Flesherton Advance, 20 Feb 1890, p. 3

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DOMlNIOiN PARLIAMENT. The following bilii ware introduced and read a flrat lime : To incorporate the Tilsonburg, Like Erie A Peciaj lUilwey Co. Mr. Brown. To incorporate ibe MouiA Foreil, Mark dale A: VI f ird Kilway Mr. Hproale. Mr. ln,.p-r, in introducing hu btU to mead tU o> rejecting the protection of navigabla wtrs, ai.l it wa* proponed to rakd important change* in th law by striking out tha clause which enable* the Gov-rucr Geoeral-m-Coancil to exempt oertin mill* and streams from the opera- tion of th act. It woaid be provi led that those mill* wbich now enjoyed exemption would have one year to make other arrangements to dispose of their sawdust, and after that time the aot would apply to them. la order to improve the enforce- ment of the aot it was proposed to give the Soprsme (,'oijk jurisdiction. Prosecutions wer now taken uucer the Summary Con- Tiotion* Act. The bill W4S read a flrtt time. The House went into Committee of Sap- ply. Sir Richard Cartwriizht asked for farther detail* of ton iiecn of 13,000 for contingent expenses of ibe H'gh Commissioner. What did that sum cover ? Mr. Foster ai 1 he could not give details. It was always included. Mr. Bomerviile-Are we to understand the Government oan give no explanation ? It wan perfectly clear they did not know DOW thu sum was expended. Sir Richard Cartwright did not aae that the contingencies, wbioh included taxes and insurance on the official residence, in- come tax. etc., amounting to 96,050, should bavH an additional and unexplaiuable item of 12 000. Mr. Landerhin Is it not possible that the sum is for ttldgram* sent from this country ? I do not know, but think it would be a matter of interest to the Houxe U CO) i-s of those telegrams were produced and laid on the- table. Thon we should be able to sty if the a am of J^ 000 ia requisite for that purpose. Mr. Somerville 'f the Government is prepred to give Sir Charles Tapper this sum as a g fi, let them lay so. We are entitled to know what this money is for. It has been shown that all contingencies re pid oaisidj of this 12,000. I do not think it is ruht fur the Minister of Finance to sit in h. plaoe and not supply the infor- mation. Mr. Foster said that during Sir* Alex- ander Galt'a term of omee thjre were similar item* of ooctingenoie*. It is quite gain that representatives, such as tha uh Commissioner, must necessarily have other ooniineucien, not mentioned ia da- tail or included ia the 90,050. After some farther discussion the item passed. Mr. Casey, on the item 94.000 for Civil Service txawiaers, protested that the whole thing was a farce, aiid that notwithstand- ing the examinations were held the Gov- ernment oi not bind themselves to abi.ie by the result. A board that was at the mercy of the Government was of no use whatever. The nominal board was DO safe- guard to the oun'itry and was a fraud. A lar^e number of youug persons were in- duoed to go up for examination, and to wait under the deimi in that, having passed, they had a claim upon the Government for a position. Mr Foster laid that if the hon. gentle- mau had any information that the Gov- ernment bad in any way interfered with the work of theextminem he should make direct charge, lie denied that there was any fonnlation for it. Mr. Brown asked was it meant that there were two sets of questions? Mr. Casxy replied he had not intended to convey such an impression. Mr. Bom-rvills raid he eonld readily understand the anxiety of the senior mem- ber for Hamilton as to Civil Serviae examinations, for if rumor was correct that gentleman wa* shortly to receive a fat " sit." in the Civil Service with a salary of two or three thousand dollars. The 'tern pa<ed. Mr. MoMuilen, on the item for contin- gencies uf GoVHrnor-General's Department, aid that 9144 was charged for advertising a reception at Kidau Hall, in Ottawa papers. He thought such a charge should be con- demned. Mr. Cook The Governor- General's De- partment is getting to b> an expensive toy for ihi* country. (Cries of " Order.") The Deputy Speaker called the hon. gentleman 10 order for speaking disretp-JCt- fnily of the Governor-General. Mr. Cook I wa* not speaking of the Governor G.nera). I was speaking of the department, and I am ij'iite in order to say tbat it i* an ex p -naive toy to this country. Mr. Lnpi.tr Speaker said ho had mi understood ibe bon. member. Tbe item passed. Mr. L*uderkiu, on the item of 911,100 for contingencies of the Privy Council, pointed