1" II F L E S II E R T O N ADVA N C E. THE ADVANCE. ! publlilied Kvery 'l^ FBOM TUB Orru-i Sirttt, FltJinrtoh, Out. TEKM8 Or nrnsCUIl'TION: *1 per annum when paid trii tly lu advance Si X) I'ui 1 aiiunm lili nut no pai 1. AUVKUTIS1NU UATI - iinx roluuin, 1 year. JO , half ool , do., $27 i, la. U'i i ul. do . *lj. 'I:..:. i .-HI aKr:i'inenl-hargBil at the ralo per Im.' I,.rftrt iiinertiuii aud JcU. per hue wcu uU.>|LHjiil luHerti'.n. W.H. THURSTON. and Proprietor. THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. The great event of the past week in tin- Dominion Parliament has been the debate upon Mr. McCarthy's bill 1 1 d i *w.iy with the French language in the Northwest. To a close ob- Hcrver it is a matter of wonder whether Mr. McCarthy was really sincere in introducing a bill which purported to do away with a dual language in the Northwest, but which aimed at wiping out the French tongue from llrilish America. Mr. McCarthy must have known that a sense of proverbial I'M iti.-'h fair play would prevent Canadians enforcing the absolute n. of tLc English tongue within our borders. He must have known, too, that such coercive niuas urcs would have militated destruc- tively in the settling of the great Northweht. It was understood before tbe pur port of Mr. McCarthy bill was made known that it simply aimc'l at doin ;iway with a fecoml i,jjiri<il languagt in the Northwest ; that it did not aim at the destruction of free speech in whatever tongue was most con Venn nt to the people ; but it uow appears that it embraced e\en that This being tin c.ixe, it is not surpris niX that our let; i slalom have refusei to countenance HO grave a blow. <)i e pecnlarity of the debate was that the. l-'ir i.i'ii iiKiuhcrs left tin liUtlc nustly iu the hands of the I'.n^lish p.-akiii>; eleini nt to decide* only two or tln\e French members protesting ax'H.-t tlie bill. M, Hlako delivireda most eimmi'iit [M-er! a c ':iinst the hill, and n.n whose over\ iimut could n-arcely but In . :n. 1,1 il hy fail liiiMli.il men. \V< do not l,.-li. \i that ti . I ri nch Ian- Xiui^e of itsi-lf is a menace to Canada. \V, In !i, \t Dial the l.nxhsh tongiu , haMii^' MI ^riul a pri -p-jiiderauco as it l. i.. will ev.-iitiully abdorb the I ii nch, as it is fast doing even now, and that llnnl>v will come a peneefnl hulutiou of the question. I'-ut wo aUi beln \e thiit sliould the stirring up ol racial strite be continued as it lias i n liming the past two years it wil have the effect of solidifying the I i < nrli |n-n|i!: into a oompaet wholt wliich will bo much more difficult o dissolution than it otherwise would U Noli! the rnxc of (in.it I'.ritain :ui iVales. Tin; former found it impositi ble u few yeais ago to coerce the lat ii r into diMCiudiii),' the Welsh l- mid Rave up thn nttenipt. Yi-t sh, is x lining to-day by nr.tri ful tiicans wi 1 1 sit.