Flesherton Advance, 11 Jul 1907, p. 7

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t BOM/ MUCH IS HABITABLE. Ernest Tliompson Selon Says ilundrrds ol Milrs Farther North. That the suilubilily o( all portion.s of Hi* west for agricultural purpaj^j^ to l>c tested in Itie imniedial<fiuiji(Pris ap- pnrenl from some of the r<-}jCrls of selUt- jnenl .sent in wilhln the last few months. t'roni Edmonton, for inslunce, scon's of families have left on the long trek to Athabasca LanUinf and from that point .onward to the Peace River country, nnd the vast area to the west, east and north. A report is made from the lienri of the Rocky Mounlams to the effect that a considerable number of cars of settlers' effects were delivered during the past nine months at Salmon .\rm, a station on the main line of the (Canadian I'acili: .railway, about half way between Banff nnd the coast. A similar number of cars and settlers' effects were delivered in the 'jume interval at Konikiops. Hundreds of tliousands of people who ccntemplale actual settlefnenl are mak- Stops Colic ing the most careful scrutiny of all the ftiistinf; maps with the view of securing information regarding sflBions of the country which are open for homestead int' and w«)rlli acquiring. The agents of t'le Government arnpuly furni.shing in- formative literature. The result of this activity is that the available locations m-e being discovered in parts not here- to-fore regarde^as lit fcr sctllement. • On tlip subje^fcl the proportion of the area of the-^eHwhich is fitted for hu- man habitation a (;pnsiderable <liilercnce of opinion exists. Ernest TttompMin Setoai^pccntly expres.««d the convic-fion Iha' settlement would be made in dis- trict four hundred miles to the north of any existing or contemplated rail- way. Whether the country is feirmanently settled or otherwise, it is apparent from what has transpired during the post ten years, that there will remain eventually no portion of the west which has not been actually tested as the permarjent •bode of the while race. With the very rapid increase of populatioiyn the coun- tries from wliich the present emigration to Canada is proceeding, it has becocno not a question of living In great comfort In the most favored portion of the world, but a question of sustaining life any- where. NEHVOIS IXDMiESTION. A Severe Qise Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. '.. .. "I siiffereil s-j much from nervous dyspepsia that 1 feared 1 would be- come insane,' says Mrs. Alfred .\ustin. f.f Varney, Ont. "Por monlhs," says Mrs. Austin, "1 was prostrated with this trouble. I got so bad I could not i?al a mouthful of food without tl near- ly rtioking mo. 1 was affected with $uch terrible feelings of dizziness and nausea that 1 hud to leave Ihe table ii<nictiines with just two or three mouth- fuls of food for a meal. My nerves were all unstrung, and 1 grew so weak that 1 could not even sweep the floor. In (net my nerves uffecled nie to such an extent Ihal 1 feared to be left alone. I could not sleep at nighls, and used to lie awake until 1 feared my reason would leave me. I was taking medi- cine constantly, but it did not do iite a tit of good. 1 had usetl Dr. Williuins' Pink Fills on a former occasion wilh ccud results, and at lost I determined fe) liy thorn again. I can say no^iing teller than that Ihese pills have been t blessing to me, as they have made me a well woman. Every trace of the Indigestion is gone, and my nerves are us slixing and sound as they wore in girlhood. Now I can eat anything thai te on the table, and 1 get sound refresh- ing -sleep at nights. All this 1 owe to Ihe faithful use of Dr. Williams' I'ink Pills, which 1 shall never cease to praise." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nil the veins with new, rich, red blood. That is why they stri'iigthen the nervts and every organ in the body. That is wliy thoy cure all livjubles d le to bad blood or vjfak. shattered nerves, such as anae- «iua, with it. grinding, wearing back- aches, headaches and sideaches. rheu- iiialisin and neuralgia, heart palpita- tv.n, indigestion, St. Vitus dance, par- lial paralysis, kidney tiwubles. and' t!:osc si.x"cial ailments that render the lives of SI many women and growing firls ft burden. But you must get the genuine pills wilh the' full name. