AT HIS MAJESTY'S COURT now THE PnESKNTATIONS CONDUCTED. ARE Sifllit o( Spli'ndur and Magnificence Unsurpassed at Any Other Court of Eurnpo. The avorago person probably finds il d:Uicull to unilPrsluiKl wliy Ihoro shoulrl l:>e such u keen desire on Uie part â- { sociely people lo be presoiilcd al Ckiurt. To the uniuilialPd, the mere honor or pleasureâ€" howi'vor you iimy like to re- gard itâ€" fjf itiukirg u curtsy lo the King cud Uuem iii the bnlhvxiin of B^lcltin.^'- huin Palace scarcely coiiifjcnsates one fir (he expeiuse and trouble involved. As n mailer of fact, a presentation at Court means a ^'rcal deal to Ihose who jnove in upper circles. WithoBl ;i a woiuun has jio rocoixnizfd social posi- tion; slie is never invited to Hoyal en- tertainments, and when visiting a for- eign country cannot he presented lo its Sovrreign. In lh(^ old day.s, when a iiidy had hern <ince presented, she could ccnlnus; to attend C/jiu'ls, uninvited and UMchalldigod, until the end of her life. I3ul lime has chuniicd that privilege. However, it is obvious that there arc still great inducenieuls to sec\n'c the iprccioiLs card of Invitation from, the L-.rd Chainlxrlain which cnlitles one lo alien. 1 the Oiurt. Everybody who is anyl)ody is to Ire seen al a Cxiurt presentationâ€" princes, lords, and dukes, grey-haired anibassa- d<.rs, generals, politicians, and diploma- lists, down to youjig attaches, all at- tired in rui.L UNIFORM on covnr drrs-s, the picii's n I tiro, in many cases, being no less brilliant and gorgeous than the dozzling confections worn by young dcliutanlcs who nervously await Uielr turn for presentation. Those who by right of birlh are en- titled to allend at C/iurt are member.s o' the nrislorracy and of the leading CCiUnty f:uiii!ies, the wives and daugti- lers of ollicers in tlic Army and Navy, of clergymen and barristers, of import- ant financiers, and of men engaged 'n largo commercial enterprises. Uut the lint: is rigidly drawn at those occupied in retail trade, no mailer how refined ><i' well connected they u;ay be. Now-a- tiays several tilled womeu, members of old families, keep shops of their own, and this fact entirely prevents Iheir appearance al CV)urt. This rule is ub- scluk', and has no exceptions. The general company drive into the ccurlyaid of liucUingham I'alace under the p.jrtic.1 at the Slate entrance. There Is also another entrance, known as the I'.inlico door, through which iiiembei-s of the Dipioinatic C/jrps and what is known as t'le Entree conipuny are al- lowed Uj pass. My enloring with the general company, however, one obtains a splendid view of .some of the beauties • of Buckingham t'alace. AftiT alighling at the Doi-ic portico, the (iehulanic ciitei's the large but some- what k)W-cciiiiiged enlrance-liall, with its marble floor ajid staircase, and its do-uble row of pillars in I'UliE WHITE CAHHAHA MAlUiLi-:. Eroiii the hall access can be obtained to the .so-called liay Window Hooin, which is one <if the liuest on the gar- den lloor of liuckinghain I'aiacc. The 13;jw Library is used as a cloak-room, where wraps and cloaks are left and nuniL'cred lickels received in exchange. The staircase is a model of splendor. Every slcj) is a solid piece of while inaible, and the gold and cream ceiling shows some inarvclUuis decoration. Sla- lioned on the staircase and ovorywherc alxiiil are Yeonien of Iho Guard dressed ii; rcil and gold, with neck ruflles, bi'Ckled shoes, ajid the flat hats that have become known by their name. Atlinlive geiillemen ushers pass'the guests on in batches of about thirty through the antc-r<X)iijs which lead to the last halling-iJlacc, the