Flesherton Advance, 13 Feb 1890, p. 6

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AVCIA wort ir THE ONTARIO UjUISUTl'RE flpwd With the LirBt.-GuTenur's Spetrh Fri/a ib Throne THE TOPICS TOUCHED UPON. WeeU'in I'n.t lot |M| Houudrlea AooounU With the l> n.iiiit.n ll.e Agrlrultaral Mtuallun Prwnrhluthe -. li....l. Kl HlVrr -elllfM.M.I I'm (.leal MlBeral Wemilh |.-.ki. Alter Ihe Lunatic. id Helpl.t* Poor I <-gl>lalli>u Fore- ahadowed. ToE9T\ -The Ontario Legiilature wan opened at S o'clock Wednesday afternoon by Llent Governor Campbell, who read MM following Kpech (rum the Throne : Mr reakeraudCieatlemen of the Legialative Aateuibly Itliv.it n nc-h j.leamre tbat I again meet fou.aeat inb.til tnr lUodi-tharHe of tbe import- mot dune* ) x i. M. >, \e up. n you > tbe IHM.| ie a n preee. ta ivt in tie irotii.iiej L*>*t> la Ll. I I. ate hpenal tat .kUrlniU IU c.ingret" taunt' yen on Ibe |. a>n.g "I an Aet by tbe In ptn 1 Panikinr t, nine y nr U I evtklou, onfltiiiini; ami ijivlnc. eft. i-t 10 tbe dtctewa '( Her Ukje.i) . 1 n> louucil ill Angual, 1 ,tbl BOtmntBT OP TBK raOvaOB. thla lubteet trill l.e ubmlttc.l which wUI. I trut. meet wilh your approval OTUH MtAHUajll PBOMIUU. Among other uieaaurea there will alio be iBb- mitieil ii.r your ci uiidetalii n a I. II to facilitate tbe hpeedy deli roiiuatton tif im|M>rtanl coijltl- latloual qeettlooa, a bill lor UK further Improve- ment of the ii.|u. r lie. ua la*a. aud a bl 1 totaling I..UM- lieeiieeof caileraeudtlieuieaaure IIH-l.t ul lawlutta. rt'Di.ir ArrorMT*. The public ar'onnta for the put year will be promptly laid before you You alii be pleated to learii that lh t xpt-tidittir*' I. a* l*eu kept within the amonut * ram id. an. 1 that the revenue baj exceeded the aiiiouul aiil KHTlMATta. The animate* for the i urn nt year will, at an earl; date, be |ireeule<l fur ><mr appn vl They wl'l IH. li.ui.d to be framed with a due regard tu ecouony aud the i.i-Miiie of the pub ic service. I feel aatu'td that your deliberation* will, a* biibi-rio be character red by wi.doni and pattiotinuj. ai .d ill n uducv tu the uai>|>iute ail |>r. l>eril> of tbe 1 eo|i|e. Hit addre-t waa ihtn, with tbe unal formality, otden d to be t-nnrcnod and pre- tented to H Hot or the Lu ui. Governor. If When I'm., it. t U Wrong-. yoa aru wise, if you hope that tbe I A NtJWTUflKI.ll.ANI> HUKK'IR. rather and Three Children Drveurrd by e>- d finally Milling ib rortberly boundary M Ilk il.v wte. > tu tut.ktaii'iai ai-o rdance i irl.it t. r. m 1KTH TtM uuot but experience a tee. Witb tie award ol Be p.* of Ontario log of rein f tbat we have at la t ren lied the ol ibia lot K pi., reeled diapuie be- tween Ibe I' ovlnoe ami ti.e II -minion, and that ab. i. iriu r.al Imille c anu-J by tbe Province .in .i.Di.ii ly aecuieil for all nuie. I AM' TKOVIM Ul. Al'i'ol'NTC. a| p.'intu.e tuuea u> i ' I regtet that owing to the attitu.le of tl.e Dumiuio *al re>| . . : t .tin -iiut .tiou il luterni threi.cwi| | r. little I'rubah lit) of Mttleiueut rfa.couui-i iWMililli- MroOufMMMOUbMBI mrrived i : l.i. i.i;h i 11;. n*t "u. and |-r..|.>iai liavei. rdiDgl) kweej Bad* ea the part of tlie X'ruTitufU i.i.r to arbiuaiiuu the p. i. ti ID >| ul. ll.c . . rn -p^uilriict <.n the nubjcct II l.i laid before you U u alt" a matter .<f intu.eut that tbe gunU . (internment 01, cur in any arrii.i;<.UK M fur aev UIUK . ur dill-reutea to the Land luprove meia h uitd aLd tepp have in coLe.|ueii. tain i. i. bate ti.i ut wilUed Uiruukti Uiecouru. 1MI 1 AllM I U. .NOT I'll. il'I'.UOl n. I rrirei Uwt the auricult. ral ij.du.try. the i iuj|>ortai.t m LI.V 1'ioviui'e, 11 still in a de- Icunditlon. l'nto*ard climatic < mlriint in riu-i.tiveMcu. u oi it I'ruvincv bngbtcd tbebonw U>ai<r. <uUrtaii.k<l 111 li porii n of ihe >*.