Flesherton Advance, 20 Feb 1890, p. 5

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THE FLESHER10N ADVANCE. GEO. MITCHELL, BANKER, . m i"i t *" "' ''' ' "" "/ . < .< I -I "intts. -'mi <!"<" -V'/ifh "/ .1 '. i. . Vicinity Chips. <'hnra-toristir of thr Ta*t Wfvlt Carefully Cullrd for thr Curious. Mis Maad Hichardon is risitin; friends in Toronto. Considerable square timber has been cotnim; in during the past week. Mr. W. J. Bellamy is in Toronto this week attending the Gimiid Lodu'", A. O. U. W. Osprey Conncil will hold tbeir next Tueetin:* at Feversham ou Saturday nvxt, the 2L'nd. Mnlf.it Bros., of Markdale, Uve re- eened oUV-rs of $8,000 bonus froui two lifferent places. Read McDonald A Bvans' new adver- tisement. Isn't it a beauty i Aud so full of important facts, to ! The Morning train south u Thursday was delayed until after 10 o'clock by the breakage of an axle, near Chatsworth. Mr. Campaign haa placed a new aud handsone sijjn over the duor of his imple- ment warerooms, next to Mrs. Buhner s. The complete summary of busm-. done iu the PomiuU'ii Parliament and < Intario Legislature will always be found ou ur inside living about thre* miles north of Flh- t-i-ton. wns burned t > the ground on Mon- day iiijht between ten ami twelve o'clock. The building contained all of Mi. Hnlley's seed uram besides a nuantity of wheat, sev.-ral tocb of hay, fanning mill, The iiru wa.-, causuu by a Die bu;;, ln.se iduntity. it is nai>l, is known. Congratulations m Order. An erent occurred at I'riuevillc yester- day which will interest a larxe nuu.lier "f our readers, in the mirria^e of Miss K Kruwn and Noil McKinnn, ELs'p. which look place in tlie Pi enbytenan church. The ceremony waj performed |py I'.uv. Mr. McLeoJ. The happy couple will pleasu accept an olu ilioe fruni The Advance. Died. Mrr II. M. Bi.werman, of Eugenia, passed away to her rent n Wednesday of last week, after a lout; illuess of several yean duration. Deceased was 31 yea's of age. &ue was a cousin of the editor of this paper. Her end was a trium; h, as she died in the knowledge of a glorious resurrection, and her last wishes were that all misht "come to Jesus. 1 ' There i an op|>ortunity offered iu The Advance this week for some one to su- ture a 2'>d farm the Crawford estate. Se advertisement. Mr. Win Wood.of the station ,h pur- chased the premises lately occupied by Mr Haunah, where lie intends opening up a general store. NOTI.-B Members of FlehertonCircu- latin',' library are requested to return at , ncc- to the libraray any b"l< that th-> mny have out. By order, Librarian. The special meeting* are being con- tinurd m the Methodist church this week. Mr. Shilton is alone iu the work, but a larje amount of jfood is being d< >ne. I. 15. Lucas, barrister, of the linn V.i-luip & Lucas, Owen Sound, is at the I of \\"ni. Lucas & Co., in Mnikdale, very Friday, and in Pundalk every . day. The Station people are auitatiii? for Sunday serviee)( aud hope t" scour- Mr McLeud t. preach weekly in the Orange Hail. A service was hW there ou Sun- day ni'^ht last. Kev. L). A. ll'iluian returned to his charge, in Chicago yesterday iifrnin.'. Mr. Holmaii was laid up at rV\ci.-h*iu for three weeks with U iirippe. h.i\iii-.' hUtfvred two relapses, but was sulticienth iccveied to undertake the journey. Mr. iJamude returned from Toronto on Thin -til. iy mul-t la.it after assisting <>n the deputation of m;iiculturi'ta which waited i tho Minister of Agriculture. He rxpresaes himself an satisfied with the p respects of success. The. deputation >. .,i i lie largest and most representative which ever waited upon theUovormneut. Mr. Aaron Teeter, of Markdalc, is a 1,-ftitlemaii who does ii'<t like to pay for Ills i ftper. He oe two years' sub.