Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1890, p. 5

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THI PLESHEKTON ADVANCE. 0EO. MITCHELL, BOUGHT AX D SOLD. aaaooated to f!4.35. Tke dne va* a rry pleasant MM aa>d tae oosmpemy spirits raa aif k, *e that a jolly tiaae was bad, e*ea if it did aot pay from a faaa- cia! standpoint. to JTetu and .iecwitif, fnJ Uoor A'ortk *t Co'*. Vicinity Chips, tVwt fort* t* ou cub MM*** < H*" 1 **. ^ 31 * *<* A et7 SKI. proaaa of qeartetta, duet*. soloe, reel- taliooa, etc., will be presented and y<^u j may expect a treat. See pteters week. arrflly < ullni for the Innoa*. Dr Sinclair s \ >-.< . Vr SincUir. the well known and popular ipectaiirt, of Toronto, will be at the MoDthaw Hotue. Fleehertou, on \Y>iiieiUy. Muvh 19th. We mite the sufferinj to note the day. liv the Doctor a caJl, who will inform yoa beyond doabt what the matter is if he cannot cure v -u. Ceuaaltatioo free. Hare hunting tudi oa Saturday the 10th ui*L Rickardaoo't clean m tale u guing oa this wrek. New Barber Shop. Mr. Robe Mackey haa opened a barber hop in Moore'a block. Fleehertoa, wknre coatomen will be treated well S tU adrertUeoent next week and in *a meantime call in and :t The cattle fair on lirvcely attended. Hofrtay waa BN* Look eat f T McDonald ad*erti*ement next week. Erani' new M iaaioaarr Mrmant in the Mthodi*t church next Sanday. Rev. John Shaw will preach. Rev. John Saaw, of Turweto. will >ccpy the Methudiat polpit oa Sunday next, moruing n>( e*o.n{ Call and aee ray aap patii before purchaiiuK elaewhere. ai4 you will buy DO other* JAS. Sl'LLlVAX. a. Minister Subpoenaed. Those in this vicinity who were ac- quainted with Rev. J. S. Corcoran will read the following despatch :roa Ottawa with interest : "A return potaented to-day, recitea the trouble which the authorities of ike Cape Croker band of Indians, county of Bruce, hare had to prtreot :he j' t ; of liquor to seme of the Indian* by cer- tain hotelkeepen at Wurten. One h<-telkeeper named Colclough, against whun a conviction waa secunttl. sub- poMiaed Rev. J. S. Cro.>ran. miaaioaary on the reeerve, t j give evidence in his behalf, and the councillors in a letter te the Suprintendent-Ciener&l enter a mot energetic jxvteat against the stiniaters conduct. " Mrs. Thoa. Leitck haa returned from Owen SounJ. where she ha* been visiting hr dauxliter Mrs. Uoore. A meeting for the purpose of forming an Equal Rights Association will be held ia the Town Hall to-night <, Thursday-. See bills.' A large uamtwr uf farmn and others Ttstted the C. P.R. eahibHwn car at the station oa Monday. All proaounced the akow a good oae. the fin* L K Ixaeas, bernaUr, Buh*p * Lwaa, Oww Sound, is at the race ef W leois, ft Co., in Uarkdale, every Friday, -and in Duuoa'.k every Saturday. The following sfaks for itself : Mr J. OaAB Sia. -la how I Ilk* <tM ramp TU pt io my <l*p. t Matt Mf tkl 1 nn w*U |>)M1 with 11 U works o MIT IBT UM1 (iri T ]ren !