Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1890, p. 3

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i, Mar oh. Mr Speaker took tbi chair at 3 o'clock. The following petition* were prevented Mr. Gibson From th* ratepayers o Hamilton against theexemption of persona property or income* from taxation. Mr. Graham From John Gillatby, Ja* McLean and 77 other*, praying the Govern tent to take att-pa in accordance with Mr Waters' rtm.lo.tion of lam session to loan money at s cheap rate of interest to (arm ers in order thai they might release their Mr. Lett From the Oord cf Trade of Perth, for the eiltbliibment cf an agriooj tnral college east of Toronto. Mr. Gibion (Hamilton) presented tbe econd annual report of toe Inipector c Prisons and Chariliei : also the Bartar'i tlatemenlt of oaib transaction! of tb University of Toronto for the year ecdio( June HOth, 1-N'j. The following Billi were read a third time; To Consolidate the Debt of the To *n of Orillia Mr Drary. Respecting the Hamilton Gas Ligh Company Mr. Awrey. Respecting certain land* vested in tbe Rector of Cbruit Chorcb, Hamiltoa Mr Gibson (Htmiltont. e New York Life Insurance ;,' Mr Gibson iUmuiun) Mr. Wood (Brant) moved tbe a*con<: reading oft oil! to amend the G aera Road Companie* Act. Tbe provisions ol tbe bi>l are inch is to be appii Jablu to al toil read* while aimed specially at i certain clan of toll road*. Tbe bill pro po0v that certain roads, which haveprovec extremely profitable to their ow boald, on i (air rnnune-ration. fas* into the hands of the County Councils and become free. The speaker moved that she bill be referred to the Municipal Com mittee. Mr. Hardy favored the proposal to have tho bill referred to tbe Municipa Committee. Mr. Meredith thought it would be better if it wtre uaJeratood that there be no legii lation on tbn mbj-ci tbu *e*sion. Mr. Harny would not like to say there won! i be no legislation on tbe itiPjecl this eawtun. Tbe bill WM referred to the Municipal Com mittre. Mr. Meredith moved tbe aeoond leading of a bill tomen<i the Jurors' Aot. Tbi bill provided (or an iooreaaa in the per diem fee to joron from 11.50 to 53. iheli.: member bad the honor tj propose a bill by which juror fees were increased from II. 35 to 81 ID Twelve or fourteen }ears ago jurors reoiived only $1 par day, bat the hen. nvmber thonnht 53 was no more than iumoim to psy hotel and travelling expense*, etc. Mr. t'ri.er stated that tbe Governmon's view of the muter was thiat it should be left to tbe locality to decide what inornate, not to excvtd 53 shall be paid. Mileage was not given to all juror*. Il was given to all those wbo livn.i beyond a certain distance (-otn ihe place in which the court was held. Tbe Bill wa* referred to a select cornmittf* roiipoatd of Messrs. Bal- four. Clarke (Welliujtor I, Clancy. Craix, Oryden, Frattr. French, Gibsou i tlrml too), Gulhrie, Harcouri, Hardy. McKay Meredith, Morin. O'Connor, Ostrom, Whit- ney and Wood (Hastings). The following petition* were presented : Mr Smith (FronKnac) From rcsi dents in that eoa ity.askiuij certain amendments to the game liw rrgardiug tbe shooting of dock*. Mr. Cltrke (Wellington) From oertain residents of loronto, prayiug for t ha pro hibition of th* killing if quail for two MOM Mr Frs r-From tbe Brockville Board of Trade, ankui< for certain amendments to the U* rei<rdini! toll ro.1. Mr. E. J. Clark.- -Two petitions from tbu A-uali{amld Societies of Carpenter* and Joiners, pnying (or Board* of Arbi ration sin-1 a Wirkshop R^a'ati. n A-t. Mr. Giosrm (HemJtcii) predated a re- port of theSianJiug Committee on awivate Bill*. Mr. Frazer present*.! a report from the Standing Committee ou Railways. Mr. Gib. on presented a report of the cultivation of m^ar bml in tbe Provino*. and a rep ri ol tbu Dairy and Creamery Association for 1899 The following bills passed their third reading: Respecting St. Andrew's Charcb, Ottawa Mr Bronson. Reapecung tbe New York Life Insur- ance Company Mr. Gibson ( "a-nillon). To euablo tho corporation of th > city of Ottawa to is-iue