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for I'ale Petiple, * on the \vrap(iei' arcund each box. Sold liy all iiu'dicine dealers or by mail l\ 5(1 cents a l>o\ or six tioxes for iK.riO from The Dr. Williams' .Medicine Co., Brockville, Onl WHY niD THE COMPANY SMILE. A pt'ssimislic young doclor publicly deplored ttie iiiip<issibilily of getting r;ch, and the dilllculty of earning a de- cent living in the medical profession, without incessantly burning the candle al Uith eiuLs. "Stuff and rubbish, my lad!" a boast- tiil old doctor cried, "fhere's as much money to be made ntiw, in spite '.f compelilion, us ever th«re "as. Take my ca-^e, f<ii' instance. l\c lots of pa- tients and I'm making inoiiey quick; but «lo I look overworked? l>o I ever seem pressed kir time? Have I not always plenty of leisure?" "You wriainly tiUve life easily." the pessimislic youug doctor replied, «n<K)lhly. Then the company ' smiled, and Itie boastful doclor fell Into a Iruln of IhoiutW. MANY ri'R.N-Dl^W NS. Nen.'x : "Von may not believe it, tint 1 «aid 'No.' to seven different men during llio past winter." Oertio "Oil. I don't dtiubl it. What vrK ihtj willing?' â€" «ad *I1 itemacli •ad bowel dimden. Makei puny babic* phunp ud mtj. Prorod by 50 yeara' iucceu(ul ue. Aik your lini^gat for il â€" Norses' n<i Motbers' Treasore -25e.-6bo«lei$IJ5. One <i Oioiiical Co.. I iiMli I MamUemL HOPE FOR BALD HEADED MAY BE riRED IF THEY BREATHE CORRECTLY. Anxiety Need Not Now Weifllj Heavily I'pon the I'nadorned Pate. Ordinary baldness is considered the consequence of inadequate chest breath- ing, in a recent paper by Dr. D. M. Par- ker, lecturer at itie Detroit College of Medicine. The inadequate ch<%t breath- ing alliiws a poisonous substance to develop in the lungs. This poisonous substance circulates in the bl<x)d. The roots of the hair are an indirect result of their situation over the cranium ; but this deprivation Is directly entailed by the poison generated in the upper chest, the circulation of the consequent pciison through the bo<ly and the starva- tion of the hair root bewiuse Ihe flow of their normally scanty nourishment is thus totally checked. Dr. Parker has studied tliLs hypolliesis ol his for years, treating baldness and experinjenting on animals. INADEOL'ATE BREATHING. Inadequate upper rhesl breathing leaves residual air undisturbed in the air cavities of a portion of the lung*;. The residual air in any portion of the lungs that is not made use of for breath- ing purposes must nece.ssarily he undis- turbed in the lung cavities. The resi- dual air left in the lungs by Inadequate breathing is wann, and it is saturated with moisture. Whenever residual air or, what is the same thing, expired air. is kept chambered in the presence of warmth and moisture it invariably un- dergoes change, and develops a soluble pcison that is capable, when prest>nt in the normal blood, of exerting a distur- bance 60 far as concerns hair growth. ACTION OF POISON. II might be thought strange that a poisontnis substance, circiilaling in the blood should limit its destructive action I.I l!ie hair on the lop of the head. This is explained 'V)y Dr. Parker's statement that the rools of llie hair on the lop of t!ic head, lying over Ihe hard, glisten- ing, and practically bloodless occipifo- frcnlal aponeurosis. ait> deprived of the nourishment that the roots of the hair ()' other portions of the head and of the face derive from the soft, blood-snt- urated tissue with which they are in close relationship. As a result, the hair roots of the top of the head are of com- paratively low vitality, and yield readily to the a.'tion of the poison. SIX WEEKS' CURE. Ob.servalion applied to thousands of persons affected with common baldness developed, in Pr. Parker's experience, ni'. a single exception