FLESHERTON ADVANCE. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, A 01 MEX." 70L. VIII., NO 458. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1890. W. H. THUR8T05, : E'C* I'AINTIXQ. TMMMINd HORSESHOEING. WOOD WORK. FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER S H c > \\ X. LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES. JOB WORK. With Our Con espondents. FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Heard s Carriage Works, FLESH ERTOX, ONT. DICK'S LAND ROLLERS MO WE Its BIND BBS, FLOWS. Our Bui^oa tho F?et. Our >.,-i_-tn the Beet. Our I'-.itt^ri the l!et. Our hi. pn '\t-il HarroKi the Beit. < >nr Patent UaU? The !Wt. - Iinpruvvd Spring Tooth Harrow the Heat. STRAW CUTTERS, 8CCFPLER8, TURNIP DRILLS. GANG THIS SPACE BELONGS TO Armstrong Bros, JEWELERS. McDonald & Evans are too busy to get up an ad- vertisement They have given away an enormous quantity of Tea during the past month, and in fact their stoek is nearly exhausted. Saturday is the last clay on which you can secure your lutely free of cost. Go to the Cash Store and get some before it is too late. rnm our oven Cormpondent. Mr. Hugh Nesbit died at bis resi- dence here on Saturday morning last. Mr. Ncabu was upwards of 70 years of age, and lias suffered for the last three years with asthma, but the im- mediate cause of his death was la ' grippe, which resulted fatally ou his already weakened constitution. The mortal remains were interred in the Bethel cemetery oufcSurnLiv^ifternooii, where they were bkovvl by a lare . number cf friends aud relatives. Two sons, Williatu and George, survive him and they have thf deep sympathy of a christiau community in tuis tliir 1 hour of trial aud parental loss. It is only a few weeks ago since they were called upon to bury their mother, so that the loss is two-fold. The Rev. Mr. Moes will preach the memorial sermon in our church on the BOth, at -.3 p.m. Mr. Wm. G. Acheson is on the sick list, lie is suffer 1:1^ from an at- tack of inflammatory rheumatism. We trust that he will be better before this reaches the press. Mr. Richard Campbell, our black- eniith. in removing his business to Proton Station. Miss Carrie Nicliolls is on the sick list : La Grippe is the trouble. Mr. Montgommery. of Mono,' has bought the Walsh property here, now occupied by Mr. Guy Hlakely. Mr. i Dlakelv will be leaving about the 1st of March. In 01. r next we will give an account of the Utthel teameoti: Yej. Mr. Editor. Dr. Landerkin is driving the nails in hi* political coffin. , NVf think that ht slionld have sup- ported the incorporation of the Orango Hill, and be should not have helped whatever, by his vote or talk, to give that bloodtbristy church of Rome any power whatever. [The above was received too late for publication last week. ED.] The tea-meeting on Mon.Ly even ing last at Bethel was very interest- ing and enjoyable. The ladies of the ' congregation provided a good tea. The pusor. Rev. W. H. Moss, occu- pied th.' chair. Speeches were de- ! livcred by Mr. Hall, editor Herald ; Professor Dike and the Rev. Dr. Strongman. The Dundalk choir were present and contributed largely to the enjoyment of the evening. The sea- 1 retary of the Trust Hoard. Mr. Cor- belt, read a statement which is as fol- lows : Total cost ot church, $850; < after the opening services a debt of ! $^50 remained. Collections on Sab- : bath last $11.72. Proceeds of tea-' meeting f42.75.thus reducing the'debt on the church to $170.53. Professor | Dike counted to 20 but the game did j not work, as all eyes were readily opened. Another of our bachelors kicked over the tia:cs. last week. They took to the swamp for an hour or so and succeeded in capturing nine rabbits. Miss Abercrombie, the assistant teacher in our public school, has been laid up with la grippe. Mr J.E. Richards, of P.ocklyn. ws in our village last week. He looks well. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Plewis is recovering from her illness. Miss R. G. Thurstou is visiting friends in Eugenia at present. Mr. Bishop, our millet, left time ago for to seek his fortune where. We wish him success. tome else- MIM Retina Ruthachiul n.'.l lea- e Port Townaend. Waahiiurton. en March 17 in in attempt to beat Nellie Biy i time id a race around tbe globe. She will take the Canadian r >ut eastward. A !. MJH To MOTTTX&. Are Ton dutnrbe<1 at night ami broken nf vur rMt l>y a tick uffenntf ami crying with pain >f Cutting Teeui If o tend at one* and get a bottle "Mm. Wio ilov'a Soot him; Mprup ' for Children Teethinc ble It* TeJne t> incalculab it. njotbe.-t ; . there :. co It W! | p*l: . miitake abotrt Ma\weD- Frutn <ntr mm Currtfpondrnt. R. M. Heron ia home from Buffalo again. He is moving his family into the house lately occupied by Mrs. Woodruff. Mrs. L. Clark returned from Pariy Sound last week. D. a:id A. Clark arrived from Bay City last Thursday. While shoeing a horse last Wednes- day, Chan. LittU got a piece of steel iu his eye. It was removed by Dr. Scott. Charlie is at present at home in Owen Sound. We hope soon to learn of his recovery. Mrs. John Clinton is very low with inflammation on the lungs. Mr. Richard Maxwell, who has been sick for the last year, has been given np by his doctor and no hopes are entertained of his reeovery. W.R. Madill, of Dundalk. is at present with his brotbe.