Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1890, p. 7

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Ta* Railway Crnlg. Thore ar* torn* who il* mciLUici high, And aoum i . nr't eaenwt tun , on* Mieide and eroa* U>* ud* To *auatj a notice Aad MOM th*r* r>* .b i drub mu * Awj**wt wW wMkvll aiejaas, but far ihe iuo*t fi ap tb* (uoa: Upon to* railway erc*-u.g am* aillv loon* tump rr >oi ball-ton* And met ibo fa ibai full jwt . lc*e tu-ir bioa'h aid cboka to death Upon th ia-jnii, rait. w. But mo*- eaco <ia> lay away beadltoaa* moauog Who ut to fat th* rogiu.- lUat And die right at u e cruaauif. Oh. you may toy with bum* aawt coy Whenever ttey'rr u in Or on a *::. r i . ttonuy vvatbtr Alteon i to cr aa It* aao. And *veo jav your m Afcer-in-law Who aivay* d tb- b*ac.n<. Bat don t go noar if d*alh >ou fear The faul railway Ih- .nd.d.u. Who eonie* and grat| yo bjr the hand, Aa<i welco i >uu i;h (rveuoM t>ia*.d. Aad flattery )oucai* iwaha'aiid? Tne candidate. WLo aak* you how tb child ran do, And buw Uj* woild iun.. Aad bopa* that you .; he.; put bun tnroocb " Ii. candidate. Who sat* th. country going u> amaeh. Unix i joo b*li L tide to u.rath Tb* ether ude, with lute and caab ' The candidate. Who bwf* you to iiTe him your Tote, Aod aav> your u.Urit Le'll peoniot*. And tnee to cut hi* ma. throat? The candidate. Who. when hi* Tictory it won. Will auaibt (met ail JK u hare done. Acd look out liail> for kaiubw One? The candidate. M4KI.VU A Ome of th* Houachold Dalle* Iu Which saaac *! Ar* Deni-leoi. When about to light a fin with parer aad *plu wood for aiudliug. uufola and the paper and twi*> u lightly into ot rope*, like clothe* wrung oat by Pal on tbe bottom of th* grata four r five *uah xul, about a* long aa the fir* aad then slack the kindling wood around the otil*. leaving air (paoc* (Mlwevn the itiok*. and lay aevcnl larger piece* of wood aoroe* the top. A priukliiig ut co%l may be added, but uule* ihe atote has an exceptionally good drad, diaappoinlmeat will be obviatoa by letting th* wood g*l wall ablate before addlug coal. Alway* attend to tbe dampen and diatt* btfon stung a match to th* kindling. If th* draft oe too strong an i ibe match goes oat a* *oon a* tl i* applied, clooe the oven nper uniil toe iignter kindluus hav* ghi. .t will save aotue delay to light a food-iiced lwii of pap<T and pot u ouder the grate, acd another ou top of the fuel, aad itart Ih* fin in tnat way. Ntver fill th* stove or rang* with ixal above th* l*vel of the an box. It is not only extravagant add wasteful of furl to do ao. bat ii i* rum- a* to the lop plate*, whioh will brioper- Mated UBncoe**arii) N J *ood cooking can b* done over a furu u* nr or oo a rnl-bot tove. To fill the flrt- Ux *o that th* oov. an mo*t b* crowded down i* not the way to tnat a MOV*. -Dtmann't SBOUTtXG I* SCOTLAXl). tmllitln of th* (treat llnatiac So* la LOXO SOB* of tae ra*aa* akLa/u Taa> KaU**re Doric g ih* preeenl ibootiag acaacn it has been estimated that la all probability as many as half a million groato a:. i black will be killed and sen to the market bird (b.ackcock gray hen acd groan- 1 on ih* average two pound*, which 1,000.000 i oundi ot food a* the pro a net (chiefly) of ice vast htaiher arra* of Soot I and. Kvea al ih* pris* of t *niiling> per found, aay* the GUagow HeraU. to* am represented will amoant to 100.000 pound*, ahich. large a* it is, i* far below tbe amount of money annually expended in thooting rent* and