Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1890, p. 3

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Th Princeton Tragedy. (Woodstock Htaaaard.) The following lir.es were written in memory of F. C. Benwell, murdered in tbe townkhip of Blenheim on Monday, 17ib February, 1890 : Oh nad wai ttu fate of acallant j OUIIR tranger, Wbn cm tn ti ir orimtry from OTer tar a, And uuv r & Dioiueut vaa tuiukiiiK uf Januvr But in ipirit* UnUt-beaiUd wu juviiU lad fre. Bv promiitt fair fn ui bis borne they allarcd biiii And to'ti him tbe Ian! w.ili richw did teem, And a fortune awaited lum ttero Uii y auured him, Ard ttinw fields 10 far duUnt ware alway to (rreeo. Bow a father's and moiber's sflaotioni entwined him, As ibey bade him adieu ; 'tea* in kiodouu they planned ; With in- i.trn.-d aye* be left them behind him To tail by the aaaaum in a far foreign land. s dear Old England, be left it behind him. And its hc ru receded forever frtm view, Tmui silKbilv paoiiiK iL deck thai we And him, An*. ruM Uioucht* were, d^ar mutber. 1 aui tLiiikuitf of you. Then lua Uar moittentd eyes agair. he would dry them. And choke back bli feelings uf angnlah and pain, And make a reiolvu that new fieldn ha would try ihi-m Then try. if bs could, to be jovial agiin. But aunn. woold feelinxs of joy and amotkm Firtt etb. acd then How like the billows tliat rv- , " I will caive me a buoie far twyond ttee, eld otean." Asthvir eallant ba>4ue uiODiited too c rent of ttie wave. A parent's fond bcpta. chry were centred aronud Inui, But. oh, blighted bopta where nra they in-day '' The 0n.t utwi cf thilr son was bt>artruuaiuii, aecoundlnff, Wa> si ot by tLo man wbo allured biui away. In the " Smrop cf l>ntb." all rigid and frozen, Ob God, in u true, can it really bo so '.' A nii>rn dn uiai Luuot it could hardly be cboseu. Audi: in | all. u was aauglit but a uiauiio of snow. Oaapilx ofoldbnuhwcodwss thrown when th-y fuiiLii him, Anil on fiieod ouax in bis !at dying honrs : la afar dist nt 'and hu died, while an und him Blood tliK-kly the swaiu|>-wuud. uiusl d.siualof bowtrt. la th<- cold arnnf.f ili-'b at flnt we behold him The poor ycuni; uraiKi-r c\ciiihaiear; With no fond uii>ttit-r's uruisto enfold hioi. Bvmbi>d> H dmrhcfc is uow lyiug bere. Oh cruel wa tho bullet that so deadly was, To croli ( uthia Iifo on a far foreign shore. And erual wan tba fau> that >o bliadly did luad him. But ciuel Iht awa'sin a thuuaand timua more. 'Wswill wwpwitb thy Jcar oc in feeling* uf sorrow ; Thoea dear one* at home now vnabrcudod n git UIll, That loiaoe through tears we miht for them oorrow. We will weep for young Bunwvll, now laid n thu tomb. JOHN STEVKN Uff With the Llgnt Bracadr. Forty days, forty days, Kurty da-s onward . BtoruiiUK tuu cu'ir.-hcs' doore, K<HI the Kuur H ndred. " Off with thn hii'r brooade ' In aarkclulh now arrayed Let u - prt-i-arH f<ir death, Cry tLo Four H i:idrud. Off with the light br-oad*. On with ti.<! tailor made !" . Tbo' ery woujan knew Tb world looked and wondered Theirs uot to iuk- rvi'ly. Nor giro the reaicu why. Th-firn but to pray aad die , Ho to the uhurcbve higb Uuab tuo Four Hundred. t'roeeci to right of them, CrooMS to left of '.hem, OSosiss tn front uf i hem, Cruaws uunuui ored : Bouiiuoutxl by anleniu bell Mtxkly they walk, aud wull Hermans oa deai't aud hell Hear tha Four Handled. No morevith (boulders bare, No more with puwileted hair. No mor- In jewel* rare. Nor flowt-r-frucuuibured ; Hu- with meek, reverent air, ''tuidl; K i" NiUuT j r . MT. Far from tne ball-roum's glare, Kael iho Four Uutidred. tlone is the light brnoade, Houor tho oliangu the made, Never can word l-e said A womau baa blitudered. To avery church UMlay. Wb re til may knuel and pray, t'oiuo they iu plain array. Lowly Four Huudrcd. Taeat tiiftina*. A Mgh fvr CoaoUuit Kvader." Basinres Manager Browa writes as to etop bit snbscripticn to the paper. Editor Dear me ; that's bad! Bnsineee manager Wrll, what are yon looking so blue about ? 