Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1890, p. 6

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TBE ONTARIO WU1WE TOBOSTO, March. Mr. 8p*ak*r took tb* afca ai i j. m Mr. OilM>a (Hamilton) presented a ra turn showing a copy ot ibs oase submitted by the Minuter of E luoauou for the opia- kin of the Ju Iges of Ihs Chancery Division of Ib* Hih Court of Justioe as to ths ernstrnotioa of certain provisions of the Public Schools Act relating to tbe Sep arete school supporters, alio tha answers given by the judge* lo the questions sub touted. The QOUM then went into committee ol the whole, end carried tbe following bills Mr. McLaughlin in the chair : To am. n 1 the Aot incorporating the To roi.to Young Men's Chridien Association -Mr. H E. Clarke (Toronto). To amend ths Aot to incorporate the Toronto Dairy Company Mr. Davis. Tbe bill* will be read a third time to morrow. Mr. Belfonr moved the aeoond reading of a bill lo amend the Aot inoorporaiim ih* village of Tilbury Centre. The bil we* referred to a commute* of the Wholi Bouse lo morrow. Mr. Clarke (Wellingtoi) moved for an order of ibe Hones for a return iu tabulate! lorm a* lo provincial revenue from all sources linos Confederation to tbs close ol Tbe motion wai allowed to stand at the request of Mr. Meredith. Mr. Meacbam moved for an order of the Houeefora return abowing the amonnte received from tbe sals of wco is and forest* and of Crown land* respectively, in tbe electoral diviiions of Lennox and Adding Ion. during e*oh of the years 1886, 1887 IOMX. and 1889. Tbs motion was carried. Mr. Wood (Hailingf) moved the second rsa .lag of a bill to provide for the secrecy of tbs b.ll >t al elections of numbers of the Legislative Aieemblv Mr. Mowat cIIei attention to the fact that the Bouee v a* extremely thin. H wished to know utmiber ihq member for Hasting* inleuil i lo press for a vot 3 tbat Mr. Mer.,1. I. replied that ths hill had been for som> .me before the House. The Attorney Of n lal bad a bill of tbe same eharactrr before ths Honss. Me moved In at tbs bill of Ib* member for Hasting* corns op al Ihe eame time as the Attorney Genoral'i, or prior thereto. Mr. Mowat eaid tbat it would be moel convenient to have the bill* come np at the aama time. Th* bill wa* allowed to aland Mr. Htemarl moved tbe second reading of bill to amend the Municipal Act The lotion wss oarrid and referred to Committee of ths Whole Uuuss on Tuesday MX*. MOTICIS or MI.TIOX Mr. Fell-WednMdey next Bill to amend the Free Grant and Homestead Act Mr. Ingram -Wedn*slay next Hill re peeling Ihe relation* between employer* and wo. kin- n Mr . ROM (Middlesex) -Wedneeday next Bill reapauiing tbe praotio* of architec- ture. Mr Hrnlih (Y >rk)-Bill to amend ths Act respecting assignments by pereoos in tnaolvenl oirotimd*n>. Altorn*y.Oeneral-Bill lo snrthsr facili- tate proceeding* umiar tb* Lend Tula*' AM. Mr Meredith Inquiry- 1. Whether any, and if eo what, etep* hav* breu takxn to terminate ths leases now held b> the K-e- watin Lumber Company or John R. Mather of oerlein landi and ielaads io and near Cos Lake ot Ihe Woode, ia th* district of Algoma, or io put an end to any of the right* claimed by the leesess, and if so, whioh of them, and what ha* bean ths re- all of tb* *l*p*. !i. Whether it i* intended 10 take any slept to open np tbe territory Overed by Ihe aaid leases for eettlr msnt or for soloing purposes. Bills wers introduced by : Mr. A wrey To Ino .rporate the Hamilton ft Barton Incline Railway Company. Mr. Armstrong To amend the Parry Bound Colonisation Railway Company. Mr. Ley* Respecting ibe Toronto Blreel Hail we v Company. Mr. Hroonrl To Incorporate the Dunn villa, Aiierchffe >t SmithvilU