Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1890, p. 4

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1* II E FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. i, 1'iii'ii > 'i 13vei\y 'Phui-wdny, IK n TUKOrnrc Ntv<-(, - - t'li-ilifi-tnit, Out. TI'llMS ot srr.S( Kll'TION: 1 IP IIM pr i v IP IP l> i! I -tru-lly lu ailvaui-v H >> |., j kin. i. IIP - iil'l. \l'\ On" r"luinn. I M r. t . . half col., i'o., - "tilt rhtirk-'-'I al tlio inu- (.. |>ur l|Uu I.ACII MilM"iurnt iiiM-rtiuu. W. II. THUKSTON. Minor anil /'r/<riefi<r. AS Mi MOCK. An K i'i i' I. u li n In en i . 1 ii ' - '! in t-.r retaiy 1.1 . -i. . I . , - Dot fp .x.-'.iu i! tU a li-l rif lUf iilliei <,|..ux\.- i: .il, .ttaiill n. U: it i P ., I'.el- !.V- m>J I. . ill' tile s..l'. . i - i i IP |IPI;|'P| of IIIHI..I/I Illl III. 'J no pin i oould nnt have taken . In -i . r m.-ii-m] offtangUnf tin ir X....I -,ir iu i infancy ti.nn l.y p!:ie nc in - Mm on tlio boanl. TI,. x ,u is HBld, rcftisuK tu act, iwlu, e.in I liiin Vi and il i. in,', at all i:nl,k.-|y that the fiiriniition of tin. u .- ii i. mi in Fli ln linn xvill pi-ox. . ...i 1 Uiat its firt-t lnt.iili will In . Kitlirr an elm tie i i ;.-ivi n lia or il will iiic of tl.e | wliicli is ut present in its ijtfci 'n. I the | i I. -nil n I. i:< il lu lias tin- w lfa:i of this lirnncli ot tin- l-..|i..,l j. AcKoi-i.itiun ut lii-art (|>iuxiiliii^, i.... that lii' has u lu art , la- \xill do w.l to i. -. 'ii .u once and not ullow lii* present-, tn militate against its KM. Hi Im I'li'iitnl |niblicity by j"!uiuj n 1'iililic n IPIIIH moxi ment ami tip ii nl tn Kraut lug desires. Any lun.ixvlu would i.'.-t nii'li r llie all. i lion* which have hem mud. a:. tlllB oiif (Illl ill" thf last f.'XV lll'illl I:S, and not utu -nipt to have iht* niai I.T nadc pemioan out of him hide, tal- "XV, horns iii.il all and then, but not ill llieu, did his ia.ag froid ri'tutn und he kit-came suffii-iently calm to HHilo^-i/rc to tin- c'iiii|).tiiv. This it tic .story goes to prove that small tribulations, are sometime* greater ilrin \. c.in In :tr xxith ( qiianiuiity, v Inl.- V.B can stiii. il up and fi^'ht suc- nlly the fjrc'utor tribulations with one hand unl behind our backa. Mr. Aliuuu'n hill le<;alizin<,' inar- n:i'.-i' t,-> a diciasiil wife's Bister's child lias Uroiiii' hiw. Won't Borne HU mlicr now intnxlucr a bill making it l.txvful to 111:11 ry u deceased wife's i H husb.tnd's ^i-.'at ijt cat-grand in Hlior and end the agony ? up, Jesei VIM to In- hy i-vvrx li Cunt until until hu cltuis his iikirU from tin imputations Su.-ii matters cannot, he rulied 14.1.11 to il,,. nut in thin uic of. rUK>n mil IKXX- |i.i|'ii:,. Kxny n. ail Iie!,>ie_.,u - lo tins blanch which )m 1. < n lutely I'm ini .1 lieu t-liuiiiil see to l ili.ii tin ;r ' p'liipiiiiioiih arc alu.vr n-pi Mch.otlii r- in their powtr for tfoj'l will U nulli- .