1 suppose we can get tling without Brown. Editor Ob, yes ; but I waa just thinking how hard it would ho on Smith. He was absolutely dependent on that paper. Mot UlvlBB Away Mewa. He (oantionsl)) What woold you aay, darling, if I should aek ;uu plnmply to be toy wife ? Darling (even more cautions!;) Ask rue and find out. An i i, u ii,.- * Queatloa. Bpriggs I'oLsonby, do yon believe in tbe damnation of infants ? Ponsonby Bqaiggs, >oa ought not to have asked MH thai quealion just now. A confounded little hrat just has hit mo in the ear with a snowball. The University of Pennsylvania will erect a theatre which, with a 925,000 orgtn, is to cost 1100,000. Something too English for Englishmen even is the sparrow and English farmers sure beginning to offer rewards for its destruction. The property of the Young Men's Christian Association iu Columbus, Ga., has been sold at auction to satisfy its debts. In China tbe man wbo lives nearest the scene of a murder is accused of the crime, and he moat prove bis innocence or else stand tbe punishment. Consequently, if be is innocent, be hustles around pretty lively to discover the criminal. The prayers of a wicked man amount to something when he prays for pardon. The canal aoroas the Isthmus of Corinth appaara destined to share tbe fate of that of Panama. For the civil tribunal at Paris has just leaned a judgment ordering tbe winding up of tbe Corinth Canal Compau y NICK FASHIONS AT MICK. What It Worn by th l-adlr. at tblt Coam- ing; Winter Bmort. Nice, at the present time, in full to over- flowing, and strangers have come from all part*, and naturally some ot tbo best drtheed wcrren are to be teen every day on the Promenade des Anglaiu. One or two costumes I noticed as being exceptionally pretty. Oue worn by a fair Ruttsian waa of dark olive green cloth thickly braided in the lame shade ; the bodice waa open in front over a w&utcoat cf white aloth with rows of gold braid narrowing into the waist. A caftan of green cloth bordered with brown fur waa get jauntily on the prstty eoft fair hair, which was worn in the most becoming fashion, namel} higb on the head. One's eye cannot at present get acooa- touted to the untidy and ICOM appearance presented by many who usve adoped the new fashion of wearing the hair low down en tbe neok ; and although it may suit a few, it ia probable the fashion will not be- come general, ss English girls in particular lock as well again in tbe old way of dreis- iog the hair, and are not likely to forsake what U becoming to many (or a fasbion that ia only to for a few. Araosg a group of American* I noticed one in particular whote dress of red cloth with bands of black velvet fitted most tx- qniit*ly ; tbe skirt was perfectly flat at * h * conulry on a ib* back and was snort, the bodioe was ' ***' tight ailing with high collar and fall sltevcs cf black velvet, a scarli t bert-t oap to matth was worn with this dress and Icoked very smart and in ktepitg with the OMtume. One peculiarity I notioed in mar; y cos TEA TABLE GOSSIP TIHK'H UP. Good-bye, Old Winter your ram it run, Yonrtiiue is up, for tbe spring ud ton Hae bowlrii you out Hure r-s a uun, And tiie l.:m bird* soon imu the noacbblows sweet. Tbe tumble bugs tnd Uie grul/ ill gruet, \Vhiln ilia hew born lamba m the meadows bleat; Then tlui baionull IT. nk to I'M., game will hie While tbe " kid" through a hula iu the fence will tpy (Jood-byo. Old Wiutur gnod-Liye Kood-bye. The heaviest advcrtiuer in tho world is a London soap man. A strtet car conduct' r, en $3 a day, hss been keeping two wives. Ibid speaks well for tbu wivta. Speaking literally, a jag means "a small load," but it has beta corrupted to mean a very large oue. AU advertisers want to be at tbe head of the column, but tha dram-msjor id the chap who generally gets there. The world is coining to au and. On this v<m safely may urpeud Our M. Ft, all, with rigui good will. Criud out, A darn Uruwu t Figouii Dill. lumen, namely, the amount of black uned A philosopher says marriage ia like a town besieged. Those who are outside wish to get m, and those wbo tie within desire to get oat. When a New York sparrow goes cff to tbe conulry on a