>*-^ •-â- .I4'l *« End of New Quebec Bridge .Collapsed. f-ocomotive and Three Cars of Iron on Structure at Time of the Catastrophe. A drspnirh from Oiiohoc snys: The liiiiiicijs<' new $in,00().(XK) slcol brifl^'e \vl)i/h Wtts in cru/r.so- of (yiM.slriirlioii OfiViS.s 111,; SI. I,;i\vroncc llivcr iil I,<'vis Iwo miles iibovo llie Oily of Oiicboc, c<'l- I'ljis-vil liit<> on TInirsdny iiftciUKXin, cm'-' rjiii^' down id workmen, mostly sldtl workers iiDij rivi'tpri-. The collap-ie of the iirimorjso sinic- tun-, wilh Uh! pn'fit l«t,s of life it en- luilwJ, has ciiiised the f,'''<-'alost excilf- Jiitiit Iki-c iiiid lit l.ovis, and it is dif- liciill lo t'fl loircl d< liiils. It is thouglit thai Ihi' I0S.S of life will fxcviil 70. 'IVn l»odif.s have b€fn rccovorcd, 10 budly woiiiwK'd inon vvlto pkk<'d up in tlic river, iind llicro lire 70 niissiiif;, (ill of whom ore, no doubt, drowned. 'l"lie tiidfe'c. which is Ifiiig tonslructcd by fit. I'lio<.'ni.\ville Bridge ("x)mpany<f l"hi!ad<'lphiu. wius begun about seviii years ago, and wa.s e.Npected lo b<! lin- ished in I'.NC.i. The eislimaled cost "f Ihe hriilgo wa.s $l().00i),fiU(i, most of which wii.s Mihscribf-d by Ihe I'eder.il G verniiu'iil. I'roviritial (Jovernincnl Jilid Cily of Q;i(1hY. Only a fi-w of Ihe Mg .staff of work- n.cn wIk) are eiitngi d in vari<mB duties cseappd. The collaps<', thoiij^ht lo have been duo lo ll'.e overViading of the .su- p<rslructure wilh ninlerinls, <iccuri-;d .it an h'jur when the wirkiinii were all in Iheir placts, pielitninary to llnishiiig the work for Ihe day. Whin llie tall of the plant slruclure came, Ihe liig siructural w<irk wilh whii.li it was lieiig huill |iieventi'd niuny of Ihe wiikiiicn fioiri drowning j ill the .SI. Lawrence. 'I'ho.'-e who were IK'i .stunned hy the great tumble seiz- <il Ihe big .sImI girders whicli were car- rierl lo Iho ri\er hollotn, and were thus 6a\(<l trorn dniWHing. Only a few of Ihe dead and falally hurl were lesidenl.s of Qin-liec. They were employed l>y Ihe (vinlracting ruins which are biiiUling the .slructiire, and jr.ost 41I llieiii live in the Unilcd ."-ilah'S, many cf (lu'm bring fi'oin Pennsylvania. CA.NADIAN ni:.\TII LIST S.MAI.L. Th.re is no <loubt that Ihe faiiadian los> of life is small, for the unly work- men <)Ul.sidc of the steel workers iixnn I'l'.oenixville, Pa., who were eiiiplnyed 01 Ihe biiQil were Ciiniidiiin Indians. The big siuin whieli cruiiihlctl beiieaih Ihe .suinrstrucluru went wiilioul the slighti.'sl warning to the hiiiulre<l or more who were <in it at the lime, aiul Icppled over inlo Ihe waU'r, a liiindrc<l feel Ih'Iow, like Ihe fiaile.st kind of u elnictuie. It was nol long after the bridge fell Ihut it beeaiMc dark, and then the work d'. rescue, which had bai<ly lieen begun, luKi lo Ipo aliiiust atiniKhincd lK'caii.>-e there was n<i light. A big iHinfirt* was huill along the river si<le, but did nol \u Ip miK'li. I'lnm Ihe flickering glare of Iho Ixin- fiies, many Uxlics could be .s<-on lloaling on Ihe siii-face of llio river, but the reselling parly had its haiuls full, an<l had l<i let many of ttie eui'pses swcvp Oil down the slnain. Heart-lending .scenes are lo be wit- res-sed in Ihe immediate vicinity of the di.