Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1890, p. 7

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DOMINION PARLIAMENT. OTTAWA. Fab. Mr. Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. Mr. Cbaritou called the attention of th* House to tbe outrage which took place in ibe city of Uo.l la*! Tuesday. On that occasion, h > -i 1, an attempt wa* mad* by vaogeli*:* to bold service*, bat they wen interrupted and mobbed. Tbe people might well ask if this outrage bai taken place in Mexico or >p4in, and they csuld scarcely believe that it took p'ace in Canada. Sir John M*c louild I have no objec- tion to make to tha way thi* question ha* been brought up. In commoa with every lover of order and freedom of speech, I have fell (hacked at the aoooanls ia the newspapers of ihe violent outrage upon the persona who met in Hod, no matter what their purpose w**, if it was legal. I have no doubt that tbe authorities in tbe Prov- ince of Qaebee will we that step* an taken to prevent the recurrence of sash an unfor- tunate outrage. Mr. Laurier I have reason to believe that the author i'.i--- cf Hull - Romas Cath- olic authorities .ill taka steps to vindi- cate the majesty of tbe law and make everyone understand that freedom of opin- ion and speech mast be r*p*oted. Mr. Wallace, in moving the *eond read- ing of the Bill to incorporate the Grand Orange Lodge of British North America, laid : A* thi i* a subject which hai ex- cited a great deal o! interest in tin House of Common* and in the country, I Jeain to make a few remark* npon thi* Bill. The Orange Association, Mr. Speaker, ha* en- larged tbe scope of its usefulness, and n- quires power* to-day which were not neoes- aary some yean ago. I may say, sir, that nearly every private lodge now, especially those in the cities, have benefit scheme* attached to them, by which small mm* of money an paid in, and in return benefit* an paid oat 10 member* who are incapaci- tated from following their ordinary calling. \Ve have also in th* Province of Ontario an insurance scheme, which i* now ae- veloping rapidly into large proportions, and we require to have Governmental and Par- liamentary sanction for oar operation*. I believe by a recent decision of tbe Minister ol Joitiea that it will be impossible to carry on oar operation* uulecs we have a .Dominion charter. Ha ha* decided that insurance operation* must b* carried on under a Domii. ion charter. 1 have aaid w* have an insurance scheme in operation in connection with the Oracge Order. W* know, sir, that the Order of Grangers ha* been inaoporated by ihe Boose of Common*, the Metbodint Church of Canada ha* re- ceived an Act of Incorporation from tb* Honse of Con,mon, and last year th* Inde- pendent Order of I'orts'.ers received an Act of Incorporation from thii Houar. Wean asking to day for a rmilar Acl of Inoorpor ation. The 'bill which I have the honor to bring before the boaee i* exactly on th* *ame line a* Ihe bill which wa* passed for the Independent Order of Koreeter.-. It wa* pa **). I believe, unanimously by th* House of Commons last year and by the Senate. We> have adopted the aame rule* rule*, I believe, which ha j been submitted to the Haperinlendenl of Insurance for the regulation of insurance scheme*. We ask tbe Honse of Common* to day to grant an Act of Incorporation to tb* Orangemen of Canada, not a* a favor, because w* do not come, aad will not come, to any Parliament asking for special favor*. We come and demand a right whijh ha* been granted to olben a right which, by our standing in thii country, by our past record, by th* constitution and laws of oar association, we believe we an entitled to obtain. By the constitution