H'f tKBPAKKU LI'MOH. WkltMb* Her BolteltoUoa Lynched r HubsMMl. A Whitehall, \Vii . .teipatoh lays Thirty lynohers arc on trial for one of th mi remarkable erimti ever committed i hii State. Hani Joob OUoo was itrnn p by his neiijhbora on Sunday, NOT. Ml a. The deed wai done at the argent an taarf ol aolicltation of hi* wife. The tt MOT ytatrday and to-day brought on MM following facti: The lynching party was organized b Jes. Johnson and Ole BUtto. Aboot thirt penon* mot at 7 o'clock Sunday night aa nt to Oleoo'i boiue. They hurried tb I man out of bed in bin ubirt and rollec I round in the mow Hii wife the handed hit olothei oat of the door. A rope wee pat around bil ntck, and he wai toi that he woald be given twenty-loan t leave the oonnlry. Hii exact aniwtr wai " Thi* it my home, and 1 am toy here till God takei me away." The rope wai then thrown over the lowe: branch of a tree and drawn taal. Then it wai loosened, and the leader* of the crowd began to parley with him. 44 Boys,' be answered in a pleading way " you don't know what yon are doing. Yon will bs sorry some day. 1 itall remain Dick Martin led the convocation, and insisted that be moat have or bang. " Bat I have dono nothing," he replied " Why should I leave the country ?" "Von 'plugged a ((rub ' and put it in Btrend'i wood-pile," laid Martin. " I have been paniihed for that in th* penitentiary. I have a right to live here and i inteiid to do >. You have no ri^hl to disturb me," be answered. The rope wai Main drawn tight, anc Olson waa- lifted from the ground, bat let down gasping for bruath. Teen the parley w*s resumed, la the midst of the bubbu Mrs. Olson osme to the door and began to talk to the crowd txoitetily, Bbe told them of OUon's depravity, bow be threatened bis family ai well si other ptopla in Whitehall and Blair, and she cried and begged them not to leave him with her any longer. Hhe wa* sf-Mil of him. H r speech worked the erowit 1 1 a fever beat, and a vote was taken oa the question of hanging Oleon. It wai sssott nnanimoas that he onxbt to die. A rush ai then nade for the doomed man. He waa dragged to the tree agaiu. and litre i.. men tugged at the rope till his head was i.iroed tightly against the limb. One of O ton's danghlen, a>i d 14, itood at the win i- w watching, and when her father wai pall' I ap the exclaimed : " Now be ban, ! ' Moat of the mob dispersed, bat Ole H.I Uo and Charlsi Dtsmore went into ttM boose lonmfjrt the widow. Bbe en- tertained them pleasantly and made coffee for them, for they were tired after their exertions. Three of the mob afterwardi confessed, and Oharles Johnson hn [leaded gailty to be charge of murder, and the wits and son el th* dead man and Ole Bletto are now on Dick Martin bat fled. A TALL VABM AkontMt AllfCMl i'rofur' Kip with Pour n mi, i n i A Bt, Petersburg deipatoh *ayi : Report! oom from a diitant village in Southern Rait i > of the performance* of the Count Xouroboff, a nobleman who poses as an amateur doctor and icientiit. lie wai recently arreited, charged with cruelty to children, but escaped thiough a tochnl oality. It appears that he bought four children 3 years old, from poor parents, stod confined them in separate roomi. Tbey were taught absolutely nothing, and were waited upon by a deaf and dumb attendant. They wsre plentifully lupplied with food, and the rooms were large and well warmed and ventilated, but they were allowed no clothing. In faot they were caged like bean. In explanation of hii conduct the count i xplained that he wai endeavoring to diioover what instinoti were natnral to the human ai.imal. It was proved that he never struck nfoitunate children, who developed into perfect wild beast*, unable to talk and with BO notions of deoeucy. They would bowl aod snarl and