Flesherton Advance, 20 Feb 1890, p. 7

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TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. I AD Orange District of Sooth Brant has been orxnud. The LibenU of East Middlesex meet io London to morrow. Cardinal Peooi. brother of the Pope, ia dying of pneumonia. R >cheter, N Y . wai viiitel by a 950,000 box f<:t.jry fire yesterday. The Toronto treiu to Winnipeg wai de- layed fix hours yt*terdy by scow. Arrangements are being maJe f >r a strik-, of the Ljn'loa dock laborers on Monday. Mr. D Maokay, R^eve cf Reach town hip, ha* been a[ pointed Treasurer uf Ontario county. It ii siii that the fire in U. 8. Secretary 1 iare> hcQtea*c*ostdby trefxylonion of a ccal oil lamp. A cable say* foar million* sterling of one prm d silver notes ate being printed by the BruirO Government. Tue ("lab National, Montreal, it ia said will peat a resolution dt daring its hopes ol Canada's Independence. Ia the Senate yesterday several bigh tributes were paid to the memny of the lae Senator Macd. uald. The P E. I. Government has sixteen tupport rs in the newly-dented Legislature against fourteen OpuosnionUt*. Representatives of the Kngluh Brewery 8)ndiuaie are at Baii'ix ueKOtiaii nl ! r the purchase of two breweries and a distil- lery ia that city. A cane at present before the Soperior four* la Montreal tains up in the very in- teresting qutauon ag to the morality of Viu.or Hugo'* works. A rolntitn will bo introduced into the Bruins Parliam n* at its comiug < asion thai 'li .ff.irs of Wales shoud tealteudaU to by a separate d>partrte:it. Mr Carnegie, tbe iron millicuaire, hi> prcn is**: t ptnd 8 1.000 000 (or Or.ir.. Frie Library, and biancbts, frr 1'itu- burn. Pit., piovititd the city wiil maintain them. The bi.l authorizing tbe construction o bri 'at acrjM toe river at Dairoit wo re.O'Ud adversely iu the l'.i...i States 8 i.ata yvulvrdey. ana u indefinitely pout- London Board of Trade anrt London Weal Council have replied to the Provincial Srcr tr> tax exempton qnisiijua, ai.d favor the abolition of many L( the prevent nrmpliuu*. Za off, the pro-Russian Bikariao leader, Las insaed a maui(c'io to ibu Bui (aria i peopir. calling u;-ou ihoru to rri Uirnielvra of King Ferdiu..d and bin vil adherent* Tbe ai nnal meeting cf tb Oulario Agri oolt.jr*! and Experimental Uuiou wa> Me, i ye.it! day at the Agricultural Ce liege, Gaclph. Prufissor Robertson rtc-ived a pr> ntation yesterday at tbe Ontario A*MI ul ural College from the students. who xprmscd their regret at the -v> ranoe of huoouueuiioii with that institution. Governor Gi'cerel Salamanca, of Cuba. is ill. Twelve physicians o nulled ye*t-rd) and prououuotd the patient's comiiiicu di>xeruu. A meeting of tbe auiboriiie* will be held to contider what action i 1 o taktu in the eveut of bis d-ih. Tbe Vic**- Goveri'Or. General bas asaumed command ol tbu inland. It is laid that A. W. Taylor, tbe pli.itifl to the Krduutiun case of Taylor vs. Juhnsou (mi illy decided at Turuuto in tbe plain- tiff's favor), bas, on the advice of his eounitl, taken measure* to prosecute G-orgH I'ViDfcj for perjury. It will b r*iu> in 1 '* r d that Irvmg gave ttv.imouy again. t Mi-,* Euima Tyiur. It is learned definitely that the money required to buil.l the (.null railway Iroui Leibbridgv into Montana feat been ram-.: alt' r much trouule, as theCanadlau Paciii) Ril *> opposed the sobeoie eirt-nnnualy iu KiiRlai d. '1'he contract bas been let to Contractor* Donald Grant and M. M. Ro#. end tb- wurk will be commenced ear.v 1:1 too spring. Tbe uteemer Pbamemore, Boa tor, f roin London, reports tht on January M hf tcok i ff Cplain Putte and vmof tbe orw i f tre ebip JotephiLe |Norwe k im) (root N-w York fur Daaiiio with a cargo ul oil. 1 h sbip was abacdontd iu e aiiikiuv ouiirtuiuj. Five meu wero waab<-d ovi r board by a heavy IK a and one man fell off tbu j bboom. Dennis Moouty, a workman at Foxtou miues, near Kmgiiton, injured while work inx in thv shaft ISO fiet deep by a drill- p ont d. ecmiiig and goii>g through tin bead, dud yetttrday. Notwithitandiog that th brains were forced out wheu pi' reed by tbe iron, he regained con-emu i- ntss several time*, reoognizing and speitk i IK t<i hie brother and s:sttr, who were pro sent at hi* bednide. Ex- Kicg Milan of Bervia recently lo-t SO.OOOf. while gambling at Mcntca. Hits GorrUn, of Toronto, hai been ap- pointed matron of tbe bellevilie Uo pital. 