out tbat the country not only paid the MiMrjt-ri their salary, sessional in- demnity and travt-lling expenses, but their luncheon* and refrMhmentP. Last year the luncheon* cost 9231 and th refresh- ments oust 86 It there was anything more the Ministers wanted he hoped they would not be afraid to mention it. Mr. Colby laid that whili in all other respects the expenses oi the I'nvy Council 1 had iuorea*l, there were two respect* in which it had fallen off. In 1876 they pai.l $745 for newspapers, and last year toil ua reduced to 9440. Mr. Casey objected to the system of each department purchasing newspapers indis- a iuinattl>. lie thought there should be a central press bureau, which would sopply all the information each department should want trooi the m Wkppers, and that wculd effect a great saving. Mr. Tupptr replied that the present Administration spent much leas on news- papers than the Liberals. During the five vears of the Mtukerzia regime, tha total mount spent in thin way was 98'J.UOO, while dni !!. the last five years the total sum wag 969,800. Mr. Milli denied tbat the statement made by the Minister correctly repre- sented the expenditure. . Sooiervills etid he would like an ex- paid for cab hire to persons not mentiooed. He observed that his friend the Minister of Marine had been rather extravagant in the matter uf hire. Mr. Colbv said he bad investigated this matter of S'J-H paid to the Premier for oab fan* and found that Sir John pi i back last year 9500 privately for his owu cab The year before he also gave his ohcqne tor 9500. No membar would expect that the Premier was to make a special note of every cab hire as to wnetntr it was personal or public expenditure. Sir John Maodonald was sorry he oonld not enlighten him with respect to the 9260 paid to persona whole name* were not given. As locg as he was Premier, be was afraid the overburdened taxpayer moot be asked to pay for bid cab hire. (Laaghter.J Tha older he got the more expensive would ha be in the matter of calm. (Laughter ) He took a oab from bn bouse to the House of Commons, bat last summer be rode in the street cars. (Laughter.) He saved little money to tne country by ridiug in these vehiclei, bat they were too cold for bis feet and ha had to fall back on the cab. The Premier had a short conversation with the leader of the Opposition, afier which he moved the adjournment of the House, and Mr. Laarier seconded it. Mr. Mitchell I object to this kind of arrangement between tha leader* of the Hone*. We are now tores weeks in session and very litilo has been done. I think wa should have our ni^ht tensions, and get on with work. Mr. Laarier There is a good deal in what the boo. gentleman says. We have not been doing a great leal nf work up till now. I expected we would nave a night session, but a peculiar circum- stance in wbieh I nod myself placed made me second my hou. friend's motion for adjournment. sir. Mitchell It is a pity that tbat pecu liar ciroumitance was not named. Tbe following bills were introduced and read a tint time : Respecting the Brantford Railway Com- pany Mr. Brown. For the protection of person* employed by contractors engaged iu the construction of railways under the Act passed by the Parliament of Canada Mr. Paroell. Sir Adolphe Caron, ia reply to Mr. Amyot, stated that lie last time the board of visitors visited the Royal College at Kingston wa* 18th OutoOer, lol. Mr. Mclatyre, iu moving for oorrei- pondence respecting the taking of mackerel with parse seines and iti 1 neti, stid that in consequence of the adoption of these means the ana were rapidly disappearing. Mr. Tapper *aid be had received some petition againat this practice, and had no doubt ht what was stated was quite true. It was a question, however, as to bow far it woulj be wine to restrict our own fishermen advantage to tha people- or to anybody con- cerned. BIT John Thompson aaid be oould not make tha oonoaasiun asked by the member for Hastings. Ha moved tbat the clause providing that protests might be made on the day of dishonor at any time after 1 o'clock be amended by inserting 3 o'clock. Mr Weldon (St. Jhn) sa:d this would compel the banks to kaep open till 'i o'clock on Saturday or leave an, officer to attend to this bnsinem. Mr. Campbell aai i it was a great incon- venience that banks should close at inch an early hoar on Saturday, and they might as well keep open. The motion was carried Tha committee rose, and the Home wrnt into Committee of .Supply. Mr. Laarier movut in amendment that, in the opinion of this House, no rebate of duties uhould be allowed upon corn import- ed for uie in the manufacture of epinta for export. He said he made that motion as a oonstciuence of the discussion lately in tha House. Tbe Opposition Jicmbcm were of opinion that if rebate* were to b* made to certain classes of the community they ihould be extended to all. At prrs-nt the distiller oould import corn, and, after con- verting it into spirits, was allowed a rebate of duty. Ou the. other band, it a farmer imported corn to feed cattle and converted it into betf be was not allowed any rebate. Taking tha two things trf;>-th.