Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1907, p. 4

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Septemrer12 1907 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE M . ' JJ» . wvwvwww F, T. HILL & CO. wvwywwwv^ FALL OPENING : LADIES NEW MANTLES AND] ACKETS WED. AUGUST 28 AND FOLLOW- ING DA VS. This Utile fiistshowins of new Full and Wiutor sf.yl.'s and we Imve usei' our bast judgomeut n huviDg for your iuspuctioii one -if iho liiiust colluclions of Ladies Mamies conceivable for style, and repreKentui<< the ntwest, np-lodato cloths at ii very moderate cost, in f ict we are a.ijent for one of the larKosl Miiutlfc manufac- turcis ill the World, NorhiMiner *t Co., Germany, the centre of ilic great Mantle industry. Wo extend to you a cordial welcome to come iu and inspect our new Fall Jackets, Men, it's time to look for your new Fall Suit. This week for men ajul Uoyn we pass into stock one of the lari'est stocks of Men's and Boys' Clothinj,- that this store his over handled. We aro handlins; the celebrated Broad vay Brand which represents the latest New York styles and patterns andtlie valueii are of an exceptionally interestini; character. Being anxious to intro- duce the merits of this now line to the puldic (juickly vro are otferiug spoiial prices. Soe the Now Fall Suila for Boys that wu are sellin'^ at 8;5.7-5, 4.50, 4.75, 5.50 and G.50. They will please tlio most ciactinn. Man, Soa the naw Broadway Clothing in Suits that we are soiling for 6.50, 7.50, 8.75, 9.50, 10.50 and 14.00. iMIDSUMMERi -- SALE -- Ladies White Shirt Waists, ro-jular 1 50 (o 1.85 for 75t; Print Wrappers, regular 1.00 for 75<. Fancy Drees Muslins, selling at 10, 12i and 15^ Kmliroidory Insuriions, regular lOe for 70 Ladies' White Underiikirt.'>, regular 1.2.5 for Qtjc Ladie^' White Uiiderskiita, regular 1.50 for I.15 Special pricees in all white goods including Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers. Women's Cotton Hose, reg. l.">c for iQc A complete stock of Puraaols ranging in price from 60c to 2 25 Men's Furivishings A full raiifie of Summer Underwear. Fancy Vests, Belts, Neckwear, etc. Cashmere Socks, regular 2.oc for iKc Fancy Shirts, regular l.O) for 7",»^. House Furnishings A full rana;e of Carpets in Tapestry Bru.sselB, Wools, Unions, also Linoleuui.s and Oil Cloths. Bcu^ht at the old iirices and as there has been a bi^ advance in these goods you will tind it worth your while to make your purchiseN while you g.-t the benefit of the old price. 4 yd wide Linoleum best quality at, per s^. yd 50 Stacks of new Underwear are here. The chill of the eveniucs and early luernings are forcible remindeis of the necessities of Fall Uu del wear. We are ready with it moderately priced. 20 doze:i Men's Pino Balbrig'.'an Wool Fleeced, of extra good nuality, priced low, per garment for shirt and drawer;^ / 60c . 20 doz-ni M'ln's Fine Unshrinkable Wviol Shirts and Drawers, specially priced at per garment 85c. 20 dozen Men'h Fine Botany Wt.ol Garmei.tn, unalirinkable and full fashiuned. Selling at per garment. . 1.1 20 dozen Wakefield's extra heavy Unshrinkable Shirts and Drawers, regular value, ?1.25, selling at per gai iiiout y5c . 1 1 Flour V\y have a full stock of tloui anl feed including. Bran, Shirts. Feed fl^ur. and FIVE HOSES FLOUR made by the Like of the Woods Milling Co. Keewatmâ€" Every bag of this flour is guaranteedâ€" the best flour io the laud â€" no other can eijual it. HARDWARE I A full and complete line of Haid«are earned ui this doparLment at close prices. Come and .»oe. Sgf vww MARK PALE mm^ Several ciw.i of N f )r thd winter m. COAL Is publUhoderery Tlmrs'lay at *1.