Flesherton Advance, 20 Feb 1890, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE for Infants and Children. "Ca**ri it *awrn adapted to ehiMmithAt I Caatorta mrt* r~V.c. I rrcomrn-ii,l .toa superior k> any pnvcriptioa I ^'r Htomacfi. l"arrno-A, Knii-uiti<in, kouwatu i:,,.." IL >. Aariirn. V I.., I 1LlU * w ". K 1"<--P. "J pruiuoMi d*- UI fl<x Oxford LL. Urookljro, :i. T. | WjiSoui'uijurioui medication. Tiu C't.iTiru c,muMr. TrAirray Street, N. Y. FOUR BOOKS FREE ! THi: KTKAL C\N.\I)|.\N f,.r i^o, the Ica.lm- Agricultural Journal of ('.in.i<!a. and your choice of any four of the bookl for ONM DOLLAR: i Dr. Rameeu. H> < .e.ifK- 'Minct. i Lady Audley'i Secret. I! \: \ The Texar'i R. vcnijr. l:\ I ; v 4. Tht Strange C..ne of DrJekyM ft Mr Hyde. liy 1C.. I* ! I.. S', .hi-nwin 5. The Death oflvin Hutch n. ' ' A Terrible Temptation. I:. > li>rl.-< llrndc. 7. Tom Brown at Uu^.>y. 11% 'I h-; II >. The Sketch Book ll. U ^ I, i.ntun lr.ng;. . The Lamt of the Moh.c.n. Widow ilr;,tt Paper*. ti. Kaickerbockcr'i New York. I'.v it. My Hu.bund end I. li\ i!. JackorallTridei. I I Orandf.th.r'i Chair I!, M.inth ..rn,-. The Clontcrand the Hsarth. llv licaOe. |i Spoupendykc IU I 17 Not Like Other Cirli. I:-. l Kami Ic. (r.,in K .i>n to Spam j or. Oat- Mr Ufe la BorofM, It'. I- I-. Ii i .. Either Hi K. ft Chsrlotte Temple I: M- .i. The Flying Dutchman, or, The Death Ship. llv U I . ,,k It ,.vrll. j. The Hride ol the Caddock. llv II, win hllMrl j> The Pa>entr from Scotlind Yard. .i. Twice Told Tjlee llv Natli ii ( I 1 1 iwlhnrnr. .J Bootle'e Children. I:. I ' - . U inter. jfi. Mone'e Choic- I 1 .. Mr. \ 17. The Travels and Surpnunn Atlventuree of Baron Mun^hauacn > The Hon. M Ve.-ekcr. II) The Uixhcii. *,. Chnt II V. i Paul and Virginia. I:, -t. I'irrrr. 31. The Tale < f Three Lions. II if/irl. Iv 11. ItiJe* \l. Th Devil's Die. Bv Grant Allen. ji. Cleopatre. llv II Kiilt-r ll.i^^.irj. U Derrick Vaughan, Novelilt liy Kilna I.jraJI. .1; A Crooked Path. BvM. ,\ .. \ i ,i.li r. it. Marooned. I: \\' i I irk Kucll. 37. A Hardy Norseman I'. l..!r ., I. rail. 1 Merle'iCrutade. II. l!...j\ c Ii Sweet Lavender. ll\ II I. \Vi;',,m. 4". The Beeuty of the King. II l>r liming. 41. Mn Caudle's Curtain Lecture* l!v liuus;- T.ll.l. 41. Salathie! : or. the Wanderinc Jew. i t ' n 41. Salelhicl ; or, the Wandering Jew r .1 v..l. 41. The Piccadilly Puul- Us I- , t -'i Hume. 45. Comp'etc liuck of Recitetione and Dia- 46. Complete Book of I.ti.jtie'.te and Letter VVritni i \Vn-c \ <7. T he Condenic J Cyclopedia of U teful Know- ledge. l-.liiilll.ir Si-iriii-r, jii,: Ir.Ut. Eonnation. 4S. M jlrrn Cook Book and Medical Quid*. A U" . . ..k (or . M ,y '. i. Live Stock Manual. l'i..f'i.K ii:...t-, U I '\rr. ;<i. Standard Poultry LK'Ok t. mil JI. Book ol Hume Anmifnie:it . r..ulnninir ' .-. I i .. 5. American Pun I ,icr 53. I-adici' Complete Gunle to KunyWork <l Artntlc Embroidery. A clurmii IM I-.IKI l\ illutr ii Write your name iml |K>M otTicc d.'