-a.sler. In Iwo houses lliice dead Ixdicn of llire<' nienibei-s nl each family are laid oid, wilh a fourlh member of one Willi a broken hip. According to Ihe lale.sl rep<jrls, Ihe ae- ricent does nol inlerf<>re wilii Ihe navi- grlion in the channel. \'e.ssels have al- ready pa.ssed throiigti lo aseerlain Ihe c.vacl silualion. The lo.ss is cslinHile<l at fij,5U(),(lU0. chor and one-half of tho suspension s[,an. Their ornamental caps arc lo Ik â- Ur feet in th<! air. The II<Kiriiig of the bridge over whioh Ihe Irallic will cmss is li>0 feel nlio.'e Ihe river level, so that ships wilh ihe higliesl musts moving up and d'lwn Ihe Si. Lawrence can puss undernculh wilhoui difliculty. II was eNp;cled that the bridge might be comitlehd by the fall of l'.»09, b;:t tho delay in e.btuiniiig Ihe s'.cci rei|uired hiLS kept back the (xuitraclors and now l!if (X)llapse of Ihe anchor pier at the .SdUlh .side, logclher with the work Ihal lad been d ^ne beyond it, will very .seri- ously hinder Ihi,- progress of the gigantic undertaking. Ki;iH)nT <;» \iN i.\ (jood shape. Salisluclory Biillelins From I'oints on (lie C. N. n. A d<«palch fmrn Winnipeg says: The Canadian Norlh(rn Hailway reixjrt for •Ih week eiulijig August 2U, issued <jii â- I'jiday morning, is very favorable. Fioin all points along the line come â- •e- porls of grain in excellent c<>:i(lilion. In .several seclioiis culling is now gen- eral, and at poinis where harvesiing â- has not already ln'gun all that is need- ed is a few ilays' line weHthcr lo ripen the grain. The principal drawback has l'(vn thill the ruin has le<'n loo pleiili- fic duiiiiR the past llirce weeks. Tlu^ Caiiad an Pacific Hallway will be hauling giiiin <iul of Saskatoon this i'all. Abjul L'iglily-tlve miles of track tiisl is all Hiat is necessary to conned •Iht cily Willi Winnipeg. The work •(.I track-laying Is pi<jgie.ssiiig at Ihe rnte of <mc and a half lo two iiiih.s |x.'r day. <jrading frmn Ihe diamond to Ihe leni pcrlary bridges i.s almost oomplelc. fillKAT SUA i:» DISCOVI'.HY. Sl!Mii|ie(f- to Micliipleolen Island Itival- inii llic iliisli lo Cobalt. A dc.sjialch from Sault Sle. Marie, (int., ,suys: A slaiiiiiede lo Michipicolen I-.'aiid, rivalling Ihe rush to Cobalt, is pi<iii»i.scd by Iho discl<isures made in t'.e Si.o <in"l'riday by tUirdon L. Micli- ael, a well-known prosix'olor. Michael, who has iKen (juielly jiiospeeting in th- i.^',alld for ioiiK! iiioiiths, has retiiiiied lo the .s<vi with a large nuinber <f sampUs showing an exlraordiiiary rich- lii'ss is nnlivi' Cijiper and silver, lie has slaked out ll'.l-ee elaiins oil the Island, and say.s that it will n<it bo long uiilll the place is swainiiiig wilh men endea- voring lo £(cuie l<;ciitlons. wnni.D's finE.\TF..sT uitinoic. The visitor lo Quebec as he tro.sse.s the .si. Lawrence .'