in ether ways by the tenants of the moon, of whom il ha* been ail that every brace of grecs: they kill 00*1* them a sovereign. Estimate* cf tbe numrxr cf partridges kil.ed an atmewbal difficult to form, a* the land which provide* the birds it net like the grcnse moor*, eeperauly held and rented. In Great Briiain, taking the aver age of recent shooticg as a guide, il may be aaiamed that 400.000 partridges will be shot, and, mooting them over- head al Ihe mode*! price cf a shilling each, the mcney vaiae represented will loach 30 000 pounds A clew to tbe phea- sant inpply is les* difficult lo obtain, on account ot th* fact thai th* bird i* exten- sively bred oa what may be called ' artifi- cial line*." In other words, tec* of thou and* of pheaaant* ar* hatched every year by bare doer fowl*, th* afgi beirg par cnaiL-d from penon* who make it their bounce* to supply them in lar^e qoanii tie*, having aviaries fcr the purpose. On om* eatau* then i* also a very gnat nom her of wild birds, which, being carefully watched during the breeding . aou. >ield a considerable crcp of obiok*. Takicg il for granted, therefore, that halt a mlaon of these bird* are annually con*amed, at a act of half a crown each, the total mm expended will amoant lo 6J 600 pound*. and it i* not too much to say that tho** who (apply tbe birds wiU sell tbtm to the wholesale dealers at considerably les* than they cort. To rear each pheaiant thai come* lo th* fnn, it ba* been calculated, involve* aa ex- penditure in food and wage* of a hf.le 1*** than 3 (hillm** Bamming ap theee figure*. we have 500.00C gronae and black game of about the average reigbl of two pound* each ; alto 400 OUO partridge*, w*i ft bicg each close on on* pound. Every one of the half -million pbaasaots will weigh nol lee* overhead than two pounds. So the** birds (apply a* with 1 400 000 pound* of good, wholesome food every *eason, the breeding and purveying of which gives employment to lar>; bodies of th* people at fair wage*. When the u* ot rabbin and ban* anncally con an added tbe total* o! both wti*h and value become, of eonne, much in created. The** animal* have, happily ihi* *ea*?n been killed iu larger number than ojual. On the St. Gothard Railway, cot tar rota th* famoo* long tonnel, then U a markabl*i tanned oa the plan of a cork crew. In the) decent of tec mountain it wa* Icond icnpoatihU to lay oat a lad in- Jine on a atraighi line or criinary carve. and the engineer* go* over tae dificolty by riving a tonxal which eaten the naoonlam igh on the aide), deacribtrg a circle taroagh he iclid rock, eonatantly daaaaaiitcg M it OM *o n appear* oooVr Ueelt on the) aoontain tide com* ftittaro* below then iv i into the rock again circle* and siou ae i circle* ontil ita^am emerge* into daylight under iMelf, when the) line reeame* IM HIM down hill in a more familiar way. The making of a tannel lite thi* i* a* inking an example of engmeenc* ikiil a* he world can ahow, and many very (kulfnl gi have been done) by oar n^wav matert. The art of tonnelingia an oil one. oat it never attained *ach r,r{cc<icn a* Mimniihfa- il to-day. There i* a wonderfol tunnel at Chicago Iriven ia l<a6C. two mil-e oat aider the txjttox of the lake. 10 thai the city may the) btain a water lapply (re* from the refote cf he city. Thi* tonne], which ha* now been denoted, ha* two ahatu, one on laad ani me in the bed of the lake, ruing through a rib, which orib t* defended by a break water, and aervee a* the toon Jat :on of a ighibooae Thi wa* a difiooli work to macage, owing to it* beicg throiih clay and qoicktand, bat it U a men nothing a* toUogih There U for instance, the Croton aqueduct from Croton down to New York. hich U driven through a.l.d. rock tcr 36 and a quarter mile*. The Bcoeac anoel i* foar and three-quarter mue* in e=<th and u twenty tix feet wi4e aad twanty-ooe and a half feel high. When .