FLESHEBTON ADVANCE. -TRL'TH BEFORE FA ^'OR-"-" PRINCIPLES- ,\ 01 ME.\." VOL. VTIL. NO 447. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY. JANUARY t*, 1889. W. E. THURSTON, ; .V TC SAN FRANCISCO. ..i m .. which means the Fa-s jf Oaks, and ind<*>i is a titung uauie as it is dotted ov-r with immense white oaks. I: is situated iu the Salinas valley at the .foot of the mountains, and .s about . tverjjreen oaks and popular sea th- half wav betwen San Frai.cujco and ing resort*. Rsakelev, another town. \ Los ^ les . Two vears is situated immediately opposite the s j. 5. Alatneda possesses fine groves of Look Out ! For Russell's change of advertise- ment next week. It will ap- pear fight bere. 1 Golden Gate, and visitors are enabled ' to obtain comprehensive views of the i bay of Su Fiaucisco aud the moun- , uuus of Maria county. In the rear of these towns are many beautifnl canyons and passes through which , wind romantic drives aud walks. Day afu-r day may be spent iu visiting many of these interesting places. Re- turning again to the city we w:il take uu; only train and g'> soutli for a few huudrtd miles. SowLert can you go thronifbout trv state tha; you will not find pictnresque rcenery nse before you. as you are Lever far away from mountain w.vs. LI.I- behiiMl us we pass through ' iM. 11 WOKK FIRST PRIZE W H E R K V K U X. 1A I'll. NC.LEi. V.tfhJk beautiful towns, amount uiem the delightful city of San J _>se , which is said to be one of the most beautiful iu the I'uited States. It is situated on I the Gaudalupe river, about nfty miles 1 from San Francisco, witii a popula- tion of 40,000. It is i:i the csntru of ;ii Santa Clara valley, Celebrat-M *jty I its beauty, fertility aud eluuaw. The visitor will nud beautiful drives and w alts in all directions. It i* liaud- was but a building or two. and then, for ti e first ATI! tLe whistle of the ites :e. The population is now about i;i>. It is the sanitarium of (be Pacifk coast. H-.r are situated the great ulphur , springs whose temperature roaches 140 degrees, and the celebrated mud baths, whose temperature reaches 110 degrees. They have both wonderful curative properties, and a great many invalids are found here the year ronnd. About two miles aud a ualf. or three miles out ot the town ar th* celebrated Sauu Ysabel i.j; springs. This is a charmiug spot. Here you i rind a spring of boiling sulphur water many , an( j ;weril y f eet tom this a ocld *oiiily planted with Utes. one avenue spring of the same. The whole country is full of all kinds of mineral spi lugs. The scenery throughout this section of counry is charming ; m fact the whole Salinas valley is a p>-r- in-", t . beauty. \Vo had tlie pleasure of driving through it for n and it had th' pearuuce ot one vast park, as it is -ly coere.d with the live nd white oak trees. At the end of our FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage AVorks, FLESHEUTOX, ONT. . . journey we had reached the summr. (M.-HK iiirj miles iu leugtii. Another ( O f ^ mountain from which wo avtnue. leading to Mt. Hamilton, viewed the pl*iu over wliich we came, which H 4.4t> feet b%h, has been | Ti ^ out look to say the least WM sub- *ction ot country is un- j a great extent, some parties owuiug ranches, extending thirty utiies iu leug'Ji. Therefor* it I is principally a vas. pasture tor sheep) I .< Ki ! \V!> Hi i' -[ PI .' Our Hucjie* the bet. Our *ieih the IH-:. Our Cutler* the BeT Our lmpiM\ei Hirruwi the l>ur Ptnf Ci'.e The Best. I. STKAW CITTBM. TfKStr DRILL*. 