th* obj <ct* of th-9 aisocialioa an declared a* follow**: The Loyal Orange Association I* formed of persons deeirou* ot supporting to the utmost of their power the principles and practice ot Ibe Christian religion, and of maintaining the lawe aad constitution of the ooaatry ; ot aff irdiag assistance to distress*! member* of the) association, and otherwise of promoting each laadable bene- ficial purp-->ses as may lend to the due order- ing of religion and Christian charily, the opremacy of law and orJer and constitu- tional freedom." Now, Mr. Speaker, tb* record of the Orange Order ia Canada con- form* with the part of the constitution I have jail nad. Not only i* tbe constitution of the Order open to inspection, but I have ia my hand the proceeding* of tb* Grand Orange Lo4ge ot British North America at It* la*t annual meeting atOcderich which any hon member may read. There an no seon-ts about it. Therefore, I sav, this i* not a Moret order to-day. Bat, Mr. Speaker, another objection wa* mad* to the Orange Order King incorporated when it wa* before the lloase ot Common*. Ii wa* saul lhat the association wa* political in it* nature. Will, sir, that is an aseer lion which I am act called upon particn larly either toaCirm or dny. Bai, *ir, I have tbi* to lay, that if ancexaliou i* ever threatened to thi* Dominion, it our iatti tntioas under which we bavo lived so happily and 10 prosperously an threatened, if connection between Canada and the real of th* B.itish Empire U threatened, yon will find that tbe Orange Aa*ooiatiin U political and that every member will b* prepared to take si-)**. They would giv* no uncertain aoand a* to which si J* they will be found on should thtte evil* threaten the ooaatry. Mr. Breaker. I hate pleasan in moving the second reading ot tbe bill. Cries of Qaeetior, question." The Hoase divided, and the motion for the second reading wa* carried on a vet* of 85 yea* and 69 nay*, a* follow* : YlAB-Uosara. AreluhaM iSir AJatus\ Arm- strong. HairJ. itarnard. Hrron. Hl'. Howoll, loyl.. tlrowu, Mryaou. KanUtt, Cancill. farfon- tt. I'liarlton. i\vhran Corbf. L)ly. l>avis. Iin. Uavts. l>aon. IVui-on. PJuey. . . . . l>lcklr.*on, KM!*, I'trguscu !*>! au4 8tan vtllei. F.rajMoo (Renfrew. rwfu-ou <\Velln1 . Puetor. OoNoo, Ouilln:. Hunan. H<*>.<n. "- Had^aata, .iMsle-n.Ji.-. (I'tfbT Mao>K<n iSir.i.tinv. I. .11 (M .rt>o'. iteCanhT, Mo ' >aM \i,.|,, r .. M>-lKH:^ld iFn to>, MoK .BKKsen. M*Nill altdill. Mra, Mar- shall. smMoo, alill* i \: nH>li afoucraltr. iviirin.riatt .IVtier, Prior, rutaaui. UolxdUon. K.S i'i. Ho**. Howaad, liykwt. 8<D|<I, Bhaaly. Skinner !'!. t*iulth,Oulxi J l,8,<roal. Itutbet lau.t. Ta>lor, IVinuW. Tilli>. I u|.iwr,Tyrwaitt, W.l.li... Wallace. Wart, W*uo, W.lah. WBIte iCanlwelli. White (Neofnv). Wilson (Lennox 1 . Wood < Hraea vine-. -Total, ttx NvM.-a1e.er*. Am jot Au.t Bain Boalaomx Bain (WatworthJ, BMbani. BMVMUO, Metatar, Bolsvert, BonUu, Boarava louiaa. Hritn. Or.>n iUr Adoluhx.Okwv (.'aart^lu . ; Ooti*aa\ Oouiblia. Oouturo. furran l>*oiui. P-*I1 lv.Ton, Dmwat. Kill*. Fiet. Kiahw'. Hynn (Imthl.r. OcoffrldD. Oleault. tttllaior. Oodboat, OrndN.u Uuaj. Holloa. lnaM, Jon.-**, JOM* (UaHf\<. Kirk. l,n,Vrkln. 1, 'i> I ki\vio (Mr lle>-i,<t 1 L*url*r. lx>pino. LUter, lx>Titt, Mae. llolat>r*. Moatallu, kassua, Male*. Mill* fBothwell. Metro, .teveox. Patwson Braat 1'trrj. ttu.*rt, RobOlard ,4,t Mvi . hmins f.>i,Th*noe. Tro Tnreot. Yaaa-ae W*14on St. John., Wilson ; Elgin , Yo. Total. 