Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1907, p. 5

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Tfl E FLEESHERTON ADVANCE September 12 19i)7 •T KSTABUSHEO 1«T3 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - - - - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $i and upwards.are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Cpnnection v^th ail Branches. FLESHERTON BRANCH Georg'e MitcKeZl, Manae'cr BB.ANCKE9 ALSO AT Err-R-HAM, tJLAR.RISTOW j^ND pp.jt.;ri£.-^xi^'-:\. Vicinity Chips Cow for tale, â€"Part Jersey and part t Aybhire. K. Wright, Fleahcrton. For mouoy at lowest rates, land secur- ity, go to A. S. VanDusen, Fleshurtou. Mr. Tuiu Luver is patting in cnment steps and walk at the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Tiiixuiis Biihind of Gore Buy spent Sunday wiih Mis. jV.. S. YaiiDuseu. Miss SteUa -MoC'alinon of Toronto is visitiaj; with frieuds Iiere. The Baptist chnrcli is the Brst church i in town to instal electric li<;htiiig, the '. ordc-r for which has bteu i;iven. j Mrs. Loudon Wriulft, who had been ' at a farmhouse since tlie railway accident, | resumed to her homo here on Tuesday. | OIAST TRIPLETS -'Currency"] '-'Bobs'' and "Sta<''' Che«ina Toljaccoes, , in big plu- Uualitv always the sauie. Mi». vJeo. Mitcliell, Mrs. U. Bentham Miss Eva Loucks and Miss Ella Karstedt spent laac. week with friends in Toronto. The wet weather of the j ast we-.k has put a coiiiplele stoj' to harvtstuig oper- atious. For Kaleâ€" One youBfi nencral purpose inttre aud two colts, alt si<uiid. Apply to Uobert Richardsuu.Fleshettun P.O. For Sale, â€" Brick dwelling and trood stable kni'wu as thfl Elder property, Fleshertou. .^pply to A. S. VanDuKcu. Mr. Fred Le^ard, who is holidnyin? with hi^ family at Eugenia, gavo The Advance a call ou Monday. .\rteuiesia towo^hip council mot last Siturday. Tho minutes will appear next week. C. E. Tryon â€" Practical Painter and Decorator, will receive contracts for church dccoratiuu and schuol houses. PricoviUe, Out. Mr. Arnislruu2 has repl.tceJ the plate glass wiiid>>w in his now block, which wa.s broken in the fiTbt attempt to place it in position. For Quality and Quantity ask your deal- er for the new big plugs of "bobs" "stag" aud •'curroKcy" Chewing Tobajcoes. Mr, and Mrs. F. Cnoke, 'JoUiiigwood, Mr. John G. Lyne of Sunderland aud Mr. Ch;i8. Tu^-ker of Petorboro attended the fuUL'ral of the late Norris Tucker on Thursday lost, StrjyotIâ€" About Aug.34 to the premises of the undersigned a large white sow. Owner please pro^o property.tmy expenn- s and taka a.vay. Jos. BaJgorow, lot 173, con. 3, Arteuicsia. For Side â€" Ye.irliuc; yenetal purpose colt. For 8al« at U. .Xllens, lot 170, 2nd com N. E. T. & S. R. 0<o. Watson, Prtitoii Siatiiin. Osprey fall fair prize list is now in the har.J^ ot the secrotaiy, .1. A. Kernah.iii, Feversh-iin. It makes an extensive volumw this year of about fifty pages. Get a copy. Miss Md'oim if Forest is milliner this seu-ion with .1. & Vf. lloyd. Miss Leo of St. CHthiirines is the new nii.li ner with F. (i. Knrstedt. IJEIFEU STUaVED, â€" While two- year-old heifiT stniyod to my J|.'reniises iu June. Owner please prove property, p!»y expenses and lake away. ^\ . S. Inkster, Warehani. Mr. .Andrew Wilson, who was badly injured in the railway wreck, look a turn fur tlie better Miii'Uy eveuina an.l en- joyed hi* tiist good night's test since his injury. Wo notice among tho li.<t of prize winnet" at the Toronto exhibition the name of tfonry M. Douglass of V«ndoleur, who was exceediu'jly successful in ca;iuir- ing prizes* f^r his sio^k. Amoni: the win- ners was 1st for general purpose brood m»re, 1st for genecil purpose fi*! of iyu7, 1st for 2-yenrold gelding. Farm for sale cheap, hits 155, and 7, C'Mi. XW.T. and S.U ,.4rteiuesi;>. 