Flesherton Advance, 1 Aug 1907, p. 1

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.^JUJ >.>#H«iK. ^ me ii u i M ia0":M^ tthan » TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" â- â€¢ PRIA^ClPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XXVI, RO 1328 Flesiierton, Ont. Tliursday August 1 1907 W. a THDRSTON, RDITOR UOl'lilETOR Ladies' Gold Guards Necklets, Lockets Bracelets. A run on these Oiiiij^s now. Never Imil as large a stock, .ind can sell at lower prices than ever before. In addition our other lines of Jowellory lire more complete than ever. W. A. Armstrong. 8toue Settlement PRICEVILLE a requent that ho will take up the ';onos- pondonce foi' tliu Stone SettltJmonl the position be lillo,! for sevor.l years previous Don't miâ„¢ the g-u'den party on the togo.ng to tlio HouHe of Rofu«e but as he Methodist church lawn next Wednesday, Ls not able to gw, about a. formerly, ho j Aug. 7. Tea servod from t} to 8 p.m. A requests that those mtendm.i- makiu- | ch,.ioo i)rni<raui, for which see bills NKMts to or r.c.ivu.g visitors, or any | The regular .pmrterly nieetini,' will be other m«ltec«!„ch tney desire to bo ^ held in the Met ho.list church next Sun- publ.shed m thm oolumu he will cheer- ^,y ^t 10.;«), when the pastor will deliver fiiby a.id cuuteously attend th.i ""'ne ,» discourse on " Our Banner " if they will kindly hand hun the particulars. Help Near at Hand Is what you want when .sicknesa hap- pens at night. Can you possibly tind the equal of Nerviline:' No, for it; stands un- equalled in curing pain, internal or local. Earache, tootliache and neuralgia dissap What about your Kidneys Yuur back aclion and fairly groans with the distress vf kidney troublo. Your'o discouraged, hut you mustn't give up. The baule can be .luiokly won when Dr. j j^a^lir; ji'tfy."'Turrt on andT«rrflios llanultons Pdlsgetto work. These kid- ! th„ nAin ft\,r ^r„r„r,M ,„..«;â-º; -;.„i; Ley specialist!) bri'.i({ new health .iiid tality to young mid old alike box proves their Continue this ^leat healer and your kid- uoys will become as atronp, as vigorous, as able to work as new ones. Remember thi^, Dr. Hamilton's Pilla are purely vei^etable; they do cure liver, bladder and kidney trouble. They do cure you, or yi'ur money back Price 25o per box at all dealers. the pain, for cramps, vomiting or iudi- , ,., „ ijestion, all you need ia ten drops in d ahke. Even one jg„.g„fy„^,j „^t„ gj^^ ,,^ ^^^,j, ' ,|, marvellous power. I (i„j p^^json's Nerviline invaluable in your huuBo. Get a largo 25c bottle today, Hatherton After having spent three years in the Hciuso of KofuKB your cor. had again re- turned to his old noighb irhood where it IS bis moat ardent desire to spend the rest of hie days Forty-one years ago ho tirst came to this neifthborliDod which was at th:it; time a oompantivoly now settlement and little dreoming that ho wjuld ever have to seek the shelter of a Hiiuse of Udfujie, but a veil is thrown over the future into which none can look »ud foresee the lulsfortuiiew which may fall to the lot if any of us, and perhaps ir< is i{Oud fur uiost of us that suoh is the case. Th.! recoilectiona and iidsociations of the many years haa endeared this local- ity to lue a» second to none in this woild, almost obliterating from my momoiy my native Kn^lish birthplace. With "de or two exceptions the old and hardy iiiuneers of th's section have either pajsed over tu the silent majority or are ending their days in other parts. Their pioneer hiuiiesteails have, in some oases, passed into the possoegionof newcomers, while others are now occupied by those whip, foity-ono years ayo were but .'