68. Sir John Macdonald. in reply to Sir Richard Carlwright, tail that the censa* of 1890 would ba conducted en the tame principle* as th* last census. Sir John Mecdoodald, in reply to Mr. Kirk, laid that if the contractor! exeraaed doe diligence tbe Oxfori acd New Glasgow Railway would be ncished about the mid- dle of July. 1890. Mr. Chatlton, in moving for a committee to iovtstigat" the exxio* from Canada to tbe United State*, taii That then wai a considerable exodus, be suppoeed, would not be disputed. Oae circumstance wai the slow grcwth of Canadian population. Daring the de^de between 1371 and Idril the population of Canada increased from 3 635,000 to 4 324,000. aboat 18 par cent., while from 1-7J to 1"J th* population of the United State* increased frcm 33 558,. 000 to 50,155,000. or 30 per cent. This bowed that tbe population of ths I'oited State* had increased 11 per cent, mon rapidly than that of Canada. In view of the fact that ue natural increase ot Cana- dian* wa* larger and that oar immigration wai 46 per cent, more per capita than that of tbe United States, ths conclusion wai that there wai an exxlas from tbi* country. During tbe ten yean from 1970 to 1S80 the number of native Canadian* grew from 232.000 to 713,363, or an increase of 47 per cent. "x:J n the percentage danng thorn year*, there woau now oe 1.047.000 native born Canadian* in tbe I'niied Stale*. Thi* was a direct lo**, bat there wa* also tbe indirect or eoneeqaential lo**. Tbe children of th* Canadian*) in th* roiled State* in 1*40 cam- bered 930.000. Then the lots of mmigranij must be taken into aeocant . In 1S71 than wejr* j*l.w'S fonign-born perwn* in Canada. Ia 1331 then wen .348 foreign born person* in Canada, making an incnai* daring those years of 15.720. Daring those year* 341.000 immi- grants were brought into Canal*. Allow- ing for the death rate, at least 1S4.630 of these im:r.ijraat* man bav* gone to the Slate*. Ibe children of the** percent ia >en yean would aggregate 240.000. Tha* from IS71-1--1 we lost 53 per ceal. of oar Immigrant*. At that rate of lost frcm 1S-0 to IS'JO w* would lose 346.000 making in round numbers 500.000. The children of these would number 1.150,000. Thus ibe grand total cf tbe loss, both direct acd consequential, ia S. 563,000. Thii did not laks into consideration those who left Canada prior to 1-71. What wa* the aeon of this .' Tbe Canadian! wen a hardier rase than thoee of the United State*. Thii country bad unlimited Hawircs*. Then was no natural reason why this exoda* should exist. Then must be *ome evil which thoald bj remedied. To- Jay Canada ahffall be a . jontry of eight ani a halt or nine millions of popu- lation. It wai tbe doty of tbe Government to remedy any evil* that iright exist, and therefore he moved that a committee be appointed to consider tbe matter Mr. Carting said there wa* no necessity for this committee, beeeo* the Agricul- tural Committee of the BOOM were quite able to deal with the matter. The fi^arts which the hon. gentleman bad quoted were unreliable. Then wa* every indication that tbe population of Canada wa* increas- ing Tbe railway! were carrying more pt**agcn and more freight than ever. The country wa* prospering, and b* wa* inn that when the next 0*0*0* wai taken ihe anticipation* of the opposition would not b* realised. He did not think th* appoint meat ot a special committee would eerve any useful end. Mr. Mill* (Bothweli) laid th* Agricul toral Committee wa* not the sort of a com- mittee to inquire into lack a question a* Ibis, and th* proposition to refer it to that committee wa* an attempt to burk inquiry. Mr. Fisher charged that the exodus wai used by the policy of la* Government. Mr. Beeioa said that if thi farmers of Dana.ia wen to be benefited the price* ia the foreign makit* mail b raised. AKTF.B UCESf. The debate wai continued by Me*ar*. McDonald (Huron*. Whit* (R>nfwl. Wat- eon, Darin. LaRiviare. Freeman, Dap jut and Tiedale. Th* BOOM diviJed at 10.30 p.m . and the notion was lost on a division ot (5< yea* and 94 nay*. Th* following Bill* wen introduced and read a nr*l tin*: Respecting th* CaUary Water Power Company (Limited) Mr. Tiedal*. Haspwiing the Si. Catharine* .t Niagara Central U til way Company Mr. Rykert. To incorporate the Harmltcn Jnactioa Railway Company -Mr. Brown. To incorporate th# BaaksrV PafeDepotrii, fartthoatinx A- Loan Company Mr. Cock- burn. Respecting the Confederation I.