Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1890, p. 3

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Growing Old Together. You do not love me, dear, to much, Ai you did lon( ago. When T.JU u>wl to praiM my rosy cheek, And forehead white a* wow. Yon do oot nub t<> kiu thai cheek With all your old-tiuie are PernapB. indeed, it i* out now Tbe chock thi you aduure. Yon do not (old m in your arms At OtKn M of y T . Yonr band one* dallied with mr curls It UI lee there no more And if I did outknuw niyhair WM fur put tirlhooj'iday. I well could read it in >our glance. Taat telli me 1 iu gray. Yel deem not, love, that I upbraid, By your neglect appalled For 11 loved you be tr when Yon were not wholly bald : And were you down itratiTe Ai wbon you nrtt did woo I tnould d+nntt iucb idiucy In an aged gent like you. J>t. Y/Mlrwiu. in Chrutmoi Puck. The -|><-I|ID( Claea. Stand up. ye speller*, now and tpell ; KpU pbenaku:osc.>pe and knll ; i >r take toma (implu word a* chilly. Or ganger, ur the . rdeu lily. To p,l sucli word* a* yllog'tm. And lacnryuioee and synchronism. And Pentateuch a id lacebarine, Apocrypha and celandine, Lcu/.ruu and orcitv, Jejune aud home -pithy. Paralyi.il and chlor.iform Kninoceroe and pacbyd rm. Uetauipeycuou*. |!.erkins. basque. If eertainly no eety taak. Kaleidoscope and Tvuneisee, Kkoiicbatka and .lupeuttfy, UiphinoDg an t eryipiaa. And etiquette and i-aialru. lofallibleand pivaliim. Allopathy anl rbeumatiwa, And cataclytiii aud bvieeguer, Twelfth, eighteen b. rendezvous, intriguer, And boett of oihor wordi ail ( >und On Bujiliih and on flattie ground. Tbn Behriug -trait* aud wlnhaelmtt. Tboruiup , ;.i Cordillerat, Suittt. beui.irrbwe. jlp. HaTana. Cinquefoil and ip?caou*uha. And Kapt>aliauuck, sb'aa'.doab. And Schutlkill, and a tbousand more Are word* toine priuin x "d tpellera iUS In dictionary lauJt ilk** ihu. Nor need oue thiuk tuuiwif a tcroyle If louie of theee bit efl m> foil, Nor deem biuite f utidoae forever To mUs tbe nauia of arher river, Tbe Duieper. Seme ur uaadalquiver The MelDrholy . Oh. mule '. Than aJ. Dedicated beatt. : Abased by man throughout tny U>>. No kind ti- r luring deed* tbou eeuet. . _ But hardship* follow all thy way*. Than haet uojuitly been eooueed Of kicking ; ople ju t (or fua ; But Bfelft thou not been inuoa abated Tnoa wouldit uot aruel tluug* have done. TbT heart witb kindliness i rife, Tbougb tbou Uaet very leldeni heard . la all thy dreary, toilsouio life eV A. friendly. compliment ry word. Bui t te yon will be a friend . Ho wrong <hall mee: y 'U from my hand . Your grace* shall iny tongue commend ; Mot mine t j cudgel or gommaad. And >o upon your battered hid* I lay a baud of wrong bereft Toe poet t friend* are D -lifted To call and gel what UtUe't led. i .1-1 >. A DAT. Why the Globe Trotter OU Mixed ap rullowlug th >UB, A fir lady write* : Can't yon explain boat gaining and ios'.ng a *ay when you go roaod the world J J ule* Vera* maddled m. all ap and every one that triei to explain it makes my bead go roaod, too." Certainly ma'am onlv you muit fix your mind on one thing at a true and not Ul it go a wander ing like the little pin* that would- 't itajx till long enough to be counted. Well then, there U no day lout or gained. What you will loee or gem if you go round tbi world (breidet *oma pleasant compejoy wherefore, don't) i* a date, not a day. ID travelling westward, each date, commonly otllvd a day, bide* the fact that for eacl degree of lougitade paieed over you bac axided four minutes to the tl hoar*. If at noon, when by attorn yoa change your date, yoa and yoa Lav* traversed 15 degrees then yonr day " hat contained 25 hoar* instead of 14. In going to the eastward the condition* woold be reverted, and yoir dale called a " day " would contain bal 'ti hoar*. Bat if you and yonr f run 1 aboolc land back to back at New York, and ttart ing at the same instant walk itraight roooc the world, each walking exaolly three M< an boor and never iiopping foranytaiug, yoa would both met and pat* h%l( way in exactly 3 500 hoar*, and yoa would again meet in New York in exactly 7.00O hoar*. Stale tbe lime in hour* and