Flesherton Advance, 1 Aug 1907, p. 6

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Gasoline Launch Belonging to Toronto Junction Upset in a Stornx. • A OrspnV'h from Toronto snys : Nino li\os wfrv losi in Liil\e Onlnrio onrly on I'liilay nioiiiintJ wtnii llic piisrjiine luiiiK-li Dili', iiio, Willi II pnily <it 'J'oivpiito Juinlion young nn'n on iKjnrd, rapsi/.cU in a sudden .s(|u;ill wliicli BwtTt over Ilunil/oi- Ihiy. Of l<-n young foll<i\v,s who enjoyed an evening's tun at Hniilnn'.s I'oinl, IjuI one Fole survivor is â-  k-tt 1(1 tell lli.> tule of a lenible night'.s elruggle (igiiiiist llio wind and waves which ovei-vvlii'lni<vl tlioni in tlic dark- riess. At dawn the tintlcrcd launch was • loinid washed up on tlie bench. M<it far nwuy lay Ihe Ixidy of one of Iho unf<jr- liuialo viclrni-;, and u shorl dislantc <iMt In llie iaUi' a coal l»-longing to ono- flliei was found Ikialing. Geoi'go '.Shields, if) \!in llorno Slioet, the <jnlj' oi't; ol IliP pally to .survive, owi^ his LEADING MARKETS life lo tho fact thai lio clung to the ill- 1 fated craft through tlie win<l an<l rain, i how long he dooi iiol l<now, \nitil it carried liini near enough lo the ,sliore to i L.- uMo lo slaggcr tlirougli Ihe .shallow 'walei- lo satoly on Ihe l>''arh. Willi Ihe Iliuhng of Ihe launch and ono of tlio iKxlies, .several dragging parties ,sct to Worl<. Another Ijody was le-.'overcd at il.! niiniiles to i in \Uo afternoon, and alltiough Itie work was kopl up during tlii- wliolc <lay, il was (') <j'cUick heforo a third victim was ljr<jught lo shore. AN IS-l'OOT I.ALNCII WITH Tli.N OCCUl'A.NT.S. The Dnlvinc was an lft-f<iol launch, flnd U'longed to Ixonard Daly, who, with his hrotlior, Krank Daly, l<K)k the parly oul. I'nmi their niociring in the llunilx'i- Hiver tliey .sot out to llanlan's J'oint .shortly nfler 9 o'clock. There wcm; on l.oar<l tlie l>aly Lrolhers, Wal- ter Duiulin. John Irvine, Jcseph Irwin, Frank K> le, Heginald .Milli'r, fkirdon I.aroc(iuo, Dawson Nielirgang and Oorge .Shields, the sui-vivor. Allhough the litlle craft was nol lnleiHle<l to carry ,«.• many ils len, they crowded in, and •llii: j<iurn<'y lo Ihe point was niadn over MiKMilh water witlioul a niisliaj). 'Jlie party reniaiiRvl until Vi o'clock, and «s Itiey were aUiut to .itart for home it began lo rain, and as it wa.s only a light B[)rnikl<-, tlH'v walled lo m'o if it would litnp. At ii.M thf el<iiKl> lifted and they BturU^I oul. All went well for nearly tliroe-quarleis of the journey. As they sped along in Ihe darkne.ss Ihey en- livcniHl their lioiiieward way with niorry Bongs and laughter. Past .s;iinnysido they sailed, olilivious of any impending danger. .'Suddenly 111') daik clouds gallior»'d again, and lloshes of lighliiiiig, t<jllowcd hy sharp prnis of thunder, warned them of ttie epproaeli of a storm. Almo.sl lioforo Ihey had time to make things .secure tho " rain hroki; upon lliciii, and Ihe sous duslwd over Iho heavily crowdo<l launch. The engine slopjiod. and iK-fore 1h'- (iccnpants could (IikI oul wlial was tlie matter willi il the l>onl Kwnng liTOUlid into tlie trough of the .sea.s. The waves Bwppl over tlioni with increasing lury, and their singing chnnp'd to cries tor help n.s Ihey were .swept into ttie