I 1 HE F L E S II E R T O N' A D V A N' C :. THE ADVANCE. innovation of or France. or I- ) ll.llsll. .1 KU..K .> whatever country fathers it, was first rccdf-nixcd in this country it w;ii laughed nt. It came as u thief in tin n.;:ht, insinuatingly. iioisi-lfhly, Th*- f-iniiy newspaper !-u i::ntplii*t thought he saw a bo nan/a and gave it an iithusiaBtic wcl- coiuo. but it laid Us n /V.-.Wo rl.n. I.MH O St'HBTRIPTlON -1 |irr n IMUIII when paid mrirtl) in ai f . p. i H-iu.iui wliuli ii.it mi |*i-J UIVKKTIHINd KATKS i>nr ...' iin:i 1 \ oar, 30 ; half col . do. ttT, <|'lltT ' ..1 Cl<l - Ll . .,.tii;.| ut the ruti- .-. l.. f,,i rlrt<t MiMsrti'.M i;.l via. i'i-r Illif uach -ul -.., .-ill illMjrtlou W.II THURSTON. iinrl I.MTolilAl. Ml S1NGB. w that iail*:iy are in .lie air Tin; Advance will raiie up ill voice 111 tl.e advocacy of a new nrhemt. Tin i*H.|de <>f Markdale, Mcaford and and IK; lay down )ii,-i p<-u to make a mad rush foi tlio ncarcbt dru ktoro. It knocked the funny man out. \ln saw it was a dmis/vrous thing to make sport of. \Vi LII utioii this to prove the scriuiu, <|uality of tliifl malady, for la grippe and cholera arc the only two peslileucuM which have ever s.;ii- ously scared the newspaper funny man. \Vc visited Toronto on Satur- day last and found one hull' the city hhi\vmi( HH nobr v. lull tlte other half did the honsi-kci ping. It is the SfUiic in Hamilton. Montreal, Kings- ton, and in fact all over Canada. Thrro are a tew casi'S in FlesliertoD but of course our climate is so huulthy Mt rVr..'si ar. a railway from that its will uot bo serious tin- latter (.luce to Moaford to IH> run ai u liriiicU of the C. I'. It. Tin- AiUanco i. ugiueita a railway from Ml. Foroit tia II i evilU. r'leherton and Kimherloy to riiornriury, or Meafunt, and we think > h.oc the large und nf the argument in a> * of thin route. The townahipe of i .|iiy. AitciuiMa. Kuphraaia and '..HinewiMid would lie immeaaurfthly l>ene .y tint line, the engineering diHicul lie* would ii.it ).e no great as hy the other lout;-, it would five tliono tuwiuhip* a lia !. .-n ill wa at mile huininoiird, l.ut he i> in a very critical condition. It i> r.itl.tr a Ki-iioii end of a ((uarrel for wliii-!i there iiin to have Iwun n.> rt-aiii'ii liati-..i an Mr. Ifrown ii a M-ry ijiuut, man. Mm. J: V Uurke. who for mne tune in now FMUTtripg. Mr. A. llerron ha* juat cmiipl.-tfil 1m tsanon thrfnhiui;.hiiviiii! liaii i.nirty-mx el, whith hi comiders it a .). ' si-an-.f. of The election this year wan romj'i tn K ""'I' ' f" r merchandise, in i doubt they|wotildl<> the hanneome iij by wiy "I bouui. Tliu MhMM has l*en talked over !