<inall uhilJ- reii of tile early settlor, but new heads of fauiilios reaping to a great eiteiit the benefits of their deoeaso'l but honored parents. Not»ithsi;;iijdiug the many, ehangea that havelaken plaee during those mvny years, tlie pleasant reoolloct- ions of those early days are indelibly fixed ill my uieiuoiy and frequently pondered over in pleasurable deliglit, uiairod only by the sorrowing rtxoUoclions of the departed loved ones. It is gratifying to otserve that even in the last three years of absence from tho neighborhood, the steady progress and improvi'iuouts tliat have been ni.ule all along the lia». To enumerate in detail would occupj^ luo much epaco, sutTice it then to aay that prosperity seems to abound iu eviTy direction wc look and which we sincerely trust will continue to abound. Hay making in now in full swing and although tho crop is generally light still there are soino meadows which are yield- ing a very fair crop and we think that all will have enouj^h for homo con.suiuptiun, while soino wiii have enough imd to spare. Mr. James iJeattie baa built a stone basement for h'n barn, which we *re in- formed he will move next aennon on to the stone work .situate a few rods disiani from the present site of the barn. Mr. Hairy S^iiccr dul themusoury. Mr. and Mrs. Jumioson of Rocklyn p»id a flying visit to Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Stone on .Ni.iniay last. Mrs. James Hotoher Sr. is paying a return visit no her daaghler, Mrs. Mo- Donald of Croeiuore. 1 have not seen Mis. B^telohur since returning to tho line but am sorry to hoar that she is in very poor health, bulforina severely from iheumatlttni, but wu hope she will be benelited by her change of air. Mr«. John ILizziird contemplate.s leaving in a fe« days for Sluggctt, Saak. N. W. T. to reside with a uiarried daughter who is daily expected to arrive to take her mittlier back with her. Alxa, IlH/.zard has been a resident on this lino for forty years bavingmovod here with her husband and family in the apriiig of 1867. Mr. llaZKard di«d 12 years auo. We hope Mrs. B. may live many yeara in comfort with her daugbter* iu their iiew home. Uer oldest ton Gervis has rooted the homi>stead for five yean. Th? Eflitor of The Adv«noo h*«iuii supplied ths writer with stationary with Portluw Mrs. Hill, .sr., pa.s3e<l away<in Monday morning last aft«r a long illness. De- ceased was one of Osproy's [jioneers and resided with hor daugliter-in-law, Mr.s. James Hill. She had attJiined the ad- vanced ago of .iver 9t) years. Tho fun- eral takes place to-day (Tuesilay) to Maxwell. Tho hay crop, although liolow thr .iv- erago, is much bettor thai was expected. The oat crop has roet-ned a severe set back from insect or bliu'ht ?md tho pi's- pect at present for a fair croy is anything but oncournging. Thoro .are a good many Miss Alice Winters of Toronto is spending a iiumthi) vacation with her mother. Miss Alice Scilley returned to Toronto last week after a lengthy visit with her p.irents here. Miss Lena Wright of Detroit, trained I magnificent Holds of fall wheat that are nurse, « ho is the guest of her aunt, Sirs. I "early ready for tho binder. ,Iohn Winters, spent a pleasant afternoon with her old friend.-i, Mr. and Mrs, Down. Miss Millie Winters is spenilimj a week with her cousin, Miss Laura Henry, near Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Down visittd frionda in Kiinberley, Rooklyu, Heathooio and Thorn bury receiilly. Miss Mabel Winters is viciling with friends in Collingwood . Mrs. Campbell of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scilley. Mr. and Mrs, J. Winters attended the funeral of their cousin, Mr. Little of Duntroon on Friday. Mr. Putts of VIont.ina h is been visit- ing fneiids in ilns vicinity during the pabt few weeks. .\inoiig those aIim are on the siuk list are Mre.U.Gonion and Mi.ss Clan Grum- met t'Ut we hope soon to hour of tlieir C')iii|>!eiii recoveiy. Tim U.S. S. picnic hi. Id on July IGth m Mr. J. Boety'a bush was a success linancially. .