icy waters. What happened nfler that no one will ever know. .Shields .says he licard .someone cry, "Hang lo the lj<iiit," ))iil it was pilch <lark, and he could see liclhing. The sl.irm redou!)le<l it.s force, nnd Ihe frail shell Uramo the [ihiy- tlling of \\v liivakers. As late iiK 10 minules to 2 o'clock Ihe ringing was heard hy I'oli'-o (/instalile Ix'wis, of the I'arkdale Station, who was patiolling his heat along the I.alie .sJliore lload. He could also hear Ihe ipiick l>eal of Ihe engine helween the lulls in the win<l and the iioisi> of Ihe'lhunder. Siidd(>rily thi^ singing changed to ciie.s f )c' help. Tne coiislahle peer<Hl into the darkness, bill could S(V <ir hear no- thing more. He wailed ahxiut tor some time, nnd went 'iii to tho man at the 'J'oronio Holt W<irkh, where he made a re|X)rl. CAP.S1ZED BOAT FOUND BY POLICE ON Till". SIIOME. Police roiinlalile lUibin.son, who l^mk Lewis' plnce ot 4 o'clock, was in.slnicled to wntcli along the .shore. As he palttd- liil the l>eiich, iibout f).;!u (j'cl'iek he came upon Ihe capsized launch near a clump of willows, atxiul W) yards from wliero the (irciuulier Pond skirls the opposite side of the road. Close t>esido it was the body of Walter Uundin. Hobii«s<jn nolilied the station, and Ihe remaias were renuived to tlie City Morgue in a patrol wagon. In making a further .search, the c<ins|ablo noticed n coat Ikialing some <lislance oul in the lake, and when il was i-c<.'overed il pmve<l to be that of .losoph Irwin, the young .s<in of Councilor Inviii, of 'I'oroiito Junction. \\h<'n the news of Ihe discovery of ihe launch .spread, several search parties .Set oul in rowtKials and launches, and tlK'y Worked all iiKJiiiing without rosull. At 6.10 Ihe .s<>arcliers w<'re rewaixled by th' discovery of a third Ixwly, that of John li-Nvin, the owner .of the ll<iallng '•oat. He was a .son of Councilor Irwin of Toronto Jiinclion. He wa.s the third .son of Ihe family, was H) years old. and worl<ed as a bricklayer. As six liodi<'S still lie at Ihe IkjIIoiii ot the bay. Iho .search was kepi up until dark, but no more were found. .sunviVOM SHIELDS .STOHY. Ocorgi' Shields says thai there were ten on boanl the luunch when il lelt Sunnyside at nlKuil li.HO for llanlan's Point. All remained there until a half hour after midnight, when the home- ward journey was commenced. Hnin had fallen, bul tlic sky had cleared. When, h<Jwe^'er, the luunch had arriv- ed within 30(1 or KX) yards of the shore at .Sunnyside, op|X)sile Ihe west gate 'f 11 gli Park, a storm aiv)se, first a high wind and then a crash of thunder, fol- U.wed by a (lown|Kiur of rain. .Su<l- (lenly Uie engine sUiinH'd. • The boat turned broadside to tlio waves and wilh-iut warning capsized, throwing its occupants lnt<j the water. OTIIEIIS LO.ST THEIR HOLD. "We were thrown about Ifi feel from tho b<mt," .said .\Ir. .shield?;. "Nlehr- ganp and .Miller c<juld nol swim. John Iiviiw .shoiilcrl. 'Slick to Ihe boat,' and I'litfik Ualy, Kyle, Oundin. Iiwui and my.self swam back together to the laun'.'h. John Irvine swam along-^ide. I don't know when I lost sight of him. "Irvine and Toroeipie, Ihe two sti^ang- es', swimmers of tho parly, s^vam for Ih'.