-u-ri;'- tion to Tlin Advance and returns tlie paper marketl "refused." We hare sent i.iui lus bill but ho ifusd to notice it. io Aaron thinks we aive away The Adv.inee. If so we will endeavor tj dis- ttbiiM- his mind of the idea. Wanted. A local a^eut t<> represent a leading; Agricultural Imp'.eiuent Company in this Mciiiity, for bn.dcrs, mowers, reivers, i.l,.-s, ploughs, drills, cultivator*, &e. Apply IJox 18J, Oranuwville. Strange. Mr. Uoo. Beecruft killed a very large CM Iff make on Th-f*diiy of last week in Mr. J. Genue's IHHU. >So far as we know tl.is is something unprecedented for the se.ix.ii. The snake was as lively as though it were in midsummer. What uch a premature appearance of liissuaku- >hiu portends is more t!iau we can JathoBi. Ice for Owen Sound It Rounds Atrange to hear that Owen Sound must rely upon Flesherton for her ice supply, but such appears to be the case. Messrs. Davis it Buchanan were down on M'jrday making observations, and decided *o make th little lake be- low the station a base of operations. They found the ice to be of good i|Uality, nine inches thick, and intend takm^ out at least a thousand tons. A. Favorable Vrdict. Mr. .ITS. Concur. Tottenham. Out. writes : I have beau trouliled with catarrh for live years. S.--;inx Nasal Kilm advertised I pnx-ureil a bottle, an. I although 1 have oi.iv used part of it, 1 do nut hesitate to pronounc* it the bent remedy in the world for catarrh. It is easy and pleasant to use, instant in ;iv inn relief, stops the droppings from head into the throat and removes all the ynr.tonn of catarrh and culd in the head. In fact if the directions are faith- fully followed iioth:n^ but H sure and periiiauent cure can be the result. An Old Settler Gone. \Ve neglected noticing last week the dentil ni Mrs. Nancy Marshall, which event took place at the residence of her nii in-law, Mr. .lohriSMii ('nil.-i!. mi tlie ."iih init. Mrs. Marshall was 85 years ot a^e. and came to tins country from Ire- land about forty \r*n n^o. Since the di'o'.vti' uf lie.. lm1iain!, about twelv? years a<;o, hi had bi'en Hvtiin with her son, J is. Marshall, now :i resident of Aclieson Kv, but came over ro Canaila last summer. Mr. ar>l Mrs. Marshall were old ruidentt of this p-\rt, having UVLH! in the vicinity of Flwdicrton for many vesrs. Barn Burned. A b*ru to Adaru Hollo? >: . ' To our Subscribers. The special announcement which ap- peared in uur columns W.IM tune since, announcing a special arrai .gvmeiit with Dr. 1>. J. Keiuiall Co. ,,| Kinwbur^h Kil!*. Vt., publishers of " V Treatise OH the Horse and his l>iseucs." whcn-l.v our sulwcrilwrs were eiuit<le>i to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by send ibf ttoir MMM to B. ' Kendall ' (and . ' stamp for mail- in : s:uin -i ! renewed l"r a !ii:iit"ii period. \Ve trust ill will aia.i tliciiiji'lvca <-t this opportunity .f .'l.iainiir.' this valuable Uiok. To every l"vcr "i" the liorm- it is indispeimable.aii it tre.u < in a . mpii- man Her all the diseases. which atll,cli!us noble anniiiil. In p!ieii>'in:ii tl al tluon<F|iOut United S'atr* and Cairid.-i, nmk it a staiidanl authority. Mi-ntinn ti< ..1 ; -(.; /'"> hfi'-f. The Gullible Editor. Many arc the schemes laid to entrap the poor (.'iitor uitu giving free adver'is- inL' and doing valuable favors; The latest conies from a New York Conserva- tory of Music. They send a circular ay- irii : "Please write me your lowest ad- vertising rutcs. At tlie same time, I oe!