- i-iiuld not Kiiiu by coeiciv i in iisurcs. At nil events it would h n |oor iwlicy, at this early stage <>! Canadian growth, to intorposo ob- blades to In r i]e\rlo]inient and pro Cress hy ohli^inx natives of other eoiiutiies,' who ill Kind to iimku their In me umon^Pl iih, to discard their natlxe tongue iinmodiately upon arrival and adopt ours. It would !> an unhccossary hurdsbip, for the object Would be certain U be gained through time, just as time and ex- pediency would cause such foreigners to conform tg our laws and our cus- toms. Let the French retain iheir lang aaje so long as they desire to re- tain it. T!mv will uudonbtodly in tine omle t J flnd oat that to become a success/ul p*o^ v ia Cvuda, with % *. ' ' ncircimisrribed liberty, they must peak the Kujjlisli laiiuua^c; and they ic \vi-y f.ist coining to a knowledge' f that fact, Ui course if, us was at rst supposed, the bill uuder discussion imply aimed nt doinj; away with 'rendi in the Noitliwi->>t as an official aiif-uagc, tl.c aspect would be hanged, and we would Bay it was a ueans towaids tlie desired end; but Huh r tin' circumstances wo fear that Ir. McCarthy's bill lias been pro- active of more evil than good. A great many of our farmers arc in lebt and they arc likely to be ther* while they have to pay such enormous nun-st. lu no instance should the l iiitcix-bt exceed live }>er cont. It was easier to pay ten per cent, years ago thau to pay five now. Salaries ud interest must come down to cor- respond with the times. If not, the mev. d nit 11 will hold all the land and w- rthull only be on par with Suropcan couutiics. Can our farm- ers see t!.e hand-wrilinjj on the wall ? iV Into you elect these millionaires to 'arliament how can you expect them o make laws to better your condition? .1 is everyone for himself ; we want ariners there to represent our iiiter- sts and to make laws equally just to .11. Kx. It is quite distressing to read the speeches of certain members of the .it form party in the Dominion I'arha- iieut. One enthusiastic ]i< former will riu to hi* feet and shout Liuist If loarne for a change in the tariff whereby fanners may reap the beue- it. Tlien, so soon as tbe Govern- m ul has intimated its willingness uu' mt( iitiou of luci tin;,' the matt, r, another Ki former will rise up in righteous indignation and protest ^t tiiii "eternal tinkering with the tariff," and that, too, with the idea that IIM sublime ridiculousness is not noted by the world at large. Toj-onto lias lost her magnificent university. It is now a pile of ruim d walls and cinders. Iluilt in IHCO, it was thu most h.autiful specimen, of architecture in Canada, and was an 'jtct ;if piidti In every Canadian. Many and many a man thioii,'hotil this country will have read ere this the sail .-lry of the destruction of hib ;i!ni:i n. i'> r with soi rowin;; heart, but will be n juiced to know that out of lier ntdus will arise a new one of 1 beauty and ri(iial poxur. \\ > i\e <Ni\\inre the presn despatch descriptive of the catastrophe. D. Ci, iglito i E [., was nominated in Saturday, in Ihun Sound, as C'on- , :i\e !