*> Aseo- ciation Company Mr. Cookbarn. Sir John MaoJooald, in rtp'y to Mr. L'harlton. laid thai the papers relating to the refennc* ol the Jesuit Estates Hill lo ihe English law omoen would be laid be- 'on ibe lloas* ia a few day*. The debate on th* motion of Mr. Lanrier tor a repeal ot the rebate of tbe doty on corn allowed to dutillen when the ipirit* an exported wai resumed. Mr. Mill* remarked no mention wai made in tbe Speech from tbe 'Ihrone that the Ciovernmont intended lo make any alteration whatever in Ihtir t'noal pulley. Qe ventured to predict lhat the retail would te that the Government woold come down. The Premier had compelled Crl. O'Urien to make the paiofalohoio* between hi* devotion to tbe Government and hi* devotion to the National Policy. R* wculd, however, support the National Policy and 1*1 th* Government go. Tbe Finl Minister acted at the dictation of irresponsible parties, who wished to manipulate tbe tariff, and having received hi* instructions came down to the Honse wi.h a mandate Informing them what they were celled upon to do. Mr. Patterson (Brant) observed that, in view of th* annonoeemev.l that very im portant change* wan to be made, it wai desirable that the pittance Minister should bring down hi* budget at as early date a* possible. Trad* was already in a snrti.-i ally dpre**Ml Mate, and if" Ihe annonuc* men! of very radical change* went forth, it would b* almost paraly -.ed. What the boat B*M men of this country deaired was sta hilily ia tb* tariff This anoeasing tinker lag with the tariff wa* ruinous in it* nature to many man. It wai a pity that IB* Oov ernment wen not Mtiiaed with tbe bsauti f ul perfection of their policy, bat kept en tin lariat; and retiakering. Mr. Foater aaid tb* last speaker had exemplified aad exaggerated the announce. [ mtcu made. Tb* country ooold not be any further depressed than it wa* at prtaenl. according to th* statemeols of the Oppcsilioo. Tbe change* propoeed would net be productive of evil results. The tnctioa wa* lo*l oa divuion, 89 yea* I aad 104 nay*. The Hotu* went into Comini:tee of Sap- 1 ply- Oa th* vote for the administration ct justice. Sir Richard Cartwri^ht dnw attention to ! the fact that then wen nine jad^e* for{ British Columbia, focr of whom w-re county oourt jadgei. Thi* *eemd a very large number for a population of 60,000. Manitoba, with twioe the whole popula- tion, had only eight judge*, and the duties weredujbarged in a manner that com pared aavanta jeoosly with the other Pro- vince*. Sir John Thompson, ia np'.y , laid tbe dutano* that had to be covered ia British Columbia wa* very much larger than in the other Provinces. Mr. Burden urged that there should be a nadjaslment of jaJg*' salaries so as to secure uniformity. It wa* a question ia U alar 10 whether ihe juJges wen pail enough. Then wen a great many barns- Mrs who earned mare at ths bar than they woo! j on the beach, aad therefore the bench bad no attraction for thm. Sir John Thompson, in reply, said be had ao doabt ibe jadge* had mon than they cjold poawbly do in Oatario, bai pro- viiion mu*t b* made by tbe Provincial Legislature for other judgMhip* before tbe Federal Government