<»0 pa. aunuiii ifpaiJ iu aUvance, #1.5o if not .so paid A Letter from Idaho. To the KJiUir of Th> .l>/i(>icf. Dkau Silt,â€" I now take my pen to give you Home lurthor information concerning si.uthwestern loaho anil parti;'ulaily Snake River ami H<jise Kiver Valley, in which 1 have lieon working since I came here. When 1 wrote you bef^ire I hail to rely principally on the evidiiioo of others, but as I was careful in githei ,iig inrorni- atioii uiy statements were in no way mis- leading or incorrect, as in no ease did I give figures, save whore 1 had good evi- dence. Hiuco I have now helped to L'athcr two crops of hay and to harvest a crop of grain, also red clover seod. ami helped totliiesh some of the grain. I cm n.iw write with certainty, knowiio^ that 1 am giving you f.ictH. First and of yroatt-st iniportaiico in this county is Alfalfa li-iy, an it is the, largest product, grown h. re and uhvays a sure crop. It Iiim yielded alio.u liv.' tons per acre on an average, in tw<. crops, and the third crop is kneeliigli. Some who cut early eupcct to be able to cut a fourih crop thin year, lied clover does widl. Some land has yielded as high as fom- toiis of hay per aero and they are now Matching the second crop growing, un- decided a.* yot whether to leavo for clover sued or ;;ut again fi'r hay, as dovir seed IS an uncertain el i>p aiiynliiM'e though it lus yieliled ten l>ii-;|iels pir neie, second croji, here, and as high as lli^ bushel.-) peracie wh«n cut oiue in ilia ReiiHon. .alfalfa see I has yielded 22 bushels per acre, for which tin; owner lece.ived (jH per lioshel, l)Ul liki- tlm ehuir seed it 1- 1111 uncertain crnp, as It usually grows too lank .tiid falls (lo.vii, tvliuli prev.'nts its iiiituriiig, and i.'i often injintd by urais- hoppers The w Ileal will piw^ily aur- ag<' lietweon f'>ity and lifry liiishels pi^r hcio, as HoiiiM Iheshed already yiuldul li8 busliil.'*. Spring wheat his yielili'd onrii .-leveiityi' u.- loishels per act e hero. WiniiT wheal dojM not d^i iniiirly so Widl US spring ivhea'. aiol there is very liiiln of itgrotvn. Soiio' i.f 'he oats hive yieblid !W I)Ua1io1s pel acre tin* yi'a', eoiiiilini! 4;) IIm, per bu-ihul wli eh is a lawful bushel of oiila ill tl.is t'oiiii'.iy. You ask how lliey glow siicli hoavy ei'iiis. Fm.i, the soil is tirst el.ins. the wenlieris warm aiil brigl.t, which uiialdi'H the t'laiu and olh.u' crops to nialiire while uri'wing wvy thickly on the ground, and we can wiier whenever It is netdi'd wiiliont rusting the straw, and we li.ive seldoio uot any rabi or wind htnriiii to put it d iwn. 'IMiu I. eaviest crops thai yoii grow in t>iititno kcldoiii inatiiii', as they nie UMi.illy blown (iiotii by a la II or winditorin. Tli.H cimnty wis nw-irdid ihy sweep (takes prize (or grains an I urasHott ai the nstioii il irriyn!ii>n coujress held in Itoiffe, Maho, in UHlU. Oats Iroiii thii luigli- birlo'o 1 wa.s a>vai'tlud (irii prize at Port- l.md exposiiiu:i. Now I Want to givn you an id a (â- ( Kouihern Idaho as a fruit country. Onu u( the peculiar features of this eouiitiy is i the lieiivy fiosls that we g-l in the spring and yet iliey do not destroy the fruit. 'I'lm necoiid week »fi>'r I ctnio here it froze every iiii<hi ; Hi)iiie!inics ihe water was frozen into ice to the thick iiess of a tUte, «nd althuu)(h the tiuii wis in i:s most delicate stage the orchaids are now laden with the greatest crop of fruit that I ever saw, thou);h I lived fer <i years in the Beaver Kiver Valley. I have seen the branchc-s of all kinds of fruit trees brken ilown ftoiu the weiiiht of their fruit T<i show you the Htanding of this part 38 a fruit district I will muiition a few facts of record; peaches railed in ihis (Canyon) county were awalded tirst prize at the e.