tear their food like animali. Bine* his trial the count boards hit protegee with different famUiis, and will educate and provide for them during the remainder of their lives. Men of loieuo* are interested in the problem whether they will be able to restrain the children from their savagery. LAND HI M. lit. Tweatv Thenwad Boomer* Cherokee Btrlp. Aa Arkansai City dsspatob BSJ i IBTIMI* the To night it is estimated that from the different pointi of entrance 40000 people have pained the border into th* Cherokee strip, and bait that number itaked their claims. All day long lines of canvas-covered wargons were cromung the border. For a mouth the boomer* have been gathering on the fron- tier. At all th* principal point* of assem- bly "boomer" Msooiationi were formed. It is tho general belief among the leaaeri that President Harrison will not iniiit upon tbsir removal when once the settlers are established on their olainit. The excite- ment here equalled ia intensity that which accompanied the invasion of Oklahoma a year ago. The invasion came with a rash. No one expected it. The tenanti of the strip, the Cherokee Live Block Association, and the agents were taken unaware*. Chief Mayei, of tb* Cherokee Nation, placed at the diiposal of the former a contingent of Indian police, but they were powsrlen to cope with th* invasion. Bo far at known the imall military force in the strip bad no tffecl in retarding the movement. The herds of cattle grazing on the strip Itam- peded at tbe tight of the invader*. A MOCK MABK1S.OB Which Tnrn* Ot 8erlontly For Former Hamilton Couple. A Fall River (Mass.) deipatoh of yester. day fe> s : Charles Perron and Louise A. MicbauJ, of Globe village, two yoncg people wbo recently came here with their parents 'rom the neighborhood of Hamilton, Ont , ere married yesterday undtr lonewhat roinantio oiroomilauoes. Both are reepec t- atle young French-Canadians, and a few weks a ; .o they met at the home of a mutual friend, where a little private i in. r tan: uifni v>ai going on. In a spirit of jest mock marriage wa* proposed, and these iwo volunteered to act the leading roles, md a ypang man named Bishop acted as be officiating party. Nothing more was thought of it until tbe young woman com- menced to be tormented by her associate* at the Laurel mill with the faot, and later scandalooa storiti oame to her ears. This worried her so much that ibe sought tbe counsel of the Dominican fatheri of St. Inn'i chnrcb, where she ii a communicant. Iu nil vised her that linee this folly had given rise to the scandal, providing the 'oung man WH willing, the couple ihonld e legally married. Perron was seen, and greed. 1 hu cate was submitted to Biihop larkii, who ODoiented, under tbe cironm- tenets, ti> give the couple a ciipensttion, nd so they were married. AT i " - I \ i i ould Do J..I.M Good Hat Like Him I'. - t Ulatauc*. A Ban Franciioo deipatch *ay* : Mayor otd to-day approved of au ordinance, a*ed by the Board of Bnpervinori, pro- iding for tbe removal of the Chinese to a nioriued section in Houlh Ban i'rancisco n tbe oonkirti of tbe city. Tbe law de- larei it unlawful for any Chinese person reside in or to carry on buiineu within ad Murdered. A lait night'i Boiton deipatch say* Tbe police here are Marching Ibe city for one lienry Doggan for bring a party to tbe death of Mils I.ucy Mulnnei. Mies Mo Innei come* of a good family In I'rinc* Kdwani Island, and came ht-ie like many Canadian girli to try to support herself Bbe met Duggan last year, and under pro Olive of marriage be betrayed her. The r* alt i* easily imagined, and at bia advice he sought medical treatment to hide her hams. Hhe wa* treated by Dr. O. J Kaotiuen, of Oolumbni avenue, anil not following hi* direction* berm< ill, d)iof ia th* hospital