\ number of fanners have started hay- ing and tjiid it I11I).; »Q aveiage crop. Mr, (jco. Grinniiisli has purchased a hay tedder, it being the firs*-: one in our iieiijiibiii hood. He tiiiJs it to bo a very useful itiiplenioiit. Whiio nioviuy his portuole saw mill engine Mr. M.vekle'n's horses took frighc and became un»iau:igeable. They over- Uinied tho engine in a ditch, causing considerable d.ini.;ge; Mr. C. Winters who was driving the team hid a very narrow escape. Dancing in barns is the order of the d;iy. We understand H.ithortou ladiu's base- Imll team [I'liyed with War..h«m young ladi>'S recently ind wore victorious. Mr, and -Mrs Hill of Jarvis, Dot., have been aitendin,{ the bod side of tho former's uioi.her, Mrs. Hill sr., who is very low and not expected to recover. That dry Cougb is Bronchitis If iienlecled it will weaken the throat and finally reach tho lunus. Nothing simpler than inhalini/ tho hiiliiii vapor of Catarrhozoiie, lis action is like magic so helpful, so easy to apply. Be done with bronchial trouble for all time! Cat- arrhozone does cure the worst cases, w.l! cure you too. Sold everywhere, 2oc, .and 81.00 under absolute guarantoo of satisfaction. FEVERSHAM Mr.s. Atkinson of Toronto visitod at Mr. Win, Love's. Miss .\niiio and Mr. Len-is Shoardown visited last week with Rob Roy friends. Mrs. MiililleUm of Tortmto is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shier. Miss Massif is visiting friends at Lady Bank and Eurouia, Miss Statiiird has been re-engaged as teacher for "iir school. Mr. ami Mrs. Robort T.iylor, ,iml Mr. J. VV. Bate.- of TorouU), visitetl with their numer >n8 friends here recently. Mr. T'hoiiins Taylor raised an addition to his Imin last week. Mr. F. Shier spent a pleasant throe weeks' visit with friends in Toronto. HAU AN AWFVL TIME. But Cl\«tnt)er]«ln'9 Colic, Ohol- era A.iicl Diarrhoea l<emeciy Cured Mlrn. It is with plt.isuie that I jjive you this un- KoUcited te«tiimi!inl, -Vbout a year ago when 1 hadasevere cnsc ofniea-^lesT ctot cauttht out iaa bard r.aiii an.l tho measles settled in my stomach and bowleg. I bad an awful time and had it noi \y->\i f,ir the uso of Chamber- lnin'3 Coli^'. Choiura add Diarrhooa R 'medy I could not have p. Hsibly lived but a few hours longer, but thaiilts to this loiiiedy I am now strong and v, ell. I have written the almve tlirinigh siiiiulfl .rratitudo and I shall always sneak a 3;i)oi| ^volâ- 'l for this remedy. â€" Sam. II. (iwin, Concord, Ga For sale by W. E. Richardson, Mr. Richatd Heron haa returned to , Fevershain after his tour through wtsjeru week Canada and an oxtcndcd visit to friends ' near Toronto. Mr. berun .".eeius its pleased, as are nil his acquaintances here, that hei.s back in B'cvershani again. The Misses Amy and Jossie iUiloy of Toronto are visiting with Mr«. Perigoe. lOTH LINE, OSPUKY Haying is the order of tho day now and light crops are being harvested in most cases. Heaiitiful weather is allow- ing the hay Ui bo saved in first class shape. The two Mis.',cs Bailey of Toronto are vi.siting with Mis. I. H. Perigo at Fever- sham .'it present. Mr. Jo.scph Irwin's little daughter, Muriel, who h;Ls had a slight alt.'tek of diphtheria, is 1 •covering and no more cases have do'^eloped so far. Mrs, Win. Hendry is on the sick list at present. Mr. .and M's. ('apt. Plant t. no visiting tho latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Heron of Gspiey txlon. Mr. and Mrs. 'I. Hortoii of (\illing- wood .spent S'lnday v.ith the latter's parents, Mr. ami Mrs. B. J. Colquett, of Fairview farm. Mr. Richni 1 Heron of Toronto is visit- ing his daughter, Mrs. Joe Henderson, of Rob Roy. Dr. and Mia, R. Henderson of Toronto visited friends in this pjirl. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred WoldncU visitod friends in CoUingwood township last ! Some of our young men are hioking very lonesome these days. Cheer up, boys, the holidays will soon bo over. Mr. F. H. ViiHer, M. P. for Souih Grey, has indulged ha fondnos.i f -ir horse Mr. Hurry Haitmaii haa opened up Hash by purchasnv > thorouglibred .'Vrab buiines.