Railway Cora pan/. Mr Haroonrt Reepeollng the Toronto, llaiiiilii.n it Buffalo Railway Company. Col. Clerks (Wellington) To amend the Act (or Ihe protection of game and fur- bearing animals. Mr. Mneoham To amend ths Aot a**p*oting mortgages and sales of personal fir opcl V. Mr Gibson (Hamilton) presented a re port of tbs Committee ou Private Bills. Mr. Olbeoo (Hamilton) preeented a oopy Of a report if the judge* with referenoe to be Law Aot*. Mr. Mowal moved the Honaa into oom elites of the whole, Mr. Uaroonrl la the atair. on ths bill for Ihs relief of pereone s/rotsesiiiK Ihs Jswlsh rsligion. Ths oom- Kittee pasted Ihs bill and reported it beak to the h in-. The Speaker took th* ah%ir. Mr. Mooet moved the **oood reading of a bill for i i p. .!> in. g th* ilt nuiiin of oon sin. n i mal and i.ther provincial qasstlons Mr Meredith asked what ware the prin elual provision* emb-'dled In the bill. Mr Mowal rspllsd that th* principal matter we* th* juria.li >ln>n in th* Aat re ting ihe power of tb* executive ae pro I fur in olaute 0, which read* " I he C|. "'"" of ths court shall be deemed a JudgiMni of tbe oonrt, and an appeal ahall lie thnr. fi. rin s* Inthsoassof a judgment ia aa aoilon." He referred *o th* faol thai the pr.ivitiou wa* in fora* la vary Btate of ibe Union Mr. Meredith thought the hon. gentle anan ehould Inform the Uoue of the par ajouisr neoe**ily tbat txiited for the ing of *ooh a bill. The hill we* read a second tlms aad re ttrred toe Committee of ibs Whole Bonis . lo-morrow. Mr. ROM (Huron) moved the eeoond read i |ng of a bill reepeoling thiMtahliahmsnt of 11 ..!" of Rrfngs. Mr. Meredith aikad If that wai in visw 6f th* imneral election. Mr Hoes (Unron) said tbat thar* ar* Ins oonollee in which poorhonsas have tWn eatebltshsd and ar* at present mala slued, every one of whi. h wss working jetlafentorlly The avsrags aost p-r annum if each Inmate in theee Institutions was 67 ft. He contended that It would be Bii,h more economical for rnauioipalitie* to erect theee building*. 0ns of th* ad tagne of a general application of thus powers granted to mnnioipelitia* woold he to relieve onr jails of a number of 10000*0 people who ars iiioaroeratsd under Ihe V*gr*nt Act. The Bill proposed to give 14,000 to each municipality establishing a pourbouse aided by the municipality. Mr. Meredith thought that the grant o M.OUO should be a qut-stion of supply. Be u thought tbst a diatinotioo ihooJd no b* drawn between grant* to citiea and to counties. Tbe bill made the grant to conn ties only, and allowed them to n*s tbs grsnt for building purpost s. At prtsen 11 grante to cities had to go toward main tenanoe. The bill was rsad a second time and re ferred to a Committee ot Ihe Whole Uoose Mr Drury movsd the aeoond r. ading o the bill to amend the Aot to pnmntth spread of contagions di*e**e* among horeee and other domestic animal*. He explained that an Act much similar was in foroe dealing wilh glanders in horsee front tb year 1879 to tbe year 1885. Last year a peculiar disesse of a venereal obaraote broke ont among the hor*e* in the louih western part of the Province. Il we* *x tremely necessary tbat thi* disease ibouli b stamped out. Tbe >.. laiim. of horse to the United States a very iniportau item. He proposed that when tbi- diaeaat broke ont iu any lection of the Province iuipeotor* *hall be appointed, an I thi ioipeotora have the power to mepeo animate and fnrnieh bill* of health, and when an animal i* found infected with the die- as* tbe inspector shall al ooos take charge of il. Mr. WUloughby approved heartily of tbe Bill. Mr. Meredith laid that il would be juit a* well to have Ihe salary of Iheee iaapoo tor* sprained. The hill passed its