debenture* for waterworks purposes Mr. Brousoo. To enable the corporation of the oity of Ottawa to insne debentures to the amount of $50.000 -Mr Bronson. A bill rispvoiiuu the Hamilton Patriotic Volauteer Fund-Mr. Gibbon (Hamilton) was referred back to the Committto of tbe Whole House, ind reported with slight amend mnts. Mr. Mowal moved the third reading of the bill for expediting tbs decision of con litutioDal aud other Provincial question*. Mr. Meredith moved in amendment that the bill be not now paieed, bat be reft rred back to tbe Committee of the Whole K >a*e, and that it bo imended by inserting a olaase as follows : N > sach question whioh involvts the constitutionality of a Proviuoial Aot thall bo submitted unless a poo a case settled by the coon who*e opiui >n is asked, or after notice thereof to the Attorney-General of Canada." A division we taken on Mr. Meredith'* amendment, which resulted a* follow* : TBAS Messrs. Blttar. Blytn, Clancy, G. K. Clara* iToronto), H. E. Clara* (Toronto), Craig- Oreifhujn. Cruo, f.ll. Kreaoh. Haniun<ll. How. Hii'lx'D. lu.raiu. 1. Martr, Meav ham. More. t h. kUtctlf. MUlir. Monk, Moman, Osin m, Preston, Hurt*, Smith iFroufenac), BUwarl, Too y, Whitney. WUloagabf, Wood .Hastings!. Wylio. NiV Matars- Allan. Armstrong. Awny. Hal four KaJlanttn*. Bishop, Bleiard, Broi aon. QaldwaU. ChlsaolB, Claras iWeinnuion . i'c. Oanoe, Uvli, DryJin Kvautnral, KielJ. KraMr. rvMDiai-. Uarwn, Otbsoa iHaailtoii). Uiboon ittaroa), Uilmoui, Oranam, Uuthri*. Uarcourc, faardy, l.you. MoKty, MoUafhltn. MeMahou. Mack, Mackanilx, Mitr. Moriu. Mowat, Mur- rv O'Connor. 1'xtuJ. Pb>li. KjMd. rUnis Huron i, HOM lMlddl<Mx>. Bmlth York', ttatder. Waton. md tBnat). Th* Hoos* went into committee. Mr. Uarcou rt in the obair, and p aaswd the fol- lowing bills : To COD soh Jato ihe debt of tbe) town of Bramptou Mr Chiaholffl. To confer apoo the Chatham Water work* Company power to borrow 9150.00C Mr. Ferguson. To enable tbe Trurtee* of St. Andrew Church, Chatham, to *ell oertain land* and for other purposes Mr. Ferguson. Mr. Speaker took th* obair The following bills were read a *eoon time and referred to a oorrmittei of tb whole Hoose : Respecting tbe First PreebytenanChnrcl at Chatham Mr. Clancy. Respecting the Ontario and SaultJ Ste Marie Water, Light and Power Company and the town of Saolt 8ta. Marie Mr Lyon. Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) presented a re port from the Standing Committee on Private BUI*. Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) presented a re port of ibe Minuter of Education, also copy of correspondence respecting French school*. Tne House went into committee on thi motion of the Atty General lo re oouside a bill relating to the juriadiotion of Court of General Session* of the Peace. The oil was carried. Mr. Mowal moved tbat tbe Hooae g< into Committee of Supply. Mr. Meredith objected on th* understanding that th* de bate on the secrecy of the ballot waa to be continued to-day. He thought tbe Govern ment monopolized too many day*, am wished tbe motion to stand till Govern meet day. The motion waa carried, am (be Hoose went into Committee of Sup ply, Mr. Haroonrt in the chair. Tb* first subject coming up wa* fubii Institution*. The estimate for tbe laaan Asylum of Toronto ccming on, Mr. Ron* ave an explanation of the estimate o 924.482 for Ihe Mimiro branch, t5.534 ove last year, showing that IBIS being a branch of the Toronto Asylum had been large); increased in accommodation. Mr. Creubton asked bow il wa* tba 7.500 waa asked f 3r batter in the Landcn Asylum, while only 94,000 was asked to: ths Toronto Asylum. Mr. lies* said thai batter wa* mucl dearer in London and the asylum wa Th* Central Priawa, Toronto, eatimate were reached. Mr. Meredith contended that thi* miti luuon should not be maintained at tbi ?xpen*e of tbe Province, but that th Dominion should at least share half tbi 'xptnse. a* the prison waa really a peni tentiary. Mr. Mowat laid he should be very glad i the Province could be relieved of part o the expense, but ha did not