ooold make an ap- pointment. Mr. Bain i Soolange*) moved for ccpieaof the reports of Mr. Thoe. Manro, re*p*etiag the eclargemecl of Beaobarnoi* Canal or the oocilrootioo of a new canal on the north shore cf the St. Lawrence. Sir John Macdoaald saidoaeof the report* asked for wai canfUential, and furtbcr enqoiriee wen b.'icg made respecting the extension of tbe canal* oa the north and oo lh (ides of th* river. Oae nport ooald not be given without giving a chain of report*, and a* th* matter wa* engaging th very earn**: attention of the Government at present, ha aikei that tb* motion be v thdrawp Sir Richard Cartwrighl aeked if tbe Govtror.i'nt would lay upon tbe table of the House the Rjxert Adams corretpon- deooe. Sir John Macdonald replied ia the affirm- ative. Sir John Macdoaald. iasiteply to Mr. Mitchell, sa.i that no instructions bad been given a* yet to th* British Minister at Washington thai the avidus nrendt we a-.: be continued. Mr. Aio-'arthy moved tbe second read- ing of his BUI to amend the Northwe*! Territories Acl. Mr. Davin I rite for the purpose cf cffering an amendment to tbe motion. It u sligbtlv different frcm the one of which 1 have given notice, and nad* a* follow*) : ' That thi* Bill b* cow nad a *eccnd lime, bat that il be resolved that it i* ex- pedient that tbe Lei*lative Aseembly of tbe Northwest Territories be authorised to deal with the (abject of thi* Bill by oiaers or eaaoltn^nt* after the next g. .eral a'ec- tion lor the (aid Territory. ' My boo. friend in hi* Ottawa speech talk* about making thi* a British colony ? I* not th;s a British colony ? And, sir, let as be just Why is it a British colony ? Ii i* because of that very Lower Canadian French race that *eem* to act like a red rag on a bull oa :-:y hon friend. For we know very well that there wa* a time in tbe history cf Canada, when lhat race had jail pasted over lo the British dag, when umpiattea* were held col lo them to join the thiriwn anloaue*. Sir John Macdoaald Hear, hear. Mr. Davin If they had not been true to their new found allegiance, if tbxir loyalty bad not been impregnable again*! ibe eduction* of Franklia and other*, we wculd have had no British colony to-day. Let us be just, if my hon. friend cannol be generou*. He doe* net protect to be a very lievoot man, bat still he complain* bitterly thai the Catholic Church is tolerated ia a manner ia thi* country that our lave hardly permit. It i* mourned that certain thing* were done when the French- Canadian* were 60.000, bai do** any man luppoce that if they had not been dealt with with that wisdom, moderation ard generosity with which Knitland has dealt with all the race* with which she ba* ocme ia contact, he would have had a British colony ben to-day. The boo. gentleman ay*, as a matter of dollar* and cent* . a matter of mere money, the acquisition of the Northwe*! he* beVn a lc*iii (pecula- tion. Sir, I tell tbe hen. gentleman that it ha* tc.'n shown again and again, in thi* House and elsewhere, that the acquisition cf tb* Northwest was not a losing specula- tion. Why, I heard aa hon. gentleman ay here the other ni k hl, and it wa* per fectly tru : I* then a man in the country feel* thecoit of the Canadian Pacia: Rail- way? Mr. Beaaioatl spoke ia French a* fol- low* : Tho retention cf tbe Fnuch Ian- guane i* th* only mean* cf maintaining peace iu th* Northwest. Tbi* measure was put into the law to farther the pros- perity of thoee Territories. Il was done as a princifK' of ; it:.v and equal, ty to the races. Tb* French population in Mani- toba ac.i the Norxhwtsi Territories U pro- portionately larger than the English popa latun in Qo*brc. How would they like the English