Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1890, p. 7

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DOMINION PARLIAMENT. OTTAWA, March The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. >. Mr. Carliag, in reply to Mr. MoMallon, aid that the seed barley would arrive from Eni<!n,1 bi.fcr i April lit. I waa ia bt! an i would be forthwith distributed nj.au iti arrival to all making ap^liaaiion for it. Mo portion ot the barley would be distributed among agricultural aocivtiv*. Mr. Ferguson (WalUnd) moved that the Government should take nieoa as soon an possible to iuijairehow belt to hjnor and perpetaate too memory of the men who [oat their live* ia defending their country at the battle of Lun Jy'a Lane, au.l preserve from daucratiou then last reetiiig pluoe in the military oemutery at Nia*ra FUla. Canada at that ti-jo had ouly ii 000 troops to defend her frr :uer aad inu population waa HOO.OOO. When war waa d ulared, no lection ot the Canadian people took so active and energetic part ay the French- Canadians in resisting invaaion. Mr. Edgar .<aid thai while it might be well to give win-* sm*U mm towards thii object, he thought it aboulil be supplemented by voluntary contributions. Sir Adolphe Oarou said the Government bad not overlooked thia matter. A sub- committee o! the Privy Coaacil, campoocd of Mr. Bo well and him* If. had been ap- pointed to report upon the matter. Bat thia motion did not no far enough. Great aa waa the luatre wnich Lnndy'i Lane shed upon the voluotetra of Canada and the aoldiera of England, thiru were other cventa of equal importance. Be had prepared a report to the Council in favor of erecting inexpensive moouoieuU at various histori- cal placea. These monuments would be simple bat laiting memorial* of the event* they would commemorate. They should be erected at such placea a* Burlington Height*, Amheratburx, Landy'a Lane, Btouey Creek, Chrylr's Farm, Chateau- gnay, Beaver Dam, Oielltown, Laoolle and at Montreal to Maisounenve. Ue proposed that the motion be amended *j ad to in- clude all tho*e who loat their live* in the war of 1411. The amendment waa adopted. The liuuju went into committee on the bill to further prevent cruelly to animal*. Mr. Tiadale moved that the committee ri*e. Mr. Dtvin thought the oommittecehonld apply ilaelf to uonm ler the olantea of the bill and amend them if neoeiaary, but to aak the coramiiu-e to rUe when so import- ant a bill waa before it - Mr. Mills When it cannot fly. Mr. Davin laid there waa nothing more antagonistic to r 1 aport than false sport. He oould aee no element of manlineaa in hooting a pigeon at the trap. No man oonld be aei J to be a njaa of refiou i inatincta that oonld wi'.octs the mfferiug ot the hnmbleil of God'* creature*. Mr. Armatrung spoke in favor of the Bill, and when h had oonolnded bia remark* a pigeon wai lot liose by Mr Pep > and the bird ditto! through tlie Chamber for some minute a. Mr. Brown aiked that it be removed, and after a page had captured it, be pro- ceeded with hie remarks in support of the Bill. lie aai i they wen seeking by the introduction of thia raeasir* to effect the good ot Canada. They were seeking to educate the young of Canada to abominate and execrata a practice that w-juld indict acts ot cruelty on the meant si of Qod'a creatures. Every n,ood impuUe in this world had the sympathy ot women, and duoed to 5200,000 ; Garth, ot Montreal, J'.l,Xi3, which baa been aettled ; and John 1'enson, of Toronto, 9315, which U under consideration. Mr. Laurier, on motion being made thai the House go into Committee of Supply, aaid he desired to oall the attention ot the House to the manner in which the Govern- ment had been oandncting public business during the preset*! session. The House was now in the ninth week of the se**ion, and he held that the Government bad been altogether remus in the duty they owed to the .representative* of the people. The Government had the summoning ot Parlia- ment in thtir own power. They aelected the day upon whioh they were ready to meet the