-r then was as much reason to give rebate to one class as to the other. If the distiller waa allowed a privilege on export* there could be no substantial reason why there should not be the aai.i i meanur* of justice meeted oat to every class of the community. Mr Mulock Equal rights. Mr. Laarier Yes, equal rights. Mr. MU!i( Both well) In the true dense. Mr. Kirkpatrick regretted that an ar- rangement bad been mads with the Gov- ernment wnerebv tbiunuticn got precedent over hii own- Ho had underta-en to movu in th:u matter aa a private member without consulting anyone. Hd bad no deiire to raise a point of order against the present motion, but he thought inch private arrangements were to be condemned. He agreed, however, with the position taken by the leader of the Opposition, and would support the amendment ha had brought forward. Sir John Maodonall replied that it waa ijuite proper tor the leader of the Govern msnt to maki such arrangements with the leader of the Opposition. The prtctioe waa followed in England, and in tact it it were not legislation would be imp aib! He moved the adjournment of the debate. TBB WOKKIM, WORLD. r M. w. From all Over tfce Field of Toll. Californians use Australian coal. Buffalo railroaders are organizing. Boston women get drunk on cologne. At Louisville all idlers are imprisoned. Apples cost 5 cents a pound at Lot Angeles, Cal. Coopers am on sink) at R -chaster over barrel machines. The Sunday closing of barber shoos at Omaha u a failure. Tbe New York Port offioe Clerks' Union bu 1,000 m -mber*. The Ohio Legislature will be asked to reduce telephone, ratei. A clock at Rouen, France, runs fourteen years without winding. The Backers' Naiio>ml Convention will tiweuu* the tight-hour day. Near Atchison, Kn., 1,300 men are at work cutting ice oy electric light. The Seattle. Waeh , briok'.ayera gat )0 a day for nine hoars and want 95 for eight. OAKB O*T CAMKIAOl How VaraUsk MyeMrtoasly Cruan eiUUtmlMs; VokloUe. There is no varnish that will hold it* brilliancy more than lix month*. A car- riage ihould be revarnished every six months to keep it exactly in one order. It revarnished onoe a year it will preserve the) undercoat* from damage. But there are) circumstances that render revarmshing; necessary at more frtqueut intervals. If one has not a suiUuie carriage luue*. ueparate from the stable, the ammonia, from the stalls or the uutnnra pile, or per- haps from decaying vegetable*, has united with the oil iu the varuisb and gradually dissolved it or burnt it. We have known it done in one night, 10 that tha whole surfaca expoved to the am- monia waa shrivelled up in small brown, crisp rolls. Wo knew case) where a gentleman left his bora* and buggy etandiog ia front of a aistillory for half an hour, and wh> 11 he returned on*) aide of his buggy waa oomp'etely covered with what looked like rest, but whioh waa simply the remains of the decayed varnish. The oil had been oouanmed, leaving only Louisville druggists have organized for I *. ne * vn n>bleo: up in burnt orwp dakee. scientific, looial and basiness advance meat. Snow-sbovelen at Nevada City re- cently got 31 an hour for ahoveling off the roofs. Insurance rates at Stn Franoimo are SOptr oent. highir than in other large cities. At Lincoln, Xeb., tha uniojs will pros -CUM bakara who sell short weight bread. 