Amen, a who have 1. arued how to tbe same, lime that they were at Mil I AM OF MICHlOAN. tUek as Crowui. aa and a HaMI Wo-a. . . a...l a H.u.uu.a Bey. A Washington deepal. h say* : Tbs most Uxurious Miator is Mr. McMillan, of Michigan, a i ative of Hamilton, Ontario He l. one of tbe few verv rich men in live at -_., amaeaing tortouis Senator McMillan not ouly knows bow to live royally , but lo do that and Kform a prodigu us amount of work. lie pi Ibawj secretaries constantly em ployed, and nol one of them has any tims to idle away. On* of the secreterie* at tend* to Ibe senator'* railroad, lumber ard corporation sffairs. The** are very exten ive. There is uol much of importance in ii industrial way in the Biale of Michigan thai Senator McMillan is nol in. and baavily. Bern* years ago a queer sort of partnership wai form.d, Mr. McMillan nd one of the famous family of New- bsrry, of Mtchinan, being ibe contracting parties. The two men were together in every- tbii.g. They bought railroadi, salt mines, iron mine., lumbir mills, car ahoiH, street *ailroedi, everything which seemed to pro- anise return-. Both grew rapidly rich Nor were Ibey close together in bonne*, alone. Their fan. i !> wire intimate They rode, walked, dined together. If UcMill.n wen! to New York, Newberry was his compan- ion. Of oo* of Ihe oompei. irs they wer* the leading spirit* iu, McMillan would be elected president and Newberry treasurer. Of tbe i i-ti one, Newberry would be presi- dent and M. Mill.,, treasurer. Booh fast fri ndst ip in and soiial inter- nurse is rare, aod ii is a pleasure to record bat ih ties were never severed by quarrel wr ooldofM. Il wa* on* member of thi* Newberry fan. ily who sg a young man started a most oval sort of speculation in Detroit. He was beir to oonnderable properly, but odd i ot oo me into possession ol U till an unl or some other sged and inconvenient twlativa shoold be out of Ibe wsy. He wailed with as n.u h patimce as posiible for tbe disappearame of this living obsta- I*. but finally called upon a number of wealthy men, of whom 1 believe Senator MiMnlan wa* one, aud laid to ibem : " I m cow a young man. I will never be yoang again, ebd I want to have a good time while ii 11 poiiibl*. I may be com palled lo wail twenty years, or thirty, for any fortune ; meanwhile I am com par a tivtly poor, bound dun. repressed, wearily walling. You men go*rant< e me ti 000 a year till I get poe:eeion of the properly that is coming to me, and it i-o ycu shall have 01,1- haif of ibai, whatever it amounts to." Ths rich men pal their beads lo gainer and concluded that would be a Kood thing lo do They guaranteed yoong New- berry ibs five thousand a year till tb* death of hi* aunt, aud ths yoang man at nee siarted out to have the good lime whu h he had been pining for. In a few Bomb, ibe aunt died, and after a cooteet | McMillan did. and h* oould now sell the |.iao- (or at I . Ml 110.000 mure thau it cost him. rout'*: HULKS HIT,. I.I Mt.lrn.rlit ..I the til u .< I..H M..I . ur L.CU I urr.l k luting A Rio Janeiro despatch of Thnrwdsy night ssys : Tbe Government baa 1'tned a decree providing thai all persons fc-uud endeavoring or pro^oiing any measures for active opposition to the Rtpobno shall be tried by a military tribunal An opposition journal was impended en I ueaday. The Brazilian Minuter at Washington has reotiv, d the following oablegiarr, dated to-day, from Ruy Berbo*a, MIL *ter of Finance al Rio Janeiro : " The report aboul the iniinnt of a corps of artillery u falre. I here was only a mutiny of a few soldiers, which was immediately repressed. Tbe circumstance I -. increased confidence in Ihe (jot en. n. em. w l.i h si ows ittelf itrongly. We are prepared with prompt and decinve mesns to put down any dis lurnai re of public order. The aggravation of Gen. r'oi atca'i illness ii tot true ; on ill.