Flesherton Advance, 1 Aug 1907, p. 4

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August 1 1907 THE FLESKERTON ADVANCE ^^ww4wm F. T. HILL & CO. III M T D mj M M E R I BOOMING OUR iuiY CLEARING SALE i|| . . c A L E - - I DiiriiiK ll\e month of July wc no tlircugh nil dopartuier.tB in oar bic ttnie and gather in all brokeu or odd lines ftiul also many linos of rnurdmndiae that have not sold just as f-ist iis they ought to. In this way wo cun- btitule !i July clearin-^ salu whun all lines arc put on sale regardlcsg of coat which meiins t-xtraodinary value to the liuyer. The fallow ny should be of intorest to you. TRIMMED MILLUXERY AT JUS! HALF REGULAR PRICES. In two weeks tlino our Millinory Djpartuifeut will bo closed for the season and in ordt>r that we afiould not carry over a trimmed hat and to make buri> thil ih.-y w'H »'«-• ''â- -'Id, w>! CUT TIIK ritlCi: IN TWO, so be on hand early; boat always go first. TARLK OIL CLOTH HKMNANTS AT ONE-THIRD LESS THAN YOU PAY. SOpieces Table Oil Clo'hs 111 a gioal variety "f patterns, all table cloi,h lengths of 2^ and 2^ yards each, celling at i lees than regular i)rice8 us follows: 21 y.ird lengths Fancy Table Oil Clutli for 430. ^ yard lengths Fancy TabirOil Cloth for 48c r>C ends in thia line. j^adies White Shirt Waists, regular 1 50 to 1 85 for 75f. Print Wrappers, regular 1.00 for 7r»o Fancy Dress Muslii.s, .selling at 10, 12i and loc Embroidery Inscrtinn.t, regular 10c for 7c Ludiea' White Undernkirts, regular 1.25 for 98c Ladies' White Underskirls, regular 1.50 for 1.15 Specii.1 pricees in all white goods including Oowns, Corset Covers, Drawers. V\'onien H Cotton Hose, re^;. 15c for lOi; A complete stock of Paru-'-uh ranging in price from 60c to 2 25 A SNAP IN BOYS' COTTONADK KSEE PANTS, TOiQ "" 125 pairs Hoys' Cottonade Pants, just the thing for tlw small boy for .summer wear and the ptice T Qlp is less than the cost of making. On sale at per pair XZJg^-/. 75 pairs Boys' price per pair. BIO SNAP IN HOYS' TWEED PANTS. 29c. Per PAIR Tweed Pants, odd liaes, many diJevcnt patterns, but nil sizes in the lot. July 29c SELLING GOOD DRESS (iOODS AT ONE-THIRD TO ONEIIALF LESS THAN REOULAU VAH,E. We have nearly 100 pieces of Dresd Goods which have not been sellmg as fast as we would like lliem. Thire can bo no fault found with the finality and the lot rcpiesi-nts 60c and 75c lines in blacks and colors. On sale during July at per yard only 2'Jc. SELLING LADIES DRESS SKIRTS AT REDUC- ED PRICES. 48 only Lidios' Dross Skirts m browne, blues, urays M.d blacks, nearly all sizes in the lot and BV> 75c,84.50, i>ud .«5.00 Skirts are included. DuiiugJuly, your choioti for 2.48 LADIES FINE WHlTli I!LC)USKS, SLIGHTLY SOILED WITH HANDLING, FOR 58 CENTS. 60 Ladies While I>a\vn lUuusea in i)5c. $1.25 ami $1 .50, •lualities. These are soiled from handling. During July, your choice for 68c. Men's Furmshings. A full range of Summer L'nderwL'ar Fancy Yosts, Belts, Neckwear, etc. Cashmere Socks, regular 2.ic for 18c Fancy Shirts, regular l.Ot) for , 79o House Furnishings A full range of Carpctj in Tapestry Brus.sols, Wools, Unions, aho Linoleums and Oil Cloths. Bought at the i Id prices and as then) has been a big advance in these good.s you will find it worth your while to make your purchases while you g.'t the benefit of the old price. 4 yd wide Linoleum be.st quality at, per s^. yd 50 LADIES SUMMER SKIRTS AT 50c. ON THE 8; BLOUSES TO MATCH. 