-ar of anabundabt harvest Tnin, with the cxiiiltiuvd low pricee of cereala and oU.i'i cau-e- taa teinledUj preventtha. mi prove - wm lu tbe cobdiU D ut lln,.' uKaed lu thli Induatt) ifliicb hd been bopej for. H i plea ing to K..II boever. ti at In tl. uianularturc ut . . . ur great ag irul.url .lupin, Untario bold a I. r. uioet |ace. IL prudact uf iintario ranking in t ...n.t ol .ju^lliy aiii.'Ug the boat Tared ou tl. K..g.ih mri.i.a:.d the It ... .m.-n trade table* Mx/wiug li at tbe yearly value of c4i>M *x or a. wbu-ii aro cniedy from Outarn.. u lar in ricoaa ol the anKri'gato >alue uf ajl tb ujaniila turv* *p..ri do> ttie Uouiiuinu. 1 rejoice i.> kuu* thai lu i very braucb of auri culture, our lrnii> r. rtincini; a iir..*iug a|>- pcet .ti..i. ut Itttt-lllgtint nielliodtf, aud tins 0011- tuut.i >u.c. nl laruieih iutituUa la one of tbe . vi.l. bii o' aauonviy pn vailniK Uenlre to rent by urautual iuf u ruiatiou uu economic kawbaud.y. ACTlu.s o.s THE III ll.... I < . MlllIuxKIia' RJtrOHT It having been alleged that the regulatlor a of the r.'lti.-auuu l*'priiiiriit ri'.jiilnii4;iiitrurtioo In Kiign h lu be k iven lu a I tin pul.li. - of tni 1'r.iviijce wme not ubM-rvvd m certain loeaiitiei in wnicli tha li'r. ucb ikuguaga lire- Tail*. couiaiivkluuera were ap|Hilou*d to viilt thie Kbool . to rep rt on the lauu and to cou- aider lu what way tbe -tudy of Kngllnh might Im niovt I*UCCA*<|U|I> pr muled am -UK the fiupila wh.ioo iiiniher tuoKUe U French. Tie >awe cnui ziii-iou i. were afierwarda directed to viiu tb Unruiau achoola uf the Province aud to repurt m like m^iiii. r r* Kar Jiug tkeui. Their reiHiriH will be lUi/OJl UKI to you, aa !! ae eertalo renula- itouvl.T vivitiK practical rflect to tbe i- me datioiinol ibu o..uiuilailuuen, a i lar aa IMU coul i be done bv immediate executive action Tuu wl<l be a<ked to make tbe grant wl.i. I. u JUttttary t.ir tl.e i tb,i.hiueut ul a training cbo... lu l.a-teVu Uutarlo.aa recummnuded l>y tbcoouiiuia OL MUBTUKH.N It aOorda me pleaaure to aiatr thai the rev Hue derived irom the timber duea and tbe tale 4C.ro ii laud* .jna.derauly en-eeda Uw eu xtiatv ubiuitud lu tl.e. anaambly jatt neation lu >'. liruarv laa I lamed my proclauiattou deolar- IIIK H force be "liaiuy iiiver Frwe Ormbta ud Bi.mioleadu Act." and at a later i 11 d of the Elap|>lov.id ol au Order ili<uuni'il aj.|.r< Ling under the Act twenty townihiuilu that at lur ilie pui|. ul free f-'iauu. 1 alec loauod a COIUUIIKI ,n in take evidence aiM r> B.irt up. ,ii tbeclaiuii ol lettlera aloBf toe Kaiuy liivpi The Ouluuuaaluneri tiauiiued into ami took widen*** reepwoting tiumoroua claitna. and patebte are belli* leaued to auch autllera ai* bave performed tne ( .rid.Uoui of m-tt eoieat. A com tniaeiun waaali i iMund to lnVfMgta dlipurid clam.* tu lillnn.K ail " i-.r localioni III Ita J'.iriage aud the lerriioiv . >uli..j.iu> Man > claims were ii quir. i ti.tu anil touch evl e^enee w%e 'ak-tu and pnt i.is an being IMUI i to 4<p|.aii! !.> havi. u>iabliahi>l Uieu olaima and eooiplied wit h Uie oundiUuu* of eal". IINTARIO'S MINKRAL WKAL1U. The public inier.-i m tbe mineral wealth cf tbe pr.vm.e buutluuee to in. r... 'II,,. imneuae depoaiia .1 -nir, Iron, c .pper and Icke reoo ily dlaouvertd or di i. io|il bale tuaoied beatuiinon ol oapitaiuta aud oih.ru teteremeil in mi lui; in l-.uiO|e an. I Alilen a Al reault large inve.imentii aro being ma.le lu devrioi HIM uu' mini-ra i eouroi<M, aud bntn cup lial and lainir are Hading remuueraiivn mpiny nenlm mat n.mi.i . tiou Ueminrea mating lo the aaie ol miuiug I. vanoni aud to renulate nun lug i perauoua will be preennlod for your oon.l.l MM* rmivmuio I-OHI.LNAU. >. I am ulad to knoe tlitt the cumpletioii of two of the yliim cottagrft at Uliiiiro, ui^biher witb alamed x.. N. ii i .1 1 1 ii in ai tne Ijondun ait Into, ha vi- p. rin ittil ttie removal uf all thoati I matit M teln|..irai ilv confined In the )all .1 the prnvmoe wh navr I..M.II ci tiriel r.. I. proper in bj Aria fur a*) MINI II.,, n, IM Ml . .,lt^;i.., pi. vi.