Flesherton Advance, 12 Sep 1907, p. 6

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f THE EN GINEER'S STORY Swears That Train Was Travelling at Rate of Less Than 20 Miles. A dispale!i from Toronto snys: There Is cvti'y iiidicalion llml (he inveslit'n- Hfv. into llio cniise of the rnlodoii dts- a'^tcr is to be a \ery IJioroUfe'li ono. 'I'lie principal ovidenco was llml luhliiccd hy r.nK'neor llodgc, who wns driving the ti'iiin, Mr. T. C. rtobinclte, K. C, opjvnrcd on boliulf of Knt'inoor; Mr. Antius Mc- Murchy rqircscnlcd Itie C. V. H., iiiiJ CXuii.y Crown Attornny McKinldon, cf P','«l, iippcarfd <,ii l)clialt of the (Jrown. Till-: K.N'CI.NKF.If.S .STOHY. Ccorpo Ilodf<c, the engineer of llic -il- ftiic<J train, wns called, and irniiiedlate- i> li<; (.'ot on tlie .stand liLs coiin.si'l, Mr. h' liirielle. K. C, dad cnlorcd a fornial otjection to ^Ul(lK<' jiiviiit; e^id-i.'nce, lo a.« t<j oliliiin tlic protoclion of the court c<.iicernliin anythinn which lie niit'hl *ey to ini'riininale himself. "1 think,' said the coroner, "it woii'd bo widl to allow the witness to f/ive nis cvidenrv in Hiis way. that if ho <jljjec!.s l<i lULSwer a (luestion liecau.se it ni't'lil inerinihuite him, then he has the pi-o- leclion wliich he craves. That answer c< uld not b-j used against him." "At the .sanio time," remnrkfd the C<^i-oner to llod^'e. "you nro not exeu*- *<] from answering any (|uistlon which r:iay he a,«ked you here." "l »M quiU' .vilb-lkd with that," Mr. Itcluiietlc replied. The extiiiiinntiun of Itodge was th'n proceeded with, lie deixisptl ;â€" "I left klurlolale at 7.3i, and had u g<X)d run U) Ornngevillo, widch wo reached at ^.T)."). Tli( re were threi' oar.s added there and wr left between O.hj n.in. arwi '.I.OO a.m. \\i- nached C.alcdoti at 0.20, and riccived an order to run ono howi' late Of the oiiginnl schedule. Wt- left Cale. <ion at 9.:M, an<l licf<iro reaching ttic curvo, and alxiut 150 yards from the fclow Ixiard, 1 .sl<iw('d down and sinit tiff eliain. 1 applied tlie hral«'s about a quarter of a mile fi^oin where the ac- ci<t<'nt occurred, and 1 felt Uie lirake h< t«l. This iiiaile a ii'diiclion of 7 lb.s. on the air prc.s.5ure of the bral<e, wliich was .sullicient, in my ordnion, lo st<'a<ly tt«; train. Just before the accident 1 H-as ub<jut to releas<! the brakes." "Did you release the brakes?" "No, .'ir. N<it intentionally." Describing the accident, llodge said he felt tlie engine give u suddeji lurch, wid found him.self out on the gr<Jun<l. Hodge oxiilaiiicd that ul the timo Iho erigine gave a lurch he was. thrown lo !i.c jiorlh, and as he had his hand on !.',<• brake it would have the effect of n-ieasing the brake. IIODGE.S EPf:niE.\CE. [Replying lo .Mr. Hobinello, Hodge jiiid lie hiid been actuig as engineer of u freight train since January of this year, but had had experience as a llre- i:'an sine*,' December, 1'.I02. He hud tiily previously to la.st Tuesday run <.v.t pa.saenger train over this line. Ho was iK'lween i3 and 24 years of ago. In answer to Mr. Mcl-"adden li£ .said:â€" "I t<Mik ono train up the night U'foro. Tiirre were passengers on it. That wns Ihu only im.ssenger train 1 had run over lU. line." DnAKi:S WORKICD \VEI.f,. The brake; were working well. lie examined the brake after the accident r.nd he could not llnd anything to ac- count foi- tlie accident. "What <l<i you thii* yourself was tlie cause of the accident?' "I couldn't