75 Ladies Summer Skirts in. tine lawus and linens; some are insersion triiuaiod. Some made with pleats, and some lace trimmed; all sizes ate on, hand if wanted we have the blouses to match. Your choice for '.'So -CLEARING OUT ODD LINES OF SHOES 58c. A PAIR. 125 pairs Children's, Girls' and Boys' Shoe? in Don- golas Dufl'i, Glove Grains and liox Calf all sizas are in the lot and iu n>.)ny cases the price is less than half your choice during July 58c] CLEARING OUT ODD LINES OF SHOES AT OSc. 1.5!) pairs Women's, Boys', Girls' and Metis Shoes in extra good ijualities but not exactly the lutost styles but represent good wear and nearly all sizes aie in the lot, niid muiy cases the price is less than half. Dur- ing J uly your choice for per pair 98o. Wo have a full stock of Huui and feud includini;. Bran, Shorts, Feed flour, aiid FIVE ROSES FLOUR made by thw Like of the Wuoils Milling Co. Keewatmâ€" Every bag of this Hour i-! gaaranteodâ€" the boat flour in the land â€" nooiher can eiiual it. QHoecKV DePHRcmenc $peei hcs. COAL Several cars of No. 1 Hard Coal (o arrive ibis nionth. Parlies who use Coal f jr the winter months should give their orders now and get the.lowest price â€" call and 1 -ave your ord r;) â€" a gooii time now to got it lu. A full stock of stoves i!in..;es and h '.-iturH, a.xes, saw.s and all kinds of wood men's supi'lies, also BUILDER'S SUI'l'LTES. Parties coutomplating building should not neglect getiiii;; our prices before purcliasiiig elsewhere. 4 CANS CHOICE PEAS FoR 25c. 5 CANS CHOICE HERRING FOR 25c. â- ^ CANS CHOICE CORN FOR 2.5c. \m^A m 0UHf!f7fDHeiUJ1RE DEPJHRCniEnC. Vou will Vm^ z full line dt prices you want to pay. MAPKFMLE W. EOYD FLBSHEKTON m ,WMW^ 'â- "^^f^m^^^- She visited with Duncan friends on Tuesday. Mr. Thos. Fawoutt spent Sunday uveii- -^^l * J cSL 1 iiig with a friend at Eugenia. JrU»llCrtail JtllraiKC Mis.s Mary MeCort nre.-vched a v ^'J «' " ^1' ' 'I interesting sermon in the church hero I* |>ul>li»heil every Tlmr.sdiiy at Sl.lHi [Kv •nriuiii ifpaid in advanci', iil.rK) if not tui paid Kiiiibrrlry Sunday lust, again at 2.30. Meeting noit Me tiled v for L)U»i*rliot*rt, Known to Kail. I'ory on Sunday Never Mr. and Mrs. Unfus Wickens visited ('olUngwoud friends during the past >yeek. Mis.s Annie MuiuUe of ToronI i spent a few dtys recently at her patcnlal home here. Miss Mary Smith of Toronto is holi- daying ni her pHienlal lionio heie. of Mr. and Mrs. (ioo. Stuart mid f.imily Floshertoii fcpeiit Sunday witlifrioiuU here. Miss Eniiim McLung of Fleahutton spent Sunday at her pirental huine here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wyvill of the town- lino A. and E. weie the guests of the bitter's parents during ihe past week. Mr. and Mrs. Tims. Wallace and lam- ilv of Chipnewa HiU.Oiil., are thcuuests of Mr. D. Walliice, Riverside Farm. MiBS Mandti h'awcetl who Ins boon visiting friends in Cullingwio 1 for some time returoGd home last week aiil uns Hccompnnird by lu-r friend. Miss Kasla Finliiyof that towti.whi will spend a fow weeks with friends here. Miss M. Fawcett of Tsim visited friends hero during the pas', wei-k. Mi.ss Jtiiinie Muiulle of Toronto is hid- idaying at her p irent.d hon.e hero. Miss Ellie Fbiit 1 f Ti'ionto is tlio cuest of horayiit, Mis A.E.MjKs Mr. N.L. ('nrry and .son Harold with MLss Gertrude l',L'il of llocklyii apeni Sunday with friciiils libre. Mr. Alex t'lieiry is drilling a well fi;r ^lr. John Fawcott. "I want to say a few words f.ir ChainlHir- Iftiii'n Colie. Cliiilfra and Diarrhiwa Remedy. 1 havo lined the preparation in my f.iuiily for the [lant five years and have rccoinUKuded it Inn nuiid'd of pi«ipl« iu York county and liavi' nover kmiwii it to fail to cltect a cure in any iiiiituuce. I fe^l that 1 can imtsay too n;ucli f'lr the btst ruuiedy of the kind iu the world." â€" S. Ji'iHiiiiui, hi>ring (!rove, York Cuuiity, Pa. 'I'l.i.* rouie<ly in for wilo tiy W. K. Uichnrdaou. Eiieviiia Haying i.s almost over in this locality. The crop in general is a light one. Rain is much needed, as pasture and all sm-t.s of croji are dying up. Oatu are very much damaged by tliu blight. Some lielils lire almost ruinud. .