second reading and was referred to a committee contieiing ol tb* following hon. member* : M*s<rs Awrv, BUaard, Bichop, Clanoy, Crates, Uanoe, Drydsn, Fell, French. Graham, Ra) side, Leys, O'Connor, Smith (Froi.tt- na I Snydsr, Spragne, Water*. Wilioughby and ihe mover. Mr. Oibeon moved tbe eeoond reading of the Act lo amend tbe Liquor Lioenae Law*. Tbe firil olanM of Ihe Aot require* thai, where an applicant u not a licenses, in making hit application for a lioeuae be mnel preeenl a petition eigned by at leael a inaj >rity of the elector* in the polling ub divi.ioo whereaUie premiee* are to I. and al Nail one-third of tba reiidrnl* in thai sub divi.ion. The flrat importaul olanae in the Bill it tbe abolition of bar roome ou veeeel*. Liquor can be furniabed at table or in room*, but not al a bar, and tbs feie for the lioeow are accord ingly rcdooed. Another section I* aimed at Ih* **le of liquor in olnbe organised nnder the Benevolent Act, where inch club* are organised principally for Ib* *al* of iquor. < be limit when liquore can b* cold to mm .r i* retard from It to 18 and after a noiioe in writing ha* been given to any iqnor *ell*r be nan not > II to any poreon under 21 y*ar* of B.;U uilbonl being liable to a penalty of not lees man 110 or more hau MO tor each offenoe Another alauae deem* any pereon who *ub let* any portion of tbe premiere whioh be oocapiee, and ihen the illtoil sale of liqaora in this por- ion is carried on, liable to fine Oonllon ng, he explained thai many other amendment* bad been aaked for by tbe temperance people, enoh a* th* *appr***ion if the *ele of liquor over bar room* and tbe nppreeiioo of *ale on holiday*, but Ihe Government had not aecn fit to grant these requests. Mr. Meredith, continuing tbe debate on b* lioeoen laws, said that io proportion MI hs population there were fewer liquor losrses issned in Toronto than io any ther plaoe in Oalario. Legal preoedeute tad established the right ol tbs provluotel 'risdlotion to prohibit, a* well a* regulate, be liquor lioenee. Tbe Opposition had ilw*>* rscoguiisd Ihi* right of th* irovino*. The Government MW a Licence >mmia*ioner ia Hamilton proetliuting hi* .01 x- for elect ioueoring pnrpieea, and It I'll .1 him again and again to office. 1 he lyeiem under which boo. gentleman were iperating this lioenee law was a bad and miechievion* on*. Thie was juit like th* aoilon of hon. gentlemen opposite. Tbe hange in Ihe temperance eenlimenl of th* x-ople was nol owing to any provincial egielation. Il wai a change in the com- munity, end the Government waa in no way entitled to credit. He declared hi* otention of placing on record al the propel tage of ibe letsion the viawi of th* Op- ."-iii .n on thi* Important l**n*. Partisan nduenoee were at work under the preeenl yetem. The Committee on Private Bills me! and taaael the following bill*: Rr*peoting tbe Hamilton Patriotic Volunteer fond, with ireambl* amende 1 ; respecting the Cor- I ai i .ii of the Oily of Ottawa and tha eene of IM 000 debentures, with th* pre imble amended ; respecting HI Andrew's 'hurnh. Ottawa, with ssvsral amendmente ; eepeoting oerteln lande veeted in the reo- tor of Chriel Church, Hamilton, without mendmenl ; respecting th* Nw York . f loenranie Company, with the pre- nriln amended ; ra*|i*oiing the town of Jorth i in .into, wilh amendments ; peeling the Hamilton Qas Company, nli ml amendment, and an Aot to enable he Corporation of tha City of HI. Thomae to ieioe waterworks debentures, without amendment. The Honee went Into Committee of the Whole and paesed Ihs following Bills, Mr. "iaroonrl In tbe ohsir: Respecting the city of BallsvlUe Mr. )drom. To amsnd ths Aot incorporating th* vil ag of Tilbury Centre Mr. Balfonr. The Blile were reported to th* Uoni* and will rnoeive their third reading to n o.