say.' "The engine was all right?" "Yes." "And Iho roadl^ed wa.s all right " "Yes." [let ween Cnledon and Ihe slow board 20 miles an hour was the highest srietnl reached. Heplylng to a juror, witness said he had Iteen on conllnuous duty sinc<' 10. l.") liie pre^'ioiLs night. He had had a good rci-l the f)i-ovious day. His lioars < ' W'.ik averngv 9 or 10. The Coroner pointeil out that the wit- ness had already bivn working alxiiil ♦•even hours at the timo of Ihe accident. WOLVICS TOUK nOYS AH.M. Arrldenl lu n IJllli' Ijid in \Vinniprg .Menauerie. A de.spatch fioni Winnipeg snys : Waller lirewer, a lad of 'J years of age, niel with a painful uijury on Tuesday flfteriio<in al Iliver Park by having one (if his arms nearly l<iru to shreds by \vnlV4"-- that are in the menagerie tliere. The little fellow was feeding one. of llio unifiials .some gra>-i through the wires, and 111 Inking Hie grass a w<dl l<Kik tin,' Np>s thumb uilo liis mouth and bit it fio that il made Ihe blood Ikiw. This gave tlie IkmisI a taste of blood and made il .snviigi' fur TiKire. Three or four other wolves which were hi the enclnsure at- ta(l\e<l the iKiy's anil, and before aid rx uld 1m' .simmiuiic'd Ihey had terribly laeerated it. A man < anie lo the relief and l)eat the w<ilves off. The Ixiy was Kent to SI., lliiniface Hospital. The doc- tors fear tliat the arm will have to bo amputated. a. T. i>. <:o\srHrc.TioN. Il(|>r.rl Slions f;<Miil ProurcsH In Various Scelions. A de.spaleh from Ollawn snys : A re- p<irt It ived by tlie (iovernment on I'ridiiy as In the jimgre.ss <if <'onslnic- lloi. <in llie Ci. T. i'acillc Mailway up lo the end of August .shows Hint the steel liad IxM'ii laid for 124 niih'S westward fn.m I'ortage hi Prairie, of which K7 niih'.s is biillasleil, <inellflli of the grad- 111/ iK'twecn \V'jniii|M'g and I'orlage la Prairie is completed, while fivirn the lal- toi [xiint lo .s;a.sUalo(in «."> jior eenl. is finlsiied. The eoiiijuiiiy has 1. 100 men flnil 8fKt tenuis at. work nii the Wi miles l.<'lween \\innip«'g and .Si.skalfHin. The e<iiiipariy emild employ many mure men, as large niimlier.s of lalxirers have HI I') lake part in the hnrvesl for which lllghrr wagi's iiro paid. ABOUT rO WKI); TOOK HIS I.IITC. t'ro»|MM-.livc ltrhli-(|rn<>ni Suirides in Kiii()sloii. A ilespalcli from Kingston says: Heii- o'<'ied d<>sp<in(lent by financial trou- bles, Harry NiclKilson, an .English- man alKUit thirty years old, commilted .suicide by .sho<ilitig on Triday, almost < ri the eve of his wedding hi a Monl- cal girl. I>ecea.sed, who had no relo- lives in this c<iUlilry, wa.s a marble cut- ter and bad a simp here. He came from Nbiiiti<al, where he dealt in mu- sical inslniments, and gave les.sons t.n t'le mand<diii. .\ litter from .\l<intreal signed "Minnie' was found in his [x ckel. r.itAsiiKD TiiuoKiii imiiM;!:. Tiioniiis Clark. Driver ot Traclion En- Uino, Killed. A despatch from Brantford snys: Thomas riiirk, farmer, of llrantt<Jrd township, was killed on \Vi'dne.s<lay nKirning by being eruslnxl to death ny a tiiR'tUm ongine which ho was driving and which cra.shi'd Ihixmgh the bridge <'\er Fflirehikl's Creek on Uw HamiUon r'liid. live intUTi ea.sl <if here. He was pinned iindor the (Miglne in tlie water. Ciai'k w«s unmarried and 32 yean> old. ITVK YKAItS I'On UllllilOIIY. Snii Franein'o Man Sent lo Prison for Itrildng Civic oriirbil. A <lespateh from San b'ranclsoo sny.s: I.' uis (JIa.ss, Vice-IYrsident of the Paci- lic States Teleplwine & Telegraph ('«>ni- fiaiiy, convicted of having brilx-d Siiper- vJMir Ixmegim to vole against granling a franchi.se to the lloiiie Telephone C<iin- I any, wa.'s on Wrdiiesday .'