<! CM pump with II L J \v ILL1AMSON Eau^ Msreh X 1SBO. Fleeherton's ice supply haa been secured in good shape, and while ether towaa urn a deficiency in this respect, we can look forward to our usual enjey- ble suasmer's supply of ice, ice eream. cramps and ether things. A meeting of Centre Grey Farmers' Institute will be held at fhrubury To- morrow \Kriday) when Hr\>I. James, On- tario Agricultural College, and Prof. Kbf rtsv>a of the lV:iiiiii.'ii expenuenul farm will be prusant and deliver ad- oraaaea. Mr. P. Loucks, of th- Little Mil'. ad i<Kl, !ast week, a second IK|E t in mill and now profits** t>< do such w<>rk as is not fouud lu WI-SUTII Outari > Jn*t take a <riit to iiua and aee wka( pretty flour you will be able to take home. Two Carioeities. Numberless are the curious epitaph* which have been placed upon tomb- stones. While many of those publiahed are poaaibly dctitioos. here is one of curious manufacture, the truthfullneaa of which we vouch for. It is to be found above the grave of oue Humphrey Shaw, a blacksmith, at Iwlchiord churchyard. Beichford. Ku^land. and w&t furnished us bv a friend who lately viaited the O'.J Country : Mr iiimhT and w ""~* lies ilecliaed. Uf bvllew*, loo. bs,n ' M tbeit waJ . Mr an i< xunuulMd. fore Jc)J Ana in the daM uy TIC* Is UuJ. My soal le speat. taj iron goo*. The Us* Bail drove my work I* don*. HfMPHBKT V SHAW WV> dMd M B^chJbrd la 11SS, The other sunoeity which w have to ofler is a copy ef a school teacher's agree- aseat, wntteu eighteen or twenty years age. As a specimen ef compotititysi t dee* net redact htgh credit upon the teaehing fratsteiity ef that date. The writer taught achoel near Fleeherten mbout the date niemionsd. and aa old ex- trustee prueides us with the original eopy ef acreement which we publish txactly aa it was written, but suppressing the name as the lady is still living : A eeadiioo*) Arau*r>l b**wa a aaJ th Trastin of Ne < Scbrol 8n UM tb* S*J -- ihtU os toe Sh<Ml MI the iad Djf Jnury%Jid. Tst op to the U wita et y alsai* <M K>c w !.- pronlinc sa Jo oo (bea neevj tecvsrf ke> Crtinc nd :f U> *J -- raclve a Saeaod eUM Sbn RinJe* hrlM( K> TMeb taw teoe School yew lor forty pouaJ* from the urn* of eyoiss i> Uih D*y al DM -- - As uituu!f>l Utt wev'k. t*i.' rt>niAins ><l the Lite J. J. Ruhner wore brought from Macvball, Mich , wh#r>- the;,- h,i been laid at reet autil Mr*. Huliaer ahoulu u- tut> them. This she du< and amv.l hmo on Thursday last wilt the UK:V. The rvmains were fallowed to thu cn<e tery by a lrx number of friend* and *vini<athizers. Artemesia Council Council met in the Town Hall on Mon- day, or.) inst. All uiemS-rs prseent, the Reere in the chair. The following com- municati'<ns were road : Auditors' report of the Trvasbrvrs acvt. with the townhir> for the year ending Dec. SI. MM petition from l>u;ald McLean ami others asking c\>iuiiuit*ti.-n of statute l.iK r tax to M cent* |r uay to be paid ;u money ; from County Treasurer, showing laiuli i'.i the T.'uaip of Artcoirtia liable to I* si Id tor taxea. The Mlowin:; acv<unta were received and ordered t- be paid : C. W. KulleU^o, stationer*. 