||i.|; further arcomiiKHlation fur &MJ |iatieuu t are lu ounr ol r... luucii .n. and will probably bu otuputod during th. preamt jnwr. i m M i i ...u inii'aca. I'ublic a'lw tinn uaa ol late yean been dln.i. I to th luvlequaU (irutialuu by county xounu'i|ialiiie lor ti.u care aud uprurt ol li e aged, hi| leaa and , o.,r wituiu their DoaodelMe, oiily nine ouuntid havlug yet availei lurm- alveii.ltlie pr. vmloui- ol law authoriiinx tl.e etahluhmeu! uf indu. trial larmi and bu.iaea of iiMUxtry aud refuse lu cunnuotluu tberealtli Urgai.iifd phiianilii. p> in UK. lar|fr ceutrea of ax>|iiilatit.n ha pr. vi.ii-d mailiuuuua tor the eart< ol MI. li pi renni In theae limailttei, and Frovm. lal ai.i to u.i.y ol n eae umtituiioui baa btwu eit-u. e.| under our Ubarity AM Act. Witn a view tu m. '..-.. lading tie election of count > huuaea uf refuiie in c unentioa witb inriuitrial farm* and uf thereby relieving tbe Jail.. I til ii'il.ir'iinnle clau of I .. u Ini.i.ln, . earuie will lie ttiliiuliud fur your counlt>ra- Wuli. provi.linx fur grant fr. hi 1'roviu. lal fun. I. . ! a luui not riceedlim el.UUO t..arni Ui cunt In every count) of union of nountltfa vailing l.ae |.,f the Act, the grant to Iw rulij.'i I in 1 1. i.i aa yon may deem fitting. The Hill will al-i | ri.vnU lur ibe oaan ul . onn ilen wbicii ha ve already Mt.blithed a bounu of refuge. TAXATION l.ruml.ATlnN 1-IXIinRID. Vour alia lion will b invited tulheoonaM- ration .if eliangea lu the law relating 10 the aeaament uf property fur mn l< Ipal taiatlun 0u*p^ have been lak n to iirocum a gem ral XI rea-n ..... I .pinion fr in lln> van.in* Mulil 4| at (%'UnclU aud II. arili* of Traile throiiMll Ut the J'ruvmc*. on tlie vexod ijueitiun of eieuip- lituia lioiu local aaaeaiiuout, and uiauure ou future hold* mnoh fur )ou, you will learn to be particular kg to ) oar partner iu dei c ion. 1 'ance with DO ma.-i with whom yoa have only a ball-room acquaintance, and if yoa are really auxioon to gain the ntptut of tha people in your own aet, yoa will number tmoDg parti.tiri ooly year brotber>, or eome viry luiiuiale Irieoda. It'g all very well to nay there it no harm in daccing. 1 here uu't. Bat there ie barm in bavioK about you, a iweot pore e irl, kept ag (uu 'h an poenble (r uu Ibe wn kedutin of tbe world, the arm of a man who may bo profligate, and not pon-e tbe first initinot of a geLtlemao. Ho mty, ag you tay, danoa divinely, bat even for a partner in a rotm 1 dance, more than that 11 noeeaary. ily little girl, dancing indieoriminaiely will U-ach yoo to forget bow to bluib, and with that know led KB depart* one of your Krtaleit charing. 1'anr.r, giog and be merry, bat remembtr, not only, duel tbe world judge ai by tbe company weketp, bat jat ag )oa and I are made better arid nobler by being witb thoae who ate true aud good, 10 we are lueeniibly made meaner and poorer in heart and brain when we oomtort with thoee of Itn degree in moralg. I.mliei Humt Journal. a Halifax. N. a. daapateb aayi Detail, of terriblu affair were rt-ceivtid to-day Irom Bt Jeini'i. Mid , lour ii*wafeMn teat I y the buming of a dee liuif bouae. Tbecictiuii were Ji bu Oorley and nil three children 1 two glrli aa buy ag-d rtapeellvely 6. H a^d \'i yeari Tne fire brokeuut at uiidDnibliu tu) lower pan o the h'.uae Daniel Mulruuiiey.a ftrar&an. hxann. the alai m. ran iu Uie toeiie wiib a lasidor. ahl met Horley outilde tbe bouae Oorley <ld tUa LKIII oblldavn were lu tue atuc, and throw m ol Ilia ooat and hat daibed in . the hurniui honae, deipite the warning ihonta of Mulr A few uiinuioH later be appeared at 11.0 attu window, and Ma!roooey, ralaing bia lad di-r, mounted to tbe reecue. Iu tin meantime (iorley'i