-nif were introduoec into Europe, luanel* became niomiry to avoid exoe*ive lockage, and with the railway tu'.i.el* became) qoite oommoc Of the older railway tunnel* in England, the loej eet U th* Woo head, oa the MacchMer A Leed* line, which i* three mil**) loog. acd conn*!* of two parallel luanel*. oa* lor each track. oy'< e>a Ftff laterwallaf >iur. or K.t. u .. Everything connected wilh one* busi- * i* of importance V*ry few drv good* aaa know the oruiu ot Ih* name* of many of th* goo it they haidle. They may wem trivial pcinti, but they an of intenet to th* man who seek.* to be thoroughly (ami liar with the merchandise IB which he deal*. For Ibe information of *nch we jive th* derivation of th name* of th* fallowing goodi : l>ama*k it from the city of Damaacni; aalin* from /.aytown, in China ; calico from Ca i -ut. a town in India, formerly oelrbreitd for it* cotton cloth and wher* calico wa* also printed, Maalin is named from Hoeulin A*ia; alpaca irom an animal in IVru. of th* llama paoiee, frora whoae wool the (abrio i* woveo. Buckram takes it nam* from Foetal, a oily ot the Middle Age*, from which the modem t'airo i* descended. Taffeta and tabby from a ilreel in Bagdad. Cambric! from Cambrai GauM ha* it* name from Gajt . baixe from Baiao , dimity from Damicra and j au from Jean. Drugget i* denvrd from a city in Ireland. DrugLed*. Duck come* from Torque, ia Normandy. Blank*! i* called after Thomas Blanket, a famous clothier aaneoted with tb* ialrodnciion ot wool laa* into England about 1*40. Sorg* de- rive* it* name from X<rga, a Spanish name for a pevul'ar woollen b.ankrl Diaper i* not from U'Ypnw, a* it i* sometimes tated, bat from the Greek dia*pron. Vgnrcd. Velvet i* from ihr Italian val- late, woolly (Latin vallnt a hide or p It). Bhawl ie the Sanscrit al, floor, for shawl* wen flnt u**d ae carpel* and tap**try. Bandanna is from an Indian word to Bind or tie, bacaat* il I* u-J in kt-oi* before dyeing. Chintz (torn th* Indian rhott. Delaine i* th* Freuoh of wool. i>*l* The MUII..U Wmt. Few people raaliae what a w -;-, *erf ally Wioalx itruolur* th* human ear really i* that whijh we ordiuarily designate *o i*, alter all, only the mrrt> outer porch of aric* of winding pa*at;e*, whiob, like th* lohbui of a great building, lead f rum th* world withonl lo th* vorKl within. Cer tain ot ih. paaaaxv* are (all of liquid, and their membrane* are tretubed Ilk* [-ar^ h aent oorlain* aoru*a lb corridor at differ at place*, and oan be> mad* to tremble like the head ot a dram or the larfao* of a lam hoorine dot* when *trook aitha *tlok or with th* nutter*. Between two of t parchment Ilk* eartain* a obain cf very wall bone* *xl*nd*,wi iohtaivee to tighten or ralax theee m*oibrau**, aad lo coin- Bnnicate vibratioti* to ih in In the tuner mo*l plao* of all a ro of white thread* ailed nerve* ilreloh lik>< the string* of no from th* laal point to whioh the nbhng* or thril.in^a reach and pa** inward to th* brain. A wonderful puoe of , indeed ! -Si A CuanpartaoK *t War Ship*, The British Government ha* jot launched a formidable oruiter named th Blake. Oar Government it, on the oth* hand, building a formidable ve*el nol craiarr, bni what Secretary Tncy calls battle ship. The** *hip* an type* of tbei respective cla*se*. Being such, il may b* well 10 compare their respective dimension*. Tbe Blake i* 375 feel long by 60 beam. Tb Maine u .