representative* of the paoplo, and it waa only fiur that under these oiroam- stances they should be ready with the publio bnaines* when Parliament met. He therefore moved the following resolution : " That the Speaker do not leave the chair, but that it be resolved that the failure of the Government to bring down tho Budget, several depart- mental reports, and the important measure* anoonnoed in the speech ot Hia Excellency at the opeuing ot the aeasion, and to discharge the dutiea which they owe to Parliament, is highly prejudicial to the public interests ' Ibe House divided on the amendment of Mr. Laurier, which waa lost on a vote of 69 yeas and 07 nay*. The House then weut into Committee of Supply. Mr. Jones (Halifax) laid that a subsidy of Hi, 000 for three linaa of steamer*, run- ning between the ports of Halifax and St. John, N.B.,and the West Indies and South America, waa money apent uselessly. Thia subaidy did not increase business. II waa indefensible, because it introduced an un- fair competition with veisel* already trading with the West Indie*. Mr. Kenny said that these subsidies were of extreme advantage to the Maritime Pro- vince*. Mr. Charlton aaid the House waa voting public money into Mr. Baird'a pockot, and they were entitled to know whether it was true that the Governmtnt subsidy amounted to more than the charter of the vessel. Mr. Baird replied at some length, and said that he was marine manager of the KILLED THE WOMEN. Frightful Slaughter of rwo Huntlr* fmJ Slave*. A letter from Zanzibar say* that over a year ago a caravan of 300 Arabs left the eaat coast to go into the interior to traao. ihey have now returned and one of th chiefs relate* their adventures. Arrivmg at Kavirondo, on the northeast shores ol V lotoria Nyanzi, the Arabi saw that the nativea had a good deal ot ivory and that they had no gun*. They attaokud the trri, and before the abootmg bad gone on Ion 4 the natives wero to make peace. willing to do anything After a long palaver with the chief* the Arabs agreed to leave the country upon the payment to them of 200 tasks of ivory and 200 young women. The natives wereglai to get rid ot the emeny oven ou these harJ conditions. As soou as they received the ivory and the women the Arabs started for the ooast. They had a terrible timo in the Masai country. Thure waa drought and they almost perished of thirst. Then provisions became eoarccr and aoaroer and the whole party wan m danger of starvation. Finally the Arab chiefs decided that in order to save them- selves and their ivory ii would be neo'jamiry to sacrifice, their female alavea, who wera vary woak from their dcprivalijus au i could march no further. That night all ot these '200 yono* women were shot to duath, and their bodies wire left in the camp for hoa*tj ot prey. The victims happily had not a moment 1 * warn- ing of their impending fate. Eachmnrdirer selected his victim, and the horrible MMUIUIM B i pert TMtlinuny a* to Their Humarou. Uood <JuallUas. Chemically, the apple i* oompossd of vegetable fibre, albumtn. sugar, gam, ohlo- roubyll, malic acid, gallic aoid, lime and much water. Furthermore, the German analyst a say thst the apple contains a larger percentage of phosphorus than any other fruit or vegetable. Thia phosphorus is admirably adapted for renewing the essential mrvans matter, Istuioin, of the biaiu MI i spmal cord. It is, perhaps, for . the Rama reason, rudely understood, that I old 3 anninkvian tradition* represent the ' them ussf i WOMB* IN BATTLK. Uakumcy'a Aiaatoui n,l,tlu t tli I Dahomey is again at war with a Eq paan power, and some of tne fan amazoneor female soldiera of tl-e kin*; I been killed in a battla with France's I galese troops, says the Mew York 1'b* king's regular army U a p-r establishment, all tbesuldiers baiuu for life or until iuoapauitated fur further aervioe. For special needs the regulars ace> reinforced by larip auxiliary baoies, bos these irregular troops are dubaudel a*) soon a* the particular occasion that mute has pasitii. The amaaocM apple na the food of the