see that there was any legal .jaection that could be raisti vhich could bring about the desired re jt. Mr. Meredith thought the Dominion jovernment might be induced to under ake at Ua*l a share of the ezpen** a* the prison wa a reformatory for all praoti >nrpc*e*. The item was paaaed. Th* proposed expenditure under tbe beat of Public Wcrks wa* then dealt with, and ;he variooa item* passed with little oriti oiam, tbe hon Commiasioner giving satis actory answers to the various question* The "Varies under tbi* bead amounted to 130300. Mr. Gibson Hamilton) presented report of tbe Committee on Private Bill* Mr. Balfour presented a report cf th. .nominee on printing. Mr. Gibaon (Hamilton) presented i report of tbe Department cf Immigration or 1389. Tbe following bill* pasted their third reading : To consolidate tbe debt of tbe town of Bramploa Mr. Cbisholm. To confer upon th* Chatham Water works Company power to borrow $150,000 Mr. Ferguson. . To provide for the porcbaae of deben ore* issued by counties for drainage par tofws Mr. Ross i Huron I. H-specting tbe establishment of Houses of Kufug* Mr. Kos* (Boron). Mr. Clark* (Wellington) moved tbe coud reading ot hi* Bill for tbe protection of game. Mr. Bftlf our thought its provision harsh nasmach as it prevented farmer* from .|aail oo. their own farms for sale A(tr some discussion the Bill was rtferrec o committee. Tbe following bill* were read a second ime and referred to tbe committee : To suable tbe Metropolitan Bishop of tbe 'h-irch of England ia tba Kccle.iastica, ro vinos of Canada to confer oertain degree* u divinity Mr. Meredith. To consolidate the debt of the town ol .iatowel. Mr. Freeman. Mr. Gibaon (Hamilton) brought down t-tarn as mjuested by tbe lie-use on notion of Colonel Clark, showicg tbs nom- >er of Public School* ajid Separate School* n tbe Province, and distinguishing tboee sing the ballot. The following Bill* wer* read a third ime : Respecting the oity of Belleville Mr. >*trom. R'-specting the Hamilton Patriotic Volnn teer Fand -Mr. Gibeon (Hamilton). Mr. Wood ( Hastings) moved the second reading of a BUI to provids for the secrecy f the ballot at election* of members ot the <Xilative Assembly. The only objection has could be urged to tb* adoption ot tbe secret ballot wa* that in the oa*e of ballot, luffing the act oonld be traced. He surged returning officers with betraying leir trust. Mr. Awrey Ha* the hon. gentleman ver known a returning- officer to violate i* oath ? Mr. Wood ( Hastings ) When I am in th* itnees box I will tell tbat. (Deriaiv* laogh- er by Government member*.) Mr. Mowat aaid that tbe preeent law had o evil*. The member from Uaatings oon- tbat the system in u*e wa* not secret. H* would say that tb* law could ot be more secret in it* nature. He could nd no agitation againat the preeent > m. or if ny agitation cvisled it wa* con- ned to a vary limited number. Under the v*tnm propoead by th* member from "aelings il wa* m th* power ol dishonest u to lorn the election. Under th* pre- sent system such diahoussty could be raced. Extract* ware Booted from iesob.es of Sir John Maodonald on the ubjeot, in wbioh he said that jnilice to the a* of far more importance to the wople than secrecy of tbe ballot. Thi* WM bat they were advocating. Sir John ac.ionald had farthe* held it of the .ium importance tbat provtcion ihonld js mad* tgalDsl impersonation Hewished te hon. Premier alwaj* made a* sound I alioui. H* q**wM .\traots at length ' from prominent magazine* in support cf the *} stem in use. Mo ujorioa* effaol bad followed the adoption of a similar s> stem in England, Aa*>raJi*, Scotland and many other countries. Mr. Mowal, resuming the debali on the ballot laestion. quoted a ccnpl* of article* from an English magszme, written by two distinguished men, Meier*. Galby and Akwilh, in whi.