yoa will grasp it immediately. Neie York IVifruw. Thought*. Enjoy what you hav* ; hope for what yoa lack. Ltvu. Let at make no vow*, bat let] a* act at if we had. Rochtptdre. Oar earthly blveeiuK* are but shadows of bleating*. Dr. P*Ujard. The mere boneet a man it the lee* he Affect* the air of a taiut. Laiater. We M* never a* happy, nor a* uuhappy, M we fancy ./.a Hocbjmuiuild. To love i* to admire with tbe heart; to admire i* to love with tbe mind.r. A philosopher i* t fool who torment* bimeelf during life, to be epokcn of when dead I) > aiorl. That happiuee* may enter into tbe tool we matt ar*t sweep it clean of all imagin- ary evils. -PmUnuUt. There is in us more of the appearance of MOM vtd of virtue than of tke reality. Marownte- it Kaiou. From Parit to IVru, from Japan to Rome, tbe moet foolith auimal, in my ettimation, it man H<nieau. Promise* retain mvn better than ser- vioet. For them, hope U ohain, and gratitude a thread J. Pttit-St**. How She tumbled. A little girl of tender yean, who bad been attending one of the public kinder- garteaa, fell from a ladder. Her mother caught her op from th ground in terror, exclaiming, Oh, drlmg, how did yoa fall T " " Vertioal," replied the child with- out a eeoond't he*ition. At Niagara. Old Mr. Teety (retaroing to hit room after pe>yii)|i hi* bot*l bill)-Pon't touch me I I'm uot ture about my iniolation, and I've jutt been to heavily charged that I'm dAngeroo* t K M. MoBeth, a leading maobinitt, sty s Kngltnd Isads the world in the skill of her AI AWFUL SLAUGHTER One T human* Cklce** People Killed at the Ballroal Oroela*r> Within the Lat four Tran. (Chicago Newt In the ytllow-leafed book in the coroner'* ffioe in which the name* of subject* for m.joeats are pat down at fast at they are -eported were recorded seven fatalitio* at railroad cro*ing thit morning. The atalitU* did not all occur thit morning tot represented tbe work of the deadly ocmoolive daring the past forty -eight hoars. The lilt began with J. U. Kevell, his wife and infant child, killed at WUmette Cbriatmai eve. Tbe next WM an unknown woman crashed to death tt 33rd itroet by a W a bath engine. A man whoee ntme wa* not given was reported killed at Weetern Springs. The nformation was telephoned to the coroner by the Chicago, Burlington i Qoinuy Rail- road company. Tbe body of Jiliaa Fischer, struct: by a Milwaukee A St. 1'tul train December Mth, awaited an inqaest at tbe county boepital, where tbe victim died yesterday. Dr. Gandey. of 1593 Milwaukee avenoe, tilled at Kd^ia avsnoe this morning, com- pleted the list. Dr. Gendev was driving kcroas the St. Paul track*, when an engine rare down upon him, running into and killing him. Ha leaves a wife. Dr. Gandey was about 34 yean ot age. Chief Deputy Knopf tay* the number of victim* of the railways tinoe latt new year'* i* not leti than 250,tnd there U (till nearly t week to farther increase the lilt. Just think of it," continued Deputy Knopf, who it el*o a State representative, 250 people killed In Cbiuago by tbe rail- roads in one year and 1,000 in four years : [ Mil yoa, it ii t disgrace and t shame. That it altogether too many lives to be sacrificed. Latt year there were MO peo- ple killed by the oan, and there it an in- of fifty for this year that far." Wbtt it the reason for thit large num- Mr of accident! '" Wby the train* are run too fast Tbe ordinance is violated every day by the rail- roads ; in tact, there it scarcely an attempt to conceal the fact that tbe tpeed of twenty and twenty-five miles an boor u kept ap right along inside the city limitt by torn* road*." Hve yoa a remedy ?" I have what I believe to be one. In tbe Legislature last jammer I introduced e BUI compelling all railroads to pat gate* op at every orotting. It got nowhere near being voted en, because the) railrcads bad their agent* Jjwn there and liny fixed ' the senators and representative*. Ih oonte qnence was thai tbe Bill was loit ia the shuffle. With gate* at every creating believe that trains ooold ran at 25 and 30 miles an boor with little or no ritk to the people." Mayr Cregler wa* shocked when informed by an Evening Xnci reporter that the deaths of seven people killed by railroad* were reported thit morning. " Thit running of trains intide the city limit*, ' he laid, " it t most difficult prob lem to solve, and doabtlee* it will take t great dea! of eij-jrimenling before tome practical plan u *rrived at that wiil insure the -biuiDv.m it tafety to everybody. It is a.l very well to talk about compelling the railroads I.