FLESHERTON ADVANCE, "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, AO1 MEJV.' VOL. VIII., NO 456. FLESHERTON, ONT,, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1890. W. H. THURSTON, Look Out! Armstrong Bros, to the Front ! Ill- Volunteer Orgauiftt. The tfret l>i church wus orowdud full uv hroatlrloath au' uvsilk, Au' smlius rich an rr.'am thut grows on our ol' liriii.lli-'s milk; Hhinud boots, bilou ibirU, stiff dickeys an' stove |>il> hats were thure. An' dooUH 'ith tronr I -xmit so tight thttr couldn t knael down in prayer. The Hliiur In liin ponlpit high, said as he slowly ru : "Our organist is kep' to hum, laid up '1th rooms, ti/.. An' as welfv noaubstitoo:, aa kmtbwr Uooro am t horu. Will some 'uu iu the congregation b so kiud^ to volunteer '.'" An'tuana rwl-uoMd. diunkttn tramp, of low touod. rowdy ityle, rM With their fine stock of Watches (Swiss), American Jewelry (Gold, roll and plate), solid 18 and 10 K. Wedding Rings, Gem Rings of the best quality .md IMS finest de. TtetM Tlinu tliro thut holy atuiocphero thoro crop' a An thro tbet air of sanctity the odr uv ol' gin. Then Deacon 1'urington lie yelled, his teotli all the house er God! W'y net ou edge : "This man purfane* ui|i ilulii t hear a word he said, bat -i' urhf.l 'ith tuinblfn' fo*-t. Au sprawleil an >tat!Krd up the sttips, an' galuud the ortuu si<ms Clocks Walnut 8 day and 24 hour, Nickel alarm H< > tu.n w.nt pawur tim/ tn keys, ** ^ ^^ ^ thurw I-OMJ a ntrairi and time. Watches adjusted and isochronised. I'AIXTIMi, T1UMMINO, HUK>K:iHOEINO, WOOD W011K. FIRST PRIZE LCMBBB. LATH. SHINGLES, WHEREVER SHOWS, FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hcard's Carriage Works, FLESHERTON, ONT. LICK'S LAND KOLLEKS MOWI IIS. UINDKB8. PbOWl Our Bumes th IVst. Our Kleiehs thu BvC. Oir Cutters tho Best. Our Iiu|>rox.-il Harrows the IK-I. Our Patent Cato Thu 15t. Improved Spnni; Tooth Harrow the Best. STUAW IM'TTKUS, SCl'KKl.KHS, TL'BNII' UHILI.S, j ji 1890! That M!IIH to j<wt bulKout tbo heart, an' lactify thu brain : AU then hu xlapped <lown ou tbo tbinij ith baoiln an' bulan kueo*. H slam-daxhrnl bis hull body town kurflop upon tbu keyi Th orjjan roarod, ih uiuiic it want iwoepin' iiicli au' dry. It iwvllail into thu rafturt an' bul^td uut into tbo ky, Tbu ol' cburcb nbook an utauiierrd, an' Miouiad to real an' iway. in thuuldvr about*d "Olory : ' au 1 yelled out "Horray I ' An' tben he tried a under Mraio that mltd in our uara. Thot brouKbt up blwcvd niomoriw, and drauchud em down ith tear* : An' w dmaniud uv ul' time kitohen. Itb Tabby on thu mat. Uv liouiuau luv ail baby day> au mother, au' ail liiut ' An tlii-n liu iitrin* a.trak uv bopo a won fron ~iill luri Tint burst fntiii pi ih. in bam uv (in, an otottuad tbu uutuB uv htiaveu ' Tht inorniiiu utap. they iuui( toKolb.r. no noul Wll/ luft ttioli. Wo felt the univurMi wui aafo, an' Uoil wuz ou Iu - lnruuu ! An' then a wail uv doep leipair an' JarkucM .tin,. H^ain. An IIIIIK. l>lnc.Tn|>o hung on tba doon iiv all thu hoinus uv mu ; No Inv. mi lii;lit. u.i j.i>. no bopu. no HOIII;| of uin.t dvTitfht. Yu man -thu ti amp be utau^erud down an ruuled inw f..- intht ' Hut we knew he'd to 1 UIB story, tbo' bo uovcr Bpoke a word Au it WUF. thu <addunt -.tory that our oars bad over h'.nl . He liu.1 tol' hi* own life history, au' uo oy was dry thut >luy, \\"cn tliu old.T rotn a*' (Imply uid : "My bruthereu. lut us pray." OUR stock for spring is now complete. Customers will have the advantage of selecting from our magnificent stock of new goods at prices that make buying e>isy. The secret of au ever increasing trade is to buy right and sell right. Th?t is what we are endeavoring to do, and this spring have selected as choice a lot o( patterns as you will see north of Toronto, and as for prices we need say nolhing, as those who have called on us know we cannot be undersold. Markiialc's l.nle>l \fw*. i -nr on-, i 1-1,1. Have be tn cmpiiriu^ for sonic news <*f the first