- contrary, he is recovering speedily fn in bis former c< mplainu. Tbe asm.tant doctor believes his recovery to be certain Al any rate Ibe fate if tbe revolution, now ccepted by the whole country, does not d. pend on the contingency of any one man s life, however precious it may be. In Ibe army iteelf the revolution oan rely on other i biefi of great and no less devoted lo the causa All tbe different political parties have espoused with enthu- siasm Ihe term fixed (Nov. 16, 1890) for Ibe meeting of the Cooelituonl As.smbly, they oonnderiug by this act tbe stability of ih Republic I* ssiured. Beware of news- mongers." 1'rivate cables received to-day from Brazil Hale the. market* for exchange at both Rio and Para are in bad shape, wbil* Ike rubber supply in band will oily last a few weeki Rubber has taken au upward jump Al Para exchange is di moralized, while al Km ths rale has declined '2 per 'ei t to '.'-"; This mskee a total deciio* of 8 per OSLI. sine* Dom Pedro'* expulsion. FKINfK t ni.Vt i tMtt.KKht Had aa Object la irml.ilnj Their Vile in Ihe court, tbe coieria of rich speculators in death were rewarded with a decision shich gave th-m all that hid been nomin- a comfortable fortune for second secretary is hie I in Ibe bond- acb of them. The Penator I A spec i< I lo tbe World from London says: " In the |,ro>i i u-i .n of Newton, Lord Arthur Bomersst's soli, nor, tb* Oovsro- men! ibows an indication to-day Hist It m. a n. at last lo take vigorous tie pa in regard to the West End soaudaal. The chsrgss againel Newton are, in brief, thai he assisted Uammoud aud other guilty parlies to net tui of tb* country, and that hi alao contrived to get important letters destroyed which incriminated ii flnsDlial persons. There is no donbl tbst thisnu v on ths part of tbe pioeecntion wnl resoll in tb* direct inleife rei.m of the Prince of Wale*. when Ihe Prinoe came back to town b* thoroughly stfi*d the sources oon- A JOafMTUWH Vi>. Tba Bad Hoeaaajce af a MMidrat Wko i.< H aat a fortuae. A Johnitown, Pa., deipatch tayi : Au almcbi beari brok.ii man Hood lu-day oa Ibe kuoi where wai otioe located bit little hume. llo ooold lee uolbli/g of Ibe dtll- iLg, and In. wife and five nine children urt> nowhere to be fuoud. Be wai Euiile Kiuii.e, a Frenchman, who had left i am bria Ciiy atoul a we> k b. fore trie flood lo o to t.u native towo.Craouvtlle, iu Alaaoe- Loriaiue, wbera a little fortune ol I10.0UO bad been left him by a di cea* d uuuin. lie r. turned yeilerday , but he KOI off the Iraiu be aid not recognize Ibe place, liur ing all bii traveli to aud from hu native country be had uol teard a word about the terrible calamity thai bad wrooglb to much rum and Otath ID May lent. baid be 10 day : " Wneu I got < If al the Peauayhaiae Kailroad nation I lurned baoa to obe o( the de|iot n.i-u. ind inquired cf htm how lar I bad yel tu go to Jobui- ton ai I had goi iff ai the wrong i-lation, and how aocu Ibe next train left for thai town. The man looked al me for a moment ai though be thought I wai nji ijuite n^hi in my mind, and aiktdme whether or nol I oould rtad Ibe tign uu the nation houM. 1 looked up, and there it wai plain enough. Wbile I locked at tbe>i A jiua aa/u aort of way auoiber man itepped ap ai it laid : ' I pueae you're a uranger here, or have been in JoLn.iowu beloie the flood ; ll'l quite changed LO* ; I woulon I bavi knou it myatlt il 1 bad keen away for >ix monlhi ' " Al the man ipoke I felt ai if aome one had punctured my heart wnb a ibarp knife, aud 1 fainted dead away. Wbeu oonauiouiueii returned I waul oat to nnd my wife and children, but eometbtug told me that they were dead. Tba part of Cambria City where nood the home in which I left my family waa completely