> rcnreaeiila in- men, and they he tome to the con oluuun that it it i|iirU fuaaihle. Wu the idea with our le.vlert thin week . ,. further comntnt. but will hate ametkiog mole to .-,.iy in in t laauj. I th meantime. h rrer, if any*rtin-,- i> tu b done it U-li<jve thuee nitvreated -lir theroi.- h. - In.' annual nut tin^' ( d nlreCirny I .niiiprs' Institute. T/hich WHS con- \. i, -d In \<- on Tiie-.ilay "f last * l>. was a m is I >y the very full and iiccmulv lion:. I .a yiippc is simply a cold.htit it in a mighty vigorous cold, ami strikes yon suddenly all over. This ii) all the duscnptioii necessary. When it arrives at your place you will it without any description Another n volution in about lo lake place in the manufacture of reaping machines. The Illinois S off* red silo.tiOO HI a pn/e to the null- vidual who would inv> i.t a conil'iiuil t. aper ami hinih>r which would do I.VAV with the use of twino. The in-i !*> n awarded lo an much interu-t, and notwithsta: the im-leiii. 'i--v if the weather the electois turned out well, there lienii.' one hundred and srvon votPH polled in this division. Mr. W. Stewart, .T. IV, received one hundred and lour, llms showing that the people hsve inueii confidence in friend Stewart as councillor. In the evening .mite a numbir nf thi> electors ^tlhuri d in llio new haJl and were treated to Kaluaou n.ti histuit to which they did ample jus- tice. After this part of the enter- taiiiim nt wan dispt'used with a clutir- 111:111 wax np|M)ii;tcd. in the prsn of Mou.i FULL W.tXTCJ) nun ' <U' n 1 '! i..i S'ur't!.-. orimui.-ui..;. . u PeruiaUelll IH|>!<>* liirll J. ( " ----- an. I mm' lir-t-.-l.i. s: A.l.li - MAY iJKOIIM.!!. \iir-- ITMIII-M. KM-hr>lrr. .VJ. Pumps ! rumps I J. McCulloush Mai J)i!. CARTER, M '.!' .V H, I'HVsHIlV *M.';t;<>*. *.. n.. >v . r*! ..I |.un |" public tbt Itl- .n {.'*!'*' ' > Deep wells, gravel wells, etc. , J. (J. H,:no:i. \I.D.C..\I. JItl not (i . MS. i rt.*>* who hvir well-* i si Catisfacticn :.. ' K-- ir ..' H- t pumpt wat t -. J. 11. Fawcrtt. Ksq. ami pru- :in-h it in lust is <IH>. Ml in association is U-coiuing nnne . i.nl.ii \\iili f.inin i < ., ,ir hy ynu. :iv .i \edly Khould. It u a niediiini ..| inti looumr. of trnimnii^Hion nf i. leas .in:l < \| rinitntal results winch .annul fiiil !') iducnt.' thf iiuistnhtd < i..i'iue which attaches itb'-lf then to. tin L;> nefJ^Btnnilniil of n^,' American mvenloi who has produced a machine which will hind with straw. \V< have Kc.ived an inten sti'ig Volnmn nf reliiiiu ,rulici s eMitli'l I '.i. iki ii Shackles. " It is the story nfuti i i, now livini; in 0-4.11 Sonir.l, .mil writt.n by "(llfiiel^.' h<> \ei that may be. As a pi.-tnra of slave life aiiJ.siih.