911. la ; M. Riley repairs to r-\>l scraper, $1 00 : R. J. S ; <ivule, pos- tage, $2-90 ; Mrs. Thompson bread for borisood nt Tyrote. Moved by J. U. by W. Sharp, that Ike eaatfc be aad hereby instructed to aotiry parties ia- tereated in the chaasie U & 8. Ko, >, 4 aari 7 as per aotwa ef Jeha Lyons. Car- ried. Moved by Mesara. Boiand and Thomp- son that the sum of thir.een dollar* and seventy tenta be luened to Flaeherton statute labur diviaiona betna; txtra expenditure dnnng the year, to be repaid in the fail. Also the torn of 3.30 u Mrs. Thompeen for bread for Widow Hanley to 3rd ef March. 1890. Carried. Moved br Mesara. Sharp so.J Thompson, that J. Suoson be paid 9? .50 for removing jamb at Saugeen bndge on gravel road- Carried. Movd by Moan. Mc.Vrthar and Boiand. that the aud ters repi^rt aa anally audited by the special coramitte* be adapted, and that the Cork be and is hereby instructed to have the assets and liabilities published in the Fleahertcn Advance. Carried. M -ved by Meaara. McAnhv and Sharp, that the Reeve bane hb order in favor of James Brudie and R. J. S^roule for $10 each, aa payment as auditors for the year ISSN). Camed. Moved by Messn. McAnhar and Saatr. that the report of special commit- tee r* Treasurers' security be adopted. Carried. Thia report waa to the etfeet that the secwrrtiea were found sufficient. Council adjourned. Bylaw >*>. 456 appoints e feUewing officers : OVI1SII14. Geo. Drew. A. S. Irviag, Wai Eornett.H. Vurris. Thoe. feroecn. Praak Chard. \Vm. Mitchell. Thorp Wrisrht. Geo Mcs>re. (jec. w. Richard L-::U-w sr . Alct Msreer, .. David Fostar. W. J. UoCorm.e. Jacob Holler. Thos. Clark. Boot. MctiraUMr.juan PeJlar. Th.<*. Htnry. Joha McNaUy. Jaatee Comald. Tame* Love. Geo. Uutchinson.fi. \v.:..- a Tame* MeNiehol.j. A Kacnady. F Cairns. Thoe. ali. PoualJ MeKraaie. John Bfotham, Joseph Waucn,\\'m.rarks, S. J. Morrow. C. C. James. Joeeph^AassMBt, Xm. Waters. Uak-.<tta MeDoegsJ. W. William* u. C. Vsadnaa. Thos. Taylor, jr.. Alex. McLaia. Jaatee Kcox. \Vm X. Grey. Jaaaee Yause. Poaaid Kennedy. Donald Stewart. Alex Mir Jehn McMtTin. \\ m. Patt*rson. Richard Whiltaxtr. A. Kany. Samuel Badgnrow. \V. U. H <mph.it. Jamee Bvan. John Porleoos. Join sv t hh J. \\. Uoath. Jacob Hollsy, jr. . Oec. Parka, sr. Wm. Casaevon. Wai. \Viljon. 0-. MarpT. . Shaw. Thos. Daauop. J. Lauimor,\T. Jolm Liaely, Joseph 'V -v*s\ Bobt. Swll. tsa Martin. Robert Ca-ath en. John Wuhaaas. Robert CampeeU. Gee. Bowie*. M. Kiehaidfe-n aad P. Baur. A. Me- Inae*. Joha Ward So. l.-Kiehard WhitUker. Jcveph Asseam. Donald MeMollea. Alea. Mo.:. Pu^l Carrie. Ward No, 3, H. P. Irwin. Bobert ^han- ooo. Wm Blair. Wm. UilL Ward No. S.-Qeo. Moore. Gee, Stewart. ih Aries BeUaaty. Bel B>-s* Ward No. 4. W. U. HenphUl. JohatKao Hiekha. J. B. 8Wu. Robt. Jenoe. Ward Xo. 1. -Joseph Caiias. Miehael BeUly. Ward So. .-Bobt. Wri.ht. Warvl.N.vJ. A M^i,:i*w. Ward No. 4. John Urauitf. Kosidenct Burnaxl. The residence of Mr. Sniuel M . N ; Eppiug. wa* destroyed by firo ou t'uea- d*y in o tin 11 < ?'ho buiKlinsj wsjs of frame. Full particulars are not to hsnj. Did Not Psxjr. K".ehrtoH 1>- amitlH: Company (K T . I' > h.tve had a hrl row I > he tlu.