1. \Mi VL- "W -i CASH out at the expuse to the county oi jh'.o)O On i!ie top of this . mount im is ;he celebrated Lick 1 serratory in which is tbe most power- ful telescope iu die world. Ile also tue mulberry iree is greatly cultiT*- iiinusliiua tn* best silk material ai:d is oni? of tne pnticipal mdutris. , About lei: miles from th-j city are tbe (laiidalui* 1 quicksilver mines, and a little farther a good quality of petroleum has been fonid in dowmg wells. From here you eau in a short ; -.imr tasutonabU watering place aud summer resort. Mouteii*y, I wealthy Califoruians i S3 .:ica or Si wpoil is to AtUuuc. ..T t... aaother direc- ( j "i ,-.in R.'d- . m iliam: i . '': u-ee tiit is n->.s t'UI.'u iiii-.nnu'd 4'> if 1 1 in -.iianh-ter. : ana its height wa.< <"'' teat. Many of Uiese a. i ->ui iu at the base. 1 n v'. l> *< I" 1 *" "- si> far as to ' afford room fi>r 16 met- - back. >u dial is f.kllcu .-aitcJ (io.Mlu UMMWtcl iOo fi'i ''. in I'IAIIIO- tr. Mfnlo park i another wf pass in onr jouiney. ro.;:uls Iuu.js.uuei> laid when I ha own merits. NJW I sum up Uie w. matter in this way I \ many others, :ht he never inte but laid a trap for when he got me into it he wu". me. Now yon may uk why I came to this conclusion. Simoly b*<'a---v I i.ivv known him to act below beiore. Those of you who read A '.vane some years ago will i ber the shameful 1. ::ers that he pub- ' .11 .t, derogatory to the I Mr. Philip, the Methodist minisu-: -td *iii Fksherton. TLeu another occasion I was pr*seo: heard him say at a political me- ,- :st of all present, tha: Ilr. Dewert, editor of the i uan Guardian, was a grit of blackest type a nun -innt foi position, notwithstanding Uie tuci thai we i :hcre by an I .iiug majority of the eonier. He, l>r. Cl.rmtoe. seemed to know y. Now I think unanimous verdict of all ao . ..-. with -.Lose geuUem.u. L>r. v excepted. would be that they Christian sn in ertry sen^> ( : hnstoi couhi iad -.hen pieMid to pwch tii . . liimself. my con- ; re tlsat he w anytl:ii:j. N\-w :! j :h e -\ t liav vu a jrid can i . . Mad 1 have the honor to be yonrs. \VH! M '-Him. \n niMM k>4 broke* of your f 1 1-4 tad rvto w: to \>*.u t oj M oaa tat get t tk nd cattle, and very !itt'e life to be <ejn i you pass alo:>j. so far as boccaro swinging his lasoo. aud i: loping over the, plain after tue her gather them into the krall where I are to be branded, is about tbe only 1 Uiing you will - ' Mm ' to M Wright . ... tbe Editor, ..-x ^ dutt Ht , M - . the Flovr. Watt- holiday sevi ild and you.ig w.v ir.i.^ !.. i aud , t -. tlio li - '.vi arti Us IK main liiBir fnoiKls happy. Then >uie> . i - -i i \iT,i'u' tiuif.s. when nifii. :ini! oven w. m "i, tliiuk wil talk oiixitli- .]*! l>Mt \\\\.< i< ; 'iiv; to lv iiiiiouior to: the ooiiuiiv' year, uc'.: 'I'lin^ tlicir t.nimle. and |>i-!viii^ >> r. a!! the lu>l qualities oi t I.i'i: opi*"!- i.i. .^ i it is in lni>inc>.s (iiu \\ili m i ins *t.i> n*41s tta*" cli'mpeal, aiij . i D*AK SIK.- K::,>H_i allow me space' 1:1 your co!:rmii t*-' oiplai:i my [\>- iuecrior ' r.iou to llic . One of tlie-*. still jt.iu.l- , i<lace 1 would not have L>ee;i a eandi dte if IV. Chri"W h i ri"t reined. He *.-. - ' uu rMUgUAtiou would ap.'i.i:- iu the t^per and he wo.ild advice him to come and ^i uie to run and K- 'CbnsUH'i wonld supi'oit me : arid wheu he got me there be trtrned ou tlw -<ide ol lh< railway track | mo. If vvlia: li.- ..ii. I -A.I.- b M. tuat in station, and open '.o passeugeis on lie L wi i<' --.-;' on itcco'int, of taiu'ii; tin- trai'.i. so thai while onie art 1 r- | health. Low cam thc^ ciiange '.' I'at- may nek s letter could not pewiMJ iDjiux' ll'.i'ii his r < .is that letter a..il Uine om. JEWELRY. SILVERWARE. Musical Goods aii'i Novelties .