-h those gentlemen con- tended that there were no complaint* in England excepting amen* tbe ignorant in tbe rural districts, and that cnly in case of a scrutiny the ballot-box could be forced to give up it* secrets, and in England thi* sys- tem of voting wa* in force. He contended tbat the only caso* in which bribery wa* was through outside parties in. (Opposition applauee i It wa* often stated that people would do thing* in elections im plying moral guilt which they would ibrirk from in other connections of life. There - - every reason to regard the Act a* it eg it* purpcse. Ex- tooda* penence iu other lands' bad shown that it had attained it* purpcse there. He would further make it the basinaas of county attorneys to proceed in such cases of di*. honesty a* in charges ot a crimi- nal character. He moved that the bill of hi* bon. friend from North Hastings be not now read, but this day ix month*. Mr. Clarke (H. E ) staled thai the Gov- ere meet wern very fond of introdatiijK Sir John A. Macdocald's name into their speeches, bat Sir John Macdjnald. with hi* larger experience, nad ctver asked for an exchange from the atcret ballot of tbe Dominion to the open ballot of tbe Pro- vince, and until be did the bon. member did not think the Attorney- General oonld fairly juote him a* st>[ . rting him in the peculiar ballot tbat we bad in tbu Pro- vince. It tetmed to him thai the Govern- ment could not Irnet th people, not even at election time*. He cculo trust th* people, and for this reason would support tbe bill of hi* bon frund from Hasting*. Highly f>Uui.ll>U. Jack Ripley (feeling in all hi* pocket*) Strange where the deuce it went to ! I can't seem to Haberdasher Lou* anything, sir? Jack Ripley Well. 1 anted yon to se* that all-wool ondergariEent you sold me two week* ato but I gn< ss it matt have (lipped through a hole in my veil. CouIJn t Survive It. To sweet young things were discosiinif a recent execution tbe other day ia a rail- way carriage on tb* Brighton line : " Fancy being banged !" exclaimed one. imagine Ihe diagrace ? ' " Ob, horrible !" coincided the othsr, I am sore I should never survive it. ' A Burnt Cblld UrtMU th* Flrr. A. You don't stem tu have any life in yon. Is there nothing cr nobody over which yon oan anibuae ? B. Nothing at ail. I once became en ihnaiaslio over somebody, and a short time afterwards the became my wife That wa* a aad warning to me to avoii enthusiasm. N the January election of 1 v*y Mil Cobcen and Miss Con* were elected mem ben of tbe London County Council, ove which Lord Rocebery preside*. Neithe ot them claimed their scat* nor did th*} give up tbtir rights to them. Th* Lord Chief Justice acd Justice Stevens, now avtr, gave opinions adverse to their claims Mis* Cobdeu scogbt other advice and informed that if her seat was not chal lenged within twelve mouth* she oonli take it. Accordingly she and the othai lady took their siats at ihe Board la* month, and a* no objection ha* been made to their action, it is presumed they are now regularly elected members of tbe Council Mr*. Church to Mr*. Meeting Houti did so waul to go to the whist party to- night, bat it i* Leul, \ou know, and wi have trgive up things we want oral to di i 1 do things w* dislike, and to concluded I'd ran in and spend the evening with yon. If men and woman would ponder tbe virtues rather than tbe (suits of their friend*, and [under the couitvii** due (ron themselves to others, rather than alway have in mind what i* due to themselves 'here would ba fewer broken friendship* Florida Timet- 1 'man. The boy with tbe knes-breeobe* is jwor marble player generally. Il i* t! My with the baggy trousers, wbo wipes lis noee on bi* ooat sleeve and rubs bi* land* in the dirt before snooting that ha* Iba mo*t marble* in bin pocket t:l Dor- ado Republican. x-NAj'A collected 90.80t) from Chinese immigrants and emigrant* last year. Ho would it do to appropriate that money to send missionaries to China, to oonviace the Dative* of tbe superiority of Canadian civ Uzatioo .' On* of the hale old men of Great Britain s Prof. Blaokie, the famous Greek scholar who at SO i* still able to lecture to tbe dinoargh students. Mr. Cleveland ba* scl.l Uak View, hi* country place oo the Teoal'ytown road, near Washington. The price obtained wa* bout 9140,000. Thi* i* a clear gain ot 1100 OUO for Ibe ex Preei.lect. Mr*. Cleve- and and himself were both attached to tbe ilaoe, but 9100,000 ! Salvini, tb* Italian tragedian, i* a man o very economical babitt. lie may sometime* w seen ia bi* drtseing room darning an old pair of tight*. 