-10 feet long by 57" feel beam. Th Blake'* duplaaemenl i* .' 000 and th Main*'* 6.648 ton*. Th* Blake hone power i* 13.000 (or twelT* oonwouiir hour*, her ipced 19$ lo W knot* ; th Maint-'*. 8 750 hone power for four boon her peed 17 knot*. On ib* other hand the Maine i* an armored ship, lo tbe rx lent of 190 (eel o( her respective tide*, leav ing 130 f< el Iberecf expoeed to fin : whili the Blake ha* an oval iteel roof of six inchei thick running her axtnm* length The Maine'* armament coniisi* cf tour 10 inch icon* in turret* and tix ordioar. 6-inch gana, while th* Blake'* i* compri*e< ia two 91 inch gun* and *ix jaick flrini guns. Bui it is to the respective oost o the** two veesel* to which w* deain U dnw special attention While, even to ih* ordinary obearver. the aperiority c Ihr Blake a* a fighting ihip i* evident, the difference to the ooet of the two ve**ala i something manrelon*. Whil* ih* hull aiu machinery ot the Blake cot a tnde over $1.000.000 Ibe hull and machinery of th* Maine an estimated to run ap to do** apon t.'.WOOO' And yet the Blake being able to outsail lh Maine by thre< knot* an boor, she oan do her distant* an< deetroy her at will. And eo protection tho* operating, not only lo drive our msr chant mar iae tram the seas), bat to makei aaormoualy expeotivf to proleot th* few indifferent whioa arr dill left in possst sion thereof. Ckirafo .Vnri Th. CUthlar, of ItablM. AJlhoogh I own that children ar* BOW more aentibly clothed than wa* Ih* oa* thirty yean ago, 11 i* still common to se an infant, who oan take no exercise t warm himsolf. wearing a ljw-neck*>1 short *leved, short-coated dr** in th oddest weather Th* two pan* of tb body vi>., ih* upper portion ot th* ohe* and the lower portion of th* abdonaan whioh il is moet important to keep from variation* of temperature, antipoeed, at- the child I* nndered liabl* to cold*, ooo^h anlluii; di*ea*e* on the on* band, an bowel complaint on the other. What lull ther* I* of th* d open w or k and i* chiefly oompowd r AbMt hydfwfiotis. the Rea al ha*, in hi* report jdst iieaed. mad* an t ccdmctioo (rotm hi*) mortality reton* sy ta* Loodoo Dui-y .V.-o. By taiiaf grot ci cf eoaatiai aad rtojyag the eatarat* trcm hydiepaocia ia ih* d^ thai rctpaed 001 dar.cg th* year* IMt-lwW.h. Cnl* thai the duraa* ha* two ia It i* DOSMMi. Tb* death according to ia* tin u ad aad boat of i.-* cffsoding M regard* ydrophobia. Frcai that iravied i1isa*l M aanoal deatti. per "ill"'" of the popa- ation an in LajMa*hir* XJS Tail U far in txcea* of the death rat* from th* !* M in any other pan of th* iiafrln Th* fijTOR* *ao*l nearly apareaeaiag to it are 3 41 13 Cceahire aad t 43 in th* Wen .ding. coattfwMl diMnetf. Tb* other be L.-nioo. becaaie hr^ ied<ath<ar 1 ."? per mi.'..ja. ji~iiriah- ng to l*o ir. th; extra meir.'pciiiaa per- aa of M:^'.e*tx. Surrey aad K-ect 'at** an high ftgm*) in eoeapariaac wita M low death rat* in other southern eoaa- ies. Th* eocdaaioc* ot the) Begutrar General are apparently confirmed by the A:..:altriral LVpartmeci * acooact at the iaphical diMnhotioo of rabiew in ani. malii. Nalarallj. the next thing the io;utrar Gtaerai waei* M know U whether the** two oeatre* of n>h*M aad ycroyhohta can be t^-t-i**-* from the ran of th* oooatry a* to th* aamher* aad racter si the' dog* lahabtuag them. 