Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1890, p. 3

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fi BASKING BEIEATi BDSNY 8KIE8 of a Trip Throneh Italy by Former Canadian. PCI PICTURES OF HUT01IO SPOTS. The following iaiertstiog notes of tretel re taken from correspondence to a rela- tive, written by Mr. John B. Eeg, who, witn bit wife and Mo, 11 wiutei lug in Southern Europe. * From Paris we came to Borne, very ancient town, noted (or iu bean, bom which it eerivea in tame. The town keep* a deu of them, and everywhere )oa will ice them cat in itooe. From Berie to Lautanne, a very floe town, baili on a hill overlooking Lake Geneva, here UU called Lake Lttnau, thenoa to Montreeu, the winter resort of Switzerland. A greet maoy K'lghih aud Americans tp nil tba winter here. The towu ie protected from the north aoa west by immenee moaouiue looking oat on Lake Goueve 10 lhe> eouih. VieeUo visited near here the Caatle of Cbillon, made fa nous by Byron, and where Boanivard wu chained to one ol ite pillare lor eeveo ytart. The next around thu pillar are worn derp down wiib bin con tent walking. B v ron'i hooM ii aboal bait mile dittant. Hs alio had a chateau it >Becbey, now part of Lausanne. Travailing through Switzerland in lammer is delight f al ; even at tbn eeaeon it ie moei pleeteul. The moontaioi are mow oUd, while tbe veili-yi are aa green ae in tummer. Mag nifloent vie* are to be bad from railway carriage windows. From Lausanne we went to Geneva, a very pretty place with fine streets aud large squares , tbenoe to Turin, petting throagh Moaot Centos tunnel. It took ae twenty -seven minalee to paee throagn. Turin U tbe moit evenly buu ciiy we have Ken. There ie not a emll or poor boots in tre oily. From Turin to Milan, a very fine city with in mewl me*ninornl cathedral, Regie, and I atc^nded the highest i^oitt, come 4'JO feet, from whi JQ aa exotllenl view of the oily and country can be had. TBEBCS TO TIMICE. Here we made oar ihorteet itay, ae tbere came down a oold blaat and the only meant of conveyance fating gondolat, sight seeing wee not at all pleasant. We arrived on Stiarday and Uft on Monday, Tinting mnet of the principal place*, amongst otbere tbe famoni " Bridge of Sight," which we walked over, the Palace of the Doges, old tsi. Mark's Cathedral, eta As joa ere aware, it is a city ol islandi, the canal* are the highways, con nectiog soma seventy islands, aud are eroeied by a i. amber of bridges. A queer feeling pervedee cue as he glidee iiltuily through us watery streete ; it stem* like a city of tbe dead, not a eoand Ixinx beard except an oooaeional splash of an oar. Even at oar hotel Ibrre was a deeth-like silence, Although we were located on tbe grind canal tbere was not a toaud from the oat' aide, wherein eommer all is joyous with mai : and mirth, tbe Grand Canal being the faahiooable promenade, if I may peak, of thu weird oily, the like of which ii nowhere tlte to be eeen. I itsure yon it had a very depressing effect on as end we were *!<] to leave it for Florence, the prettiest ciiy we have Seen oatside cf Psris. Even as I write there U a bright aanstune and yon can go out without an overcoat Tbe air here is very bracing, which renders walking most pleasant. We ere so uken with this city that I think we shall ipind few weeks bere, tbenoe we will oontiaaa oar joarney (or pilgrimage) to Rome sod Ntplea. the end of our trip, returning vii Pita, Genoa, Cannes, 81 Bemo, Nice and Marseille! to Lyons and Peris. HI TH ITiaXAX. CTTT. Writing f .