Toix'stry Cor- ridor. The ballroom, where the Court is held, is a superb .saloon, with walls panelled in crinuson and a floor of sat- inwood and niuhogany. Al one end is a fine organ and Ihc gallery for His Majesty's musicians. The King and Queen enter the ball- room about ten o'clock. They are pre- ceded by Ihe While .Staves and followed by the most iniporlanl ollicers of the Stale, who, together with other members rt the Royal Kaniily, lake up their jwsi- (lion in a seini-circlo round their Ma- jesties in order of pwcedenco. Then the business of Ihe evening commences. Trains arc lei down and spread upon Iho floor, cards ore passed from hand «<• hand, and A GHE.\T SIF.ENCE PREVAILS, broken to a nervous debutante's ear only by the sound of her own tread <n the polished floor and by the announce- ,nicnt of her name in a lone of ofUcial aulhority. When the two deep curlsies Ihave been duly made, the lady has lo â- Tclire from Ihe Royal presence with all ,lh' grace at her comiiuind. Formerly a debutante was obliged lo itindcrgo the nerve-trying ordonl of kiss- |tng the Queen's hand, and, if a peeress, lOt being saluted on both cheeks, while, Jn addition, ehe was obliged lo walk backwards from the Royal presence. But" King Edward has altered all that. Their KRijcstics remain seated, and a curlsy is all that is required. Between one and two hours arc thus Jaken up with the business of prcscnla- lion, alter which Iho King and Queen retire from Iho ballroom lo parlake o* supper with a few favored guests. Sup- per is also prov^ed tor the general <ximpany, with this differenceâ€" that while Iho Royal party sll down to a fbrnial meal, the others refresh them- selves at the buffets, for the most part standing up. It m&y int£rcst some readers to Ifoj'n. Ven -Angle The underwear that fits perfectly, wears out slowest, and neither shrinks nor stretches, is named PEN-ANGLE, and bears this trade mark in red. Who sells it, guarantees it, in the maker's name. Made in many fabrics and styles, at various prices, _ in form-fitting sizes for women, men and chadren. PEN- ANGLE Guar- anteed Underwear wears best and fits better rec A sample of Celluloid Starch. Send us your n.ime and ad- dress and we'll forward you a quarter-pound package of Cellu- loid Starch and a Painting Book with colors for the little folks. Don't send any money â€" they're free. We just want to get you acquainted with Celluloid Starch â€" the starch that requires no cooking-, never makes the iron stick and gives the best results. Send your address to-day to Tlie Bianlford Stuck Woilti, Umiud Braalicxd, Canuk ••> Celluloid Starch bv Iho way, that strict regulations gov- rrii Ihe of both men and women who attend at Court. Men who do not iKlong lo ll'.o .Services must appear in llio r gulalion vi Ivel tail-coals and steel bullous, knee breeches, black silk stock- ings, buckled shoes, and white gloves, with cocked hal under the arm and small sword at the side. Ladies, too, must dress to order, in evening loilelte, with train from three and a half to four yards long, while gioves, and with oslrich feathers. For n;ourning black trimmings are permis- sible with Ihe black loilettc. but a spe- cial permit must be obtained if a lady wishes to attend C/)urt in a high-necki'd g'.vvn and long sleeves. A doctors ccr- lilicale is generally necessary in order to obtain this permission.