to the rule that ^wrsons ulllicled with common baldness do not employ upper chest breathing, and those not alTlict«Hl wilh common baldness do employ upper chest respira- tion. Moreover, (lersons suffering from ordinary baldness lind a irmedy in the practice' of upper chest breathing. After one week dandruff entirely disappears. The hair begins to kise its dryness and harshness. In six weeks new hair be- gins to make Us appearance. II is very fin*, and lirst manlftsLs it.self at the edges of the bald spot, txaniuins that had been bald for twenty years have de- veloped hair after an anioiml of upper chest breathing. Of coui-s*', the prac- tice must K^ steady and unintenupled or there will ensue a relapse. France has a nine-hour day for min- ers, but will have an cight-tiour day n four years from now. In Belgium most ii.iners work ten liours a day. First Lieutenant: "How do you like the horse you bought (mm me last week ?" Second Lieutenant : "'Very much. He might hold his head a little higher, ttiough.' First Lieutenant : "Oh, Ihal will come allnght when he is paid for.' The barber's face must be hi« shav- mg mug. Celluloid Starch needs no cooking just cold water Uad 'tia ready. 'Twon't stick, yet gives a better glou, with less iron- rubbing, than any starch you know. Ita price is little. Your dealer sella it. Try it this wee k, ax ^ St^ircK THE DIFFERENCE. "What's the difference between a per- son with no sense of humor and a thief?" "Give it up." "One takes things literally and llie other lUerally takes things." The never failing medicine. Hollo- way's Corn Cure, removes all kinds <( corns, warts, etc.; even the most difii- cult to remove cannot withstand this v.onderful remedy. BerUeâ€" "Pa, a little stream is a sireanilet, isn't It?" Paâ€" "Yes, Bertie." Berlieâ€" "Well, pa, is a cutlet a little cut, and a hamlet a httle ham. and a gimlet a iittle gim, and a pamphlet a Utile pamph?" Paâ€" "Ob. go away Bertie; 1 want a little quiet.'' Bertieâ€" "Well, why d.dn't you say you wanted a quietlet?" ISSIK NO. 28 «. SEWINU-MACniNE NEEDLES for all makes of machines al Five Cen's ! er.4)^-kage, and everything else per- t.;ining to sewing machine? at greatly reduced prices. Ixiok for the Bed S. Singer .'^ wing Machine I'xi. Write us at Manning Chambers, Toronto, lor 9f4 ot Bird Caids twe. AH! THATS THE QL'E.STION. Mr. Bentall was annoyed with Mr. Shorter. It was not only that Mr. Shorter never paid his rentâ€" though Ihal was bad enough â€" but he was ex- tremely coof about it. Another .Mon- ilay morning had come, and once more Mr. Sliorter was "sorry, but he'd have !o beg .Mr. Rentall l^ excuse him for the time." The long-suffering landlord's patience was at last worn out. "LcMik here," he cried, "you're preci- ous off-handed about il; but liow on earth do you expect me to live il you don't pay your rent'."' .Mr. Shorter snulcd the surprised smile which cheers not but exasper- ates. "That, my dear sir," he said softly, "is W my thinking, somewhat beside the point. The question is. rather, how do you expect me to live if 1 do?" MIGHT LAPSE. Harold : "Do you think you could learn to lovo me T' .Mi.KS Sharp© ; "Yes, birt I'm awfully forgetful." Oa* kiad uodcrweir, â- _- only oae, fits nfht, wean out slowot, and laOa- &ei you from the day jom buy it. That kind >* trade- â- aiked (as above) in red, and guaranteed to you by itores dial lell it and the people wVo make it. Made in many fabric* and aylo, al various piices, in form- fitting azei for women, men and children. Look for the PE.N.ANCLE. m 3«£: .No one need fear cholera or any summer complamt if they have a bot- tle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cardial ready for use. It corrects all looseness of the bowels ppomplly and caus<»s a healthy natural action. This is a medicine adapted for the young and old, rich and poor, and is rapidly be- coming the mu6l popular medicine Icr cholera, dysentery, etc., in Ihe market. "What are yen crying for. my poor little bey?" "Boo-htKJl Papa fell down- stairs!" "Don't take so on, my pet Hell get