^ in his now store, Tho building colt at Newhuruh, New York. It ia ai is certainly one of the best in tbo county one year old bay Irivcr and hns qtiito an ' and the pluck of the boya just startinif interesting podi.'reo. Tho dam of the in business will ho rewarded with an viable share of pationaup. Mr. mid Mrs. Wm. Davidson of Col- lingwoo.l spent Sunday with tho latter's parents, Mr. an I .Mrs, .V.J.Couron, colt WHS one of a nuuiNn' of .Arabian horses sent from tlio .Vrabiim deseit on exhibition at tho world's fair Chicago. Tho sire is a son oi the famous Ke^met, poi haps the fastest Arabian that ever left Mr. W. Largo of MarkJale Bponl last the diisert. Tho colt was broti by Rev. Sunday with the boys here, sti>yiog at F. Vidal. of England, a great admirer of LH.Perigoe's. the .A-rab bor»e.--Po»t. McFARLAND & CO. MAt^KDAI^E, ONTARIO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE TsAcmricET We propo.se to close out the balance of our Spring and Sum- mer stock.s at a great sacrifice. ITS BUSINESS Carried-over goods would be a poor claim for patronage next season. Judging from past few days selling we sliall close out our Spring and Summer goo;ls in short order. The sale prices are so attractively low that they are sure to be picketl up quickly. Can you stay away from these prices. LOOK AT THE DROP Pi^lCES. $1,00 Dress Voiles for 58c Full 41 inches wide dress voiles of black and wliito uii.xture, blue ind white, grey and white. These are handsome wcives and sold in regular way at .?1.00. Urop price, per yd 08 ALL WHITK LAWN AND MULL WAIST.S DISCO CNTED All our white blouses in the houso are a gom of cicelleuco in every way :ind there are many stylos to .seloct from, Klbow, thrae ijiiarter or long sleeves in tho vari- ous stylus. Here's but a few quotations to show how woro dropping t!io prices : Reg, 50c for ;55c; Reg, 85c for HSc; Reg, JJl.OO for 78c; Reg. §1,50 for l.l'.t; Reg. 2.C0 and 2.10 for 1.05; Reg.2.50 for 1.H5; Reg. .â- 5.00 for 1,95, etc. All sizes in the let. 58c Dress Voiles for 25c This lot of line quality dre.ss voiles con- sists of a largo variety of Hake and check elFects 42 in. wide, and .sold in the reg- ular way at .^ac per yard. Drop price per yard 25c 80.00 DRESS SKIRTS FOR S4.38. Light Grey over-plaid etlect skiits con- sisting uf two siyL-s, one having two rows of black braid around bottom and plaits of self ; tlio Jther, several rows of plaitiug. These are handnoino styles and elegant htters, regular piices 35.50 and Sti.tW. Drop Price 84.38 25c COLLARS FOR KJo .Vn assorted lot uf Ladies Fancy Embroi- dered collars, all sizes, regular 25, Drop Price .lOo ^ ALL DRESS MUSLINS REDUCED ! We've a nice assortment left of this season's di-oss muslins but we do not purnose carrying one piece over so have reduced all as follows: Reg. 10c, drop price 7c; Reg. 12i and 15c, Drop Price Oc; Reg. 25, 30 and 36c per yard for I80. McFARLAND & COMPANY I < I i ENTHAi BROS. r^i meaaKSfsassMtr^KaBa^ rwrnm^tv . Hardware - The building season is now lu full swing and wc aro fully propareJ to meet the demaud. We Lave a fuU stock of ovorytbiiig iu that liuG. Call aud got our prices before bitjtiig olsewbero. Wo Lave a full line of Forks, Rakes, Scythes, Uoca, etc. necessary to the buying and harvest tr^iJo. We are agents for tho Martin .Souonr paint trnarauteeJ 100 per cent, pure, tho best paint on tho iiiarket. GROCERIES When you want groceries that you can rely on we have them- Otu- personal guarantee goes with anything wo sell iu tho grocery line, The fruit seasou is now on and we can supply you with any and all fruits now iu season. HIGHEST PIUCES iWW 1'0R BUTTER AND EGGS. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. ^ n ^ 1^ tw = tin = T desire to inform tho public that I have opened a now Tinsliop in tho ChrisMo Block, Flesherton. 1 hnv.^ [uirchasod Mr. F. G. Karstetlt s coinplL'to tiiisniithiiig outfit and am fuily propaio.l to do nil kinds of cus- tom work, inoludiutf eave tMughing, furnace work and repairing of a'l kinds. A full stock of honieiiii.do tin aooda will bo kept c<m8rantly on band. I purpose giving salflafaetion to my patrons and all my wor* will be done with that end in view. Give me a call- and a chance to demon- strate my fitness to .serve you. "^ P. Horris, Fksbcrton,

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