^<h's .viine live iriiles l.p Ihe river Ihe huge, spidery-UKikini; eliiic are <if Ihe canlile\er bridge, which when eomiileled, will Ic Ih* largest (iliiieliire of the kind in Ihe world, a di^ilinclion now held by Ihe caniile\er tiiidge over llie l"<irlh in Scollaiiil. The coinpleUd biidge will have .13,f)()0 Ions of iUiel, aFul Willi ils approaches is es- liiiKited .lo cost »7,(Mi'i,(K)0. 'I'lie phms were eoininenced in IS07, The south .shore piers were comitleled lour years ago, and' since that lime 'HO feci of sU-el siiperslniettire was built c<innectiiig the shore |)ier t<i the anchor f'ier. It IS this anchor pict llinl ool- apsed. .,.-..-. The anchor arm. 400 feel nlirive the li\er, was eompk'led In July, last year, and oiie-f<nnth of Ihe siiperstiuctural work on the b.ridge, or 7W feel, lini^hed, find this 'captiUver exK>n.<ion f^oin the Miilh 'side was then l^gi'fn.' On the hoiilh siili> of the river fully 7,00() tons â- (T'BltVl hart iMlcn erected, rising to a liriphl of aCJ fi'el in Ihe lowest top purls, irtid iiX) feel nl Ihc centre part or anclK.r |rler; • â- • • T'Jie Iwo cenir«s pillars are Mb feet t,i(.'i, weigh 518 tons each, and arc to i,;*iiJ^(j(;U opclalf of the cnnlilcver an- Tlllini'.EN Wl'AW- KILKKD. XVuslied lo Dcat'i In Collision ol Trol- ley Car. A despatch from Chnrleslon, III., .says: 'Ihirlivn persons were killed and :!0 others were si'rionsly iiijiiii'd on Friday in a cedlision Ulween a pa.s.senger ear and an express car on the Matteon & Charleston Klectric line. The pas.sen- gej- ear was hinvily loaded wilh persons going lo the Cxiles county fair at this phice. Crews of Ixith cars .say they hail oider.s lo go nhead. and Ihe Iwo cars crashed into each other one mile from here. The roiid is operaled by a tele- phone signal syslem. DItOIMM'.l) 800 FIXT. Atronaiil Had Narrow Kscape^Gas Bag of His Airship Kxplodrd. A despatch fn.m Grtvnville, Ohio, says : I'-arl Hess had a thrilling escajie friitn dealh on Tues<lay in Ihe presence o( I5,(XKI pe<jple who had galhered lo see his ascension in an airship. When 800 feel above the earth Ihe gas bag ex- pUiiUxl, and the aerial craft shot down- ward with terrillc speed. 'Just before Hess struck the earlli the' netting bi^ ciimo tangled and caus(\l Ihe gas bag ti form a piirnchule. Hess landed safe- ly, although his ship was wrecked. HAIL IN .S.\!9KAT(.lli;\VAN. I.f n(| List ol ClHuns from Sullerino Farmers. A despatch from Heginn, Sask., says : I'inm the list of claims in respect lo hail- slorms liled wilh Ihft Provincial Trea- .surer, it appears that agricnilurc has sul[j.'red unuKually in this way during lh(! year. The pidixirlion of policy- holiliTs in excess of the lolal number in llKlO is ftlly per cent., inul a e<insiderublo number have preferred cluiins. THE WORLD'S MARKETS ni-ponxs Fiio.M the leading THAOE CENTIll-S. I'riccs 0/ Calllc, Grain, Chrcsc and Other Dairy Produce al Home and Abroad. 'i'oronio, Sept. 3. â€" Flour â€" Ontario wheat IXJ ])er cent, patents are flrnier al â- S-l MJ in buyers' sacks outside fur expurl. Manilobu lirst palenls, $5 lo SiJ.iO; se.und patents, S1.