-..l.uiid for this reason for wn Rood xve fell it our duty to point ut a big stumblin ill tin n path. block AM) MINISTER. It is il,i small worries of lift), not the Riiater tronhle:!, which tend to Mour a :. in'., diipontioa and in make him touchy, mtiosc, iindciauky. For lUMUnc v,i caiiilully In lu-xe ihui, iiad lU<W'|iilt .1 >iil. tiny \xpiill.l have iaor,o to answnr f>r in tliiin Inn: than til the oti. . i in., i uvunms world com- mi., i. \V. ! ue U o :,tatisiip--, at I. iiui, but venture to aflirni that more visfl" WOtil.s inidraiiL wn-keilni ss IIIIM i i u caused l.y tliui hltle I'li-n-d unit r i li.m by n'l t . iitiii i- II.PSIB of christen iltun put togi 'In i . l.ven mniiili ia of 1 he (impel an nut ulxvaya caliu and (ICv'l 1 Pill Will II > lllnK.pnto H Illl/- /,inj( ar.iuid. A ininistor of our itc- i|iininUnM was mi n,i.- occaMion iu th ack of sayiiK grace. V\e st on th iip|iosile a<W of the table. A tnos- quito with AD txtruoiilinarily bug ]>i iii'tr-U^i, ciMiie whistling along and lit Hijuan-ly un Jlev. Mr. lllank'a nose. (jrace BU>IIJ J U) the mnldlu ou thil occuaion, fiidipg witli a prolonged a- i-l.i xv 1 Tin- nijiiitui raiKod hi knifu uu4 shouted. 'KleKot f that or ill cut your tail off I;" Decorum was tin p;wn to tit* winilii, a|i'! t'utl IIIIIIIH i, i * a, miuderer at h(,art d.r about forty, -.tfviuili.. Ilagardlesi! J what Uioae aroand l|i t*bl would ||iink h actually amsajiud.cha^ ih it)^ blood tttfUcMtto, a, oru. Tin London Advertiser says : "A new weather profit predicts three or t'.ur cxcloiied an. I sevt-nil cartlnmakes this month. Our oxvji Wi^/ius n.ust look to his laui-eh." Now, CUrk, what land of a hhtm.<d fool is- it down your way wlio deals in weaUier and makes u "prjlit" om of it ? Of course il is a " new ' profit, for no one ever heard of weather profit*; before. We liud u siispi.ion Ihat weather was a ilrn^' on the market this past winter, but il appears fion- liie fj'eivjlux liiui soiii. Inidy down aroi.nd London hac l>e( II tKiillj; it tO!l:lx.llll-e hi- peCiMli.llV inteshU. ]',ut hi-p. 1'. imps the individual nt'ennl ID ruin aw -idm'll. \Vi- leave il t') smile Oilier eratf luelilhor of liu I'm .ii Ksiilelo insinuate thin it may be the Adve-r- li i nself wlncii |"ississcs in. a piof'u. ublu pumping Mr. Charley liykert, the pugnaei- OIIB incmlicr fur Line-on, is in some- xv hat of u iiil. iniiia. I'.viilince has Ix-i-n brought forward of dealings iu tnnlier Inniu xvhich Mr. liykert is aliened to h.tvi tiecui.jil through cor nipt means The (iluhe one day hut week dared the (iovi rniiunt to Kiibmit the <pn stion to it connnission, saying that tMr John did not dare i Mr. lixkert's iloin^'s becaust- the latter could make it hot for the (iovermneiit should it pinch his corns. On Mon- day Mr. llyl-crt'H case was suhmitu-t: to the ('oiumiilei- on 1'rivilegcs am and Elections, thus choking the Globe H insinuations down its own throat. Itlaixn^iil ever, 1,1111. l.n , i m an cany passage. to is, how admit r As will be nolk-ud elscxvhevo, l>^ Hunt has decided to Hitcrilirn liitn on the altar of politics in tho K. Torn inU- rents ax the coming election lor the Lctfitdatt.iic in Centre drey. \V say hacrilici advisedly, for the ma joi'lty of his own aup|K>rtfrn consnle il a forlorn hope tlntl he will he elect 1, t'.jil it was only to piwent Mr Hoik4''s election liy ncclamation tha the umx.nli PII di ciiled to accept of l>r limit a their champion. I'r. Hun is not well knoxvn thioiighout the nd iii^', neither ii he intimately ac.