â- \ iminbor of ouryoung folks picnicked at Kimboi ley on Saturday, and all roport a delightful lime spent on the bankti of the Beaver. The Eugenia house ia so crowded with visitors this seasnu that souioliities siiine of the young lueu have to sleep out in tonta. Mr. Laurie Munshaw of Markdale, nctompanied by Mr. Dick Dundus, spont the past week as visitors with the forin- er'o iialent.s at the Eugenia house. Born- (»n July 21, to Mr. and Mrs. William Hawkins, a son Josie Richardson. There were probably TOO or 600 people present and the even- ing was pronounced mo.st enjoyable. On Tuesday ovoniiig a social was given at the church. The procee<is on Friday evening amounted to over SflOO, and of both garden party and social to 8120. t)0, which will he used in completing sheds at the church etc. Clicuril^CTlalii's OoUc, Ctxolera and rJt«rr)ioen Kemedy, Heltor Thmi 'I'hiree Doclore. "Three years ago we had tlnee doctors with (â- iir little l)oy and everything that they could duseuuied in vain. .Vt last when all hope sieiuMi to be Koiic we bet;"" uniiiK Chamber- Iain's Colic, I'holei a and l'iarrho«;i Remedy and iu a few hours he be^an to improve. T»- day'he ia aalieidthy a child lus parents coidd wish for."â€" Mrs. K. .) . .Jolmston, Liiitou, Miss. Kor sale by W. K. Bichard.son. RolKTt Ijonuy of Elinwood wjvs kicked in the face with a horse and had ti.> bo taken to the Owen Svund ho.spitul. Mr. Loniiy was sitting near the door-way of a blacksiiiith sliiip in Ulmwood when a newly-shod horse wa.j boing led out. Without any warning the auini.%1 kicked out with one of its hind feet and struck Mr. Lonny ovor the eye. He was ren- dered unconscious and at first was thought to have boon killed. PIo {Mirfi- ally recovered however, and on his ar- rival at the hospit.al it was found that the bono had been driven back onto tho brain. An operation was performed by Dr. Frizell and the lu'oken liono removed and whilo the hijurod man is in a very precarious eondition, some hopes are still entertained for his recovery. The brightest comet aeon in four yeir.'< has just como 10 tho notice of Mr. J.S. I Plaskett who has charL'e of the big teles- A sect of religious workcts known as the Goughites are holding meclings in a tent at Viidot Hill. One night last week some parties not enamored with their doctrine set fire to the tent and destroyed it. An organ owned by Chas. McLellan was badly scorched in the fire. They have siijce protuted a new teut and are holding meetings as asunl.â€" Shelburne Free I'ress. Ganxe As-tx*a.y. Caiuo to the promises of the uudcralguod, lot, 10, coll. 0, Osprcy. about Jiiuo Int. one yoarliuK stojr. Tho owuor is reyncRted to prove piopcrlv, pay e.vuGUsos and tako away thosttuju. UOOBIJT WELLER.Ma.xwoll 1". O. EaHt MiniBtuiu. Miss Mary Huinberstoiie returned line on Satnid ly fium (Jiiehoc. Miss .Mary Br:i;ii!t' has gunu on a visit lo friends in Duiidalk. Messrs Chaa. M.irtin, Goldwm Smith, and Norman Braveiidor Wteiided the g.irden i>arty at Rockvnlo on Friday ling and report a very enjoyable hi evi time Mr. Leslie Ohard ami cister, Mabel, spent Sunday with tlieir si.stor, Mrs, R. McMullen. The foot ImU inatdi on Saturday even- ing was witiie.ssed by a large crowd. As the married iiien were hi>t all present iionie of the iMjys just got married and the game went ahead all right, the score l?oiiig 1-0 in favor of the married iiven. Uhv. Mr. Wilkinson of Kiudurley »a^» I caller in our vicinity recently. Mr. Kerr of Duncan called on a friwid in our neighborhood on Sundw last. Mrs. Jno. M:irtin and Miss Nettie Aliss Mnfisey of Chicago is tho guoRt of i cope at the Uouiinion t)baervatory. The Mrs. Henry Fen wiok at present. Miss j wandering nicinber of the solar system Is Massoy is very much pleased with tho approaching the sun, and ia daily growing .scenery iiround Kugenia. .\ gieut many from hole took in the WARNING Notice is hereby g'lv Jen â€".1 .