\[>osition at Chicago and at Omaha. In the bitier ease it riipiired but 24 pe.ictns t.i Iilla25 ill bo.\, Cliar- I08 1'. lliirthey was aw.irdid thy gold medal .it the Kxposi'iun at Puiis for the best disp'.a3' of apples, and Idaho w.is awarded the grand sweepitaVes prize at the Irrigation Coiigriiis at 0.;de'i, I'lah. in IDOIt. Miiiy frui* growers are ^on.- ing here and aci]uiriiig this sago brush laiiil that is under the dlQ'erent irii>{itioii projcc's, and are preparing to plant lart;o otcharils of tliie* class. Small fruits snch as berries, grapes and currants, do well here. Some i^f the slrawbe'ries li;ive measured 4 and i inches in circumference this ye.ir. Tlioy receive a higii price for all kinds of fruit. Perhaps you ask why all peopio ore net ueidlliy here/ While we havi) got some wealthy peo|ile wo also have po"r ones, as in all other eoiintrie*. Though we neaUy always get large returns from the land, it is high priced when inipioved. Hired help, of which we require a great deal, recelio goi.d wi^es and almost everything you buy costs in lie than in tlf>- east. Speak- iii:! generally the people are prosperous and contented. The ivarnust weather is supposed to be over for this seaiim, which I have not found any wari..er on the lunch land here than sometiiiies in On- tario, as IM'i degrees is the hitdiest tvonp- erature this yiMi-, I houi^li tho rivor (Ills are a gre.it deal wanner aiii lint so healthy a:, the bi-mh l.iiul, which I believe to be one of tile most pleasaiit and healthy places on the globo. We have people here from all parts of OHiiada and from iie.irly mery state in the nniou .'iiid frniii oiciy country of Kiirope, and yet they say that ihis bench Iniid in Soiithetn Idaho eiMiipaies favi r iliiy witli any (ilaoe they ever saw for a [lie isaiit iinil protit- a'lle home. Ki erythiii! louks jiroiiiisiog fin hume-iteaders on the upper bincli, south "f llie l5ois» and easi of the Snake liver, as Ihe fii-t link iu the Montana, lil.'iho ami Sill Frai.einco railimid reucli iiig from Caldwell to ihe .Snake River "ncrriHs thii beml', a di>.t'inco <<f> atioui 1(> miles, when einnpleU'd will cuinect lln'e, Monlain, with .Snii Francisco, Uiililordii They aie al.so building a telephone line ovor this b.ncll and wo ale promised an elecirio railw.iy next year. It is running from t'aldwell to Boine iimv, We ul.so expect a p.irtial mipldy of waier for irrigation iie.\t year as till- iwod.iins. iMakiiu' 'li.! rcseivoir I! ii.iles hMH, 1(1 sii|)ply irrigation water when the Boise river is low, are ncaiiiig eoiiipletiiai. I Will now close hoping to wiiiii to you soi'ii :igaiii. 1 wi^.li lo send my b..Hi iiMpceis 111 all my frioiula and nuixhlois m the East, W,,I.Si.Ml'.siiK, Roswell, Idaho. -- -«40* â-  Thos. Flesher Dead. Mr. Thomas Fleeher tlied.'en Suliday, Auij. 2f>. at his lioin." at Cutler on the north slmre. Death was caused by com- plicsiions fMllowiiu plcuro-pnrnmonia. The di'tfasad whs sixty-four years of age. lie was boni in Seirl>uf(i,(.'iiunty of Vnik, where ho lived ..uringl.is tioyhood. After at lending his hoiiiu piibliu sellout Mr. l'"!e,slier muled to Fleslierloi;, where a 1. ui.ii, Mr. V<', K. FlciUiT, after whom th 1 town is named, hnd located. Aimed wiih a teachers oertiBcato he sni.n rece v- ed % position and for some years