< leave to ask that you do me the favor to send, on thu enclosed sheet, a list of the :i. lines of those hcaus of families ainon^ your acquaintance who, in your opinion. in lit lie interested in our institution,' etc. Now wu do not propose to scmpe. olf the cream and give it away with the remote jmssibility of selling thu milk. \\o are not built that way. Wheu the writer sends alon^ hi< sdvcrtiscmunt and something substantial to back it up wu will think up u list | for him. In the in- terim our time is fully occupied. A Prize. In order to discover what kind of literary talent there i* among tho readers of this paper we '...i\ decided to otter prises for the beat criminal short stories sent in by April 1 next. These stones must be fact, or founded on fact. and not more than two columns in length. Al "K w offer fot each vc-pted stt-ry a vi-ry Urze steel engraving worth three dollars in any art store, and such pictures as cannot he purchased anywhere outside of a large city. They are really the fluent pictures winch art can product- in the line I of steel ei:i;ravinis. This is a chance for the young to display their talent and for the old to se-ure soim-thini; elegant for their homes. Every accepted story will pay for one, of these urand works of art and the competition will be divided into t*o classes that for those under sixteen and another for those over thai Sen.1 in your manuscripts, stating whether you are over or under that a.. and the picture will be sent you if tin- story is worthy of a place in our columns Competition closes ou the first day of April uext. Then Baby was tide, ire gare her Caatoria. When she wu a (.liilJ, she cried for Casturia. Wbsn she brcame Xlia. she clung to Castona. WtMn she haU Children, niw gave them C'astoria He Made A Sale. A traveler for a safe mill struck Flesh- erton on Friday Lut. He called upon a certain business man and opened the conversation about as follows: "Good day, happy to meet you t shake/ I have *.;. d at the riuut place and time. Re- present J. A J. Blank A. < 'o. 1 am ifing to sell you a safe. HcV safe in the world. All styles, sizes, prices. Just gt an order from so and so. Told roe to call on you be sure to make a sale. I can tell an in- telligent business man when I see him you are. one. What style would you like to have ' All well made and sir n_-. double combination lock, perfectly lire and burgular proof. (Here followed a rive minutes running tire of descri >tive work). ^Vhen the a^ent stopped to re- wind hi* hazoo the biuinrss man tv k him by the hand and softly led him into a little back room where stook a hand- souii- $34X1 safe. The a-jent made, a sail, 1m* it was a sail for the front door, with all his canvas spread, anil the way hree/es wh'stled around his coat tails as he struck for the station would remind one of five thousand whistling tops on a jaiubuuree. Died. . i.KMV. \ : MKcnla, on \V.ln Ki . U. :-i r l.inu :i:. I >wrv i!lln>*. Mrs M \ n M li.i-v. meu, l'.-:..v,..i wUu ol Hlruii M ! . .rrp!>- " or 4'atarrh. not have secured th services of two morn etticifnt meu. Died At Singhampton on the 13 inst. "Zip" -from the elfecu of la grippe. My friond John T. was down to ' ..'.JWOIN! .,11 ^.uurday last. The ^'irU will have to put on their best faces I'.on . to \ivu\t abreast of ,I..hii. lluih Mrs. J olm Luh presenteil her husband Tvith a boun. a the 2nd Hist. Proton Stutiou. /';/,,. .</ Business rat her dull at present owing to the want of snow. Mis. Amos Donp is seriously ill, but we hope she will soon be restored to her former position in the faiuiiy circle. Mr. Join: I'arkt-r, of Pairy >und, is visiting with hu brother, ALraliam Parker. \\ e. believe that liv,: youncr !m;n iivniij n,,rth ,,f l'n,;oii Station wi-re the worse of liijuor hut Friday nuiit. Now, U.ys. this is the rc-ond o r third time this has .>ccurred. 1'ieuse boys don't ! be coining down here and drinking fluid ! damnation aud disturbing our <pjivt little town. A yung man ied some rather rouuh lanuiiaje in the army meeting last Fnday evening. Bo careful b'ys you may i;et a few dollars worth jf law. In all pml>ability ere tins sheet in print- ed there will be unit bachelor less in our midst. I .odd boy. Kulieri. Frum o'ir Mr. J. U. H<>KU is visituiK fnends in this village. Mr. Ho'.