8ixten men.cf whom thriw were white. weru whipped at Newoastlv, Del., on Satar- dy Nt-sr Stevenaon, Ala., a farmer, bis wife and (oar children have bteii burned in their bouse. A Urge imirgration of American gipsies into Ks< x oonuty, via Windsor, took place last wetk. Secretary Troey continues to improve end intends resuming hi) duties at the Naval l>-p*rtmeut to-day. The Grand Paoiflo Hotel, Chicago, sold yeeterday for (400 000. and is to be torn down. It cost I8UO.OOO to ertct. Tbe f>x Arobduke John of Austria, now celled II rr Oith, his bouxht a trading eteamer, and will be bis owu mate. The Puke et Oi leant, the anda?ioae pretnider to the French throne, i being tn-atvd with dittinotion in bis prison con- fine meat. Tbe Lee Angeles River, in California, baa changed its oonrse and caused $75t),000 damage by tbe consequent inundation of he country. In tbe bi< Paoifli Railway arbitration oa*o Mr. I ward Blk ooncladed his n days' argomeot in reply, and the matter now rest! in tb* hands of the arbitrators. At tb* Reform convention hrld at Bow- menvill* on Saturday, Mr. W X. Lookoart, grain dealer, of Newcastle, was o> to contest West Durham in tbe Local Legislature. 1 he American Cordage Company de- mand that the Canadian rrpvmakers boy their hemp from them cr the big company will step aurot* the line end start oppoti- lion cordage work*. A apecitl despatch from Washington ayb tbat Sir Julian Peuncef >le and Secre- tary Blainti are both very hop>-lal tnet an ami.'--tam1iiiK will be reached on tbe Hehr.ng Sea fisherie* trouble. R'i*om Floyd and bis wife, of Wenport, N. V , were ahot by burglar* on Friday night. Tbe wife i* dead and tbe hunband i-ann. t recover. The burglars obtained 93.0UU, the proceed* of a farm just Kid 'I h last of the famous Barlow collection of books and manuscripts was disposed ol in N v York on Satnruay afternoon. The sales (or the six days amounted to IS5.5C8 It wan liie largest sale ot Americana ever held. Capt. Hew*, of the steamer Portnecse, repur:s all we* quiet in Brazil when he left there recently. He learned the Govern mnr.t intended to increase the army by 10 000 men before the tljctioca in Septem- ber n it. Tbt- committee authorized by the Russian Government bas prepared a plan for the thrc u_:b Siberian railway, tu be completed ia ti :. \i-arp. Ibe tctal length cf the linei* tu be 4.375 mile* and toe total ccsl 250,000, 000 ruuM-d. There wa* a very stormy seesioa of the Pan American Congress in Washington on Friday, when Ibe delegates from Urnquay com plamed of tbe time wasted by talking, and threatened to at once with- >lra unledH tbe date for adjournment wa* dtUM.ely Settled. Two ccn* ict, Finn and Perkins, who escaped fri.ui the guard* of Stoney Moun- tain Penitentiary on Friday during s iing t no* storm, were captured yeoter day mointng in an almost eying condition They were on the praiiid throughout the ui*bi iu a terrible storm. The Canal Commission left Panama virniev fur Mew Orleans, en ronte for Mew York. They will leave that city on tbe 22nd inst for Peri*. On tee way thither the\ prt<noe stopping at Chicago, Niagara Falls ana Albany. It is generally believt< that tbcir report will be favorable tu tbe cciiiinnatiou of Ibe work en the caral. Specific charges of drunkenness an crn< Ity have been filed with the Sicretar nf thu U. 8. Trea.ury against I'apt. M. A Healy, of tbe revenue cutter Eeal Tb act < are alleged to have been committee uurinK a recent crniae cf tbat vessel i