wife had reachet ilio meet (iorley paaafd three of the children uut of the wiuduw to Muiruoney, who aaaivu-. thttn to the aidewalk. Ily ihia tiuie iiuuke waa poaring out of the window iu de v.'iuiuee, -fcud when Mulruuuey turned to rtoetra tbe fnartb child be eoald no' MM Uurley. He plBDged hi* ^dy bait through tt > window, reached out bu aria aud touched Onriey, but be fell forward- witb a erreem and dUa.ppva.red. The baruic fireuiau c,.u d .llacern one of tbe raoiaimug ebildreu taiigled in an iron bedjt ad. but we iiuwerl ai to reach it Tie bodiei ot ihe four victim, were recovered horribly burned. Tne cauie uf tbo flre U unknown Oorley want to Rt. Jolini fruui Montreal, au J waa ai or M ycart old. 4iladit*n'a ChrwB 1809 Deo 20lh, born in Liverpool. 1831- Graduated at Oxford. ]-. - l.nicri ii Parliament. 1834 Junior Lord of tbe Treaiory. 1885 Under Colonial Secretary. What He Might Do. An enterpriiiog young man with a tarn for ktaunti -n rnlgbt do a nice airo'-i- of bo*ine*i at tbe prtaent time. He might bay himitlf a notebook and make a liat of II tbe men in hi* town who etop imokiug becaoee bunoi n ie doll. Along witb them he mi^ht put tboeu bo itop aiing IKJULT in any fcrm btcaui- money i* aoaroe. X'he number who (topped dancing carde btoaaae tbe lime* are hard aleo be given. Uoe ^a^e of a very email notebook will be qui<e large enough for all tbe name*. Canada Mo Woodrr nbe Waa Marprlaed. " Mr. Jaygmttb," remarked that gentle- man'g mother in -law ai the entered th office and drew up a chair, " my daughter wan lurjiriatd and grieved at tbe oonoitiun yoa went home iu lag! night, or rather early thti morning." " Yee, ' replied Jayimith, oheerfally. She didn't know I wae loaded." Onljr Bubatltnta. Mn. Gofreijoent (making a call) I ijoite envy you )our littK- toy, Mm r'lyabuul. 1I looked 10 manly itling beaide yon yce- lerday , when you were out driving. Mre l-'lyabuut (witb a ugh) Yec, I had lo take Johnny yt-ittrday. Lear little Fldo wai nok. 18W Married. 1839" The State in Relation to tbe Church." 1840" Cboroh Principleg Considered." lull Vio President cf tbe Board of Trade. 148 Bevued tbe tariff. 1MI3- rreiident of the Beard of Trade. 1845 Reliant d. Colonial Secretary. 1W6 Kegigued. 1H47 Advocated freedom of Jewr. l0j Chancellor of tbe Exchequer. 165 Reeigoari. 1858 Lord iligh Commi*ioner to tbe Ionian lelee. Kindiet of the Bomerio Age." 1848 Chancellor of tbe Kn h .,ntr. l"*Su Leadar of the CommoLa. 186C -In Uppoiitoii. lwd8 Prime Mlniiter. Kcce liomo." " A Chapter of Aotobirgrapby." 1869 Carried Irian diotitabliibmeut. " Juveeittii Mnndi " 1870 Carried Iriih Land Bill. 1871 Unveiling of big itatue In hit native city. Aboliihed purchase of army corn- minion*. Aboliihed confiacation in penal lawi. 187:* Irith nnivertity rtfortni prepoted. Reeigned, bat renamed power. 1 *7 1 UiiHulved Parliament. ii " Homer Hynabronitm." - Mid Loihiau tiiumpb. " Oleaainge of 1'aat Ycart." 1880-Prime Minuter again. 1886-Keeigi>ed. l8o6-Prim*Minttter. Irith home rale propoeed. Keeigtied. Si. /.out* Pott- liitpatch. A Bu(ieetlve Name. Oeorge What it your favorite pet name for your father, Luuite? Looiee (lookinit at Oeorge in a moet |.%t iii-iii' and appealing manner)- Pop t i 1 In y are now engaged ) llrlellv -Laird. Irate Dode Sec bere, tailor, you've made theee trouaert bi|< enough for a oow I Polite Tailor- Ub, no , jual large enough for two eaivet ! In a in. t, I, of rromlae Caae. The Court -What i* ytnr age, madam? The plaintiff Mu.il answer? Tbe Court Yon moat. Plaintiff Why, Judge, I thought people didn't h,ivn to tealify again*! Ihemeelve*. Muat Draw the Line Hamwwlier*. "Benittional jonrnalitm " hag to defied public tentiment that a itrong reaction u letting tgaintt it, and indtviitualt are bcginninK to declare that they have righte which even newtpapert are