- ran slowly, bat tbe moment we pat a check on the tpeed tbe people actually .-o i* en mane to proteet agoinit the 1.- ' 1 iime they are oompellec to ncdergo. \ j bad a meeting of a ipecia council committee and tbe railroad* here some time ago and the qaeftion wa* Jit- cuteed in all it* phase*. Th* railroad* urged that they should be allowed to run faiter than th* time allowed them under the oU ordinance, which preeoribei 10 milet an hour, becaote at that rate school boys, tramps, and any one else could jump on trains and steal ride* and ritk their live* while at a fatter rate they could not get on 1 toggetted that tbe city be tab-divided and that trains be allowed to run fait in thinly settled districts and be required to gc slower in tbe more densely populate*: divisions. Tbe matter was oompromitet; by inserting t safety-gate olanae in the ordinanne and tiling a rate of speed accord in, I" the distance from the centre of the oity. I oelieve that will help settle the qaest'on of to many deaths by the rail .dt, and 1 hops it will." 1 Have you nothing further to ag<e*i toward stopping the frightful slaughter ? ' " To my thinking," replied the mayor th* only satisfactory solution of the mat vr will be the introduction of elevated rvadt." 'omnietiocer Pordy was quite surprise* to bear that there had been so many aoci dent* at the ttreet crossings recently. Thai's |uite an sxtraorcmary nam her," he said, " and I am at a lost to aoooont for them all. I can't lay the llamo to an insamoienoy of gate protection tor at fait as oar attention has been oallvJ to tbe need of t gats tt loch tnd inch a .rowing we have had the order pasied in the oconoii and noticed the company to pat it ap. Non* of them ha* been obetrep >roa* or stubborn about it. We hold tbs whip band in such mailers, at you will tee by tbe ordinance. There i* no geoora. ordinance oompelliDg gate* to be pat ap at all oroatings, bat orders are ptattd from tim* to time " Awful lUealt of a Current lasaalty. Sunday School Teacher- -Who wa* it that went down to Jericho and fall among thieve* T Smart Pupil Yon can't pity it loi.h:r Yon want mt to tay I don't know and then asi yon, and then you're going ts spring McUinty on tome. Yon oan'tplay no Mo- Qinty drives on me. The Teller Wealdat Tell. farmer Oatcake (at back window) I ay, kin ys tell m Mr. Cashmore Go to the nsxt window il yon want any information Ihnnderatioa ! I'd like to know what you've got that sign ' Taller ' over your head for any way ?" Boms dctaili hav* been received of the recent massacre ot sxilss in Siberia. Tbs Nihilist* in txile endeavored to work tonti printing presses. The authorities destroyed these, and the e.viles resisting were flre< Tl xiles. Stiff bouquets tor tht dinner table bsv enlirely go** out. HCtW, MUU UJV V-XliWti i treiwi LIB, n iron, thirty being either killed or wounded I he Oossjkok Uuardt. it II said, helped tbs A QCUB COCBT BX:KII E. Bit Hunorlartlru a Fine on Bimeelf uiel aLeturan thr Crowd. Everybody in Oakland knew Police Jodgi aialaw had been on a howling racket. 'he paper* had recounted tbe story of that wild debaach at the White House, and people wondered what tbe outcome would je. The ipree was fittingly concluded yee- erday by the arrest of Judge Laidiaw and It imposition of a fine of S50. The amat- ng part of the affair is that the Judge rdered his own arrett, lined himself tnd lio paid the fine. There was rather more than tbe atual ttendanoe in the Oakland Police Court eeterday, and a ripple of excitement ran round the room when the Judge' 9 voice ras heard pronouncing the workt : " Mr. Uiliff. yoa will rlaoe Alexander Laidiaw nder arrest for violating an ordinance. It. Laidiaw is released on bis own recog lizanoe," continued Judge Laidiaw. " Mr. Uerk, yoa will enter that name upon you; ocket, and he pleads guilty. 