-row. Mr. Speaker took the ohsir. The following Bill* pasted the eeoond reading and were referred to a Committee of the Whole UOUM: To consolidate the debt of the town of Orillia Mr. Drnry. Respecting the Hamilton Gas Light Com- ny Mr. Awrey. To enable the corporation of the city of It. Thomae to l**u* debenture* for water works Mr. Ingrsm. ll..-p-1-iing m Mam lands vested in th* otor of t in ii Ohuroh, Hamilton Mr. Gib -on ( Hamilton) N* the New York Lils Insurance Company Mr Oibeon (Hamllto ). To enable the corporation of the city of )nawa to i**n* debenture* lor waterworks parpoess Mr. Bronaon. To enable th* corpora, ion of the city O Ottawa to isao* debenture* to tha amount of l&O.OOO-Mr. Bronaon. Reepeoling ih* Hamilton Patriotic Volun teer fund Mr. Oibeon (Hamilton) Mr. Leas moved a resolution that the eaiabliahing of well conducted provinoia model farm* ii of great advantage M t n farming interest* of tbs country, and tbi llouas di mre M draw Ih* attention of tbe Government to the advisability of such a model farm in tbs sastern lection of thi province, so that ths farming oommamt of that part of the proviuoe may have ih asms benefit aa those resi 3 ing in tbe western part. He was a strong believer in mode farms, ai d believed they had bean of much value to Ibe provino*. Mr. Drnry wa* ploaaed wilh tbe tone o Ihe disouasion in whioh hon. member* ba< macireeted their gratification at tbe work ing of tbe Agricultural College and thi model farm in operation. He understood tbe memoer from South Grey lo Hate that a model or experimental farm ihould pa] expenee*. Ihongh be made no charge* againel the Dominion Government h wuhed to Hate that it rrqoired last ysar sn expenditure of 160.000 on capita, account to work thi* farm. Il wonlJ oo*l money to eitabluh *uch a farm a* wa* aggoled. Il wa* nol to be expected that nob indention* would pay their way yet The great problem of practical farming in Canada at present was how M cheapen the ooet of production. He wonld request th* boo. member to withdraw hi* motion Mr. Ingram asked for the difference be- leen ths cost of students elected to the college by the counties and thots who were nol elected. Mr. Hardy replied that the only differ enoe wae in Ihe entrance fee. A farmer'* on paid I JO. but in Ib* oass of nominee* of Ibe County Council* tb* fee waa remitted Mr. Metolfe eaid that he hoped tbe boo. gentleman wonld establish a modal farm in ib* eastern portion of the Province. H thought ibe Government should pay more attention to the bores indniiry Ihe term- er* of Kentucky were making ibousends of dollar* oolof raising boras*. Mr. L<-e* rani he wonld not press the mo- ion, but iba Mteblikhmmt of snob an in- stitution wan of much importance. Mr. Roe* (Huron) eaid that the Agriool- oral Coll*.* was doing belter work as a inrely ag-ioaltural intiiintion than any ither n. dilution on th* continent. The college* on th* other tide of the line were ornmg tbe sgrioullor*! deparlmenie into dndrial *cbool* where tradee ware taught, !! they laid that Ih* farmer* did nol u|.p irt ths sgrioultoral oollt g as they ihould. He hoped Ibe orilioiem* oa tb* Bodel Farm in tutors would be as moder- ate in tons a* all the remarks from all Ibe gentlemen opposite with the exception of ma (Mr Clauoy) Mr. Awrey dufandei the manner in blob the Model Farm had been oon luoted. Tbe hon. leeder of tbe Opposition bowed by hi* remark* tbat h* wa* dtaap- winted in tbe attitude of hi* follower*, a* Ihey did nol approve of th* effort* to icoredil th* institution in th* pa*t. Tb* ion. gentleman waa much hnrl about eferenoe to