Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1890, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTOtf ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. la published Every Thursday, FBOM THE Orrics Mydettham Street, - - Flathrrtvu, Out. Ti:ilMS Or ftl-nsCRIPTION: 1 per annum when irt utrictly lu advance fl.'xj nor auQutn ulieu not u pi J AUVKUTI^INU UATKS. One colunni. 1 year. *W ; ball col., do., *27 quartercol do.. * li. Transient axirortlwtm'nt- charged t the rate f 8ctv unrhuo for tint iiiM.ru.ni auil JcU. l>ur Liu otMjil ftube<|uuiit iuttwrtiou. . W. H. THURSTON. and Proprietor. A PLAIN TALK. Ill ancient times groups of human habitations were surrounded by a wall of stone and from that wall arose a lower, (rout which watchuicn warned the people of any danger. In modern times our towns and cities are sur- rounded by the wall of Christian civi- lization, aud in one of the towers of that wall every conscientious editor is in duty bound to act as wtttchmau aud fearlessly lift up his voiv against whatever ho believes to be adverse to ui- beat interests of his fellow ciii/uns. L'ditors lay no claim to infallibility, cither in judgment or conduct, but they are fully conscious that their po- hiuon gives them power ,and the abili- ty entrusted to them implies a respon- sibility |laid upon them. Of course some of their duties are unplcusaut. . -mid often be easy to let things pass in silence for the sake of peace. rather than raise a storm by a protest. Every evil has its advocates and every abuse some sympnthi/crs ; hence elear speaking often 1111:1114 much offending ; to strike right out from the shoulder is to wound some- body's iLu lin." idol. 1 In t let serpents and hornets sting "wo dare ho men far a' that. ' Now.it is painiully evident in inouc ihtl this cli^Lrio.t is too frequently invaded by tho arniU'S of tooth extractors, oil companies, quack doctors, book agents, shoddy pedlars, stump orators, ex -ministt T*< jcsuits and anti-Jesuits, astrologers. ootL'saj'crs, etc., etc., in ngiud to all of which we n:iy : 1st. That 1 Ir.siiri ton and district are fairly well supplied with clmn lies, pasloisjuicl gospi-1 privileges, it ml liiat tlie jMjople generally prefer to have devotinns led and their spiritual port of the people of this district should at least show themselves will- ing to support its institutions. Com-* mon fairness asks at least this much. 3rd. That Flesherton {is specially favored in the way of musical talent. The brass band and Glee Club are i a<-li worthy of the highest commenda- tion for their thorough proficiency, tin ir hightoned selections, and for the unselfish way in which they Iiave always been at the service of the in- Icrests of the district. Without re- muneration and often at great person- al inconvenience they have willingly, yea, gladly, come to the help of every good work. It is hoped that in future even more than in the past the people here will give clear proof that they do appreciate their own first class home t, ilc nt much more than the third rate stutf that styles itself professional. Let the district be true to its own best interest, support its own insti- tutions, appreciate its known and proved workers, aud no more have it said that Flcsherton is a place where through appeals to temperance senti- ment or Christian fervor more money is taken away by irresponsible cater era than would support a Meshauic's Institute or a free boarding house for loafers, or send a missionary to the heathen. have operated identically the same in the ('nited States as they have in Canada, but their farmers are even more poorly situated than our own with regard to prices for produce, and live stock in the state of Michigan at least scarcely pays ior The farmer of