- shoiv. Others lost their hold on lh< upturned boat aial disappeared. I'lnally <inly Dimdin and the f-urvivor leiiKiined clinging ki Ihe sulimergeil launcli. Shields iK'lieved that ttie launch would drift to land, ond this it d:i just before daybreak. Ho sluinb- led llirough the shallow water to the U'nch, whore he sank to the ground exhauste.l and l)cnumbed with cold. After lying for a jxTiod of time, which he e.stininles at half an hour, .Shields arose and niiidc his w«y home Ihivaigh High Paik, arriving aljoul live o'clock. lie is naliirally .somewhat confuswl as lo the lioiirs at which the various incidents which he mentioned <icciirred. Pol instance, he thought that the boat iiiusl have capsized at 3.30 a.m., and that he wa.s Irom two lo two and a half iKiurs in Ihe water; yet he arrived home ul about live o clock. DltEAIXSTUFFS. Toronto, July 30.â€" Onlnrio Wh(ijk!i,â€" , Sleady; No. 2 wluto, 87^c to 8Hc. " Manitoba Wheatâ€" No. 1 hard, flWh-' i.ial; No. 1 northem, 'J7>^c; No. 2 noHTl- orn, U-4%c. Cornâ€" .No. 2 yellow, 00%c to 6Ic. Barleyâ€" Nominal. Oat.s- Onlnrio -No. 2 while, HXc lo ihe, outside. Maiiilolin" No. 2 wliile, 44%c tj 4.5(:. on track at elevator. ivnsâ€" Nvunijial. Bye â€" .Nominal. Flourâ€" Ontarioâ€" 90 ix?r cent, patents, K':.y.t bid. $.iAO asked; Majiiloba lirst patents, JjiS to .W.20; seconds, 4.40 to t'L.'iO; slicing bakers', 84.20 to Branâ€" $17 to i8t7.50, out.side; al.out $20 outside. .$4.30. Shorts, m COUNTBY PBOnUCE. Butter-â€" Market continues sleady, with good business being done. Creaiiierv prints 21oto22c do ."Ohd-s 20c U) 00c Dairy prints 1^; lo lOc do solids 17c to 00c Clif<e!-eâ€" Quiet at 12c to 12Xt tor large and 12>^c for twins, in job lots liere. Eggsâ€" Steady at 17Xc to 18c. Beansâ€" $1.05 to $1.70 f<ir tiand-picked and $\.:><i lo .St. 55 for primes. Pola!oe.sâ€" Dull; IV'lawaw. 80c to 00c hng; new potatoes. $3 Ui .$3.25 per bar- rel, in car Uits on track. Baled llavâ€" Quiet at $14 lo $15 for No. I timothy; N<i. 2. $12.50. Buleil Strawâ€" $7.25 lo $7.50 per ton, in car lots on track here. PBOVISIONS. Orv'ssed Hogsâ€" .$0.75 for lightweights and $0.25 for heavies. Poikâ€" Short cut, $22.75 to $23 per barrel; tivss, $21 to .$2I..'^>0. Smok«d and Dry .^iltetl .\leats-IXjng tieur bacoji, tic to ll%c for toiij and ta.ses; hams, inediinn and iight, IS^c \f. Hi-; heavy, 14 ^^c lo l.')c; bucU.s, ll'.>.jC lo I7c; slwiulders, IO?ic U) lie; iviils, l;%c; out of pickle, ic less than sm<>k(d. Lardâ€" Steadv; tierces, I2c; tubs, V^'/ic; pails. 12;<;c. IflSl B! SIB Forty=one Labor Disputes During the Month of June A despatch from Ottawa says : The total number of trade dis[iules reported t ; liavo been in existence in Canada during June, was 41, a decrea.s<> of eight, compared with tho previous month, hut an increase of 11 compared with June, lOOC. About 262 e.slablishinenis and 5.72S employes wci'e affecle^l by tlnise disj)utes, wiiose Itegimiing during Iho nii.ntti involvwl about 78 estnblishmcnis and 3,724 employes. Tho lo.ss of time to employes through trndo disputes during June was approxi- mately 54,710 working days, conipare<l with a loss of 88,:i25 days in May, and a»,215 days in June, 1006. Of the 41 disputes in existence during the month, 23 were terminated, eilher by delinilo M'tllements l>cing