Ottawa II waa a matter of Utory that when an sltotion was pending ileus of public buildings to hs erected in be constituency wsrs hong np in every oonulry store. Mr. Meredith Yes ; there was apian oi be Parliament building hungup in Toronto with " Vote lor vowat and a million dol- ars for Toronto." (Laughter) Mr. Awrey, continuing, eaid that plans of a posl-effiae were hung op in Barrie end other towns, and every lisas Ihsrs ra* an election pending in Ualdimand a ilan of a bridge across tha Grand Kiver was bown. Mr. Meredith -That bridge carried your riend np Salt Creek al the leal election. Mr. Awrey said il wss not ths briJge in! the unknown etrangere that bought np hs voters. The Model farma were useful, and, as a consequence, s cry was coming up n mi every MOHOU of ih* country for more if them. Bill* wrr* introduced by : Mr. Mowat To provide for holding winter aaaisee io Ihe county of Carleton. Mr. Meredith -To provide for Ibe election by ballot of Public and Separate aohool Mr Meredith Respecting Separate school npporters. sir Gibson presented Ihe report of the oepaotor of the Idiot A*ylum* ; al*o Ih* i urn asked for by ths Honas respecting ths sgulry of th* oily of Toronto. Th* Hou e went into oommitte* on rival* billa, an 1 reported the following : Reepectlog certain lands vssted in Ihe color of Christ Church, Hamilton Mr. Jibeon (Hamilton) Respecting tbe New York Life Insurance company Mr. Oibeon (Hamilton). Reepeoling the Hamilton Patriotic Vol- nteer Fund Mr Giboa (Hamilton). Tbe following B.li* were read a **oond line and referred to committee : To oon*oli 'ate the debt of the town ot i ramp ton Mr. Chntholm. To cooler upon tbe Chatham Waterworks ompany power to borrow I1M.OOO Mr. "i-rgatoo. To aaneolidete tbe debenture debt of he oounly of Middlesex-Mr. Ross (Middle- SSI}. loaatharist ths sals of osrlsio Ian U f ih* Kir.t Baptlat Churah, Oitewa Mr. Ironaon l-h. .!.. .l.kl .., I , Waggish Hir anger Do yon evar photo aph oorpsee T Pho torepb*r Homstimes. Why 1 Waggiah 8traogr I wa* going to say bat Ibe body of MoGln Photographer (to able bodied assistant, sooas minutes later) -Now, John, sst Ibis oorpis np and we'll photograph it " Lord Hope-town, the new governor of kuttralla, I* deaoribed aa a email, delicate- noklng man, but not ia tb* ill health that its appsaranos might Imply. A London special cable savs thsrs is ;ood reason for believing that Uon. O. It. I'upper'e mieilon la strloaly limited to th* lihring Hsa qnaslion. A ipeoial oabls eavi th* Prince of Wales, he Lord Mayor of London and Lords HI- and Carnarvon ara as*i*tiog in Ib* Hi tor at ion of tha Toronto I )ni vanity ibrary. -Tha gate of a forest should b* ssonrsd with a hamlook. -Oar religion Is not borrowed BOW, it U Dt. OODNrBT LIFE, social Feataree vf Ik* Oreas HOD., of th HrltUb .Noblll. 7. Life at great bouses of this kind hat besn il ae MBS to m*. butter represented by thi pen of Anthony Trollop* than sny othr writer ; end, indeed, while visiting a English country plsoe* myself I waa so impr***ed by Ib* fact of his photogrephii capacity that it *r*m* to me farther desaription on my pert wonld b* super tlaous. But that whiob strikes soon Americans as ostentations or as a desire to imply maintain splendid estate, ssys a writer in th* New York Herald, is in reality the outcome of such tradition ; mob loot usags that il has become as ordinary an< metier of fact to those belonging to il as the commonplace routine ot three times a day setting forth a meal on a table for am mechanic's family. Therefore, to tbe gu everything is natural and dons with no effort of premeditation. Arriving at country bo UK) of tbe kind for initenoe any of th* seal* ol tb* Dnk* of Fife