'hi* i* an icqairy worth makicg Mean while, the (act* alnady awertaiced ;o*ti ad the mauling crier ia Loodoa Tb* net** nomber cf deaths from hydrcpho- a in !>N? wa* 14. There were 5 ia Lan- a*bir. 6 ia London or adjoining aoaoti**, in Wiltshire. 1 :c CambsntBd aad 1 in G ram orgac shire embroidery, to tba there ie about as mooh war- i in it a* in a wire tieve, and Ih* sock* ac- company ing loch a dree* are of odd while ool ion. expoeing a cruel length of bin* and and red leg. 1 oan not see th* beauty of a pair of livid blue leg*, and would muoh rather behold them comfortably clad in a pair of ttockirg*. If th* beauty lie in the shape of the leg, thai shap* will be di* played to a* ranch advantage in a pair of stocking*. it it lie in th* oolormg of Ih* fl**h. beaniital coloring will not b* ob- tained by leaving the leg ban , and. from the artislio point of view, a blue or red looking > infinitely preferable to a bio* and red !.<* "Jfraui md r*>.-*J IVviiwuv / OileVli." *f Jftni (>. IToUrr, . Kfttnet MimlMy <\v Holuth Will Mav* Her. "Do you think Chicago nl hav* tb* World'* Fair ? " asked tb* Chicago girl. Mot if you'll marry n.* and aattl* down Ualoth," replied Mr Smarty. , Young lady (to editor) I bav* *ooh a Teacvher, attar reeding aloud Ih* story prsllv Unto ttory with m*. Can yoa i Jonah and th* whale - Aad now my it T Kditor Oh. oartaialy ; w. can as* i men, can you tall ate who (ell into tb* anything ban (To om*e boy)-Jlmmy. i T" Tb* alii* plat* lo a man, inter put a few mon manuscript* in Ih* *tov* . MoOiaty I" th* room i* growing odd. The LOOKIMU FOR A WlftL MUtak* a Maa aha* U Tb.i Uamally Ptmcaj Qrwea rrmit. Love ha* a weaknea* for green peachea. 1 :-.-t r.-. ?an the real frail . I speak o.eia phirically. When you go into the market yen naturally pick op the ripe pea oh aad boy that. Bat when a man roe* looking for a wit* it e*tnt (omahow lo b* banian nature lo lock far th* grew aad uartp* girl aad leave tae ripeoed spinisler t*v*r*l> aloa*. I think mytaif althoogh I aon't know anything at ill about it that girl* thoalc be le.'l to ripsn on the parent tree and plackcd in the proper sea ion A plump !a:r. mature pinater ihoold mo*t certainly b* more ea*ily disposed of than the green girl Bui il i* DCI so. Man man, takes tb* bloom on Ib* check f*r a fail color, and th* naivete of yoath (or an everlasting charm. Women an like nut*, not frnit They an aofl and tatttl*** when they ar* anrtpa, and they harden with age. Marriage simply aprooM* of oaaniug, and they k*e| their flavor for all their lit* it they properly canned. If this thing were more di*iiccily andentcod parent* wouia have !*M difficulty with their ohildnc, ani great d*al of anxiety and labor woold be) * pami Io Earop* th* affectionate mother only let* one of her daughter* out ai a tiox, ao< c.ino*al th* other* until that one ha* been taken. Il i* an exoatlant plan, bat il J nol always work well. It (ometime* give*) tb* girl th* flattering aspect of an on]; child, and if th* father is rich thai is i vary effective dsoepuou In America they are 10 proud of them al that they pmt them all on view as soon a* po**ibl*. and say : " Let the beat girl win The n*olt i* a preoentage ol old maid* although no woman in America ever mi***e her la*t chance. It i* omehow