reached, or by industrial wjndiliojis ceasing lo iiO af.'ected. Tliirteen disputes were lernii- iialed hy negotiations between tlie parties eijiicerncd, two were .s*'ll!cd by, conciliation, one through the friendly mediation of Iho Deiiarlnient of Labor, and one llirough the Bureau of (^iicilia- ti<ui of niiebec. and eight disputes werO' terrninalcd without negotiation.s. . In .seven disputes that were lermH naled Ihe employers wore suoressful, ten ended in favor of the employes, com-' pronii.s''s were cffeclixi in three ca.ses, and in Iwo Iho strikers wore partially; su-ccesstul. ALL THE BODIES BECOVERED. All the iKidie.s of the nine victims of Friday morning's launch disaster oft number Bay have now Invii recov<>r<'<l, Ml" last two having Ix'f-n taken from the waters on .Sunday afleriKkin. In the pulpits of several Toinmlo Junction eliurches on .Sunday touching references were nmde to the tragtxly. « .MONTBEAL MARKET.S. Monlival. Jiilv :K).â€" PivivLsion.sâ€" BnrJ rels siviirl cut nie.ss, $22 t<. .$22.50; half barrels. $11.25 lo $11.75; cUar fat lacks, $2^.M t) .$24.50; l<jng cut heavy iiK'ss. $20..50 lij $21.50; half barrels do., $10.75 lo $11.50; dry .salt long clear ba- con. 10c t'j 1l%c; barrels pUite bc<>f. $U to $16; half barrels do., $7..50 lo Ss.25; barrels heavy mess beef, $10; halt burivls do., $5. .50; comrxmnd lard, 10>ic lo 10%c; puiv lard, 12>i.c to 12%c; ket- tle K^nilered, I3<; to 13Xc; hams. 14c to ICo. ac<:orduig to size; breakfast ba- con. 14Xc to 1.V; Wind.s<ii- bacon, ihXy to I6-; fresh killed abidloir dres-sed li.,gs, $0.75 lo $10; alive, .$7.25 to $7.4U. 0(,ls_>;iilcs of car lots of Manitoba N<i. 2 wtiitc were made at 48>.jc to iOc; Onlnri<i No. 2, 48- to 48>^e; .No. 3 tt r-c t<j 47%c and No. 2 at 46c to 46 '^^c per bushel, ex stoiie. j.-lour- Choice spring wheal patents. !;:5.10 to .$5.20; seconds, $4.50 to $4.ty_>: w.nter wheat patents, $4.('>5 lo .$4.75; slraighl iMllers, $L25 to .$4.35; d<i., m bags, $l.y5 lo $2.10; extras, $1.65 to $1.75. MiUfwlâ€" Prices in bags, $19; shorts. $2V lo $25 per ton; Ontario bran m bags. !::IS.50 to $10; shorts, $22 to $22..50; <aiUe<l niouille, $24 to $28 per ton, and straight grain, $30 lo $'.12. Rolled Oat-sâ€" (Jiiict at $2.25 per bag. Ixnnmeal Is s'eady at $1.45 Uj $1.50. BaltHl Ilavâ€" Prae^'s are steady: No. 1, $16 t<i $16"..5(i; No. 2, $15 to $t5.;.o; Clover, $16 to $16 ..50; .No. 2. $15 to $15.50. Butlerâ€" Townships, 20c to 2<l>ic; Quebec. 20c; Ontario. Vjyic: dairy, l7.'/ic to I7>jic. Htvx'ipts this morning were 3,410 packages. Cheeseâ€" Ontario whiae, IO)^c to lOJic; voUired, in'Ac lo 10%c; eustern, lOXc to 21,518 LOCOMOTIVE BLEW I'P. Two Trainnion Killed Near Simcoc Station. .•\ despatch from Siincoe, Ont., says: Wabasli freight train, eastboumR, en- gine 1804, in charge of Conductor Dack nnd Engineer Bennetl Patterson, which left .Simcoi^ nt 6.40 on Friday evening, was wrecked nb<nil a oiile and a halt cast of Simcoe. The wreck \\aj> caused l.y tho engine blowing up. Engineer Paltei«on was bkiwn out of liis cab '.o a considerable dislaacc and was in- stantly killed. Fireman Calvert was also bkiwn a distance away and very .seriously injured. Braki'iiian Lewis Norton, who was riding in the engine cab, was fatally injured. Tlie