gods, who, when i belong to the regular army and tuey they Ml ilnmselvcs to be growing faeble and i'ltliin, resortei to this fruit for renew- ing their powers ot mind ani body. Also, the acids of the apple are ot signal use for men of tedentary habit*, whose liver* ara sluggish in action these aoida s-rving to ( liminate from the body noxious matter* which, if retained, would make the brain heavy and dull, or bring about jaundice or skin eruptions and other allied troubles. Somi such an experience must have led to our ] custom of taking apple sanoo with pork, ri'-h gooee and like dishes. recruited in a remarkable manner. If a woman in Dahomey is found to be unfaith- ful to li-sr husband she is at onoe sent to military headquarters and enrolled among heamzonu. If she ha) an acrid temper or fails to bear ohildren, or if her husband wants to get rid ol her he Uoaor* hinuaU by presenting her to the king, who, if she has the requisite physical qualifications, turns her over to his army otfijjra to bo drilled aa an amazon. The amaxon* accompany the king on all roast I hi* expeditions, but thuy do not usually The I ply very active role. They guard the not malic acid ol ripe apple*, either raw or | bangage and the camp, bat are cooked. wiU neutraliza any exoea* of chalky ! taken into action if it oan be avoided. 1 matter ngend*red by eating too muoh garrUon of A<home. the king * fUM* meat. It is also thd faot that auoh fresh fruita aa the apple, the pear and the plum, when taken ripe and without sugar, diminish noidity in the stomach rather company, and he was prepared to show to the membera of either aide ot the House a statement that hi* firm was not making an undue profit out of the Government subsidy- He was not ashamed of any transaction of his firm. Their operations were open to everybody. Mr. Blaka congratulated Mr. Baira's constituency in having returned so patri- otic a representative and 10 broad in his viewa as to the Canadian polioy. He also congratulated the Government upon having such an ardent and enthusiastic supporter ot ita great National Polioy. Ue aaid that he might be looked upon as a crank on thia snbjeoi. If he is a crank he i* very well oiled, and there was not a single revo- lution of the urank of the steamboat engine which waa not produced by the moneys of the Canadian people to ba voted at the boo. gentleman'* instance and by hi* assistance. He was asked if the Government anbaidy amounted to more than the price ot tne charter ot the steamboat, lie had touched npua many topics, but he omitted to answer that question. Mr. Baird aaid that he forgot to reply to the question. The amount paid for the use of the vessel would be nearly double what waa received from the Government. The , waa accomplished so speedily that few of the woman made any outcry. With thtir force thu* summarily reduced the Arabs were ablsto poll through the desert region, obtaining little more food than baruly euongb to sustain life. The chief who related these fact* in Zn- zibar showed no oompnnctiocs whatever for the terrible crime in whioh he had assisted, but mentioned the massacre only to give an idea of the great loss they haJ sustained by the necessary sacrifice of tbuir 200 slaves. It is a ourioui fa::t that some of the murderers were troubled in mind because their necessities had oom pellet them to eat rat* and other unclean food, which is prohibited to Mohammedans on the maroh. /{true than provoke it. Thtir vegetable salts snd juices are converted into alkaline otrbonates whioh tand of tea The im composed almost exclusively of amazanab A reoent visitor to the oipital says there were only 30 male soldiers in the yarrisosu The amazons are also trained to fill tne into alkaline to counteract acidity. A good ripe, raw apple is one ot the eaaiabt of vegetable subotauoes for the peaceful role ot ballet girl*. One ot the hag sighta of Dahomey is to see the amasonai ou gala days frantically brandishing their weapons, uttering their war cries and t-oig through their danoes before the king. stomach to