8. B. Pratt, of Forest Hills, near Bos- on, Ma**., ba* tb* large*! private collec- tion of Bible* in the country. He owas more than 300 bound volants* of Bibles and many biblical manudoripi*. At Melbourne, Australia, January -'2nd. the thermometer registered 150 in the open tir at noon. It wa* the hottest waatber known there for fifteen yean. Capt.Bol*ford,Wlnd*or,ha received word from Ottawa tbat th* clothing recom- mended by tbe Brigade-Major on bi* tour f inspection ba* been granted to the five ompanie* of Ihe Essex Fusiliers Tb* Puke ef Connanght will start from lombay for England on Thuraday next. 1* will travel via China, Japan, Van- couver and (Juebeo. In a spas eel at a banquet ye*l*rdav tb* Poke deplored tb* tier inadequacy of tba defaooe* of Bombay. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Rossi* i* reorganizing her navy. Tbe American squadron ot evolution ha* arrived at Naples. It i* reported that tbe Bong cf Hulland U again dangerously ul. It is reported thai the treacle* between France ana Dahcmty have bean Milled. The port-cmce at GretnvUr, Trxas, wa, robbed of several thooaand dollar* on Fri day nifchi. Spotted fever, or malignant meningiti*- ha* appeared alarmingly near Fountain Head, Tenn. Several demonstration* againat Prime Minuter Tlza have been made in the streets ot Pestb. Th* shipwrights cf Southampton threaten to strike unless an advance of four abUlicg* a week be made. Princeton, Drumbo and Ayr have been cun*iitnted a pariah by tba Synod of Huron Executive Committee. Nearly all tbe Winnipeg Protattant de- nomination* are protesting against the Act taxing church property. It i* asserted that the Chancellorship orisi* is renewed, and that the retirement of Prince Bumarck i* imminent. James Raseell Lowell is abl* to ail up read the papers and attend to hi* com ipondaDOe. Father Dogoci-r, of tbe Jesuit mUsicn a: Waydsh, has bt.en taken nriaoner by the Uahomian*. Tbe Manitoba Legislature rt fuse* to grac any aid to tbe prc^osed Winnipeg Inoue trial exhibition. Robert Murtoa, the Miami mnmerer o bu aon and daughter-in-law, will be tne< in Winnipeg next week. The Shah of Persia ha* ordered hi* am ba**ador toaenti enxineers to provide large Persian town* with gas. Ninety six Chinese were among the pas senders on the steamship Abysuma, arrived al Vancouver. B. C , vr.itro.av. teraay It i* reported King Mentlek. ot Ab)i iinia, ha* joined the Italian levus which are preparing to march to Adowa. The Turk* are utortii;g cash and pro missory note* from Christian* al Mtssart Crete, by threats cf impritonmanl. Thursday evening the Rochester expi coilidtd with an engine al Paintea Post N. Y. Several people were injured. Hopkins, the escaped convict arnstec at Aioany, N. Y., made an attempt to escape on Wednesday from th* court room Tbe Russian Minuter of the Interior has aMumed ibe right to dismi** Lutheran pastors and to coMrcl pastoral conference*. Owing to their pay Being in arrears tbe Imperial troop* in Formosa are deeerting ami joining tbe rebels, enabling the latter to make a vigorous stand. A despatch from Newfoundland .ays th* weather since the middle of December ha* been tbe coldest f jr thirty year*. A great many old persons have d'ed. The trial al \V accent.-, Austria, of per- son* accused of tm>grant*tinaling resulted m lbeacn\iolion cf U of tte 00 prisoners. Jamen Tcnge. a hamster in Si. John N. B., was thrown against a telegraph pole by his runaway borat* and kuled on Saturday The remains cf George H. Pendltton. late United State* Minister at Berlin, wer* interred in Cincinnati on Saturday with imposicg ceremony. It i* officially denied that the Brazilian Government has resolved to promulgate a Constitution prior to the meeting of the ConBtitnent A.