language to be abolished in Quebec ? Mr. Beaaaoliel concluded by moving tbe following amendment to the amendment: That all the woids after that in the amendment be omitted, and the following labstitnted : " The cmoial ase of the Fnnch and English language* in the Legislature and tribnnals of the Northwest T> rntorie* wa* established by thi* Parlia- ment in th* intereet* of the said Territories in order to promote that good nndentand ing and harmony that ihonld exist between the different race*, with a view by a liberal policy to promote okmixation and tettlo men! in tb**e vt*t domain*, and that nothing bai sine* harnBd to cause or justify the withdrawal of tbe privtlefM granted only a few yean ago . that the ralt ot th* propowd legialation wwiU be to create naeaeine** and caoes dimcoiue* aaxi to unsettle tbe stability of oar institu- tions, thereby hindering and delaying for a long time tbe development of th* immense resource* of the Canadian Nortnweit. Col. Deniion said: A* bill, I think it only right I record my re*juii* far M that I inkao4 to take to- nigh*. I may say [ have no feeling against my fallow sob jeet*. nor have I acy feelikg atmicjt the Free oh language ; in fact, I wooUonly be too fclaj if Lcould *peak the Fnech Ian page well; but, white I aay that, I think it at not is the inaeraatot the Korthwea* Ttr- ntoriesj or Caraia that we ahould adopt tfce French langaag* in tc Terriicries. If ii U determined by thii BOOM that u i* wise to have two language* in the North *e*t, the queemn lhat preeeat* iUelf to me i* this : What largatg* (ball w* chooM ? Shall we cho^e Ihe French, or German, or Cree. or Icelandic, or Roeaian, or any atber language ? If we take lhat which U tun - erically th* taroogaM, I think w* woold MOW th lUAMMioa of the boa. mtmbt r from Bothwa,!. and adopt tbe Crse ; for you know Mr S ?ak?r. ia the early hUtor y ot that colony, the Engliah half breed* poke Ea^liih and Cree and ths F reach half breed* spoke Preach aad Cree, and theCnj wa* lh cam-nw 1*'*$- si: i:: z them. Mr. Mulock moved th adjiornmuit of the debate. te folljaring Bui wa* introdared and read the first time : To incorporate the Portage la Prairie A Daek Mountain Railway Company Mr. Heeacn. Sir Adolph* Caroa. ia a reply to Mr. Lister, uid lhat it wa* true that within th* ast nv* yean Col. PoweU. Depity AJji.- Seaaaral, had OB on* occasion handed ia hi* resigoation. Be ntc.-aed ihe re*ignation aad it was withdrawn. Mr. Bowel!, ia reply to Mr. LUter, laid ibe Government bai permitted machinery for tbe copper mine at Suioury to be im- ported free of duty, and hai pa***d aa Order-in Counc-1 taat the doty on oertaia machinery imported by the) British Colum- bia Government for mining operation* in. tbe Cariboo district be ref aaded * soon as shawn that sach machinery U aol manufactured in Canada. R*p9oti3gtbe Grand Trunk Railway ot anada Mr. Small. R*pctin* the Graai Truak, Qaorgiaa Pav A Lake Erie Railway Company Mr. Tis-iale. Respecting tbe Den Improvement*, Tcronto Mr. Small. ReapMtlBK tbe arraagenit between th* M^atnal .t Occidental Railway aai th* Canada Paaiflj Railway Company Mr. Defjardirs BT JCOGB CBA Maa AetMrtiaae la tke - Uj *- ami Oe a Prvur. W ac.l ri >zw, AJTKD.