^tinrtlv n.im" your sv-nnum-i, and inclose tl .00. KegiMer the letter I >o not '! -l.iv. |.in ,,H|,T .it osk A.lilress 6 Jordan Stroot. TORONTO. FLOUR, FLOUR, STONE FLOUR ! MI; r i. .] 'Minting on liurt anil ffrliule irli tin, o!<l trruiH of ev.-i y t iMiKbcl. KIIV^II relitii |xr liaffof tw Imnhi-ln tor <'li<i|<|iini; iloim i-vi-r> <lv TliM l.ltlli all I , .n tl n iitiniallMi ..f t!if pnlilif. hatl>facllon (iuarautovd. I- I LCK8, 1'roprlator. (ieoit etabllni (or Ii >.. KENDALUS SPAVIN CURE . .UrTavisli, ASM GENERAL BLACKSMITH. < 'nlllii -i>i)(l Slfi'i-t, rr.i-:sMKKT()N, ONT. M i-M, i. - irlngol \'. n-.ii . SI.M i :i . . . - I \ 11 1 I "i I te. i [. anil Plow llniiix <-<HI- Inittlt on luiiul. ,,i,l,... n".l in -I li..|.,i U ,;,./,!, . p.. ti.l in>l lie* i li- luri-e*! I il , illii.li ,li-l- HI--I i iwn "I Wiod Kiinrii' - |l(. IMI.lKl.nl vl'Pklf. n< f"t ,.. r ,.,. I . I, , t,r. I i.ur nii.nlli-i- lil.i.'l. ,-il ' '. I II.. I'l III Oltkll^, a/1 illllMllWM). .N. 1. ARCHITIECTS & BUILDERC Edition of Scientific American. C A ffreat -n *. Karh l.en rui.tMlnk i iii,,rfrj.|.iii>- ilaieeiif cftonirf ami i.if i> ,,. ,'., ii, il - Smn.T'.ilk rlMratli.,14 .ml Inn ,i.i'i- ml nn-i-.n. alli-iin l"r II," u. . I F-lll I, n.cnftl^Nllll III' ! ' 'II I'' ' - "'* "'"I', -tl. an.|. Ml S> * CO., Tl in i PATENTEE!! 4U i immin .M'1 lnvf inivl* "\ .T fl l.iMMI ni'M'- 'i v I r Amorl' nti mii^ * ' A r,.n pi'ii* r**i1 f-.r Mm iltMMt... torr.v TRADEMARKS. In rM >"' ""' '! ""' n't .niue.1 III Ike Pal- >.< i>e>f'. pr'' "> Vl " (SMMI.M pMMeMlon. Thr 'lo.l Hnroraafeil Hemrelr vn <ll.x> wrv*., . It U pvrtalti In lu vV< ra aiul dura n. '. blUtrr. lu -ul ^ruuC biuw. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Ci t 1'ITI. k < r I'UAUI t . flKTDBa, ) llHKkl i; IT r.it AU I n .TTimi rtnrn n .aar-a. \ , . _ , .. Va U J KIHI..I i.r,,. ijej Hire t hare atwar. rmrrhw.1 r<vr Ken- <all-a Siuilti Cur* I r Ui Imir ilifi V.lll,.. I nulil lik prlpes In lam, r qu .nlliy. 1 M..I k U It i-tir uf Um U-.t IMiltTi^nl* un ,-iirih I HIIT i na I II ' r. u Uil.u > rr tnim yeara. Vuura n Hi; , rate. A. BJTDIB. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL Umion.ni, K. .. Nuvrmbrr J, IKM. bn. TV J. Ki M i l>iji Mm I ,li-4lrt- lo irtrn Ton tfiitlinnnlalnf mr I": I uululnnof im.r K.-n.l.ll .s ( y|,i I'uri- 1 hr ...... < '< '' l-ninriii'M. Sllfl' .li.li.i. f..,,l hpiiTLu. .,ml I haii.iniil.iaMin.eui-,lr..rOi' alii i. ."in ..... Mill I. .all l.i.i nu. n. tuuiiuuir. A.nnuKTkT, f laMaSjdr) lal>U. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL Bi^r. Wiir. - c .,. JTT, Oiiio, Deu U. u*i. DP. n. j. IUMHI 1. 1 ... ', ni- I [..-I IIIM\ ilntr many what f |IHTB<|< na with ynur Krndall's Simin I'm,-. I 1.1.,,. i-un-i >r h.ir.... UK i in. i r-iM-vhiB. ii- t , ,.r II inn ilunr. iill..