â€" London Tit- ' Oils. * SYMPATHY. Mr. Heni)ock (after a long argument) - "I can imder-iliind now why your folks cried Ihe night we were married." ,Vlrs. Mimpecyâ€" "Why." Henpeckâ€" "They were sorry for nic." Dr. J. D. Kcllogg's Dysentery Cordial is prepared from ilrugs known to Ihc profession as thoroughly reliable for the cure of cholera, dysentery, diar- rhcra, griping pains and smiinier coin- pUiinls. It has been usc<l successfully by medical practitioners tor a iiumb'T <>( years with gratifying results. If suf- fering from any .summer complaint il !s juisl the medicine that will cure you. Try a bottle. 11 sells for 25 cents. MOTOn ENDS nOMANCE. j French Father Captures His Elnpinf) Daughter and Takes Ilcr Home. The roman'^e of a French heiress and ' he" penniless lover, Iheir elopement, and a few weeks of wedded bliss, have been fcllowed by Iho abduction of Ihe bride in the paternal molor-cnr. Some iiKjnths have i)assed since .Vllle. PiedalUi mot Victor Ucbaulon near her millionaire father's chateau at Isle- Atlaiii, Kraiic<'. A friendship .sprang up ai.d ripened into love. A few weeks ago the elopnient was planned and carried out. Mile. Piedallu and her governess went shopping in Paris. The girl gave her cliaperjii Ihc slip and joined her lover, who was wailing in a cab. So flccp was the father's anger thai he sw.irc to leave Iho neighlKvrhood. The c ntmls of liJs chahau are lo bo sold by auclinii before the jilace is shut up. The lovers drove lo a railway station and travelled lo Oslcnd. There they l<iOk cheap rooms, and Dehaulon ob- tained wrk at a well-known holel. His wife cairied his dinner in a bundle Ihrough the sireels each day. NeilhtT know that the millionaire who was searching for lliem was one of tlie chief shareholders in Ihe company v<hich owns the liohl where Dchaul<iri was employed. Discovery came owing lo this fact. The heiress was carrying her hus- band's dinner through llio streets cI Ctslend when three men suddenly seiz- ed her and plac<;d her in a molor-ear wailing by Ihe "lierb. Instantly thi' vehicle, in which the millionaire was silting, started off and <]ui<:kly got clea:- of the town. Dehaulon, al.-irmed by his wife's non-ai>))i iirance, ran lo thei;' rooms, found them vacant, and learn;, what had hapiMMied a few days later. Since then he has been searching ;n vain for his wife. ., « MAN WUO FEEDS MANY. Joseph Lyons of London Has Most Colos- sal Eatinfl Concern in World. .Toseph Lyons runs in Ix)ndon what is by long odds the most colo.ssal catering' concern in the world. There is no ag- gregation of restaurants under one man- agement in America that conies any way near fowling such a vast multitude daily. Ho makes it pay, loo, handsome- ly. His company has declared a divi- dend of 3234 Pc cent., besides adding. $2OO,0(X) to its reserve fund. There are ' few companies in Iho land of million- aires which can show such profits as that. From the rank of a small public piovidcr al provincial exhibitions, Jos. Lyons has risen in twenty yeai-s to the torefronl of the restaurant and caleriiif;-) world, and to-day the ramifications o." ' his business extend throughout IIk whole of Greul Britain. The Navy of Spaui had In 17as 10,- iOii seamen. Nearly two centuries later it has but li.COO. When all is lost save honor a man tries to stand on his dignity. ITCH, Mango, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. U never fails. Sold by all druggists. The slow going dray horse lands mere (XJin Ihan the average race horse. .Spinsters do not belive in taxing bachehji's; they believe in nailing llieni. Sure negulator.s.â€" Mandrake and Dan- <!i li<.n are known to exert a powerful 'ifluenco on the liver and kidneys, re- .