three nien were placed in Ihe conductor's van and as soon as ttio rear i)orli'iii <!.' Ihe train c<iuld be moved were broughl lo Simcoe station, where the body of Engineer I^itterson was re- moved to an undertaking room. Ml Hie train crew were composed of St. Thomas men. Tlie remains of the en- gine and two cars of provisions were eonsumcd by lire. The crew of the freight train were unable to give any reason for the accident. Twenty Indejiendent cigar manufac- turers, though nol ttio most imixirlunt rmes, at Havana have decided to raise the price of cigars, charging Anierii'aii nKiliey instead of .Spanish gold. This step is likely lo bo followed stKin by all. m. HAYWOOD ACmilTTED â-  « Boise Jury Declares Him Innocent of Steunenberg's Murder. 'A flrspatch from Boise, Idaho, snys: 'AfUr Ixint' ont nearly 21 hou~fs the jury in the caso of W. D. Haywood, secretary of the Western Federation of Miners, on trial for c<Mnplicity in the murder of r\-CH)vernoik Sleimeiibcrg, ot Idaho, brought in a verdict of acciuil- lul Ttie last hour was spent in merely wailing for 111" lawyers lo get lo tlie €<iurt-liouse. II was 7 o'clofk on Sun- <<aj morning when Ihey finally agreed to kl lliiywoul go free. Tin: VEBDHT a surprise. When llnywoid heard tlie clerk of lh<i C4iiiil ix'ad the jiiry'.s w<ird thai rind'' iiiiii a five man and acipiitted bini ol tho murder of cx-Covernor to lo S'ounenbnrg, he was, it is needless say, n highly pleased man. The surprise was stunning, even Haywood hiiiist-lf. Of all the jieople in the courtroom when the jury came in 11 is piobiible that few e.\|)ected nn nctpiitlal. II is certain that neither Hi.yw<K''d ii<ir his Uiwyers ICKjked for II. Mvsl of the jurors say Ihey could nol c<'iivict under Ihe (xiurt's instructions. To the prasecutioii llie surprLse was not less c<»niplele than to the defence. 'Ihey had been hoping for a disagree- ment Willi nol more than two or three men holding oul for Hnywoo<l, nnd when lib' lawyers and reporters were called in in the early morning with Ihe IK w.s Hint the jury wxis ready to reivnrl, il se«Miiert rerlain thai some .s<,rt 'of n Col "'iction had been agreed upon. .STEA.MEU BIHNED; SEVEN PEIUSII. Exrursinn Boat Takes Fire on I-ake Cayuga. A despatch troin Itliacn, N.Y., .says ; Seven pei-soils are kiKiwn to be <lead nnd many more injui<'tl as the result nl tho burning of Ihe steamboat I^'roiileiiac, of Iho Cayuga Lake Trans)xjrlalion (x.nipnny, on the noilli end of Lake Cayuga on .Saluixlay atlenuKin. The idenlillcd dead are: Mrs. Homer CK'nung and her -son Carl, of Freeville, N. Y., and MLss Julia McCreary, ot Cohoes. a sliident of tho Cornell Summer .School; Eslella Clinton, ot Itliaca, and a Mi.ss Sullivan, of Syracuse ; ttie eight-year- o'd son of Howard .