better soon.' "Sister saw hmi tail all the wav. t ne^â- er saw nuflin'!'' GOOD ADVfCE. "^es," said the i-ed-eyed clerk, "I'm a little late this morniii^. the mklnighl oil, you know ^' • "Indeed ? ' inlerioipt^ his employer, "oil. eh? Well. Ihe next tune you paint the town Id advise jou to use water colors exclusively." Mother Graves' Worm Extenninator dees not require Ihe help of any pur- gative medicine to complete the cui«. Give it a trial and be convinced. ITCD, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- frrd's Sanitary Lotion. II never fails. Sold by all druggists. "But,'' Tommy," said his mother, "didn t your conscience lell you that you were iloing wrong?' "Y'es, mummie," replied Tommy, "but I don't believe everything I hear.'' STARTLING Sella on sight. *4fc»nt" Cijininf aunar w-th Ik MOUSE HOLD |jii7.;^. ^ri^rc . IMVEMTIOM ^Ll ""'"'^â€" *" *• Dyeing I Cleaning I ••UmaN AMIRICAH â- TIINfl M." liaa* tm •«•â- > la tvmr lava, at mm* 4tnaa. Maatraal.Torooto. Otuwa, Qa«h«ft "George," murmured the young wife, "am I as dear to you as 1 was before Wo married?" "I can't exactly lell.' re- plied tho husband absent-mindedly. "I didn't keep any account of my expenses then." The Orcatut Tonic is " Farrorim.'* It la pleoAiuit in ta-ite and contains ^ast the nourisb- meiit and 9trvn^ttl-giTin^ qualitlet tllat are netxl- Mi hy Uiose who ar« sick and w«akly. Australia holds an odd record. For nearly a thousand miles along her south coast not a single stream reaches the sea Something .More than a Purgative.â€" To purge is the only effect "of many pills now on the market. Parmelees Vegetable Pills are more than a purga- tive. They strengthen the stomach. where other pills weaken H. They cleanse Ihe blood by regulating the liver and kidneys, and they stimulat"' where other pill compounds depress. N<'thing of an injurious ttature, u.<c<l for merely purgative powers, enters in- \fi iheir composition. Young Barrister (whose offer of mar- riage ha.s jusl been accepted by his be- loved) : "What a relief ! I feel as if 1 had>just got three murderers acquitled.' Jaat m Word of caation ; Whera tba .^in is le^royed by buroH or braids apply Weaver's L'arate iiuniodiately : tiie siKiuer tba bvttar. WILSON'S FLY r PADS SOLO BV DRUCCISTS, (»OCUS MO tUNEHAL STORES lOOi p«r patolwt, vr S patekata fr Ue. will laiat a whol* â- â- â- â- an. Ona paoicat actually Wllari m. huahal •f fliaai Wifeâ€" 'Those new neighbors of ours seem to be awfully poor." Hubby â€" , "How do you know'/" Wifi'--"Whon- ! ever I want to borrow aii^hing Hiey â-  never have it!'' j CREAIVI«WE^T novR A pure, hard Manitoba flour for bakers and others demand- ing atreagth, color and uniformity. STRONG &WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS EVE«rwHtllE JLPPLICO »ITM FLOUR AND FEED. WRITE U5. VE ALJO MAKE SJUEEN CITY.' A StXNDEO rU50R THAT NAS CAINED CHEAT FA«>» AS A OCNtBAL H005EHOU) 'AU. PURPOSLS' FLOCa theCaMPBELLMILLINGCD TORONTO JUNCTION ONT It Has Many OHices.â€" Before the Her- man soldier starts on a long march he riibs his feet with tallow, for his lii"sl care is to keep his feel in good condi- t.-on. If he k'jew that Dr. Thomas' Eilectric Oil would be of much belter Service he would tlirow away his tallow and pack a few tioltles of the Oil in his i.iiapsack. There is nothing like it. NO FLIES ON HI.M. • A young couple were observed as soon n-' they entered a railway carriage, and immediately put down as a bridal pair. But they were remarkably self-possess- ed, and acted just like old married folk, 81 that after a sliort time the other pas- sengers began io doubt their belief, after all. As llie train moved oul, however, the young man pose to remove his overcoat, and a shower of rice lell oul. The pas- sengers smiled broadly. But even that did not affect the youth, who also smiled, and, turning to his partner, remarked audibly : "By iove. May, I've brought away the bridegiooni's overcoat I" For the Overworked.â€" What aiv the causes of despondency and melancholy.' .\ disordered liver is one cause and ;. pirnie one. .