on Hatnrlay. All effort* to make her trxpoM ter lover were unavailing, but hii name became known through some of bis letten. II i* address ii unknown Tbe [ill . lioian is under arrest, and the body was sent home by expreii thi* even A i ... - - .i|.lrltMl Awar. A last night'* Cbarlottetown despatch ays : Kli/'Sbeth Htewart, an important witna** for the Crown in the poisoning case, was brought to town lait night on a war rant, and after bearing her statement tbl rossjnting ooaasel allowed ber to go to a friend's houte. Bbe was to bs examined o day, bat diiappeared again and cannot found. Tb* case waa consequently con tan mil till next Tuesday, to enable ber to be captured. The glrl'i evidence ii highly important, and a determined effort to And her is being made. Father when Erneet made b* want oat an lait awful night. He rouit wear big hoes." Clara" Yon'r* mistaken, papa. He had very light shoe* oo last night. I think be laid Ihsy war* " Tbii ain't a dwarf ! Hs'i over flv* itlal " That's the great thing about He'* tb* tallest dwarf in tb* world." he city limits, except in the du ated. It requires the mnjval of all hiutie to this diitrict within sixty days, nd declares a failure to comply with the rdinai.ce, poniihablu by imprisoumeut, ot exceeding six monthi. Toe city and ounty attorney bai declared the ordinance onatitutiunal. The greater portion cf the hinese population ot Ban Francisco, esti- mated at 40,000, i* now located in ' China- iwn " adjaoent to tbe buiiness centre, and ths order ii enforced it will work a marvelous change in that locality. It i* nderktocd the Chinese will tint the con itulionality of the ordinance and will take r.o u | B towards abai.di.nieg the did i M.I tkey LOW occupy until the <|ue*tion is decided by tb* conns. iiuni-1 of war. A Vienna cable says : Ths Babbath Mill. nei* of the city baa bten disturbed by tbe er tival of two bits of information of far from peaceful import, which are unforlnn- ately better foun ed tbanii usual with war rumen emanating from this alarmist quarter. A r iuforoemenl of Ituiiiau troops on the Oalician frontier by two u.fauirv brigade! and six field batterie* ha* been ordered by the Unman WarOffiuo. The n*wip*pr liulyariu, the lemi official organ ot th* Bulgarian (> jveroment, announce* that at the meeting of the Orand Bobrauje at Sophia next month the majority of the delegate* will demand Premier HtamboulofI to throw off the iovereigs,ly of of tbe Kullan and refui* to continue the tribute payment to tbe Porte. A itamueile i* expected in cenxqnenoe cf this newi at tbe openiLg of the Bourse to morrow. An Ohio Mlrar. An Anhiand, O , detpatch of yesterday ays: A remarkable initanoa of roira^B was witnessed here yesterdsy about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. It presented the pioture of a well d fined olty. fall i/ -,l. though of coarse invt rled, it spearing like a large oity impended in the air, or follini, through it, as the grouna on wl.ioh il Hood was not reflected. Tbe ohnroh >teepl> wall* of the hoaiei were (lightly inclim d. The phenomenon seemed to be only a few hundred yard* above th* earth, and was visiblu for neatly three qoartersof an boar. The weather wa* clear and calm, with a cloudlet* iky. Many ipeotat >r* olainvd that the oity rtileotod was liauafleld, thirty miles distant ; others thatll was Kanduiky, itxty nve mile* sway. Each party pro feaiod to reoogniz* building* in those places. Five Bailor* Drowned. A Sunday's Baltimore doipatoh ityi : The river cteamer Defiance report! that nve men left an unknown linking sohn, n.