\bel, of Uly.si-is, probably perLshed ; Miss Beniielt, ot UUca, is tiKUighl to liiivc been di-owii«l in IIh^ lake. Tho sleaniboal was com- V'letely destroyed, burning to the water's wige, and now lies a wreck near tho shore at Union Springs. CONEY ISLAND SWEPT BY FIHE. Seven Blocks in the Amusement Zone Burned. A despatch from New York .says: O.iiey Island, the playgr<iund of New Yolk's iiiiUions. was visited by a dis- RAN TBAI.N TlinoUiill FIRE. Train I»a(k-d 'With ClihiPse itiins Upon- Burning Bridoe. A despatch from Fort William, Ont., says: Tlial anotlier terrible wreck aid rot occur on the C. P. 1!. on .Saturday morning is due Ui Ihc braveiy tA two of tihe company's enipl<jyes, wtio risked IheLi' lives to save a Iruinloud of Cliiiiii- men, wh ) wore going through to .New ^ork on a special train. Engineer ,Vlc- Adani. who was on the engine drawing the <:iiiii;'so special, wjls upproai-hiag Uv Rideout River at groat speed, when, glancing ahead, lie noticed ttiat the big bridge was a nmss of names, lie Uiii'w «n the <-jiiergency brake and called lo tl.e fireman to jump, wliicli both iiK'n succeedu'd in <loing without injury. When the engineer galtiered himselt to- pdlier he noticed that the train had lun right into Wie middle of the burn- ing bridge and that already .some of the coaches were on lire. H<» immcdi' alely cliiiihcd alKiard and raji forward to the engine, Ihiougli the ours. Tin engine was in the centre of tlic flames, but I lie engineer pulled open llm lluMltle and ran part <it Ihe train iicmn Ihe briilge. When safely acro.s.s it was di.sco\ered thai six couches vwre still <,n Ihe bridge, Iho onupUnj: iiaving b''okeii loose when the brakes went on, AnoUier train was also due in a few niinules, and there was grave danger ot il running into the rear of tho coaches. Brakesman Wil.son ro.se to Ihe occasion and swam Hciuss tho river, climbed up on the Niiik, hurried down llic Iviwk. and Magged Ihe approadihig Irain. The engine was so<in imcoupU'ii and three of the cars were pulled awiiy lo .safely. Three <jlheis were totally c<insuiiie<l by the lliiine.s, bul Ihe occu- pant.; all csca(X'<l. Ten seclions of the bridge were also destroyed nnil all Iraf- lic was lied up for over seventeen hours BIUTISII WAItSlliP LAINCIIED. Anollier Droadnouglit Takes llie YVatef at IVirlsniouth. \ despatch tmni l''ortsnioulti says: The liallleshl|) Bellerophon, jinothcr Diendiiought, was luiinched hero on .•Salunlay afteriKKiii by Princess Henry ol r.allenberg. Tho new warship has a loiinage of 1S.6(J0, wtiicli is 700 more lliaii the Dreadnoiighl. and stie will emlHidy a numlx'r ot iiiipr<i\ •â- inenl.'i gained us a resull of llio Drcudiiouglil Iruils. •lO^c. Beceipis to-day wcro loxes. ^ I nstrous fire early .Sunday and .seven arket is unchnngoil l,]^,^.l<s in the amusement zone wept> Egg.sâ€" The egg ni and sales ot selected in single cases were made at 2(K- and riuind lots of straight reccipis at 16-; N<i. 1 candled at 17e, No, 2 candled I 14c and No. 2 straight at l\ty,n per dozen. NEW YOBlv WHE.Vr .MARKCT. New Yorlc, July 30.â€" Wheal â€" Sim^iI steady; No., 2 i«ed; 07Xc in elevator nnd OS>ic t.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern Du- hilh. SI.OH^I f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 noiih- erii Dulull'i, $1.08% f.o.b alkvit; No. 2 hard w.nter, OO^c f.o.b. afloat. I.1VI-; STOCK MARKET. Townto, July 30.â€" Exjxirl cattle were dull, and values wcro. noniinaliy un- changed. The better classes were ipio- teii ill $5..50 lo $5.75, and medium .s<ilil at $5 l<i $5.40 per cwt. Ex|>ort bulls were worth $4.50 to $4.75 lier cwt. Choice butchers' cattle $4.80 to $5.10; jiK-dium, $4.25 to '$4.7(ir, oh<lc»> (Viws nnd fair butchers' cattle, mixed, $3.75 to $4.1.5; tx^mimon cows $2.25 to $3 per cwt.; bulls, 82..50 U. $1 per <wt. Feedti-s, 1.000 lo I.llKJ ft.s., were wv.rlh $4 to $4.25, and medium weight cattle, slockers, .s<ild at $3.25 lo .