I vi.itor finds himself expected, wilh every preparation made for hi* comfort, from the meeting him al tbe train by well-instruotec servsnts, wbo.aiif by magic, take hi* travel ing .'r - off hi* miud, tolboTeoeplion given him ai i'." ihrebold of Ihe house by *omi number of the family or a ipecially depntec pereon. Forthwith he i* shown his rooms * in re evtry oonsidsrsrion for his visit auc comfort daring Ihe period has been ordered His dressing. room will contain a well for ni*b*d writing- la ale, eesy chair*, a oabinet replate with whatever he may require for that ipeoial refreabm*nt which a long day in ihe bnnt in the U 14 or among the par tridge* may entitle him to. Servants are al hi* beck and call, and a oard upon hi* mantel informs him of Ibe hours for the bunt or other sport. II hs has brought his own horses they are well stabled and oared For, but ih M muel be by arrangement belore tiand with hi* boat ; oiherwiee hs is notified what ' mount*" he oan have. A chapter might be written detailing the fascinating experience* of Eoglieh country life, which combine a peculiar informality with abeo- ote physical luxury and as much repose ae the gued de>ira* ; but, of courae, there ar* heels and host*. The Duke of Fife s noted for bis faculty as an ntertainer ; and, so far as I oan see, tbe only diffeteooe likely to b* between be social methods of his wifs and those of other ladies of ths peerage will b* hat a elight additional degree of seclatun n her own boa** will b* permitted her. It s hardly probabl* tbat shs will appear among her guests a* Ireely a* might, for ex- ample, h r inter- in-law, tho Marchionee* if I'owneend. In epite ot tbe Duke of Fife e leterininalion that hi* wife'* royally mn*l be in a oeriain measure overlooked, U will not be possible for tbe Eagluh peopls to orgel it. He has stipulated tbat the Jaohes* ibsll have no " household " a term not alwavt understood, but whioh i* eciledlv ligoiBaent to the tCngluh tax taper I Every married or important mem- vr of the royal family bat hi* or her ap- oinud retinae ; in the oaa* of th* janior iribocase* this " boost-bold," se it is called, 000*111* ol a lady in-wailing, an equerry, r gentleman altendanl (thaee generally at- tend for two or lhr*e mo. .Ib* only ale time, hen they are replaced by olbere), ipeoial eervants, snob ss wardrobe women, a dr**- r, who fills ibs plaoe of a lady's maid, and a footman, or page. Tbi* li*t ia increase*) r deoreaaed according to Iba importance r rank of the royal p*r*onage oono*rned, nd in all oessa is not only an expensive rt of court inoonie, but u maintelned aa a mailer ol etiquette and state prestigs. Hint* for BhavlB. Th* moment yon leave your bed or bath a the beel tim* to (have. Never ui* warm water, whioh makes tbe ace ot shavers tendsr. A piece of aofi plate Isathsr ihould Iwayi be k>pl with rasors to wips them rith. In oold weather place your rasjr aloeed, f court* in your pocket or under your arm to warm it, Always wips your rasor alien end strop t before putting it sway, and always ml your shaving cup away with ths lather nil. Never fail to waah yoar beard with soap nd oold water and to rub it dry mime .lately before yon apply the lather, of which he more >on n** and the thicker it is the aiiar it will ihave If yon only ouoe put away your razor ilhool etropplng il, or otherwiae perfectly leaning the edge, yon mnit no longer xpeoi to (have well and easy, ths soap nd damp so soon rust Ihs fins teeth and dge. The razor, being only a fine saw, should be moved io a eloping or sawing direction, od held nearly flat to your face, cars being akm to draw Ihe ikin a* tuht aa pouible with the left band, eo a* lo present ansvsn orfaoe and draw