< winter with thoir drani.k, "Ten Xi<lit in a ltarroni.'' t!ie tint two ccusiun* ou which they presented it Wiu^ very turAiy. and the rweipta below what they aliould be. Then on r'ti.Uy of lst week they drove to Knuberley anil irave it in the Be* public hall to a smalt but highly .>Hj>reci\t:ve ajJ;*n:. The irwevdi > autl 7, asking C >ucil to pisa a hyia-si to The (viituii for lOnimutjtion of *utu.tt* Klor tax frv<ra Pnorrilli- brr -.;!-.: out a strvui^; deputation a^ams! it l the person of Mr. M. KiUy. wliuh deputa- tion. however, did not succeed in burk- ing the measure. It waa m.wed Uf llewrs McArtliur aiul Sharp that the (vetltmn of O>uv;i M M.-l ean rul twenty- two others be entertained, and that leave be gnuitod to introduce a bylaw coi>inint- inf statute laK-r in Divisions No. :'- .itid 85 in the villa,-* . f Pr\-ei .'.!< lUUws No. 4."><, ;; i;at.:u Ivatli- nsasters, fencwviewen, et>\, ,iul 4" ' TV oommutation of Mlatute labor, wvrs in troduced iiil read a second luie. A communication was real fiom Mr. J tarn Lyons statini; thai at next nuvfin; of Council he would present ,\ petition fru ceruin ratepayers of S. S. N\. o, 4 Briars arr Danfrron*. MR. Ei-rros. It is a well known fck-t that tile majority > f ; *:'.* re ncJimsi .k upou a o-U m the fce.vl as a suat'er of littlo im; vrUtx-v i: t.ie in. : .i-..\ a temporary iixv: N." wore titaaatrou* in u Cake wu ever m,\u*. The iiecle\-UMi c> .u in tae b>wl i* the sourto J the catarrtiai adeotu<i * with i a'.et aeen-teiit!i vl the . . .:' thi.i country are slttK-ted. and i.\tarrb> itelf u :i>. ffteii th* "r! uiinanr .tai[e V> i-"nsuiup::i':i :>.'. de.tth Tile *}-an- t.'iiis u/ cattarrb *re iuvifld.birt antmi^ them may be menti.>nvi!.> ' -:*!: UiU, ^ { r>.jK.e head ahe ; .?. tiruppiugs frvxu the n>lni< kit.' tiirxt auil Vr-nohil tuU-e : ael'i>e or l>artial >?ertie : ci>ntaut h. aud Sfittrri-' : wcxk and wMery eyes ; a heckitif C"ns}h aui in x itf teaer.il J.e 1 - ! tv . nR^in^ in the ear* a:1 frequent uiszirife*. The*e arr lm a few of the mere tviieml ru:j'tvm. ai>d th*** whi< ri* enence them sh^ukl l>e B> tune isi : re:nev : .\ lavs are prei' . . . i-^en-u*. aiut in tli* cane of this :< jT\-A'.en dinease way lead U> death. Wo i t!r " rUlot to tl-e -,'u'. '.iv JL* a positive cure !r old in hi-ad auti I.T catrik in *'l u tunns ajid stajee. N.uoi Baiiu tiaa bwn t *ieU in thiHisaiiiU i-f oa**>, and the .tl:ii:.<iual* in viir |H*eai >u pruvu that it u all we claim f.-i- it. It haa cur<ni >th>-: - it will cure you. It ; <:ay to use. p!exa*ut au>l avrei'ab!.- siul iliies not rv.ju.re . douche, or snv tortur .iig tratninieiit toitppiy it. liire it a inal ami he ex>iiTiueedi<f itavreal eSHcaoy Sold by all dealer* >-r H>ut i"<*t frev IMI reevipt of price .XV fvr ai.\ll or jl f.T larce size Ix-ltle*, bv sddreasixs; Kulierd theokttUe, '" ABSTRACT STATEMENT OF Receipts aod DisbtrsfBfiti FOR THE Township ofArteme.ua for 1839 RECEIPTS. Jan. 1. To balance on hud | 2418 1 - To iais* on roll collected fcr 1888.... 