\.S. PATON taking gravel and underniiniuK be held i-eH|>uiisibte for damijes. that an my ly person fence will Pure Bred Camwortbs and Berksbires 1 have for sale young stuck of bothbtaeds fcr breed jui{. purpoatu. Come ar.d see them or write (ur prices. M.^7 07 , -G. W. Koss Maxwell. farm Property for SaU. Lota 38 and :)1), conoessi )n S, aX) acroa- Lot :iC, oonoeshion II, lUOiicrca; Lol. BH, ounooaiiou 11. lUO iici«s;Lol37, coucoe»ion li. wostorlvr>5 actoM. Tho aforeaaid it;c all Iu tliu towuVhip of Art-jujosH and will bo sold at roasoD able ! riciia ou eaay tui tea. J.F.HICKUNO, I OS 607, Coilingwood Summer Stock. I have on hand a number of Rub- ber Bugs, Dash Aprons, Dusters Fly Nets, Whips, Axle Grease, Hoof Oinlineut. fl&rnese repair- ing of all kiuds done promptly. 0. W. PHILLIPS Directly opposite The Advance oflSce. Flesuerton, â-  - Ontiariu WINTER HARNESS GOODS Big St ock ° = les t Stock Bells* Blat^kets* Robes Fur lined coats, pooketbooks, satchels, razor strops and other leather goods. uttersâ€" best makes-and everything in the harness line. W.MOORE, Fiesherton Ont. more brilliant. At pr'Ment the comet can bo seen through an opera glass id the Rockvalo garden party ou Friday evening Uaily inorning, towards the south east, and .spent a )>liasant lime. jand iu a few weeks will probably be Miss Liicis and Miss Manners of : visible to the nal<ed nyc. It can oisily be Markdalo were guests at the Eugenia 1 distinguished from a star on account of its house the past week. haziness and larger diameter. The comet Mr. and .Mrs. F.O. McDon.'dd have a: will increase in brightness till September, luiinbor of friends from Cli.ith.im visiting; when it will Jjc nearest the' sun. with them at present. Garden Party most suoceoful gar J on II in this towubhip was I'loba'dy th patty ever i>iv that held at the liockvale Baptist Church on Friday evening of lu«t week, and Pastxir Kipp is, 14:1 a consenueuce, wearing a very cheery expression. Tea was served on tables in the church shed. A football match between Uoekva!e and Fleshurtun rosulttHl in n victory for tho former. Fiesherton b.ind was in attendance and,' rendered oicolb.-ut tnusio. Three choruses were reulo:ud by the choir, reoiiaticns wrregivuit by U. rnoe and Miss Saun ders, and a nice sjIo rendfired by Miss HELP FOR SICK KIDNZYS. Tlicrc is no reason in the world why yon should suffer witli Kidney Trouble, and yon wout suffer if you take ISull for Sex>vioe Thoroughbred Durham bull for service. JOHN ADAMS, Fiesherton. CO Y.tAr:h â- s.\PKfi;:iHcn Tradi Makio DCSIGNS Cor>vp.icHT» &c. An»ni;o Minding n nketnli and (S«i,-Tlritlrn ui»< •inliili)y ^i"..*-!!)!!! nur oilnlon treoMtglliir ox InvmiMiin I" jTolinbly uiUoiit.ihlo. Comriiiiilr.». 1, Ions It rlct; r <-'»nlileritljJ. ) Iiuuibnok r.ii PutoiiU «Crl ff'l). |l|ilc»t '>j[«i.ry fi - â-  Potoiilw inkwi throuj/h _ ^-^ ,w^ tpte<ul HotiM, wiilijut Jimna, In tba Tak* **BvOa" on our positive guaran- tee that it v/illctir« you or money retuudcd. 50C. a large box. At druggists or by mail [XistpaiiL «a Tbo Cl&flln Chemioiit Co. , Ltd.. Windsor, Oot •laoiiry fi.r mciiinig j«t>HiM. throuifh Mbnn ft Ox loc^i r hju( otmTKO, In the $^nm fimtkm HOMESEEIERS' ftoond Trip Excoraloas NORTHWEST TUESDAYS AUCJUST SEPT. 13 Ami 27 _ IO«iM»»* ikkcti good (ctiunict widsB datr d«in. VERT tow SATES flit â- ! ml iliii rti>iliii "'iiiiili mill linMiiiiiii wot lOWM TOUUST SLCBPUtO CASS muit be reserved easly ; very Kotvy OMMK Afply to local •â- â€¢M at Ion « «Mik bcloB enanioaliMS. A hnTirtsnmoIy ilhiKlralmt wtxiklr. ft '-f anv oriaiii>Jo Imirr.-U. . lurm.mtlia, itl. SoM by ull nn I nniciit cir c.r.B. Bot* •â- Imnnatloo Ticfca* cululi'^i -..t any aoiaiiirJo lniirn.'U. TiTnm 13 a rniij-; f.iiir ni.mlliB feN&Co. B. rOSTBt.Oh.PaM,AsuCi>Jt-.T«iMo For tioksts and full Inf irnia'.ioo seo W. Caesar, Agcn;, Flesbuctoo.. I* V ^ > I

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