-ir-te <took abt>\e rteil no - .t.le-. An excellent hllnl ca*e. watch ca> ai: ' ' ,1 for f.'Vuo. v U . '.eS. fib . lo $4t>.(IU av \Yu.!:. ;t ^pr:: ^ T lot-K.^. anJ. :iim ivst Duality. $1 7i> to < K.."ilifr sonio othti ^ti'iv. Ut k t UH uot fbrget the' realitj . talk. Tiien 1 !< Jitiin wanting a IH-.W pair it IHXUS. Tli.- <|iifsiion . .in \u- jji-t tlieiu ' \,'ii know tin' !:i-' p v... jiai.l i lij; I > <lulu't x'lVf ^HlisUr'nn. l*i MH II \ >1 < 1 >!* *lll A 10> ;i ii- i In in- tliov teoj> t!i, ! 1 .'! the I<- \n i . 1:11. < w.i n x i ni",v MI.: t iiudi'i wv*r. \Ve will !i a -untoi tliti* ll Sl.i'O utM, 1>'1N.\1 1> A. KV\\S -AIUI us Mis. -, .. it is ilir i r ->\ t> ' i n .1 M iMci.i JurtH musi lm\e a ii< >. ll i Sunday <iits> lia . '..ih'>\ \V> ill lit li'-i \vui tlmt t-iH' to st-lHHil an 1 j;pt hiM i-i-'ht \ai-.l- u-i v>Ol jil^iil t- Sli'O, or llie>o iiio.*uu<olU Iiiiuli.Mi'lloi: i-loltis .it ii'v-. l^. or lie. Uulu MclU'NAl l> A I \ \NS 'i'lu-N :l till- ItrntVailW I H-r .. " 'i i i-,. P -M. ,li;lll llil\r U. ?*\ ..i-li fin tl un, i'.'i it will )<uy iu the . i >i M.-IH^N M I* A K.\ \N^ :xiv slmwint: <-lu*r> ^'vxls in i-vf-ry line, vu.c tit ., .all and i>e ooiivitiitnl timi n- v.-. !> i.r vxjiiu i .v Jollai ^ so iar in bin N.> lanknipt or M Uvk. \li fn-li and rtvw. man .'the in tiic Uuuius 'i i:<luie. innsinx through '.lie coulili v tk - - i c a pliti-;'- 1 - vlut f'ixul to lLa-l 'f Uu.ari > i.; - NoMiieie do you so the hn-l.ii >< like wlut N .11 .1 ; N dif- ri-s- all tins \ i . l.i re and :'. . . i m a.ai)< iu ; and ttir>*h,'.l tli.'rf. TU triw is i'i:!'ei ' to iv t or else i uur bunJKs aud ' . ' : . : \ tiic\ lia\r v. fath>i. I'll-' v'rain it nac :.-.;.- _iai ai-y ut the o\\-. . Vs i'iu i.'.iu > is to J10 miles '.riuu "Fr - :ise ' shall ':i--t s c"iy " .1 oar loai-ut-y " .'iivi. iui< is San Miuiii'l Meiv - nin't i with t!:o old Spanish or atlobo i' was not one word spoken m favoi ut it at tbe j miminiilioii. Now to -ays m uu \ :.'.., ! .'.:. 'Jill, that Ue WAS uot pti*nal. I would ask the electors, w en i xk.,1 at the HMOII tl'si it s :..vi good a <op fur B ' .u rot jv'.-soual, wilh .1 vi i .^i .1-1 ' It ,:,-knu4ics m hu- letter mat I spwut a whole week CMlvnslT:;;. Tlia:. i:- '. 's ip'ri'.e. 1 T,:.'.f to place tiie mUi.-i luirlv iil'oiL :!.e elector* ill tlio oatlyiuK parts < i the townsliip. WHO wi-u- in'' rtt tile Hi'- . II, - - :!iat I maJo cii' '' k <!!* c.> ..,.,, -- 1M HIS4III .1 prices to iu. . -. v vi >!rl>ouahl ri'S OLD STAND. 1^ Avails, ,!: rc'orn. He c.u UCi' rin wit:, oiu ;visi-:i li- ul. He pifused witn his Vvit m \\ ^l 4. b-:t ' \\ a i ^. No do.: 1 houses , majcrilv Ull iVoui U>o to li. winch ;ainiy -how that iu- c*u a> I, .)f |>re ahrwMl thsn at home. (>n the L '!i. enauo.i. t k r atteutiuu was Uxawn ' I eonsidci :!-.at I - : 'I'.ft'. a good v^U: ' to these * : W L were .". o! tue | Ai.J ukr ii-ts O('[MI -.unity to station, a* they are au iuteroniig ' m\ n.auv uae i.u ud<, wnen 1 take sight to tLt tia\i'llc4 wiio ujiytus u> i kuto Mcouul that 1 had lo oppose '.':> sti auger. Iu asliort nun' we sitting member t.H-ked.not w> reach tlie heaiuifiil *t'wn ot 1'aso but U> a large txtent, bv the tw < i. I Kobles. or t the original Spanish puwgrfal eleiuciiU iu Lhe to Aiishipt 1 uaUM' oi it is "Kl Ps<) do Ki>bUs,' '. '^uk Iiu- voix I pjllod a oiwdit kun. Of t'RKIMl" Call do l>.ltii In th' y -an d I!M v. 1 . i -Hum i- 1 iii f t. <>v ;in." : - t aJoii*;. .1- '. '. - * ..i,uin; ; 6 i .!/> | '. > to Fine wn*cii . "... - . .it W.A. BRO\\ S[, Jeweler au-:0ptk u. Sign Ol the " . d .