- -a Rome, 'h F-Hruaxy, 18W * * * * We find this a uioet in- teresting pilgrimage. Everything it so different, the people, their ouitonn, dress and babitf, as alto the country with its lemon and orange groves, the latter laden down with ripe trait. The oiliee art foil of antiquities of egee long patt, particu- larly Rome with ite handreds of ancient Beiilioei (ohurohee). templet ereoied to the heathen gode, ill galleries, maeeums, peleoee, etc , etc , together with ne mom- parable en 1 never to be forgotten Colos- earn and Foram, making it indeed inter- esting beyoad expression. There ii a saving here that if you once vieit Rome yon will elwavt have a deeire to visit U at!io. I believe it is so, ae it would uke one a year or more to thoroughly see all the attractions of thit moil interetting ciiy alone, even without itt environ). I hail not air in pi even a alight description Of it- I will ouly say that it hat a charm not for me only, but for every one who bas ma'ie aay tff >rt to eee its msy wooden. Before leeviaK Rome to tall of a few other plaoee where I bave been, I matt tell yoa that we had the honur of an excellent view HIS HOLIXIM TB> rOH weeki ago to-morrow be gave re- not eay reception, ll express) train to Naples, leaving Rome al 12.30 p. m. and arriving el ( 90 f. m. A terriflo thunder storm was In pro- trees when we arrived ; rain poaring oown a torrents, washing away several embank- mntt within the city. Tbe greater part of Naples is a dim, filthy peat x.U, 'u'l A squalid, miaerably looking, baif-olotbed beggarly people. In many of the low partt of Naples it is not safe to gu alone ; t-ven in daylight, assaults are not uncom- mon. Tbere are very few plaoee of interest in tbe city, with the exception of the Museum, which is one of tbe finest I think even more i] than the British Mnseam. We epenl five days there, taking abort drives from tbenoe we went to Caelle Ie Mare (tbe .'asile in the See), an old castle, built on a iinle rook, some two or three hundred lect from the shore. This is a deligbtf al town. The hotel it baili on a rook on the tide of a hill overlooking the town and oornmandi a fins view of the city and bay of Neplft, the former 17 mile! distant, with Mount Vesoviot tuht milts off and a little to the nbl of tbe city. We left this place at 9 o'clock one miming to make the accent of Vesuvius, taking carriages to the loot of the mountain, where we each mounted a mnle and rode to the foot of ibe incline. Up ibis we were each assisted ay a stoat man in front with a strap over ais shoulder, on which we palled, end with a eteff in one hand made the ascsnl by noon. Al we approached the crater we could hear tbe workings within and see SHOWtBS Or LAVA thrown up. When we got within aboat 100 feet it sent up a terrible volley. The red- Hot lava falling around as, the gaide called or ai to ran, which we did as beet we could over the rough lava, bat poor Regie, a bis harrv, fell. I stood over him to pro- tect him, throwing my overcoat, wbioh I aad on my arm, over my bead. Tbe red- Dot lava fell ell around us, bat we fortun- ately eecaped. Another day I made the asoent witb a party of toarists and was more fortunate, getting up to tbe oap of the crater and looking in. We could not, ae I expected, see the boiling lava, the smoke and salphuroue n biding the boil ing mass, but ibs roaring aithin was awe inspiring. I cannot compare it to anything bat a dozen nsil and b riler factories all at work in the small rpeoe wilhin. The mouth of Vrsavins is not more than 100 feel in diameter. We walked all aroond it, oocatioselly thoving large massis off the edge into the crater with my Alpine stalk. I am bringing home several specimens which I gathered on top of the mountain After paesing three very pleasant weeks at Castle Ie Mare ana neighborhood, we went to Barrento, ten milee distant. On of tbe moet beaulif nl drives 1 ever had tbe pleeture of taking was along the shore ol the BIT OF XITLU with billt on our left covered with oliv groves all in full bloom and tht valleys filled with lemonaad orange grovee laden with red ripe fruit. Both at Castle Ie Mare and Barrento we had the privilege o picking in the gardens of tbe hotels as man; oranges and lemon! as we desired. 