1h Chicago O3opera wou the demand for 35 coals for barrels and 40 osnti for tierce*. The New York organi^id working girl* gave a ball at which no oostam cost over 10 cents. Brooklyn brewars will open a labor bur eau wuera employers aai employees oaa ap ply for labor. Amsterdam hai 7.000 idle Some people do not lake the pains to wash, the mud from a carriage soon enough after oaing, but permit it to dry, when tbe mod otd like a sponge and abrorbu the oil from, the varnuu. S une peopie wtuh tne car- riage with aoap, and we Lave even known hot water usea. For uuoh acti of stupidity there are no words to expretn oidguss. Some people awm to regard varnish as e> kind of high polish, put on by bard rub- bing, ana the more ruboing it gets the> brighter it ought to Icok. The number at people who are absolutely ignorant about varnish is Kmethiog attoniahing Tht StaiiU. Jrw ,! .txl " Oil, girl with the jewelled flagers, On, uiaid with tb laox ran: ' What are your jewels aad what are your laces worth to yon ' You wculd give them all if yoo could gel back your health. Well cutters and a oo operative established. . you can, and you can keep your j iwem and your laoes too. Thouaands ot women know- factory will be while tbe Americans beytnd tbe three mile limit o >uld use any meana they chose. The United States prohibited the importation ot mackerel caught with purse seines until 1st June, and it was poeaiDle some arrange- ment might be mtde between tbe two coun- tries for tbe protection if mackerel. Some steps onld be taken in the matter, and he hoped by next Bastion to announce some- thicg definite. Mr. Mitchell said that if the right* of Canada had been properly pressed by Eng- land aud the headland contention main- tained, each trouble a* this wouU not rise. Mr. Robertson said that in Prinoe E j- ward Island tbe fishermen found that gill nets were quite as destructive as seines, acd be believed if tbe n*e were continued they would destroy tbe fisheries. The motion passed. Act relating to the Canada Southern Bridge Co. To incorporate tha Calgary A- Edmonton Railway Co. To amend the Aot to incorporate the Imperial Trust* Co. uf Canada. To incorporate tbe Mount Forest, Mark- dale <fc Maaford Railway Co. Mr. Oewdney laid, in reply to Mr. Gordon, that the Government would send n tit'i :cr to investigate tbe iqaatters' grievances on Vancouver Island. Mr. Coatigan, in reply to Mr. Tberien, said that the Government had received no petiliona from tobacco manufacturer* ask ing tbat tobasoo grower* be compelled to ell to manufacturer* only. To amend tbe Canadian Pacifia Railway Act ef IHS-.i and for other purpose* Mr. Kirkpatrick. Respecting tha Eria A Huron Kiilway Mr. Lister. Respecting the Brantford, Waterloo -v Lake Erie Rail way Company Mr.Paterson (brant). To grant oartam powers to the Canadian Miller*' Mutual Fire Insurance Company Mr. Brown. Sir John Thompson, in moviug the flr*t reading of the bill to am. n 1 tha criminal law, laid tbat tha firat object wai to make aeduotiou ot servants by master, employer or foreman a criminal offui.ce. The bill wouU aUo define and provide punishment for iuuest. It would make the law more efficient for the inppression ot polygamy. It would provide for tbe giving of refresh- ment to persona while on duty. It wa* also proposed to enlarge tbe power of ju.iges in dealing with aunrnary convic- tions, and provide better security for per- sons committed for tiitl who nad elected to be tried under tbe Speedy Trials Aot. Finally, the bill would declare, '.be law with regard to Uia rights of courts- martial in eentencing pcisjus to jail. The Ho ise went into committee on tbe BUI dealing with bill* of exchange and promissory notes. Mr. Bnrdutt, on tbe elause dealing with rules as to notice of dishonor, asked that the schedule of the tariff ot fem and charges for notaries be deleted. In Ontario they weje paying 50 cents for protects, 25 oenta for eajh noiioe and postage charged on the notice. Tbe Bill provided for Que- bec practice coming in force, whioh made it just double the amount of fees. His con- tention wa* and ii tbat parties who shoal i become security by endorsing for friends or otherwise, and did not pay the billa on maturity, had quite enough to do to bear the payment of the bills without additional charges for protests. If protests were re served by the Bill, the expenses of protest- ing should not be greater than at present in Ontario. The only benefit that wai likely Do .VT CO MM TO TUB CUT. Advice to Country OlrU who Want boclal Llfr. I have heard country girls talk of ooming to tbe city for employment, giving as one reason that they wanted more social life. Well, that ii just what they will cot g-;t ; the woman of basinet a is not woman of leisure, and she baa no time for society. She will find more social life in nor ovn home, even if she be worker, than eba could ever have in the city, and thtra ia no lonesomenena more absclole than tbe lu.ie- liness of a stranger in crowd. Salaries are not larg* enough to permit of muoh relaxation in tbe way of antertaiomwta, and after the day's work is over ooa is too tired to go in searoh of em; >> meat. In the country home, in these