14 J acres aO iicros bush and swam;), well wa'oreJ lartf" fvamo bam, ounfortal'le house, good orchard. For price and terms »p ply to H. J. Spioule, Flosheitim, oi Joiiu Stewatt on the vre'"'-'""'- Mr. Jainea Carse, who has bo.<n pro.s pccinig in P"f' -Vrthur district tvjl of the past sum nur. in company with others, ar- ri»«d in lo-.vn Tuesday and «i:l remain with R. J- Sproulo f.-r a time. Mr. Curse is wull satijiied with his summer's wirk, the party having discovered and hijftted a rich red hematite iron mine abiiuc twelve miles from the Grand Trunk Pacific, nnl some 300 miles north of Pott 4rthur. Norris Tucker's funeral Strayed â€" A light red dehorned 2-year- old cow giving milk, aud one dark red dohorr.ed 2 year old steer, on Monday, Aug. £6. Richard MoMullen, lots l-'2, Con. 3, Osprey, Port Law P.O. Calf came astray â€" To the premises of Andrew Pallister. one mile wect of Max- well, about AuiMist 7. Owner please prove property, pay expenses and take same away. Rev. Dr. Caldwell was unable to be out of the hospital for Sunday services and as a cou.se(juence the morning service in the Methodist church was withdrawn. In the evening Uev. L. F. Kiup, B. A., of ihe Baptist churdi. occupied ihepnlpit aud preached an excellent sermon on the person.ality of Christ. So many penple of this coni'regafioii are away the audience was much smaller than usual. The Atlius Assurance Co. of London Eiig. are offering a nice presenc frei; to any one sending in the date of expiry of their Fire Insuraiice (providing ssiiue expires within 12 lnonth^) also Compiiny ou risk and rate paid, '.'all or address postal to I. Harvey Periaoe, Fire .\gei.cy Atlas Assurance Co., Feversham, Out. Rev. S. D. Gaudiii, wife and three children, left for their far-away home. Cross Lake, -ICO miles due north of Wiu- nipee, on Saturday last. Mr. Gaudin's mother, who is S2 years, accompanied them. This was quite an undertaking for a person of hdr ag>, but modern methods of travel in ike it about as coni- foitable as ic wouW be to st.ay at home, and only CO miles o^ the way has to be made by small boar. Mr. John Martin of East Mountain, Euphrasia, who had his barn burned a week ago last Sunday, held SlUKJ insur- ance on buildiug and contents. Thi.s, however, will not nearly cover his loss. Mr. Martin Ls still sutf.'ring from tlie effects of his blow by the electric dis- charge. Ho had an exceedinaly close call. His aclu;d loss will be in the neij^h- borhood of «1000. J. H. Love, while diggiug a drain on the C. P. R. property at the station la.st week found evidence of the work of beavers five feet below the surface. He has .-everal pieces of limbs .nhowiii:; their haudiwv)rk. It must have been very many years since these animals did the work, as im stream bus been in tha vici- nity within the memoiy of man, although at some tiiua it evidently was a water- c lurse. For seme years, Mi.<a Josie Rich.iriUon has been organist in the Baptist chuxxh and Sunday School bosides being very active to all the work there. t)n Wednes- day eveniua last, a few of the ehurch met at the p.irs.)nig« and presented her with an eb.my toilet set and brass boudoir clock. .\ few words of appreciation then wi're spoken by the pustor and Uiobard .Mleii, the S. S Supt., t) which Miss Ricli;udeon replied -very fittinuly. Miss Richardsion left for Montreal on Thusdiy uiorning and sailed for England ou Satur- I'.iy. A noiso as of a heavy explosion startled the citizens one evening List week. On inip'iiy the foliowina explanation wa.s cifl'ored: Norris Bro.s. wore back yi their sliup, occupied Bt something A barrel I hat had coiiiaincd irasol'iie wis aitlini: by, and Peter, after lighting a cigarette, dropped the lighted iintch ihroui?h a hole tn the barrel top and instantly there w.is a terrilic explosion, bhoving out the stout oiik barrel head .and scattering it over a riuiius (if n hundred >-oii.i. Biyoml mjar- rinu of many jwoples nerves, no damage was done. Th-^ fiist annual invention of the WiiuuMi's Institute of tha county of Grey will bo hold in Ihe town hall, F!c.