-iandai-d biaivr foi North . and the li^'lit will once moru be Detween Mr. (.'leland and Mr. CriightOU. /'.,( 1h' ..|.IMIll.1 nf |l','ll'-.'l Itr i )iiin'!f in any d'-'ji're rtfl Ability" ll 'II "111. '."! i> liu wlinli n.it conilu.unml In tliv tlnn wliicli !. allowulli." Tt the A,M..r o/ Tht Admntt. BIB, l)no would think that a^i'- Ht-ivituiK- mill iix"l liivsnuiis M|IUII|I| -iv. n. . I'uni micli viil.uu ms niMinin'i' us u now periodically ap jirar Irniii Tlioi'ii Wright, hut doobt lead in nil socirly tin ir is Kf ut lr:isl uiic luoiul vuni|iiiu,iuiu Lend uiiil linn t alike aru vMtrtn ;r,l I slmll a i\v satisfy inyselt by yi\ im,']n l:i |i: ii.i-tion u calckjDiical n- Allow n.. tu MI)- that 1 I., ul \\itli ml.u'tinn any MCMptibl* i. Linn to u-aHuii. The Nelson Hill matter not iHfooiilin^' toliis correction) so buii after all. Hut linr lies the [ii...',. ; lie was ufiaiil ut' a Ic^'itl la giil'\><', an I liencu In* cliangr of front, it will Hiu |>i i.,r your readers wlieu 1 IV.SHUU- thein tlmt Tliorp Wright \v.n in the Council at the time of thin trouble, nni| voted, an the words show, if u 1 have i xaniintiil tht-nn III a Inanin i tlmt oiihniuatud tho difficulty. It will l'i; a turtlu r surprine to know t(n|i t the timu alluded to ho WM D>J friend, he took a lively inlet%st ia this ease, defomle.1 'lie township and myself against the of |I ud suudry, yet DOW, r or Hiustur motives only, ho nwallown uu record holm bolus. The facts are iiicii 111 . .ihle, hut lie changes. It 'tiility lies in this direction llii.J lie i-injiuri;i| in n-frieiicu to the Uoyne culvert !ie would hive sav..l iiinself from siiil exji isures ;.ml errors. I answer : Tiieri; icrrr tcnili-i.-: i. there were both plans uud >] . <-i- ; uiul Vurly's woik w<it 1. 1 .i\ public auction, so much i-r cubic yaul in tli" liitnlv. lint the lu.v. -'. LenJer of |.)00 for culvert alone was deemed too hi^li and was refused, ll was built by days work for $;><ij ami it has not b(-en i-ejuuied since. The repairs were for washouts on the banks by the excessive rains during that full. The insinuation is, thut ami myself possibly used tin money (for lie was joint commissioner with me) but 1 don't think this in- sinuation needs even a denial. Every item i <{iveii in the renort filed, in the usual way, for any one's inspection He depreciates this method ami you would suppose on this line he was a veritable himoii pun-, yet he knows it wan the practice in the County Council, and he never raised hi.i void; agauidt it, but filed his report spiced well with Wright stitir and Diich like without a [liirticie ot compunction. IcandiflU ad mil tlmt such u d. tailed publication he necessary from into- .: .ii'i'iui.' men, as in his own case for instance in this township. Look at the auditor's report lor Ifctfl, ni- last opi>ortuuity thij itvui up[icars. Thorp Wright, special grant on gravel road,$8il.OO. " Who drew this mmii-y '.' T. \Vri e 'ht. NVho paid it out .' T. \Vrixht. To whom was it paid '.' The treasurer's books don I ivveal. J-.xiimiiiuiK his filed report, it Mjl : \V. (i. 1'icMi-, 815 CO. J. T. ttrifjht. isoui.JlS.Ui), Th.irp Wn-lit, #10 00, balance to Goo. Stew.irt uiul one or two others. 