|uaiiit ed xvith tin; pi-rswiiel of tin- (l.clms but the sani. r, 1 ill nil i.i wiU not l>ea repetition after the ne\t election, am we fear that in the casu of. the gom Dr., at least, IIIH coming acuiiaintaiii- xvill not prove a happy one to hiiuaell Mr. Straith and Mr. I'.rowii. of HoUtein, culled up MI in bright an early lust Friilay in. n HIM,' ainl uied la conxinrt- ns that Kipial K -MM wu the pi;,' upon wh i'h ilie Well n D of ihi i-oui.ny liiiir,'. Wo we'i' glad to nice !,'t n . i, but iliey d d not BIIC at i il in ni -.1 ; mi oxri .ilninii mi (tntlMixiaMii iu our breast upon ib quuJtion. On thu very f.n-e of it thnr is HoiiU'ihing v> peculiar about Ktrongtr itatioaahty or. sect iu tin I> uiiniion di Handing equal right With the weaker. W* believe in eijual !.,'bii, most rvrtamlyt, but ai not assured iu our own n ,wl that th gravity of thu Ritnatiau deiua ls a organication of the character \vhiel these guntlunifii reprusent. to, over eome the machinations and truapaiHc of a weakvr ohuroli or nationality X 4 ttr, tpind.it uTon of kbkurditf. "Too .<MM| to l&arp." "the Eilitiir uf The Aiinnre. .SIR, ^ notice in tie lust imu of our paper, uuder tilt Leading- of 'Markdalu'i Latect Newii," au item luobed "too (....(! tu l.<i p.' iu w'u'eh it Is alleged th.it on tbe pM-vioiis Salilp.u'i . ig. after Divine itrrrice, a > IDIIK Inn r''nt" iik np au- In'e-ci xe aWiiade 'va llie Jleps of a < 'i i ,u h liere, In- tlie lie'p o! two l.ul" Couil>.i'j '.os, In I uly of L'tcuoiee uvo <leil liiiu ; 1-iat lie then. in ci.inp.niv w : th another gtat,fol'0*f4 Hem all .l : .T.'V to llie boifl't of I is fa . :i. , al tlie l.i-x v tliei) toot II flit. t.c., eic. Jl U not difficult to .1. te in'nc ,!ir i.l.'.r. v of the ''merchant' 1 rrfeired to ; iu fact the deseripti'.ii ii intenti.pii illy . .plic't. I hare known thi ^ I'l.-mui favorably 'or 8 uue yean, and feeling an interest in his reputation mil welfare, have taken tbe in.ul.li- to iin|uiri' into tlie fact* in Couuec- tinu nith thi Kcnrriloua item. It) ov. < t.. M) all right with IhiH oiu> e .- nt : .P,I i: l.iekt Hie g imrwliut llilji . P.I it e'i i)r\i'. (' U in ii'.t trut.' that lie tun* up au iate-ctp- tiv. M an" othrr attitude on the etepa ; it la nol file '.hit he w;ii "avoided" ; jt '< oat t ue that he directly followed the"hevy,"or aiivu p.l . . 1 . , it i not trim that he at- teinp'.pMl I.) force hi* pri-oence upon any p.-r on, and it is p<|iially (!-. that tlio^th-.-. rac-s" or any imrno'i else treated him L Man' uuurtesy. Il ii true that lie ealli-d tit the reideuc of in intimate ao- <|u untaiK-e on thi" oveiiini; in qniNti'ii, aiul it in further tin' that, .n he eutereit, n e.-r tain piuld.be literary lackt-y wa milking tl- exit. Thi-. wniiM be literate oi\f LOCI umu- IP- ete , n aU.. u iiip.M-li.iiit, (withoaL t lursi a vendor of hrtin aud pewter goods) and cew ^awi. K.it why his interference aud dintortion offi !.