*her- ii n, on Tuesday of next weak, oom- |ine'>cing at 2 30 p.m. Dr. Helen Mc- !iii;irchy of Toronto will a^ldiess the ]ii(ternooii meeting, hor subject beinj; Typhoid Fever, and in the evening will (e!I '• Wh.il tloctors aio doini;." Mr. G. A. Putnam, Toront\ Supcrintend- evjt tf Institutes, will addre.s.* biah ses- sions. Music will be provided for tbp : evening »es.si. u, which will open at 7.30. I Members of local institutes are reOjUes'ed ! 1(1 nroviile a biisket for the tea, which I will be served in the ba.sement of the • Methodist church. Members who li»c tiio far away t.o teUirn horn- s.niio rii,;lit I will be billeted. Send nauca to Mr«. Robert M'Mire.Sec.of bdletiiig com. Gei»- itlomen, as well as Indiis, are cord'slly I invited to the evening meeting. Free jto all. I Do You Feel Ihe Pinch? Not of poverty, but of corns, aching !coru8, that can be cured by Putnam's t^rn Extractor? Don't suffer, use "Pnt- 1 HMD 'a" â€" Sold overywhero in 25o bottles. The funeral of Norris Tucker took place from his parentj*^ residence, Col- lingwood street on Thursday last, to Flesherton cemetery. The remains were first taken to the Presbyterian church, where a touching service was conducted by the pastor. Rev. Mr. Little. I'he church was crowded with an intensely sympathetic audience. The bier was smothered in a wealth of flowers donated by friends of the family. Among these we noticed the following : Bwiuet of lilies and astei-s from Oakville friends; wreath of white and purple a.sters from the band, wreath from his comrades; wreath from the Presbyterian Sabbath school; wreath from ilr. and Mrs. Win. Large; spray boquet of iisters and .aspiiragus from Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tliu rston; spray boquet from Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bunt; sycklo from Mrs. T. Bkkely ; wrea th from llr. aud Mrs. W.A.Arinstroog; spray boquet from Mi-s. Crossloy, and a number of others. The lesson wa-s taken from 1 Cor. loth to 19th verses. After the ser- vice the funeral cortege was headed by the hand, kindly assisted by the leader and several members of Markdale band and the remains were taken to Flesher- ton cemetery, where interment took phice. The pall bearers were chums of the deceesed, viz., Freddie McTavish, Willie Crossley, Fred Sulliva-i ,G. McKin- uon, Herbie McLeod and Harold ilit- chell. The funeral of the kite W. A. Arm- strong ot Markdale took phice oq the afternoon of the same day from his home to Markdale cetneterv. Rev. Dr. Caldwell will not bo aole to take his pulpit aext Sunday but will have a supply. Are jrot» Courting Trouble Do not neglect your Kidneys and thtis court the return of your old friend Rheo- m atis m for the Winter, start at once taking ' AtteclK of I Diarrhoea Cure<i by- One iJose of Chaniberlaina Colic. Cholera and Ularrhoeti Kemeiiv. I was BO weak from an attack uf diarrhoea that I coull scarcely attend t>i my duties, when I tix'k a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, and Diarrhi^ea Remedy. It cui-ed nie entirely and I bad been taking t>ther medicine for nine days without relief. I heartily recommended this remedy as.beinK the best to my knowledge foe bowel complaints. â€" R. G. SteHiirt, of the limi of Stew.art& Bro., Greenville, .AJa. For sale by W. E. Richardson. and by Winter 5 our Kidneys and System will be fortified against Rbeumatisiu or any other Kidney trouble. SOc. a box .it Drug Stoi-M or by Malt. SI ! Ike CUnn GHQUCAL CO. Umiltd. miBSm,OaL : - . i . Voter's List i Court of Revison NOTICE is bdrebv given that a court will be hald pursuant to the 'Voters Lists Act" by his Honor tho Judije oftboCountv Court of tda County o( Grey in the Town Hall. Flueberton, ou the aeth day of September l'*7, at li) ooiock a. ui. to hear and det^nuiue the several com- plaints of errors and omuilssions in the Vot«rs" Lists of the Municipality of .Vrtemosia for 1907 All persons havmg business at tho Court are reijuirod to attend at the said time aad place. Dated at Flesberton tho llth day of Septem- ber, l'J07. W. J. BELL.