1 ' Judge Laidiaw adjisied hit jlasaei, took i roll of manuscript from his pocket, lipped off the little elastic band, opened at the roll, and read at follows : " Mr. Clerk, yoa will please enter upon be docket of this court a charge of violat- ing an ordinance of tbe city of Oakland against Alexander Laidiaw. To thit charge plead guilty, and before passing sentence have thit to say that I feel it my July o make some statement of the faoti :on jerning tbit case. The charge* and ellega- iont at printed in tb* press of tbit city are, to t certain extent, true. A namber, towever, are incorrect and ' itrae. That wa* drank or, to ate the langaage of tbe rdinanoe, under the influence of intoxi ating liqiort,' is true. That there was no palliation nor extenuation then, nor u here now, for thit offence, it alto true. That th* entire occurrence it lamentable, sincerely and sadly regretted I oan honestly late, and I Jo to tlate I, who have tat lere day after day, week after week, and month after month, dispensing justice with in honesty of purpose, eentt of jottice, and very other motive of right that can poasi ily actuate an hooett man, cannot pass by hit greatetl offonoe of my life. It it right .' Is it josl ? Is u honorable .' Is it lonest to myself, or to the people of tbit city, to permit myself to go anpunisbed or tb* iiiiinitstnii of an offence or which I punish others daily? My aniwer it. No '. Emphatically. So ! For a tramp or a vagrant, oet to the world, to hit home, to hit family, 10 decency and thame, there may possibly be toaie excuse in the commission of an offence of tbil character, bat to one of my pa.it d?aadm< in this oommaniiy there it io exonte. Bal for the take of one 1 hold so dear, and wbo inooloated tbote early precept*, which I tball never forget, I deem myaalf in duly boond to show my manliness and admit, frankly and sincerely, that I have commuted a wrong, and aik forgivenest for the tarn*. I hav* mads this statement freely and voluntarily. and with a proper consideration of tbe fact that mauy a belter man than I ha* put an enemy in bis moath to steal away his brains,' bat I sincerely hope that tbil affair may serve as a warning to all tujb at are betel by that carte of modern civilisation drink. I' pon * 'petition of thil offense I shall not a*, (or mercy, neither will I expect it. la conclusion. I wish to exonerate and excrjpate all persons From any blame whatsoever wbote name* aave been coupled witb mine in this unfortunate affair. The sentence of the court is that the defendant pay a fine of $50, with the ututl alternative." Th* Judge closed thi* remarkable pro- ceeding by handing over to the clerk $50 to save bimeelf from >J day*' sojourn in tbt county jail. San t'raocueo Jiia. Is the Soul Material r Rev. Dr. Joseph Cook, of Boston, who lectured here some months ago, preached m 1'aluiage't Brooklyn Church on Suuday. Among other thing* he is credited with tay ing : Louisa Mty Alcott, watching with her mother by the deathbed of a dying tud dearly Uved sitter, says, when the end came, she distinctly saw t delicate mist rising from the dead body. Her mother, too, saw this strange thing. When they asked tbe physician about it he taid, ' You saw life departing visiDly from tbe physical form.' This was at Coooord, remember where there U no superstition. Protestor Hitchcock ta> t he was pret enl at the bedside of a dying friend. The eyes oloeed : the last breath ceased : be was dead. Suddenly the eyes opened, light came back u them, then a look of inrpriee, admiration, insxprcsaible blitt : theu tad- deuly passed away. " Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, in thepre face to a book on visions, says, with all a scientist's conservatism, that once, wal.