-A mti '- :o go n 'ana i '- at Coonty Jadf* flaaver yenerday united ia matrimony Josiah F. May to Maria If. Wteiienpejcfa. Joaiah U a farmer frona Boyne Valley, Michigan, aged ^ yean, and ha* been married before, u had th; onda\ who OWM to 35 birthday*. SheiiaprMtr woman and mad* a blushing bride. Jo*aah oaot* to Buffalo from tbe West recently. and had beam noise Irs* t si sal at Dr. Pierce* Hotel, acd. becoming loaelw. advertised in the Xexi fur a wife. Till) ooupl* had a wedding diaacr at th* Iro> ;uois aad left f jr home last aight. SaJUs> I Taw Li(ht of Basme. A cfcesrf ul, healthy womaa U tb* light of home, bat through over-exertion in her Sort* to minuter to the happinee* of the* hooaabold, her health ii often impaired, 1 ~: wtakna**, or displaoement brought on. makiag Ufa miserable, and eloading aa otherwia* happy home with gloom. Th* thau^htfal and tender has band, ia *oje*B ca*s*. ihould be ictelliganl uioejgh to per- ceive th* etas* of <ach gloom and airing. I nlieve the faithful wife from drudgery, ' aad f araiih her with that beat of friend*) W , women. Dr. Pi*rc*'i Favoril* PreacriptioB. i now reeogniied and aatd in thousand* of home* a* a certain cure for all thoia deli, eaae auction* pjculiar to the female *ax. " Favorite Preecnpi..-' a" u the cc.r medi- cine for woc:n. sold by druggist*, aaler a pantirt purmttt from tbe manafactanr*) lhat U will give aatuf action in every ca*a\ or money will b* rafuoded. thi* tfaaranteo ha* been printed oa the bottle- wrapper, a*ai faithfully carried cat tot many year*. BU Baor Camuvnt. A jndg* had mad* a decuion particularly gating to a young advocate, who had been arguing for an hour on th* wrong ode. Year honor." ei claimed the lawyer ia hi* nation, "if that decision is law I will very book ia mv library. wa* tbe i^>T)i^ comment. A r\>eta at IM.OOO.OOO. The German Government have for *ome time past bsen advertising for th* hair* of one Jacob Fither, who left Germany aboat if ty yean ago, ani then U every reason to believe that the Kincardine family of Fisher* an the one* wanted. A meeting wa* held ia Godericb recently by the inter rated an*!, at which Messrs. I. J. and 8. Fithar wen preaent. when a npnaeotalive aa> appointed to investigate the matter and if neoeeaary proceed to Germany to lay claim to the fortune, which amount* to th* immense turn of S51.000.000. Far from I u Mr. Bi'.los Booking over tb* morning paper) Poor Ciringo ' II;* wife Mrs. Bi'lut (greatlv mcvedl John, ii Mr* Gringo has she joiaed ths silent majoiity T Mr. BUlns The sUeot majority silent majtrity? GrcatDeaiosthenee.no: Sht's ming to entertain tbe Bard of Hope Sew. it; Circle all day to-morrow. It Strike* lite w*akt rait. Jocee Have yea bed la grippe yet Smith You Bet ; I wan laid op tor two week*. Have yea bad it ? Jooeei N.i How doss it *tT<el one ? Smith tih. if you catch it, you'll have it in the head. Jone* Why ? 3 .ailh-- Because it ale/ays itrika* a man'* weaken part. Ada Ellen Bayly ( Kds -Lyall"). the English novelist, wean a blue targe dree* with plair.eet o'. trimming*." and short brown hair, arranged with Faritaaiaal simplicity." In speaking her voice U low and soft." I'Kui itrrtox aivnuix " A las*, a lass, you cruel ni%id The striken plomtMr skid. I'm a solder, but a wiser man. 1 ftaJ roar heart * bat )<*>i : Th gnvct s Jaocbur sodrvful glaaoeu , - Aa* whlah a wire br mat* owe* I nr eoul J beetow on such tnnniisetiniaUy small )>xso* - Cieorge Bancroft i* nj 90 year* ol d with hi* mind unimpaired. " How did you like Mr. B ' iff"*, at th* concert last nigbl ? " aaked a lady of a woman accustomed to surprising her friends by her unexpected epeeche*. Oh. I eop\ed it vary maoh ! " wa* the enthuci- attic reply. " H* U really quite a prima donna isn't he .' " Short, slender ,,irls an at home inform- ally in whit* silk slip* embroidered and girdled with lilver. Dscpite their religions differeaoe* the Pope and th* Kirg of Sweden an parti- cularly warm friend*. " When a fallow gel* niaahed ' on him- self." sa> * a taleatf i Roman, it iin't long before he eat* oat everybody el**." Little Flaxen Hair Papa, it'* rainic^. Papa (*om*wbat annojtd by work in hand) Well. 