$3.75 per cwt. Interior slockers were not wanted, and Itieir prices ranged fi'om ,»;2.25 to $;i per cwt. Ewes, $1.25 to $4.50; bucks, $3 to ^3 75; lanilis, $6.75 to $7.50 per cwt, Venl calves .s<ild at 4 to 6i; [x-r !b. H>i|gs were sleady at $6.0<i f<ir .selects nnd $6.85 for lights and foLs. . .-* DissntLstadion with llie iKilicy of John Redmond is increasing in the Irish paiiy, nnd tho Sinn Fein opposition i.s growing "stronger. . , • , One of the most exclusive of womens chilis in Uindon, tlic Ladies' Park Club, ,ha^ moved into new premises and bridge is forbidden. 0<.<nip!<>lely deslroye<l. Tilyolis' Steeple- chase l"iark, and nearly twenty small hotels were wiped out and lor a time the llames threatened Luna Park and Drenmlaiid, and scores ot sinalli'i- places, which fringe the water's edge •or a mile. A lucky shill of the wind to seaward nidixl the tircinen. and pin- "oahly saved Ihe wlvile picliircsfpie area, lul not until a million dollars' dainuge had been done. OrTVWA IS (iROWING. Diretlory Estimates Total Popolalion at 80,";M. A despatch from Ottawa says: .\ sub- sli.ntial increase in p<ipiilalion marks ilic closo of the year in Ultawa, accord- ing lo the Might Diroi-.-tory ligure.s. Ixiw- Cling the inulUplc from 3 to 2%, tha same as taken in Toronto, the total is c>linTaled at 80.731. The company tins in il,s latest Liook 20,:!58 individual names, an increase of 1,568 over la.st year. FORTY MEN IN A SEWER All Would Have Been Drowned But For Foreman's Coolness. A despatch from Now York says: Forty laborers ran, swam and foughl Icr their lives when the now sewer in West 46111 street was Hooded on Tues- day ni,ghl, and bul for tlai coolness nnd delernunation of Eor<'niaii Ben C/jn- nors all niu.st have perished. The men v/cro working in the lube, which is eight te<'l in diameter, a block in length ami f«irly feci below Itie surface. Sud- denly a break occurred in the old sewer above them, and the escaping water IK'ured into the oi)en end of the M.tc. Till only exit was at the op^xisite end, wliere an nir shaft led to the surface. A nioineiil after a stream lirsl trick- led into the tube, llie Hood came, and when Ihe men turned lo run the water wai ul Iheir knees and rapidly rising. 'Il.nlf way to the shaft the water wasi a: Iheii- waists, and, lighling. Ihe mon wedg<d lliem.selves uilo a helpless nin.ss luilil none could make piogress, and' all were in iinininent iieril ot diown-j ing Then I'omiors, who le<l th*s wayi to like shaft, took a hand, and swinging an ugly club, llneateiied to brain every man of llieni it they did not ol>ey him. 't'lien Ik' <irdered theiii lo form four abreast nnd march. Some marched, lul iiKire swam, as by llial time the Wider had reached Ilic necks of the teller, wliile lh<ise of lesser height had Iwii .swept from their feel. Ono by <.no they gained Ihe shaft and cliiiilvHl t'.e ladiler lo the slivel. txinnors wa.s th'' last III leave the sewer, and when ho did he rose fwiu si.x feet of water. L

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