tpi away. ' 1 made erjijairief for forty tight boari, duriug which time 1 had not a morael lo eat or a wink ot aleep, boi all in vain. Nobody knew what bad b cvme of my family, aud the people could hardly under- Hand my aorrow and griaf, having infiertd to niu- u themtelvea. " 1 wai told thai nearly all the people of Cambna Cily, who inhabited that etctiou where my bouae bad aloud, periihed. I am not going to remain in thia ouunlry. h.very remtndi me of the terrible loei . have nattered. I am going to New York to night, and from there acioei the ootan back to my biribplaoe, where 1 iball live tb rtit of my day* in aUitude ana aad- ntii." polilical manager, and one of th* ahrewdeat poll uiai.i in ih* Htete of Michigan. There is nobody of imporisno* in tb* St.t. that be dor* nol know, i, n in, k in tb* name of oliuc* with lu h he is not familiar. Thai hit icrvioes are of the greatest \alu to ibe Beuator ia witneaeed by tbe salary whiuh bs receive s. 1 be Banator turn, over to him precise! the mm which tbe Uoilad Htaiei allow* .ah of it* member* of Con sjren. Ihe political expert privet* seer* tary IS one of ibe neo> alary sppendatss of tb* rich K. naior, who is likely lo have a wool**! for re-elec<i<,n. A number of Bena- tors hir* such mm and pay thim snug alanei In m laaea they are abler Ben in every way lhau Ib* Senators them- slve*. A third a. cretary is employed lo attend lo Mr. McMillan'* sxtentivt cor- raapondi no*. McMillan ii a man of remarkable oapa- Ily for work. Yun wouldn't judg* him thai way by taking a look at him as bs sits i* bis seal on the floor of tbe Benals. lie PP**rs more like an exquisite, a diplomat* or society ki.ight than like a man of work, bu.lnees man who has foroed his way from poverty to affluence, and an executive wbo direrte, and ably diretcls, the affairs of down lars corporations Like many not lit r - era N' ha has a favorite pose on th*, one whiuh In as.nme* qaile un OHM ll-sting eaelly and gracefully gainst one eide nf hie chair, in order to take the sllffuea* out of Im spinal ..limn, wank turn* I a irirt-i out of psrpendicolar, tbe whole body in a *tat* of relaxation withoat la.ik of dignilv, he ills by the hour languidly iwirltng ia the finger* of his right band a pair of *y* glasses, while mother pair sit upon bis nose With sll bis work, ihe H-nalor finds lime to ride burseraik two or three boors every ne day, and often 10 drive an hour or ao wore lln dines like an epioora, with plenty of lei.ur* and appetite. Tbe dinners whi.ih hs gives are auiong ths rioheel and in town. For many years hs i mads u a rain lo wear a dre*. ooal al lunar Sflvmi lurifi a wnek. Few of nar elf made millionaire! pay *o muoh heed lo thit formi of Hi- m ..i polite society. Mo- Millan dresses liks an siquislts. Ths flnevt thai ismsds of siik and eatin m I fur Is not too fl.if to tounh In-, ikin. I In. m ..i per. lent patent It atbi r. built by a oalebralsd Parl.ian maker, are always to be seen on Ills feet. Kvery day ha appear* In Ihe Banal* Chamber in a whit* wnlsooal, and ot on of O,. ..- oosts is worn mors Ihsn tir, bsfor* rwlng *enl back to tbe laondty. It I* aeil thai th Hei.ator hai a gnater amber of iniii of clothe* than any oihir an in,Ki..n. Hu tailor bill runs bnvn |l 600 a year. lost winter wh-n h first appeared In Oonjrses, Henalor MuMillan boarded al ths Arlington Motel. nictmg Prince - Kddy " with Ihe aud h* found that the reports emsoaied principally from Somerset, wbo lhas hoped to uleuoe ihe po ice and slave off punish- ment. Boms other perrons in exalted sltlions believe that ihe reports about them came from tbe same source, and they bsvs exerted pns-ore to save Somerset's faolotum from being arrested. Tbaevi deuce adduced by ihe Government Connie! yesterday kgiu.n Newton i* very exbsus- ine. at .1 verves to ii dicale what i he pulic* hsv* in reserve if Newton's trial gett be- yond the bounds ,M. im. <i. snd tome of tbe pmlly parnei njuial under the sorswi of Ibs law snd til. all they krow." It -.,. f. ,.. ,| the Pneseacere. A Monday's d'ipstcb frooi Andrvtr,, aay> : Aa Iba 1'e.rtland e iproas from Bmitn w.s passion a fn igh> train on the rioston -i. jian e road near here this even- ing a heavy pie. e cf limber became an i ei from a freight car and struck tbe f not end of ibe nsr oar of the express. Ihe express wss running at forty milii an bonr, ai ii the limber crashed Ibroogb the car, raking it brosdiids, breaking every window taah on that tide aud covering Ih* paiieoK*rs wnh glass and splinter* i he can were heavily lo.dt a! with passengers, and a i r of ladit s fainted fit m fright, while fill. en or twenty of them were more or Ins cot al. ut the face aud sbooldsrs Ous woman wa* nnoonicioui for at viral hours, a, i is r. i . ri..i to be fatally injured. Upon the arrival of the tram al Lawrence i hi injured pai*engers ware oared for, aod most of them were able to ooutiuu* their journey. TH* . l. .1-,. it ktlorKKM. Jeasap KDJ..J. Lively Chrlilavaa Count- lug III. t <.ua.ll->. A Jtaiop, Oa., despatch of Thursday n'ght gives tbs following later particulars of ibe rao* riot if Wednesday aud 1 bore- day . MiJuigbt The tUQetiou is somewhat qoieter at ihii boor, but au oooasiou.l shot l* heard. 1 he 1110.1. are Hill paraimi by armed men. A negto wa* found dead iu an alley a few oioui. ute ago, and two others of the wounded are reports* to b* dying. FOR The Mlorlw of Hoaue of Tkea* Wbo Oaiaed Tkeiu. On Thondky Ian the French Academy helu in biinual meeting for ihediitrtbution ofpri&B Thuee pnzti included what are called the Prizes of Virtue, eighty-seven in number, which were awarded for good deeds, and Ibe storieH of some of Ibe rtcipt- ems, a* told by Mr* Crawford, the cor respondent of ihe itaily A'cirj, are very in ttreaiiug. Ii ihouid bo explained thai MuLsi h nor Perraud, who is relerred to sev- eral tiuiei, 11 the bunop wbo delivered an aodreae at tbe pieitutalion tin the uittful nui of the Prizes of Virtue. 11. re are eouie of Ibe cases in which prizes were awarded : 1'eter Nicole, aged 32, and his sitter, AbtoiUctlr,a K ed 36, live tcgelbtr in lit- bsmlel of Vichibure in tbe Vosges. They are small peaant providers, borne yesrs ago au old cripple hi .eked at their door and aiked to be aucwed a night's edging under tbtir roof. Oa the next morning, ss be was about to siait on his journey, Peter said lo bis luter, "Let us keep biiu." Sue a.aeuuil. aL(i tbe way- farer became their pern.aueni guest. Ihe nsws ot ibis wa* soon spn ad abroad , other aged and utum people came aud were received, and soon the bouse was full. Peter aud Autoiuette turned their baru into a dormitory, and received tb* alauaoued snd fatberlea*. Sometime* room wa* wauling, and Peter then gave up hi. bed, acd slept upon the floor. Th* kind brother and eiste-r regard their collage and all thai is in it as tb* common pro periy of ibeir guests, and at meals they Ibemselve* help tbe utranger* firtt ai a lake lor themselves th* remain*. Tbs t ttti.lj prieat lesiifie* that their exampls has been a bletsiug lo hi* parishioner*, wbo now load belter Im s in svery way tnan formerly. Tn* prize awarded to them is JUO. olari* Ross Broqnin was born in 1810. Haviuit 1 -it br at ,1 all her chil- dren, she gev- up ner life to tbe service of her fello c-'eaiurea. Meeting, on* day, au aged *rx n abivariug from cold, ibe took t-ff ber ^.autle and gave it to her Marie Broquiu Lktfiijg given away every- thing aba Las, is now Dependent on charity. Upon learning that tbe Academy intended to give her a pi iu of i'2o, abe replied, 'I am loo happy ou e-artn, and am made too much ol. 1 am afraid tbi* will stand recorded agsiusi me up there." Among those who received prize* for faubfol ae-rvic* appears ihe name of Tbe follo Je^.up, ( ia ing hai been received from A poaae of twenty men ui der HI..'