^toring them to healthful action, iiultic- ing a i-egnlar fl<AV of Ihe secretions and imparting lo Ihe organs complete nowtr to perform their fimclions. These .aluablc ingredients enter into Ihc com- oc.sition of Parmelecs \egelable Pills, •ind servo to render them Iho agree- able and salutary medicine Ihoy are. '"here are few pills so effective as Ihey ai their action. F.very man would bo a prohibitionist f there wasn't anything but water to orink. K a man's acQiinintances are unable lo discover that he is in love, ho isn't. More Iron Needed ni the blood of palo, rn« iliiwii uouplo. '• FBrnwiin, ' the best iontc. wlU l)Ut it tboi». At all ueiioiiil sturaa and Uruggiats. It's surprising how well mosl shift- â- ,.=ss people manage to gel along. Lots of voters would havo to think for Ihemsclvi-s if il wasn'l for the po- litical bosses. ' Worms cause fcverishncss, moaning and resllrssiiess during sleep. Mother Cavts' W(/rm Exlerminator i.s pleasani, sure and effwtual. If your druggist has n, ne in stock, get him lo pixjcure it for you. HAPPIE.ST OF ALL. "Don'l you know, Willie," asked the Sunday-school teacher, "that you are alwavs happiest when you are good'/" "Yes'm," said Willie, "I'm never so happy as when I'm good, 'ceptin' when I'm e'alin." ENGLANDS BAD WE.VTUFB. Slecl in July, This Year Was the Crown- ing Indignity. A woman who announces that .she has just "looked out of the wmdow and beheld tlnkos of slcol diifling jiast on this July morning," wrills to the Queen lo recall a rhymo which celebrated ano- ther season quite as dripping as Iho one which has alllieted England this year. It ranâ€" Dirty days havo .September, April, June and November; All the rest have Ihirty-one, Wilhoul n blessixi gleam of sun. If any of 'em had two-and-lhirty. They'll- be jusl as wet and twice as djrly. EXPERT SEWING-MACHINE REPAIRS Also sewing niachLne oil of abwlulo purity, and Ihe best needles and parts â- or all machines al Singer stores. Look :or the Red S. Singer Sewing Machine C..-. Wrile us at Manning Chambers, 'i'oroiilo, lor set ol Bird Cards free. "Well, my littlo man," said Ihe minis- ter, kindly, "1 am glad to see you com- ing regularly to the .Sunday scluwl. You want to 1)0 a good lilllo boy, 1 am sure." "I do, indeed," replied the "little nuui,' cariKs^tly. "You see, mamma says she can't Inisl me, and she always locks the pantry door, so I'm trying hard lo Ijc a good lx)y so that she'll leave it open a.s she used to do." Mife. Money Bagsâ€" "I hear you have spent a great deal of your time in Italy?" Mrs. Parveniie- "Oh, yes, my dem-; were quite Italicized." A reputation for wisdom may be ac- quired by applauding the opinions ot vcur neighbors. There ore four Scottish breeds of cat- lU namely, Polled Angus, Calloway, Ayrshire, and WosI Highland. The Wake the Torpid Energies. â€" Machinery not properly supervised and left lo run it.sclf, very .soon show.s fault in its working. It is the same with Ihe digeslive organs. Unregulated fivnn time t<) time Ihey are likely Uy become l<.rp;d and liirow the whole system oul of gear. I'aruielee's Vcgelablo Pills were made to nieel such cases. They restore to the full the flagging faculties and bring into order all parts of the riicchanisni. ' â- .. Jual ns long as there's & case there will bo a woman in il. HORSES ATE SHOE PEGS rUOPRIETOn TAYLOn KEPT THE STABLE DARK. A Handy Shoe Fac(or>â€" Horses Got Off Their Foed-a Great Sclienic. Down in Ihe southern part of the .Stale of .New llauiiisliire, at a railwity slali^in where Ihe fanners tor miles around used to wjuio to take the train f<.r Boston, a certain man had a house and a big stable, and in Uio long rows of stalls they kept their horses during Itv day until Ihev returned from their ji.urney to "the nub." Then Ihey would iiilch up and drive home. Everyboity v/.iils on himsi'll in these democratic (.