1 hi fruit was in different stage* of malar it; from orange blossoms to loscioui ripe frail Roees and wild flowers are in full bloom along the road, it was indeed a piotor never to be forgotten. At Sorrento, we hired a row boat wit I four men rowing to tbe file of Capri (a three hour row) and visited tbe celebratw blue grotto. It was a mol charming sight The only opening to the grotto is through an entrance three feet high, and aboat six feet wide, from the sea. In rough weathe it cannot be entered. Fortunately, thi day the sea was calm. When inside, tbe prospect is grand, the water being ol thi moet b-autilul blue poesiblsto imagine, th only light admitted being througn thi small opening. Leaving oar Urge boa outside, we entered small ones. Tbe grotw is aboat 150 to 300 feet io diem-ter 3ivmi{ a boy a here (20 cent*) he pulled of lis fsw clothes and jumped in ; when under water he appeared as if silv< plated. We then returned to the town o T>apri on tbe island, took carriages I drove over the island, visiting tbe rains o a castle baili and occupied as a lutnoie residence by Tiberias, nearly 1,900 yean ago. Retarding to Sorrento we epeo aboat a week there, enjoying the beautifu aoenery of tbe sarrounding coaatry. W thsn took a trip to tbe north side of tb bay, going throagh Naples), and visitet Pozxooli, and there among other interest ing sights entered tbe crater of an extino volcano, where I got other specimens o lava. The entrance of the Bav of Naple is between the islands of Capri on th north and Ishioa on the south . Poxzinl ii on tbe mainland near the Island c Itbica. I forgot to mention thai we mad four viiiti to tbe unearthed city Pompeii, and took tbe greattsl interest walking tbe deserted sireete and roofleet bootee of that ones beautiful and bus oily. We also visited tbe catacombs, i which I got a piece of marble, which I in tend having made into a paper weight, HE B WALLOWED A H 1 1 F I ><>LI. t K. Little Jlmmr Watched tke JutcUr ul Tkea Ola the i rick Tee Well, Jimmy Caoneld, o( No 133 West Sixty, seventh slrset, lew York, a messenger a; n F'0,'fi :c th< ProJu t Kxcincge, enl to a variety show on iln Boery a ew nights ago. Jimmy taw one of the performers throw a half-dollar into the air nd catch il between bis teeih. Tbe next martin* Jimmy't mother geva him a half- ollar with which to bay tome butter on is way home from work. Jimmy expeii lented with the half-dollar by twirling it n the air aud making a vain effort to oloae is teeth on the com as it deeoended just as Be museum man bad done. He found the rick mnofa e%eier than be expected. The tit- dollar cot only lit in his month, but il ept right on down his throat. This was mauh more than Jimmy had btr^tinto or, and il neceteilaied taking him to the Jhemberi Mreel Hotpital. There it was Hoovered that Uncle Barn's medium of xchange bad patted too far along toward be stages cf di K eslion to be easy of access. immy was treated to physio and tent home. He etill bat the half-dollar, but be nnot bay butter for bis mother with it. Ie ii the envy of all the other bove, and, bough hs has been ill ever siooe his feat of ngglery, tbe doctors do not look upon bis case as serious Two weeki ago ception - 1 ahoald wat tbe making of a new Beiol. Joan of Arc. Some four hundred and fifty ticket! were issued, and I was fortuoate enough to have an apportooity of baying two whijh admitted tbe holders to tbe throne- room in the Pope's private apart menu at the Vatican. After waiting nearly an hoar. His Holiness was oarritd to tbe entrance of Ibe large and handsomely farniahed apartment! In a sedan chair. He there alighted and walked tbe entire length of Iks ball to Ibe dial aooompanied by a dozen or more car dinali m their robes of office ; the Pope was likewise robed. A body if trocpi (ibe Swiss Ooards) stood with arms ai ease and two paces apart, from tbe entrance to tbe dial lining both sides loketp a pass- age clear through which Ibe procession slowly passed, the service being oond noted in Latin. Tbe immense orgtn then pealed forth and the Pope again ilowly marched down tbe pateage to hii sedan chair and was oarritd off. We had anexoellvot oppor tanity of teeing him as be stood between the soldiert and could easily have touched the hem of hii garment it so Inolmsd, or of his band either for thai matter, as he paieed very