^lHf< r breeHuig piir|>.iees. Cuuie aud sot- them or write lor jirici-s. M.17 07 _(}. w, Riw, Maxw»». Tarm Property for Salt, Lola S8 auil 39. conoessioa 8, 9)0 aoro.<; Lot 38. cmicesMon U, lOOatres; Lot 3S, conce8»l<>i» IS!, 100 HOI 06; Lot 37, oouciwsioii li. woHterly 0.5 aoioB. Tlip aloresai.l ate »M in the towuaniii or Artcmudi* and willbo sola at roaaoaablo pricoD on easy »erm«. J.K.H1;JKLLSG, Box B07, Colliugwood Farm tor Sale Lot l,Vi.^7, 3iil con. W. T. 8. K., Arteiuesia, CoiitttiuiiiK' about 145 » reii, about *) acres busli ana swam]'. Well wateroJ, large frame burn ami oouifortaUlu bouse, ttiuall orchard. I'oi". seBslou to do baa la fall. Kor iirioo aail tonus a|>ply ou farm to the ui.deisiiiQea or b'leshuriou P-0- JOHN BTEWART, Prop. Bull fox* Se]c*vioe Tbotnughbred Durham bull for service. .J0HNAD.\M8, Flesherton. ) ;» .♦i •^

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