-40 to Sl.SO, und strong bakers', $i.L'0 to S'i.30. Whealâ€" No. 1 Manitoba hard quole<l al $1.01 ; .No. I norlhern, $1, lake i-'orls; No 2 norlherji, >.i7c lake jKirls. Ojitnri<i No 2 white und rc>d (jiKjled in car lots at sn lo 87c outside; new wheat al 8a>^ lo Hie, 'i'oronio. Hye-.Noniinal; quoted al 65c. Oal.sâ€" No. i while Ontario are quoted al iwy^ lo Mc outside. New oals are quoted al 40 lo 41c outside, .SepleinlA-r .sliipiiienls. Maiiilol'ii No. 1 while oats, 'Wi-i lo ilc, lake {jorls; No. 2 white, i!^ I.) 'tCic, ajid No. I) while, UX to iac Peas--Market dull; No. 2, 75c. (X)rn â€" American yellow is quouyl at 7'l lo 7Ic T</ronli) fnMgh'.s and mixed at 111 to O'Jc. Canadian com CJc Chalhuni freights. liarleyâ€" .No. 2 nominal, ol 52 lo 55c outside. I'.ranâ€" Quoted at $17 to $18 in bi.lk ouls!<le. Shorts are quoted al $21.50 to $22 outside. coL'.NTiiY pnnnucK. Polaloesâ€" New quoted ut 05 to 80c per bushel, and new American at 83.25 to ,S:(..50 per bbl. Poullryâ€" Turkeys, alive, U to 14c; ciiickens, spring, 10 lo 18c; dres.sed, 14c; fowl, 10 to i/ic. Beans â€" Hand-picked quiet al $1.70 lo $1.75, and prunes al $l..")0 to $1.00. Hay - .\o. 1 jiew lini'lliy is quoted til ."Sli lo .$lj here, in car i<ils. Straw- Unciiaiiged al $7.50 a ton on hack hJre. THE DAinY MAHKETS. Bullerâ€" Pound prints, 20 lo 22c, nnd large rolls, 19 lo 2fic. Crennierv rules at 2i to iix;, and solids al 21 lo 22>!;c. Kggsâ€" Choice slock selling al 10c i)€r dozen in ease lols. Clue-sc â€" New, large, 12c; twins, 12>ic- HOG I'nonufM'S. Dressed hogs in car lots are nominal. Baion, long clear, 11 to ll>^c per lb in ease lols; iiicss pork, $20 to $21; short cul. $:22.50 to S2;J. Ilaiiisâ€" Light Ui niedit.m, 15% to ICc; do, heavy, l\ Lo 15c; rolls, ll^c; shoul- ders, 10;;^ lo lie; backs. I0>j to 17'j; breakfast bacon, 15% to 10c. I.arUâ€" Tiercos, 12c; tubs, 12>4C; pails, i-/a^' RUSINICSS AT MONTHE.\L. Montreal, Se|il. 3. â€" Wheal â€"The do- niaiid for .Muiiitoha spring wheal from f.. reign buycis was much ipiieler to-day. There was a decidal iniprovciiienl in llio demand for oals from local and oul.side bnvirs. l-"lourâ€" Choice sjiring wheal pa- leiils, $5.10 lo $5.20; seconds, $4.50 lo .^.C-ft; wiiiler wheal patents, $l.G5 lo is'i.75; straight rollers, .'^1.25 lo $'t.3(l; do, in hags, $L".i5 to â- 'J-.IO; extras, $1.().t lo •Si. 75. Fe<d -Manitoba bran, in begs, .$20 lo $21; shorts, $25 to iS2tl |M'r Ion; Ontario bran, in bags. $l'J lo SPJ.-Mi; shorls. $22..50 lo $2;); milled mouiUie, .$24 ti $2S per ton; anif straight grain, $30 In .f:)2, I'lVivisioiisâ€" Ilariel.s .short cut mess, $22 lo ."!<22,5(l; hall-bbis, $11.25 lo $11.75; clear tal hack, )«2:i.rHl to S24.30; long cut lieavv ine.'^s, $20.5ll to .$21..^), halt-hbls do, 'SIU.75 l<i $ll..'iO; dry .'^all long clear bacon, 10 to llXc; barrels plalc Us-i, $1(1; halMibls do, $5.50; com- IHiind lard, 10% lo 10,%'c; pure lard, 11'^ to 12>ie; keltic reiider(xl, 13 to I3>.:;c; hams, 12>ii to I5%c; breakfast bacon, 14 k> I5%c; Wintlsor liac<in, 15 li I5)ac; fresh killed abattoir dress<Hl h< gs, $0.25 1(1 $'.t.75; alive, $I1.1K) l<i $7.25. F.ggsâ€" No. 1 candkiJ, IK to I'.lc. iiutlerâ€" Townships, 22 Ui .;2>ic. Clieese- W'es- Icrii, 11% to i[%r; T<iwnships, llJi to lIXc; F.aslern, ll>i to 11%;. CA'ITI.E MAflKirr. Toronto, .Seiit. 