-r to-day in a boat and pulled for York Spit lighthouse. Th* wind wai blowing with terrific foroe, and a* the boat approaohnd tbe lighthouse it wa* thrown agaioat the iron pilei and iwamped, and the five m n were thrown overboard. Th* men graipnd tbe iron rod* of the pilx*, but th* wa daihed over them with loch fury that they were won benumbed, fell off, and were drowned. A WICKBD IN \ KMT ION. An Interference with the Cnnrca of True Love. The prapee* of a World'* Fair at Chi- cago iu lit'.'- baa already brought out nnm eruoa application* for (pace from inventors and manufacturer! who wiah to exhibit their deiigos and produoti. Many of them will d oabilefB be rejected ai unworthy of tbe high character of the proposed Exposi- tion ; but, aooordiog to the itattment of a newipaper paklished in a town of IlllnoU, a citizen of that place has invented an article which he confidently xpeoti will not only be an illustration of Weatern in- genuity, bat will also become a medium of protection to tbe peace of mind of the bead cf every household poaseased cf a marriage- able daughter. Mr. J. Madison Jones, tbe gentleman in question, has a daughter of whom any lather might reaionably be proud. Although tbere is DO likelihood of her ever being a 1'reiidential candidate, it may be reoiatked that ah* ii a good girl, and, ksted by the local nickel- in- the ilot machine, weighs 125 poundi. Among her aJruirery was a Mr. Benion, a prominent aileiman in tbe local dry good* More ; and Mr. Jones became luipioioui that when tbe to young people lat m tbe [arlor on Baa- day i> veiling*, the y oocnpud the tame chair. Now, Mr. Jones bad heard much about tbe spread of Socialistic ideas in this country, and while willing to admit that some ot these doctrine* had a show of reason on their tide, he oould not bring lf to the point cf believing in a "oummanity of chair." Accordingly, on vtral occmion* at the breakfaat table be hid warned bis daughter against beoom- u.g a convert to such a pernicioa* theory ; but, although ahe liitencd atteotivtly, and oint-liinei remarked very demurely " Yes, ptpa," aud " No, pp*i" he could not fael a^urcd that h had made a favorable im- prtiiion upon her. One Sunday evening, when Mr. Benion and Mill J'jni a weru in th* parlor, Mr. Jones ijuittly, ai be thought, made hi* way to ths room. On entering tb* door hu found Mr. Uerson turning over tbe love* of au album ou the marble-topped oei.tro table, while tbe yoang lady wa* ii.t-ntly gtising on an eugraving entitled NapoK-on Crouiog the Alp*," which hung on the wall juit above the Hove, ihere were two chair* in the centre of the room, about ten feet apart, and Mr. Jonn, muttering something about looking for bi* i|*>ctaclv4, rather aheepi*hly withdrew. But he waa still inspicioni, and on returning to the diuing room he bit upon a plan which he felt confident woold not only clear up all hng< nnij doabti in bis mind, but aliu bring him fame and fortans. Tne idea waa nothing more nor lea* than that of a patent adjustable chair, apparently liae tbe ordinary article, bat 10 aountruuted tliat onder an excel* of weight it would link to th* fljor, *u1 a whittle, worked by oumprcased air, would unit a khriek akiu to that from a steam calliope in a circus parade. For txample, iiiii Jonts, as ban litaily been naui, weighed U5 ponndi. Mr. liuntnu s weight wa* an unknown quantity ; but, Mr. Jones, wbo bad taken part iu local contents for guessing the w, i^lit of hcgo, sormifed that il should bo al least ICO pounds. Bo, having completed bn chair, he adjusted it on the ntxt Hnnday i.i^ht to bear a weight of -50 Iuna, placed it in tbe parlor, and retired 10 the dining-room to await develop- ments. About II o'clock Mr. Benson arrived, and hu and Mui June* went to tbe parlor. A few minutti only bad elapted when th* ullnnstf wai broken by a weird and mo*l uui'artbly tbriek. Tb* hirud girl, who had jukt returned from a meeting of Beooud Ad- veuiut* and waa lumptitioaily