*-inieiit nhase it ii rut. iUmmi(, and is written in style. I'nhlishnd hy \Vm. c, Toi unto, nnd sold hy suhscnp- tion nt .M.) an! 75 rents. l.lulllllllIK liiiowli d^-i Tin I ,u !,.ii, liutliluU l what tli> li.ul. s I i-i n in It) the inech.-inii 1 , the lio.iul o! I'r/ldi In IMI-MI. -.- in. -P. Hll'l 111 tact .: . uu\ I'oiuhinutioii iii any ..nil., iliti liinnch of ti.uli- v. ill ili-i nijthi n tin 1 individual p:i u^., .1 will the ('.-. kti.,'e of tho fiinui'i he . nr.i.i^i .1 hy a binding t'^'rilinr ul liiinii If ii't( lhm- AitKix-iationd. One ipcal-'M inentioneTl il.o aiiomuh > i.. tvi.|i ill* 1 hiihinert erf tho inrrchnnt and tlmtnftlr far. . ono sett his price ',:;jpn his |;ooils auil In. Mlicr taki* .? Imt U offered tmn. Ail!, i 'i 1 n<; may *uinu day i-<nin. vhn funrtfrs 'vill ha\>' tin' pUcin;; nf .!'u \.il.u i| i.i ih^ir own kilvr, hut if it .' it will inily lie tliron^'li the in. -d. hln of mine -.irh iirki . iMtli u. .- thf I'ltrmeiH Instanto, and wu M ill) hi hi \ i' that "eie UMiiil'S a j*illor|Miu.'.id n|iou tin- Of.ntln. ut nn th KnigllU of I^Uii \v.iv tlir. f VI-AI i a^ii tli# renult wonltl not he f.ir I'r.im allaui'ili Ml.. \t a fri-nd of the farmer we would strongly nf}e rach .nil' to ulentit* liiuiKeh with the Kami is' Institute, and iM'.t ill Securing ii-foiini, at the iami< inn. information and which will amply repay f .t . i-i|i|n " or .11.11 I II n!lu.-i,,.i, it 111 tnnue.1. in 111 n-iihty an .|.i.l. inn ..ii.ii ill. and la called l.y ..nu- ph) ^min "l.-hliin.H cat.irrh, " from tin- ni|.idily -Mil' will. Ii it H.-e|>i ..v.i tin- . HI..II Ml. w in lo .Iran 111., attention .if yuur indwr* to the fact that Na.sal Italtn. HH .-li .IK I.IMII- a thun-n^h curu I. i .ill . i..--. nf .nl I..MV cold in lu*iul and r.ttrarrh, will t>iv prompt relief in nven llin in-. ,t r\<-re <-i- t "la K rl l l l MI " or lln,i.in intlnn.'..i. .11 it will ull'ei tiially !, n tin- n:ial |inaM^e, allay irritation I.-II-M- (lit dull, oppreuive lieuiltulic M|iHii}inif the <li*.- No family sougs wuix .Jcliven>d by Messrs. Stew- art, J. P., MX. Hurd. Mi. A. ' .uritlli rs and Mr Su-w.irt thanked lth ti f wlioA U" -.ir. mi. I . . ..ii mi- U you 4rur in tk* imiuphnr J. Oflirr : Manlr.i's Wrua Storr. r \M., - . > ' I - . ' J. P. OTTEWELL, \iilh' <il70U.lt.- ' f I ll.t.lT!.. \ . ' ' I Kt Milt N. i.!N(, \\oi . . Ki, . ' O-wen Sound ''- Institute. ilrntiatvu. p. the people heartily for the >upjmrf th. \ had ijiveii him, and hoped \\oiild M .hle to repay tin m 1:1 some wuy. Tin nmtini,' rlc-icd at an early hour. J'riiioii Stalinu. ' still ini|,i..iiiv tnult a new 11 The The town >-ll< or. >tli. a town. \\ . rk is dull for want of sm>w The at,, nil .<n Sundny in-lit l.l.