Ontario, its grazing. though pro- General News. bably not so well off as he might be were the circumstances referred to above changed, still is quite as well off as his fellow across the border, and the majority of those who leave Canada for tho States find this out to their sorrow. A certain class of newspapers Imve for a long time been crying out that our country is becoming depopulated by her people emigrating to the United States, and attempting to make it appear that the N. P. and Conservative government are to blame therefor. Of course if the facts were kuuwn, tiny themselves do not belli \<- in the truth < I these statements, but it suits their purpose to make them, ncverthclcsh. Now and again such newspapers, MptJBjfakUj those of the smaller calibre, find themselves knocked out on their own arguments. Such an instance on-mul last week \vlu-, i the Mt. Forest Confi derate published a local statin!,' that a certain f.inn-r near that placo had removed to I'lic 1 - 1 Sam's dominions, nml offering a littlt lisserlalion ut the end about ao many of our fanners being compelled to cave the country. The local item vhieli followed the above, howcu-i, nunifi-utt d sevciior ci^ht individuals who left tliat part at thu fain.' time or our own Northwest. That is about the way the figures btand. For jvery nine PITMHIS leaving ()ntario i here ib about, one who decides to croxs he border, tin n nuiiiiiig ei b 'lit simply tli. insrlve.s to another Another terrible killing affair has occurred at Mimico, near Toronto, which was wholly due to drink. An elderly man, u.mvd Byron, while drunk stabbed a young man named Wade, and will, no doubt, go to jail {or manslaughter. Tlur affair is a particularly aad one, as Diyon was a kind hearted, affectionate man while sober, but a demon when overpowered by drink, and lias a wife aud fourteen children- dependent upon him for sup- port. U is a terrible thing, this di .nk. aud if we were a member of th government which legalizes whole- sale traffic in the beverage we would at least feel that a portion of the re- sponsibility rested upon our should- ers when such terrible tragedies were enac'cd under sanction of the govern- ment. What is the revenue derived from this source but blood money ? I^ette^to For tltf i instruction. < given cither by their own regularly ordained pa.slois, or by local preachers against whose credentials tin ic can be no donbt, or by such Ministers as come by the actual re- quest of pastors or congregations. They have a decided objection to any- thing that tei.ds to loosen the solcw- nity and spirituality of Divine worahif, or that lower.) tlu> Christian sti.ndanl of the pulpit into anyllun.; tliat Ha von of paltry cheapness. And they have u Mill more decided objection to tlien pu!|>ils being used in anyway as ad vurlismg nie.diunn. Tliuy think that tlio proposed act to exclude religi OUR instruction from secular school* .should certainly be followed, or prc i-eiied by a law to exclude secular udviTtUmenta, enturuiniuents, po litical lectures, etc , from the pulpi and from the house of thu Lord. 2nd. Tlmt Flesherton has a print ing establishment and reasonably ex perls that it will be uued aa the mu nutural and L>.U"iMv moms of ad ertisemcnt. This in generally thanks to tho pammonuQss of eommoi Dense. Hut exceptions are frequen enough to bring mil thin fact tha while such exceptions make precious little dilTurencu to the nrintor't profits it does offer a decided insult to the Flcohei ton people, who love and sup- port their own institution* to aee th tore windows adorned aud disfigura with poorly got up bills wuieb liav evidently been printed tooMwber wbere tbe printer'! art is Lu Ultl who / IT/HI /i Ac '/! nut hold in any degree respimtMf. Open Letter to Ontario I'anurrs. To the Editor o/ Thr AJutnee. Si The Americans are agitating for and will most likely raise the duty en hurley Koing into the I'mteil States from C'auada from 10 cents per bushel to 30 cents per bushel, j you had better seud your laurl with otlur ^rain. If yon can get rally on your ti.