Alaskan water*. Tbe Secretary ha airected an investigation of tbe charges. While four children were skating on tb Hadkon River, N. Y., Sunday, nea tbe ice broke aud all th c u.dren were drowned. Their mothe hearing their aonamii ran to reeoa iiieun, and she also went through to ice and was drowned. Their father ba* tened 10 tbe scene, jumped In to save hi* family, and he, too, perished. Tbe Back of Fans will isjue a Kailia loan on Fob '.'U Anatria is abont to grant religions inde peudence to the Jew*. Caniii.al Pecci'l o**e i* hopelea* an death ii booily expected A branch station of tbe Dominica Fithcr* will be shortly opened in Montreal. Tbe American Shipping League is ask- in ' Congress to pas* the Farquhar Subsidy BUI. There it a movement on foot to ctart a sy ait in of free school* in tbe Province of Quebec. The leader in the Chilian bond robbery was kdnienced yesterday in Leu ion to ten )ear*' penal servitude. Tk V. S. World'* Fair CoLf^rvoca are aiill hard at it, trying, ao far without *uo- ctw, to rtach a compromise. lii' reported from Bucharest that Major and four accomplices iu tbe plot Pi luce Ferdinand have been snot. The clergy in Lisbon are collecting money for tbe National Defence fund, and d tlmg against England i* still very bitter. Mr. H. M. Derocbe, ex M. P. P.. it U said, will probably be tbe Liberal can nidatu iu Acdiogton at tbe Local elec- tions. Parker, tbe alleged Burlington, Kansas, d riter, was liberated yesterday at London, i^ou&e tbe extradition papers had not ar- lived. Mr. Alt x. Daoust, a Hull contractor, wa* truck by tbe abaft of the leading horse on the race track at Leamy'* Lake and almost killed. It i* believed that 190 miner* perished in tbe Abcrsychan colliery disaster. One hundred aud seventy bodies have been dis- cover td Twenty battalion* of infantry and thir- teen ballerie* of ertilltry of tbe volunteer* iu In land are to be called out for training iu field operation*. Wi.ilo tbe engineer* cf tbe twin screw cruiser Barraoouta were testing her boiler off Margate yelterday a cylinder exploded, killini< two men aud injuring ten. M.m Wright and her Ottawa evangelist* are determined to bold a second meeting ia Qml on Tnwdey evening, and it i* feared a very serious riot will take place. Tbe passage by on* branch of tbe North Dakota Legislature of a Bill chartering aud legalizing a lottery in tbat State ha* attracted much attention in Washington official circle* It i* slated tbat the anti-Socialist bill, which we* rejected by the German Reichs- tag immediately before it* dissolution, will be rrintrqdnced immediately upon tbe re- asMuib.ing of the new Reichstag. It is officially asserted that perfect har- mony I'Xisls 10 Crete. It i* denied that the firman recently iasued by the Ports ba* otQSed dissatisfaction, that preparation* for a riaing are being made in tbe island, or that the poweia have requested that the firman be modified. A Boston newspaper dates, apparently on tbe authority of the leader* of the move- ment, that there I* to b* organ- ised in tbe United State* prtvion* to tbe eight-boor itiikee ot May 1st, 18HO, a gigantic labor financial alliance v i bin the rank* of the American Kedtre lion ot Labor. It i* propoeed to aoonmn ate a joint stock fund of at least $260 000 1 * GBOLUA AT BIODAD. before May 30th tu be placed at tto die- I poealof any trade whoae craftsmen may 1 8 ~ 1 te f on strike or Iccked out The organiza- 1 ion bf this alliance is said to be already under way. Count An Irssay has iutrrnal cancer. A poor widow in London, Out., bas fallen eir to HO. 000. Carrlii.al Jacobini has had a relapse and * in a..dangercus <: jndit.on. A convict in tbe Kingston Penitentiary a* detected tryirg to escape on Friday evening. There an run on the Lenci Hill Back, New York, yesterday, bat all aemandi wire met. I her. Mat a Family a "" Kaoa>PL Hun. Mr. Mercier is better of an indispo- sition that was tir-t thought M be itdam- mation of tbe lung*. Graham, charged with attempted jury bribing in tbe Croain trial, ha* not turned up, and hi* 115,000 bail tonds are foi felted. Tbe Gentiles defeated the Mormons in the municipal elections of Salt Lake City resterday. The German ateamer Bakkarah, with uer carno of 1'J.CUO bags of coflej. ha* been oat at Pnnta ail hemedios, near Acajuila. 