.,,,. l.rl.l..,.. I ..|, ,, r .,,,. An Augnna Oa , dvspaioh of W*dn*s- day says : (mi er. Williams and Orawfnrd went Iu arreel some di anken negroes to-d*y. Th* latter re.i.t., i. disarmed Ihe polio*, men, and bsal them badly with their olobs The police were reinforced, and half a MM negro rloladsrs wore looked op in th* sngins boos*. A large number of white and blank, collected, and great excitement prevailed. Th* prieoneri There h* paid for bl* ' w * rt """* l*er to jail When th* offl baep si lh rat* of 11.600 a month, and * r> 'tl for th* jail with the prlaonarsa SMver s*.|Mt<iid thst it wa* a |.r. itv large <J " B <" ll 'y oooorred betwean a negro and on. I doubt If h* Is living siheaply >*nl whites. First olob. wen osad. then wow. though he i* bon**ke*plng. Heeing n Vermont aveuo* U.i spring a honss which pl.a.e.l him, h* a.ked a real >*isl* Three Were OrwwweaV. A Ya.|iiiina, Oo , ile.patch of Wednesday sayi: The it*am achooner K. rail, me, after being towed acroea the bar yesterday, was struck by a heavy ssa. which carried over- board i hief Kn K |ueer PuKsley, a cabin boy and three s.ilors named Frank Jobnaou, Chail.-s Dtuktnson aud William Brown. Ths sailor* wer* drowned. Pagiley and Ihe osbin boy naoght aome wre. kage and w*r* rescued when nearly exhausted. Ths sea ihippexl put onl the fire* in the s hcouer and the assi.tant ari.ineer and two fireoiso nannwly escaped drowning in tin. firs room. The Ferallenn'a slsrboard side wss stove In, the rsils carried away, and davit. aod lifuhosts watthed overboard, and ihe halohse lorn up. fi ling Ihe hold with water and damaging the cargo of wheat. The schooner wa< towed in. command of B. While left by ibe Kail Teuneaare, Virginia A Otorgia train to-day for Lumber City to Intercept Brewer aud bis gang, wbo, il is rumoxd, have gone ibere tor reiuf oroement* Tb* firing along il picket Im* k.e|i ap, bnt it is princi- pally by boys. A crowd of armed men bav* just returned from a trip to the swsmp, and n port thai four . rlored man wers found dead, bnt ib*y gave uo names, aud said they did nol know tb* negroes. Th* jail wai broken into eariy ibu morn- ing, and two negro arisoner* wtr* tidoled with Milieu Auoiber ne k ro was fonud at horns shot through the heart, ai.d one with t flesh wound in th* sbouldsr. It was leported thai other* bad been kill d, bu 'do tffluera bad not found them. A scan fur bodie* will b* kept op all day. Th negrota are >jaiilu.g their homes and mov mg to other towns on the line ef tbe rai way. A large number of negro** wer taken fr m ibeir home* ibis rooming au many of thsm whipped, many of the being proMituie*. A crowd of whit* me want lo sever. 1 bonsea a Wr b.s.kfasl thi morning aud compelled tba n. k r. . likve. If Brewar's gang are fouud in ib iwamp lynching will probaoly follow. Ib our. me r la holding au inqoeil on tb* deac bodies. HE ...T HIM. II nt to bay It for tirewd bii.lneee man Call. On* nagro wai killed and another ly woooded. AU U quint to-nlgbl. him ml. liks Ihs Tbs lns*rl*d sirlpsrf laoa wblab ar*** he ii, limited the " llu *oi*of the Imported table dot hi glv* pries to a fi 4 or* wbinh h* wai oamfnl lo '"" lh * *ri*alloo of dining off a petticoat. Clan wrllla*;. " To him that hath .hall '" I 1 "" "' ll " colored novrlly ninths for girea " a|-pear* to applv to n. h mm, tabli-*, dr***er* and bt.ffels the Ideal spread for none hui B man of wealth woold hsv* "e a firs ilantaik as while ai driven snow. bad tbs g --I i.,rk to buy a bnos* In that l'""'"e.i with a *n>ooth, soft flal.b. 111,000 cheaper than he had ax I Th* only walking matob Parl* has -I to buy It. Y.i that la what Mmator know* for son* lints Is Earnhardt. ana foae.l War u> Make tke Pe>tM>a h -f Mia l .,,,,.. An Orange, N J . daspalch says : Tb. Rev. L B. i. teaiporar> pastor o the Oakwood Avenne Baptisl church lw '" wai marrtid to Mi-. 