-mbly. Mr. John Sinclair ha* decided to re*ign bis *eat in Parliament for Iba Ayr diiaricl. H* i* an advanced Liberal and a strong supporter of Mr. Gladstone * Irish policy 1'rcf. Owen, the sueutist. who wa* re ported convalrscicg a few days ago, after a serioo* illncis, ban bad a re.apte. All thi members of bis family are assembled at bis bedside. The Inter Stalk Commerc 3 Railway Asso- ciation will bo reerxamzed ucxt month, when tbe question of protecting the ex treme norttiweiit roads frcm th* C. P. R. will be considered Sergt.Msjor Morgans, of the Royal Mili tary College, Ktrgstou, oo Friday wa* pre- sented with a lung service good-oondocl medal from the Imperial army, after serv ing nearly 19 years. A very floe bridge over tb<i Chaudiere River wa* formally opened on Fnday. It was built by tbe Sociele Anomine de Con- st! notion Internationale, of Broxelle, Bel- gium, and cost $80,000. Yesterday wa* the anniversary of th* death cf \Vilh\m I , and wa* observed by tbe consecration of the Imperial Mausoleum at Cbarlolleubnrg in the presence ot tbe Emperor and bi* family. Japanese advice* say a nre took place in the village of Uaiiojjaj on February ->.h, destroying 370 baildtngs. Tbe industries of Japan are in a distressed condition. In- dnenxa iatpidtmic there. Il i* Hated tho Portuguese Minister al London ha* failed in bis negotiation* witb Lord Ssh. bury for tb* settlement of the African Territorial dispute, and thai he will return to Lisbon immediately. The people in Lisbon are aMurnnirf a threatening attitude. The Government printing office at Washington is now engaged in filling oc* cf ihe largtit order* in its history. Thi* i* for 18,000.000 blank* for the use of tb* 40.000 enumerators of the elevenlb census, who will begin work ic May. Il will take 16.000 reams of paper, and twenty preeaes 'ill have to be worked twenty-two hoar* each day for six week*. Vice Prc*id*nt Morton, who i* visiting be Sooth, says it* resource* are being levaloped with marvellous rapidity. The ootlon crop now averages 7.0UO.OOO bale*. Che number of cotton mills in the Sooth en year* ago wa* 160, with 14,000 loom*. To day than are 14,1100 mill* and 315.000 ooms. Tba mileage ot railway* iu the South, which ten year* ago wa* lea* than JO.OOO, i* now more than 40,009. Tb* conference at tbe Chicago Emanael Evangelical Choroh, whioh oonaidtrvd the! miuiniry oniil tbe next general ornfer Tbe charge of "unchristian conduct" con- sisted of nu j er ms alleged slauderoo* aa- Mirtiou* a^airst his fellow 0111.1.10* There) were al*o many charge* of falsehood against {he bi*hop. Proceeding are being taken to extradite) Dickie, the New YorktmoezxUr. wbo i* in Montreal. If Chicago -nnol soon raise thi goar- antee fand cf ^10.000,000 th.. Warll's Fair will b> taken way, and probably givon to New York. Arthur Orion, who became well known the Ticnb -rue claimant, anuonncts thai he will oonte-i tba seal in the Hjnae of Common* for Stoke upon-Trunt, made vacant by thi rvaigoation of Mr. W. L. Bright. Home Ruler. He will ran as a Home Uuler. The Czar baa received a ihreateninK letter from a woman who sign* henelf Tcbebnkova. The writer aays that anise* he moaine* his reactionary policy he will (bare the fate of Peter III , Paul I and Alexander II. A copy cf the latter wa* sent to each jf the Ministers at the same time. The mail :rrier between Smith ville and Sparta, Tent easee, reports that a barrel wa* found d ating down tbe Caney Fork River and 0*3401 at the mouth of Indian Creek, coma rung a live baby about a week old. It had doated sixty or seventy miles, but wa* in good condition when found. Robert Graham, R Wright, lame* Baines, Joatp.i Little and T. Power* wer*) arrested on Friday night a* the thieve* who broke '"to and stole goods from tb* .**. lence of Bishop Lewis, Kingston. Th* silverware stolen wa* found in Gra- ham's room, in the oven of the move, melted. Advice* from China state that tbe ab- origine* of Formoia offered so determined an opposition to tbe Chin?