- uniM:nl lll, Kill MrnJ nml ...Hl.f III. Jn. -I ,. , I.. . ...Ml,,;.,,., ,, ,,r l.iNike ami full. >,-.! tbo olrretloua, 1 l.u. ., n. .. r ' Ijal a MM of say Yuaratiulj, rir Ti-w. fli.t . l- io KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. IVIiX r*rlHiHI > .orIxl'.,|llnf,,rf.V All !>run- ul:i.. hav,, ll i.r rall..l Ii fur y,.,i. ,11 ,| oil! u> lit "I. Ill-Mini r.,,-,,|lili,r |.ri.|.y ,i .. | t .,,.,i... lore. De-a j . knim- I i.uriih Pall.\i. HOLD 1JYALL DUUGOIHTH. Huns I NO ll.\i KAl'lll '&& II V IM-. M 1 >. (.intaliilni i,'tin,i. k?e .*rrf )r* 4 ( t>,..r^. o.llf '/j.UII HyK UfOeelN fuilr IIMM. A. . i . . ."n i,,, dan wiiere ttn-r In a ei>ea/ea. A A CO.. fHMBl M*llelre, - ort. a M ta9AWAf, R. T- killl f in h M.ikln^i I'V I he ,!- ,.f inn I" .1 rfi-l \lMHl y in ni., ihelrovi ki HIM aiuliluli lietieribnn me /ruaieai <*KIHTI . m \. i hunt it, Ailnul*..! ! nil ni . Ki-r .., whn own* n MIW nhi'iiiti haTeone. 4ij < f ->, ..p,w^,.r.i.iu.<ik. Ak >. r Ui-liT ,r wril.. inlniM. :.v\tl\U M i'MlM L. CO., ttUC le 011 a. ( MH| t*l.. 1 akaa. * m*jm w k.l w* ^ .. 1 f Mi la . I il.. .. . iM. wkl. k ki.1- ..I ,, r .. tNi M k1 Ilk. !* A Mltln.uht Two lorers lean on the KarJen gate ; The hour li lato. II. At a chMiibr window her fattier lUiuli. aud n. I., !.!, bauda. III. For a while lie watcbo> thnin uuiwarn Thuu d'oua tluwu ml i IV He looMih the do* from lu> iron clialo The rent in plain. V Tbe ninntilii:lit nllrers the garden gat* . The hour i* late. The Fall of Western Editor When tli rirst wrekly in Wa.shinr;ti.ii Territory was I'staUinliecl the eihtur, who was an Oliiu punter, made a break in the limt IHHUU to ?t:tl>lisli Ins ri-piitatrin a.i a lUiiL'rriiitt III.IB to fnul with II. v... KiirriMimli-il liy a n.iujli rmwil, ami lie ri-- iili/i-il that 'In- |.|.,|IIT tlnni; tu ii.. .1 1 to |>ut hinifielf in slmpe tu liu liu-il u;. , roiilin-j tn ll.iyli-. To Hlr, -t tliis In- U-ail 1'tl'witli nil article abunivu of Ci.lnurl Taylur. Tl.- t '.!'nn-l was an iiii;u;iti:iry imim'luiil, ami it was tlieri-ton? :ifo to oil him ii liar and n coward, and to tlu- clare (hat if he ever appcard in town he would In- hoTMwhtppvd U|> and down the s. Kvi-ry iv-ii.- for two month* i-oiit.-inifd a hit a' I' "in ! Taylor, and he scored so vigorously, and th nlitur HI i iin-.i no :IMXI..II-< for mime sort of ahoot- 1114 inau-h Hitli him, that "tin- l>ys" tivatt-d him with that deferent- al iy a r.irilnl to a fVarli- man. \\ILI-II anyli'idy itn|iiiu-il wlio tile 1 . ^ !i- tt.it infm nit-d that lie was a ilex|ii'r:i<Ii> <>f tin; \vnr.tt tv|,i-. and that In- had solemnly worn to h:iv,- tl,-- edit- or's life. He wm never u\ail!y Im-.iU-il or idt-utititfd, but W.M al.ui dan-d to ino 111 like a man and havo it inn. Our d.iy, just uflcr ati inue in which <'"!i.|n.'l Taylor wa.1 nti^iii:ili,".d IIS a white liveied royote, and detit-d to a duel with lii:wii: knives in a i! r?s room, a i r eami- llodchiog into tlu> I'll'uv, i. Ui d almnt for a while wiih curiosity, and tliun K.