1. 111 mi . ot Cbarleitou, H. O., Welneaday i* repurirl that the clergy man wa* foroed into the marriage. Uoodal and Mil* 11-11 wer> >naged . r-r a year ao and were to be married next F.bruery The *ngaemni la ... > to li.v.- been ur. ken off. monthi ago Mm Bell rvlarned eoalh and the olerg* man made love in Mi*. Kin. Hniiib, MI of tb* oborob. A few weeks ao II was reported they were engaged. Homebody uot.fled MI-I He. I. and ihe came north with n.-r brother. In etited that her . n^a B meiil w* not broken, aud Ihrealemd to Initiate legal I i .-.- In ki. The deacons of th cbarob advieed Uoodalt to marry Mis* B.ll. As he was f boot ent. ring the uburuh ^edni day night to hold s.-rvtoes. it is >ai.l. an auh of promise pausri were *erv*d oa him. A luirn-,1 uui. 1.1 lain. ii wa< hld with ill-- deacons. MISI Huu-li r*lio<|niih*d all olaim. oa the alergymau to B.V.. hiovfrorn Kv. Mr Hunt was called Iu and the oeramnny > a. pirformed bslamen O>KMalt aud Miss Bell Ooodall Ii yoon* aud gifted, and baa accepted a call to a Oeorgla ohoruh. His >... AsjaJait Miu. " My man." raid th* contractor, " What Is your name 7 ' ' MoOloty. sor." " II. iw would yon like to go to work dig. jlng a well for me." " An' go to thi bottom av tb* holi T l>*vtl a bit, *or. M* name'* a. in DM." A Phlladilphia pnyiloian layi thai i-.-an.iii. taken tu moderalioo and thor- onghly ohewed, an " first rale for braio workers." Svrapbine Duuba, a ur^re** of th* Island bourbon. bbe wa* born a slave, aud be- longed lo a family named Plania. Sb* brought up three ge Derations of her maa- ter'i family, and when the emancipation came remained by them. Al tb* end of fifty year* a ..beige came in the fortune* of the Plania family, and one day the gnat graoddaunbtore of Berapbme's first iarUr fonnd lhamsr'vee pennUti*. cv >e biue, however, raliuwd to be diecbargd, nd has never accepted a peuuy. Ever since, after her day's work, she has gone Into the town to cffor her young unstrei*' needlework for sale al pi ivate bonaee. "What a glory is rW-iaphiue to the black race !" said Mgr. Perraud ; " may the tribute paid to her by tba A. a. l. in) further Ibe cause in wbi-h ib* n pi. ., i.iainr. of Ibe European Btaie* are eugagatl al llru.eeli !" Aud her* u Ib* *tory of a little girl of 18, uamed Amanda Mi unier, who lives with her partois in Paris Her mother ia a contiruied invalid, aud her father, who wai formerly a lookaniith, is employed by Ibe city as a street sweeper, but ai frequent luisrvali his b.alih break, down. When be loei hi. enisloy rnent, Amanda, the aided at hu Ii ur ihuilren.rreolvid to *upport the fan.i > . and briug up her broth, r. aod in ii. 1 be neigbbon uiarvellml how ah* got through aJl her work ; they pitied her when they law her Dairying on her bark snormou* bunclei of clothe! which ibe waihed at ibe municipal washhonae. In the liiitnc. ib* is called the " Little Mother." " Ws wer* gratified to learn," aaid Mgr Prrraod, that ihe d*nv*d her ueiikiii trom tb* teligion* principle* wbiuh her parents had inculcated m her at an early age.' A prize of la awarded to bet. INK lUimliY -IIIKT A Phrate Tkat May Bate Hi/rmag fr.ea wa luodrnt Iu booltlib MlilorT. A short uu.