â- enitenced i^y .Superior .liidge I.avvlor lo five yeors' im^ii-isonmeiil in the .Sluto'piison ul .sijin Queiitin. LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Sept. 10.â€" Ontario Wheatâ€" .No. 2 white, 85^0 to 86c, outside. Manit<.ba Wheatâ€" No. 1 northern fehOS; No. 2, $1, lako porl£. Cornâ€" No. 3 yellow, 71c lo 72c, To- ronto; No. 3 mixed, 69c to C9>ic. Banloy- No. 2, 53c to 53>^c; No. 3 exti-a, 51 %c lo 5»c; No. 3, 50>ic to 5tc. Oaitsâ€" Manitoba, No. 2 white, Mc to Vtc on track al elevatoj'; No. 2 ini.xcd, Peasâ€" Nominal al 75><;c for No. 2. Ilyeâ€" C5>^c lo Clic out.side. Flourâ€" Onlurlo. '.K) ix>r cent, patents, alout nominal, ^3M to $3.r)0; Manitoba, f'l^t patciiiti, S5.10 to $5.20; seconds, (•\An lo $iM- slrojif bakers', $4.30 lo S1.50. COUNTRY PRODUCE. RiiWer â€" .SujipJies are jiioderato, but Ihe demand is heavy <ind prices lirinii'. Creamery, prints 23c to 2.'io do s<dids 2lclo22>^c Pr.irv print* 2lcto22c dn so bids 19clo2uc Cheeseâ€" Large quoted at 12>^C and Uiins a I 12%c In job kits here. l':ggsâ€" l'jic<6 linn ut 18>^c to I'.l':. P.iultryâ€" Live chickens are quoted f:iim 9c to He, and liciis from 7c to 8c. Potn'ocsâ€" Mai'kol 1% firm al (55c to 75c f.ei' bu-stiel. Haled Hayâ€" I'rices firm at $11 to $li.- W in ciir kits on track here. Ikiled .strawâ€" $7.50 i)er U)P. in lor Ul.s on track here. PROVISION.S. Dres-sed lIogs-S9.25 for liglitw eights and $.s.75 f<jr heavies. I'oikâ€" Sliorl cut, $22.75 lo $-'3 tor bar- rels; mess. Si'fl to $21. I.ardâ€" Firm; tierces, 12c; tube, 12)ic; piiiLs, 12>^c. Smoked nnd Dry Salted Menisâ€" I/Dng clear bacon. He to ll?^c for tons and ca.ses; hams, medium and liglit, I5XC U, Kie; heavy. U^c lo 15c; backs, lti>!jc to t7c; ^houlders. lli?ic hi lt<'; roll.s, II^Vjc; out of pi:kle, K" h'-vs than sin-iked. MO.vrHEAI. NfAHKHS. Moiitren!. .Sep!. 10.â€" Kgg.s-.S;Hcs -f K<:leel<'d stock were made at 2lc to 22c; .\<i 1 ut ISc to lK>ic, secoiKis al lii- t<i l(ii- and straight gathered ul 17c to 17Xe [XT dozen. Ilulter â€" Huyers' prk'es here for finest t<<wn.shipfr; creanury are from 2IJic to 2,'c Quobe's are ipioted at 2l>ic and d.iiry al 20e per Jb. Chees.^ â€" I'ricos range from 12>ic to h'Jic f.ir we.'^leriis, 12c for townships and W^-ir Uj Uy,- f-Ji- (.Uiebccs. P»irk- Heavy Ciina<ln short cul «iess, ill lieree.s, .$;13 to .?33.50; heavy Cnnad.i sliorl cut mess, m ImrivLs, S;'2 (o .S22.- .Ml; Cniiada shorl cut bucks. .$« to .$22.- T'l; Canada short cul mess, in Iwlf-tiar- rels. .1111.25 [•, $ll..50; Canada slioi* cut backs. $11 (o $II..^O. Ijird -</>inpomul. in tience.s of 375 tti.s., lOc lo 10>ic; parchnienl-lined boxes .'.Il tt»s.. 10>fc lo 10,'^e; lubs, 50 th.s., net tOV to l(»:V; wood pails. 20 m.s.. net, litX'' t> lO;'ic; till pails. 20 ft^;., gross, liv Ho 10>ic; tins, 3 hi 10 tk«., in ca.s."s, U%(] to 11c; pure lard. Ilerces 375 lb.s., \\'/i<' !<' I2>ic: parchtneiit-liiied lo.xos. .VI Iks. net, 12c to I2%r; tubs, 50 lbs. iiel, l2>io t<i t2^e; |>anhment-line<l v.'uxl pailff. 70 lbs. net, 12)ic; tin pails, 20 lbs. gi-o.ss. ll.'/jc; tins, 3 to 10 lbs. in (:;.s<s, ll^c t.j I2Xc. BUFFALO MARKET. Buffalo. .Sont. 10.â€" WluMit do.sedâ€" No. 2 red, OVo. ' Oirnâ€" No. 2 yelkiw. 