Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1890, p. 1

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'FLESHERTON ADVANCE. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES. ,\01 ME.V." VOL. VIII. , NO 448. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JASCAHY '2 ' IS TO. W. E. TEURSTCK, IS A. SAN FRANCISCO. LZTTEB SO. G. Go oar way up the moantaia passed two spots where the j'.i,-'' nd Look Out t For kwssell's change of advertise* ment next week. It *11 ap- pear right here. passengers had been robbed by monn- ; ' tain desperadoes. This is quite a , frequent occurrence in this section co:iBtry. , Our object in coming here was 10 , visit the estate of Baron Von Schroe- der. situated in the very heart -f th> mountains. This was a delightful and romantic spot, and well wor . i I visit. The Louse was buil: in Swiss chateau style on a knoll about '20 f-t high. The house covered the entire top ; terrace after terrace encircle \ it ! until tbe level was reached. Then (grove. as the temperature there r ti.eir cultiva' The climate here during tL r mouths reminded us very much we of our Ontario c'umt.b*in^ y w nu JuriLg the da;- but cool Jar- .-.' night. One canuot help DO.: say tha: the Tina Las been wonder- ; blest. a* it is fall of picturesque bea . mineral produc A..1 worJe-.ii:'. ::: its mm Avowing proptr.its. Wv ! ave tried t.) .- glimpses of its many good quali- - ::i our own poor style but fear we .iv ::i Joi-g ;'. .lien, as we did uo: start out with .iial we could, we therefore do not feel our failures so keenly as should, and as it w*? -I i ~ . J ^ . v -!N< KlUMIMi. WOOD \VOKK FIRST PRIZE IA1IHKU. LATH SHINGLES. JOB WHEREVER SHOWN. FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHERTON, ONT. the groands were beautifully lai d out on all sides. About 100 yards distant was a very Urge room or cave beautifully finished i and furnished with all kinds of easv and reclining chairs, lounges, etc.. with fancy tables for all kinds of games. We drove for three miles through aa avenue of trees, winding around ti*e foot of in* mountains to a moat delightful spot where nature seemed to have done its best to make :; COHB- pleic in its romantic beauty. After alighting from the carriage, we walked About a hundred yards when we came to a dijjht of step*. These we decend- ed to tbe edge of the river, crossed the narrow walk laid across it. down step* again, then toiivwed the windings of tbe river tor about fifty vaids farther. when we arrive at the head of a water- fall. From bere we climb dvwncarv- ouly to let out friends amongs: the readers of The Advance know a little of the land we are journeying in, we feel assured they will overlook the failures with as food will as we wrr.r this far thui. vie now sav fare wt 11. THE END. riti Ji flunbiA I..-II.-P. To (A* El&>r of Tkc Adoanft. DBA* Six. A sudden change m the '.tt-.<r Our Ru^xie* the Our Sle>jh* tfte B:. Our Cutter* tbe B*t. (>ur 1u>pried Harrow* the tieat. Our Patent O.ate The Be*t. CfTTKKS. uwsir PMU.S. PLOWS CASH futly the stepB iu th lock M the U-w! u space at the foot of the falls. Ufa ar- i ra riving here we find w are shit iu ou all sides by solid walls of rock, tower- ing a hundred feet abovs u, with spao*) enough to bold about r!:, . people comiottafehr-. The ground is perfectly level, and an immense old oak tree witii spreading bratvhes. :aiidiu_; 1:1 the centre, overs'. adow nig the tables which were t'je fji visitors accommodation, w.ch seats ' as well. Here we sat aij'l ies:ed in ; ilu fairy-dell, watching t'.je water as it dashed over the rooks iu -.o a basin weather cnipelit me t< re- write a penned before Chnuua*. ne !i:i^ tlatemeiits abou 'but a sudden iraiuicru^' i *hite iiuniuc fully a foot a*p wnu!-. *<? rvxjuj for advene criticism. How- ever, anything that ajay cvni* uow cannot i alter the past, to I wi.i briefly rehearse 'an -iher dry summer, wet ^ne* teeui :< ' t <e lh<* ex.'ej -.. i. N mosquito* la*t n , in which like pool at our feet. flowed out in a bab'jlm^ brook past tl-e roots of the o\'\ oak :reo. and -i> soon lost to view j u ih s wild vastutss of tli* niounui-jj. Here too v, e viewed the dying liz- hi 1 '. ri were as numerous as These, we were told, were Q.jite harmless, nevertheless we did r.ot desire to have them acy near- er us than wha; we could help. This | place a few years past hod be\n plen- tiful with rattlesnakes, bu: they are rarely seen uow. Freru here we again drove threw miles farther to the prune orchard. This was not by any means a public 'thoroughfare; it was just a roadway During the holiday season old and young wr ruun.Qg here and there ' made from ou* part of the te gt the best attractive articles to make their friends happy. Then comes tbe more exciting times, when men, and veu women, think and talk of noth- ing else but who is going to be reeve or councillor for the coming year, each upholding their favorite, and picking out all the bad qualities of their oppou- cut. S3 it ism business. One will say this store sells the cheapest, and another some other store. Hut let us not forget the reality during all this talk. There is John wanting a new pair of boots. Tbe question is where < o o o o o o o o o o o Uity didn't givo satisfaction. Let us try >!