1 make no r liinit.only ti.at you will starch tin i. curds in viilii for a case like this m\.-,ilf. Tims lu is hun^ upon [-1 l i.d ! II. re i< a hum e >n- victed for d'.'inx' the imlenliciil thin^ he so ma \\Iiiilily charges others with. Is it not always so, with men W Im l>ail ll.. ' lieu**, .M, i -.1- .>:i a rurk aud Imii for OMW. II iinualile nn n ilon t use their po- sitions for n.-li'i.ih means, and most all nf the township's n-preentativ.-, j am pioiul to hiiy, have IMI-II and are linn .nablc men. who cun be tru^nd . \, ._\ ti:u.'. My i-hai-;.-. I" I'ider, over see itnd direct afwork of $500 tx- pui.liune wiis 810.00. Do you see any ilitti'ni:n- '.' i;:iu past is h t me say toyot finally IViniit no man to ie:eive \our conn- teli:u:i-e or Hll'['Oll, who Studies to turn \ HI;- in "i.i-y to his own a.lvan- tage or that of his kin. I l.,r. 1 \ on lonx mid 1 stand bold in in) intru'rity. There is no municipal ii;iii<iu-ti ui of mine hut what was 1:1 open day li^'lit uiul will stand thr rio-i-fi ins[ieclion. This vxt,l, li.Nip[ioiiiu-d aspirant rages, but in i \. i v Httcnipt lie di^'n IIIH own j;rave In per and eiv Ion;,' he will di. 1 i if not iliiiuly il .ul i a municipal death, i.'vvr more to be resurrect, d tVom. 80 m.itu it be. 1>K. C'lI listing of tin- Vilulitv of v <! J.r.nn uiul PAKMB8S! LOOK! T.BLAKELY, Flesherton, the best farming ini{ilciiieiiti iiianu- faotun-il. including f..i' /.',,|.<. I' <(!../ .17 -'.' i/. ; I >ri!l ami , r. The II'-' :' ... /'/...-., ,i,../ Thrrtl.rri. X"l,y unit Ihir'inds H . i >//". r/. Tli<- punl qiuli'i.B df theoe implvinrntii .ir. Kiitliri.-ut!)' kion now tn Kpe.iW (nr tln'iutelM'x, witlnnit any > xtr wonU fro j in". AiiWi.iiv nc|iur-|ii{ iiupli in. HIM in (hi* line woiiM rti> w.ll In < xaiuiue m.nc if nut ttl'i .|v .-.|iiinic.| with tlicin. r 'i ou m mid I will b |IH|I|>T li. exhibit llie qunlitiei of tln-xe n, icl.n,. - T. A. ItLAkllLV. M ((Mil FOR ALL INTKtt A f. ,,,1 ru, r... . Uiau or unn t" i"-'ll <mr Friul t'i. Sl.rui , "11, n.i. n ii- i if I'tTinaiifiil <-lM|ll<)> IIK-llt. \\ -iii-iit .'in-.- fur irruix. mi. I MI in i rli. .!'> nf tcrrit.irr. \Vo i>ll ' uU flmt-cl-i-* stiH-k. liuiiiN.iinr utilhl lri*i-. A-i.lr.., MlY It It 01 lit: It* \ur>- i r an n. Korhrs|r. .\.T. Pumps ! Pumps ! J. IVEcCullou2h. Markdalc, inaniifai-iitiirerof pumrw, dcairm to inform (lie public tliat lie Ii |>ri')iareJ to f urnl-h puliip* for Deep wells, gravel wells, etc. artim who bar* liorotofore bad difficulty with II* en Guaranteed Satisfaction mii^'iiv rtioli' I Ifarnntl my bmtiimm Yitli tho Uto J Fear.nf M, .( -.1 t!:<'i|.,.i i.uitv f who-HiMiiiipH wan a houm-bol.l wunliu Urcya fuw yvar aeu He iiurii au 1 rtll uu u:e if you dtMiro anyth'uf iu tLe j'ui.ij. huo J. TIIORU'JUIIIIREI) HKilKSHIRK Boar for Service, Th*nnili'ri.-nil li for xcripe t tftntelaat thoroufbbrwl lirkliire li.in-.j.ii, |> .