-h ing bv a deathbed, the impression waicon veyed to him that something -thai it tbe word he asm passed from tht body into tpace. I am citing from oar own timet scientific, ausapertlitioas age, not as in the time of Cbriti, when, at Mrs. Ward tavt there was an omniprttent belief in the miraculous. Physicians say that -icnambulisni it I state in which the -oul is partly separatee from the body. Your soul wul soon go hence. Yoa are not at ease bare to-day Will you be at ease than .' ' After some more waking* and sleep ings,' tajs Ralpb Waldo Emerson, ' I ahali lie on thi* couch aaleep, then dead, ano through my gay entry men shall carry t be ss bones). Where shall I b* then T'" like) Parmere Oeepite ail to Kill Them. The plague of rats from which more than ne of oar agricultural jiitrioti it at pre- sent suffenux tbreateoM to sesame enoas roportions. In East Lothian, though tbe ermin have beta daetroyed by tbe then- nd, and all tbs terriers, steel traps and loi h rout paste in tbe neighborhood are n , aumou, their nombtrt exbibit no pprwiable diminution, while from tbu en district, in Lincolnshire, it i* reported lat they have never hewn so numerous or estroctive. Tbe potato pits are invaded. le turnip fields continue a browsing ground or tbe swarm* of rodsmis, and every gran- ry hat been compelled to pay an on- Uling tithe to the horde which hat over- pread tbe country. Since Hamslin Town in Brunswick .ana" wa* afflicted in a similar fashion, ocb a pelt bai seldom been heard of. It troe that, for the present, the vermin lave not " fought the dogs and killed the ats. sod bit the babies) in their oradlee.and te the cheeee oat of tbe vats, and licked le soup from tbe cooks' own ladles," but ley are in a fair way to accomplish all misdemeanor* uoleu their career is rooght to a tpeedy dote. Indeed, tbe rats seem to have come to stay. Unlike each ermin generally, they are burrowing holes y the roadside, and when we remember le amazing rapidity with which they mol- ply, 11 u hard to say whether we should wish ihe far men of Lincolnshire and East <othian a severe winter or an open on*. For though, th* froem might drive tbe rats rom ihe fleldt, it would certainly force bam to teak the shelter of the stabld or yre, wbile an absence of frost would favor leir increaae. Meantime, the naturalist bo u not an ownet or cultivator of the oil cannot fail to feel a certain qualified ntereft in tbe litest inroad, which is imply one more attempt on the part of nature to Heart iteaU. It is t protect against the persevering efforts of ivili/.i ion to destroy tbe balance of life, since ait undue increase of rats mast be traced to tbe destruction of tbe birds of prey, weaiels, stoats, and other animals wniob larry them, jost at the multiplication of weakling grouse has not unreasonably ben attributed to inch feeble dedgliogs being afforded, owing to a similar caott, an extra baaoe in the struggle for existence. ' Standard. A fairlotle Soot. Walter Soott tell* tbe story of a blaok smith in the soath of Scotland who disap- peared from tbe range of vision of tb* great novelist, and was found afterwards practising medicine in tn English city The astonithed novelist asked tbe blaok smith it he knew anything about the heal in ^ art, and tht Utter acknowledged that he lid not, bnl trotted mainly to two simples laudanum and calomel." " Simple! with a veugeanoe," laid Scott , " don't yoa kil more than yoa cure ? " Perhaps I do,' retarded the patriotic blacksmith, bat r will be a long time before 1 make op for tbe Soots that the English killed at Klodden.' A Ohattanooita lawyer dared a Shelby ville belle) to marry him. She wouldn' take a dart and tht wedding oami off thi sams day. K>iiL.l*o * PLACUB Or BATS. Suitable to the I>*y. Etch passing year robs at of some pos- eetion. lijntct. Time stealt on and escape* us, like tbe wid river tbtt glide*) on with rapid stream. Wnile strength and yean permit, endure abor : soon bent old sg will come with silent foot. Ovid. Since long life is denied at, we should lo something to show that we have lived. (.Vfno. The life of the dead it placed in th* memory of th* living Cicero. O, call back y eeterday. bid tim* return. Richard II. H* wbo know* mott, grieves) mott for watted lim.-.' | jiu<-. Write it on your heart that every day it he best day in tbe year. No man has earned anything tightly until be knows hat every day is doomsday. Kmtnan. , ear* follow ng rears, tieal tuuiethiac every Jay. .t Ittt iney iteal J from ounelves) away. -Pcpe. lPl'r the man. and happy he alvne. le wuo oau o*;l '. i lav uu own 1 who, MMura w i.um hiineelf oan tay. 