-l<ls sow sprint.' wheat. Very early KV.VII ^|'!in,: ul.i: t is uciierally fO l. On lie-Ms that neeessarily have to he sown later, sow jH'iis ; there always is Kritish dfinand for good while -i.s. l!e sure anil salt your laud for spring wheat. DAVID PLEWES. Drantford, March 20. I r. I... i . The Advanrr. T., tht K'tituf of The Ad*tncf. UK.AII Hiu, I see by your week's issue, tint an Kqual last portion of our broad Dominion. In ,hc light of these f.icln mull tactics ai> wo refer to abivo bocome mighty "small potatoes" indued. Thu ore- goes into the crushing mill and couius out pure "fools gold." There is no doubt however that during the past t\i> years tliero has been an uneasy fueling c( dia<>uiet among Otitarioans, but ' In- can be quite satisfactorily exphuiiud upon scientific principles an consequent upon the settlement of the Northwest provinces which created, a drainage from the older districts. Then when this new and huge territory win opened up it crrated a new order of things throughout thu whole Domin- ion. It affected the market.* of On ui 10 aud Quebec to a considerable Mtent, thu latter causing dissatis- faction and ilii-. intent among farmers. Naturally many of them decided to try their fortune elsewhere, and the great majority of these have gone to the Northwest. The opening up of so immense a country as our; North- west made it necessary tha^ a read- justment should bo made in the affairs of tlijs country, and tha); rearrang- ment u now in course ot operation. It may take several years for matters to arrive at a normal condition, but in the natural course of events they are bound to do so. The wave which it now carrying to many of ut west- ward oanuot go on forever. U must have a backward flow ia the near These natural lawi, too, has been formed in Flush- erton. l-'.qual rights is what is want- e i in this, our country, but I am afraid they have taken u step in the wrong direction, by admitting that lunti in human foim on the board of management. I am glad to BOO that we have one man in our midst who comes boldly to the front and denoun- ces anything that has the tendency to lower the standard of the morals of our country. I would just simply state that you have done your duty from the tune of outrage to the ptvs- . i". The miscreant who is runn.ui; .froxe ill one of large stature but of small soul, (if any I but, Mr. Editor, in my opinion there has been hush ni'Miey i{i veil and that seems to be thu end of it. To use the language of tho poet : I* tti-Te, In l.iiniau form, that beam a kieait, A wiuU'li . a villain, lu-t t lovu and triilb. That can with utiullixl. lly, oanariu art Hutrny a lonely iiirl at ,l>-tl of iiiijht ? i 1 Hi m, on bil I>HI )ui K<! art* diuumbllnc iniootb, Arw boaor. virtue. o*>iioitfiic all exiled 'f Ia tin i,' un pilv. i"i iiileutiiiK mill. I '<>i nt tn tUe imrcnts funilhiiK o'er their cbild. I'luiD imlitn tliu ruined 1114 ul and tbeir ilittmc li,.ii wild. VIDEX. The Liverpool dock laborers are again on the strike. Msthew 3. Wilson, of Duudas, ha* been elected warden of W'entworth. The Quebec Legislature has voted in favor of the Quebec bridge over the St. Lawrence. Navigation if opened at Goderich, a couple of tishinii tugs having left port yesterday to set their nets. It is the earliest opening of the fishing season ever known. Five hundred students in St. Peters- burg are in prison fur riotous conduct against the University authorities. The bill ritabliahin:; English