bound to re- iptcl. iu/falo Caixmeneal. Why 1 1 . r i... Mot HpMk. Mil* Ilaul.'nr 1 am going to th* D* Trow'* ball lo morrow uighl. Min Pert (who hat not received an in- vitation) Indeed? Whom do yoo chaperon ? Pewltlver " John, thievet are in Ihe boa**." " No," retarned John, wearily ; " thtre may be tbievet in the Senate, but none in tbe Iloute." don. Hanttor critical. Maodouald't condition ii What They Will Wear In the 8prln(. At latt tbere it to be a change in gen- tleman't apparel, according to the leading New York artiit. The Prinoe Albert in coming in and it it ooming in with a ruih. lirover Cleveland now will be in faihion. The one thing that annoyed him and made bit heart heavy wat the fact that be could not wear a four button cutaway, and he m not tbe only fat man whuee heart bai ached. The very latett for ipring it the I'rinoe Albert. They are made in rough Koadi, dead fluubed. i'me cork icrewi, wide and narrow Walet, and grayt will probably be tbe fad. All the dndet except Berry Wall, and Berry it not buy- ing any clothei now, are beimg meaiared for Prinoe Alberti. Ib* Prinoe Albert givet them a rtrlitmeutary air, don't yoa know, ani at the >oong men now are affectirg politicg toil given a oulinotion that they would lot get in a four button cutaway" or a thorl tack. A Holeaa Oaa*. 1'irit Offioer Wbat'i wrong wid Jimmy? Can'l yer lift him ? him A glove with a pocket In it it the latent invention for ladiee. But it i* neoeetary for the tei to IOM tomeihing, and there fore they will oarry a pocket book without a pocket in il. The Traction Company hat diiohargdl Iti union men at Piitibnrg and redntwd wagei from t2 60 for a ten hour day to IS.JI6 for eleven and one-half bourt. Roger*' clothing ttore, of New York, took all it* employee* to tbe theatre, gave them a bancjnei, and announced a dividend of i per cent, on each employee'i pay for the year. An orilrr in-oouncil hai been received from Ottawa by the Lieutenant Oovernor of (juebeo, from Ihe Federal Government, In relation to the land elide loffttreri' claim, in hi li it i* itaterl that the Uovernnieut oUtolaimii all rtaponiibility for Ibe damage* eauied by tbe rook tlide in i hamplain ttreet, booaote tbe tlide wai the mult of natural eautet. Second Offloer Not a hair can I move him. Party Who Hit r alien- It'* no uie, gentlimen ; you might at well leave m*. I've been at the Oirli' Normal Cooking School dinner, and I ate four amateur doughnote. The Matter 1'ainten' and Decorator* Union of New York Hlttn bat decidfd that th apprentice'* pay for the flrtt year tball: be 95 per week , for tbe eeoond year, 17 pvr week ; for tbe third year, 19 per week ; for the fourth year, til per week, and for the fifth year, 913 pur week. --Adam Korepangb wtt an illiterate man, bat he never smoked nor chewed tobacx), nor did he ute intoxicating liquor*. He wai a lovir of animal*. Min Ni>> Shaketpeare will be queen of the carnival at New Orleane thit year. 8he in the daughter of th Mayor of that otty. Mra. Harrison trill an interviewer Initead of making 22 the proper etre to marry I ehould make it 2t>. At a rale a woman it married two thirdt of her life, and the can eaiily lend two or three oat of thoee year* to what oaght to be a happy prriod with every girl, tbe yeare between liool day t and marriage." The Newport Newt, Va.. thip-yard i* nearly ready to twgin work. It it the largeat in America, and hat a water front of 1.600 frft. Henry Looittky, formerly of Cramp*', i* taperiutendent of eon- trnotlon. The Qaeen of England'! granrl- ilaiiKhter, tho Duohete of Fife, hai turned oat to be one of the nmit demnaratio yoong pera.in* in Great Britain. Hhe wander* a hunt the ulr.'eUwith her hnrbanH. looking into i liu ihop windowe, and when ihe go to the thnatre the eitt witb the common- erg and roar* at the fan. There