spiiu.; robin in thid section but have, f.nled completely in locating anyone yi who lias seen ono up to It's to be hoped tlicy will "nest soon. A few members of tbe A.O.U.W. visited the 13ro. lodge in Dundalk kst wuck on the occasion, of their annual siici'i i-, concert, etc. They report a hearty reception and a pleasantly -p. m evening. Likely the l>uu(UUk Ill-others will reciprocate at thcii first opportunity ou a like occasion here. L regret to chronicle the tact Uiat the residential portion of our village has live vacant brick residence* to let, all '.,' n1, substantial, convenient dwellings, also some three frame onois that ure in a fair habitable condition. TI , One of Mrs. Noble's frame houses I hose who are needing boots for the spring will do well to Wt)8 badlv damaged by fire on Sutur- t;ivc us a call. We have no old stock, no culls, but pair guaranteed to be the best of stock. Consisting of men's plow shoes, men's cordovans, men's low Oxfords, boys' strong leather bals, women's dull kid, women's leather lined strong boot for muddy weather, women's fine polished calf :ind French kid, women's Oxfords and slippers, Misses and children's in all styles and sizes. The remainder of our winter stock must go, so come along and save about 20 per cent. HIGHEST MA RKl T PRICE FOR BUTTERd EGGS : co-operative work the citi/.eus man- aged to save the bu .Iding. Mabel Math-ws has been some three weeks at Oraugcville. enjoying the hospitality of old Markdale friends. Mai'V are the pleasant times she is having at balls, concerts, parties, etc. The milliners have arrived. Miss Brcadner takes charge of J. Hill's s|>acious rooms and lovely Block, ad Miss McDonald has tbo management of W. J. McFarlaud's floral establish- ment. Both are pretty well known as artists in their hues, and when they open up fully your cor. will take a look into their separate bowers of ribbons, laces, flowers, boancts, etc. The social Tuesday night at Mr. McDonald & Evans oess. An extra pro. -nun was rendered by Misses rlichnrdson, Mc- .Nea, Benson, McFarland. Bowers and others. To all credit is due in con- nection with tho "oooks" for makiug this flist social at Squire Lyons' a good ue. ANON. Pnreville. From nur turn (Jormpumifit. The public school entertainment heH on tlio 14th was not so well patronized by thy puople of the section .a it should be. TIio object in view was to incieaso the number of volumes in the library, and I think n few Julian could not be spent iu a bettor way. That new scheme of our Council oblig- ing the ratepayer* and others ID this division to pay their statute labor in cash at tbo rate of 30c per Jay, in raining <|iiitc a Sturm. Cold iu head is tho common ailment just now. Quito it number of fat cnttle and milch oowb were sold on fair day, and at good prices, one fat cow brouuir Mr. R. Oliver ha* been im|>ortiii^ several livu animal* lately. H M deter- mined to keep up the high standard of in* Hocks and herds. Mr. .l.ut. Krander has succeeded lieyond tho expectations of a ^reat many, in fill- ing tho mill yard pretty full of lo^. There is a nood dual of grit about J. B. A laqfe amount of ice Una been packed by tho jiartieu in this vicinity lor dairy purpiisra. That menus butter butter and more of it. Mr. \\ . Conkey has become quite a boot manutacturer. You may tind the immlx-r less imprint* of tits handiwork scattered over the Nor. Western prairte* and away over tlie Rockies down to tho Pacific count. That "new hat" is to be laid aside, be- iiit: a mistit. ior tight) tho relatires de- clare. \Vluli! in C'Jiif.ib the other day witli a witty B. V. Belle, wo were informed that "Mr. Ijee. Haw ' is jm-panir,' for the erection of exteusivo out buildings. Let Sinsjhainpton wnlve* and r'ever- iibaiii liears growl and tiaht. for Us their nature to, but Marktlalu folks sli"u!il never lut their an^ry passiom nse, etc. It is said < ]. otter will l)e asked to t.ilu- the ( 'oiiiiniDsionership of the North- weal Mounted