72c; No. 2 white, 70c. Oals^No. 2 white, Stic; No. 2 mixed, 52c. Harleyâ€"Noniina!. NEW YORK WHKAT MARKITF. New V<irk, .S<'pt. 10.â€" ^Sp<«l flrm; No. 2 red, $l.(12>i elevator; No. 2 re<l. $l.03»,; alkint; Nn. 2 hard wlnler, $l.OO>j; f.o.ii. afloat. I.IVF. .'^rOCK MARKET. Toronto, Sept. 10.â€" Trade wa.s g(X)d and active and prices sternly Ui linn for giKid i|ualily callle, but f<ir the |Kior stuff, of whi''li lliero was more Ihan usually large proi)<irfi<in in Ihe market l<-day, triKle was (|uile draggy and slow, und prices weaker. Ceiod bulcher cows steady at $3.25 to .Sheep aiul lambs -Cood grain-feii lambs are quoUHt at .$5 t<i .fd jH-r ewl.; exiHirt ew«^. 9^ Ut $1.40. Kx|iort market steady : medium ex- HINDUS BEATEN BY WHITES Driven From U. S. Territory They Make for Canada. A despatch from Vancouver, B. C, snys : Six Hindus, badly beaten and nialtrealed by a mob, arc in the hospital at Bellinghani, Washington ; 400 are rinding sanctuary in the jail and public buildings, and 150 beaten, hungry and half nakixl, are on their way to Urilish Columbia. The.so are the results of a savage outbreak of local scnlimenl in the L'niled Stales town on Wednesday even- ing. The trouble started in the Pelly .Street district, which is filled with Hindustani lodging houses. These houses were cleane<l out, and llio occupants driven out of the town. From there Ihe mob swept down to Ihe walcrfront and the lumber mill, .\fter the lumber mill was visited the while employees swelled Ihe mob, and every black man was hustled ouLside. Here the police suggested that llie unforlunales should lie taken lo Jail. The pr»jposal was haile<l with deliglil, and Iho llindus were hustled along. The mob kept up its work till early morning, when nars<ja's mill at Whatcom Lake was visited and hundreds of Hindus brouglil in from there. The police were helpless, authority was paralyzed, and lOi live liours a mob of while men raided the mills where the blacks were work- in..- nnd battered down the doors of the lodging houses where they sought sliel- Vv and dragged them from their beds. May<ir Black has organized fifty armed deputies for the protection of the Hindus, nnd lho.se of Ihcm who return i* 1 1 work will do so anned. The explana-j lion given of the affair is that every day! Iho whiles in mills are being replaced' by flacks. It is said that Lhe Hindus ' have lieconie insolent, pushing women i into the gutter and insulting them on the-j street cars. j "Drive out the Hindus 1" wa.s the cry;' to which the mob marched on Wediicr*' day nigtil.. RIOT IN VANCOUVER. A despatch from Vancouver, B. C.„' s.nys: 'Hie campaign against Oriental 1 labor has taken a new and sinister turn! .n this city, .s^aturday evening a gang, of the men from Bellingham, acix)ss- Ihc border, in the State of Washington! Ill- town from which the Hindus were| rcceiilly driven, came to Vuncouver- and orgaiii/ed a parade with the iiiten-J ti<in of making ttxiuble. There were- .s<^iinc thirty <f them, and, reinforced I'V a large number of hoodtuirs. they pi-oceeded to the C.hinese and Japanese quarter and l)egan lo raid tlie stores- and assjiult the Orientals. Properly . Mas damaged and many piHiple stab-' heil and <jlherwi.se injured, while it. laxed the efforl.s of the police forc<> and the entire hre brigade to keep the mob- from burning up ttie Chinese and Japan- ese- quarters. Si'vcral arrests were made- after a strenuous time between the moi» and the ollic<rs who to«jk the men. port. $4.00 lo $5; choice, $5.10 lo $5.15; extra choice. $5.25. Biilcliersâ€" Market steady, choice pick- ed butchers' cable, $4.50 to $5, and <irdinary to good butcher cattle nl S:i.75 I.' !S4.50; common but'lier cows and mixed entile ea.sier, ut $3 lo $3.50. Light .