-n tl' riof "tf Ailani 1'arkfr'i Larn. Ilia land l.rd, Alfrnd \\Ard. will lik.-ly build a lU'W ..II.- Tht. S:ih..'i..n Army are lia\ini{ C<XH] inri-tiiiifii.with ninny cuunng to the ln.'M Tin- tund.u ,.-h.jil ii till A large i.uinbtir .<f mliolan wi-re pnueut on Sunday. Aftor ch<M.I, the |nti-r. Mr. Mel '.ill. i:ire hi.< addie t .---h Sun- day . Mr K..U.H John \\nta.. n hud a l on Knilay ^..t uln.nt IH - .11!- wood . ul l.ltllr l.ulle . lark the ni.t. lViiiiv tint I:IOI-IN> TILSBil. JAV :<h Th* I**--! - ' \n th* l*ro Staff of Seven Specialists . nr l.* t .k. M tbauaii> otli.-r Hcltool r. l'rtm. i.t<; !..-. > it!m mil \ri h. b.v.l Kitiiiinn? -i. - I- l>. !-. lK\Tls: M lildale the Nt nnd .'ii- d day * inch in ' ! .. t'mv.-r-ltv Vntri. iilatl.ni . WITH M.'N OKI l> l I OKI'tlirXt lw T*. lir i rti(icu, U , n lj S...-I.-H Kimintlo:i Ait Sekoel C*rUBcaMi -' For fUtb V lotormatiou - I M I I \ \ s r. in. K IMllltt 1 iiHl.Kr.li Boar for Service, *ark.ii,. "nJ..",""^' L J. W. ttxr i- 1 *t t-r.. \nlit-i1tir. ( nin i- ifttnrrr. ftr. Ki >-nn.v.\ i >i i- > \> \r |'II>T <r SI-KOI M. s Hi M.I-IV... . -s Tin i>;.\- *.' ' -m-K. Fao.T' P McCULLODGH, Hm-risier. Solicitor, Vc. Om--. o-r Mel itrlaiii! - Mori- . I llH* fur ^*'l \ t- r At I" > > i ci.lv^l H iT*4<n. lu.r Ul.l\ |.|tvli.. Jl ..... V. I: Ilirrn. o[ It KM-. *i In.- amii >l luok AtMt l.rl.'i' I \ rti-inm.il. /11.I|.'W llns 1*11 au.lMK-und *t ttie \\.lkrrt. -n K\l .l.iti- :, : \ M H l:..l SON We have the Tin. ii all thry ran d" Thero are avral way* to pay lulls. I. nt (he majority .<f the I HI; .>nr< ni ,<o<l with relui'taiu-p. Il i no l.ui^-rr in -J.....1 form t i peV of either "tlnr infli|pn" nr "l gnp" . it in "the i j>n pi* when it. in. Ill* Mild that the .l.v>ini.i nfvor ki r.. m .-t.. tlniiK f : t'i-\ l.>..k at IM -h ther they ..ii to WKIlt I., lilt- h'.iil.i be witboal l>..ttlc .>f N'it>sl r. i III I!M Ii 'H.-H-, eold 111 the load mid i.tUi i Ii .ir.' 1'ienlurlv ImMi- to attai-U |n -.;.'.. it 'hi* Mraaon i >f the year, nnd I: uni i-. tli only |.r..i-i|e and >|i Iv eiin- for llirni- iroiil.l.-H -vrr -if- ft-iril tin- pnlilnv Ky to ni- nnil ai;rre ill. If you eaiinol <jl it at your d.-^l tt* it Kill U- nent ,- -^'. far* on rocript l I M. ..o nintii and 1 pur Ix.Ule) l.y -id ilriiiii( Fulford >V l'n. t llu.c^i ilU'. (hit. ...I. I II. O . tiiu il ill aud the paltry tiuu of ttcnty- ( your iiniin <llr,,rtl liy inir oiru 8inrt> we lat tiNiV dp the <|tnll (lie hnlidjky auaaon Inu r'.ine and ^. >!>, and with it th /.K.I and turkey an.l otln-r (TiM.d tiling fnnii off tho festive hoaril, nnd lo. w ww Imve to ettlo down tn a pic nf al' poik .mil poUtitra The Know hai nUo romu and one er*ra! MM Tho old - ..iin.