tauuht in Fl.slierti.n and Maxwel. Moving to il e Maliiloulin Island he taught for several y.jirs. Upwards of twenty yeais ago he w IS appointed collector of cus'onm at Spanish Riicr by the Cnnaerviltive Guv- eriiment, a position he ti led with siiisf^ic. tio'i until his lamented death Thrie y -ars ayo the oHii'e was nioveil to Cutler. Mr.J Fleslier is survivoil by his wife, and nne children, Ihreu sous and six daugh- ters One Son was druwned on tlietu;; Clipper in .May, IWMI.nusr Bustard Island 1 Hird Coal to arrive this month."' Parties who use Coal tin shouU give lh->ir orders no^v and get the lowest price call an.l leave your ordersâ€" a ;»ood tima now to get it iu. ardware A full stock of itoves, ian};«s and heaters, axes, saws and all kinds of woo.l men's supplies, also BUILDERS SUPPLIES. Parties contemplating building should no: noglevt gefin,! our prices beforo purchasing elsewhere. daughter died in .Minnesota. /Hope > iJ a I f ineral took placu at Ma^sey. Blue Pills No Longer Used. When the slomich needs cleansing, the bowles increased activity, the livfr additional power, don't use mercural pi'ls. try Dr. llannlloirs. Vegetable in 0111- position, extremely mild, yet sure to flush out all impurtien and wastes, no remedy IS .so Well adajiied !or fiunily uae. Posi- tively a cure for bilonsnoss and sick head- ache, uufailing in coiiKlip^tinn and bowel troub'e, eitce|itioiiaJly gond for indig' s- tion, no medicine is so iitiivetsally needed in every home as Dr. Hamilton's Pill«. Good forthoyniing, the old. the sick and W. BOY FLESH EKTON the well oiu-9, the betulits of Dr. ton's Pills are manifold, where 111 25c boxes. Sold Ham. every- Hoyâ€" Parliament. On the evening of Sijpt. 4th, a very happy event took jdaco at (ho home of .Mr. .1. I'arliainent on thcfitli con .Ailte- inesia.wheu his daughter. Klhel, was unit- ed in inarri.igo to Mr. .Vlex. lUiy. son of Mr. Uichird Hoy of the same township. At tl.;W o'clock the wedding ]«irt.v enter- ed the riHini to the strains of VVediling Bell's march, played by Miss Klciior Mitchell of Redwing. Tho wedding ceremony was performed by \i\iV. \. P. .Stanley of Maxwell, in the prt'senec of thirty I'f the iiiimudi^;le friotuls. Tile bride loo'sed eliarniing in a suit of cream panaiiia cl.ith, and the bridesmaid, in a pretty white organdie. Mr. Josiali Gamoy of I'riceville, ably supported tho groom. After the eeriiiony, 1 110 guests s.tt down to a Minipt nous repa.st, prepared by the bride's parents. Mr. and Mr.-<. Hoy puijio-se taking a wedding tri[i to Toronto. Doctors Ctian£:c Their Methods Years ago they fought catarrh by in- ternal dosing. Tliey .saw this uiiiied Ihe stomarh and eliangeil to the ozonited air cure, bettor known as "Culariho/.one." This iroatineni issiiio to cure. It uoe.i to the eource of the disease; It destroys the causes that maintain catarrh and even in the worst rases poimanonl euro is guiranteed Failure with Oatarrhozniio is impossablo. AiiMseptic, healing and far-ro.ii'hing, it's bound to cure every time, indorsed by mors tltaii twenty t!ious.ind pliysieiaiiH in America alone and sold in 25c and 81 00 sizes by al deulera. \iiizi« of Fovershain, and other, IriewtliJUlJLUiis jieiiihborhuod. j Miss Ul.li" CHtewell has been visiting her Aunt, Mis. S. Coliiuelte of Flesher-! ton, the pist week. I Mr. Wm. Gmn of Wexford, East York,! has reluruod h ime, after a week's visit | with his cousin, Mr. Robeit AUistor ofi Fevershani. j Born,â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rubiusun, Fevorshaui, twina, a boy and girl, Aug, I yutii. F..W. Brownlee and Chas. Perigo of Foversham, have gone west ou the har- vest excursion. Killed in His Stable. Mr. Joseph U. Taylor, of GriersviUe, a farmer. 