close to us. I miy say, that it takes three ceremonies to make a stint. To-morrow ths saint will be beatified and new saint will be added to tbe catalogue. We will now leave tbe Pope " a pri-ooer in he Vatican " as hs style! himself, yei a voluntary prisoner ia a grand palace sur founded by megnifloent gardens, and take An inquiry into the discrepancies in th Lincoln County pay rolls will be held be fore the County Judge. Sheriff Da wso hss been exonerated. RxroBia ought to be coming in abon this lime that tho peach crop has been rained by tbe froit. Black and white plaid in cloth or flanne will make a ttanning as well as a servioea bie dresi if worn with a long olster of dul red oloth. The late John P. Molt, of Halifax, left to Dalhoneie College and venous other publi iniiitntiooi more that 1350.000. Another foreign innovation is Africa mackerel which are pronounced as good a the American. A consignment has jas reeohed this country and ben tested. After the taking cf same aoimportan ijululue Qd Ur. LorlBer. Dr. Larimer's quinine episode is not the irst one of an uopleaaent character that iss marked his career as a clergyman Several yesrs ago Mr. Lorimer preached to us congregation in this city a powerful ser mon, which, il was subsequently shown, ad been previously delivered by an emin nt English divine the Rev. Dr. Parker, London- and published in pam(hei orm. Confronted with these facts,' Or. /orimer was not al i lose for an explana ion. Tbs reports in the Chicago papers bowed that be bad limply reproduced Dr 'arker't sermon. Being manifestly ocaole to deny this fact, Dr. Lorimer said that he ltd read the published sermon of Dr. 'arker, and tbat he bad " unoonecioasly as imilatedit" in other words il bad sock nto his plastic and receptive intellect and end had bteo reproduced, verbatim *t liter*, im, as an original production. " Uncoo- cious eaiirmiaujQ became a by-word in bioago, and one citizen, who was arrainned lefore the Criminal Court on the charge ol laving stolen a large bay mol-, attempted to make practical use of Dr. Lonmer'i as- sertion. Hs admitted tbat the mul< was not hii, bat pleaded that he bad unoon Kioaely assimilated the animal, having pre vioualy owned a mole tbat looked exactly like the one in question. Bui this defence did not avail. Tbe assimilation of a Mr mon and the tbefl of a mole were entire! different transactions in the eyee of the la< and in the aolnnde of a penitentiary oel tbe 1 >ver of malee reflected bitterly on hi poor judgment when it came to taking othe people's property. Chicago Nrwt. TBA TABLE GOSSIP BIS KAMI IS JOSDf. A little immif rol arrived list Bight Krouj tome itrfcngt* enure. We never taw eo small a mlu Coats Wait before. The Hofo Is so very queer That be doth i^eak . You'd twi-ar. without a duabt or fear, Thai u waa Greek. We wncder bow be journeyed here. But oanuot tell ; From Miue whit* cluad that floated aar iUynap he (ell. Herbert Spencer has iptnl his entire ifs in boarding houses. Dnoki are a good deal lik> brokers. 'hey live on margins. Every ruling monarch in Europe bat erman blood in hie veins. Women are very regular in their shop- ing. They buy by advertisement. Nearly 1100 000 000 in English gold juud investment in Mexico tbe past year. The way to keep children happy and lealthy, in the winter, it to keep them on oe. The King of Italy personally placed be body of his brother, the Dake of Losta, in its coffin. " Short and sweet," remarked the rooer as he tied op thirteen ounces of uger and msrked it One pouLd " Husband (looking over his cash) I've oet 15 somewhere. Little Harry Ma aid yoa lest 15 when she examined jour lockets this morning. " Are 500. observing Lent?" asked one miss of another. " On, yee ; I always do. told Charley he should stop bringing hose dollar bonbons, and we re itoiog to eke the 80-oent kind do daring the season of fasting.' " Ob, no, there ain't any favorites ia bis family I " soliloquized Johnny ; " oh, no t I goeei tbere ain't. If I bite my Inger nai.i I catch it over ibe knuckl s. Jut tbe baby can eat his whole fool, and hey think it's jast canning t "Pitch. 