ANITOBi nirrKKS. A Wonlgu Oplalon. __ Presumably on the principle that of two evils one should ohoosa the lesser, and that BACK TO K KI; \ viueroyal courts an a bigger plaKue than j divorce courts, tha Chicago Canadian- Tha public man of the Uoltad States ara 4staric*a ihtu prsatats its views regarding puzzled abial the aa<ro problem. FJW, if tha Foster Chiaholn alliance and the say, of them would ctre to go baok to the sonaty gossip of Ottawa, winding up with old conditions under which ths negro was I a political pr jpheoy : enslaved, bat it is asc*riaiaed thu, oa toe j A few year* ago a wall-known rsaident of whole, tha present condiii in of tba negro is worse thao lht whiih be oicapiei before bis eman :ipatioa Tne sense of freedom is worth a great deal, bol il does no; nitke op for tha laik of fooi, olathia{ sal sialtar, asaffijienoy of which haa iredi of thous- ands of the olored padple appaar to be un- able to obtain ae fra laborers. Ths Navr York Bulletin affirmi fiai thara has baaa no laok of omnidort'iin and of kiad treat- mint on the otrt of tD4 saparioi raie, no ' aei;leot of effjrl to provide the miaas of eduaation ; oa the oatrary, the States have dona what lay ia their lim- ited piwor to impro/a the negro's condition and sositl efloi-iaoy, and that squally from bnmaoe asalioaint at from interested motive. Bat all such h<*lps Hamilton, Ontario, whose belief in certain theories found expression on many puulio platforms, created a tremandous sensation ia the Province by aaddenly leaving the country, to the regrat of srea of friands, some of whom be had ruined by his specu- lations. A disgraced wife, with a family, was, bowavar, e>]uil to the task before bar, and thereat lar not a penny of D. B. Chit- holm's moaey pssad through tha bauds of Mrs. Gnisholm, who plnokily engaged ia litorary and other work to keep tha wjlf from tna door. The hmbanl threw all the responsibilities on tba shouldart of the wifa and mother, anl the, like a trua wo- man, bora tha bardea anoomplaiaingly. Coming to Ohio!o a year or two agi, ... lha obtained a divorca on tbe grounds powarleia as a^tioit tha qulit(ia and | of non-support and dmarlion. Shortly after initiaott inherent to and inseparable treat i the married the Hon. George E. Foster, tha raoe. Tha fundamental tactur in the CMS is that ths nexro race was organ! lly developed and mantlly and pbyaioally limited under conditions of climate and toil which, ou the one hand, male his wants few nd simple and, on tha othtr, required from him the minimum of physi- cal and mental effort. Wnen suddenly transplanted into entirely different natural conditions and required to supply, not tha limited want* n-rraane to his special nature and capabilities, bat the much larger wants of a higher race and a higner civilization, ha was pat into conditions ts whioh be was in every lense unequal. Under the compulsion cf slavery, artin:ial prae- tors and tha supervision of a higher race could force oat of him a larger utility and produotiveneas than that which would have come spontaneously nnd-r native condi- tions. And even when tlavsry was abol- ished, he had a certain stock of practical knowledge and of indnatrial habits, acquired from his servile condition, which have contributed materially to hU welfare. Bat these i|atlidctioos have to contend against a nature conslitatiosally indolent, passive, noambiti us, improvident and ia- cuif treat to the itiuiiiUtUjg wauls of loftier races, and there has ben a constant con- flict between the inherent qualities and the acquired habits, in which tbe Utter have been steadily losing ground. To day, tha problem with tbe Southern negro ia how to provide not comfort, nor competence, bat jast so much of ths plainest neceMitias of, food, clothing and shelter as is ni cecatry to tha degree of uhyaioal stamina eneoutiai to productive effijiency. He is making no progress towards conquering that prooiuu : on tbe contrary, the prospect of bis saiv- ing it anemi to recede farther at every step. The landmarks tiow numilakble videnoe of retroxrewioa. He is no longer able to provide