-.lockersâ€" .viurkot dull nnd easier a! .S2.75 to .'M. Heavy teixlci's â€" .Steady demand for g(nid fee'ders, 1,050 lo 1,100 lbs., al $4 lo $4.50. Calvesâ€" Market slow at $5 to $10 each. Hogsâ€" Market ea.sy, selects $t).25, lights and fab;. .?(>. * Gl'NS. KMVKS .\ND PISTOLS. Twelve E\Pltt:sS TRAIN \VaElKED. Norris, Persons Killed Indiana. at I'nial Itiot Amonk Ihilkuis Brunswk'k. ill New SIDE ••^^ DEMOLISMCOCAq .\ despatch from .st. John, N. li., says; .-Vs a result of a drunken riot on â- S.'ilurday afternoon among a cr<iwil of llalinn lakxirers employed on Ihe .\. H .Sailhcrn. one man Is dying and Iwo are crilically wou..ded. Forty-five Ital- ians, who are living in a Iklx car near Pniico <if Wales, got po.ssi'ssi<m on Sal- U'day nfleriKxin of some liquor. The whole ciMwil became wildly Intoxical. ' il anil a free light broke <iut, in which knives, it'volvers and a stiolgun were freely used. The dying man, Aiil<inio Ciindisdoti, wns pierced by llireo ivvol- vir bullets, nmitlu-r is riddled with buckshot about Ihe shoulders and arms, and another has several' serious knife wounds. DRANK \VOOD ALCOHOL. Fatal Itktl Aninnu llalbuis in Three Uyiny. A despatch fixiin Quebec says: News lias leached town of a terrible occur- rence al CaiH> Baiild. A .schooner cap- lain, who arrived there from a small island ill Ihe gulf, reiKirls lliat fmr men llie deail and throe dying as a result of drinking wMod nlc<diol. No further de- tails have be<>n received, nor have llie ni'ines In-eu lenrn<Hl, nnd lh<' agent <:| Ihe Marine IVparlinent in this city has tilograptved inslructlon.'i to inv«>stignte llie mailer at <ince and ix-ixirl Ihe cir- cimuslaiices attending the tragedy. Waterloo, la., .Sept. 6.â€" Twelve per- .s<.ns were killed and twelve otliers in- jured Ul Itie wi-eck of an express train on the (Chicago, Hock Island &. I'acillc- Railroad at .Norris, Iowa, on Friday.: The e.xpress Irain, iKirthlxnmd. jiiiii|H'd Ihe Inu-k while going al full spi'^'d. and erasho<l into a Imglit Irain standing on th ; skiing. All of the dead nnd injured were in llie sm<.king car, which was im- mediately iH'tiind the Imggage and mail, cni-s. The siiKiking car was demolished. The iKiithlKJiiiid e.xpiv&s was ten min- utes late al .Norris. wlieiv tlio freight train wns awailin{j. The express cuine akiig al leriilic spejxl in an effort to make up time. Just as the locomolivf of the passenger train was about lo pas.s Ihe fr<'ighl locomotive the trucks of Ihe former left Ihe tracks, and the nwiving engine crashtxl into ihe engine «f the freight, wi-ecking txiljj locomotives end tele.voping the baggage and the mail cars, and demolishing the smokiny car. « L\TI«T UKIHIIVIS KN(;Ol'nAr.lNG ENGINE 0NjT5_SJiDI!, Plan of Wreck at Caledon Last Week. [l-niu The Torunlo Tvlcifram). liraiu III Cjinaillnn Norllicrii Disirirls lA>oks YVcll. A despatch fix>m Winnipeg .says : The r. N. H. enip report Ls fully as encour- aging as all pivvious ivikmIs tr»im \iir- ioii.s .seeliiiiis during Hm^ week. The niisl oplimistie feeling prevails as to Iho ulti- mate outcome of the harvest. Ttiere has