regaling li<nilt with cold beef and pickles iu the kiluhen pantry, hcaiJ tbe lar-spUttiug luuud, and, emitting almost as loud a . ii am, rushed into the > ard, mouuttd the wahr barrel, and, leaping ovor tbe fauoe, Ui.dcii iu a tub of olotnt* and water which ibe ntxt-door neighbor had prepared for tbe morning wash. Mr. Jonecraahed to the parlur and fouud th* chair in a Mate of col- il *", the ury goodi clerk on hi* back ou tli lluur, vaiuly ul a wing at tbe air, and Miti Jones Heated 1 urkub taihicn ou tbe carpet, with a daaed look on htr face and her uiuutb full cf hair i ind, frantically endeav- lugti r range the Pvyobe knot other luxuriant treaces. Mr. June*' triumph wai complete , bi* daughter wai too stunned to make reply to hi* objurgationi, and Mr. lluiron luoontiaeiitly Mod, leaving buhiud him his oaue and ovenhoes. Mr. Jons* ha* no doubt thai bis patent adjustable obair will prove one of the chief attraction* at the Windy City's Fair, and thai it will eventually com* into u*e in iv ry well-regulated household. Dot even ili.irnauil bar* have failed to keep Iruo lover* apait, aud Cupid'* votaries may evtr I >ii (.ended upon to circumvent tbe pre- caution* of toe ahrewdtat of father* and uioiber*.- Fkitculetpkia Ktcard. AM KLKCTIOM gLiUOHTKB. Terrible Bntchcrr BMnltlag fr. m f ernvUn Faction right. Advices frtni Pera itate that in the early part of February a battle took place at Huanta, between tb* respective ad ber snt* of Senor Ro*a* and Col. Bermndez rival candidates for tbe presidential nomin atiou of tbe Constitutional party, wbo ha< gone to Iluanta for electioneering purposes Many on both aide* were killed, aud man houses were pillaged by drunken Indian The killed included tbe chit Id of hot" parties in the town, namely, Senor Lszoni Deputy of Conereas and head of the revola lion, and Dr. I'rbina, Chief of th* Kotai party. The Government bold* the leader of the party responsible. Mo other part o the Republic wa* disaffected. Another ao count says : Or. L'rbina having seen fiv members of bis family fall at his lids dar ing Ibe eight hours of the combat, left wit tbe remaining members to leek rtfage Malriz Church. Tbere he found a nam ber of women, children, and old people Tbe priest before the tragedy took place exhorted the Indians to -desist, bat the wire drank and furioui. A* they drew near tbe ohorch, threatening to barn i Urbica, under terrible emotion, wiahin to save the live* of the many innocent per son* who had taken refago in tbe chnrcb reiolved to sacrifice himself. Leaving th church be addressed his enemies as follows " I am Urbina, whom you are looking fo Kill me if you like, but the penon* in th cburch are not my accomplice*. Do no injure them " The priest bad given him kU benediction and accompanied him t the door, sobbing aa he bade him farewel 1 be prifBt intended to retc.ru and clo*e th church, but a* ho arrived at the porch b became, deprived of reafon. Urbina wa peedily despatched aud hi* head riued c a folf. Tbe guerilla* continued to alauuh ter the inhabitant* aud to tack and bur the town for many hours afterwards Over 100 live* ware sacrificed to the ol rancour fxUting between the families o La/on and Urbina. II I BY STKW.IKT WOKTil Wreck If oar father* and mothers bd all married their first lovts, where would we be? TWO I I. U. I . .. An unknown wayfarer broke through tb* i e on Turonlo ttay a day or two ago. A yuung Scotchman named Baillie, barely 20 >*tr ot *g, and only a few months in this country, urawlsd over the cracking surface, rtaohed a band to Ih* drowning man, and i h in into safely ; but th* ice brek ing again, wai hi..ii*lf drowned, although tin- iu*u h*ri>.ued wa* eventually saved. I In-ill wag heruiam. Within a few yards of thi* scene *ai displayed equally