a anil', jency of nutritive food ; he cannot adeqattely protect himself agtinat incUmeut weather ; an HDrestraineeVxaxual immorality in spread- iflg the seeds of enervating disease through a large proportion of tbe raoe ; and thuj there is in steady progress a process of physioal deterioration whioh is constantly diminishing the valae of tbe negro to society and therefore to himself. Concur rently with this tendency, ih increase of ths population is at a rate so high that tbe children sartor from insufficient nutrition and grow op into a maturity of feeblenets that curtain their value (or toe purposes of labor, whilst the supply of labor is abnor mally gaining on the demand. Hue of Ihe suggestion* for Ihe solution ot the problem u the deportation ot t' negroes from the Southern Slates to their original boina in Africa, where, it is arimed, they would exercise a civilizing influence at a tima whan tha oommtrcial nations of Europe England, Germany and Portugal re endeavoring to open up and develop tha " dark continent." The theory is that a co'ony of 100,000 Southern negioas, educated into white civilisation and speaking the Eng- lish language, might render important ser vices as a connecting link between the ex trames ot a high civilisation and barbarism. They might prove a valuable contingent 'or polios or military purposes in regions where whites could not exist, and thus do their share toward* civilising tha present in habitants. Hut the remedy seems inade- quate. A few hundreds of thousands would hardly ba milaed from the millions ol negroes in the Southern States. Their places would be qoiokly supplied by the natural increase ot population. A peculiarity of the case is that the foreign-born white residents of the United States were instrumental in freeing the Minister of Finaaoe for the Dominion. That is part o* the stsry , the other is now coaiing to as in ahapMrs. Society at ths capital of the Dominion U creating it by dividing on tha subject of Mrs. Foster't loaial status. Oae section adheres to the lief that there is ao stain upon Mrs. Foster's character ; and ths other, with ears open to a hint from Rideaa Kail, the official residence of the Governor-General, regard her as one of those u >rrid divorced women whom Cjosm Vutorut would ex- clude from court.- In tome way or other it supposed that Lord Stanley of Preston represents Her Majeity in Ottawa's society cirJ.s, and therefore Balmoral roles should applied in Mrs. Foster's case, good woman though she is. In advocating such raoge Ontracisra soni'i Canadians are making fooU of tbfms lives, as well as elevating Bideaa Hall and its occupants to place ranch above- tha level of native society. Ia the piliii :;i' world of the Dominion Kioeaa Hall u an unimportant [actor i why should it be the dictator in anything? However, in ten years from now tha Dominion will not be served by a Oovernor-General from the Mother Coon- Imperial Federation Officers. At a meeting of the Imperial Federation Association, hil 1 in Ottawa yesterday, tha following officers were elected : President Dalton McCarthy, M.P. Vice-Presidents Ontario, Alex. HcNeill, M P ; Quebec, Hon. H. O. 3oly ; Nova Scotia, Archbishop O'Brien ; Na Brunswick, Sir Leonard Tilley, the Lieutenant- Governor ; Prinoe Edward's Itlund, L'uutenant Governor Carvell Hritiah Colombia, Lieutenant Governor Nelson; Manitoba, Lieutenant Governor Schultz. Secretary -Casimir Dickaon, Toronto. Treasurer H. H. Lyman, Montreal. Tbe foil wing gentleman ware nominated to the Executive Council ot tha League in England : Mr. Sanford Fleming, Sir Al Gait, Mr. McGonn and Col. Q. T. Deniaon, and Mr. Caatell dopkint and J. Harberl Haf ou, Toronto, were added to the Council in Canada. TIKKU or THK TOST*. Married Ooaplva Who Seek to bo Olvaraxd Aa Ottawa das pat oh says : Tha prali minary movamants towards thu securing of 'hat may ba termed melaaoho'.y legiala- on wera made to-day, four divorce peti- ans having been presented. The first is from Emily Walker, nee larald, of Hamilton. She deposes that when under ths aga of 21 she married at )uadas, Rav. O. A. Fornert baiog the ^lebrant, Alfred Paroy Walker, who wai lao under 21. She adds : " Stid mar- riage oarerony was performed without thi inoifledga or coaa^nt of tha mother of oar petitioner, sad your petitioner's ather, who died before the marriage took laoe, never approved of it, and the aaid marriage has never ainoe been ratidsd or ondrmed." After tha marriage it apaeara ha husband want straight off to Gualph, eavin his spiuse ai it were at the charob oor. He tten went to Texas, and it now supposed to ba in Er joklyn. Walker has inoa refused to live with his wife, and his wife has no hope taat ha will oama to her. lanes tha application for divorca. Thi next petition is tnat of a husbind o se divorcel from a runaway wifa. Tha titioner, Uavid Ulapp.of Jarriitoo, mar- ied in November, 1870, Alice M. Maodoa- Id, of Picton. Rav. W. Lswin presided at ha ceremony. The parties lived together lappily until March 16th, 1387, or for nearly seventeen years, when the misgsided wife went off to Odtroit and lived an rregnlar life. There are two sbildren wing, one nineteen years old and the other ixteen. Hughes Forbes Kaafar, contractor, of Vancouver, tells a similar ilory ia his peti ioa. He married Rebeooa Ann I'isdall. of Stratbroy, at Tuorold, on March 2nd, 1871, and haa two children, one eighteen years ild and the second sixteen. He charges natality during his absenoes from home in .482 and 1883. The last ease ia similar to the first, excspt hat the hnibaad lived with his wif i three rtayi. The petitiiner is Christiana Filman jlovor, of Barlingtea. She married br-n opher Columbus Glover on April 4lb, 874. After living with her three days, Glover sent her to her father's farm and 'ent off with Harriet Glover, of Michigan, where he now lives. There is one child. A dissolution of marriage on the ground of desertion and of unfaithfulness is anked for. Do you think tha proprietors of Dr. iage'a Catarrh Remedy would offer, as they have done for many yeara, a standing reward of J.IOO for a caje of Catarrh which ;hey cannot cure, if they did not positively know that the Ksinedy will absolutely and jermaneolly care Catarrh. Sold by drug- gists, at only SO cents. Why, what's tha matter, Berry 1 ? Hav< yon typhoid or what, that you've lost al your hair ?" "Oh, no, but you see I went to Bar Har bor last summer and got engaged to eight men, and when the Beaton was over they each demanded a lock of my hair." Spars the rod and catch no f.ih. Man's place in the cemetery it uooer tain. It it settled by lot. The man whose wits go wool-gathering is lucky it he doetn't get fleeoed. A raoe between Nellie Bly and Dillie Nye might do tor the next thing. Leo. XIII. will be so >ears old on March 2nd, should be live till then. We suppose the ship heaves to out ol sympathy for the seasiuk passengers. Many an actor begins with big bill boards and ends with big board bills. A million little microbes Wore dauttiuK m thu mu ; Then oanw a bitter killing frost. And than tbr was but oua. Tba lonely little microbe Footed bill little lip. And >aid, " Iwinb I. too, wu ilead, BocatiM I've lust uiygri|>: " Charlotte Smith, of the Woman's In- dustrial League, bases her demand before February t'arum that the election of Llnooln woald have been impossible if thi Know-Nothiag cry oi " America for Americans " had prevailed at an earlier period in lha history of ths country. The total population of tha Slates in 1860 was 11,1-13.7 U, of whom 4 U.f. 153 were foreign- bora, and of the latter only 316,730 were to be found in all the eleven States which fact that tmoking among women has in creased SO per oent daring tha past live years. If Henry George, the apostle of social reform, were penniless to-morrow he woulc have very little difficulty in getting employ meat as a typewriter. Several years' prac- tice haveenabledhimto attain saoh a speed seceded. The remaining States had a total ', on the instrument as would pot hundradt IMU.987, of whom one- sixth, In every population o/ 3,882,432, ot a little over were actually foreign- born. State carried by Lincoln there a large