di-l with, thu whole process of i Twenty-four years ago the Frenchman its digestion being completed in eighty five minute*. Gerard found that the " pulpe of roasted apple* mixed in a wine- quarto of faire water and labored together until it come* to be as apples in i ale which we call lambswool never foi'oth in certain diseases ot the nines whioh myself bath often proved, and gained credit thereby, both orownss Berand estimated the number of the i /.ons at about fifteen hundred. Siuoe the numbtr has increased and the Ge traveller ZMoi in 1886 was of the opinion that there were at least oix thousand ot these interesting fomalee. It i* not oo- likoly that this estimate ia too large, ba* it is certain that there are a great many of them. In view of the very peoulii and credit." The paring of an apple out j qulinoationa that secure the admission ot they had their sympathy for this measure, Tbu Queen of Knglaud had set MI example to the whole world in thia reapeot. bhe bad mad* a statement that no oivdization was complete that did not include mercy ank kinduea* to the lower animals. He de- nied that the pigeoia were k lied when shot. They wtre often i -It to < ia a linger- ing death of pain and agouy. If ha were a crank there wera 9L othor orauks in the House who had voted tor bis Bill. Mr. MoNeill did not think it cruel to shoot pigeons out ot a trap. Tbs House divide! on the icotion that the committee rise, whioh was tarried by a vote ot 62 yeas and 47 naye. The committee rose without making a report. Mr. Taylor, in moving the aojond read- ing ot the bill to prevent the importation ot alien labor into Canada, sai < lhat ainoa the bill was before the Uoao he bad re- ceived petitions in support ot it from the Dominion Tades and Labor Congress, Toronto Trade* Council, District Assem- blies, K. of L., of Toronto and Montreal and many other labor organizations. Mr. Mitchell What ia the pjlioy ot the Government on this bill .' S.i John MaodoaaJd said bo did not think it advisable that this bill thonld be adopted, although the legislauoo of the United State* waa extremely unfriendly iu ita effects upon Canaia. lie did not be- lieve Canada should imitate th legislation of the Uuitcd States. We h U not the same reason as they had. The United State* did not require mor population. O.i motion of Mr. MoMullea the debate wa* adjourned. Mr. Brown moved that the H'lase resolve itself on Monday nxt into a committee to consider the bill to mako f urthc- provision tor tlo prevention of orueJty to Animals. Mr. Small moved that the bill be oonuid- ereil this day aix months. Mr. Brown xiid tne Bill 1ml exoited widespread interest throughout t ,10 oeuntry, and bad large support iu the H me. The opiuion of the Uousb was not tipnesed in BO vote taken list nigh't. It was hi* desire that tbe measure should receive the full attention of the House. Ue appre- ciated the stmtiuienta ot the Viemier and tbe member for Weat Darharu, and hopd when the Bill again came befora the House it would be dealt with in a way creditable to thu House of Commons. In accordance charter, so far a* he could recollect, was per month. Mr. Blake said that the member said that he was not ashamed of anything in connec- tion with tbe company. Had he doue any- thing to be Bbhamed of ? Mr. Bowell Not to much a* you have. Mr. Blake said that the Government paid a little more than halt the cost of tbe charier. Mr. Baird said that lie had made his political mistakes, and had paid the panalty for thorn. Hon. gentlemen would like to drive him from politioal life, but he could assure them that he would remain in the House so long aa ha had life. No one feared theAiting aaroasm of the member tor West Mirbam less than be oil. Mr. Bias* said he bad nevur before heard tbe bon. gentleman express regret, and bd he done so he would not have mado the allusions be had. Tbe item passed. Clydesdale Stallion Show. Tbe fourth auuual spring show of (tal- liona, under the auspices of the Clydeadtla Horse Aasaciation of Canada, took place Wednesday in the City Drill