Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1890, p. 8

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THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE CASTORIA for Infants and Children. .. OoHe. ClssstlrHton. awatlllaaeufanorlaaarpraacripuool Boy* Stomach. I'lmrrboBa, KnicaaUon.. 0*. ABcna.TDV I """" w ". * *"* ** UJIaOitorUbX.br*lyu,N, T | tT*^" JT" 1'" TH* favTAt-a OoarrAXT. 77 Murraj Street, N. T. FOUR BOOKS FREE! THK RURAL CANADIAN for iSyo, ths leading Agricultural Journal of Canada, and your choice of any four of the following looks for ONE DOLLAR: i. Dr. Ramcau. It* <*<** Ohnct. J. Lady Audley i Secret B Mix Urai'don. 3. The Ttxar'a Rrvtnf*. llv )lee Verne. . The (trance Cae of Dr. Jaayll A Mr Hyde Kr Hc.Urt I SI. ;.>,ril>u. 3 Tht Death of Ivan Hutch. By Count ToUtr.l. I A Terrible Tcmplatiun. llv i ruulo HraJc. 7. Tom Brown at Rugby. By Tbonua lln^lit-i. * The Sketch Book, lly Wuliingt.ia Irtmg. Tha Laat of th Mohicane 10. Widow Hfi.it Paperi. 11. Knkkerbock.M Nw York. lly Waahlna;- 11. My Huabead and I. BT Count l.yol T..lau.i. l j. jack of all Tradaa. Br Cturlm Rude. 14. Grandfathrr't Chair. ll> Hawthorne. ij. Tka deleter and tha Haarth. H . Kradc. ft. Speopeadyke B >Unlcv llunllry. J7. Not Like Otkar Oirla. By Koee Car* jr. iV Maablae from ftuaaia to Spain , or. Out- door Lif in Kuropa. B i. P. IhwniK. t-i Bathar. By HUM \. hrttr Cany. aa. Charlotta Temple. lit klre. Rowum ji. Tha Plying Dutchman: or, Tha Death Ship, lly U . I . ,,. lluiKll. ii. Tha Prlda or tha Paddock. By lUwlry MM. i}. Tka Paaecntjcr from Scotland Yard. J4. Twice Told Talc*. Mv Nathaniel lUttlhurne. r Bootla'a Children llv John Slranui Wn.i. r. . Mona'i Choi I Mr Alrt.iiulrr 17. Tha Travail and Surprtilnj Adventure* o( Baron Munchauaan. t, Tha Hon Mra. Varakor. By The Dvrhcu. ay. Chril. lit VV. I. Nurrla, jo. Paul and Virginia. By M. I'u-rre. JI. Tha Tala of Three Liona. Dy II. KtJcr .11. Th. Devil'l Dla. liy Grant Allen. \\. Cleopatra lit II. UiJcr 11^'g.ittl. J4- Darrick Vau C I>an, Novallat. lly Kiln* I.yall. 15 A Crookad Path. Ht Mr. Alexander. J6. Marooned. lly W. Clark Huaell 37. A Hardy Noraeman. By Edna trail. r Marle'l Cruaada. lly Hoa N. Carey. >; Sweat Lavender, llv II. I. WiLutnt*. 411. Tha Beauty / tha King lly l>t Fhwinr. 41. Mra Caudla'a Curtain Lacturaa. Bv I>ou-- la.J.-truln. 4>. Salathial . or, tha Wandarinf Jaw. i.t t..l. Hi I>r r.<-<i. I'rolv. 4 4V Salatklal ; or, tha Wanderlaf Jaw. Jnd v.fl. 41 Tha Piccadilly Pulile lit Frr^ui Hume. 45. Complete Book of Racltatlonl and Dia- loguea. Our juo aelertitmt. 4 Complete Book of Etiquette and Letter Writing, l for lit. st.,i,,l., r il l..-tl.r AH. urn.. \trlle'. trl 47. The Condenaed Cyclopedia of Utcful Know* ledfe. Familiar S*iri,r,. unj itiU mtiny II.IM rll tnnnjk uilr>rin 'lion. 4.S. Modern Cook Book and Medical Oulda. A u*fnl hui>ll-.Mik fur -ti ty !