foreign population, whioh mostly, and in some States entirely, Republican, and which continued to be U publican down to a very recent date and it tha vote of thib class bad been omitted in i860, it would havo reduced Lincoln's vole to such an extent as to of professionals to the blush. Michael Davitt ii working up the forma- tion of a labor society in Great Britain WM ' and Ireland. Eight hours and the Henry WM George taxation of land are in the plat form. SOL WIIITK, the annaxationiit Mayor o Windsor and lha man who was sure of I portfolio in Meredith's ministry bad the Tories been successful at the last Provin UIUUUIU O VUB-V SJVS SJl4V<4 BU CABI.-II* <J WW I - J m_ I 1 defeat him ia moat ot the States whioh he oial elections, in his '""gsral address to ....) i i,.. . i... - a..k. _t.ik i n tai'.i the Windsor Council declared commercia carried. The eleven States whioh in 1861 hoisted the u*g of secession had a popula- tion of 8726.641. Of these only U1G.730, or about 2] per cent., wars foreign- born, and they were subsequently found to be Unioaiatt. Will it tarn oat that the migration in the nrat half ol ths nineteenth century from Enropa to the United Statea will be> the cause of an equally great migra- tion from America to Afrioa in th latter half? Filling up In Anticipation. The teaoher of a private school allowed her pupils only one drink ia the morning, unless they had salt meat for the first msal. When ona day a child asked for the second supply, she was therefore oross-qnaetioae j, " Had you tall meat tor breakfast ?" " No." wu to* innocent reply. " But Tim Talm V*ke. If a fe v causal remarks by Dr. Talmtga made to a fellow visitor to Mars Hill, occupying lesa than ten minutes of time, is expanded to a two and a half column " cable " sermon in American newspapers next morning, how mu :h hardar did tha clerk ia Brooklyn work who sands out tbe printed proof slips a week in advance to produce the same length of sermon when T aim age talked only fiva minntes in Liver- pool .' Rochetter Herald. " I am little I know, but I think I :an throw a weight of a hundred ton." So sang a proud banana peel But Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are quite as powerful in meeting with and overthrowing dises If yon have rush of blood to tha brain dizziness, headache, constipation, indi gaslion, or biliousness, buy a vial of them little pills at ones. One a doss. 8aocifal Criminal Lawyer. 11 Let me see, Blinker, you have been enjoying some experienoe lately. Is Keen sal any good as a criminal lawyer ?" 14 Good ? Not the word for it. He not only got me clean off of aa indisputable drunk and disorderly, but had the police man put away for a month for assault." Slumping- the Old Man. I'll tend my boy to boarding school." " What for?" " Ob, ba askt sach infernal questions. He wonted to know last night if a shoe- maker could breatu j hit last." AVie Yark &M*. H Repudiated tha Allegation. Officer of the Law (to trampt -You're my meat. Tramp You're mistaken. I'm nothing but skin and bones. " We thought her dying when aba tlept, And ilaopluR wnen iba died." Bat the bitterest stiag of such a sorrow is to think she might have been saved! They saw the rose fade on her cheek and the eye grow dim. Had they but known of Dr. Pierce' a Golden Medical Discovery, who can tell but the might still bo with them, the sunshine of their home. Take the remedy in time, and you will find that con- sumption (which it scrofula of thi lunge) can be oared. The " Discovery " is guaran- teed to cars in all cases of diseases for which it is recommended, or money paid (or it will be promptly refunded. i. ft -in it H*r I -OB m K.