- l.i't ma explain. A i.mple of i n' iii-rcliaut all. i leil In had a .11.' i. i- ! -~ t 01^ u'liou w.tli thu l.iek. v. ia,tueco.i . of wuicu the "uiercuaut" al- :'..'l.u-i uliow that the larl.y . i.til.ly mean. The i an. ihea forcibly exprewtud UK . -id hai iiinc^ uot only i in li: n. hut liin trans- I i t I . ; i ;e to, an I >-\. :en>-.l hit i i.l p i- I ill'. -i iu I.ix.'r of a .' ) hit H .red upou tbe I i ; H wan mOMikle to itcu e I jv te.u u of . Ue Kood will of the . - . Iv fp'elini; the pluck .i ii it in kelii-xe.|, i i n i.'i.' merchant) partially I, i t Ai's ;-iin mi'anx of Tenting bit . i of -''. i ii a to plaoe bu former IPIU..I 'i an iiiiriivi.tl.lff li^lit. Of all mean claK^ea who infont rominuui- tirs the .ni.piiMiH'*-. and unprorokeJ aailer of bin character u the mokt contemptible It would uot be nurpriking to nud boyK, or Tii'iii.' men. rivU in mutter* of coartnhip, m:ikin^ or ex. n |.i;n!in- unfpiuuded ttute- lu.'iitu diiH-rvdiUble to cacli other, hut when men advanced iu Years, head* of families, iiii-n who liare by vome hinik or crook at- taiiu'l | ronnii. ni-e in rlinii-h.Mtlibath .-h....| UP J other moral work* rexort to tucb prac. t'. it * tun.' to rail a Ualt. The -'iiixteliaiit" nought to be def un.-il K v.f !l known in and about Mi kilale. and hit youth aud early manhood were spent aiii..nK us. Ho never wan kicked out of empl. ) in MI! I. .re, iu King Htrt-ut, Toronto, or eUe- when-, but on the oontrarv, upon leaving the rillnge rnrried with him the bigbeHt ri-.-ppiiiiu. nplatiou* 'r.'iii hi> former employer who is it IIM Im,; p u/.i'u. Though young in yearn be la the pittpriulur -j! nil honorable an I 1'ioliiulile liunueKK ,m.! il. -. r\. - innoli cre.lit for the >ucctii he '*n already at- tained llu iloei. not proclaiBi that IM> il better than other men are, doe* uot 'r rv pret nee makeloiiK praye's, doos not pin ten.! t.i oratoiicully educate hi* fellow tuor- taN HI niatturi ecolrs'aKtii-al.or in any other way to t.io lre<|'iently wit-Id the iuipleiu.-nt relerrnl to in .liulK,--, I.'i c. and l.'i v.,l.ul he rl,i:mi lo have K. pine respev-t for the UoMen Iliile IPI| tin. ninth eouiuiandiueut, aud triet to act upon their teaching. 80 far m fori'in.,' IIM |.reeiu:e upon anv youiiK la. lien ii conn-rued, the lacky il re- minded that inch in not at all neceafmry. YOUIIR men, Holier, intelligent, t'.hii-atid, 111- P--IJ,-. In', entrp. uing anil nuccesnlul ucuallv tin I no ilillicully in procurinK a helpnntte, aii'l t.. relieve Ins apparent aniiety as to at leant a portion of th "bery," it It perhapi adviiable to remiiul the aforesaid lancti- in, .n, p. ii" lackey that thu "merchant" Imi no deaiie to become intimately atiooikted with Im |p\ aujr pripfltaa of relation n hip. Yonra truly, FA1H 1'LAT. the i and the Dominion Government, even, as at present constituted, mixlU never have li'itn orgamzfd. 'townits existence to th. far- .siirhti il military geuioti of the Duke of Wellington, whrj dtvisuj it ad a military nu-ahtirc sulisi >pi( nt tu th. j War of iHl-J xvitb the I'mud St when KiiLrland anil Canada met with rcvtT-v.s alon^ llic frontier (if \Vi-st, fruia the lack of facih- ties for triiiisporiin-^ riunitions from Montreal we-itwanl. The St. l.axvrtucc' was not tin n navigable above tin Uttt-r uy.ou ac count of the Lachine and otn.r i:i|.