1 he crew were saved The Democratic member* of tbe Senate of Montana are blocking legislation by rimtining away *td thus preventing a juirnm. The President yesterday nominated Charles Emory Smith, cf Pennsylvania, to Eu vi y Extraordinary and Minuter flenipottntiary to Rnssi*. It is stated tht largo quantities of opium and large number* of Chinamen are ! smuggled into the State* fr nu Vio- oria, B.C. Rev. Dr. Vuckleston, of Ottawa, who preached in Kingston on Sunday, oon- demnc-d revivals because of the improper methods employed to secure convert*. In tin Chamber of Deputies yesterday M. Pradene's motion to repeal tbe law beLiehing pit tenders to tbe French throne was defeated by a vole cf 32$ to 171. It is denied tbat tbe Republican* of Portugal sgtee with these of Spain in deairtng that a joint manifesto agaiuit Great Britain tha.l be made from thu two countries. Piince Ferdinand i.i changing all the chief commanders in the Bulgarian army. Numerous arreats have been made in the Bulgarian towns on the Danube of plotter* committee* mvlvnl in the attempt on Price* Ferdinand'* life. Ibe wir>ow and children ot the late Conrad S. ipp. brewer, ot Chicago, have 'ivided Jl:to 000 among seventeen charita- ble institution* c f tbe city. Warden Lavell ha* identified at Albany Hopkins, one of the convict* who escaped ir. in Kingston Penitentiary on Christines eve. Application will be made for hi* extradition. Mr G. R. VenNormen, jun., travelling freight agent C. P. R.. ha* been appointed district freight agent at Detroit for that corporation. Mr. H. Mnnro Grier, city freight agent, Toronto, succeeds Mr. Van- Norman a* travelling freight (gent. The following D. 8. Consular appoint men is hve been o>.inrn-H : F. A. Basher (Minnesota), at Port Stanley and St. Ibomaa ; L. W. Myers (Iowa), at Vic- toria, B.C.; F. M. Ryder (Connection!), at Quebec. Tbe tow boat Port Ee^s, en rente from Cairo to New Orleans with seven ber*ee of grain, struck the test pier of tbe bridge being built to span the liver at Memphis, and aank at 7 o'clock yesterday morning. One person, the colored chambermaid, waa drowned. At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon Philip Daweon, aged 7H, an inmate of the St. Thomas Home, attempted to oroee the M. C. R. track at Church street in front of No. 10 express. He was struck by tbe pilot and thrown twenty yards clear of tbe track. Hi* arm and leg were broken and he received a deep gaah in tho bead. He only lived fur ten minute*. Two o'd women named Sinnott, living in a wretched bovtl ou the Carleton side of tbe St. Jc.hn (N. B ) harbor, have, it appear*, been dektito'e of fire and food and too feeble to ohlnio help. One of them succeeded on Sunday in attracting attention by knocking on tbe wiodow. Her sister wan found dead and frozen in another part of the honse, while she was on a bed nearly dead, and declared that a few bUcuits and some ioe water had been her only mean* of subsistence for three weeks. It wa* popularly *nppo*ed that the two women were miser* and bad monoy bid away, but only a few dollars can be (ound, while the honae is bare of every- thing and indescribably filthy. Th* sur- vivor is not expected to recover. Tbe sisters bad tloO in tbe saving* bank A coroner's jury found a verdict this after- noon in the case of Ellen Sinnott, declar- ing that her death wa* caused by want and exposure. Theory and Practice. Mm. Marchmont Why, Jane, where are all the >oong ladies? I thought I beard them come in an hour ago. Jane - So yon did, Mem ; they'd been to tbe cookii g school. Mm. and the three of them's been down to the