-iid to the editor : \\V1I. I'm here." "Yes, 1 ee, but what fur?' waa the "I'm Colonel Taylor '." ' v "Him SIK! iioi.ody ilse. Ynu'rf> been -otin^ into me like wilderUs for a loin- time jn-t. .in I I li.vt-n t liei'ti miyini: a wonl. lie .;-.( tiled of it, however, and now its .'t to .tu|i ! " " My iluir fir, tho I'olune! Taylor I.e. I ill ' I'nll jer u-un ! " inturriipted tho 'liMirl na he pulled his. " Cut sir, I IK.-" to assure you thut " (lit down un \er knew. !" Tlie editor slid olf his chair, hia faie as | -nle on death, and his hair on end. " Now eat that !" Tho Colonel took, from his pocket a lump uf clay and toued it mi tho Moor, and he stood there with levelled pistol until the last crumb of it wn< dcToured. Then he- put up his wi'aixjli and turned to i_'n, aajriui! : " Next timr youojton on me I'll coine in with it whnle Imc full of it, and I may i-..r.-lu.'i to ilnv- the hut of it 111 witX a l.idiet ! <io fur the rest of 'em all you want to, luit when ymi ; Mriku the namu I'oloiul Taylor, handle it with 'cure "' And llinich 1 of .1 \veoli thn atVmr leakod nut. anil 10 many ini'ii i-ame to luk thn e.'it.'i. and no mnny did Ix't him, that In- jumped tlii- plant one niiint nnd was III-M r luaid of ji^nin. [.V-n- I'm/. Nun. I .-nioMNii r, t i.i,,,, KS. Mun-1? cut- tint; oil a luiuloi k tup thi* sen ud year of it L'rowth -loes imt muih iheek it. What i< needed is In di,' down Iwlnw tho i town, and iluatroy as miieli of tint rout iia^tn In- "ot at. Kven thru xhootH will pWh out, mid atmd up a need stein full a* it run xtiek of burs. Fortunately tho liiudiH'k i.-. Inrnial. After it seoda, if the sU>ck is ci.t otf ami thrown on a pile of bnidli for Inirnini; that i tlm und of it, pruxided tho liru bo hot liou>|li to destroy every seed. A very c'>niplete filling for open erirku in floors may )>n tnndo by thoroughly noakiii-.; nowspiipern ill made of ODO poiinil of (lour, three of watnr.a tpnuponnful of alnm.thorouph- ly li.nli-d ami mixed ; make tho tinal mi \turo about as thick as pu't\, and it will I'ardon like juipier inaohe. Ii.m't roam around the house in yonr hare (eet at the dead of ni|<ht tryitiK tn pick up stray tacks. Men havo been known to dislocate their jaw through, practice. When you see a man put the lighted ml of a rig ar in hi mouth, don't ak im if it is hot enough Hertnui injuiy ofttll resulted from IbM hV -. -(. WM. CLAYTON, BOOT AND SHOE DEALEK, Has a large assortment of winter BOOTS AND SHOES, Slippers, Rubbers, Over- shoes,Felt Boots,Trunks, etc. New & Seasonable (*oods UFFKHINO AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES- Photos, Photos 5 Photos. Hear* note turning out tcurkftrr *uprri,,r in rtyl< ,in<l jitith to any ever in t'ltthrrtun. COPYING and ENLACING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING itnne in nil ill Irmtchr*. A gnotl ttnrk <! FH.