'o-uiorrow lo lay wortt for 1 nave lived to-day. Wbo knows whether tbt gods will add to m jr row to tbe present hoar 1Uoract. King out aid shape* of fool limn . " Kin* oul toe uarruwing lost of (old , King out '.be thousand wan of old , King m too Ibouiieudyear* at peace. Tbe irrevocable Hand rh: .'i> tbe year t fair gate, doth ope and *bm fbe )>ortain of our earthly desuiiia* . We walk through blindfold, aud the noiseless doon 'M after us, forever. D. X. M-..'j.-fc. few tniiia* turpase old win* , *ud they way preach .~ Wbo pioaee tbe moru booaum they preaoh in ain ->et u bave wine and women, mirth and leuitb- ter. xtroK-ut and f!a water tbe day after. B|/r.. Come, f one t- 2* forever tioue at *n uurvturoing river, Uoue at to deetu tbe merriest liver, H..ue at the year at the dying fall, re- ui jrrow. to-day, vmeidav, never. Ooue JIK-O for all. I'fcruttna (/. H *Mtt\. DM time, in wbete bank we depotit our aotes, 4 miser wbo alweve want* (aineM for groats He ktwpe All bK ootiouien itill m trreax*. Ky leudiiig them uiiuutet and charging them years. Holmtt. Kv-.-ry thing that has a beginning oomet to sti end. i,>uiuiUsii. Never Heard ef - Dr Crockett's Coon"? That's iaeer ! Well, it was like tbil .'ol. Crockett waa noted for hi* skill at t markiman. One day he leveled hi* gun at a raccoon in a tree, when the animal, know ing the Colonel'* prowess, cried en*. " Hello there! A re you l)avy Crockett ' If yoa are, I'll just come down, for I know I'm a gone 'coon." Just take adoee of Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Purgative Pellett, and tee ho (uiokly your bilioutness ana iudigesiion will emulate the example of " L'av] Crockett's ooon," and " climb down. ' The] are tpooinct for all derangementt of the liver, stomach and bowels. Curloun Will of UM Lai* Karl Of Orkney The principal provision* of the will of the >*U> Earl of Orkney are published. Severa of them are of a peculiar character. Tbe personalty of the deceased it Hated at over 60.000. Tbe late Earl, wbo died at hi* London residence on the 21st October, ageii jl yeart, detired tbat hit body be placed in a shell, a leaden oomn, and a ttrong oat oomn, and taken for burial ia tbe vault ol Baron r!e Vahl at Kintal Green Cemetery " an old fashioned closed beans, so that the body may not be seen," that no flowers should be placed in the oomn or in th* grave, and that only t few intimate friend* and relation* should be invited to tbs funeral. He desired that tbe looket which be worw round his neck with t portrait of bis wife ibould be buried with him. fond father- How am I to know. sir. that you an what yon represent yourself to be a oouut ? Count Cbasyertelt These papers will tbow that I tm In debt for tevsn millions. Or A TH1BF. Haw tiu tiqui.it. Convince* a Worn That B* Wa* Boaae* If r urei/al. All but one ssat in a Fifth avenue _ was occupied when a fresh- faosd young gul ot in end ssttlad sweetly into a vacant paoe. says a New York Utter ts UM odiacapolis J unui. She found the pocftst in her very stylish skirt after an aesidoona ssarcb of some moment*. ane\ then, m the) newitabla mancer of her eex, produced a 5-cent piece. Ho woman, let it be said, was ever known lu posis tbe requisite i- ent piece in an omnibus. They carry uarters for the sole pnrposs of permitting oung gentlemen to get change for them, 'bis particular maiden chanced to be tit- ing cppotite an ax^uisits youth who cuts rilliaal figure in the telectaat circles ot society hero, and it was natural that he) bonld be the one who responded to the coy lane* of her eye* and relieved her of hsr wkward ooin. With all the graos foe which he U remarkable he nasiirl ths money ap to the driver, and, after waiting us usual time, received the envelops in return. As is tbe custom in Ibsse ;ses, he) ore open the envelope and handed tbs aange to the rightful owner. But than. nstead of placing the nickel in the (are x>x. he quietly put it in bis own pocket and resumed hit seal. Of course no one said a word, not ereo be fair