kitchen ever since, bilin' a egg, Mem. For several month* past a violent cholera epidemic has raged in and around Bagdad, llerr Somekh, bead matter ol tbe ucbool of tbe Israelite Alnai.ce in that oily, describes the f right! ul state of thing* there, in a report to the Alliance, thus : "A* koju as it became known that the u-rnbla dineate waj the choli-ra, every- Oody triod to escape from Ibe it.fccf.ou a* quickly a* poanible. The panic was mde suriOaola. Within two days two-thirds of the Jews bad left tbe city, tilting at random and nettling m the firit village they could find. Tbe Christians did the same, aud ihe M>bometana, despite their will known fatalism, oonld not escape tin general panic, and nought safety in fiight. The city prtsenls a disconsolate aspect ; the streets an empty^one dare* not ven lure out ; tbe only tuBg to be seen is tbe euuless row of bearsee, which the paid drivers accompany to the cemetery. One See* neither tear* nor other sign* of grief. Cruel, inexorable death ha* quenched ih- tonroe of tears ; tbe pejple bave lo>t aimum all (eeling. Our felloe -believers nave euf fertd proportionately more than the rest of the population. Death ha* pursued them every where, and has raged terribly among taem. There is not a family that kas not to lamer. t the death cf one of us members. The rich, as well a tbe poor, bavu oeen terribly tried, and many ol th; dead bad 10 lie. fir days unburiod m the field* buoanea there was uobody to bury them." Th* Lancet. IN A LION'S DBS. A Had Fertoriuance Nearly rods Iu a A Mil s Sterling nearly lost her Ue tbe other day at Bezieri, in France, daring e performance of a aomewbat novel kioa m a lion's cane, in connection with Rrdenbach's menag- rie. Mian Sterling uss in tbe habit of enteimg a cage couta uing several lijns, togi-tber with tbe tam> r Redeubach aaa Dorcay. a pru(eescr of hypnotism. It we* on the programme that *ne should bo put into a stale of bvpcutio .-leap by Durnay in Ibe midat cf UK hoot. Ou Friday evening Mies Sterling wtul to slep in her ac as turned posture on the d >or ot the cagn.aad Kodenoach proceeded M make tbe lions no through tbu antics which are expected (rum them on such occasions. An excep- tionally savage animal was more robeliiou* than QbUkl that uix'it, and il fprang ULOU tbe bypLoiizsd subject aud fixed UN claws in her legs. Ii dtubaoh boluly attacked tbe lufurialed brute, and snooteded in divertu g its atleutiou (rum Miss Stcrmg, who made her eocape, together with Dornay. As may be supposed this seen* caused i be wildest excitement among the Lwctatom. Miss Sterling'* limbs were badly lacerated. AM OLD MASS CH1MK. Harden His don and De>o*rl>ter-B-Law la> Cold Blood. A Winnipeg despatch of Bunda* says : A terrible double mnrcer occurred near Miami station. 160 milee from here, ye*t>-r- .lay. Particular* are meat. re ow:ng tu the interrupt i'JU o.' tbu train service. John, Morton and hi* wifa were both shot laat uittrt by Morton's father Tbe murderer wss 'Jo >ers uK!, and only rwxntjv went to live with huon aud dant^hieriu law. Tbe sjn was 51 \tr< old, aud bo wee absent (rom home when tb*> nld ruan and hi* dau^hter-in la* bad scmediapnu, which . in fcer being airuik icu a stick of wood. \Vben the hnkbaud uame home the a i(e tcli him what bad occurred. He asked his father why be did it, and the old man replied : " Do you see tbat rifle?" pointing to one hanging up, " take it and shoot me or I will .boot yen." '1 he eon paid co at- tention and went into another room. The old man tcok c<>xa the ride, went out, and aiming toroogh the window, shot him tbruukh tbe heart. Two witnesses of the murder ran (or astiktanuu, and during tneir abaence the ol'i man reloaded tbe rifle and aboi hi* daughter in-law while xbe waHStcopicgoverbrrd-ad husband. She juat lived an hour. Tbe old man *ai<i be old the shotting intentionally. Ibe mur- dered oouple t?r.' highly reeptcted and gnat iaui k u;ijn (.rcvaild. THK