toot, the village papers anr.uunce the arrival of " the first spring lobin." English snti viviceeticciMs are inter- ested in an sdvertittmeiii of " live fish, drtascd ready for cocking." that has ap- peared in ooa of the religious weeklies. Lovur Don't withheld your consent mixed wi:h color, in particular with red iher the c'cak or ountume was of red, tiimmed with black, or of red with either Lla':k astrakan or tome othur black fur used aa a trimming, the hi^b collar and full sleeves in msny caees btiog made of [ur, and need ia this way proviog most be- coming to tbe face and nguri'. The hat a worn at the battle of flowers were many and various, ranging frcm tbe large straw Utt bat trimmed with gar- lands of natural flowers, to the light airy looking white lallj or lace hat with claa- tors ot flowers nestling among the soft folds, and of whiuh the ahopa in the lead- ing street a have been full for tbe last week. Certainly the Frerch moditte is most daring in tbe comti nation of colors she uers ; but with it all her good taste r.ever seems to bs at fault, and However glaring a hat may look in the window with thne or f jar different (hades cf v..lvit or flowers pat together a a trim- ming, yet whvn one* it is on tba bead the colors seem vi blend tcgither, and the wonder is how one could evrr have thought the combination hiuous Large bats were moru generally worn than small ones on account of the protection iffcred by tbu Former to tbe shower if bouquets which on more than one occasion has been most dis- astrous to these wearing toques or small bonnets. Many provided themselves with palm leaf fans ai a shield, as a b.'ow from a wtll aimed bonqaet of roses or violets is to b.i avoided as much as prsiible, and in many cast* where only small head gear was worn and no fans were used, tbe recip- ients of the bouquets thrown came cff very badly. Nice (iiuttu. on account of my iuoomr. sir ; I can sup- Pater never ' port your daughter on 125 a week. Then you are a jim dandy. I co old. Barnstormer Did >oa see mo last night? My iinpureuia ion of Hamlet completely carrit*. tbu andioDoa away in the fifth act. Victim Y-.p. I noticed most of tbu people Itf I at that time. A man at Wimbjrue, England, CG years old, married bin 25-y.:ar -old servant a week after bis first wife d;e1, and on their way from the register's office tbe couple (.! peliei with rict, flour and peas by a mob. " Excuse me, sir, but haven't we met before ? Your face m strangely familiar." " Yea, madam ; oar bot introdaoea as to eaca other just before dinner." " Ah ! I was positive I bad it* n you somewhere. 1 never forget a face." A Danijuei was recently tende-ici Mr. T. J. Stewart, of Kinloss, on the occasion of U removal to Hamilton. About sixty of 11 . neighbor* and frieudd presented him with an address and valuable got i watch and chain London t'r<e Preu. Miss Timiditv (wbo has betn invited lo tbe piano) - Really, I think yon will save to excuse me. 1 rsr-.- y play in public. (eDCcurax't>gly)-L>on'l be afraid .1 ar, my dear. N uiier my husband nor m}self baa any ear whatever for music. Miss Minnie Leach married Lung Poy, " washerman," in Boston day before yes- terday. The minister taid his usual fee was 45. Twoee dolls th nvw," saul the ,'hmamao. Tbe clergyman did not fancy this cut in ratef, but ho look it all the Whit* Mar..-i. Ella Wbetltr Wiloox has written a poem about ' The I.iitlo White Htane." This is to suggest that she ought uot to have done it. Those little white hears* s belong to th list ot tbe intolerable appurtenances to civilization. They ought not to exist, and it is piling on tbe agony to write about them. AU nearly are disagreeable things, bat plain bla^k ore?, with au air of austere necessity about them, are conveni-nl, though ugly, and the feelings are not out rage i by their ne. Bat the white hearses ve a simp ring compound of paradise and sentimentality about them which is hattful. If tbere*is a baby to bo boried, aud it is too little to go in a bUuk hears?, carry it to its grave in yoar arms or aorosii your kueiu. Have as little