- ago my aitennon wa* attracted 10 au iuijuiry m the Louisville L'I-U, r Journal ai to the oii*m of tb* popular (brae* " h.i Bloody bnirt." Tb* auswer f iVt n to Ibe query aacribea it to th* recent pericd of reiouetruclicu. Contrary to tbei prevailing belief, tbii political wee poo forged aud effectively ued long btlur*) any diffirencea had an=cu belwevu certain portioui ot our Uuiou. and before, in fact, ui.i.m of ti aua tinted. The incident iLti gave tlie expiceeion birth l* to some extent legendary, and ia relatt.i by Sir VVallar Soolt in th* preface to hi* novel " Hob Roy," ana briefly lias follows: Tbe clan CJregor |K>eieiled lanili and flouk* wbicti excited ih.- cupidity of ihcir leM fortunate neigbbors, who, by foioe aod other method*, graduuly deSLOileo them ol their properly and diov> them (rum their home*. Ibe cian, thus em>ovtri6hed, r*. iiitU ih* enuroacbment npou tbeir right*, and in the fiequeul cclluioua that occurred used every lemioiery advauta^e they gained cruelly enough. Tbeir conduct, wbich was Lerbaps Lot 01 natural ubdar toe circnm.tauoes, was studiously r^ re *enta ai the capital a* aii.iug frona au in- nate aud UutauicabiB ferocity, for whiea the only rtu.nJ. wai txtermiuation. Tbe.e iu Kk otioui resulted u. tb* pro- scripnon (jl ibe clan by aci of tbe privy council at Stiniug, and premi.sion wa* given certain powerful chialtaiu* to purine Ibe MacUiegoii witn nre ana iord, and all p* reoui w ere pio^ibited from affording them meat, drink or ibelter. Ai might b* xpevtod, civn/atiou progreased very lowly during ibu p-rioo, ai>d Ibe Mao- Cirigori, fetuikg all me severity of the law aud none of it proieuiion, bream* wilder and more lawles* than ever. A* tbe legend rum, two men of Ibe clan MacGregor, overtaken by the night, aked rh Itrr from a dep. n >ent ot ibe Co .juhouui, od, on t*iug rrlueed, retired to au uuihouae, seized a wedder from Ibe told, and sopped frugally off tbe carcass, for wbiob tney offered payment Tbe laird of Lass, bear- ing of ihii enforced, caused th* uffcuden u be apprehended au.l mmmarily oxecuied 'lo aveUK* this aci tbe Mao- Ore^ors ssiembl. d to Ibe nnmber of leveraj bundled aud mai. tie.t toward Lu>i. Bir Uumpbrey Co ijuh jnnrcocived early nolio* of tbe raid, aua a.sembled an army of aperior uurubers to meet them. A btil* took place in tbe> valle) of Oletifrutu s .ilen of Sorrow), where, inoooraged by the propnecy of a seer, and aided by a aperior position and skilful generalship, Ibe Macliregori were viclorioni, pnriuing Ibs enemy fnnonily, and mercilesny slaughM-iiug all wno were to escape-. Ibu bailie and ill- fury o' th* proscribed clan were re j or led to King Jamei VI. in a manner moat UL favorable to Ibat Uufurtuuate clan, and, mor* itrongly to luiprews that impreiaionabU mouarch, ihe widows of Ibe iiaiu, to Ib* number of eleven acore, dreaaed in mourn- ing, riding on white palfreys, and eacb bearing her bnibaud'i bloody ibjri upon tbe point of a iper, app. ared befor* th* King at Burling and demanded vengeano* upon those who had made their boms* n.aolat*. By Act of Pi ivy Council, A. D. 1613, ih* old Am* agau it the clan wer*) revived, and olbar* of ih* Kreeieii .t v. ruy euaci.d The lloody shut had nuqueation- ably aocompliaheci Hi purpo**. JVw 1'or* IVtewM, M .1 I II l> Tw.. li.t Married rur run an.l rinil It aoaer karaeit. A Wilkeebarre. Pa.. d**paloh of Wednes- dayaa)*: A doubls wsdning, undertaken in a j >ke, but now r**>ii*ad k* a sober itality, baa oreaied no little couMernaliun Der*. John Morrell, a well -known realan- rant keeper. .1. 