>.,n, Itnl.l u. Live Slock Manual, rrufuaclt illustrated , lS itfltfrtt. itinn , tiamlwmic ctttcr. jri. Standard Poultry Book \ i- TV" '"'' wtim- \ j;i.fi n up . lillttirrou- ltlli~lr ttl"H 51 Book ol Hume Amusement, roiitaimnif I r ,i..,l.-. r.l.lram. Id .n, . (,.11,0, Mr. A wh'ilr wititir'w rnfrrt-ilnmrnt. ( 51. American .Pun. "I hr tum,n-l Itnok rtrr BMakUh<d , 51-1 In" M Ladiei 1 Complete Oulile 'to Pane y Work. \ . . ^ - ... j*. u wurk . 5<-. llluMratl<Mi. 51 Artntlc Embroidery. A u-iiii.mg- linwk, proluM-lv illulrjteJ. Write your name and pout ofTiced.'tlinctly, name your premium*, and mcloac ti.oo. KegiMcr he letter. J>o nut delay, but order at once. Address HUKAL CANADIAN 6 Jordan Street TORONTO. PLOUR, FLOUR, STONE FLOUR ! MI!- /' L la prtparml to <U> <<uir (irlitluc " r>il Lntloa a,nd (Tlnili nn the nl.l t.irn i.l av.iy twelfth ininhal HaTiin r.mi- |.i i I>K (if i i..r h. u far <'hof>vln( rtouerrery rUy. Th. l.ntl- Hi ,- bl U tiicmlliiMtlon of th.- pulillc. Na4iifb-tlou Ouu-Mitaod. V lAJLCkrl, rruprlvtor. loot .tai.l I u for h D. llr Invish, AM) AL BLACKSMITH 'illlillt.'Wtl.iil Still t, HKFiTON, - ONT n nl mi*. t'- ll,.r.>.l,. liir |>t<nii|il 1 1 nl (t -tt-lwi t.t Hpt.r-lal at'cii'liMi , ,. ii lo iroiilrat't (4 r leliler ll IIIMl Plow . ll-lill- < on- Inillly on h. trill. SCiHTiriC AMERICAN |la*|* >'bt HTH f*1slt*ll*Xl M I'll"- 1 1 it ' ^ .% i\t., ITIll ! ..Miiiir r|ntir)r nnd t m-' 1 h- It i o'sf . I Hi (!>- .ri i hu rM. s> >' W ....I Knn.*.- Hn.,,1 ft.r aj. n |Ml*>n " ... ,,11,- iri*.1. II , * I UifU*4). N.I RCHITECTS & EUILDERC ef MMrtlflo Amnrlcan. C J UMie r.nlaln r,,lrtl lltli.^rai'i.l.- rl*(r.-,f ,'i.,<ti* ami uif rtwle- * (tf Mbll" tullilliivl. NUIIIM..IM nro K. I full I Inn- mill iMMMixllt.ua |.,i u "f h r,*llainul ! l-elMla* |-rla<- SI III a trar, -"-, l -, I'l in I ... 11 i. an>t>r. nATPIITC IIA1UI1.J tLtyi';'y >M ff |H h * I mar tecnr. I *il ay i,|.i<- 'in. I.. Wl N.I I A Til. w Ii., BB^. w ^^ ^ _ " ha l'ri,l " 1 1 r i ft rjsra' e|ief4*Ma)MM haa m.it. .' ; WTflS^ttiitSSSi ">..: smaSSkiatHatlF ^anSential. TRADE MAt^ ilkePwt- laer M !SSliwaa\ . I. KENDALL'S PAVIN CURE Tbn M IMI Kiierr>.iftil Itrm ** U ) o* rlaUi. In n r ut bllafU-r. lU>4ul n uu KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL TAT l). B. J. KUIMIX Co. it a A. nTt>m, .- a <>r TkorruNi BaxB Ru uiwooD, lu., NUT. S>, I . . . . l > r Sire: I hate altrnyi |tqrrha*<l rnvr Kea- 1^.1 KtM.Iji i'urv b> Ut* half i|.*n >*.(ll... ' w,,ki Ilka (irlewa In Mrarr qaaarHjr. I iiiHtk u U nf tbahm Hutment* * nqr iuul*>* for n.i .-* y Yuura truly. . r.nh. I kava Cut*. A. SirtDL KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL A J. RmiAU. Co. . V., Hu.aa.hu S, sm I ( HI, . I ,,rli. ut alre T, ,11 t<t>llm.4ilal (tf mr 'i vplulnaof j ,.,.r KfU'ian .Ki,.,lnCur. I ha<e I... I II , I >, r.. Hllkr Jf.1,,1. >.,,! Hi.MTla'a. ii I I have l.,uu,l it a vurv t-ui -. t -,,!, i. ally i. , iitn. i,.i u to all borMriu*n. leatekmlti A . oti**mt ana^ar Tn.j Luulr/ n4*i4a. lENDILL'S SPAVIN CURL BAT. Wirrun CouniT, ostu, Dee. IS, ISM. I> n j. >.... , - ileitu i IfM-l II PI.T tlntr In ear wkal I have dnaa wlik y>,nr Kinilall'i S|t lu Cure. I lute mnti iitr>-nly nvtf kji>rl* that I .l Hpnvlna, ten of Illnc Hue. fln arrli.