a knack they have of getting in in lime. -S*i Cknmtlt. Ooait J*rat Tho** who have rncanrd from Grippe, and ar* inclined to jer al tafferer* an nfernd to a* follow* by aa uohaag* : " All that wi have to say i*. w* wish lhy may ^el il Then they will know whether il i* the grip or nol. When their head ache* a* if i ( would *plil . when they hav* raging fever when their appetite fleee and they do rot want anything to eat or dnnk or tmoke when they grow a* weak a* babic* in lee* than twelve hour*, when every one of tb* D04 bone* in their anatomie* ache each on it* own account and coojointlv wilh the net, and every muaol* feel* a* if it had bean poanded with a clnb. .'rawn lhivci;h a key ho'*, lied Into a hard knot and iheu ued a* aiandbag . when flnallyevery ruu.va* mem bran* in their bodit* i* in a itate ol gr<*ete or lea* inflammaliOD, and all their erou membranee an dried up and their joint oreak . when every ircvnv.v^ breath i likely to produce a ditch in the aid* ani every oolgoing breath tarn* ;ni a ireen on the alight**! provocation then . prh* p they will be willing to acknowledge that grippe i* here and ha* got M .nl.l I* be rrlf o.llT He I am awfully sorry. Mi** Mar.one but your lip* were to near -the temptation forgive me, I protui*e never to do again. She (tearfully aniiou*) Never again H* (ooatritsly) Never. She (w'lb conviction not born of exr.*ri eacel Then I am afraid w* cannot be friend*. -S c'nciel A OaMa*t gueetlun. " Hav* yon a pain in your chr*t ' ' a*i*> th* dootor of th* man with Ih* induaasa. " Poa't call thi* a oheot, do you ?" aak th* patient, with a whe*M. S**tn* to m more like a grippe aac ' m Mr. V.nder Cudlip. an EagUah lad noveli*!. ha* been offered tb* talk of com pacing a thn* volnm* romaoo*. with nappy anding, which will draw odooi*!* to N*w .'ealaud a* irtiaiitably a* Mr*. Stow*'* earlier wrk prvoipitated tbe late civil war. For thi* aervio* Mrs Codlip u lob* paid I' 1000. riOBia 1 >> Try Carlou acaUMic* B*iaUn* l*> or run OAT. Sir Walior Sooti DeUjht ' th* taw Mew loar'* Av* -ttalMia." Si Walter Scott loved all tike eld eas- tern* of Bootknd attd iiw to farfMuate Lwaoeg tbowe m wbiwk he took . wa* teat ai aa>icg tbe goutn. or maaker*. it focta be/ore his family oo Ne Tar v* The gu*n an gtaoaLy boys who war* :! to sing aadao. Tbey doaaed old tbirt* *iwgig to their father*, (at mitrt -abaped oafj of browa paper oa ihir hais. with thins of th* tarn, paptr c-jvrcg vb* who** fac* xotpl voe eye ani mooaib. Each guser. aa* a kaighi L J o. J. wa* att*dd by a (Ml of aqoir*. who a**om*d ih dree* of a girl, witnaaoid 11*1*1 eai acd bra*tiU. aod a* called BeeaM. Tbi* attired they went frcm hcu** to boa**, uagiag, perijrmia*; rad* aad pots* 4 a* drama*, and plaiiag all sen* of antic*. ia nivn eiob they expected a (mail gratuity. Whce they att*mpa*d anything ia tb* :al lire they wen generally frcm thrte to (ix in aomber. Th* kivcaen waf a*o*lly aho**n a* the anna f jr their sacrta. aadtaitber tb* whole family weald n*cn t. . -.. t:e= ?.- W.iwr Sottl mad* u t : to have a art of tb*** awaabtr* ai* family oa (very New Year s veaing, aad b* c*vr tbooght il bwceatb hi* dignity to car ifeal hi* c*l%ht ia their pcrfcrmaaecw. Tb> cwiaom *u.l pnvail* in *xt* part* cf Scuilutd. moxnt. A Pral*a WhKh aa*ald B* a* Canfmlly Coaatdervd a* Higher Ihiao. Iu the rush acd whirl of Uf* in tbe cities I teem* a* if tee old. !jw way* of build- ing up a comfc-rta&e fortaae woold b (or- gotlaa. Bat. ib.