8<ven veers ago there was jast one tress bs.nd in the Selveii>n Army. Il was oompneed of a father and his son*. Since hn 8 550 other bands have been formed. They have been moitly reoraited from the be tap room (eays toe War Cry), and have soogbt oui the theory and praotioe of music for themselves. The Bdltoroftbe Loedea World. One of tbe most familiar fi.ures a Brighton, England, is that of Mr. Elman Yates, tbe editor and proprietor of tb London World Mounted on bii large limbed roan borss, he eppai tht ver embodiment of comfort & t phytica strength. Whatever oarking oaree ma agitate his breast tbere is no indication thereof in the ootwar 4 placidity of bit de meanor. Ibis anroffl <d trenqailtty gie far to authenticate an episode ia his eerlie are*r as a clerk in the Poelmaeter Gen sral's Department. His chief al that ii as a Col. Maberly, and that offioer im posed upon him the neostily of neve overworking himself. I gave," said Mr Yatee tbe other day, the required pledg that I would not, and solemnly adhered i< that sacred obligation." Forgot i he BT. A friend of ours, travelling in tbe west put np with a farmer who bad a naoabe of children, and asked, " How man children have yoa?" "Well," replie< the farmer, " there's Mary, and Tom, an Bill, and Elizabeth, and Jane, and Peter and Jacob, and Pntoilla, and Josephine and Hd-kiah ten," be said, nauiDvrtn them off on hii fingers. " I have ten." On of bii daaghters cried oat, Why, father you forte! tbe baby ! " " Bo I did," h said, "We have eleven." About tw bonra afterward, the gutst, looking out o the window, aaw Ibe hired man drivin bom. and, turning to the farmer laid 11 How many bogs have yoa ?" "Eighty three," wee the answer, and he hit il ibe fini time. Ckrittian Adtotatt. DldBtdee Ulwi Uaae. Wife Where have you been this even ing, John ? Husband I went over to see Jac Hard), who s been laii up for two mouths in tbe boner. Wife- Well, did yon we him ? Husband No ; he raieed me every lira so high that I couldn't stay in. Cmctaj's Fair baa fallen fool of th Lake Front botelkeepere, who threaten tc take oat en injunction against the en 1 nor ties if they persiet in making tbe lake f ron tbe site of tbe fair. The only secret that a woman shoo! keep from her hatband is that she manage him. The Earl of Crawford and Balaam! ha closed and dismantled hii famous observe tory al Dun Eofal, so well known to e astronomers for many years, and bas pr tented a'l the ioitrnments and Ibe astron omioal library to the Royal Observatory a Edinburnh. Professor Bchiparalli bas discovered tba tbe plaost Mercury revolvee around ite ax in 88 days, tbe same ae its peried of revolu lion aroond the sun. Il is thus always nigh UlWf UV mlUK Ul V^UJl, UUIWVWB wu* I - - . . ^k.^ tettimony at tbs inquest on tbs body of tht In n hmtiphere and fiery day in -he othe man found murdered in the woode near Wm. Niokle. President of the St. Law Princeton, it was adjourned until Friday renoo Steamboat Co., died at Kingston yei weak. Warren Maybee, a young man 91 yean of age, ion of Mr. James Maybee, of North- umberland ooonty, while catting limber in tbs wood! with his two brothers, was struck on the head by a tree and instantly killed The United Slates Hoose Committee on Claims has decided to report a bill provid- ing for tbe payment of tbs French spoilt I A UHLUOBT The tort ef Us* Led om Board an Aamerleasi Wanklp. The New York rrtttuu says : Tbe United Slates snip of -war Eulerprue returned yes- terday, the moet nnhappy ship, probably, that ever oame in port. I a tta ooaree of tier oraisa of two years and seven mouths on toe .European station desertions bad been frequent aud nearly sv.ry cffijer IM the wara room had been auder saepeiieiaa ons or more limes. When she arrived hers) yesterday, uffiotrs and men tn^kad their stars that the cruise was ended. The) Enterprise went up to tbe navy yard on her arrival, but Capl MoCalJa having uelaoted to pay attention to a regulation