atriking biiital!i>. When thi acoiduut happened a companion of iUiiliu's skated to an ice- boat near by to gel a rope to throw to th* man iu tho water. Tho Tilegram report A Little Wnlf of tbe Lake Miore rr.. m. .1 For. A Itoobeeter dnifaloh *ay* : A baby in arms worth $20,000, and no one authorize* to care for il, u the state of affair* brooch about by tbe Lake Shore disaiter nea: Boflalp last Thursday night. E. E. Stewar and his wife, of thin city, were initantl kil'ed in thai accident, but tbe baby, i little one over a year old, which wai in its mother's armi, was foand underneath th wreck two hour* after tbe accident hap pened, so sheltered by its dead parents oorpufii as to have escaped without scratch. 1 lie future of the little crphi ha* been discussed at length. Mr Stewart's famines* partner is looking after the baby's affairi in the absence of an] near relatives. Tbe baby will haw monej enough. Nothing can prevent ths suit tbal will bo brought sgainit tbe railway com pany for its parents' death, netticg the child about 110.000, and ihe lather 1 * life wa* insured for $7,000 in one of tb* old line companies and $3,6X0 in a mutual com pany ; so that the tiny miss will soon be ia pocseeaion tf $20,000; but who is to aisume the guardianship ? The baby has been reoeiv <i her* in a foundling hospital but it cannot rt mam, ai tbe provisions oaaie there are only for boys. It Work* oa ino Car* In Iowa. I came through Iowa this mornicg. and when I took my breakfast on tbe dining oar I saw on th* bill of far* " no liquori scld in Iowa." While I wai paiaiog ap on lha Central Iowa road I ordered lunob.and on the bill of fare there were twenty- five or thirty kindu ot liquor, iocloding old boar- ban and all kind* of liquor*. I said this didn't look like enforcing prohibition in lows, with all kinds of whisky, gin and ram on the bill rf f*re, and I thooghl 1 would try it ; so I laid lo the porter, " Oel me a bottle of old bourbon," and b* laid, No, *ah, couldn't do it, sab, we can't sell it her*. Well I said, Dot you have it on your bill ot fare." And h* said, "Tea, *ah, bat we can't mil it in the prohibition Blates." And at tbe ton cf that uill of far* I *aw " no liquor* sold within the limits of pro- hibition State*. ' Well, I thought may be be wai fooling me a little, but I looked round, and nobody knew me, and I knew nobody, 10 I taid to him, " couldn't you get a fellow a bottle of beer, anyhow " ? And he laid, " Oh Lawd, no bj*, couldn't do it nohow." And I laid no one would know anything about il, and h* said, " Lawd, ah, dey counted every bottle in tbe car be- fore we reached ihe Slate, and thin they count 'em after we leave it, an J if a bottle ia gone I has to 'count for il." As icon as we left tbe Iowa line the darkey oame to me with a face like a full moon, and said, " Mow, bus*, ws'i in Minnesota, I let you Lav i- wbal yon wand." Not a drink ia Iowa uu'it r prohibition- -all yon want in Minntiota under high license. JK. C. T. (/. Tlieiikntur lm went away (or th* rope trlodto get i n. i from an lor boat < hleh was itaudluit UK>r the eoeutof tli drowning man. Tim follow on >ue boat rifu.nl u. (jive a roj>o aud offuied uo Life presents curionsly varying phasti. II- re in tliis one tragedy ia Ihe exhibition M.II by aide of trie noble*! oourage and i>Jf. acritloe and the dirtieit msanuei* and Mlnahue**. Olltttta Jtiirnal. have never lost their Jaoque rows pn|inlarity. Iu the oa^o the average life of the canary u 12 to 15 year*. A little rontte on a lady 1 * slipper mfiarts ths tffeot of a high in*t*p. Kaabion iadluatioos denote a return of ori lulioe. A man moil get right down to hii work in order to get up in the world. iiurt oKirtfa oauti girt II no* th* Phila'eipMs ha* 87S retail ihoe .torn, 'cigar