3. â€" F.xiiorl business showed no iiii|)rovenienl, luid will not until the rigid callle are offered. Ch<jice, !!i4.75 lo $5,111, niedium lo good $4.50 lo $4.75. jiuleher callle wore offered freely. Choice lols sold from $4.f)0 lo $4.75 and were in deinand. Medium grades ri.ngod fr^iin $3. '5 lo $4.25, and ordin- al y between .$2.75 liul $3.25. Choice cows sold from $3.(!<i lo $4.00, and common c<\vs III $l..'i0 lo $2.50. Cnnners any- where around $l.5u. Shicker Iruih' was quiet. Choice $3.tK) lo $3. .50, coniinon, $2.W) lo $2.75. Milch cows were nol wauled n.nd but fev; were offered. Choice $;i5 to $50, com- ni<in $.'0 lo $30. \'eiil calves were slow at 3c lo Co per pound. Kwes sold from $4.25 lo $4.40, a slight decline, nucks and culls ranged from $3 to $3.50. Oflerings of laiiihs were :'. little too much for the deininid nnd prices were a hit lower at $5 to .S6.25. Hogs were steady. Selects \vero quot- ed ut $6.35. WAS fiiYSifiAN AND nn«;LAn. I'ennsylvanla Man l^d Oouhle Lifeâ€" Given Five Years in Prison. A despatch from Wcslehesler, Pa., says : .fudge Uullcr on Wednesday sen- tenced llr. Honjamiii IlolbnKik, who was convicled of rohhing schoolliousos nnd railway stations to live years' imprison- ment. Dr. Iloibiwik by day was a well- bred courteous physician and by nighl a;\ audacious burglar, looting railway slahous for miles around Coulcsville, where he made his home. AN EXPIOSIOI KILLS FOBB Accident in a Railway Camp Nortk of Kenora. A dcspalcli from Kenora snys : On Monday at noon a most serious dyiin- n.ite explosion, in which four men were killed, took place nl camp No. 5 of \V. T. Parsons, conlracior on the G. T. P. construction works, and whoso cainjis an. situuled about eighteen miles noilli of N'erinilion Hay station, on Ihe C.i'.ll. Foreman I). Flynn w.-ls engagetl wilh .several others in Uiading holes wilh (lowder nnd dynamite preparatory to a blasting o;)eraiioii. All of the men en- gaged nl Ihe liiile with Flynn were kiltoj oulrighl, .s^^ that only the most mengro |«letaiis can be oblainc-d. 11 is thouglit I that the hole was being loaded loo sewn j litter a former sli<joliiig, and thai nol ' snllicietit lime had been allowed for iC to c<Kil, and that the accumulalcd heal from the former explosion caused the premnliirc di.scharge. The men killed by liie explosion are: .D l''lynn, a Cann- tlian. from Ottawa ; .\. Bulone, an .\us- Iriaii : .\. Pielro, an Italian ; Andro Neiiekavan, an Indian, from Grassy Narrows. TIG SYVAIMPEI); TIIIIEE nno\Y\Fl). A Triple Fnlalily on Lake Superior Near Culler. A despatch from .Saull Ste. Marie, Ont., says : According lo advices re- ceived in llio Soo on Wednesday morn- ing from Culler, a drowning accident, resulting in Ihree fatalities, occurred at that place at a late hour on Tuesday atleriKion. It appears that the lug Sey- mour was lowing another small tug. thf Alert, behind which was attached a raft of logs. The lines slackened for a iMoment, and when they lightened, the small tiig was unable to stand the sirnin