\ disordered liver means 'I disordered slom.ich. and a disordered sl.iirAc'i means disturbance of the nerv- ous system. This brings the whole body into subjection and the viclini feels sick all over. Parinelee's Vege- table Pills are a recognized remedy n this stale and relief will follow Iheir QOtBECSIEIIMSHIffOMPIIiy U.MITED. A SLIGirr AMENDME.\T. The face of the young man was rue- ful, and the lawyer he was interview- ing looked exceedingly grave, ft was a clear case <if breach of promise, and Itu man of law could see nothing but heavy damages as the ultimate outcome. And he lectured to some purpose to the y«,ung man. who waxed restive. "Oh. yes." he said impatiently, ' I know all alKiut it! The same old songâ€" 'D<i rigid, and fear nothing" I '' "No. no! that's not it at all.'' said the lawyer, smiling shrewdly. "What I n-.eiiiit to impress on you was 'Don't wille. and fear nothing.'" DISCI lAROED WITH A GAUTION. .\ labtircr was charged with a petty offiMice. "Have you anyone in court who will vouch for your gocni character?" queried the judge. "Yes. sir. there is the chief constable yonder. " was the reply. The chief constable was amazed. "Why. your honor. I do:?'t even know the man. ' pro!este<l he. "Now. sir," broke in the accuseti, "I have livetl in the town for nearly twenty yeai-s, and if Ihe chief nonstable ddosn't know 1110 yet, isii I that a character for yot ? " Judgeâ€" "And so you sacrillced name, honor, future, and freedom for the sake of tvv'i miserable dollars?" Thiefâ€" "Itiglil you are, your worship! But what was I to do? There was not any more in Uio safe." Riyer and Gulf of SI Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Suraw Iron .SS. " Campaiii," with alactria UfbU, electric bolla and all uiodam comft>rta SAIUS FKOM MONTRKAL O.N MONDAYS al < p.ra.. SnI \ad 17th Juna. Ut, ISth and iVth July, Uib and 2«th Auxust. «h and iSrd .Septambar, and (urtnightly th»re.ifter f>T Pict^m. N.i» . call ing al liueoac. H.i>pa. .Mai t*ay. Parca. Capa Cor* Qrand RWar. Suminanide, P. ii.l., aad Cbarlvl< SECRET SKIN TROU BLES Have you on some part ot yoar l>ody a aorv, or eruption, or ecaeiuoiH patc'li, which, liidden from Ihc ga7.o of others, yet causes ) on tioura antl houni of pain and incunvenienc** t Have you Cried Ihia and that and the otiiar remedy in vain, and are you fvelinK di^carU-iied and diacoiirajftfd t If «o. don'tovcrlook thlscomfortnK fact that /^m-Uulc Is daily ciirinK ^uiif such chronfc ca^es as yout*8 ! It heals skin disea*,w*, iilocrs, fei^terinK i^oroa. rinffworni and sorer* due to b|i>o<l poiaon. Write Zam-Ruk Co., Toronto, for fr«« trial box, landing Ic. stamp. \\l Alores and drugKixta soil at oO cents a l>o\. Mrs. Gilmour. of Princeas Street. Kingalou {OnU\ anys:â€" "I had an ulceratol Ick for several years The ulcem apread all i^>und the limb, which waa swollen to twice it-^ normal Hir.<>..'^nd KOlhiug would heal tbein till I koi Zam l<uk. That cured nio.** ora, fa&rluft* totown, P.K.I. BERMUDA gammer Bicard.ins, tSo, bj tba new Twil 8cr«w ss. "Barmadian", i.Juo t.m^ Sailing .<tt and lUth Juna, Sitl, iTth and 3i« July, luh w4 Mtb \uaust. «tli, Uth and »Mh Saptamber. St» nth wiT»eth o.it.iber. 6th. I6th and S:th ^arm bar Temper.itura cooled by »a braeiaa aaldua rliea ab.i»a W danraaa. . v ,.•. i The Unast trips ot the season (or health an4 """rTHUR AHERN, S..>crelary, Quebec A. E. OlTEIiBBlDGE * CO., Agent*, 19 Bioadway. New York. l.lVl.Nt.; 0,\ rWEL.t". CENT.^ A DAY. Profes,s<ir I.andouzy. of Paris, .says it is lossible to live on twelve cents a day. and he guarantees you lliree meals. Ihe first is c<'mposed of milk, three pieces ol sugar, bread and butter. .M midday you may have bread, snioRed ham, vege- tabies, or fruit in si.iunier). and a cup of coffee, with three pieces of sugar; and for the evening iiietil you dine on .soup, wilh lard and bread, haricots or lentils, clieslinils and wine. TotuI cost; TweKe cents a day. MADE IN CANADA CompUt* Launch** 2 «n4 4 Cycle Cn«in«a HAMILTON MOTOR WORKS. Ltd. HAMILTON. OMT.

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