-il wure all returneil by a igtmil mitjority, which juatitiea thvm in li'lin^' proud of thmr pimitnm Mr. liirll hai roinnieiii eil hi" duties III lie |i'. ! nhaill I'll.".!. Mr It r.nil IIM taken to himaelf a ]*rtiiei t'vr life, and now mvupiee the of the Lite Mr. Mn.liell Knb- A lit tli- .:! i. <nnii-wliat i int.-. I fur her .|liint ai..l ..urinal Having *id t!i- other ilar at th lireakf.wt t.-il.le tl.at ' !m ha. 1 L-ot a \n*.-f nt lirrail huad-hrxt dtwii h.-r Cut*. John W, Armstrong -III-KT..X. Co. Oart. DtvisinN I-IH I.T CLBtt. < l r H I'. . Cl.l:V..,.i I'-.-t fttlff ..f IAII.I. 11... ..,. till an t I- P H A - - . -MM. i.li SULLIVAN'S' MONKY TO LOAN- Al.l. AT M o o r e's Block, For yuur *n||li*H in Titt%*urr. * Ka%rlronthlnu. etc. A little t..t pvmc hrr IMVI'I wai M'k.'.l l.y II.T niothpi h\ ahv had n..( aakcd li.xl |..rtfivi.|irM f. -r ^..nn- R|.S.-'| net nf ilivnhcifieiier "Win iniminn, I dulii t |K... \..ii Hiiiteo it i.ii-ntioned - in- fainii? " ort is a very iiidimtTimtt and youiii( IIMIII, and we nh bnntiilf and l- vll a lui|i|>y and pruapemua jour- tli* lintul lait ney thrcJn([Mif|. a i. r.> in T!nir.Uy nifht II Vr.iwn, thr \\t\iv\ keoprfr, wan attaeked :,x. ;:' which tt rocta to u io4 nrolliNi. R Io uniou U Utnftti 1,4 gripp* I Whrn thi* n.o,lrn Mr*. Itruwn heariiw . Uie Km**. AMH* tn fc hi*band* FMBW Wll h a lal.r, A. .,tt,.r light -,^.n R Wra knocked'*r during ike nufl* tUat ma.d 8kl r !.! n>U'il injuriM wkieh to her May prore fatel. lr 8c*i . * M. 1 1 liell ( r'anl Klouatl. who IIM il'llt >.lll.. t.nie ill IrcUnil. >\ "1 li.u ..it. iii )MM>M a*ked whv I have not writtfn H U.ok ..n Ir.'land T!n> \nwcr m tllit : I likr to write ..n thr fntilU of l>e -|-le. and I ncvri .-.ml. I tilld .i'.i\ in tll (mhwian O'Krll hat >>en at the blarney t -n. Tho opvinnv nf the tirnt mihinarine trle(ihoiin i-alile ha* juit taken |.!,v- Tlie Hnlllviin IH ttu> .'111 .' '!< Tin-nut 1. nf M->h i ' --i letk--- III'. - "i'l'. -I t .lllf I I'f thfcllk in,; lii-t (u*nv |>ktroti) (or pi( f*Toin. ftixf )IOIN* t .1 Ilirl ,t n. .-. > lilt 111 let Ili'f l>( Ul* Mtllt- I'.'ll t for Kl i i tun pu. . ff tinini'-N i- i:,it. - 1 Moore's Block, H.KsHr.lOoN GAME ASTRAY. l n.' ... til" |.rnile ..( th.. n -. Art*i -M-pi it .. .. It..), la.- ,i .i B \ The Uudeisu'iK-i.1 uw a La . Amount of Mi'ne_, to Loun ;\' >' os rn\\\ or. FM:M rt-.oi * lUMflif.. W. .1. BELLAMY twr. ci la* HIT. \. -i ,. ' "M / ) I \. A 1 /.', nil/ \//>s/"Vf/- /.vxr/.-.-i.vrK . r ' MUKTli VI, 1 * - | i li t an. I propnh i-xn-iitnl I'm . , ^ - KM I I' 1 .-.I 111 111 -I , 1 I. -Wl !.'.. Hi J. Sproule, |>I>SIMAS1KK T K - . -<|H'it>. i>\ r>imno uii.l teynuwr, Appraiwr and M.-n*.- KIIJ;" n. \\. Hii'JT \NI> iu.i r I.