\MY. C Clerk of ^rtemeeia Our Clubbing List Advance, and Toronto World, daily |3 25 Toronto Daily News 2 30 Weekly Globe . . 1 80 Mail-Empire 1 7o Family Herald <$; Star 1 80 Toronto Star 2 60 Farmers Sun 1 80 Farmers .\dvocate 23o Weekly Witness 1 80 Saturday Niuht 2 5o Montreal Herald 1 2o Headaclie. This disease is caused by a derangejient of the ftomach. Tak»» dose of Chamberlahi's Stomiich and Liver Tablet* to correct this diaorfer and the sick headache will disapper. For Sale by W. K. Kichardaon. Xjooal Salesm.a.n Fur F'esherKin and adjoining ooimtry to represent 'C.XN. AX) AS GREATEST NUR- SERIBS. " A penmiaent situation for the rifHit man, for whom the ttrritory wEl t * reserved. Pay weekly. Free equipment. Write for particulars. Notice to Creditors â- Out-of'K:c<irs" wi.h a STZVZysâ€" ' bcsttbin(t;:ragrow;n£boyl Leamtntc to shoot veil u."J . acquiring <|us!itl«s ci SELF-CONTi<OL. DauSlON, A.NO AlANLi.NhjjS â- . •pjall une to STZVEIIS Kl'S.^iJ.'S EDCCiTION. A!!k your ucalcr tor .•'tevcns RiUesâ€" SliotjfODSâ€" Pi8toi.«. Insist on our tiiuo- h.'iioivU make. If you canot.t ol.ti-.in. *e sUip direct, cx|i:t.:?i T^rt-nald. upon receipt of Cutalo:? i'lK;-. ; l.T-rjtuin* y:si wocl ; . V.^..« »^.» .t lUu 31 bV K.\S |>.t t.iki;;J la liars..r«n!utlrA.«J ,-:.-,,lcJ. Ma-lr,] I;'T0^" 5?.?nU ia 8l.uup. tb :«/ pCMi (fp. IV'sut-- lul ira tv.:.,r Uani;t.r â€" ;in' Jr-^jriii.-i iot voar â- â€¢dct,**(H-»-!::brT)otuâ€" :ili.i!o ; i. r li i-.-il* -i .t^L>r« J. irEVi:.N3 .VRM^ vi TOOL CO. P. O. Uvx -ijor . Chiccpce Tiu;?, .Mass., V, S. A. ,-^^!!I "W" In the matter of the estate of Aaron Say res. late of the township of Os- prey in the county of Grey, farmer, deceased. NOTICE isberebv given pursnant to tba ra- vised Statues of Ontario. 18»7, Chap. 129 that all creilitors %Qd others having claims against tho estate of the said .\aron Sayres, deceased, who died on or about the twenty first day of June. A. D. 1907. are required on 'or before the Itfth day of October. A.D. ;'JCT. to sand bv post prepeid or deliver to George Barlwr, Esq., Pevurshaiu P. O. Ontario, or John Thomson. Ilsii.. Kevorshaui. Out., executors of of tlie last will ,in I Testament of the said deceased, their ; christian aud surname.i, addresses aud des- cripMons. tkeful! iiarticulars of their claims ' aud ststemeut of their accounts aud the nature of the s«:urities (if auv i held bv them. AND FLUTHEK T.VKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said ex- icuiors will proceed t^ distribute the assets of ' :ho .ioeeusod aaionu the parties entitled there- ' to hav^UK recard only to tha claims of whic; : they shall then have uotice. and that the eain executors will not be Uabio for the taiil assets or any part thereof to any pereoii or , persons of whose claims notice shall not hav', been received by thotii at the time of such Jis- tributioQ. Dated the -JStth day«f Au«mt, A. D. IU07. Lucas, Wriuhtaod Mo.Ardle. OwonSoaud. i Out. tjolioitors lor the Exicutors. I STONE and WELLINGTON Fuuthill Xurs«a:ie3 Over 800 Aci«8 TORONTO â€" â€" ONTARIO. For tickats and full infer matlun see W. Caesar, -Agent, Flesherton. Thompson's Bakery Bread delivered regularly and sold at the followiug places: â€" CEYLON R. Cook's and J;i3. Pattison'e. EUGENIA H. Cairns, R. Parks. F. McDonald. K I M B E R L E Y