-. I fio.n Mi li Lurii.. if \Nni.. )-, *l TI:.. an r;.il t...,k llr Artf in. -n fall iln>w thi< fall, and MOM at tli>< \\alkiviuu l.xlulMii.'ii. T. A. W We have the Tin. CALL AT SULLIVAN'S M o o r e's Block, For >cnir Supplies In Tinwnrr. Kc|iairir.u. f a> elruimhin-. etc. / .' ',.r (,/ TV,.' .1 / Ti.e siiinini'r t.f 1889 was sot a favorable one in some pints nf the Dominion for nwiurinj; a huh ip.ilitv of Sl 1 tid xrain. liust prevailed 'u such an t \teiit as to interfere with its iisiml ill \. -lupmeiit nnd pliuiipiai-s. Where the rust \\ii-; s. vei . tlig );rain is mi- usuiilly li^lit, ami i'.s ptrci'iitu^i' of |*raUDeUing |iowfr has li, . ii considcr- nhly rednri'd. This ii e]n><'!:illv the case with o:it<. .liid^'in^ fi-n:n samples rwrived for tnting, this injury luis bueu ^reutent in the Maritime I'rov- n ;, iiinl in sonit' district in Ontario. The impoitmil bearing of well dcvel- I, vit!!>Muis seed, of hi^'li ^enuiiiiit in^ power, nn ^'.'o.l I'l'iips l* iii>\v iie.i^- ni/.'d hy all tiiuii-'ntfiil farmtis. an 1 noone who has any Heed on linad.the' M'.nlity of which is <pi s!i >:i;il>!e, sbonla sJlow kinwelf to remain l in,,- in iiiu-i rtamiy as t.i it* \iilue. Tlie M ril te^tiii!,' dejuirtment nt tht Central I-,\|H nun-ill, il 1'ariii H now in lull op- eration, and every farmer in the I >o mini in is muted u send any samples of which he may have doubt to this institution for test. Thu lima occu- pied iu tcHtiii}' is usually about a fort- night ; aneuuce or two is sufficient for the purpose. Samples liiay bo sent through tho mail to the Experimental Farm free of postage, and the returns will ho ni.i.1. as promptly as posmblo, and free of charge. The name and address ol the lendnr should be Kllllivan In tin- ol'l lvll*li!e Tinonntli o .iTurv tiiun. Ho h >- l.. ,.|i iininu l,ii-iii..s, iu y. .ii^. m n I taki-H thU opportunllj "f ttmtik- lug hla man) i IIM t favurn, anil t.i in, Tit a i-ouliliuiili.-t. i-f the *ui, Dunk lui ...I 'in- till I'li.i lit IMIMII..M. t- lluatv.l. Moore's Block, I I.KSHKHTcN. plainly, and accompany each package. W1I. 8AUNDKHS. Director Experimental Fans, Central Experiment*! Farm, Department of Ayri0uUul, Ottawa, February l j-l-, W, BABNHOU8B, DOOT AND S110K MAKIiB. KI.KSHKUTdS, UNT. De<!refl to thank lit* iiiiiiiprf>ti ri!toi ,-IH tor th Tvy liberal pcttobtft uxt^n i...| m ti,,. pM, and Is now prepared to Ul all ,ni.'r iib I" ' -"I't ..... nir-Iiii '.i.'ii K'lttranU'i'.i. Twulve tn biislllei^ IM Fl.'vhi.i r, ,-] ,., i f uli CKIXI workmanship, hav* niiviv IIH in.iiii. H, II kiK'wn Ihronahoul tlni viciiiitt Hwed work a RpsotJky. tn*i your boou uiaile by Win llariilioiue, Klvsheiton. In ranti will bo |.ai,l (,,i any .jnul. t of S. D AMU UK, l !< in iiii.i Tuunrry SHORTHORNS for sale. Twi choice horth<irn hiilli, iimlcr a roar oM KlUililf (or registration In I) S H II \\ ill |.,, siacu|, ro..l, K.-r^tu.-..!^, a,,,Uy to t, Ont , rei CO. DR. CARTER, .M f IV A S., (Mr. P:IYSEMA\. *: I.