as the official language has passed its third reading in the Manitoba Legislature. Alei. Shaw, th embezzling book- keeper of the Canada Jute Company, Montreal, has been sentenced Co six months. The mwH rent eaUte of the Besgough Husineaa University, Toronto, was bought o Friday by Thm. Bengoujh for $1.000. Toronto is making arrangement* to hold a grand summer carnival this year, and efforts will be made to raise $20,GU4 to carry it out. Portage la Prairie, Man., BoarU of Trad* will ask the Dominion (Joveminent to deepen the St. Lawrence canals and aid the Hudson Hay Hallway. Mr. Dnniel Stevenson, father of Mrs. Blrrchell, aimed iu New York by the steamer tieriuanic on Saturday. He will 1 ~ik after the interests of his daughter iu Canada. Ret. (Jeortte Jamieenn. formerly of Amherstburg.has juatdii-d, leaving $1001 000 to twi> nephews who have bd*n working iu the woods of northern Carpets ! Carpets and Carpets direct importations just received at M. Rich- ardson A Cos. Prices ranging from 12 cts. per yard to 81. 00 per yard. A very Sue ranijo for spring. Fifty feet of Kingston jail wall fefl arly Friday niornins:, niakius a p-rat none. The accident was caused l>y tlit- wall not lifint repaired. Damage to tlu i-xtuiit af &M wa done. M Riohanhon A Co. arc whowing tin Quest ranye of wall papers and decora tions ever opened here. Housekeeper) renovating this spring should see tliii stock. The barns at the Ontario Agricultural College, tluelph, narrowly escaped lie stra.-tioii by tin- Thursday ni^-ht. Out of the men oinu thu list i-ounj for tlu in-^lit diaroveroii lire iu tliu sliute con- taining cut feed. It is supposed to hnvc been caused by a nail striking thu knives in cutting feed. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. AS.,OsT. PHYSUIA*. s( IM.!. ov A, FLESHERTON. Office, Strain'! block. Residence. J. G Kurael> J. Gf. flattop of '.lie College of rhyicin an Burgeon*. Ontario. Enquire at office .one door east of (jrior'Mtor r A'.kiii:*. ui * llrti-1. Pricerille. NOT 19. 1WW. ORS. SPROULE & EGO MAUKDALE <>NT. Office :-Manley' Drue Store. T.S. Sl'lUlLl.i: 11 U-A-tr. AMifS LliO.M U.Xc late of Tottenham. Out Dr.Ei.-o will be found it VUrkrUle HonM.pl ni^ht J. P. OTTEWELL, VETEBINAKY SI RCi^OX. Graduate of Ontario Vet. <?!l!tge, KKSIDKNTK OX COLl.lNGWOOn STKKKT 3ulb Door Kant of l'rrbyteriau Cburcb, FLESH KUTON. Jlrutistry. J. P. MA III All, L. D. S., DENTIST. Visits Markdale tho 1st and ;ird Wednes- day i>f rarli month. Flesherton each tri\> on the day folluwlc:.' J. W. f*GST, Burrittter, Solicitor, Court ytincer. Etc. FI.E.HHEKTON Orri< -E. NEXT PIWT Ornn:. "N TIHKM>AV X P McCDLLODGH, Barrister, Kolicitoj; < . oer Mrl'urland'ft Store .Warkdulr. Mom > to Lonn. John W. Armstrong. TOX, Co. OPTJ. fill-UT n.l'HK. " I I' li It fi,|lT<-Vll. i .1 ,r v >;;, , aod lu ,>f land*. \i>| iai*i-i i,.i c ' i i ami K. ! U. A H s.., . n \l,.i,, y to I ... , m.,st ifji.oualii.. t,TMi IHHI m , , ssKrt. NOTAKY ri m ;c MONEY TO LOA>- The TJuder signed has a Lar^e Amount of Money to Loi>n at 6J o o. (J.N TOWN Olt KAKSI I'ROI'EKTY. H.I)AUflo ,.,, m\\ ADVKIM'ISKMKN'IS- FOR SALE. I'.irk li.t of ^i ,-re within a mi!u of Fluhi-rton . liciiiri irt of Lot 1M. Hud N. K... Artvuinla. Turn, lilwrai. Apply W.J. HKI.I.AXM . Kleeliurtou. March BV 1HUO. Farm to Rent. One hiindrwr a^rim. 7.t aem cle coi i>l it i. HI. wit tun quitrlor lull,- ul f l ton fttixti -ii Hpletidid frame bvn OB promiuV r'i'i full pe^tleoiars a|ii>lv to AI>!X MI-IK, Klosbeiton Htation P.O. KXECUTORS; NOT1CK PL*USfANTloirtitiiJf..pai IMof H H O-.1W7. thu creditor* and all otliui * httTitiK t-liin ixV tliu t . of AI lam Vluir, ilft*aed, in OWUN the Rubbers. To the Editor of The Adnnirr. Bin, A week or o BRO a couple of sleigh loads of.youux people