1*1 it rain. Little Flaxen Hair (timidly V- 1 wa* going to. A pin may lose it* bead, bat it get* slack on iteelf . The BMI 9mak stort of Alt. A man who kept a garde*, near the river Eupbratee, had an adventare with a snake many yean ago, ha* which icvolved bim*elf and family in trcr.ile ever tiac*. Ooeneult of tbu adventure wa* th* sentence pro- nounced again**, th* woman thai ia ar- row thoa shall bring forth children.' No dpabt thi* MntMo* iacluded the many ailment* oon*e>jneal 03 child bearing, * as weak back, female wsskn***. tumora, irritation*, irngulariti**, and th* liktv Divio* wisdom, after thi* sentence, came to tbe reacoe of woman, and provided ramedia* for her core. Beet of all i* Dr. Pierce' s Favorite Fn-cription a woman savior a toothing, sovereign nmedy for all such trouble*. Millions an using it, aad bl*irti[ it* author. It i* th* only retnedv tor these ailmjoU, soli by drag- gi*t*. under a futinrt fitntttt of giviny satisfaclion in every case, or oNsatg promptly refunded. IV. >r Little W Lille. Mis* Brainy . > Bostooi I want to have you send home a nil .<.' clothe* for my little brother Willie. Ha i* 11 > jan of Salesman Yes. madam. Should yo { *ay er, that he wa* large or saall tor hid ' age ' Mm Brainy Well. I don l know that 1 Willie has anv luperdmty of adipM* tUiue ' a* com pared with other DOTS of his age, bat h u atually in th habit of arnriag at hi* daaiinalioj with both pedal ex- tnmitie* firmly placed on thi* mandana sphere. _ " Man wants bat liitlo here below." Thi* U pan i jular!ytr*M of medicius.aa-d he really i net,;* a very small amoejot. provided it be of Ihe right kind. Dr. Pierc* FaU*t* ill ihe bill in re*pol of *i. and ar-> -ttapaa- doos in point of effjctiveoe)**. If you deaire immedias* relief froia haaaaohe. "liver jomplaint," indigeetton. aad oontaipatioa, they will not fail you. Native d***T. Two tramp* were di*oa**ing a reeeat hanging. " Mail. I can't aay I want any ol U in mine." " Ye* ; th* *ensatioa caa t be what a feller might call ' evenly.' " " Oh. tain t the pain a* 1 m a'eord on ; it'* the bloomin' exposore before the) aodjfnoa," A man at Ann Arbor. Mih , ha* i | a divorce oa the ground of extreme oraaity. j He alleged that hi* wife fed him on brjej and milk, refaaad to **w batten* on hi* { clsthiog. na^tsi him for expensive trap. ; ping* for herself and twice actually ae- saoltad him. The wife did not deny the) accusation*. Th* pastor of Ibe Fifth Presbyterian church 13 Indianapoli* has neigaed. Cause, redaction of salary to $o a week. He had been getting $10. Tbe minister oan- not be blamed, thoogh it i* * natural in. tVnuoe that if be wa* not worth more than $10 he i* not worth $5 a week. D. O. K. U . *. I CURE FITS!.. _. retanarala. I Ml AN A It ADIOALCUKaT 1 hl* ma. OP rallln K tloHneea- a Ufe^aaf sta*>. 1 warrant .-. a. Because other* have tailed to a* raaser. for c< mam ncm kve them rrtora ec* for a treatUe n j Poet Ocace. THOUSANDS OF BOPUS GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When I SAV Ca-o I do act nsaasi trap thtm lor a ta*M. aad theei ttwdieMMef Pthi, . , remedy te Our* th* ... r*v~ivuw a cure. S*od at ~ --- - Free Bottle of my InfaMlibl* Remedy. I>,T EJ It cost. y<vu r,- s-i for tinl. and it ; .. A ,k!rc : M. i ISJ WMT AOCUUOC mtKIT, TOROSHTO, TO TMK mrrK:-PWa*e tofocm yo abovr aaawd duse By its timely u*e trtovaaad I saaU b* (Ud to scad two botttei ol my renr. b gua to scad two bcttlet ol my r*n> a* If they wUl wad mt ttow Epm> *.i J P ktaasat *jmt*BmMl a^ta^kl^kmfBaV *)% ^OaVOlMTO O, ONTARIO. have a positive nmttf far Hi i have been permanently n of your readrrt who have RcspcctrtLUy. T. A.

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