Police. Three boys of Carmen, Man., started nut heavily armed to form a desperado Han;:, and an: iu>w serving thirty days in tne goal. Anvirit T<> IlormtR. Ar rou disturbed t iiiKlit tin! brukuu of \..ur n-i l>v a tick child mifTurini.' .ni'l . rvmg with pain l Cutting Ttu If sosMUl ut .JIII-M aud et ahottla 'tin. Win- lows s.,,,tlmii; sj.rup for children Teaching. IU rrnlu* H 'in ukulat>lt> it will reli,. tnr jiuor llttlu auffcrcr miuidial)t Depend ujiou it. mi.tSiivs tboro m n.i nnMKe about it. It DniM DvMutWT and Diurrlmn. rvi>uiats the h mid !k>. i- urs Wind Cob, SDfktts hirtamatinii.aiid m*>> ii-m- HI. i . iirruv t., thu wli..lo i.vi.t<- ui. "Mm. Win- -.>I|IIIIK Syrup ' for children Uu-timi. .- plfunuiit ;.i tin- taUt anil i> tho |irmu-rii>i:i>.i "'">! ' mid bun: fcmilu phyhiuiaiiK mid niirnfH in the I iiitud sui,alld in "for ulr InmijenU thn.iiKllout Ibe world. 1'ri. twantjr-Bva oaots botU*. lie <ur and atk for Mii. WINW.UWSSYIICP. 'and take no kind. nmmi mm T.BLAKELY, Flesherton, Sells the best fanning implements inanii- facturud. including Brunt '"fl /..,,, - >,/ nid .S/.ci',rj I'll' 1 if 1 q :ialitir of III. 'Be nil|ilt<inriii< ill.'-l.-llll.v kllouil ||,. . .,. f,,|- thanuilvi-i, without any i xtr.i wi.r.ln frun ni' 1 . An\ b,nlv rf.|iiii u^ iiii|ilfiin'ii tins IIIIM wuiil.l dci well in .'viii^m. mine If nut alll.lMi^ I with th. 'in. Call .;n in* niul I will be liii|>jiv i<i exhibit tho goorf .(llllllllfH of llll'He -'. . T. A. Ki.iki:n, Fleshertou. Klir.lI'Vr ' II r. I'. K. Preston's contract for the Dunti-oon and Maxwell mail route expirs on the Slit iiMSn after which 1 1'.. l.inley takes the lines uiul M) to holl them for the next, tour \ ('. Little has secured the survie. F. W. Mathers, of Clinrchill, to tik. charge of his blacksuiitii shop for the luie heiiifj. NVe are sorry to have to M i '..it that Charlie has lost the use of, the eye that was injured a few wteks ago. Wo arc sorry to hear of tho serious illness of Mrs. T. r.iuwun.l.;.'. The I5aud of Hope secretary reports fifty-seven members on tin roll. Ownif" to the open winter the rab- bits are so numerous throughout the ( xwamps along the 12th line of < tapiey that two of those cunning 1 little "creatures had the- audacity to I conic and slyly take a peep through the windows of the little church i I'roYiJencej during the divine servi- ces a couple of weeks a^. Itii'inv .11.1 \.m think the KIMS WM gnieo, Or .li.l ><>u romctu MNI your >|II<MII, Kor wbilu iiaopiuij throiiiih tliu window yaue ' >i< plight 11)1. >n \.MI ".haunt. kiinlx-rlcv. (LEAKI\(i SALt; BY AUCTION ON March 27, 28,&29, VI i I !CM>0> & I \l MM.- ALL LINES OF SILVKllW.M'.i WILL BE SOLD OUT. Musical goods. Violins. Accordions. Etc.. will be sold. Gold tilled coin Silver Watches, genuine Anier can movements, fully warranted, be ottered without reserve. From vur uioii Sugar making is the order of the day. Mr. Haiuuioud tapped quite a number of trees last week us also did Mr. Trumau Burritt. No doubt these gentlemen will give the young folks a taffy pull soon, especially Mr. Burritt, as we think he is quite a ladies' man. We are to have * new blacksmith in this village shortly. This may make things lively for a while. Mr. J. Magee, jr., has moved out of the village on to the farm lately oc- cupied by Mr. E. linker. Wi. are pleased to l<-arii that George Burritt is recovering from his recent attack of la grippe. Mr, Dunlop, of Hentick, preached in the hall on Sunday evening last, as also did Mr. Moore, of Hoathcote. in the enure! i. NICKEL & WALNUT CLOX. Roll Gold Chains, SeaUCun Buttons, TisPins.Er.:ch- es and Bar Pin Stock must be r.-luced, aul ;;iUis a rare opportunity for nil to p 'ocm-b nn goods at auction ;> icec. Come prepared to s bargains in these In :. The new C. F. K. transfer ste.vn-r i* expected to bs) resdy at Sarnia on April L TERMS: Sums tj 814, cash ; abov- tha:. proved notes, months will. >r. U est. A 50 per cent, discouu.. W- A. BROWN. JCWELSK, M\:'\ vi i . i