F. Weber and M. R. Hammond. .VI A X W E L L . . R. Kiunear & Son. FEVERSHAM Eli Robinson and Ab. Hutchinson. Best -Manitoba Flour for sale. « \ ^^. The Meaford High School WlLLUE-t)PENi»N SEPTEMBER 3rd. 1907 \\ hen ela.s.sc» will be fonnod to meet the needs of every .student that attends. This school prep-ares for niatriculatii>ii. Junior and Senior Teachers. Schol.irship. Commercial Speciidist and Commercial E'iplonia. Nothing Succeeds Like 5ucces5 We would like all }>arcnts having children to educate to con.sider seriously the fol- hiwing pointii about this High school (1) Building, ground-s, etiuipmtnt un- exeolled iu tho province: .Athletics and Public speaking stivngly encounigetl; Healthy town alxsolately free of fevers; GiH'd board in private families -cheaper than iiij cities; Fee.s, SlO a yeiu-. (2) The splendid work of this S«lux>l has caused its attexpangeto mokbthan nouui.E ill seven yeiuij, (H) The high stand taken by its stu- dents in the various Universities and the large numlx?r of its university gnuluates holding Fellowships in C.-inadian and American Colleges. (4) -A fully organL'.e4 Conimeiviid Dc- parliiioiit iu Bi>nk-keeping. Slenogiapby, rypewriliiiy. Business I^aw, Engli.sh branches, in the hands of a Specialist who is a chartered accountant. Thi.s de- |)artmoiit i?; eipiipped v.ith seven of tho latest ujito-ilaU'L luloiwood Typo- writers Record of school for 1^06 (5) The school {w.sscil 17 out of 22 Junior Teacher candidates and the whtjlo class ofSenior Teacher candid;iles, 14 in number. RECORD FOR 1907. Theschisd ^Ki-ssed 21 out i>f 31 Junior Teacher caudidivtes, 13 out of 18 Matricu- lants, four commeiviid Jiploni:i.s and the whole cl!ws.s of Senior Teachei- candidates, live in number. Flleven obtained honors. {V>) In the la.st seven years 19 pu|.>ils obtained their Junior Teacher cortiticat*;.s on only one year's attendniice at a high .schind and that high school was Moaford. Send for beautifully illustrated Pi-os- peclus, mailed free on application. C.T.Sutherland.J.L.Cornwell.B A Ssc.-Tbka3. I'klnch-al Boots ^ Shoes The time for bargains in Summer Footwear has arrived. We are now offering all kinds of L.adies' and Cliildren's Oxfords, Sandals, Button Shoes and Patent Leathers at a big re- duction. Genuine bargains. Call and see them. Also a lot of Trunks, Suit Cases, Telescopes and Shoe dressings at bottom prices. In Men's and Boys' wViar a good range in Dongola, Box Calf, Patent Leather, also heavier lines. Call and we witl try to give SATISFACTION. ni in^Mk «^ dr^ &\ S\ Sr% 9« 0>A i9* «« 9« 9 « i& « c<« 9' i^'fta''«fi»i â-  f â- 111 « ''! • â- -• »â-  â-  • i^ajti'-jkUMi^mA-j t Call and see one of K iu Ihe counry of Grey. We also have a largo assortment ot men 3 ' fur liuod coats at the lowest prices po.ssible. r • -'( i i '< i FURS! FURS!! FURS!! 1 1 We have the best lusortineiit in Li lies' fur o^ a^s, either .Astrachau (nimmed or plain) -r Seal, Sf les, Ruffs. Capering. Mulls uorth «» Toronto^ the nicest seis ot fox, stole and mull', ever on exhibitit.n fur and Ladle's Fall and Winter Coats. Wo have just opeiie-l up our fill albl winter coat<. ho;h oi tight-fltlme and saiks. Th.-y are ot the latest styles iimusfroin the linest checked tweeds We a>s . have s..mo nice black coats, biilh in the fijiest broadcloth or beavor ill all sizes. ,• Call at THE FASHION STORE before buying either your furs or ciat. We y.iiisfy you. FLOUR ... As you are all aware. Flour has token a raise of thirty cents a banoU in tho ptsl week. -As we have some of our last car «!ill on hand we will, for a w eek only, sell it at tho old price. We have juft a few hags of brim left a; t ho old price. F. G. KARSTEDT Flesherton - Ontario ^^r^^S^^- g^^^^g^bj^-^J^^:^^- ^^:^^^^ '^ ^5!^^^ ..JL-^

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