>^ looks halo and hearty, hence we conclude city Lie agrees with him The ladies of the Methodist church of this place held a social at the residence of Mr .). Li. Sloan lost Tuesday evenni','. Those who attended report spending a pleasant evening. The wife of Mr. H. Bowerman passed .pnetly away on Wednesday last, aud her remains were buried m the Flettherion cemetery on Friday. The deceased will be missed very much as she was . n. always assisted every stood c There 1.1 to bo a social held under the auspices of the ladies of the Baptist church. It is to bo held on tho l'8th [Mi Mrv \Vm. (i. l;.i'.'in.i;], of Parker, Dak., is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Hadley. Influenza ha* been playiuff h*vc ara-niij the Indians of tlie Shawues na- tion, south of Oklahoma. Tlie.ro is a deficiency in the city treasury of l:.K.-heter. N.Y., of abut Ilil.OOO, ticcoidiij^ to an investigation uow Ijeiui; Mr. Peter McLaren, the millionaire liimlM-iiiian uf Peitli, has been appointed tn the Senate in (dace of the late Senator Turner. Count de Koftiunac, who basest*) lisheil a chicory factory at Whitewnod, Main toba, states tiial he u rneetiu^ wiUi | success iu the venture, and says that chicory grown there is much superior t" tlut iiiipiTtnl from France, (jeruiany and Holland. T!i.' L'onnnioii Govenunent has ill 1 - cidud to renew the fhhenes modus viven- di with the United States, which ex- pired lust week. The authorities of McGill I'niversity are taking |>recautionary steps against such a ci.iit!.i fc iaU'.ii as that of Toronto L'iiiversity. The jii inters in the St. Catharines Journal otKce are on a strike against the use uf "boiler plate." licillh Hiut< "[..i jiippe. 1 ' or Russian . .us u is termed, is in reality an epidemic ca! an h, nnd is called I'V some physicians l.^htiiini; catarrh, from tin- rapidity wi'h which u sweeps ovtr thw country. Allow us to draw tlie attention of your reiuirs to tliu fact that \ .1 Balm, as well as beinu a tlioron.-li cure for all cases of ordinury cold in head and catt.irrh, will ^ive prompt relief in even the most severe cases of "In (fnppe " or Russian influenza," as it will ert'e.-tiMllv clear the nasal passages, allay irritation nid relieve the dull, oppressive 'uadache accompanymit the disease. No family should be without a bottle of Nasal PNIIIII in tho house, as iH>ld in the head Hiiti V liable to attack at this M'u-son of the year, and '> '. Balm is the on'y prompt uml pevdv cure for tin'*e trouble* .-ver ->f- ' - ii.-.i- ami I If you cannot lii't it, at your deal- ols it will be stnl ns'st M'f,.- "ii leeeipt of I ,i M ..u -,'iil> ami j-1 j.ir i..| l.-i by .id- dressing Kuifi in k Cok ( I'.iockiilie, Ont. Koad. Fnn <-nr <>- Tho autitial Sabbatli sc-iiool tea- nig was deld iu tin- \\' church on t!n> l'2th inst. Bin! ^Yas t'.nr- ly w.'ll aUfiKlcd, the rcfoipts bcin- over JlT.l'H. Mr. .1. llnclian;i:j and wife left for i last Fviil:iy. Ihu-iifoiu' you.i;' men who left some lime a^D lo iii.xke l.is fortune in the West, lias rutnnu'd ul'tur a VIT\ uort absence. Ft-M-rsh;i!U . F-nin ((. oi/ it ''"IT- V;NI,. Mr. (' C. Brown hm completely re- covered from her recent illness. \\"e are pleaded to eo her round a^ain. \\ o are sorry to l.i-ar of tho death of Mr*. Cei'. Edwards, Bognor, an old resident of this place and the mother of Mr. Chas. Edwards of this place. Funeral took place on Sunday the 10th inst. Mr. Jos. Irwin is busily engaged get- ting out chiny in th in section. \\ e ro pluased to know that Mr. W. J. M. tun- and W.Ci. Allester, of our village, have been ro appoinUd as audi- tor* for the .Mwnship of Osprt-y for the