days, tbe daily paper and the magazine come, so that -TU may keep in touch with tbe world, even if the be at one aide of the baslle an.,1 conf csion of city life. The f ixhiuu artiu'e tella her bow to dress her hair and make her gown, and gives her the latest notion* in smail toilet details. Xo town is so umall that it has not its public library, where all the cew books come ; and tbe lecture and concert are not infrequent in visit*. Rail- way* and telegraphs have brought tbe corners of the earth together, so tbat one i* ni-v.r far away from the oentns ot things. Tbero are occupati ns, too, fr-r the girls who stay at home, and particularly those who stay iu tbe country. Do not throng to the cities in ea ch ot employ- ment, for you will be doomed to disap- pointment. Sally Joy White. She Seemed I'neil la It. He (somewhat suspicious!) t Yon lay you never loved anybody but me ? Ha ' Ii that true, Maud ? She Harry, jour look* terrify me Have have I been too bold in allowing you to kiaa me no much this evening .' He No, Hand, but yon K ss like an old band. A Wotera Franklin Parke Of course I nha'.l see yon at the symphony oonoert, Missl'ray- re*? Your auut tella ue that you re devoted to music. Miss Prayree (a visitor frna Chicago) Indeed I am 1 Ant it's an orchestra uf 00 pieces, vou say ? Ot, I do so hope they'll play Down Wsut MjGinty !" ThU U the W*y of II. Wife- Dear George, how does the smoking cap suit you that I preeenKd >ua with at Christmas? Husband lam deligHte.! with it, dearest. It won very thoughtful, very kind of you to give me m :h a present. W. -Tbe bill for it has just come in. Will yon pay it now, or shall 1 tell tbe mau to call ogain T John Smith uu Hack >...!.. ID one city at least John Smith has to take a back seat. The directory of Min- neapolis reveals tbe faal that there are in that city 2.000 01* Ol-oonw, 1,910 Krick Ericktoni, 1,315 Nls NaUons and 1,011 John Johnsons. Evidently Minneapolis i* somewhat ot a Scandinavian city. New York Tribune. In Colorado in case of debt the law al- lows 43 p-r oent. of a maa'a wages till tbe bill is paid. Lowell iiursin weavers won a strike against carrying their own filling from don -stairs. The Birmingham (Ala) rolling mill bands struck to uuioniid tbe shop. U nion wages are pud. The Bricklayers and Masons' Inter- national Union decided that it was not time to demand eight boms. Minneapolis ha* twentv-two door mills, and they make nearly 40,000 barrels per day. One makes 7,300 barrels. Some 6au Francisco shoe-lusters have struck against cat. Tbe men were making from S'J to 911 per wtek No bod carrier* in Japan. Tbe mortar is rolled into ball* we ighiug about lix pounds and thrown to the bnckltyers. They say Weet Superior, Wis., is the coming metropolis of tbe Northwest, and it is to be the " largost lake shipping point in tbe world." The telephone is " dangerous to tbe State " ajco.-d ing to Rieeiaa cmiials, and they have been removed from restaurant* and coffee bouse*. Bofftlo coal dealert say they lose 15 per cent, uf th-ir coal tiiroiuh thelt from the railroad cars. They claim that tligmen hnlp tbemselvei. It is sail that Chinamen aru being brought from California to New York to j take ihu places of building laborer* iu case ] of a strike for eight !i jars. Bill* before the New York Legislature call for thw weekly payment of wages," " prompt payment of wagee to carpenters," and to prohibit ths sale of prison-made goods. There are only twenty oork factories in this country. The oork come* from Spain, Portugal and Italy. Tbe trees give crop every five years. A maobiue makes 100 ijross a day. Ia Japan blacksmiths get 22 to 37 cents ; painter*. It to 28 ot-nts ; oooliss, 15 to 22 cent*; gardeners, IS to 37 oeots ; carpen- ters, :<0 to 45 oenta. A day's board and lodging ocath 5 oents. A Chicago brewer waa expelled from the union for refuaing to pay an assessment for the Anarchists. The union secured his discharge snd prevented him from getting employment. He sued tha onion and got Mfc The attempt to mako the cigarmakors work nine boor* instead of eight ia being tried ia Chicago. Some oigarmakera got 85 a day, aud tbe average make* 93.59. Ibe men in one shop have strork against a reduction of 92 a thousand on 913 and 95 cigar*. Tbe Ohio Legislature i* aaked to prohibit railroad companies employing telegraph operator* who are ia any way connected ui.h the running of trains, from requiring i ii'-m to perform any other duty, and re- quire public processions carrying a banner to alao carry the American dag. In Japan a pair of