•<.riinuiniti<'s, .'o Ihey were in the luibil o'! unhilcliing Micir own horses, hniig- I'lg Ihe harness on Ihe pegs at Ihe fool o:' the stalls and giving each anmial a measure of oats from a big bin over in Ihe <'orner. The stable was kepi very <lark, so that sometimes on a cUiudy day they had to [<'cl Ihoir way around, but Mr. Taylor, Ihe proprietor, cxpluin- â-ºâ€¢â- 1 its advantagesâ€" thai il kejil oul the flies and other insects. I30UCHT SEVERAL BARRELS. One day Mr. Taylor was employed by a stranger lo drive him over to Ilaverliill, where a sliioo factory with nil its conleiils and api)urtenances was It Ik} sold at auction under foreclosure. Everylliing w-as g»iing very cheap and Mr. Taylor Ixnighl several barrels < f shoe pegs for almost nothing. When he got home ho put IJieni in Ihe barn williout explaining what he was going 10 do with Ihcin. It was .something more than a coinci- dence tluit about this time Taylor qiiil buying oats and Ihe horses tlial were placed in .his barn while their owners wenl lo Boston almcksl iiivariably got "<iff their feed." SOLD BURDOCK CURE. The owners unhitched and put them in the stalls and gave them a measure of grain, as usual, Iniin the bin in Itie dark corner, but when they returned al night the fe<d lay uiilouehcd in tlie trough. Mr. Taylor, had .some medicine, made of burdock leaves, which he ro- c<.iiinieiided as an appetite rcsloralive. and he s<dd a good many boltle.s at L'r> cents each. He told his customers lo give their horses a dose before lliey started to drive home and- another after the.r arrival before feeding, and he llioughl it would cure them, .^nd il did. 11 w-vi-ked like a <;harjn and there was a great demand for the burdock rem- edy. HAD BEEN FEEDING SHOE PEGS. One day an inquisilivo farmer took i^is miasure of oats lo the stable dotrr and found il full of shoe jiegs. For mni]y a year, ever since Taykir wenl over to that auclion al Haverhill, his cuslomrrs had l)eeii feeding shoo pegs lo their hoisi's and paynig Taylor 2b cents per animal tor l.hal privilege. As one might expect, there was a g: od deal <if c<imment on the discovery and Taylor went oul of business. ._ « Time Has Tested It,â€" Time tests all tilings, that which is worthy lives; that wliieli is inimical lo man's welfare per- ishes, 'lime has proved Dr. Thomas' Ecloctric Oil. From n few thousand Ixjlllcs in Ihe early days ot its nianu- faeturo Ihc demand has ri.scn .so Unit now the production is running into the hundreds of thousands of bvilllcs. What â- s so eagerly sought lor must be good. :-^ In Germany over 8,000,000 persons arc insured against sickness al an aver- age premium of .'S375 a head. Hell Gate, the great reef In New York I-Iarlwr which was removed by a single biasl in 1885, covered no less than nine acres. Like a bad habit .% skin disease grows. Scrofn- lou) huinont. eczomft uild all uitiptioiij may be cured with NVeaver'b Cerate, aiiHiated intera&ily by Weaver's Syrup. AXi Drugsiits. In 17!)t it look 8 Ions of coal lo make a Ion of iron. To-day tho work is done with one ton. R<niglily speaking, one man is killed in Brilish collieries for every million tons of coal raised. Is there anything nioro annoying than having your corn stepped upon? Is there anything more delightful than gelling rid of it'.' Ilolloway's Corn Cure will do il. Try it and be convinced. Two fishermen namo<I Smith, living near each other, had mot with misfor- lur;c, the one having lost his wife and the other liis boat. A lady visitor call- ed on tlic one who had lost his Iwat, tt;inkinj! it was Ihe ono who had lost