HUBSK. Merlins; ol tbo Canadian A**3elmtloa The annual meeting of the Clydesdale Horse Association of Canada was beld tt the Albion Hotel, Toronto. yeattrJay after- noon. She Secretary read bis annual report, which stated tbat they bad not recorded so many animals as ia the year ;IB, but boa co reeecn to complain, * all live ttcck buiines bad Ixea lull. There had been entered for the fourth volume of the Stud Bock JO'.i stallions, 107 of which were imported, and 280 mare*, I which 42 were imported, making 539 in all, or HI lea* than in lv<3. There woui i be a considerable number to record in the Scotch appendix, which would make tbe (ourtb vclame nearly as large a* tbe other*. The Scotch appendix givts the pedigree* of all tire* and dam* in Scotland, thu* mak- ing the Clydesdale Stud B*.k of Canada otmplete in iuelf for the purpose of cata- logues, how bills, etc. Tbe spring snow, as hemtofcr*. would be held on March I'Jto aud Mth. The trade in horses be* been attikfactory this year. A great many Canadian bred, a* well a* imported colt* and filhea, bad pasted acrom the line at good price*, according to tbe transfer* OB their bcoks. Th* Old Man. tbe bcaJ, do reverence yuu. Bow low tbe hi ad, do reverence to tbe old man, once like yuu. 1 he vicissitudes of life have silvered bis hair and changed lie rour.d merry ( to the worn viM t e before yon. Lux the heart boat with aspiralioJ, ornahtd with citappoinlmeut, a* yours, perhaps, is defined to be. Once that form stalked promptly throogh tbe gay scenes uf p.easure, the beau ideal uf grace ; now the band of time tbat withers tb fijwer* ot yesterday ha* bent that figure and dastroyad tbat coble carriage. Ouoo, at yonr age, be pofeueaed tha Ihou- sand thoughts that pats through yonr brain, )w wi.ibn g to aooomphtb deeds equal to a nook in fame ; anon uungiuging Ufa a dream tbat tb soccer ba awoke from th i better. But be ha* lived the dream very near throngb, tho time to awaken is very near at baud , hi* eyes never kindle at old deed* of dariug, and the hand takts firmer grasp of the atari. Bow low the bead, boy, a* you would iu yonr old age be reverenced. SumervilU Journal. -villa ... bt. Caihatiuet \V!nth Cornwall Kr-H-iviil Ki K.I... Nr ra ..;; a i'i'-;-io Cajuga HOW tu Tell CuunU.rfelt Bill. Take a 1'iiW.a State* bill of any de- nomination and bold it to the light and >ou will *ee two lines running entirelv across it lengthwise. 1'i.on examination you will find these to cOLSiat of mJk thread*, a red one end e blue one. Every genuine bill ha* ihia mark of genumenee*. Without theie marks a bill may be put down as counterfeit, no matter bow good tbe engraving on it. N> paper mill darj to make this ort cf paper, and this is the Government'* only protection on it* cur- rency. WhiUinle '< lil t Herald. 1h Crucial Teat. Maine Lawyer Wbal ia your opinion of tbe character of Deacon Blank ? Witness (cautiously)- 1 never heard notbio' agin bitn. " Don't yon know him to be an honest man ? ' " Wall, he's been fair an' square in all bis dealio's with me aud with others, so far as I know." " 1-n't that sufficient to prove him a man of sterling integrity ?" ^ Wall, I duuno. I never traded bosses Vitb him." Candid. Customer How is venison now ? Bntoner Venison isn't deer, now. Customer That's what I thought. Give me some veal. Toronto's Board of Trade Council is opposed to tbe exemption from laxation of church and school property. A Buffalo girl displayed such txoxllent taste in the arrangement of a shop window in that oity tbat she bae been offered a similar position with a large salary by a London (Kng ) firm. The Pope baa decorated the Shah of Persia for hi* kindness to Calholio mis- sions. " Yon *ay that drinking U one of your husband's failures ?" "Failures! Oh, DO. It is one of hi* incceeees." Nev York Ledgrr. Tb* late Empress Augusta left Qaeen Victoria a splendid gold bracelet, contain- ing the word*, " Forever " set in precious Keinarkable Kxample. " Yon