-;i.!y. He I suppose pou are very busy nowa - days preparing your poem for tha com- mencement. She Ob, yes, indeed. I've tried the waist on twice already. BLACK Liar roB I.OVKKS. Palmta Aboa A.ivar IPIUK. Tanas; Lvlle Organise* 8ool*T to put a. Chaek Upon Bigamy and tha Dcptloi PrsjseUesl s>y ataiann and unda*. Tha thriving and eaturprisiug tun a r . ytnautu, Pa., nas a uo*<l sanely. I> n [ -in-va at lha Young L lu' Proif<:.ivj Ai- uciaiian, and in primary objiot i thi iroteotioa of tris mairtmlaial m term is of ha young wool MI of tha plans. Girls beiwjeu hi ages o' 17 anl JO ara eligible N > woman oan "03 admitted ovjr tbe ao ot 30 last why they oa'i is explained by olaum a ths by laws of toe saai jiy waiub. raads : 16. N j woman over ths ag? of 30 shall fee eligible ti membership ia this loaiety, bsoime metnbars ot that a^ewjuld hve nothing ia common with yiaa^er numbers, aad therefjro tlusa pirious roald boa detrimaat to the organiniioa. Tba sijitjty has now a mimoarship ot 7, and is Hill growing. Om bla ik bill is uffliiant to k^ep aa appliaaat out. J:aa jiliian C. Haater, a 3un lay suhoal taaohar, s tba pratideat of the society, sad MisH lamia \ juiiarj.-nith is secretary. Ia explaining ths working ot tha sooiety >o a Pmladdipii* rum-i mtn, tha i luratary laid : Alan U fall of deaeptian. fld doesn't iraotioe it so main on hit fellow- man as be IOM oa poor, helplssi woaian. \V j had a case here in point aboal two years ago. A oung man, wbo in tne ton was oonsid- red a model, married one of our moit >autiful anl accomplished young ladies. Three moatbs alter the marriage it wai ound thai the man was uot a model, but a villain. Ha had bean living a dual life, with those whom they This tact was known to several ladies, but they did not deem it their daty to inform the prospective bride until it was too late. The young wife died snortly afterward of a broken luart. Now, you see with our present organi- zation there can hardly be a repetition of inoh foul crime. Wa meet onoe a month and discuss society, love and matrimonial affairt. If a young man is paying atten- tion to one of our members we appoint a committee ot three to and oat juiit bow the young man stands financially, morally tnd otherwise. And you oan depend apou it that we and oat, too, for what a woman can't und out on saoh a mission isn't worth finding oat. At ths next meeting this committee makes a report. If tha lover is foand to be all right the young lady in the case U notified to that effect. Tbe good parti of the man are fully explained in the presence of all the members. If the man id bad in his every-day life his sweetheart alone is apprised ol his faolts. Should she continue to receive hia attentions abe is warned that a continuance of the same will cause her expulsion from the society. What is still worse, the man it black- the Windsor onion with tbe States waa impracticable but that ha was a strong supporter o political union. Mrs. Harriett Beecher Stows mad J200.000 out of " t'nnla Tom's Cabin." It gave four millions of peopla their freedom. A new Irish ballad, much sang at ths high-class London ballad concerts, is called " I'm off to Philadelphia in the Morning." A Baltimore woman carries her ideas of modesty to such an extent that she hat made trousers tor her piano legs and all Baltimore is giggling. Chicago people ought not to complain of aspersions oa their artistic ssnss whan the Inter (Venn heads an account of " The Angelas " with " Hear Dem Balls. ' It's a very wise father who knows at much at his son. The F**ti* Urummer. Deacon Yonng man, I think I will give you an order, but I much fear that you have not told the exact truth regarding your goods. Drummer Well, sir, the fact is I have not. Why, sir (sinking his voice to a whia per), were I to tell all the truth abont those KOOJS I'd be mnrdvred for my samples be- fore I reached the next town. Dental Note. Stranger Where doet that now dentist have hie office ? Policeman You mean the one who pulls teeth without pain ? Strarger- -Yes. Polioetnan Oo right around the corner. Yon will have no trouble (lading bis office. You can hear his patients yell hall a block away. er m . i in inn vricn (ha atafaaiial, " I don't uead to a iv irtuu jail no* ; I * n unable to All my aHir* : wnra badness b^nit to slacken a i I shall, p -rti[>), avail m/*elf of your aoluui is." It is tat old siory ol th leaky roof, waioh dil not neel r*pairiui( when the w,-<iher wa? fair, a 1 : mid mo* ba repaired whd it rv.isd. Thi wisest baniiiMS Ol^a i.i the ID n raooMnfal onuii re t Ii j who k-wp tt'tir uaaMs prom: aently bef >r the puilio whju trid isi<oo 1 u w il M when pr. I'.i mu < to bjvn a Iowa it w.iau evjrybjdy if i:i'.