ont ths beard. Tbs praolioe of pressing on ths sdge of he raior in stropi ing *oon round* il , ths preuure hmild be directed to tbe back, blob ehonld never be raited from the trop. If you ihav* from heel to point of a/ .r drop It from point 1 1 heel ; but if on begin with Ihe point in shaving than trop it from beel to point. Mtdieal The M...I MTon.l.rrul KltteBB. A moet wonderful toy has been on irivate exhibition in Pan*. Fancy seven if sited aitien*. covered with real ikio, mi with eyes of emerald set in pearly rhiie inamtl and fa ih playing on a mini ai Instrument a flale, a other, a violin, a r HIM, a harp, a cornel and an accordion, .11 perfectly harmonised and pUying the mo*t .lull nilt operaa, then yon have ths iiolore complete. The mecbaniim is imilar to that of a masio box, and th* whole apparalo*. kitten) <tei., i* valued at 90.000 franc*. Si Mis* Minerva Parker, of 1'hila.inl ,,:., i. he only female architect i-. t'i... city, and here are only two olhei-* of !.f r aex in the earns profsssion in tha United Baates. Two thousand and thirty-sight onoos* of gold, worth ISO 700, wars crushed from 400 Ions of quarts last month in ths State*. Jaaaiee Wmtg^mm mrtBX Hn.ia rale* aa>4 Anled HI. If. In tbs Court ef Chancery at Toronto yea- IsrJay Mr. JnstloeFerKU*ongave jud^mons ia tb* famous oas of Smart vs. Saaan, a oil brought by a Port H >p* barrister gainst bis wife for tha custody of tbor three children two girls and a boy. The oass has been going on lor Ih* better part of two years, and ha* attracted a grtei deal of attention. Tbs end of ibe mailer 11 that Mrs Smart retain* the custody of the chil- dren. In Ihe course of Ibe proceedings Ih* plaintiff mads numerous charge* and aooo- at lot. i of a horrible aud di**n*iing nalur*) again*! bil wife. In reply to a contentions that hs is of Intemperate habile, ibe plain- tiff dwiod il and claimed thai he had long; ceased snob habit*. Tho oa*->, il will b* rf m-mbered, wa* triad in camera. Iu hi* judgment Mr. Jntiio* Ferguson said ia part: It seemed to be conceded at the trial. and 1 do nol see bow it can be otherwias, that all idea* of the** two people ever corning together again an i living man and wif* mu*l be abandoned aud put anlirtly ool of the case and out ot consideration. Il is folly proved that the charges and acjuee- lioos thai I have alluded M were, in laoa, made by Ibe petitioner, wantonly, I ihiak. and in the meanest and most oootomplibl* manner, end thai he aiill persiste in mak- ing them. ' After reciting the sworn denial of Mr*. Smart to theee charge*, the leerned JodgS) continued: ' I am unable to ondsrstand how il ia that any man is found who is *o base as to make, and pereist in making, aoch aoouaa lions sgaiusl bu wife in tbe manner ia which ibis man bss made them, even if it were for a moment eMunied that th* accuaalion* were founded in truth. Even n inch a oaee I think tbsrs are no aojeo- nvee or qualifying worde in onr lauguasj* um;ieouy expmeeiva to prop^ily (lamp Ibe quality of the mind aud oheraoier of ihe uuao who would do so, or thn degree of 11* iuperletive meanness. Ho* much more) * required to describe tbe character of tba man who doe* so on oath, wneii tbe aoousav lous and charges are false." After s brief review of the oironmdanoea nnder which the charge* wre made, th* ludge continued what ia ben. v.d to be tbe) troogeet worded jadgment ever given in tba }oart, ia this fa*nion : " To **y tbat hi* ooodnol, aa stated by limnelf, i* beastly, woold, I think, be a alt* and foul ilander upon Ibe brae* creel i>n. Th* faol of his listing it, iba iharacter of the aooueatioos bs make* again*! hi* wife, which aoouealions are, ae have aaid, in my opinion tales, and tba