itore sign In the Quaker City. Htrtk.ti and Sluauic r.. Th* agent of the Uuion line of steamer a y eater-lay received a cabla doipatob stating that Ihd Arizona wonM not sail from Liverpool on ajcount of th* strike. This vrike i* among the atevddorea and it aflcot* all steaoiurs sailing from Liverpool as far ai known. Il Is thought the strike will extend all ovor the Hrilith Ules if not over the whole of Earope. The striks has oansed a good deal of txaitntiMit in iteam- bip airole*. None of tbe iteamer* can sail "n the advertised time from Liverpool. Kngatjemdiits for freight have been declared off, ami passage tickets have been called in and the mjniy refunded or arrange- menti made for the tioketi to be used at some future date. Tbe Onion line hai not had a ship in here for two inoatbi. The which arrived hare tims to get oat of Htoamer City ot Part*, Monday, had a hard Liverpool. Where He Wautml To O. Preacher (who had been telling the Sunday school oltu about the future abode of the juit and th* unjust) -And now, my children, where do yon want to go ? Small Boy (on the front bench) Want to go horn* I In Philadelphia there are not more than fifty woo ten cigar (tore Indian*, again*! nearly a thousand a few years ago. Ths ihorl skirted balltl girli* no* tbe favorite MU1IN TO WORK. What Thr Will do tat th* Valr-Tkelr Kshlblt, Th7 *>/, Will b the tint nd**t liver See*. The women's auiliiry committee of the World's Exposition for 1692 hai begun its labor* in n earnekt cimuaign. They have held thi i - firrt mtc'.irjg in Chicago this week, n joking firs-, that tbe fair woald b* held in fiat city nsd then, throwing off tbeir ceil skin*, bauyirg themselves about routine matter*. They have already garner".' 910,000 worth of s'.ock subscrip- tion* an I hava decided to rie snothsr $10,000 north of stork subscription* for tbe general fund. Their bt-aHqiartera will be open evirydayaad a permanent organ- ization will be formed They propone to have a woman'* exhibit, managed by women, in a structure designed by woman and bnilt by woman'* energy, where will b; displayed tbe regain of woman in- ventive n-nius. Tbero will not be a* many crazy qniltj a* were '.ihibited at the Buf- falo Fair, nor ai great a variety of wonted work, bat all tbe arU, science* and indatriiB that womankind are in- terested in will be represented. A Con- gressional roll of honor is going to be kept in that department, bat no Congressman or Senator who opposed the fair being held in Chi ao need apply for enrollment. Preparation* have already began for an exhibit of nlk culture from the railing of the cocoon to ihe we.mvt: of Ibe material. Pottery from tho designing to the making will have an important plac *. Women in Ir land have already ;,n uued to aund over lar^a i]n\ntiti s of lai-e, and an opporta- nity will be given to tee now this beautiful material, which u 10 fear to tbe woman'l beart, is manofaclnrrd. During tbe mm- m-r tba ladies iu Ireland are going to occupy their Itiaure hoars ia preparing an txhibir. Woman's handlwnrk from the Sandwich Islands is also prrmised, so it would appear that tbe women of Chicago had been hnatling lui g before thi Fair was located. Mr*. On-v r Cleveland will have a baud in the exhibit of the Empire State. The c'eittgn* of the building will be in tb* hand* of the committee in a few da}*, and, an ha* been laid, Mil bi rieiigaed by a woman, which al-o pro en that somebody has taken a good rleal for granted. A large 'orkicg foroii of women will be or^m/td by wari'i. Mr*. E-nma B Wallaoo ia Ihe leading npiril cf the committee. Mr*. Calvin lirioe i* also one of th* interested 'orkers. Bow Maaler Koutnc*d lh Keb.