* 1 >oo tilil & 1 Lear they keep the best articles iu the market for the least money. Aul James wauls a new *mt of underwear. We will try a sail of that all wool for 91.00 *;MclH)NALl> A F. VANS, same as Mrs. got. hhe say s it i the best she ever saw for the money. Matilda Jane must hive a no* Jiess. Her Sunday dress has got very shabby. We will let her wear that i;e to school an i get her fight yards of that nice wool plaid for $1.00, or those nice. smooth fmijh, Melton cloths at lOc. V.Y. or He. from SIVl'ON Al.l A i VANS. They an the best value I ever saw. Of course we shall have to j.y sash for them, but it will pay iu the end. Mrl>OXAI.r> A KVANS are showing cheap goods in evory line. l!ue s a call and be convinced thai never before would a dollar go so tax in buy ni;- good articles. No bankrupt or old stock. A'., frerh and another. The peach orchard acres on wnieh was plant- ad -.13,000 trees. They were just then completing a drv- house which would dry -,"> tons per day. No doubt some ot onr Canadian farmers would be somewhat surprised if they could see the land here that is utilized far fruit growing purposes. IK) not suppose for one moment that this was a level farm or trm ot land' I'ar from it. It was one s> wessioti s, hills that I think Canadians , would look quite a while at, before they would start about cultivating them. However H is done here. You ur.gl.: nud a half acre bere and there on the level between the bills, but that is about all. Then, too, they were about as perfect cone shaj-ed hills as 1 ever saw, and we oould not help but wonder how they wfie ploughed. It was both tt novel and picturesque sight, and we only wished ha\ e the scholars sang well. The proceeds .SIUO :. 115.71 H scarce ' M.-s iliry Nelson received a . ' from the barn door wb:cii was : on : There was uo uiceuiig Sunday pastor a:;.-tiJi^_- tit- luriui The oottiuuniou w... be he'd Janoary 26:h. a: 1! & ^ La grippe La : many p^ ure. - - :po hard. The dev.i :j afra. srmy. He is afraid Uiej will u<-.c M.-. H.jd>;ius. of Toronto, and Mrs. , Hodgms. aw vis: :j here. ise don't chew tobacco ui I fesjttb, nor put pi . , stove. XEL. THE MARKET^!. FLESHEKT I fit ,-ffutl y Corrfftnl Eit.-lt Iterk k-h - , - 8lo I M 10 W - - - . - Il M i ia > 49 ii * Wdvl w II (tft 9 J * M i - 14 - U A> I . >. mer. plenty : salmon. 1 :. ok id- vai'tMie <>f a rwuacu.'U in tu!ir... for farmer* u> <-'. to *alt down abcut 5 >. r t> bbls. which 1 caught tingle ha:id?\: The foiiier* I sent you look M they, but how dilferent fp'm the original. . < are flocking in irv>m t:i Country aiul fr'ui all tvart* and|place*. met a So. t.-hman the other <.!>, a new arrival. The wtnpemtur . -.-re** lero. l>ii my. he (aid. I il.du t luriJy eipect this cvM. Yes, you can j'Jst b*i it is. The [V.<niinion Oo*ernmnt mut be I Vroi.m Slaliwu. McDonald & Evaus, WKlG/iT'S OL1> STAND- Id . I As we came along we saw a road levliug much higher up into the tuoun- ' tains. I pou euqiuriug where this ' led to we were informed that this was a new road being bruit, and loading up to the top of the mountain where Frixn <mr uicn Samuel Carson has been rewarded for the nul he found broken on the track. We guess he like* to rind them. Alexander Carson cut hi* le with an axe while splittnv^ wood. He will soon be around all right. The Sabbatl- school eutcrtaicnient was a success. Some , weie given by the soliolar*. : -H: .- A- lw(art>l ... - quite a thing out of some of these ' An entrance lee f 1 10 it charged for I'lfioen fev. A n'nJ* what he ha* vU to be unsuitable ind al<aiiJoii* tt. B come*, take* A'* lot, he ha* to pay #'.V. Thi* may be related three > r four time*, the la*t payiui: for any im- (irvvenieuu. etc. N\>twith*uuiding all the** things, the land no matter how hard to olea', rinds *m one to ftu>* it. It i* a fine thing to be a lauJeu prupne- (or. Mr. Editor, it i* tajJ a little teence now and thtn, but there a no , n.iiuenoe abv>ui th* iact that w are all trying to j;et ufe beyond a cerum p<>mt at last. And the latet prayer by some rihermen. who went ripeclin,; to get wrecked, ha* somethi'H "rui:i*l in it. One of them was selected to pray whil*t the .'then aa:i*vi ihe bv.*:. Tain wa praying and Jack who wiu iteenn^ him a sly nud^e and whispered, "noo ram, n^-'i' linn weel till wv get rvun yon point anywsy.' 1: i* no doubt flattering to kn >w that ' xhe exhibit* made at Toronto eilnbition by this prvvmoe. o*med the palm, and I hav* no w'sh to detr*A't fn.'m dei . hi'B.-r*. But lett any should be led \.~ believe that theae are general or of common production, which is not the ca*e. they are siw.'ly the pr<xluct> of small garvlm ^tchea. 1 am acquaintvU with nearly all the exhibit -n. J M Clocks, T. SILVERWARE, i-al Goods and Novelties. Complete stock above hues a*#orfi uow in stock for holiday trade. An excellent rii'.id case, w.i and moveuivu: fully mo for 25.iA. Ladies 1 .' \ ' i stein wind watches. I'. - to $4b.OO each. Walnut Syrini: C'loolts, 1 aid g fey. $4.00 to S8 50, v - - and time, best quahly, |1 .70 to $ Vi. 1 ;.! ., |ui*sii v '*- .. .ill!! and a'. - to meet ^cw "USII or (HKIMl (.'a a>> l>< ter by en they can ^lere re.- WM I am m a position f il - ;!teiul donij; H . along, as trade builds v. < Full stock si.vs and MV< " 18 k. WtilJ. I'J.30 to $14.00 Fine watch repairing, fit-.. . , 9 M urM S i Joseph Duncan played :ho orgaa. and W.A. Jeweler and Optician. MAMJU'AI.K. > . .Sign 01 the BigS

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