sandal* of straw coat Ij-otnta. Three men with two jinrikisha drag two persona and baggage four miles tip a aterp mountain road for 34 oent*. A H rvant girl for one month's services get 125 yen, equal to '18 onta. She is furnished aloo bath money and hair dressing money, about 20 oeuM. A new tooth brush, six for 1 oeut. Four boxes of matches for j of a cent. by happy experience tbat Dr. I'leroa'l Favorite Prescription restores the health. It is a positive remedy f jr those derange- ment*, irregularities and weaknesses n common to woman Iu fact it is the only medicine for women, sold by druggist*. under a panlive iitiruiuer, from the manu- facturers', tbat it will givu aaiujf action in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee baa be -n printed on the) bottle- wrapper, and faithfully oarriud out for many years. A t'ruwl Prj4?eeUlug. It is said that pieoo of dry bread, tied in a bag and placed in the wafer while oab- b*g>) is boiling, will prevent the unpleasant i 'or wbioh usually arises ; bat it IB down- right cruelty to put a feeble piece of brood in tha sauerkraut boiler. I Itecord. "Old King Culo Was a merry uld soul. And a merry old boul waa be." But his royal majisty would never hava been so merry bad he sn:f .-red from con- stipation, or deranged live r. or uyapepaia. or piles, or any other complaint that oome*) from a system out of sjrte ami causes im- purities uf the blood. If you suller fiata. jinv of these things you will fetl morose, melancholy, mornful, aye, major anything else bat merry. To be merry >ou must ba well. To be well take Dr Piaroe'* world- famed Pleasant Purgative Pallets. Ksy to take, purely vegetable, perfectly harmlesa, prompt and pleasant in their action ; only une for a doa. OfOmrae. Big brothers know a good deal, but now and then one of them find* himself unex pectly anticipated by hi* little sister. " Marion," aai 1 Henry, proud of hi*) newly acquired knowledge, " do yon know/ tbat tbe earth turns r umi ? " "Uf to* it does!" answered Marion. " Tbal'a the reason 1 tumbles out of bed." Yavtk'i Companion. It so-called remedies have failed. Or. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cure*. 30 cents. by drurgist*. m.ii. iii..,.,. " The idea of man of your age begging Why don't yon go to work ? " " Go tu work > Pshaw, sir ! The idea o a man changing bis profession at my tim ot life ! " The largest tea and ooff-w importer ia the United Statea is J. W. Doan. ot Chu rage. Ha ia many timta a millionaire). Mr. Doan konpa one man baying teas in Cbioa at a salary of tlJ 000 a year. An- other get* tho same salary in Chicago for grading teas by inhaling tin aroma. Tbe theater* ot Greece were all open to tbe iky, but whether tbia wa* due to othur causes than to accommodate the high bass ot the ladies is a disputed question. D. 0. It. U 8. 0. Mr planation regarding cab fare*. This item, he laid, wai increasing rather than d- I io , oorue to anybody was to the bank oraasing. lla found that tbe Premier wai 8O ji c itora. Preserving th* existing practice paid J9M for oab hire for bis own uas. _ Ha W , B ..imply preserving relic of pait times, most have been riding in oabi all the time. ' wntc h nerved no awful par pose. It only It Would Nat be -.!- Mr?. Small (to Star Boarder) -Won't yon have some pound oaka ? Star Boarder Thanks, no. I forgot to put my bottle of pepsin in my pocket. Mrs. Uros Ickes, of Cleveland, Ohio, is probably tha youngest widow on record. Her husband died of tha grip last week, r-ied three wtwks ago, the agi ING R FHE COOK'S BtSTFRIFNC I THOUSANDS OF POFUS CIVEH A'.VAY YEARLY. When 1 say Curo I do not mean merely to Mop t linn ("r a tune, and then have them return again. I MIAN A RADICAL CU UK. I I . Fita, Epilopey or Falling S.ckncee a .II.--IOIIK study. I warrunr nj remedy tu Cur* the worst n.i.es. Bi-caute others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a euro. Send at once for a treatise and A F>e Bottle of my Infallible Homcdv. Give BsgrcM and Pokt Office. It cost^ you iio:>itnir for a tiial, and it will mr y.i:i A, .'icss H. O. ROOT, M.C., .(ranch Offlco, let> WEST ADILAIOC 8TREkr, TORONTO. (Laughter.) There waa an item ot M0 ote ated expanse without any corresponding flv * The t ' en " Bl " b n * * ' red by the togluh GovernuMnt will pro vido *" hf tae tha oansai ba token every TO Til K Kill/roil: fit'- ; nhov.-n.init-.lrtl.M-.lli- By its' n' I iball be glad to *cnd two bnttlrs ol a pnaltiwo re imxlv for th| n uurni.in.-utly i-urd. t?ae>r who have coej

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