-l. Satarday nights amonit tbe members cf Ibe London Savage (Uub arc infficiently tamou* ; and they bad a particularly intending time ia Adtlphi terrace at ibeir la*t Katherint;. One oai>bi not to tell tale* oat of school, I lappose ; bat when yoa have three African traveller* all ia a Duuch i when they get up and tell their adventure* ; and WLU.-I the men are Lieut. Stair*, Stanley'! commander in chief in t.ii lain expedition ; Mr. T. Steven?, tbe enterpritirg Ani>-riciin ipncial com- ipocdeol, who pu.he.f into Africa to meet itaulw, and wiry, bright, emoting little Paul Do Chaiilu'to make at laugh by tell- ng how he shot hi* firnt goriilt, the rule of olioenc-.i had beat b b<-nored intha brtacb. l<H(tdei. Btaira and Stevens luld us lome- ;hicg about Stanley, and it would be too >ad to keep tbe public oit of the s-cret. [.itntouanl Stairs is a very yoang officer of Engineer*, a tall, fiir, hinlsome fellow, who bluihiil liar' when hie host Mr. U. Wellcome, tbe chairman ot the nighi) told an low highly Jtanley had apoken if him, and when, ater. Sir Stevens touched the tame string. Che lit nt nant did rot ay much, but he nformed u< that he has one ot the Congo urel dwarfs in btock at Xnzit>ar, and ntondii tj brinn liiiu to Lonclou when the warm weather m in iu. Mr. Stevens is also a }oan] mail, and, like l)a fluillu and other pluoky travellers, is rather under ban over the uiidnle height, sa Ihe novelists say. Uo told t._ . f bi* onvena- ion* with Stanle>, ai<d how all bi* officers peak in the highest toims ot hi* genioa iiid friendly beariuK loward* thorn. To Ir. Steven* Stanley attributed to Lieu- nant Stain all ibe ailribott* ot firtt- clana geueralahip. In on uf hi* graphic elter*. it will be remeinb- red, Stanley leccribea a mutiny amount tho cowardly a*oal* whom hi> reicueil, aud briefly itale* bat he executed the riuglue>der, n i bad 10 more trouble from traitor*. Mr. Steven* told u* on Saturday how the xucu'ijn wa* earn -d out, and a* thi* wa* iew matter 1 (ball repeat the ito.-y as Steven* heard il from e>c witnesses, and now related il bdhiud the dinner table. At that time," he Bai -I, " Stanley wa* *o weak that he oould not turn n hi* bed without help ; bat so strong was hi* iron will that he iciiited upon b*. ng taken out of bed and propped ap in a hair. He took a itronx stimulant, and had ilmaelf carried ooludo of hi* tent, wher* he people were all drawn up, and where he mutineer, who had been tried and foand uiltv, awaited hi* i~utenofl. Thechair wa* ml don and Stanley laced Ihe miscreant, he fever in hi* eye, and hi* thin hand out- tntohed. ' We have coma through a houiand difficulties and danger* to aave oa,' be laid, ' and thu i our reward 1 Vparl to Odd I ' Th* people thereupon usheU upon the man, hooting, What ball e do with him?' Head him to led, I *ay 1 ' ahoott-d Stanley, pointing to lie overhanging limb of a tree. A rope was irown over, uroied round the utiacreant'i eok. and he wa* iwiftly lun up, and aron angled a oorpie iu tbe air." The story wa* ry dramatically told by Mr. Blven*. I lould not help thinking in the midst of tb* pplauae, thai tbi* i* a funny world. Kven ul there, in the heart of the Dark Contin- nt, thi. re wai a rope handy for banging a man, and willing person* who knew how to ang him. A ratal Landslide Accident. A Cumberland, Md.. despatch of last ight lavi : A huge rock rolled down the mountain* to-day and fell upon the \\ et irginia Central Railroad track in a oat tween Chaffee and Blaino, forty miles ivest ol here. A workmen's train with welve men went to ths spot to clear the rack. A cable wai placed around the rook nd attached to an engine that it might b* ragged off. All wa* nearly ready when a reat mas* of earth oame down Ihe moan- aio, overwhelming **vea workmen. Two ere dead when taken oat, one ha* since id, and thrte were seriously and perhaps atally injured.