-M.DV f.,-. FLKSIIKKTnN. Office. Strala'i block. Reiideoce. J f! Rnel' WANTED AT ONCE\ A flsrl tlaas mast, an S(Bt fortheSlccw uehuie lor Fkeakwrtoa and snrrau<lin . 'T A *eJ iitaatlaa In Hi. t, C J. a. XT of tbe College of i'hysicisi: au Sur^ooriH, Ontario. l.ii'i'iire at olfice.oiw cloor can of Urier'islor or Alk'ii.u'* ll< I, 1 . "H N,, I'J DRS. SPOUL*- 4 EGO. MAIiKHAl.K ONT. -. : u.',.ie> . nriitr store. T.?. HMiir MJM U .,-! V(il s K(,o.ll D.Etc in:.' .if Toll. iiliKin, Out. Pr.Kgowlllb* found at Murk lulr HOUM at ~J,P. OTTEWELL, \ i KHINAKY (iraduute nf Ohtario Vi-t. Cnll*jr, KK-MMAi K OS I iil.I.lNliWOOI) STUFET Sutli Door Kn.t of frmh\tvrlan Church. rLWHKRTOK. A ( e.t. I J. P, lll.lliSH.UL, L. I>. S.. DEMIST, Viiu Markdalc the l.nt ai : .| :;ril Wednes- clay of each niniitli. FV^herton each trip nn the dy following. J. W. lin rnxtt i; Hnliritor, ( 'on t -r i/tutcei Ktr. FI.FSHKHTOX Orrn E, NEXT I'(.>T OrricE. Bnom'sBniMM, "S TIU-RI>AV>. 0\VKS sol \L) DKFICK. FRO.T'H Ilrn.Dixo P McCULLOUGH, lln,Tinter, Solid for, <y-c. -. over n<-Fnrlnii<rH Store .Harkdulr. II. :,- to l.oasi. Cards. John W. Armstrong, FLEMHEKTOX, Co. QUIT. niVISION COfKT CI.EI'.K. t ( WMISSIONE 'J i: H. U.. C'onTeyaiu-. . \ HtforT.urcli A MM of lan.Ii. A|>|>rniv,.r for I I, C. C anJ V.l'H * s. hot-ion l...non MONEY TO LOAM. The Undersigned has a Large* Amount of Mono/ to I,o;.n at 6J o u. ox TOWN uu F.uai mu'i:KTY. S. DAM I'll I;. K..B-UB.TO-. W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CLKBK 4K1I,MK-I.>. tNSUAAJTCM .1'. /' .. UUUM, A, . in. I ..i..|,,.rl> .'.r..uli-i edin rtrst .-Jn coi>>uiui. JJ^utv to lend at lowustratui. R. J. Sproule, niuim, v\-*\ ,-..,,. ( . .. .,,,ia et in l:. R., I.ii)>iinl Aiu':u.!, t .T,Cou , A|>},rmiKT anil M, <. ,- J.*,,d-r. Keal Kitala niiJ Insnrtin-e As<-ut. Pd. MortL-nyoii, Leases and WilU Jrr.wn up and Valuatinus umjo mi h,ir'i-st U(it..-o. AHC tion Sttlxi utU-iuled t iu nny j.ry of tie iVuuty. Money to loan nt lowest rated of interest. Collections attended to with promptness and despatcii. diaries "low .\Kctit (or tlie Dominion Sti aoisliij,' i.nipiiM Cheap tickets from Klenlu-rton I., Liverpool, (IkMgow, LonJou or aiiv >( th* Port*. I'artifs iuleii.liii),' to SeotUml or Ireland, will j.leiuo nsk rates be- fore pt-rrhtsing tlieir tickets i.lsttl>ere. ,. . 1 Of Interest ti> every man hi> uea a \Vs{in nr C iirriacr THIS ANTI-KATT1.KU Is (he BEST, HecailHt- u n vOucttvu, , *. iBUMasn*. Tii-ii- an- n. proincttnii rear the spuuxu or w*.L. c all . Uu couplliif. a.lju<W.I incttnii I; ttu FOH8AL8 AT Hoard's Carriage Shop F'MIM K.'KSM.K UIKAIV \ . . : t K TsY tariim. Iol7. con.li, VowiiKhii' i r.iM'lirarla toaMlnln|MM>w. Thin i a i ; uHl.i vi , ablu tiuibvr farui. Well tiiuUi. >, ith nj.i l hunlw.KXl, heinlm-k ainl ..- lai ;. ndij ! l( mile* f-nni thn hiNHitifnl villai;. 1 Kin in VI.I^M'I \alleT whr* Ilier* M inllU IXMII ofliou and ghurch.aud II nn 1 . rrom rtonontheC P k.. where there . a a arket for all klntls ef produce, veck . aatlaaber. Apply*. H.,1 SprovU, K. M rea4 eeMIe Melt, fl^hwtoa.