lu.s wife. "Good morning, Mr. Smith. I am sorry to lioar ot your snd loss." "Oh, it ain't much nnitter. mum. She wiun't up lo much." "Dear uie, you don'l say so." "Aye, she was a rickety eld crock. When I wenl oul wilh her I was always in danger of my lite. In- deed, I offered her lo my mate only last week, but he wouldnt havo her. I have had my eye on another for .some time now." But llio lady could stand no more of tho old man's denunciation ( f the weaker sex, and hurriedly took her departure. Prussia produces WO tons of silver yearly, and has some of the most valu- able zinc mines in tho world. But her coal is poor, and so ifi her copper and iiion ore. .Roof for tne llfears to Coined Juit one roof in oUARANTEEn in writine to be tf nod for 'J5 years and is really good lor « bui^drcd. That's a roof of "OSHAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES Put them on yourself â€" common sense and a hanimsr and snips Joes it. Tlie bi:ildine they cover i> proof arain&t h'tl^'nini;, fire, wind, rain and snow. They tost less because I thcv re made better, and of better m.iterial. 9 Write m and leain about K001'"l.Mi I RIUHT. Address 20J i The PEDLAR People '^i^ â- Ofttiaw£MoBtrcil Oiuwa Toronto Ui.-idQn Wlnnipcfi CARPET ^YeTnQ ^^ and Olcaaiof. Thti It a apeoialtr with (he ^^^ BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING OQ, U%a4 parttouUii bf ^«t »u<\ we are sure lOia'Ufr AMTM* Box tfiB. Montreal. FOR SALE. Fur husiness and small sU r.U men's I'urnishinps. neiifxin for sellinj,', ill- health. Best stand in town; five-year 1( aso will bear hivestigalkm. n. w. ounii;.\ & ."sojn, Collingwood. 18 UiUrr-ucO and BbtnUd knt>w tthuut thii nciidiiliil MARVELWhirlingSpray Air your drup^rist fr-r 1 1, If Ua i,':tiinoi bUi'Luy th MA n V E L. Kff la no other, but Mtid BtAiiin fur lUtutratcd book-fr'-air<). It rItm full pantcQlHru aud dlrccUuiis in* WINDSOR snPPr.Y ro.. Windsor, Out. iicuciul AffUta for Couudii. WILSON'S FLY FADS Svory pactcst wHI kill more fllos than | 300 shoots of otloky paper I . 30LD BY DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND CENErAl STORES 10c p«r packot) or 3 packoto for 20c. will laAt n. wholo ooaeon. jraxsa^rsm OUESECSimSHIPraMPSiil U.MITtCD. m and Gulf of St. \mmA Bummer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw SS. "(?ainpan;L." with oloctrid light!?, electric hella aaii all inodorri cjiuforts. SAlha FBOM MONTHKALON MO.NDAVS at 1 p.m., 9th and '-8r<l Soutnniber, and fortnijihtly theiedftor for I'ictuu, N. c*., calling at (^uebeoj Uji,«pt>, Mai Hay, Torcb, <yape <;ovo. Uraud HivarJ ^uiuiuorhiUo, P.K.I. , and Ctiarlottetuwn, i'.U.L BERMUDA .Summer Kxcurslins, $35. liy tho new TitIh Bcrew SS. "Bermu(ll.i:i," .'t.fioo tons, Snlllnp 4th, Hth and iSth Soplomliur, b\\\, lith ami 'iSth oc tuber, (Jth, K'tli ami Ti\.\\ Noveinhor. 'I'etupora* turd cooled by nea broc£od 8eUlum ri^e^l ."ibove Si degrees. L'he nnast trips of tlie soasun for health and cuuifort. ARTHUR AHERN, .Socrelary, Quebec. A. K. OUTi;nURID(ilC & CO., Agents, 29 Uroadway, New York. NOT A STir.Klon KUR POLLSH. "k good many people,'' said Mrs. Oldcastle, "have been inclined recently to criticize our niini.'itor for tlic lilllo flaws that his scrnions conlahi, hut I think we onglit lo lake them suninium honuin.'' "Yes," repli<Ml her hostess, "I think so, too. I (ion I like tlwse .'^M'mons lliat are all flabby. (Jive ino the tjood stiff ones that .'^eom to havo Ixines in 'em, even if Ihoy ain't just as polished as liny might be." A Rrazilian .spider .spins a web of which the lolal len^'lh of Ihe strand* has been csliniated at 23i miles. ISSLK NO. 3ttâ€" aV.