nnd was swamped. Of Ihe live men who were on her, three were drowned. Their names are Capl. Ken- nedy, of Tliessulon ; F.ngiiKHr Jo.seph Siiiilh, of .Sudbury, and a man named Meyer, n resident of Cruller. The Ixidies were all recovered next morning und will bo taken lo their respective places [or burial. * YVAS iian(;ed t\yice. Tlic noiK! Broke at Execution ol Car- mine Henzo. A despatch from Indiana, Pn., say.s : The lirsl hanging in this county for more Hum Iwenly years took place here nn Wednesday. The viclim wa.s Carniiiie llen/.o, aged 45 years, and weighing 175 [xniiids. The weight <if the man and llie drop of fivi! feel proved loo much for the sirenglh of the rope, whi<:li snappeil when the trap was sprung, pre-Jiinlating Heiizo to the ground. The jail allon- daiils hurriedly loosened the rope around hi.- neck while others qdjustixl n new rope lo ttio scaffold, nnd Ihe man, al- ready half dead, was carried to Iho plat- 1 form and the lover again sprung. This ' time Ihc execution was successful, I'.enzo killed his swet>lliearl. Marion Uearno, aged lilteen, two years ngo. ,1. HAnVEST OF 75,C0O,C0O Itl'SHELS. I'rodiclion Is llased on a Personal In- spection ol the \Yesl. Winnipeg, Aug. 28.â€" The weather re- |K.rts lo-day showed only Calgary and Virden lo have fullilled llie weather man's forecast of [rost. Uolli regi-teml 31 degro<\s ; F.dmonton and liallleford were down lo 3(1 degrees. High teniiier- ature is again the predicti<in. W. II. MeWillinnis, manager of the Caiiadiaii I'.levator I'-o., has returned from a trip through Ihe West, occupying several days, on an inspccllon of the crop con- (lilious. Ho gives nn eslinialc of the yield of 75 million to 80 million bushels. The hai'vest is from ten lo Iwenly days lide in different localities. Oals are the lliiest ever seen in the Wesi, and will le 1(H) bushels lo the acre. I'.lfecls of frosts are not nearly so scriou.s as has teen conlemplaleil. Flit AM.MAI.S MIGRATING. .\ Lean Year for Furs .Around Edmonton Dislricl. A de.spalch from Edmonton saysi 'Ther.- have been ups and downs in lh« fin trade for the past 200 years, and we are nol ut all surprised Ihal this .sea.Kflii will bo a lean one for furs.' said Mr. Liver, the v<'loian chiff factor of the lliKiv.m"s Hay Cx;inpany on Wed- nesday. "The supply of fur in Ihis dis- lricl iiiid in the Nhe.-kenzie Fiivcr scc- iK.n Is !;ol d( creasing. Our relurn.s are ns g^K)d as usual in the lean y(ars here- U'fore, and, moreover, we have the con- solation of knowing that when tho lynx or martin, or any other ;uiinnil, is par- ticularly scarce in our district, they have simply itHived cast, or west lo Prilish f'/-,lunihia or Prince Albert districts. The scarcity this your is not due to tho scverily of the past winter, but, raliicr, to uninuils migrating." fr THE IM.MIGUA.N.NT AHMY. The Tolal to Onlario This Year AYill be 70,IM!0. .A dcsi'ialch from Toronto says:: nas- ing his ealuclations on the number dealt, with hy Ihe I'rtivinclal ofllcials. and Iho, number going direct to the I'Kiiiuniou G' vernmenl's einploymenl agents, Mr. 