t'ceii no frost in Iho majority of places ami the weather piximis<>s l<i be all thai cculd lie deslriHl. Some rains fell <liir- iiig the past lew days, but nol enough lo cause any damage or .seri<iusly inter- h'le w ith the culling. There is a .seaicily of men in some dislricis, wliei-o llie grain has lnvn ready for u week nr more. WI'.AK SI»OT IN TIIK LAYY. Liulileen Chinese Cause Government Olfirials YYorry. A despolch from Ottawa says : There are eighteen Cliinese hi custody in .Syd- ney wlu) are pixividing a puzzle for th.; cliief controller of Chinese immigration in (Mtawa, ami who seem lo have hit upon a Haw in the fabric of Canadian I law. The Chinese came aslion- from Ihe .sclKKiner Colorus, v^hich bivmglit them from Newkiinidland. The capLain al- leg<xl that ttiey escni>ed. They wer& sei7.e«l by Ihe customs olli^ials as smug- gletl g<Mids, and arc now in jail. The law provides tliat the Chin<^e who enter Canada irregularly may be place<l In jail for a year, but it makes no further provision regarding them. No nuthorily Is given lo dciKirt. II is not considered g»od policy to keep eighte«>ri Chiiu-se in |ail kir n year and then give them their lilK-rty, without even the payment of the $r><iO entrance fw. A year in jail Is luirdly ciuusidered a qualillenlkm for permanent Canadian residence. 'Iho only thing apparently that can lie don* is to kivp Die Chinese until a law may 'le pnsscil next .se.ssion fur their deiwrta* tUin, nnd thou send them back. -*- \YIiOLK IIOl SK STIIIPPKD. Ottawa Man Loses $f,0(H) ol Plate nnd Jewellery by Iturglnrs. A despatcli from Ottawa says : The residence of Mr. 1). M. Finnie, nssishinl general manager of tlie Hank ot Ottawa, was burglarized on Wolnesday, and diiimonds, jewellery and plate "lo the iiiiKMiiil of iM-nrly $4,000 nli.s(iaelt>d. TIh> Imrglars, evidently ex(HM-U, had llrst made .sure ol Ihe tnel that llie family were alisent and went nlmul their w<irk lijsleniatieally nnd deliliernloly. The Ihicves gained an entrance Ui the pre- nii.^es by the rear basement windows nnd pPoceedtHl from llimr to Ikinr, ixil- Weling movable valuables and jewellery. The lKiu.se was practk-ally slrip|H\l of everything ot valuo ot a movable nnluiv. FirreKN ni'KNCD ro- nR\Tii. Ilolel ul Shellon, Washlnglon, Destroyed by Fire. A despatch from Taconin, Wash., says : Fire (lesti\iye<l Ihe W>bb Hotel nl Shellon, 20 miles fixiin Tncoma, nn Weilnesday night. It is i-e()ort«l llfleen persoius perished. .Mi.ss Bailey ami .Mrs. Miidge. ixiih of Shellon, aiv known lo be among llie lost. All the other viclims are tielieved hi lie men. Seven iKxiie* have been recovered. SllOr DKAD BY HltUTIIKIt. Mitiiiedosti Lnd Yiclini ol a lluniing Accident. A despatch from Minntxlasa. .Man., -says : .\ .shuoliiig falnlity oceurre»| here Monday evening in which an II yenr-<ild lad, name<l J<ihn Stewart, kist his life. His Iwinbi'other, Bert, was slMxiling blackbirds witli a 22 rille and <lid nol IK tue his bixilher running in fnuit of him. He re<.-eive«l a shot, from which ho expii-eU almost immedittlely. The numb«r of typliold fever Cflse.s In Winni(K"g Is much fewer for .\ugust tlian lor the snuie month last vcnr. W reckers near Berlin dorailWl the ox. press fi-om SI. Petersburg, probably in nn attempt lo kill Ihe Bikssian C.rand Buko Nieholns, wh<i is shortly to pay • visit to the Cerninu Eis\i>»rw. ^ 4 i I

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