-u.lv.ltk Ttle iren.aittl ,, r Ilia Jin . -<iii, I |,. ,. I,IH| iineiii *na| l .. . . anl r.ii.,r,l Ike dlreaakwu. 1 kare - loal a r..- ,,| H) kin, I lUna UuuMT. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL Prlee SI ear IK, ill*, ar all boUlea for SI All Orar SM*na1lar(*nsi u ir >,i.i. < it will I-M(I l any .|,lr-*i n rertH|>l of l.rMst by the |>r.. t..r. i., i, j Ka*i>Aii tiu > IIOLD II Y ALL SCords'iiOJISE oa l: Ml\. u i u.< u.r <ii-< tiinit iliitf Ir.liiMc.niula fr.,iii !<.*. ( *"" ! ira, 4 H a...,j. aau>. , iui nn O I \T1 AM* DISTK 1 4 T fully nad. A, ..... r * iv' ,.n lie Im.l where tkera I. a . AM* iv'^iim i ., niliia itwi .<,l rt*. with earh blMi lv tlia uat of llnp ut.l art llr nan rtl* their own KIIWI n.,w mot ilo Illietter iltat, the Iittateet ei|rl call wlihnul ll. AdnptMl In all K,ea-fiiiaawi. k.. rv line vhoownaa law ihonlil a,,ntv Reeeli u part (HMM*felM raaaae. Ark ],,r ili.>lr ur trrile /OI.IMNU HAWINU MA- ball N kt CO.. SOU l. it t . i'a.al St. t kWe, Ii. ,. ** aa4iikjaliiiaaia>. .t-., r~ .k., .,..,. ataaM MlaaMi wa> * aa. whtrk a>M> a Haia toa ,M at* net, M4 UM w* an lacaW. *iar " *)'. *HrH *t A* Hseton collected svsry cent of its txri last yar. The editor of tbs Mt. Forest lUi.re- sentatitre wss shown a live butlrfly un tliu Uth mat. Mr. Henry Ball, late editor of the Crettmore Adrertiaer, died at Creemore nn the 10th inat. 1 ho tjueition which is now n^itat n.- Meafordites is what thr new hijrh achool w.ll vuat and where it is to be situated. A sneak thief itole a school huune clock in the township of Pickering. He i* not likely to be caught, as he has time o i his side. A fatal explosion occurred at Owen Sound at 1.20 o'clock on Saturday in the buildings of t)i Owen Hosind (>as <.',>in- puny. Tlie employee* were ruakinc i;av when some escaped and took lire, blow- ing Uie whole imrt'i end of the building out and killiui; a young mnn naiurtl J,.l,n Nrlson. The Inn Id un; took fire, l>ut the names were speedily extingiiiilied The loss will be about 1,000, fully insured. The Company aroaUo to supply ,,-ai as usual. I'roton's interests are beini? looked after by South (irey's M.P.P., according to the following in Monday's report of the procedini;s of the Legislature : "Mr. Ill) tli was on hand looking after the interests of his constituents. He moved last mssion for a return in refer- ence to grammar irlinol lands in the township of I'rotnn.liut the return if not yet forthcoming and he wanted to know the reason why. Tina habit of tin- (ior- enunent in diiregardinif the orders of the House to bring down ruturns ought to receive a chock." [Mt. Forest Repre- sentative. r.:uUwrJ, turn backward, oh time in your Higiil, Kivt me the nex> that 1 breathed through hi! m-lu ! lirini; back the smeller th.it two day* Ago knew not tin 1 Umiiriit "f i-.