- ids ; but vessels could pass up Ottaxva HIM-. .1, !\ as the -it.- of the city of Ottawa. The rinlcau (anal connects Ottawa KixiT at this point wi.li Ontario at Kingitou. It xva* the >;reat public work camt'il to cotnple- li >n in (an, ula W.'st ; it is one hun- dred anil txvetitv-six m-les ri length, and inclndi-s forty-si M u >IDIH.- i ixveiuy-four dams, and as many re^i.- luting wicrs and xxiisie xxiers. 1'iarty- three of the locks ascend fi.jiu the Ottawa lli>vr to the level of tin- country to the southward, :unl four- teen from J.ake Out.ui i ut Kia^-L'tu. The caual is eighty feet wide at the surl'.ice, sixty at the bottom when in earth and fifty-four when in masonry. 'Of the one hundred and iwetiiy-six miles, however, one hundred and t*>n wuro more easily |i , ILII. .1 along the cor.rse of two rivers, the iluleauat the Ottawa end, aud the Cauru<nii above Kingston. The unyincei wlio directt-il the coiistrnction was th locally crlo- brtt.-d Colonel' Illy. The cost was nearly three millions of dollars, At tins time, 1620, the pivsuiit site of the Cauadi in c:i[-ital was a i!- swauip ; and Uie noble rid^'C or blutf, where the hands p.m I'arliauu-nt linildin^s now stand, was cuvei. .1 with a thick growth of hemlock and pine. When ct.nleJiTati m \xng under di- cussion, and the iiiiesti.ni of locating the l)oiuini:>n (\tptial agitati-d provincial feeling wau-d Montreal, Quebec and Toronto t.ul. claimed the honor, and a dtcisiun by the proiil.. tiec'ilni'i^ iluixissibli', the matter xxas refci-red to tie Quceu for adjudication. Her Majt.-ty, through her counsellors, look cpyin/ance of tha military situation of Canada and st> lected Ottawa as the capital. con- trary to the wishes of the Canadian people, largely on account of its position with n I'liriice to the Canal. Youth' t t DR. C'ARTEK, M.C.P. A S . IINT. I'IMMM \V SI R<.LO\, Ar H.KSHKKTiiN. Oftco, StrIV block. Reuldenc*. J. G. RUM!'* J. A II IM .vi-.e (anal. the lant. quarter of a cen- tury ruilwaa have hi'_"-Jy mipersi 'V"l raimUas. a means- of transportation. Yet oertatB canals like the Krie in 1 1 .* Htato of Now York andithc liideau in Canada, still do a considerable busi- nt'Bn, and xvill al way remaia lusti ni- l-all v iiuportaut. The It ideaiii Canal, for example, hai Agurtd largely in Canadian politics. But for the Uidcau Canal, Ottawa Jwould not bo the Capital of Canada Ilev'ina, N. W. T., had a big tire early on Saturday uioriiiii^ that duatruyed a whole block, Tcnsorial M- nfi.c t M(Vf ' . i . D the liii>ne o( >n-. . .. i l \ * 9 ,IN< < IT. n i ,4 - > i M,..> 01 1 1 lock I , y. i do it m tu* a . U.-inber of the College of Physician* n. SurKeon>, Ontario. Ruqub-e at offlc* ,one door east of Uriw itor or At*-iiitim' llrt< 1 1'rK-unili'. NOT 1'j. 1-^ DRS, SPROIILE & EGC MAKKlJALE (XT. Ofttrr : l.i:iirv > Dnuc Store. T.S bl'l:OU.!..JI iJ.i-'r. AM, IS K>O.M.l)..etc late o? Tottenham. Our Dr.F.go will be found t \IarkdtlaHouieat ~J~P.OTTEWELL, VKTKRINAllY SI RUEON. (Graduate of Oiitario Vet. (.'i.llegr. i;::-.tiii:M K o.