Shed, Toronto, before a goodly number of enthusiastic and critics! spectators. The reoen'fi antrits totalled 45 in all, being an increase of seven over the number shown laat year, and many, though not all of the acimais, put in an appearance. It wa made a con aition of the exhibit that all entries must have been recorded in tbe Canada Clyrii s dale btud Book, and that no indivioVml could compete in both cUsses. In almobt every section critics remarked a decided general improvement upon previous ju irs more particularly observable, perhaps, where it would be more likely to as rt itself, in the classes ot three-year-olda which shewed a distinct aitvanoe in Ui<: matters of size, weight, quality, carriage and freedom of motion. Graham Brns., Clarernont, carried off the $75 cop given by friendfl cf the Clydesdalu Association, and likewise the 960 cup awarded by the Line Stuck Journal Com- pany, of Toronto. The sweepstakes gold medals, by tha Agricultural and Arts, aud the Industrial Exhibition Associations, respectively, wore won by the same fort j nate tlrm. Messrs. R. Burgess, of Winona, Illinois, and C. C. Gardner, ot Charlottutown, P. E. I., performed tho dutiei of judges a:ul did it well. somewhat thick, and the inside whereof i* laid to hot, burning or running eye* at night when the party goo* to bed, and is tied or bound to the same, doth nelp the trouble very speedily, and, contrary to ex peotaiion an exotllent secret. A panliiua madu of rotten apples is of vnry comrron nee in Lincolnshire f r tLe cure of weak or rheumatic eyes. Likewise in the Hotel dc* Invalidei, at Paris, an apple i" lUioo ia used commonly for iudamed oves, the apple baing roaitei :il its pulp applied over the eyes with out any intervening llotpital. most ot them to the army they are doubtedly far from being an attractive loe in any sense of 'he word. A Bad A merchant's olerc wrote a oheok for forty dollai , and opellfd tbe numerical ad- iaotive"f-o-u-r-t y." Hisemployer directed I is attention to the error, with the remark. " yon seeui ti have a bad >peU this morning." to whioh the clerk replied, sure enough ; I've left out the ' g-h'"! Let us hope tbe cletk will atill further amend hi* ortbog* substance. London \ raphy, meanwhile, it any suffer from a Che -lurry Wire* of Windsor " oonld aoarotly have played such (sntastio prv.kn had they been subject to the many uls so cornoiin among the women of to-day. Dr. Piuroj's Kavorite Prescription ia a liVtimatn uiediaine carbfully compounded by nn ezperiunoed and skilful physiois.ii, and acUpn-ii to woman's deiioatu orn.ii/. t on. It ia purely vexetable iu ita com- positini, and perfeoily litrmloii in its effects in ny oonditioa of the svsiem. It oares all thosa weaknesses and ailments peculiar la woman, aud is the only medi- cine for women, sold by druggists, under a poiitivf yiniriintee from the maunfaotnrers, ihtt it will L'ive satisfaction in uvery oaaa, or in jni-y will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on tho boltl-j- wrapper, aud faithfully otrriod out for many years. bad spell " ot headache, superinduced by constipation, ask vour druggist for Dr. Pieroe'a Pleasant Purgative Pellets, En- tirely vegetable, mild, prompt and t ff active, and a most efficient remedy for derange- ment* of the liver, stomach aud bowels. Shir* Borae The annual meeting of the Shire Hr u Association of the Dominion was held ': night at Agricultural Hall, Toronto. Tht ;< 1- lowing otnoera were elected: F. Groeu, jn.i.. i 1 1 III.IIIIMI i.niu ii:c Popular. Ci'ematiou ia ruak:ng tapid advance in i.ublij f %vor. Thu first cremation at Wok- IH was oiii.liiiitui in the spring of the year 1S8S. About fifty orematiuue have taken place since last May, when operations wore resumed after the entire reconstruction ot tho building hitherto cx : alit)g there, and tbe addition of tha htndsomd little chapel. On eevt-ral nauaaioos lilt-re have been two > the expressions of opinion ha would withdraw the motion. Sir Hector Langevia, reply iu>. to Mr. Mo- Mmllsn, said the Government during lass