eiis.nmj yarf 1890. They did excellent work last,vai'and the towgthip could vft)i:u: /ion. fr..iu "u \ little more snov. La jji'ipl* IS sul1 p'aviu;; its pranks in tl.is vicinity. Mr. Editor, is there ?oing to be no- doiiti in tlie way of the utution outrage '.' I say it is a tiling to be looked nl'iir. fu- such ua act should :ii)t _:" iHipiiinslicii. Mr. Joliu MtNcviu lost a very fiue cow lately, siie bung choked with a (turnip. Tlios. J. Tayl.v n at[M-i-i ntattend- - -liool in Colliagwood. Mis. J.is. Love Ims of lato bci-n \ -isititi',' tVieiuU on the twelitlj cm. <ion ot ')-! Mr Jain.-s CornllcM lias ' - 1 - ; a Maml 8. 1 guess be in- la ill u,,- ail tlie j'n.'.us next Mini- M.- McNaily is .ittemlmi; Owin S.iuiiJ t'olli^-iate. \Ve wish her succes^. Mr. J. liurke, of U'urcbarr, lias re- tunicd iotu visiun^ Irieuds in To- ronto. Tlie people of this p'irt arc in IICIH* of estubliislmg a post nllicc litre. Wo hope it will be secured. \Ve have tliis week to clironiclo the 5ii(lilou deutli of tbedaiiolitcr oflli-nry tlnliuan. of the fourth lino. Slio pu?- si-d away i.n WcdMcwlav, l-\ Ijniary .">t!i. La gripiw is ?aid to l>o tlie cause of deatli. Tlio dec-t-ased WAS 8 lunntlid nf ri ;>'. H.T rrnriins wore iu^vrrvd at Mount Xion ce:iioury. General News. Don't contradict your wife. Don't tell a nun he is a str.iir^cr'to the truth i ei-aune hxchancesto )* srr.slivr than yourself. Errors of this kind have been known to be disastrous. Never -40 to bd with cold or damp Leave them beside the kitchen tire, where they will be haudy to put on in the morn _ It is bad to lean your back against any thin;; cold, particularly when it is an icy p.ivcineiit, upon which yur vertebral arrangement has caromed with a jolt 'hat shakes the buttons <>tf yur coat. Always eat your breakfast before br- ginmng a journey. If you haven't any breakfa.it .'.on t journey. After violent exercise, like putting ap the stove or nailinn down carjx-t, neti-r Totmd town in a upen carnage. It it better to walk. It is also cheaper. When hoarse spenk as little as poexj If you are not hoarse it won't do yuii any harm to keep your men ]> >h it, > Farm for Sale. . . v ' 1 ',,. -,.,.,. ,v,. I - > J-, ,, .. frnma tMrn i. in .- null wan i|i Uu Ju- i ml ' Ki t fUl-lhiT VHitli-Ulsn Ill-.i-l.i . t ' : . a .- ^hou. . . JOSJAII I ' P.O. l. Jn.. 1WO. MILLS I'l MI'i. t'l- . . . I '-V tl'-rti . iillliul (11 i - fctlrlilldll. Ckli ou in UUI'.iu .Ik: . , : . i kill) . In'. The ex|H-diency of a penny postajo for the whole British Empire and America is being considered iu England. The report of tho Varnell commission was laid on the table of the H <use of Commons Thursday. Tho report is rather adverse to the l'arn.lhtes. Good coal i* said to have been dis covered Si") miles north east of Iijnace station, which is 150 miles west of Tort Arthur. Navigation will probably opeu here on April 1, says a Port Arthur despatch, as ice is leaving the bay JaiJy. The wither is extraordinarily mild, CAMEASTRAY i- 1 .....,.,. -.., M4. r 'iinilK n'l S\.Viih:i t til- ftret of flepssniber laet. 01 ' \,-H.-.^ -'iti. Tile owiK-r in n |>ruvi- inolHjrtT. pa> I-XJU-IIM *,\ -i V> . - < n.F.-l.ri NASAL I v. Accft.i-Ti i CoM in : t in aH it* SOOTHIh,- HEA Iwiaft Relief, : - C. % k ptomn rt vn; Manv to-called dits r -i "iiartb. tuch ss hesdscbe. pro on** of imll, foal brenih, !i . UIIMS, feimtl f<Nlio( of dbili" : you uimblcdwiihanr oflhMtor k. . u v > i '! CsSSrrkiSM thou! J lota no i - curtii< boll's of NASAL. Bm. J<a < 1-1 t'-n . in hsd relulM la Call f.ill-"r.l b cosumpiioa mnd duih. NASAU I . . is told by ft drujgmi, or will b Mai, p,i ptld, i rocupi .1 |XIC (JU MOM u>4 $1 oo) If iiiilrcm F9UMO A CO., Bnv;i LI. 0IT> (. Bewar* f IsaiUUoo* slmltv m

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