-agh <vertiaing !* ange*. human cat an nma::* aboal the me, ray* th* (fjnatry GrvLrm** Raoioal difiennoe* of diipoaitioo aad habit will never be wiped oat. However tvvenly we may be ihaken up totpiher. we shaJ cev*r >e ail al.k? Forethought and care and Kipontibiiity will still govern *cm* natuiri. be their capacitie* men or lea* dcvclopeu in ctctn **U-awertioa. ..! mdalgenc*. immediat* eajoymect will b*> th* chief object , even wbea many adoaira 1* aojiureaMcu are al their oommacd So oo* who has asy expariecc* oa doubt that m.'nev t oc* ct the great practical [ore** cf all cMcaE.-sd society. The po>r boy who rveolve* to mak* mcoey ' - ily me:c*ary in hi* ipirit or low in hi* aim*. To k ain a foothoU by tb* own*nh:pc! prcputy (Simply cne step oa th* road 10 sccces*. That gained, be ha* gained a gnat lever. Every eaargetic. asptnng Americaa boy may rightly and naturally look forward to tbe a.vamula lion of properly. Bat to wuh for uioaay. to seek it. or to a** il in a stlnah. ba*e pint, to make n in iMelf ihe 5nl anj moi important object cf life, i* con temptible and deKraaed maahood. Think aboai making money then . think abv-l it arnectly acd with a fixed determination 10 Jo it bat ih:ak ;a>* a* eerioosly of other and higher thing* to be d*n*. ,WUh AoJc*p. w UT. Howatia.) N . yea Bcb Siropeca " it m 1 ... k -Oh. >CQ know 1 coa't cttber ycu bu itory-te^er stcc ' "Step what "Yon know vary weU." "Ko. I 4ml" -Oh. Bob Simr-'oo. tic t > i afraid yco'J go to the bad plao* (of avrU (tone* ? Sup : I ain't doing aaytr . . Aw w-w: I i.\ : Wa.n you ot year ana T When I want it " YOQ oogbt to be n atba Pooh: Waal at. * "Ob. y oa know BOW take you arm right aa-ay. ' labaat." Wbal if I jail paw aad maw ' Hth 1 N c danger cf taai. I will, too ! Let hear yoa," A I what it *ombody ahoc!d ** yoo w lib > our arm than) T" Pooh ! I woolda't care ' I'd b* *o a*ha-a-amed :" Hamph ! What'* the matter :f at* put- nod ay arm around you if I waat to ' '.i ain't nice, aad yc .art iu'(. K Caj't help >car**>f ' 111 call pa*" Y.u aid that otM*." Go 'way. yet dnditl taicg ' now V v>m what !" " Aw. you know." No I don't ' Trying to tu roe !" I a>n i either, bat I will BOW. " So. yoa >A>i . . " W* b * hen gcet !" " Aw oh o 'way !-stop ! fax thtl a'-ve*te x-~' '">-'' " Ah. ba i-eu % . D nia* ua**. " Yea >r*J>l. hornd Ikiwy / Now. I'll never (peak to >OB again !" Jraa* Dw*u IN How He I'ald the Lawyer. "My ir*i ca* in s?a-.-. Fracci*v.v. Attorney Jam** K. Wilctrr lo a reporter. " wa* the defecoeof a >oanx f*llv charged with Mealing a watch belonging lo a Catholic pri*i I wa* appointed by the ooori. beoaase the prisoner aaid he had DO mooev. " TVi* jary wudered a verdict ot not Billy, aod a* the defeadact waj leaving th* court rvcm 1 called him back, and. jal a* a joke, handed him my card an: told him to bnzg me aroond tbe art! liO he got. Next day he walked =to my office aad flamed down two (M* and a 110. When did you (el all thai money V I demanded, a* icon a* 1 |ol over my iar- pris* ecoagh to (peak. 1 Sold the p-tt * watch,' a* replied, a* he bowed hiinsvif out. ' Suleiil* la th* tVeach Wav. Mr*. Com*o I bear thai poor Mr. Po*- euberry ha* commuted saioiaa. Mr*. Tangl* Ve* bat b* did it by th* French method. He waalway*a great man for Hvl*. Mr* Oumio Th ^'rt ch method ot 111- cid*' What i* thai ' Mr* Taagl* H* look Fari* gr**n. H* looaeU I p Ih* Add ' Can I see Sacia Clan* ? " th* asked small boy, entering Fogg's toy slon. " H* ( not here, sonny," returned th* old man. kindly. Why do yoa look for him in my plao* ? " " Why, I *aw your nam* on the wavcon h* **nt me. aad I tbougtii I mtxht >it him to trade u for a pair of k.ale*." P\*k. eiarmtat the Coe*tt*a*at. (.