manner in which h* mtkea the eoouMiioM render Ihe matter wore-, and wore*. I was not before aware thai tn* world ooolaioesl uoh e maa tuber in barbaroa*or oiviliBssl if*. I am astounded and much al a ioas) o comprehend bow 11 happens that a I brought op and educated as ibs must have been, hae enob a character a* ie, apparently without oompnuolion as* name, demunsiratee lhal be poesesasav In habitual na* lo sxoses for year* of in- oxioaling drtak cannot. I think, aeooaaa or il aliogeiher." At considerable length tbe J udge pro- oeeded lo poor tbe vial* of rigbteou* wrath in tbe petitioner, and ouuclu ltd by giviagj ndgme.il for Mr*. Smarl wtia oueta. later! will b* permute l to vim hi* ohil- l-en. btt there hi* pow*r will oaass, aad hs mother will have full control over hem. Bow ie -i..|. Some pereooe hav* a tendency to bleed. no matter how alight th* oaose. A small Hi. scratch or tb* extraction of a tootfe rill cause prof a** bleeding and oui 'ii n* ndanger life. When from the latter cau**. ak* a litll* powd*nd o'lalk. roll it up in mi in tb* form of a oark or piag, dip n ia pirit* of turpentine and pre* il firmly; 11 to th* cavity. Chanita it -ver 10 or IS iiuntes nnlil the bleeding is stopped L*t h* lad plug remain in over night, aad h*n do not poll u oai, but wash tha month in tepid w*t*r outil U i* looeened. iSing oild water after the Am few month, ol*. Bleeding from the uje* is seldom eeri- 01, except in old perMM. Il is ofieei ood in children, if not too ooptou* U ymptom* of faintneee et.ine 1st ths persoai it right np. bathe ihe face aud ueok wiik oold water, or dash oold water in tbe fee*, r, belter still, take a cloth or t .w I, dip m oold water and bandage Ibe forehead aad alee the arms as high as possiole over tat) i*ad ur oro*a them (irmly behind Itae back. 'hi* action has ths effect of oonirauliasj he mu*ole* of th* ntek and diminichuaf he ruth of blood to ths bead. 1 . wry belinata eaaee pinohee of very flunly poav ered alum may be ml a ed, or a um water uuffad np ihe noeml*. Plugging th* lostrils *honld not be re cried to uule*e by phyaioian, for if not properly done the) >li 0.1, indeed of being dopped, nud* ita way to th* top of the throat and i* *el- owcd. fiottoe /Van., nj.1 Tbe UIBTereMW. When thing* go wrong with a man he oan neglect hie barber for a day or tw*> nd forget th* b.iiliaoaioe far hie move- aob* and grow black and hollow aronad b* optioi, and ten to on* b* will .imply em in female eye* "so Byronio and ua- ereeting. yon know." Bat a woman may isve a thouaand gnawing devil* at her leart drings, and *he'* oblixed M pat aa id so much poudrs d* fls and to pnll oat be tray hair* on her temple and pin jh Ib* wrinklee out between her eye ju*t to* aine, or she's handed over to the world by er hundred mod intimate friende a* uoh a wreck, my dear," an I th* jury oa he oaee and even her lawyer begin lo and XOUMM for Ih* huibeiid. I'oitmeiter General Haggart anuonncwd ' n tbe Uonae yeiterday that it was not Ihs otention of tbs Government to reduce the ee charged for registered letter*, no com- lain! having bean made against the pre*. i nt syitem. The pope bee ernl th* ehah of Penia ih* oiignia ol Ih* order of Pine IX This is im return for the liberty eooorded Calhulioa ia Psrsis. La IV*M*, of Montr, al. *avs that on March IHtb, 300 Krenoh familia* will a* from ljuebeo to Mills in Manitoba and tb* Northwest. Ms THEU City Connoil has paised an Aat impiieiag an annual tejl of 140 on too* pedlar*, 160 on thoee with hand earls and 100 on those using a hor*s and wajoa. Commercial travellers, newipaper earrivr* and hawker* of fruit, cake*, etc., ia b*skte ere not taxed.

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