*rc<u."i in it. When the inlarast tails, oae might M well try to i weep biak iba .lvaoiu! wavxd o( thi oaean, att to withftaui taj stS'npild of waiog .: >arU mo j \Vn MI trade in driving u the) tima to make onVa bnuoessio mil known that when thud ml seaion oj am ihiro will lull be omtomors to kmp tba manotau- turer b-ny. Sat i a basinets ma : " I mast advertise if I *>'il i i(et gaol results from my man oa tiu rad. B.rfore I ai- vertUad, ray trsvellort euteria>; an o Hi its would b*4old ' we an not aoc| iaind with yo'ir hotno,' atii ia mtny Jti-d f >aad trial they aaalJ not secure au ardor which, pir- chaaoe. wouli be tiivtn to nompititor bj- fore their ey.-s. At non as t baican to a<i- vurtise I had n.f experience. My men foand tht it wi equivalent to letter of introdaolioa f ro n a matntl friend. ' Oil ye), wu have aotioed your advertisement, and wa (eel acv) laiuted with your home.' la this influence alone oar Ivertuini; pya.' " Tbil ia QJ uautual experience. il-m will deal kaow, or of whom they have heard a ) mijli that they fssi ae- 'laainted. Catalogues may and lodgment oa a ahelf, bat the constant arrival of a r -'(unable journal ia a constant and sure) reminder whioh sooner or later mum boar fruit. It ia the nou-aiivartiaer who com- plain? of hard timaa. When everybody i* rushed, it ii no triak to aeaare oaatom, it it] when hia unijhb ira are i il , that the man who ha* wisely kpt hn nama and good* before the public, finds himself ao well known that ba uta nil fall snare of what patronage ia to be had. Dixie. listed, and every member of the society I knows by this that there is a dark side to hm character, although only the committee appointed to investigate his case knows all his faults. If a man is poor financially, and it is thought he cannot support a wife, be is marked ' uhursh mouse.' The mean ing of this u that if a girl wants to put up on 'church mouse ' fare ahe can. No member of the society can receive the attention of a new-comer in town until hit pedigree ia first obtaiued. Tha dudes and mashers are also provided against. It oftentimes happens that a young man will pay marked attention to a young lady and then suddealy leave her for another. Ia this way some good marriages are delayed. Under the rales of tbe society ao member can receive the attentions of a man who ia known to be making love to another mem- ber of the society. " The only tune this rule is broken is when the girl tires of the man's sooiety. Then she sends a ' release ' card to the Secretary, and tbe maa it free property oace more. Within tha last ii.\ months there were two ' release ' oases. The ladies gave iheir lovers up, and the latter became acquainted with other members of tha Huuiety and married them. Attar oace ' releases ' a man she cannot ba the complainant against him in any future trouble that may arise questioning the gen - tleman'i character. Each member of the society carries a little memorandum book with her and puts down how often avrtam young men attend church and prayer meeting daring tbe month. These reports are died wiic the Heorfetary, and at the end of six months or a year it n known to all the members just how many times a certain young man went to church, although ia all probability the individual himself would not be able to tall bow many times be attended divine wor- ship. If a young man is seen going in or coming oat of a aaloon this fact ia reported Scotch New* Notea. Sir Charles Tennant ba been chosen a* (iladatonian candidate for the Part- ok Diviaion of Lanarkahire, rendered vacant by the death of Mr. Craig-Hallar. The Mani'iii of Lome baa resigned the) honorary ouloneloy of the Glasgow High- land \oianteerj, whioh he baa held for 19 years. Emcritni Profvaior W. L. Fisher. of St. Vndrew'a I'bivraity, ami on the 8ih uut. Ue waa in hia 7(ith year, and had been) >!