\ i m I.IM.XVOOD STKKKT bixtbDovr K.t ,.i r, i-.i.ut-riao Church. njEBHKRTON. mmmm ^*^^^^^^^*^^^^^^**^^^^m^m Jcntiotry. J. P. il A HUH ALL, L. U. S., DE\TIKT Visits JUrkdale the 1st anil orU \\eilrn- day of each nioulit. Fleiherton eacli trip on thedjgr followin-j. CiZOKs mm MtlOKK'K <.i:oi M. KI.::sllKUTON Tenders Wanted emliUK wi'J Iwnwiyml l.y tho nndtr- for th en', 'tuni of > brick uch.Hil IIIIUM In 'ii N.' 4.1. winliip of Art ..... OK, ni. ti. tin. .'.-ml uiarcU. ii.. Put-further parttonlan applj to -.i Lndlovi loti Illl >n.l linl.lil rani{ <!4t. '.\r- i. in. --.1.1. hru pltuiancl i>ci(li'tu>iiii inr l>c -.-. n Th loWMt or toy tomler nut necouurily X'l>t'll ,Ko;iCiK I.CHl.iixx runs in i i.u TBI KTEII. .l*MKS Mil .-ON IVoton HUtiOti. Mu-rh 1. r(WO. FAIIMEKS! IMI T.BLAKELY, Flesherton, Sells the best farming implemunU m.inu- facturtnl, inuluilini; Kmnf/ord Liyht Sttrl Rmtrr aiul Mmrrr. Ttirtsfttri. J. ir. It<irri*trr, Solirittn; -rtftinecr. o f , N T[,I i: <t nv C'\\ : N Ml Mi OKFICK. K. -i ten P McCULLODGH, Barrister, Solicitor, $c. Offlrr, over McFurlnntlVs Sio ; -r MarkdUe. Money to Lwnn. (tarrts. John W. Arrastpong r . Co. GKIY niVI-,l()N ^ " "" CI.K1.K. COJI:*S10M "'"' * A tul '" I'*"-' 1 Srs ;- 1 " MAKKU T< +tt et itr. Th* Waterloo Jfeeoy aiul Durand'* The good qnalktiM of thfie immlrmentu arf iintlini-iitlv known uow to p*ak for themaelvei, withoot any. extra wou|. f tne. Aii\l....lv ri'iiuu lit; miplfiuruti in thin Jine wi.nta do well to fxuiine mine K not already anqnainled with them. Call on m* and 1 will be happy to eiHibit til* good qaalitiei ol tb*i maohineii. T.i. KUKELY, i Vfeshertau MONEY TO LOAJS. The Undersigned has a Largu Aruount of Money to Loui at 6Jo ,. ON TOWS OK r'AKM I'KOl'KIlTV. b. W.J. BELLAMY. TWP. CLKRK *TI!likU. ,, / , u . TJEKJ>s " <! .11,1 pro^rly <K-ut^l. . p r ,,.r lu.urani-. iS.* J. Sproule, p091MASfKR,l-i,,|,ert.n,C,.,unii M ion. er in 1! R.. I i-rn^eil Auctioneer, Cou Teyanoer, Appraiser ami Money Lend, i lleal Kutate andlixii' t. Deed* M.'rtiraj;e. Lea. HIU! >V,il ,| ra ii up ami Valuations made on *liorV*l iioti.-^. AMI- tiou 8al> atteuded To iu any parr ot tin* I'ountT. Mousy to l.*u t lowest rates ol iutereat. Collvotiom attendej to with promptnru and denpatch. I tmr^fn low. . Cheap tickets from Hcunerttm to Liverpool (liuiKOw, I.ond, n or anv of HIP Britinh 1'orts. Tarties inteiulinK to vmit England Seotlanil or Ireland, will |.|,H,,(. K k ratetbp- lore |.erchsip K tlifir tickets t-lwwhvr*. Hub Thill V. I I IlKD T D*. ,. I88S . Of Internt tu exery Kutis -nan xvho THI8 ANTl KATTLEH is the BEST, li^auw IUt eBoctiv*. ,l m |.l, ewily adjuite.l. il.irt>lf. IIH-I|P,-II,IV. Thuror>. > i-n.l. to r the , . Thuror>. > proiecMutc or v.h ..loth. U "at7 KOUSALE AT Hoard's Carriago Sbop rURMFO J U-rmOo (IIKXl AM, otT. eou., towunhiu of Kuuhnu 0.1111.11111^ *i acre. Thi i pien,l d v h al.U. rtmltor farm W.ll HmUrJ with ml* "l hanl-Mdod, hemlock aiul c.-.Ur nilllilliltl 11 l milip fn.iu ll,., butl(nl vlll^j, ,,/ lu Oti. -. Valley where U.rro .r,. mil). , rton nu th < 1- K.whwthr It lt><k l uiri (or all kind! ol |.rHuo.. .4 tlmtMr Aprl> to R J. Hrripu

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