- ' IW.lv . Mortuagi-*. Lear and W \ bioatioiie n 1 1. . n li.-r -. .-. i ; i .ii 8l^x aiit'iutfl to in HIIV l-.l to I. riKi^i-n tow n t tor tlir I'oioni p^.nr* In tlmnll III* nun. l.-u% .-it- ti'lit. T for ti.>rrv IIT*J I'ntiiiuw* riMnri*il in tin I'hntp ttrkrl* from Kl ( hi*rten te I JTf-p..,ii !. *n.t L uo* i.iviiiiftHl '. Ait ailui.lor-. wi.a ... prompt .,>,!,. "ttow. I.omli'ii .. r : niv ,.f th- ..PI ! l*.il, > .,.>! In.!.,-.! ivrt,. 1'arlir. inloii,im! iMUItll)- t. ( . *..rkllll.lM|. I m ill.Hil.' l:l< aui .'. km. vi Ui|ouiil.ui tin* >i jnii. aeoUMiJ or Irrlann. will plras* auk r.ttm !M> 1! , , |. . \\ M' > i i l<wl oaole "in i..-teen M<intevid<M> and |!iii-n.. \yrra. ninl i* thirty-two inilei I. .ni;, thr t'.tal length of th* orerhrad line IM-IH-J IHO nnlea. On the line there am five ,n;emnmlmt *uiMiim.all nf which can Iflephci ami trt,Taph oiiil\ with ail the ..the: niatiout. Housq ft, koi for Sale -.1 hu*r ani! lot for ^alf, rexi Illirtk. f iMhnrUMi ll..ur,.>utaint four iiUnili.l loi TITIII* Tr> l..w Api'l) M> t^Vll) laYl.(>R K!.h..lf.i. Not t. 1 fore in vrhmii'i! tli, n t: For Sale or to Rent. Mm UK i > *Ml idit t r(ir*> irnin (M n; iu i i. ninliir<i.iUiHl tin* id'* i-l'M I.- .'R -i iSr *! o) i- rnt hi* HUM ! liiui.ti. t i.i (UL i on. .itt'l a < t)*rkr mil*** #>ntli of lM vitlncnor Klt-^lfi Ion t it whu-h *rr "M*t-( M^*.| butt hit**, tn Anniiiater of ll-c name f S^rk., j .LTiTtUm"*,,'""!:, 'i^",,,." Alum . -.< M< r*. MI. -(it* t\>i ..nUift ft||*:\ it- I Hi'* Hub Thill Sprinw, Mtvi ri.-rt-BWH M Klllls A wh.e |Mnloi itr waa in v-ii.oid WM th* father of thirteen .hiMrwi *t tho twp- ' tiann of tin- ihirtronth n at(d brother dn no- railed nn the .oiitiretration t |..,n in ainging thr fifth paraphr*** ne^nniitf ,U>wn. ' ' n Im. P O with lite hn* "Aa ^|rl>i in clofe in eeeaionna* Thi* apark oeMeMd an ex j.trwn.n of Unjtitrr. hat it wti,> nnli after the ot>r*m<miee were n*r tiw^ ai eiylanatiou *ual>leU th* jker W "eateh un" U kit pul. fiij}hct in mil will bo 1-1. ui for any .inality of SisH-Skia; ui ?i!k , DAMUDB, man \vhw \\ a^on or I'ai \\TI-HATTI.KK IS tho UKST, ill* fP.vtlv,- ~im]'lt ,-v-it\ %.lj'.itA r T>\.-U. r,. n, > vn'Hi{ .mntj* nr w'l ,l.th K eU I-OII|I||U|! SAl.K \T l ,hiral, tli. , ,, Tainrn Hoard's Carriage Shop I^AHM KOliHMK (HKMV AM. ,> KA.f litninmi; *V . r,-- Tlo in >| li-ttili.! v* it-l.- tlniN-t fnioi \\.li |nulten wih niliiWI ll\nlwvH..I tieuiKn-k ll I ,-r 'HI ^pl-^..,.\l -^ i| mil** f*ni the beautiful \l n-:^ ot aljeA*wt*f in Oiwro't Valley *hr I,IK >. > u>tl|a.ic.. l^i ,.(hon.il church, .tutitn. !o- ft'iaV FIJ rton oo tht> r r R . wU.rr tb*r n aanlMiiJM mrk.. for all klndi of j.raluc* itoe*. TV<aiUr< u.i.i Apply loR J Mproule, anei.eexet