- nacted with St A.ndrew'a fur 42 veara. The Kainburnh Town Coauuil bare re- tolved, by 16 votea toll, to diaconrinae pro- viding aloobolio lii|anr it oonvenazia and entertainment* hid at the expense of the Corporation. At a private meetioK of the Sec itiah Home Rale Aaaociatioa in Edinburgh no the ISth tnit it was announced that aha Mar<jia of Bute bad sent i'JUO to promLts) the objects of thn *89ocition. The Sheriff of Chancery of Scotland has decided the ancocaaion to the earldom of Caithness by adjudging Mr Jamasi AoKOataa Sinolnir, banker, of Aberdeen, heir of the late Earl, wh i, however, ha* bcjaeathed his eatatta to another person. Mr. Robert Peat. Town Chamberlain, Forrea, Morayhirc, died on the 14th init. i at the :II{B of 74 yean. Be went from i Arbroath to Forrea abont 40 years ago, and shortly afterwards became a solicitor on bm own account. Mr. Peat held many public pomtiuns) in Forrta, and was ap- pointed Town Chamberlain about 17 yean tjo. The Secretary says efforts will be made to establish tiiuilar societies all over the country, which will have the effect of call- ii>H a halt to the work of the bigamist. Wjthingtan Pott. Chief McKinnon bas essayed a recom- mendaticn as to dealing with anfortanats) girla who have become victims of man's a lady i '""' * D( ' deceit. 1 am not offering an opin- ion oo hi* plan, bat tba denirv he manifests) to do lometbinx in the matter ia creditable) to him. As it ia now a mugla error, a moment of womanly weakness, mkei the victim of maacaline villainy a social out- cast, denied even the opportunity of a Magdalene. Society owea it to itself to aea that children so called into a bard world are oared for. And should the victim bear all the pain and din;raoe, the shame of social oatraciem, the sneers and insult* of her betrayer's sex and the acorn and oon tempt of her own, while the author of her ruin moves in society's gayest throng! and M petted snd feted and admired? Yes these animals have sympathizers ready to cry down any effort to help the fallen There should be aonio means of placing these human satyrs in the social sticks and pillory tori them aa the exceptional nion- atrositieB that prove the rale cf evolution. Fowdr. Beaaty powder ? Well, there are seventy- three tiun listed by beauty dealers. Not only ia the complexion carefully studied, bat the dress is put on and the pulverized rioe or French chalk actually matches the tint of the fabric. Of xreens there are fourteen powders ; twenty live trowns were com- pounded for the cinnamon, amber, almond and seal shadea so very popular last season, and pink brocades, mauve tulles and yellow crepes all have their complimentary tones in the beauty boxes. Holders of the income bonds of the Au>u- hany Valley Railway are petitioning the U. 8. Circuit Court for the sale of the road, because it U ia default. The bricklayer* of the country don't average over 92 a day for the whole year. according to the Secretary of the National I'nion. Tba Bricklayers' and Maaona* I'uionhas 5'.), 101 members, an increaua of 12,400 in a year. D. O. M. L. 7. 90. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND I CURE FITS! THOUSANDS OF BOHLtS GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When I say Curs I ilo not mean merely to stop thrm for a time, anil then have them return Sirah, IMCANARAOICALCURK. I have made the disease of Fitas pilopay or Falling; Sickness a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to Curo the wort cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now r<-reiving a curt. Send at once fur a treatise and a r>n Bottle* of my Infallible Remedy. Give Hxpress and Post Office. It COM* you nothing 'or a trial, and it will rure you Addreu: H. O. ROOT. 4.C., ranch Office, IM WEST ADILAIDB STRtET. TORONTO. TO Til I". F.DITOIt: Please inform your y ulerm tbat I have a positive D-medy forth* above named UisvaM. By its timely use thuus.uni . ji uunc.ess cues li^vc ureu permanently c-irr.L I shall be (lad to tend two bottle* ol my rt-im-tly PRBE to .uiy ol your leauers who have co-- sumption if they will send me tln-ii Express tint I'ost Office AdUrea. Respectfully T. M.C.. '8* Wo M*l<aida St.. TORONTO. ONTARIO.