\MK!< ,,,x/ MrL/>f.\(}S Avrif rnntlnnli'i/ t,n /..in-/. Will ,,l\'< intl,icf thr tir,n ltH<> M/fif.' I'nHTIlA IT. <l fin-lure t/mt it ijiriny rntirr *nt!t'nrtii>n uhtrrrrr \Htrnilnrnl. X.\M"LE$ I.IK lit rf>i tit my liiitttry tektre all jxirtit nlun <u tu 7V,'.,. .s/, ,, ^, . , </i >>t aice>- FLESHEKTON. UK ALTII FOR ALL HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OIMTMENT 1MB PILLS Purify the Hlourt, curruct all H tr uf Liver, Htomujii, nnd , U. They invigorate an Ireetor,- to hoaltli Iii-hilltated Cmiiititiitititia. ami are invaluable In II plaiuti.niclduir.al to Ki-inalvn ul all *;>. For Chilnri-u ah, I tin ic;, ,t t m ., ate priceless THE OINTMENT laolatallibluremwiy tor Ua.l U-c. Hml lin*-t. <>l<l \\ .mini*. sr,n and I !, m. Ulafacionit limit aii'l Itlii-uiiiHUKin For ili*nriU\ni of thv lir.t tt baa nu o.jua "Sfiifi-: riino.n, BROACH J'fis. core iis, COLDS GlftiuluUt SwuHiii^i.aifl all skin Pir*.rn It h* no rlritl ; and for coutraotvil nititM it H-tH liku A chitrni. M.umf%cturml only at l'i n :.".* r HI.I.OWA\ H h*xttU>.iN.iii-t>nt. TS. Xew Oxford Slrrrl < (ale .%:. Ovlonl Slrrct ), I, and aro lol.l at Ii. 1J<1.,1>. (M.. 4i M . IN.'Dn . ami Tt , .-h HOT or Pot. and uiay bt> bad ot all Veil rim- \i. inli, i kbrouxboirl the Worlil /'tiri hourr* xlioiil'i ImA tt 'A- l*tl"-l mi tkr /W< nit:! /.'.IK /' f/V .>i/7;r.<f u nut , itrtnnl >'fn-r<, LI'|I<|I>II, titcy urr xj FLESHEHTOK PLA\I\ HULLS IT IV4YK TO llaviiik' trtn-1i'ii'il til.- Klrsln-rl >n I'l.minp MilN li'ii '. .'. S|iiinilr. I.MI-. I now iu -in to infiirni the PUBLIC Iliat I inn in a poiitimi tn do ALL KINDS Of General planing mill work, nrh as RASH. DOOIJS. IH)OK niAMKS TlnnitiK ami MaU-iiiiu:, n- sawing. i-lc. .I.M! HorkmniiKlil!* Uuaranteril. A IfifKu qtiontity of good ilry pin r on IF. ! losliorton. AND TH\T ]S THE Northern Business College, OF 0\VKN' BOlJjVD. Tlir brut anil nmt i-rnrtical conns of ilu.lv Tin- I t tr.K'h -M^; trt'ii-llt Tin- I'fvt n,-, , .1-1 in.. 1 ,t . Hi for .tll.ittBta. 'i In- in- i met . i ^ i n.- t... : 1.--...I' - it, .-i run ..i-T'inJoa aftci ntu.l.-ljl- vni luut.i Kor annual anuuiuicvi rrtK-ii!is 'i; llli I olll-ii of .III l> 'I" -:l^'- i \ , > , MI'.M i Flesherton Livery Stables. D. < l.4l TOY Proprietor. first class borsei aid nhlflra lr hire at r*a<i>aable rataa. HUbrea epv<va!U Msahaw'e >ia. i s^Mtai i. ntl . a*(a! to cosasawela NMMsaX Prof. Loisette's MEMORY DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD In *pit rf adv1t4*nl*><l imlt>linn* which mJwi tht ?r\^*i( m*rt>|tr>*<ntia(i. TI h> <;<TinUft wouM b*> l-|iri<n mt In |trtt.f "hujwnttfinpM V* r-<o** him In Uta.trt.Eall .1 wliwh la>uiaa|flf th* .Uj la U-lli Heanieuheiea iiurmlaaj |- <-<,, njl'Hiir* Hier'ri.i-rlik.i^i.leeaHrwia+w* ttuoa iwupUbi il iaiUu/ tlMKlvtevfejuaaveaei .co. > X V

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