laud harsei'. But every one in the ttage detected the action and wondsrad t such a good-looking young gentleman wing guilty of inch an insignificant theft. "reeently the driver discovered that a tars was muting from ths box. He immedi- ately began ringing bit bell at a ternfio rate and tbe occupants of tbe itage imiled n embarrassment at ons another. The) ireliy girl looked out of the window and tole pained and horrified glaucte at the) criminal who tat opposite. Suddenly le realized what be bad done. Drops at cold pertpiratioii started from bit brow and he grew pale from mortification. Every soul in tbe stage, including the innooent- lyedgirl, believed that be was nothing alss ban an elegant burglar. One sharp- eatured woman remarked to her equally sharp featured friend in a whisper load enough for every one to bear : Ht'sa thief, Maria. ' Tb* young man looked juickly ap at ths tpeaker. Then drawing a *'J bill front a arge roil that he took from bis waistcoat pocket he passed it up to the driver. Aa envelope came back. Opening it be selected a 5-oeut piece from the handful of ooin and dropped u into the box. Then turning to the woman wbo bad called him a thief, he said : Madam, I think I was absent minded enough a moment ago to put into my pocket the bill you gave me to pay you 'are from. I beg yonr pardon, and here ia your change complete, I assure you, h<T"e;> coming a little late in the day." With these word* be lei tbe money fall nto the astonished woman's lap and hastily eft tbe stage. He had folly vindicated limseif , and the sweet maid who had been the innocent cause of tbe entire situation watched him jut of tight with admiring yts. Car* Tonr Catarrh, or .i 15OO. For many yean, the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are thoroughly responsible, financially, at any one can eatily ascertain by proper enquiry, hare otlered, in good faith, through nearly every newspaper in tbe land, a Handing reward of 1300 for a nase of nasal catarrh, no matter bow bad, or of bow long standing, which they oanool core. The Remedy, which is sold by druggists at only 50 oaots, is mild, toothing, cleansing, antistptio and healing. Hound in be Prepared. Wife (to husband about to go to New York) Land takes ' John, why are yoa packing all theee things in your trunk T Here are rubber boots, rubber gloves, a rub- ber coal, and even a rubber hat. Do you expect a deluge ? Husband None of those electric light wires are going to kill me. I'm going to b* insulated. Did yon ever . No 1 uever. Meed a feller. Half so yailer. Uow your liver ' Wby, all upset, of course. Then take ih) Remedy, Dr. Pierce'* Golden Medical Diev oovery. and you won't go around looking tbe color of a yeller fever victim. It means good- bye bilioniness, headache, lost appetite, sour stomach, indigestion, im- pnriliee ot the blood, and oountleitt miss lisa of inffering humanity. It is guarwetd to benefit or cure in every oas* ot dueass for which it it recommended, or money paid for it will be refunded. Borne-Jones' " greatest work " it nearly fluisbed. It will be t eerie* ot four colossal pictures describing tbe sleeping beauty. Marjorie Aren't you afraid that your flagrant coquetry may drive torn* of yomr admirer* to desperation.' E bel- li it a matter of indifference to me so long a* they don't die in the house. Ax important suggestion ha* boeo mad*) to the British Government iu the males* ol handling tbe American mails. The pro- posal 11 to embark and land these mails a* Hollyhsad, North Waist, instead of at Quenulown as heretofore. It it claimed in favor of the change that it would be) more convenient, jone as expeditions and much more economical than tbe pretest) arrangement. Tbe leading tieamthip companie* are disposed to look favorably on the scheme, at the handling of the mail* at Hollyhsad would be easier and involve) less delay thm at ijaeenstown. 0. C. W. L. . 0. A QENTS MAKE: f 100 A MONTH .TV with u. Send *)o. for terms. A oolong) rag pattern and 90 colored deenn* W S) P HI sH. 3t. Tbouiai, Out. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND

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