of the navy union requires tnal a man ol- war botufs toing to ne yard shoal J remove her am- munition, he was refused pvrmieeian to oorne alongside the uiers tusre and ordered to tbe foot of West 23rd street. The life aboard the Enterprise for officers and man was described oy one of her >hipt company yes- terday as having been one couiiuuel round of " from bell to breakfast and Deck again." When the ship was at ihrutiauia a fire- man named Waiter got drunk and was pas in irons, dpi. MoCalla had him brought to the matt. Walker, when q 'jeetiooed, said be was " drunk and glad ol it." Capt. MoCalla ordered the officer cf the deck to cut the man down with bi sword. The offi- cer ref oeed. McCalla himself, it is i then oat Walker down, iologing the i with blood, and to severely injuring the) man tbat tbe surgeon bad to be ummoaed. Men had been placed in irons at various) limes daring the voyage and as many a* 14 were in irons al one tims, bat iu all oases tbe offences were .1 tuple and there) never had been any general disaffection. A III KNIM. IJI 1IIN. A gas company is generally regarded as a proper target for grumblers W fire their 11 humor at, bat tbere are two sides ev>n to the gas .ju-etioo. Tbe Montreal (Titans teils u tbat gas meters era not infernal machines invented by gat companies to tat customers, as consumers Seem to tuupose. They are bat machine* wbioh when in order and all containers ceo have their gas meters inspected when they ins- pect them to be out of order meaeore with machine-like accuracy tbe amount of cubic feel of gat which pastee through them, and, like grooerk' and butchers' scales, they are iosp-oted, I sited and stamped by a Gov- ernment inspector. If consumers find thtu gas bills moderate one qaarterand high the next without any appreo able change in the habits of the honsebold in unlng gat, they should investigate for ihemMlvee tbs cai.it It is doubtful whether any but a few of those who complain take tbe trouble to ascertain for themselves what amennt of gas Ibe meter ehow< ba< been oonionvd al the end of tbe qnarter, and whether tbe account of tbe C'Mnpany U correct. Then, again, it the preeiure of the gas ii toogrtatand the burner! are turned full on more gee u used, thoonh not wholly oon- enmrd, without producing any greater illumination. If the gas be not turned off al the meter at night more or lees gae, ia moet easel not an appreciable quantity perhaps, escapee through tbe Darners, which are not c.o*ly enough fitted to retain the gas Now and then a hole in the pipee within ibs boose, and, therefore. on tbe con - anmer i tide of Ibe meier otcars, and hs ii ruhtly charged with tbe quantity of gas thus allowed to escape Such eeoapee are, however, qoiokly coiiotxi. Tbe principal checks against bills are to watch the meter, be prepared to cbeok tbe gas bill, and tarn off the gas every night at the meter. This last precaution may prevent extravagance at well at lose. terday. Tbe valoe of his estate is ell mated at half a million dollar*. Justice I dislike to interrupt conn Mr. MoCady . but it eeems useless to bra further argument from yoa. Mr. MoCady I ben that >oar honor will beer me throach. This alibi U not ths otly one my client can establish. He bas another much stronger yet. Advertising enables a holiness man to Is ear Flower Born to Blub tJnea*T Tbe old wives tell us tbat blashirg ia virtue's livery." Bal, alas! to many a maiden, whose soul is parity itself, has been denied the gracious privilege of weal- ing the delicate crimson ; and all beoaoss her skin is covered with blotjbet, pimples, yelbw liver ipots," and other dmooiora- tions. Who can tell bow such a maiden toe bee tbe very sight of berstlf , or who shall intrude upon her as she weej-s bitter lean over her uncomely appearance? Thnce unhappy the, if by ibe use of ooav moiios, she shall seek to hide her wretched ounplelion. But if she will ate Dr. Fierce'* golden Medical Discovsry, to regulate ihs) liver and parity tbe blood of all poisooooe bamors. the will fiad that bsr " flean shall come again Uke unto the fieeh of a little child." It cures scrofula, tetter, tall -rheum, pimplei, blotohee, eruptions, and ail tkut diseases. Druggists. School series. How dear to my heart is the school attended, and now i remember, so distant and dim, thai boy BUI and the pin that I bended, and carefully put on tbe bench under him. And how I recall the surprise of the master when Bill gave a yell and sprang " from tbs pin so hifh that has collet-heed smashed up the plaeter above, and thu soBo.ar* MI up a din. 1 hat active) boy Billy, thai tigta leaping Billy, loud- shouting Billy, ao sat ou a pin. 100.OOO People ferlah ! More than 100 000 persons annually die in this country from Consumption, which it but tbe child of Catarrh. 9500 reward itfffered by tbe proprietors of Dr. Bege'a Catarrh Hemedy fur a case of Catarrh which they cannot care. Tbe Remedy il sold by druggists ; 50 cents. Prospective Tourwl I am going West because I have reason to believe that it it a gr*el place to settle in. Raturoel Tourist I'm not so tors of tbat ; I lived there ten years mystlf and never paid a bill while I was there. The Empress of Austria is the heel house - kerp<-r among European royalties. She employs 50 couke 25 men and 25 women. She pays strict attention when in Vienna to tbe details of her huge hoowhold and ii a very olever manager. It ii reported from Rome that Arch bithop Fabre ii to reoeive a Cardinal'! hat. < How did the briie loik ?" asked a ladv io a Market street oar to anoihir. returning fr >m a wedding. Look !" waa the reply, she looked out of the Ark. She wore a travelling dre<! oat exactly like one that I saw eirfll months ao " The raeteet Tlaae ea Knord, in the direction of ibe neanit drag store, is) not too fail for any pereon to make who in troubled with constipation, dyspepsia, lifer com^.aint, or lick headache, snl is. there- fore, in need of Dr. Faroe's PuetanlPeUets. Oenlle and effective ; one a dues. Amelia Rivea wrote the famous " The Quick or ths Dead," In thirty days, II contains 40,000 words. A newspaper paragraph sayi : A late oensot of France embraced 30,000,000 women." Happy oenios ' u. f. ji. L. n . o. WALL-PAPBK BaBOtlMS. yds. Strong White Beck Paper for 3 to Se. I " O It ' ... w >*e. 8 " " EuiboMed GUV _ to *a. Any width Oi<t Hor >er "ttoSe. jar*. thoat Q. It Border .......... leoei* Bead two tc >tmmpe to- aeaniMe* to IT. B. CA LIT. MB Hif b Smei, Providence, B.I t llef\t CHRONIC COUGH Now; For If you do not It umpir-e. F--r Cann <inv-r*t TMM'iry ana there Is nutning like may become e"n- mpHett. *-r/u/, Hailing ZMMeMS, scorn EMULSION Of Pare Cod I. i ..- Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES >i i ....... .....i f*. .. i,. It Is almost at palatable as milk, far better than other to-called Emuliluna. A wonderful flesh producer. SCOTT'S EMULSION ii put up (n m **lm*m f*tor %mpi>rr. H* *nrr anil Iff! thr /-, <-. Sold by mil Itralm at tOc. ami tl nn. SCOTT A BOV \E, DeHeTfJU. I CURE FITS! .3 OFBOTTIS >\ hWA', YEARLY. '.. t: I jay Cure I do not roeasi merely to Mtcp them for a time, and thea hav them return a rain. t Ml A N A R A D ICALC U RC. I hareau.de the diiraie of Frte, Cpileoey or Falling; Mcknewe a life-long itudy. I warrant .T/ remedy to Cure the wont cam. Because others have 'ailed is no reason for not r<-w recerviar a cure. Send at once (or a treatise nd a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give bxpreu and Post Office It coM you nc:h n? tor a trial, and It wi I cure yu Address : H. Q. MOOT* , Branch Offlcw, I8 WEST ADCLAIDC STREET, TORONTO. lion claims. It is eetimated il will require place his goods before the eyee of Ibooiends an appropriation of between eight and sen who would otherwise never knew of their million dollar i. existenos, or. that of the owner. TO TTIK FI>ITt>H:-Plea*e inform your rea>lrrs that I bare a p4ntire remedy for ttt above name 1 diieax. By iu timely m>e theeemndf ef In > en c*> have been permanen Ct., TORONTO. ONTARIO

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