of the machinery of burial in tbe case as you can. Mtku sure not to have cue of those detestable little, glaring death carts alwavs crossing your mind's (a<h as it goes back to a baby's grave. Wb-n babies die it ia lad en- ugh, without anything that tends to aggravate woe. There in no need at al|'of suon reminders that habits play inr the shadow of death as those hateful little h-arnpo. Paint them black, the odious things Union and Advertiier. They Acquitted Him. Gentlemen of tbe Jury," said tbe Arizona Judge, " if yon, find from tbs tetti irony that the prisoner (wbo, I understand, intends to set up a fre lunch at tbe coa clnsion ot this trial) really stole the barrel of 10 year-old whiskey (which it appears In evidence he expected to open at bis saloon this afteroooii ), yon will bring In a verdiol ot guilty. Otherwise, gentlumen, you'l! acquit him." In precisely two minutes and elevec seconds the jury were getting scqnaintefi with tbe contents of that barrel. An Idalgant I'urent. Mamma (looking up from bsr novel) Jane, what ails Freddy now ? Jane He's crying for the moon mamma. Mamma (absorbed in her reading) Oh well, let tbe dear have it. s> Pat hap* She Sue Ob, Mamie I I've a big secret for yon. Kied and I are going to elope Mamie Dots yoar mother know your route? Ahead of Her Tears. Mr. Bowne de Boat- Mus Oldnn like sixty. Miss Vinnie Qarr That's queer, says she isn't forty yet. She It's wonderful how maoh women stnnd autil you lee them doing it in a car where all the men are seated. We woold rather meet a man with wry fsoe than one with a rye breath. The preferred veil is a strip of tulle. Chioago carpenters have issued a oiroalar declaring they will demand, on April 7th, 40 cents an hoar and eight hours a day's work. They expect to have to itrike. Wsrden Keating, of Ludlow street jail, New York, has stepped down and out. Tbe Now York .Herald caught nm in a bribery ttap and he resigned under obarg< u \Vedotsday. Dtnnis F. Cray was appointed iu his place i enlerday Cray has baen a ket-per in tbe [ail under Sheriff FUck. t'u is a Tammany man. Hrreoomeaanotoerstorvof twopromin ent and wealthy hot honest Illinois physicians failing heir to a fortune ot 951, 100,000 lult lhm by au old baron in Ocrmany. lhvu> 61,100,000 windfall itories are a trifle bShv. although this latest tale has tbe semblance of troth about it in that the eorreapondeut did not say that the lucky men were work ing as section hands for 27 cents a day. Chicago Next. Yi-iH, WBATt (,'SB? Whtt i the use in woiryinf, Of bnnryins And currying, Kvorybody Hurrying And breakiLK up th. ir ru%t ' Whi u every oue in teachiug as, 1'reauumg aud uwaeecbiug ue To atrttlvdown and end tne fuss . Kor quiet ways are best. Haver Ctues Iu But Wife. In an Omaha church recently, Sam Joues shouted : " Is there a man present who never spoke a cross word to bis wife ? ' Tbe siienoe was beconiing oppreesive l*ople locked hero and there. Every baa band wanted to get up but did not dare to Bat the sadness that bad possession 01 Jones' face vanithed a moment later when a round-laced, good-natured man roee in his seat. " Thank God !" txolaimed Bam there is one man wbo never spoku a oros word to his wile ! " Tbe gcod-natared man smiled blandly and said : " No, sir, I never did. I'm a bachelor." 1 hen be pat on his hat and calmly walked out tbe door. A BILL is now before the New Yorl State Legislataru to oonipul tbe employ meat of women physicians iu tbe State hospitals for tbe insane, where women are oonfiued. The idea id a good oue. Bat in Canala there weald soerotly be enough o lady doctors to supplv the demand, wer snob a law in force nore. Tbe new French Cabinet will probabl; be : President ot the Council and Miniate of War, M. de Fre>cioet ; Minister o Foreign Fffaira, M. Constane ; Interior, M Bourgeois; Finance, M. Konvier ; Justice M. Brisson ; Commerce, M. Ropbo ; Pnbli< Instruction, M. Fallieres ; Agriculture, M Develle ; Public Works, M. Unyot; Marine M. Barbey. The young Doo d'Orkaos has forbidden tho circulation of a petition for bis release saying that a prison on Frpnob soil is pre ferable to freedom in a foieign land. Jadge Andrew J. Davis, probably the richest man in Montana, died at Butte Wednesday night, aged 71, leaving an sstate of upwards ot 110,000,000. At Batesville, Ark., the White River roee 33 feet in 24 hours, and all tbe lower part ot the town is flooded. Tbe output of wheat on tbe Portage Plains, Manitoba, this yrar is estimated at I 1.291,000 bushels. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Kincaid was yesterday indicted for the mntdar of ex CougrenHuian Tanltx-e. Lady Sttnley will leave for England on larch -'fiih, but will return in time to re- oeive the Duke of ( AMI naught in May. Tbe Consf-rvativea of Colchester hava bandoned a meeting at which Lord iandolph Churchill waa announced to peak. Owing to incessant rains the river has iverfiowed and mandated the town of Brie- lane. Auatralin. The damage ia estimated at 300,000. Twenty thoacund engineers iu the north. aetra part of EuglaD-i have gone on itrike. They demand a reduction of tbe lonre of labor. It ia now considered probable that tbe tlaniioba Local Legislature will not prats be bill for the abolition of churoh tax ixemptiona tbia session. Mr. J. Youlc, commercial traveller, while ourneving beyond Eganville, waa chased ly a pack of half starved wolverines. Ilia sat horse i.aved him from injury. The French gunboat Emerande has bom- isrded Abomey-Kalany, a village of Jahomuy, near the ooast. Tbo Dahomians were panic-stricken by tho attack. The strikn at tha As'aland and N arris ilurlev.Wid , **<iuclared off ytBier- lay. The 3000 strikers retornnd to work x ;ept tbe lea.lirs, wbo were ducbarged. 1 he five vcuug men who burglarized the wiidence uf the Bishcp of. O itario at Cirgatoa havn been committed for trial. OtW barglarits will aba be charged gainst them. It id stated that Prince Biamarok baa aske4 Or. Winaihorat to give bis support to tioliug fiuancial and military j.ropuaals, which the; Government will socn lay before be Ki'iuhataii- Lord balii-bury. in the House ot Lords Saturday, gav nutiai of a motion approv- ng of the Parnell Couimiasiuu'a rvpurt and banking the jud^s fir their jast and im lartial condoct. A boy name IL laita. employe.! in a paper mill at Ueywood, tin-land, was Irawu between the press and rulU-r autil lit body passed tbrcugh an op.:nin,: meas- utiDg four inchee. It is propoaed that the French Canadians n Kingbtou mett tnd adopt a oorgratula- ory resolution to Premier llercier, of Qne- K-I-. for bia prnijowd generous tfrani ot 910,000 to I'orontj I i,iv-r8ity. % 'r. Tnpper, Minister of Marine and ?iehen s, retort-n to Ottawa to-day from It is understood that his in- 'ormation touch irg the Bebring .Sea ar- rangemeuta is nut satisfactory. In couatquence of tbe maHiers avoiding a oireoi reply to th>- demands made upon them for an edvame in miners' wage., the miners' federation has resolved to imma. rliatelv inauguralu a sir.bu throi:^h ju> tbe United Btatvs. Mr. Jas. T. Loyst, of Hay Bay, adopted a ycuih from a city charity, aud tbu flrat thing bf did wan 10 liru tbe straw stack. Hani work was rtqunui to save the build- ugs. Then tbe )uuth tied and has not sinoa been seen. Secretary Windom yesterday executed a ease with the North American Commercial ompany, of New York and Sau Fran- cisco, for the taking of fur seald on islands o! Si. Paul and Si. George, Alaaka, for '20 years (rom May next. A number of unionists, armed with be- xirg pins, made a savage attack yester- day upon tbe non unionist employees on ;bu British steamer Bostoniau, at London. Tbe poiiue qnelled tbe disturbance and made a number o( arrests. JamH* R. Pole, wbo retiiies en Clarence street, London, had uno of his arms fright [tiily crushed while coupling oars in the Uramt Trui.k yard about 3 o'clock yesttr- day afternoon. He was taken to Dr. Moore's office, and it is qnits probable bia arui will have to be amputated jast above the elbow. Thursday ri^iit a tire boke oat in a building al bridge No. ti on tbo Peonsyl vatii% Hallway, six mile* east of Johnstown, Pa. Tbe building