'I'hos. Southworlh. Director of the Ihireaii of (Jolonization, thinlcs thai the iinrr.igranls to Ontario this y<'ar will total about 70,000. Alout 80 per cent. <-f these are fnmi the Uniteit Kingdom nnd the renuiinder from European cnun- liic-. Ill I'.KHJ the total immigration into Ihe Province was 57,744. and in 1^05 'J'-4.'J.-.8. If Ihis year's lolal apnroxiiiialos to Mr. Soulhworth's estinintcs it will bring the aggregate of iinmigrnnl.s since I'le Huu'a-.i of Colonization entered upon its present svsleiiiatic plan of work in lOoO up lo about 200,000. NEW MINISTEHS SWOHN IN. lions. G. P. Gmliani and Dr. Pugslcy Take the Oath. A despnlch from Ottawa says: Hon. Cuyi. P. ("iiii'liam was sw<irn In as .Min- ister of Hallways and Canals at t o'clock on Friday by Lord Grey, al hi- lieau Halt. Hon. Dr. Pugsley was swoin in ns Minister ol I'ublic Woi-ks, ul the same lime. A YETEHAN KIU.ED. David Taylor Loses His Life in a Runa- way .Accident. A despatch from Bresayler, .Sask., says : David Taylor was killed in a run- away here on Wednesday. Deeea.-ed jiassed through the Iwo Northwest re-. K-lllons, having been taken a [alsoner b.v Uiel along with Thomas Sc-itt, who w^as shot by Ihc reikis al Fort Garry in IPSO. In \VSb he was a member of the Pntllcford Ilonw Guard and lost all hi.s properly at the hniuls of the reliels. De- cease'il was a well-known liguro all over the West. NK\V YORK CITY-S lUDGET. ICstiinuirs for Year 1908 Are Hundred and Forty i\lillinns. A despatch from Now York .says : U will eosl one luindrwl und forty niillion didlnrs to keep New York (,:ily going during the year t!K)8. according to esti- mates submilteU to the l^iard of Esti- mate and Apportionment by all depart- ment olllcials. This is an increase of $lo,o(Mi.ii(io over tho eslimales made for the current year. WILL CARRY WESTERS GRAIN The Grand Trunk Pacific Will Assist This Year. A despatch from Montreal says: Mr. (1. W Winter, Generul Superinlcivdenl of tho Grand Trunk Pacilic, slates that Ihc syslem will be in a position lo carry liarl of Iho wcst<'rn wheal crop this lull over one of the conipleled scclioiis of the line. lUipes were enlerlaiiu'd that the wheal might be moved all Iho v.ay from SHSknt<'On lo. Winnliieg. but Mr. Winter declares ' that this will he impraclicublc, 1 ut wheal will be ac- ctpled for shiipnient west of Portage ;a Prairie as lar as the track-laying is c<iiupletcd. Grniji nccepled by the G. T. P. Will be carried lo Porlage la Prairie, and there transferred lo the Canadian Pacific or ("nnndinn .Northern as llio case may lie, und thence trans- t.^ rtcd to the Lnk*; Superior jvirU. .\s n<i elevators have yet been built along the route of the new transcontinental system special platforms are being con- st lUiled at coiiv:nienl points from which shipnienl,s will be made direct in- to the cars. While rapid progress has been made with Ihe constru'-lion work, liic line from Porlage la Prairie to \\ in- i'.'i,peg will not be conipleled this fall, nor will the seeli<in which is Ix-ing built by Ihe Oovirnnieiit contractors be- tween Winnipeg and Lalie Superior Junction.