are tome women to talkative that iioiliinK bat the toothache will make them bald their j*wi. Mr. E. G. Conklin ht* been appointed Clerk of the Local Legiilatare la place of Mr. C. Btdleir, who ago retigned tome time Ml. Wallace introduced a bill to incor porate the Uiand Uraogd Lodge of Britiah Americ*. Mr. Carling, in reply to Mr. Cimon, taid the Government wai cuniiderinx tbeadvi* ability of entabliibing an experimenta dairy in oonnection with the Experiment* Farm. Mr. Charlton announced thtl the pro moter* of the three bill* on reciprocity in wrecking had agreed to let them ttand til Thursday next, if tbe Government wunlc agree to make them tbe flrit order of the da,. Mr. Foiter laid on tbe table of tbe Route theeatimatet for the year ending June 3Ul 1991. The ettimatet were referred to tbe Com mittee of Supply. Mr. Bain, ( wentwortb), Inatking for re lorn*, *aid that tbe onrreepondence at to he ownerihip of tbe Waterloo and Dundav Hoad bad been koing on lince 1885. 0*iog to tbe nntetlled ttate of the ownerihip lb< road wa* in a very bad Hate and people had to pay toll at four gatet. For the five ytart the matter had been in dupote peuple had been compelled to oarry on >*tematic warfare againit tbe preeent bolder, in order to compel him to keep ii in tome tort of condition. It wai a lerioo.* local irritation to be forced to pay toll for a road that wa* than neglected. He hoped tbe Minuter woald try and orge on hi* de- partment and get tbii matter tattled. bir Hector Langevin laid tbe qaeition wan whether tbe road belonged to tbe Gov- rnment of Canada or the Government of Ontario. Thii had been a difficult matter to look into. Search** bad now bean com- Dieted and tbe paper* woald ihortly be aid before the Miuiiler cf Joitioe for hi* opinion. Mr. Wilson (Elgin), in moving for paper* respecting the propoial to convert Kettle creek into a oaoal between St. Thomai and fort Htanley, laid h* oould hardly conceive that anyone wai foolitb enough to conceive inch a project practicable. II* underitocil that the engineer* found that tbii canal would have to be 800 feet deep at St. Thomai. That, of court*, would be a dim salty, bat the ingenion Miniiler cf Pablia Woriu might be able to overcome it. Then there wai a loarcity cf wai. r in Kettle ireek, and it woald either have to be brought From the Thamri by boring twenty rml-i or from the lake. What wa* lo be gaimrl >y a canal /rom Bt. Thomai to Port Stan ey ? There wai no traffic between tbe >laoci and tbe proposition wat abeord, and ie wai lurprittd that the Miniiler of Public \Vork* ihould be to far deceived ai to tend lii engineer* to *urvey the route of the >nal. Mr. Caiey laid that it wai poitible with be expenditare of half a million of dollar* o make Kettle cretk navigable, bat only or flab. (Laoghter). The motion for the papert wai carried. Mr Wilton (Elgin), in moving for the retarnt a* to the toll* collected at Port itanlt-y, draw attention to the neglected tate of thn harbor. Tbe Minuter wai dealing unfairly by tbeie people, and the rade wa* being forced cff the lakei. The vault wai that Port Stanley wai degenerat- ng. It w* true that the narbjr bad been landed over to the London & Port Itanley Railway, bat it wai Ibe doty of tbe jovernn.ent to force tbe railway to attend to thin port. Mr. Caiey thought that the Government honld make an appropriation to pot tbii tort in repair. Mr. White (Renfrew), on mo ion for re- ami, called attention to a oate of hirdahip vhicli had occurred in connection with tbe robbery of the poet cffioe at Pembroke on be night of the Isih of April lam. The XMt office wa* broken into and registered tten containing 12.000, ai far a* oould aeoertained, wereatoien. Many perton* win had lott the money oould ill-afford it, and he hoped if it wti pottible to reim- burse them the