ba*e been wearing that bat a good while," remarked one trawling man to another. " Ya* ; it* a remarkable example of dcraoUity." And public forbearance." Merchant Traveler. It begins to look aa if gentle spring wonUn't have anybody to sit in bur lap this year. It i* a great pity that when it snow* in this highly protected country it doe* not snow all-wool blanket*. Chicago A'rn. " What are yon going to wear to the ball, my dear?" asked a (on I fatbsr of his daughter. " I don't ki.ow. pa, until I *ee the society column in tbe Sunday p*pr." The Qotptl Standard, an V'nglinh news- paper of very strict tendencies, advertises that " No change i* mad* for inserting Ibe death of godly persons. ' An sxpert at tbe telephone eaji he can ell whenever a talker at the other end of the line ba* a quid of tobacco in his month. Tbe efftct is to altc r tbe tone* per oeptibly. Tbe tailor i* an obliging man. H* trie* o*nit*v*rybody. *prlD Circuit*. 1 MBO. The Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Dtl.vry, and of Assize and Nisi 1'rius iu and for the several oooniie* ol the r rovince ot Ontario, will b* held a* follows : Toronto Crim- inal Court. Monday I7ih Marco . Civil Court . \Vadnesda? tttb March M it ii Monday 1 'Ui Mir. a lirauiiiinn Tnunday n March .Monday JWh Apiil .. Monday itli May Ajut 7H.C. J. Tnekday _.Hih Marcll Tuesday 1H<>, March Tuooday toth M.rch Monday Mat March) Monday ...__ 7th A| ril Thuraday ............ 10th A|>ril I'unaday fctati April Mouday BMh April ROSE, J. .... Tiinday llth March Kama Monday... 17th March <>>, Sound Monday MalMir.Q Limlaay Monday 7ih Ap il I'etcrboro Mouday 14ib Ap il Ottawa Tua*day !od At ril Moi.day i M.y Lonnnal ........ ..Tburaday .. 8th May KALCOMIHIIHIB, J. Cobourg Monday intb Marcll Mrtf"r,l Monday 17th M cb> (iU'lph M .uday Mih Maieb Horliu Monday U.tMicb Hauillt D M mla'y. 7th April Krnilurd Muuday Jilt Ap'il rimicoR II. nrlay Hb April WellaaJ _....M..uday _Hb May SrmKKT, J. \v...'.it .k Monday.... 10th Marrb M i a.'iuu Monday 17th Mr h Walkrrtuu Monday J th Mar. b (t.nirriab Monday Slat Mticb Haruia Monday... _..... 7th April c im'.lmui Monday 14th Apiil tub Wodiiextay Brd ApiU London Monday lib May lialr. C. J . will rruiain In Toronto to bold tbe altiin of ib* Court each week. i d lor ibe traiiaMiiou ol the bnalueaa iu Cbambar*. Chaacery |.r ! SlUlBga. BOTP. C. Toronto Monday 98th April Whr.by Friday lib April Wuvilatock Wnlnnaday Dtb Ipril 8tr.l rJ. ._.. Thur day ITtn April Harrix Tukdy iiind April l.in.Uny M. inlay Bih May Pu *rbv.To Kriday 9Mb May rnornvooT, J. Hamilton Monday lOtb March Mini Mouday 17'bM.. h St. Catharinea Thuradav .. Uu.h M-. b Owen Hound WJueday 30 h April Hraniford Mouilay 12th May Uuclpb Mouday . luib May KlllOlHoN, J. Chatham... ...M>uday...~ 10- h March Haudwi. h Monday ntb Mr. h L..I.II..II Monday .'4ib Mr. b, Uoituricb MnnJay 14 b April st i y mas WnUveJay Srd i r 1 ^alk*rtju Wc.tnekday * th April Saruia Mouday 5th May BCBIBTSON, J. Ottawa. .. ...Monday _2tb Maroh C bourn .... WnliiMtay wth April Cornwall Thursday 17th Ap 11 RrooiTill* Ti.uraday 24th A t ril Hli. vili. Muuday .. ...lilth May KIOIJSI 10 _ Monday Wto May Rev. E. St-wrt Joots, formerly cf Port Rowan and later of Niagaia, Ont., died of* pnenoiouia at Lawiston, N.Y., yeatrday. The corner itonn of Rev. Mr Talmagc'a n-w tabernacle in Brooklyn, NY, was laid y>s<eroay in tbe presence of a large oongre- gftllLU. The Montreal Master Plasterer/ Aseo- oiatu n and tbu journeymen plasterer* are in butt i* arrayed. Abont '400 men are oat on si i ike. "That was a ba*e hit," said tbe choir singer when be struck a low note. There is hardly any Ban so friendless in this world that be hasn't at least one friend ready to tell him his fault*. Tbe I' niter] 8tat* cotton rein rut show abont nine- t-i.tfcs of th* crop in tight. The proportion of the crop that has left the plantation* i* H>.4 per oant.

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