year expended on the highways ot Ottawa $8,310. lor wate* at Ottawa 314,500, aud for gas % 18,908. Mr. Colby, in reply to Mr. Landerkin, said that commissioners wera in vest i- gating ths Baltic oatr*g<>, and tba aetion of tbe Ovrernment would depoa.l upo> their Bir Heotor LanKeviii, repljinff to Mr. McMullen, said that tbe total auionut paid on tha new block on Wellington utres*. <* elusive ot tbe land, waa 9608,096. The oiaima for tUras were made us follows : I Oharlobon, |39a,64, whioh bas been re- Ksparatlatt uf OattU tu Ireland. Mr. J, R. Martia, of Cavu^a, who in en- deavoring to interest Canadians iu the ex- portation of store cattle to Ireland, told the Toronto Empire yesterday that he had nocived many encouraging offora ol atiisi- anoe from leading cattle buyers in tha Green Isle. Several of thorn have intimated their willingness to bay Canaiitn cattle, but before the project is entered noon Mr. Mania Jedires to hve tbe arrangements complete. The Champion ProteotloulaU. A peregrinating lecturer recently reached K&njas, fixing bis prioe of aimission at one dollar. When the farmers realized that it would tska ten bushels ot oorn to get iuto tho bhow they went home and shovelled a bushel or two more i <to tbe kitohoa stove in order to warm up the dog. MB. CI.BVKL\M>, in a speech at New York tbe other day, spoke cf tbe greet aignifi- oanoe of fre libraries in their relation* to tbe publio life ot the people. In hisoeiiaon the free Horary is the most effective weapon to oombat tbe spread of a per- nicious literature whiih exorcises so demoralizing an effect upon popular morals. When our youths issue from the public sjhoo'.s they bava received only the pre- paratory education to fit them for tho battle Innerkip, President, re-elected : Vi Presidents Ontario, John GardhoDMi, olalton : Manitoba, Hnry Mann, Bran- don ; Quebec, J. V. Papineaa, Barnston. Directors J. Y. Ormaby, V. S., Spring- fluld-on-the-Crodit ; John Donkin, Uivcr- view ; Charles Jackson, My field ; W. H. Millman, Woodstock ; Hubert Maokncta, Tullamore ; W. Glendenning, Elleamere ; E. Jarvii, Oakville. Auditors - Cbas. George, Crampton ; Frank Shore, White Oak. Delegates to Central Farmers' Institute W. W. Mil.'nun, Woodetock. Delegate* to Industrial Lxhibitioo - Mr. Ormsby, Mr. Green. Judge* William Elliot, btaulny Mill*; Rich. Gibton, Dela- ware ; John Hope, Braiitford ; W. U. Hunter, Oraugeville ; David Ronndtrre, Carlton West; Thoe. Evana, Kt. Mary's ; Mr. Hooey, Mitchell ; John Boll, L' \ma- roux ; Wm.Bell, Willowdale. 'I be following gentlemen were elected as a K:. vising and Executive Committee by tbe directors after tbe general meeting : F. Green, jun., Inner kip ; J. Y. Ormaby, V. S., SpringQeld-on. the Credit ; John Don 1 in, Riverview . John Gardhoose, Malton. odies crem&t.'il on thu s'ne day. Not nly is liD.iuie snntiment giving way, but it 4 beKiouiug to bi found that for middle mi upper olaan funi-ralsareuiation is really he|>f r than burial. Tbe toial cost of it, nolnding everything oniii.nnly implied whea we speak of a luueral, in stated to b 15. Fail Man aatette. for existence, imbibed in tbe Tbe taste _ for public aoh'oass, reading if they properly fulfil their ends, seek* gratification when the satchel ii flung aside ; and unless public libraries be open to tbe bo>s and girls the future oiti/.eua, and mothers of oii/.en* they may seek tfa mental aad moral nourishment they crave In tbe cheap and pernicious literature whioh pour* in so abundant a stream from tbe printing press. Lord Beresfotd ba* been offered the com- mand of the Turkish navy with tho undor- atandmg that ba ia te reorganise the ser- vice. Tbe leissoM editor of a newane*3 H? * m>k "*** "*"' ool * iD 8 ' Mo NoDen> Abnut him. They were talking of ueatb, when one man asked : " What were hia latt word* ? " " He didn't say anything," was reply. Tint's just liko him, ' uaid thi first man, with an approviug nod ; " thure w no gas about him. Ho waa ail busibosa." the Mr. Pyne, tbo dutinguiabtd Iiisbman, Is aid to wear a watoh upon tbe faoe of