40 years of age, was trampled to death by one of his horses while remov- ing the harness after the day's work. Summer Stock. I have on hand a number of Rub- ber Rugs, Dush Aprons, Dusters Fly Nets, Whips, Axle Grease, Uoof Ointment. Haruoas repair- ing of all kinds done promptly. 0. W. PHILLIPS Directly opposite The Advance othce. Fleshertox, - - Ontario 13oar Kor Service. 'Ihoroaulibrni yoiksliiro boar, "Oruhtti-.l Homo lUms" bred fri-iii D. I'. Flutt's famous Voikshirt'Hord ot Mil^rore. Terms ouo Uollai-. Wui. L'.«UEiio!<, Lot 35 COD. 8 Artetueslft, 1 1110 lotli liiiic OKprcy Rain on Sunday I ist stopped havvest- iin.' for a lime in this pait but will do sn immense amount of good as rain was bad- ly neidfil. Mr. and Mrs. .losiah Oainey and two cliildred of Vancouver, B. C, is vi.siiing the foriiier's sister, Mrs. S. Robirts, at present. Mr. and Mrs. It. liurrellol Winapegosis Man, arc visiting the lutter'Huiuttker, Mrs. Tarm for Sale Tjotfl !7l, 2 ami .1, l»*t com. N. V^^ Artoniosia. ri3 acres In all of fliat o'.n^s funiitii)^ tanU in a ^ooil statu of ciiUlvutHMi. KttiiateU 'J) tnlltis H ut-i ^ Klehhorton, nhort milo from school, clt »n Tff noxioiifl woodn aiul woll fwnotvl. 10 nci't^H uf uiafcti, 5 actos of lidntwootl biHli. bil- fiiicti iu ^ood titato to work all kiti-.ls of machiti urv, woli wRtertjJ. iJorcliarda, a j!<»^<l houiso 18 X Ai voneoidii liisitU», kitglioii Itl x 20, wootl- hlwMl IG \ l-J, MOW barn 5(.)xC>0 Htorio fuiititlatiou. TbitA tit outjof Che heat farms ia the towu3liil> auU uau bobmgtit n(;iit. W.J.CASWKLti. Thero is a better positiou for every ^'oung man or \v,.in.ri whr. will ationa Uio . OWEN SOCXD, ONT. TborongUly f|imlify in uither the SUortliiu.l anrl Tviiowrltiui; cr tliti Itusiuesd r)ei>art-i;9iit, Tlini-oygli and io-i!otii.'ftlcoui8e8 of stiidv, Up- to-date motbods p( InstnictioM. t'iist class equipuielit, StudeutKasaistot at Uu^ii- deslis. Studituts uduiittuJ at anytime, Wiitu for Au- iiual -Xuiiuunottiiioec. C. A. FLElllNO Principal. takiu b WARDING ; gravi'l and uiideri iS'ntKi'iH hereby ug L ' ' held resiMrtisiblo for danigcs that any iiersoii iiiminK my fence will â€" JA8. I'ATtIN Pure Bred Camwortbs and B$rk$t)ires I 1 have for side young .t'.ciek of botlibrwds frr i lireeilin^' pur|ioses. Coaie ahd see them or , write lor piicca. M.17ur -G. W.Ross MaxwelL Tarm Property for $aU. Ijots US and :19, eoucossiau 8, 200 acr<«; I,ot 'â-  .«, coiici'n.sioa It, 100 acroa; Lot ;«, concoseion 1-J, l(Xl aorea; fjot ;17, conCtiSHioii 1-2. webtertyiVi, allies. ThH afnresaid are all In ttiu towusliiii ' of Artoiuoiiit and will be sold at reasonablo ' prices on easy tui'uin. | J.KlUCKLlNO, Boxe07,Co»ingwo«l I Bi,«ll foi:* Service Thorouglibred Durham bull for service. ^OUN ADAMS, Flesherkon. CANADIAN Additional Homcscckers * Excursions To WINNIPEG and all points in tho North - West Special Trains leave Toronto TrEJ^DVY, AIT.. -'7 TUESDAY, SEI'. 10 TUKSDAY, SK1^ 24 ' " TITESDAV, OCT. 8 TUB^SDAY, OUT. 22 Return 8ccond-cla,s.-.ticket8 from Fle.sh- orton at very low rates, ranging from Winnipeg ;j;?2.0(),to Fdm-ntoii, $42.00. Gootl for sixty days. TOURIST SI,EEriX(J CAR.S on each excursion. Comfortable beitli9 at suihII extra oost. Obtain free pamphlet, ratus «ud full iriformstiou from W, Caesar, ^neiit, Flesheitoii, or froiu C, B. Foster, Dist.l'asa. Agi., U. P. R., Toronto :T

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