Government weald do to, Mr. HtkXari laid the invariable role laid down in the United State*, England and moet oounlrie* where there were limilar eaiaU.rliment of tbe bareau. Mr Chapleaa laid that when the Print- ing Bnc**u wa* lolly oooipleled, he be- lieved th* aoonomv which he promited would be realized. He hoped thii would be tbe oaee, and if it wa* not il would not bo hit fault. Mr Homerville laid he nnderatood tbat the Secretary of State bad admitted to th* printer* that tbe preaenl arraignment ooat morn than tbe old ayitem. VI r. Chaplean replied that all be bad laid wat tbat tbe printing bad ooat more than be had anticipated < n account of th* uunniabM it ate of the building, which com- [i -II. d them to ran two egtabluhment* at QUO*. TnHer hetd of Dominion Land*, Bir Richard Oartwrii<ht pointed oral that ther waa a large aucrepatjcv between the receipt* aod expenditure of thij depart- ment. It had coet $400.000 to orllect 230.000. Tbe probability of 168800,000 being realized from Dominion Itnd* by 181. which wa* promiied by Sir Charlet Topper, wai becoming more rt mote, Mr. Dewriney vaid be wai iff n-ting a aving of 113,000 thii year in tl.u depert- meut. He had a scheme whereby be hoped toon to make the tervioe much let* expensive. Sir Richard Cartwri^hi aiked for an ex- planation ai lo the mcreaae ot 11,500 in the itlary of Chief Engineer Page, making it *G.OOO. Sir John Uaodonald explained tbat th* improvenunt of the canal s>item and the baiUing of Ibe Kaalt Bie. Mart* canal were oo Mr. Page'i ihoolderi, and hi* dutie* had largely increaead. Mr. Wilton (Elgin) taid he waa not *atii- fled with thi* explai alioo. It wai a very trance thing tbat an official who had an indictment hanging over hit bead from one of the Government tupporteri ihould re- ceive mob aa inoreaa*. Sir John Macdonald That'* anothtr page altogether in bia hittory. Tbe item panned and the committee roae. Oaselda, < ..,,.n, . ., 11 T . The annual report of the Oneid* Com. manity, limited, jail Bled witb the Seore- tary cf State, giv* the valuation of th* land, building* and water power devoted to manufacture* at 9147,230 , tbe good*, atock, machinery, etc., at (432.164.11, mak- ing a total valuation on manufacture* of 1579.391 11. The land and buildinit* de- vottd to aitricnllnre are [ laoed at 963 690, aud the implement*, itock, prodooe, ete., at 16,119.16, or 970,0x9 16 devoted to agri- colturo. Be*id>-* tl.n they bave nut* amounting to t''0 000, i><r*onal property to the value of 19,086, 918.202 20 iu catb, 33283 in good murtgage. 1.800 in Com- manity ilock bald by the o, mi any, 111,- H in billi receivable, f MMo's/.'O in au. .uuuta receivable, making a grand total to the credit of the Community of 1917,. 81491. ' Qaamdarrefa Hellglua Editor. A correspondent call* our attention to an adveriiasnieut, the nature of which, be turmiia*. " mutt have been overlooked," ami tayi : While the diecipline of th* hojiat Episcopal Cbnroh i* oppo**d to, and her minuter* preach agamil, parlor tnd other kind* of dancing, it due* look a .ml* inconeiatent for a Melbooiit paper to lave an advertisement in it ihowing people where lo pa rebate jig. waltz, polka and lecl mutio." The point i* well taken ; but how an we to aerve thoav miniitert whoae chil- dren are Uaroiog to play jig, waltz, polka nd reel mniio and want tu know where to find tb beat of that tort of thing ? North- rt Ctinitian Advocate. Art Kdueatlou lo Mew Vork. " Bav* yoo been tc ice Tha Angela* el ? " liked one perton of another in the tearing of the pweengen on an ilevaled train th* other day. " No," wa* the reply ; I've been away from Ihe city almoet almoel all tbii winter and I haven't been lo tli- theatre at all." And than h* wondered why everybody near him in the oar teemed to bave juit remembered a funny alory. New York Hun. the