-. John Madill. Mis* Hallas, of Bramptou, it visit ing at Mr. John Mauills. Miss Lilly Long spent last week witu friends near Dundalk. euree Djrtenterj and Diarrhva. reirulat tL.- Stomach and BoweU. cure- Wind Colic. the Uani. reduce* Inflanjauon.aad ir and enem to the whole <jritm "Mri A low Soothing Svrup for children t'. w PaMMM tu the taata and ia the preemption of one of tbe oltieat and bee* female phy and nnrwe in the L'nitwi state*, and ii Jor fa..- hs all druegeate throughout the world Price inty tlvo centa a bottle. Be >nre and aik fcr "MM. WDfu.ow'1 stmi'p and take) DO other kind. THE MARKETS FLESIIEETON. Corrected Enth ll'rek F ..!." , Kail \VUt I Spriaj; Wheat ! K B r . . ,Ota Pan I Muttor 4 *) to i '< HO to W SO MO O !4 I Potatoa Net Har per ton Hidoa She Ueeaa ... f TTrkvyn , Chickene per pair 30 I Ducks per Ib. US Wool 18 ) as J 14 14 45 500 SOD a M M Oft H :i . 5 li aw 1 W K o or. c su FREE Prom our oiru We have good sleighing at last, and conseqneutly business in general has 1 improved, still our "boue planters' complain of dull times. La grippe has retreated without ' putting any of ns under the sod. iThis it probably Dr. tlatton's fault i. Several of our citizens are packing away a large (quantity of iee to equalize the temperature next June. The ice ou the null ponud ii about 9 in. in depth. There Trere not mauy cattle on the ground last fair day. Fat animals and milch cows were in demand. About a dozen head changed hands. Mr. M. McDoogal lost a fine marc a hi days ago. In drawing a heary load she slipped and fell on her side, breaking her leg and receiving other internal iujuries. On the 19th about 10 o'clock p.m. the church bell began to ring and im- ! mediately a large number of persons has i gathered at the Presbyterian church Tbe whole I to witness the marriage of Mr. Neil artair was peacebly nettled by the Kev. , MeKinuon and Miss . Brown, when Dr. Strongman, of Lucknow, at the the Hev. I). McLeod concluded the residence of Mr. Wui. Acheson, on j ceremony. The young couple aud \\Ydutsday last, when Mr. James Me- ' guests repaired to Mr. Brown s resi- Millati and Miss Rachel Acheson were made man and wife. We wish the young pair every happiness while travelling over the rough sea of life. The special services which are being conducted here by tbe Rev. Mr. Moss will be continued every night this week except Saturday. Mr.Guv Ulakely has rented Mr.Jno. McCullough'sfarm at Bethel, where L intends removing about the first of ' March. At thi- anni'al meeting of S. S. 4. Artemesia, the wrong man No. was f 10 o'clock |a.m., a public meeting of ratepayers j will be held to elect another trustee. From mtr ovu Cvr La grippe is quite preveleut ia this vicuntT at present. Kev. Mr. Moore, of tbe society of friends. Heathcote, occupied tb pulpit of tlu- Methodist church here ou bnoday evening last. A company of pleasure seekers frem Meafcrd called t our Tillage one day ' dent to partake of a sumptuous din- ' ner there provided. The offii-iutmg t clergymau had just commenced to i regale the inner man. when a mes- senger arrived informing him that ' Mi. R. Wilson aud Miss Carson, of ; Proton Station, anxiously waited his < presence at the manse. His rever- ence, cane iu haud, hastened home. ' In a few minutes another couple waa made happy. Mr. C.C. James went to Toronto ilait week as a representative to the 1 annual couvntion*of A.O.I'. W. A reception was held ou Friday evening upon the returu of Mr. N. ; McKmnoti and bride from the city. Tbe home was filled with guests and the presents were numerous and valu- able, varying in value from $2 up to f 10. A very pleaaant eveniug was spent. Who'4 turn ntit f Tbe funeral of Mn. II. McT.ean, o.' Proton, took place on the Ifctli from the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. W. Sackett of this town. Several of our citizens will re- member St. Valentine Day, at least they say that their friends or. enemies remembered them. Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE Musical Goods and Novelties. Complete stock above lines asooru ' now in stock for holiday trade. A excellent tilled case, wn'cli aid movement fully m for $25.00. Ladies 10 X 14 k. stem wind watches, IIS 00 to 148.01) each. Walnut 8 day. $4.00 to 9* 50. and time, best quality, f 1. i> to in.oo to SlS.oo. to ',;;:: *:'.:::: All S and all prices to meet competition. "CASH or CRKIMI ' Can do better by customer* they can do elsewhere reason. b-- causi' I am in a position to do so i! present, aud intend doing so riglt along, aa trade builds up on that lint- . Full stock sizes and vvi^ht^i ot 18 k. wedding ring*.. $2.3* to, Fine watch W.A.BEOWN, Optician, MARKDAIV, Ont. Sign ot lh