>iitiiiiial blow. Wipe (nun my mutt.Acliu the inuist ure'.of uneexe, : ni ui.odni iplint.i <>ii my |MK.r wenkrncd knee*, rub my noae a* you oft' hare be- fn>, with '.allow tlear mother, oil it is so ore. Ilackwaid, flow buckwArrl, >ih tide of tl'i- iit>ae : I am tin-tl from my head to tlio li|m nf n, v t,i; tired out with nio|i|>ii>X ai:d coUKhuift! mnl rneefing ; wt-ary from lianilkercliiffi r<iiitanlly sviz- iif.'. I hitvo urown weary of iiurUe :unl aiiiiil', of i|.ni.; my huclu until it is rnuiih. Stick my |>r htad in a l>ij pillow alip and sow it up, tuothur, fur 1 have la grippe. |liceti,i> World. AdaspaUh from Mrafurd, dated Full 2U, says : About four o'ulock tint men, nit lire wa discovered in the line brick steam null belonging U> tlio People's Milling (Nini|<any. wluoh wan enuipletoly dfjttrtiyed. Thu tiru engine wiu promptly mi llit) st-wiie, and did excellent *ervii-e in MTiiig tin- wlntrf atnrehiinte, which had about 10,000 bunhels of gisin st<trnl Tho steamer Favorite, which was lying a few rods from tlie mill, was uvrd with gruat dilliciilty. Slio was aliwlitlv scorched on the starboard side. It is a myalsry hew the (no oriyinnted. Ia between 82.^,000 and 900,000 ; inaured for fiU.UOO to 9)5,0110 in diflorent rcm iwnins. The Monitor says : These plsudid rdler nulls were built alxmt four yrara ni; and coat (oineihiiiK like <-J:;,IIIHI The pi-Muml shareholdera with one or two rin'|,ii.,ii am the (itiy family who no doulit will be hoary lusera. Tliv town also will nillcr materially as with prim-ill tradu pr(ia|)wet it n tlosUlfnl whether encoiira-.'ement nom-li iM us given to n-builil them. Menford hail reiwon to feel proud of the apUntlid tniHi which with brttor tune* nu.'lit have car- ried on a inn- tn Je. \Ve loarn thai there ia al>out f 14,000 inaurance nn build iiiK n, I plant There are v ir.ou* thrums about the IV.IIMI of the liiv. tlie in st plnmllilii In-ill;; we think xiphieiiHi . I dual sinon|(t th rollcm. Mr. I..M (iowt-r heard nil explmion Uifoin any Hru waa seen, eiy likoly there mitr IM an in v -itigiiiioii at which no doubt safer oun c'tiiiona may ! arrived at. lon t light the fire with kurna0ne. I.e tlie hired girl do it. Him haan't any wife and children. You hare A Washington de pud It indicates Ih . Nw I'n-liiiiil fiiriners sre sui'nlint; f- r more protection Mguimt Ciinadiaii coin peiihtiii in gitidun produce; and i special t-rtort U urged agamal thn indu trmni Caiiailian hen. Canadian t<ggs srs at present on (lie free list. ~ CAME ASTRAY. i ntn, t.. tli,< 1,111111 laei of II under.it na.l, lt IT4 Toronto an I Nydfuliain li.a.i A.IUI Ikta Aril nf H|>amnl>i>r lat. one heifer totitlBf three yr. old Tb* owner la ,ou>atxl to prase (i opertr. pa, si>ei rie.aeru.a, Fib. IH1 WM. CLAYTON, BOOT AND SHOE DEALER, Has a large ass jortinent of winter BOOTS AND SHOES, Slippers, Rubbers, Over- shoes,Felt Boots.Trunks, etc. ^ New & Seasonable Goods OFFERING AT GREATLY REDUCED FRIGES- FLKSHEHTOIM. Photos, Photos, Photos. l>ar note tr*i*g out wori/ur lujirrior in ityle and fnith to any tr*r piu durrd in t'lethertv*. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING- lone in all iti Lranrhr*. .1 ,,,>,.,/ $tork of FllAMES ai.t .VO('LIU.\GS k, r > ihiHttif on A.IN./. Will aU i'H<W<- iht nt* HHOMI/>K rOffTh'MT. ,j f'.rr tltiit it fining rutirf itif\uti<ia trhtrtrrr intnxltire.l. SAMl'l.KS .r>i 'e teen at My (Jallery xktrt all {xirliculun at to Price, Sfyit Ac., can I* atctr- taiiieil. PLESHEKTO?r. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLtOWAY'S PILLS&OIMTMENT TH E T I LLS I'm If v tlu 1 li'.ouu 1 . con-oct all Dieorden ol I ,i\ -i , ^i <.iii.i h, % - nncl Tbeyli.vljoratf an I reaittre to lieallh I>til\tlal<-il Cuiattltulri.iia. an, I ar* InralualiU In II idelijUin, l.lentnl t-' Kiiii>l-a ol all a^ie*. >dr I intuit u anil Ilia m*\ tkvy ate ftloeleae THE OINTMENT nlnfallililf rin~.t for I U.I Uv< llatl llrati Old Woiinda, Horn and firm II la fani f il. >nl *inl Itlu'iiiimli.uL Ki JlwrdW* ol Ui fhcal It baa no nina For SO UK TllliO.n. BRONCHITIS. COl'dHS. COLDS ,n*Hl all Hkln l>la*aat II baa n rlyil , arul for eonlrected aa.l >nST olota II acla like a charm. af anulaMnred uuly at 1'r.tfemor HOIJ.OWAT Katajiliahroent. ox for.) Mtrrrt < laie j:i:t. Ox fr.l Htrrrt ). Ion T. . nSareiold alia. l{d ,. M.. 4* fl . lla . a . ami .01 i>arh Hoi or I'ol. and mar be had of all MeJ cinr Vftmldrn thrttufllttuit tbe \YorM F*- /'tirrAnwr. Jowl.! In* t> thr I*<M im rV I'utt mmi lioe**. If (V adiirttt it no! 6,1.!, Ortt-nl Utrrrt, IK*I, Mr*/ nr* *|HtrwS. FLESHERTON IT P.IYN T* Milli mx'il thi< Kfc-alifH.'tt I'lunnif . J. Sprunlv, Mat)., ln t<> inform th* rUDLIC that i am in a poailion lo do ALL KINDS OK Qoiieral planing mill work, KIK-II a* HASH. HOOKS. DOOUFHAWES I'Luuir; anil MaU-liinx, If Mwill|(.iC. 4. 0. M! M'orkmnnalilp .im rant red. A lirv misntity of gwxl dry pius lllll, l I Oil llftllj. FT. /. UtOWslrtD, (loahcrion. AND THAT IS THK Northern Business College, O*' OWSK SOlfjVD. TI < rx| ami iiiml i<r*lloal rourae of a> .It The l**t Icru-hlHn lalnl Tlie IxMlavoinm iti.-n lor iu.l<.i.|> Thelieat iM.'UuxU of mulriirtloai. Tlie l"il i*nll< fioiu thai laalruaklmi ait.. i.- and lake It iwae SeV* 1 ^ Flesherton Livery Stables. . CL4YT9N, rrs)prlcts>r. fli t elaaa koiaai aa.l hleM r.. hire al reaannavl* rant Manias eMeslSa ktwabav'i wesei. ^ipeetel atvaav.aa nnlv %% sejsiSAereia I linarillaii lln r 11 f >tn It . tctno -tr an < >. O. A. n KMINt. .IntiPirti Prof. Loisette's MEMORY OIICOVER Y AMI T R AININO METHOD In ifM* *f ft.iMit r ntM Imihiliiiin whfrlt nip* >* t two, MMI kirsw ti*vl fwaMtlsi .f ll^Ortflw* 1 , |p

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