met at a friend'* liouau un tln> West Hack Liue to apeud tKv ovc-iiing. In ono of the sleighs was A. certain curley-headud boy 1'nini FltMlierton. When the company wero difipcrRing a young gentleman mi u 1 hig overshoes, ami seaivli being latttlo they were found upon the feet of the aforoaaid curlcy- headed boy. They were claimed and taken by the owner. An old pair of rubber* had been left iu tlu>ir place, for which no one has yet laid claim, "Cm-ley" denying thai they were hi*. What I write to enquire , whether you have many auoh alipper^ gentle- rneu in b'leHuct urn or not ami , letyiest you to kei> them t Lciue if TQM have. , ' In-, hti-tinut o( thu towicOup c'T A r ;",.) >ia. in tho I..UI-M "f Uro>. lu> lUtnl on thn.h tUy of !> i .-r, 1HDU, aro hereby notiHe'l to HIII| by I^t. iirp*l<l, tr<tliverto Alcxan ior Mmr. on* uf tho tjx.iculor* i>f lUicuiuml.b'ioitiiui tun Mtttum I 1 i > on or I-, tm" thu firit day of May iiuxLtheir ohrittttan au<1 tttirnaiiivx. K<llro)tMt*a and Jon-rip- tion.thii full |>Artifulariif ttioir ulaiinfi.a >tate- iiwnt uf their aMtM ttnl a ->tait*mti t of (h*ir H- cuiiliua>ii( aiiythulil Itv tSwni On ,lrfuU whereof and no fcoou a it Ui*o* itOeaftamuch laat n Aato.th* aarwUof t>i** rtkiil Kiate will bo trituiU' t aiiuiii^ the |artiH entitled thureto, ro- i,ai 1 I'-'tuu had mily to th'i claunn of which uo- tic khall navu t*ou ^ucn as nhovo ieqnirft'1, and the exoutor will not be liable for the aaid a*otH or any part thereof to any |>erou of whow claim uutir.a khall not have IHWD rwceived a* aforesaid at th j date "puclfied above. ALKX M(IU. \V. J. BELLAMY TWP. 1-l.tRK AMTI >:>-lt. >( 'I'Y \\<'t;i;. CUM MIH.-HHXKI; INtfUJtAXCM .ir; 7 1 .cc T\i:i:i)S. MiiKTti AUKS 1 l:\sls . . e< ^. ai "' V r " 1>t>ll > ' >-"wutl. ln prcp suraiu't uL'.-v- Hrnt-clawcuiupiniei. kluuev tu land at lowest ratoi. H. J. Sproulc, T>03TMASTKR, Kl,h-rt,,n.c\,mmi8ion et in li. R.. I.'^>uwd Auctioneer. Con veyaueer, Appraiser aud Money I.cndi-r Keal Kstate aud lunuranpc .\ent. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases nnd Will* ilrswn up and Valuations made on nlu>r'.a<tt nolle*. Anc t inn Sales attendfl to in- any paryoftue Count/. Vlnney to I..HU .'itlowegt rates of iuterest. Collections aUeudeU to with promptness and denpatoii. Charges low. Agent for the Dominion StoaxshipCuropauy. Cheap tickets from Flcsbcrtoa to LiverponJ. (iliisgow, Lcii'li'ii or anv of th Krilisli 1'orn. 1'artien intending to visit England. Scotland or Ireland, will please aak raira be- fore pcvchtning tlioir ticket* "liewhrre. . JOHN UcfADYRN. ,' M DaWd thii itli day of March, 18UO. x HOUSEKEEPER Trouoiiuowl again ami again 'Tin- Unit" aa It U the Oldet Domestlo Journal in America. ia Ye>ur Opportunity TO TR IT FOUR MONTHS rou ONLV FirTEEN CKNTS. Toafhr lubseripttosw tl 10. gatuiile evpiee free. Address, "IH1 HOU8KHOLD, Brattlebor*. VI. 1*85. ii;, Pelu .i st ,, (> . t , Of Interest to every man who tuea a Wagon or (.'itrristK THIS ANTI-HATTL.-:U IS the BEST, Hornime it i effeotlve, liniplo, easily adiu i <luriulu, inexi>oniivo. Ttiuru nru no projecliin: nUi to or tho >|HHige 01 wiu-.li cloth. It tit* auy >lscou)illuK. -FOll 8 ALE AT Hoard's Carriage Shop L'AIlM HUlvU.K CHKAP. AM) -IX HAS* F teruii. lot 7, ooll.a, townhbip of Ku|>lii*>-ia eontainingWOacreii. Thin ii >iilendld rain able timber farm. Well timbered with nii>,' hardwooil, bemlook ami cedar. Hplendid wii 1) iniln Iroln th iHiailtiflll villafiu i>f KiuilnxK-r In Queu' Va!ly where there art) wilts, ntore. poet offloe and church, aii'.l 11 inlleM troai Fl"t*ti ertoD on the C. P R., where there Ii a nlviuJi I arkeS for all alade of produce, utock. lunjbr Apply to K J. Hproule, , rieb u rtoa. aastikr. <-J sn*

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