was occupied SB a sleep ioe] epariuH nt bv tbe laborers tm',eged in rooniicing the vivloci deutrcyed by the flood. Two men were burned to death and several were ii j tired. At a meeting held at Norwich yesterday of the County Bt>ard rf Directors ot the Sooth Riding of Oxford Agriculture Society, Mr. Gordon H. Cook, the Prebi deut, in the chair, it was decided to hole the fair permanently at Norwich. Hereto Tore it has been beld in rotation at Tilsonburg, lugerai.ll, Otlerville aad Nor wiob. Tho sessions of the International Labor Conference will b hnld in tha large hall 01 Prince B'smarck's palace, where the con grrsii cf 1H7M waa hilil. Baron Von Ber epsuh, Prutsiun Minuter of Commerce, wil open the prooce-liugs. II" will welcome the delegate* in ihe name of the emperor and will explain the objoota of tbe oon ference. A Porlagn la Prairie despatch says The man hi-id on suspicion of being mnr derer MaoDufl. wanted in Tilbury, Kon county, Ont., waa remanded until Monday 17th. E. Ferris swore be knew MaoDuf for five >ern, had been with him foi hoars at a stretch btfore the murder and that this man held is MaoDnff with out a doubt. '1 here was a great aenaation in court. Mr. O. A. Mountain, chief engineer o tho Ottawa A Parry Sonnd Railway Com paoy, assisted by Mr. J. A. Simpson anc Mr. A. H. N. Braoa, civil engineers, with a number of portagenrs and guides, hava atarted from Eganville, and will work their way through to Parry Bound. It is the intention of the railway company to com menoe construction as soou aa possible after the surveyors complete their work. The line will N- oonatruoied from Renfrew to Eganville drat. The Manitoba Legislature sat from Tues- day evening to yesterday morning, the I }y Kinoaid. lunceid wan ormmitted for ho grand jury. A tniH bill fur mur.-i. r ban h-t- n found a* the Wiuuipi-ti Autumn ti,"-";at Morton, the Miami mnrdcrcr. Mr. David. Porter, of Ainauel. was) cboien by the Libeiale of Norh Braoa to ronttst tho riding at tbn Provincial eleo- ioca. At a MI itii-:' in M nlr.-al juiinrday the Jrey Cotton Atoi Utinn iltunn- 1 to ad- ance priuc-a ic o run Ivht weight simple! if gooda. It ia DO*- kn(j*n .Sri p MOFIB Io.U their ives by tbeexjilcsi'in i. \.-u Mont colliery. An onlooked Uui|> b n.i- < li -UTJI-I: uf a workman i xi-luii H tbecx^'f'uioc. The plans for the proposed bridge over the B'- Lawn uc. from Ivjngai p nl to Mon- treal East, rf r.rt>rcts a hrn!j!D wry maoh ike that juat ccinpli-tt-d uvcr the Firth of Forth. Tbo 5cung man Jarxea M.iluio.-h, re- >orted in teli graphic de|itohes as being irowced at gpirif Lake, Iowa, ia supposed :o be the con of Mr. David Mclntotb, the veil kccwn cattle drcver cf St. Thomas. A wateraiout at I'llin, 111., nbmerged he tracka of the Illinois Central lUilway to a diptb of UvB ff No trains nova octne in on thai read since yesterday af tor- noon. The Ohio rivir continues to rise there. Tbo bcdy of Hjnland Leach, a New Tork drummer wtiu iian been niyvteriooely iebint! fur several Java. x*a dsl-.ed oat i tbo ri\L-r uinr Markut street, Chicago, taterday sfterucon. lie was no doubt murdered. Last Sunday the two year-old child of ohn Blunt, a farmer near Sfokton Ka*., oand a bottle of laudanum and drank some) f it. i'he ahiid i. mil Thu .mjt nay Mrs. Slant, crazed by the death of her child, rank the rest of the p JIKOD. She cannot eoovur. Mr. Blunt id prostrated, and hi* rienda fear he too may commit suicide, There i* BOW a strong probability that he divorce suit of Captain O'bbea against us wife and Mr. Paruell will nut reach rial before the (all. Mr Parnell has asked and obtained farther acd fulli-r details of he times and pla Jes of tbe alleged adultery, le i* entitled to three weeks in which to ylo an answer, and will probably aak for an extension of time. A fatal accident oocorred this afternoon at Keldou, a point niiio mile* from rihel- larne. Mr. Tho*. Appli-vard, wbo owne a saw mill there, waa reinovinK a tlab from a Off wbile tli . mill wan rui-Ling By some means the Blab touched the i-aov, and the old gentleman wsd 8 o thrown against the