Took Her Tin,. The following ijuaint epitaph on husband lyitem* to our*, wai not to reimburse for | and wife-trie hu.band having died ft.rit inch lottei. A departure from thi* ral* i* to be tren ia on* ot the I'eruian o*m*. would lead to great trouble. He had ! teriet : " I am anxioualy awaiting von- every tympathy with tbe tuffereri.andhad A. D. 1827." " Here I am A I) 18i!7 " -' ; "' : u ' '"' " - L - Th* good lady had taken her tim. about ltV~Jt*wMwi Clattici. no objection to tbe retnrni being brought down. The motion wai carried. Bir Richard Cartwright called attention to the fact that the Public Account! Com- mittee had not been called. Mr. Koiter It will hi called ai early it poaaible. Mr. Lanriar But A Mitigating fir. iini. Cnttomer Yoo charge tro much for your meal. You charge 50 ocnti for > our laid it would be called for to-day. beeftteaki, while your rival over the way I only tiki a quarter. the Prime Miniiler; Butcher Maybe to, but i he don't have an much then you tee profit at 1 have. Mr. Foater-There are three daya' grace. Yon moil take that into coniideration. Mr. ( harltoii, in moving tbe flrat read- m ing of the bill to amend tbe Dominion A True ueuiieuan. Election Act, taid thi object wai to pro- ,. U1 , vide againit promiiei made by candidate/ y^r, *',.' y r * gentleman, of the Government of expenditure in their ., riding. Another object wai lo provide that :.*." enllem n lw J lD(fbi at the the Government ihould not expend money i .V.. y ' nd nev " f * y> lh *' h * t.,r ih. ...,,...,>x. ,, ,..,i.... - .i. neara it before. for th* purpoaa of intlaenoing election*. Thii w*i one of the moil fruitful eoarot* of corruption at tba pretent day. Bir John Macdonald Yon iboulJ ID- elude promite* from all quarter*. The bill wai read a Orel time. Mr. McCarthy- 1 would like to aik if it woald not be convenient for a day lo be et for the leoond reading oC the bill! againtt my name I have oonialted the Kirn Minuter and he ha* aoggealad Wed- j ueaday week, if il would be convenient, ' Wednesday, the 12th. Bir John Maodonald I think that woald be convenient Thi* inbjeci ii ol very general intereel to the Hout*, and it would be well to have, a day fixed. Wednesday, tht 12th, woald be convenient, bat I would Huibanrt Where i* my wife, Anna ? Maid- Shi ' jnii gone upitairt, tir. Hu*h*nd Well, jail give her thii ki*, 'I havw to catob atrainin tivemitiucei and oan't wait. Hud With 1 t,oi In ll. " How mnoh older ii your elder titter than yoa?" long." like tirit to hear from the other tide. Mr. Laurier At tar it thii tide ia con- Home Mlaalon Work. Maud-Why in the world did you aaoept Mr. Donothiu* ? oerned, we will agree to Ibli arrangement, w Uelene - u h. he 1 * *noh a fool lome one Sir R. chard Cart*nht laid it w , " UoUke e of him, and a* I'm rich premature lo aik wbat day the Budget l8u PP e11 mi n> wllb* I. wooli be brought down, but he tuppoied it ' wai cafe to prennme il would not be brought The Hebrew employer) of labor inFbila down next week. delphia have given wan, in* to all Hebrew* Mr. Knitter - Not next week nor tbe fol- m tnrir employ who entertain athn.tu- or lowing week. anatchiilio idea* tbat they moit either The Home went into Committee of Sup- ' Te n P their memberthlp In aitociatit ui ply. that advonate inch prinoiplei or leek i m- Mr. MoMullen, on tbe Item for printing P lo > m nl * ""' and itationery, tatd that it appeared that The late Adam Forepangh uaed to printing wai more costly than ever, and M 7 : " * n * Te bo - T ' nd Barnum ha that iimivad of Ihe laving that the Bee re. none. My thow will outlaat hit." lary of Stale bad promiiad, there would be Tbe clergy of Belleville are agitating for a log* to thi country in conicqat.no* of thi a reduction of tavarn lioentct by five.

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