*e troop* trying to quell the Formoea riot that the Chinese commander, after 'JOO of hi* men had been led into ambush and ail but ten slaughtered, gave ap tbe campaign againal tne rebel* and opened negotiations with them. A Lisbon correspondent says Mr. Mag- mac, aireotor jf the Delagoa Bay Railway, ha* been ten day* Irving to effect a settlement jf the railway trouble. H* bat) salufied himself that the Portugese Govern- ment i* determined al whatever cost or hazard to keep the railway and it* land*, and to exclude England entirely from Moiamhiqae. The company claims 1,750,' 000. America's claim on behalf of tb* McMurdo e*ttte i* 760.000. In view of Portugal'* deliberate attempt al forcible confiscation England and America will in- sist upon ample compensation for their oat- raged citizens. A BAILWAY M .M t.HTEB. Many tVi-tvo. Killed ad Woaaaxl Ba- |>rtr I>eall AooumtuodatloB. A BoffaJo despatch of last night says Train No. 13 on the Lake Shore, from th* west, due in Bn:Talo al 'J 10, and running very fast to mak* up lost tims, broke in two near Hamburg about 8.50 p. m. Tb* Front part of the irain.eoniutinf of engiae, tender, smoker and iwo day ooa **)**, icki) brought to a standstill. The aalf, composed of five heavy Pullmans, came cu duwn the grade and crashed into the second day coaoh. Tb* Pullman being the heavier, lifted th* day ooach into th* air, and they now li* one on top of tb* other, and bulb having teleecoped tb* ore* day coach. Both th* oay oosxtfaes and th* Pullman were full of passengers, and th* oss of life and limb is probably very greaL Ten an reported killed oatrtght. A wrecking train with a relief parly of surgeons soon left for th* scene ot tbe acci- dent. Tbe lailway authorities and em- ployees refuted any information whatever to the press. No reporter* were allowed on tbe train. A Hamburg despatch of thi* morning iV* : A* near a* oan be aeoertamed at this hour (3 a. m ) 10 were killed and M Djured in the wrack near Ba\ view Train had eleven ooacbee, three betggage*, tour day coache* and four Pullman*. Tt rain parted some mile* watt of Hambnru, at tbe coupling between the last day ooa* a and th* flrat sleeper. Tb* flnt nation went on ahead and wa* (topped by tb* conductor palling the bell rap*. Most of bow in ibe last day ooach were warned in ime to leave, but tboee in tbe flnt Pullman had no warnin, and th* oar* talwcoped ith terrific force. The Pullman wa* completely buried beneath th* other oar. An *ngin* was despatched to Buffalo for aid. aad brought along J. E. Minnie who had hi* arm nit off. It WM two BOOTH and a half before the relief train retvohed here, wrecking train came ahead, and work ra* beuun extricating Ihe impriaoued snf - erers. The bodies already taken out are tretched in a bagKage oar. At half pact 3 o'clock a relief train wa* made up, and en of tb* moat terioualy injured wer* sent to tb* hospital al Buffalo. Th*v will rsaoh here at half-pact 9. Among tba ic.ared ar* H. T. Jaeger and Geo. E. Allen, wsll- nown railroad men. Il was a lie olumn hay *eed headed. rb* thought that Wanted Mala*. ' wa* tbe matrimonial column for spinster*. To prevent th* small of cabbage per- eating tbe boo** while boiling, place lie clove a dib containing vinegar. 1'billippe Bouchard, the great Burgundy manufacturer, i* visiting tbe uneyards of California. The new King of Portugal ba* curly hair nd a very pretty moustache. M. Bartholdi visit* hi* ->ld bom* in Mo* once a year far 14 day*. Signer Salvini pride* himself on driving n* of the ftn**t team* in Italy. Tho Prinoe of Wale* prefer* pale ale to ham pane, it i* said, and the Prii bothers herself little as po**ibl* about be day's bill of fare. Sir Spencer Pocsonby Fan* i* to be- come Black Rod to Queen Victoria at a salary of 310,000 and a fins house. H* will have nothing to do bat draw hi* pay. Caatelar, ihe gpanish orator, will soon ake an sxtandoi Oriental jonrney, and tier his return will publish an eooount otT hii travel* and a " Life of Je*a*," in which harxe* against Bishop Bowman, ba* mnoh import*jaoe will ba givsn to th* de- rerdered tbe (olloiving verdict

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