saw that both Itg* wire out off m the upper bird of the thigh. lie survived hU ojaries a couple of boars. The remains of Alex Brodie, Jan., aon of Alex. Brooie, of Kintyre, were fonnd after J o'clock Tuesday ; iitht on Ibe Michigan Central Railway track oue mile east of Etodoey, borribl) mangled. Oa the pet son of the deceased were fonnd two whiskey bottles, which no doubt accounted for the manner in which be met muba horrible death. His father is a well- to-do farmer. It is officially announced that tbe filing of Jahomey, accompanied by bis female war- riors, has retired to Lmua after remaining at Godemey four days and not daring to attack the French posts. The rat of hie army remains at Oodomev, where it i* noting fortiQcati ins. Daring ih<' campaign i thoosaud Dahomana. including a femalo ;t>neral, wore killed. It is stated the French ptives taken by the Uahomans are aafe at Wbydah. William Arnott, Belleville, was com- mitted for trial yeuterlav by Ma^nlrate "lint for tha murder of Hannah Cola on 'nbruary Hih latt. He look "lit decision of tbe Court with in tiff- renoe aud, seeing an old acquaintance in tb crowd ootside tbe rail, txtt-udt.il hi.i lian i for a friendly shako. lie wan immediately conveyed to tbe county jail, where he will await bis trial at tha Spring Assizes before Judge Ar incur. What is known as the Ellis jewel robbery case waa concluded in Montreal yesterday. fbillipi and Maloney, of Montreal, were) aocasvd of having won in a ga:ne ot poker 114.000 worth ot jewellery from Von Roinolt/., traveller from the Toronto ttrm f V. \V. Kllia A Co., not J. E. EUi Co., knowing that it did not belong to him. This vital point was not atabutheU by tbe Crown, and tbe two prisoners were acquitted. A my sterioos epidemic has appeared at Bolavonish Kt/tk and Freybt-rg, near DrenJen. Three deaths have taken place in two da> -i at KB/.- k and two at Freyberx. Those who have been attacked retired to b.-.! in good spirits, and slept in some nesea 20 to 48 hours. All effort* to awaken th patients wore unavailing and their tdiea appeared to have decomposed during !ep. Great fears are entertained that tne malady is contagious. A little fellow named David Alexander KjlliuK 1 , living on Anderson street, Mon- trral, was passing a butcher's atall in that neighborhood yesterday afternoon when ure of tbe men who wan chopping some meat missed his mark, and tbe ax* glanced off tbe block and hit tbe boy a> severe blow between tbe eyen. He bleoT profusely, and on the ambulance arriving he was removed to the Otneral Hospital, where the wound was dressed. John Lea, a Toronto man approaching middle age, tired of a world that bad deal* with him 10 unkindly a* to deny him even the shelter of a home, took a dn# of lauda- num on Wilton avenue <>n Saturday evem- ing to end his trnables. Sormboil saw hln> nwallow tbe drug, and told Constable Fsalherstone. Tbe constable led him off to- tbe police station, where Dr. Barns admin- istered an emetic, and saved hi* life. Lee is now detained to anitwera charge of attempt- ing to commit suicide Richard Wickett, son of John Wlckett, Orwell, aged 17, arreated some days ago on several chnrges of obtaining Mxxiu from merchants by faUe reprneentatfon, yester- day at St. Thomas pleaded unilty to three indictments and was r- iu%nded for a week for senttnw. On March 4th he obtained " j n -- * - * t_ I aw^uur. vn .n-it i! ..!! HH ooiaineu fiibjoot under ditcussion beiug the Sohooi | two |.tsrs addressed to Joseph Marlat* Bill. The long sitting waa oaueod by the effort of a French member to foroe an adjournment. An inqaest was held yesterday, at Wash- Ington, over the remains of < x-Conartsa- man Taolbte The jury found Taulboe's was due to a pistol wound inflicted and one ietior addreeaed to Alex Dougla from tbe Yarmouth Centre Poat oBoe. Tbn letters -are taken home by the lad and read and not given to tbo parties they were intended for. Post offioo Inspector Barker has to- n notified and tlvi lad will likely be prnsti.utrd on this charge.

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