^Id Gentleman |to small boy) I with you a happy New Year, my son. and hope yon will impruv* ia wisdom, knowledge and virtue Small Boy ,poJ:taly and innoce..tly> Thank yoo, air . the *am* to yoa. It Looked laa! Way. Wall* If>id Black win th* lawsait b* had over that large *um ol money .' Wallace 1 sappo** he did U* told me he lacked ooiv I4i0 of haviug enough to pay tt< lawyer. aftr u was ovar. A Baeceearvl tlmala*** a. Country bride (takiog m the *i<hti What a big prinUn' buaicea* ihi* Mr. Job mast do, John Country Bridegroom- -Ys*. be'lgot print- in' office* all ovar th* oily. he Waat**l to a* taiw. Old Gentleman (lo little girl on thehon* car V- How old an yoa. littl* girl ' Little Girl An yoa th* eoedactor f OM n*nlliaa* nhT DO ; I hav* aoth- ingto do with the railroad. Then 1m 7 yeait oM. (Ooilapat of UtU* girl s ototbu.) A fulu* l**ar* ?VB wcau Doa to Don't carry 1 1 cvket book in year I I 1 out carry a y.vkel b^ok in a very l.vee rocket which hacgs away tro*m th* panoo. L>on t lay year hand bag. contaiaiag year pocket book, oa tte coonur <;( a (tore wfcU* yoa waik aero** ib* room to examine l\jn t wear a watch in a pocket oa oat- aide ot drew*. l\>n i wear chttalaiii* watch**. IVn I jadg rraogwrt by their dne IXui t *tand loog in the same ipot ia a crowd. - * . Don't go into a crowd wiib your caic: ooal anbattoceii. IVn i carry valoable* ia voar oatr r coal IVsn'i make loo gr*l a auplay of year jewelry. '.'on t carry mor*y in the pockt on tbe> right hand *vi* of voar trooeer*. t'u-k pcckei* expect to Bad money lien. Dou'l forget that you an'joM a* likaly a* anybody el** to be a victim of pickpocket*. Do tao I>.U. t SulT.r I'aJ. Tb. ml* i* that uccooecioasnee*. BOI pain, attends Ihe final act A cat oral ctcaih . nol mere painful than birth TaiileMly w ooro* ; wheno* we know oot. famlettly we ro , when we know col. N alure kindly provide* aa at *<thetio for ih* body when the spirit leave* r. vioa* to that momect, ani ia preparalicn for it, repratton beoornt* febl. rvnerally .o and abort. oft*a acwmpaaied by loog inpiralioc*. acd short, sadden exy iration*. o that the blood i* ataadily !<* aad l*a oxvi.e: ieJ Al th* tarn* time ihe heart acli witti cv>rrv*rvndiri( debility, piodcciog a slow, feeble, and oiteu irretalar pal**. A* this prooes* go< on th* blood is nol only driven to tb* head ia diminished force and in lee* qaantilv. but what flows then is loaded wun carbonic a-i.i ga*. a power ful at awtbalic. Ibe aaroe ** derived from oharooal. SuPjecieJ to Ibe irdiMBcw of thi* a* tb* nerve oentre* loe* oonscione- n**< acd *en*ibility. appartut deep creep* over Ibe syslom, then come*: stopor aad than tb* and. 51. <MN lujatfi*. Robert Carter, fouad*r cf th* wall known New York pnblitking hra**, who di*H last Satorday at th* ag of M, was a Scotch man. lie cam* to Aroenoa when a yttvc); man and wa* a later in Columbia evlr,>. and attarward* founded a private aohool. Al th* lime of hi* death h* wa* a dinotor of th* American Bible society. The ealy rraafmn at a ae*ipap*t * cirrolatiott i* the numbarpf ocrta* printed What beoomo of th**)* oopi** u a ;n<ation ia fixing BOI th* tmoual of the oircula non bat- the vtla* Wit.

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