287 M - To taxes on poll* far 1889 107W M " To Coontr Treasurer X. R. L. Food 863 14 " To truswi* S. section No. 12 Ans- meite, tod GUnel* .__.. 144 M Fine* collected d Rc,rivi for rents for Town Hail 13 Os) nenpti 179887 -115*1*. II DISBURSEMENTS. Bj paid Covntj Treasurer school eq^Tiimt. I -435 00 By paid Coonty TIBMUIM Sjoanty ratts 3129 40 By paid Ward Xo. 1 ....... ................ .. .......... f 72 do . ................................. 13S do do 3 ....... ........................... 174 2o do 4 .............. ................ ----- l0 -WC24 00 ) By paid sebcwl e*c:. do IndigQU .^n sfisoont of Debentures) J; -i.... , do MisseUaoeoos do Printing and stationery.. $63 Coupon*} 13170 US 131 '.1*9 4G3 z: , $<> oa 00 Sift 31 |15lt> 11 ASSETS. Pt. 31. By anroliect*! uxes Ward Xo. 1 | Ml M - 31. do dj 3 88 39 h 4 102 ^ 31. By cash ia Tre*snrer's hands 23t>5 31 - 81. -^y ca*h in bauk debenture ace:. U*s fxs.'.'.M lent school seciwn No. & 3899 M tft loatwd school i**Oon Xo. 6 !0 00 HT Lou-resident la: 41.1*) OO Bj real estate inclolit:,- Towu Hall 900 M) BT Lali interest in safe &o t.O B uucouuroiiable assu. debcntare*. Moonts 417'J 4 LIABILITIES. TJ school debentures no: matured fc-450 00 To school equivalent 497 00 To unpaid salaries, coupons, etc MO 00 To asstu over liabui:i* . ...... 3748 IS Treasurer * uc Febniarr 4UWM IX JAMES BROPIE. 1 . R.J. SPROCLE. i ABdllolm - F-L-E- S-H-E-R-T-O-N FURNITURE WAREROOHS, Durham street, Flesherton, Is the right place to get your Furniture f Musical instru- ments. Sewing Machines, or Undertaking Remember, it is no trouble for us to show s;oods and quote prices. Re- member, we take all kinds of green or dry lumber as cash. Remember that our interests bein^ so identified with the tarmers, we are content lor this season to conduct our busi- ::i every I'r.inch on the smallest possible profits. Why io or 45 dollars tor a Sewing Machine when you caa et the : i hine possible to be built for $>o. We kave on hand two ot those justly famed Woodstock Organs, *|uite new, to be sold at :'.ut wul .istonis-h you See here : An stop or^.in with two Kill setts ot reeds, in solid wa case, haudsoineiv finished. SM ft. 410. hi^ - Our Furniture is all away J.ow:i ::. price. Come ar.d see us and be convinced that we are ottering more real bargain.- than any other '.v.ise in thecoun-ty. All k:nJs ot Kepi 1 p:oiv.ptiy attended to. For pictures and picture : - we need not speak, as it is known this is headquarters. J. E. MCKDR E, LOOK ! 1,00k -THE- Saw Fails ! LITTLE MILL. Call aa.l <:> **? pa;' brfove * wvbrt*. aJ >ou .ll tav no other*. Hiik Pan* aad Pails. Cream ran* Alt kinds of -M metal taken in eichanir*, alau WIH.<! ptckiuira, bras* and copper. SULLIVAN or ,-* . lamavsi pt*|>u\ a iuann*r MovnJ to o nM!!*r ib o on ta ihortxl aouce. OLD TERUT? ISSB Every twelfth tAMhe'.. Seven cm per bas; wf two bushels ford'.'>[r>. | Jajr. The P. LOOCKS, Pi-i>prietor.- . . ^*

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