1 1, .1 into theofBu* of Alder- man J F. Douohuo laat evening to transact nine busii.eoa There hs mat James M mi. . a clerk, . l Mary Logu* ami Bailie ',-. K. with whom tne yoaog men were slightly aoqaainisd After aome Uughing Kiiveisaiion one of ih* yoang men *u- HI stod lu a jsat, that a* ih. r wa* just the ihl cumber they should j ia bauds and lav* a double mama**. Tb* other* con- it-tiled, and after Morrell had taken MI.I .. Km. by the hand aud Mnrlie had done Ikewise by Halite Cook, ihe ald*rmn pro- ceeded with the regular marriage atrviors. loie one of tbe fuor had lime to realize what wa. going on they were married by a <eieiiniii> as binding aa any Ihtt could be jMrformed. When the alderman proceeded o make out Ihe oirtifioates they bsgan to mUniaod what bad taken i/lao*. and their i BU rnaiion can bar. ily be daaoriiwd. When Ih* new* of whal had hait|ned noam* known in the oily it created no u lee 1.1 lenient Mis* Cook wa* sngagfK o another young man, who ia wild with oger. Ur started nai to fiud Mortis, anc t 1* Imported that III,, latter has Ml th* ily. Th* parent, of the girls ar* deeply itoen*ed, and stall that they will taks legal rooeedings to hsvs the weddiog aunnlled. lie feed a Baser. A Dover, Del,, despatch of Toeiday night says : Fred. Maai and Alex. Dill in a wheelwright and blaukimith it op at Hartley, were oarouiii g there lo day with several friends, among whom were Oevrg* 1'flereon, also k hla.k-iiulh. and Joho lloney, of Djv*r. Pelervoo taunted Mwa* with tbe is*ertioo that he did nol know bii bn.iness. Thi* sngsred Maas, and h* sliuck Patertoo. A general nghl ananed. Peterson cut Maas in ibe sloe with a razor, the blade passing through bis lilt lung. Peterson then sla.hrd l>ills throat in a fearful manner. Mas* died in k fsw mn :it s aud Dill i. dyk<g. Pstersoo Moape.1 lo ihe woods, and 'it is thought b* i* now in ths forest on Ih* Maryland aid*. Bcootii.g parlie* witn lorabee, dog* and shotguns ar scouring ths woods to night, sud tb* friend* of Ih* murdered wear they will shoot Peterson on i.hl. Honey wai badly burl during tbe fl^ht. aud hai mystsriously duappiared. l i '. on a raraa. Farmer Oatrak* (in sommsr) Com*. boy*.g*l up I It's 4 o clock and there's a bie^day's work ahead of u*. Farmer Ouoak* (in winter) Com*, boy*. *i up I It's 4 0' and there ain't. domineel thing to do to-day. Born anil railed in a Chines* t**>- drinkiug Miablishaient a Chinaman in thi* oily aa>a the only way to make lea is to poor the boiling water on the. leaves, itirr i'.g ih. m brukly at th* sams lim* It should l>. served after allowing merely time to settle. The whole operation lake* only a minul*.-;'*iio4fc/pia /.'vrJ. III., dsipalob Indienauolii, riituli no Nut lu rira. A Wednesday's Nswton, ye : Arthur Craig, of nived Ian evening to wed Miaa Uatlie ntion, a teaoher. Her father. tatrolive Jobn Button, who bitinrly op H..e,i thi n.atch, ulaord a revolver al head and said, " Oil, or I'll kill ou " He pulled the trinner twio*. but ths weapon mia>*d Are. Craig thsn fired two ull. i. into Ib* .leieoine brain, killing loilantly Oraig gave luira.l( Hf . jary acquitted him He relnroed to ndianapolis, fearing from Bntloo's lends. The yoong lady Is said to sxons ale her lovir. im " Where bav* you b*n "" ,>.i || n J on *a. " In- he- 1, out t,> ib l.-d ." Hi .1 .IK.-.I ih* |..'ker. anil ibe l.l : " Ah tba ' tbe iau.1 old ocde." He has uol liv.<l in vain who finds oat before b* dies what a fool h* has been. ~'' ' P r l>o*< o liuhl up honss 1 hoad* with eleotrio luhti during fogi in London. -Women rarely are great invent or*. ihoo^h they an oft, n tbi firil to diioover new wrnkle*. A woman 06 year* old committed *ui- onHanday. Bom* women can't wait The kt.iv* and forks osed al An k lo- Baxon table, .r. g.n.r.liy larger and heavier than comfort r..|nirr*. Tber* i* a leaning towards ihe llghi weight onllery of thrr,n.-h forlhem-ais, and .till looter and daintier patterns for Ih* other ooar***. . .which was very g-eat. by no* drinking resulted , . reduolion of ten oonrt. In l M hi day . Al Ih, and of th r*. Mini hs had loat forty lUi. pooads and was muoh improved in biatth. The proolksjiation suppressing tbs ("hi new ' stbTtTw! bM '** n ' ubu i -a roiuh ill Straits Mitlim.nt. Ths pro- Prly of ih. 10. ietle* m., be disp. si of owifiKat! "l Ttri ""* ult do no KSl to