wbioh i* engraved the mo. to, "Pay no Rent." When a tenant oomes to him com- plain ing about some aot of bis landlord, and asking for advice, Mr. Pyno says : " 1 cannot Rive you aavioe on that eubject, bo- oue Mr. Baltour *ay* that it would be illegal, but I can tell you the time of day." Then hepulla out hia watoh and show* it to the lenaut. Tie your baby's bonnet with V,K!O strings of hemmed surah silk. Pot a, ro sette of narrow ribbon* oa the top and sou have tbe fao simile ot a $15 French bon MHsa Cbioago Judge What I are yon bere again, Jones ? Jonas Ye?, your honor Ibis Is my fourteenth suit for a decree Chicago Judge, aiajning papers There's no use in resisting tbe Napoleon of divorce.' Memoriae of the Pact. Blunderyby Are yon fond of waltzing, Miss Oldboy ? Miss Ol Iboy Yea, indeed, Mr. Blnnder- iy I just love it. Blnnderby i wishing to ba complimentary) Bo do I. Particularly with you. It wnkona nany ol'l memoriea. Miai OMboy Of what, pray ? Blondorby You daooe aa my mother used to when I was a boy. How to Tr*t Then. Kentucky Colonel This discussion about low to treat ox Presidents ia entirely un called for. New York Man Ah ! " Yfs, sir. Tho way to treat them is tc land them the deoanter and a glass *ae, then turn your eye* in another direction." Yenouine'i Setci. ' Science i* making Ufa lazier t azicr for the smoker," said one of them yesterday. " Ho no longer h%* to bito of ibe end of hia oig*r. bunt for a matob and see the end ily off it bo>ond reaofa. The atest oigar has all tho modern conveniences 'or lighting fajtened to one end." A Kemliider. Mrl. Hnst!or (to her husband) -I oer- tainly wih, dear, that yon would keep up appearances more aud dress better. Now uok at Mr. Slasher, who moves in our set, low st\lish h is. Rustlor Yon forgot, dear, that it we* bat recently that Mr. Slasher failed. .t yoa have tbe bronchitis, yu nftae, ar Unarm, Your thniafs raw anamrung. you'ronaokiug. of oourw ; And if you ro not careful, iliu lint tiling ran Yourluuui are altacked.aud diaoase ly von low. By using Dr. Pieroe'a Golden Modioal Discovery, bronobial affttotions aui all kindred cimplainta can be oared, bat it neglcoto.-i, they of tan terminate iu _ con- sumption. It i J guaranteed to core in all oasea of diseases for whioh it is recom- mended, or money refun led. Henry M. Stanlny will rcooive 9150,000 for bis leotnres in Ungland. He expects to make as mach more ia this ooantry. Ba will devote tbo next three years to the rostrum. u. o. M. L. 1:1. BO. I took Cold. I took Sick, SCOTT'S EMULSION IUSI 1. 1 : I take My Meals. I take My Rest, .'.NIJ I AM VIGOROUS F.N<-U(;il I O TAKE JUNO I CAN LAY MY HANDS ON; ^ottillff ftst too, ' SCOU'S :. .-Mlsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil ami Hypophosphitesof Limeand '>0da *'"' ONLY CURED MY llK'ip- i:-nt CHisuinptiMi nur KUILT MK LT, AND IS NOW I'LTflNO FLESH ON MY BONES AT TH RATE OF A POUND A DAY. I TAKE 1TJUST AS EASILY AS I DO MILK." iirs Rmiilh"i In put up only IB Salmon 'lor wrnppera. Hold by all UrufglMs at .<iu. ana tl.OO. SCOTT & noH'.\'E, IrtBla^sP PBTPfSi S THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES ' HP Kl V I GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. X 1 - Sj-.-i ] I VM sj When 1 say Cur* 1 ,lo not mean ^ merely to '.ti.;i tlirm for a time, and tbm bare them return again. I MEAN A RADICALCURK. I have made the d!seas of Fi*% pilcpay or Knlline Sicknoas .1 life-long study. I warrant :ry remedy to Cur* the worst ca.ws. Bscauu otlivrs have 'ailed is no reason for nut imw reci-iving a cure. Send at oncefnr a tacatise r.n.l a Pr* SJottlo of my Infallible Kcmody. Give Kxpres*_nd Post Ufnce. It co^ts you no. nig for a trial, and it will rnre yt.ii. Audresa M. fl 0* M.C., Branch QfRc*, IUO WEST ADELAIDE STMECT, TORONTO. TO TllJ-: l'i)i'l'< >.'( 'fo.m your m,!rrn that I have a positive r.-uwly for IK above named disease. By it* timel<; uia Ihoutai. . ./. KMu.'ens cases have been pcrman-ntly cnred. I shall be ifi.irt ro send two bottles of my ram- ,'v TRKC to any ol your readers who hve ro sumption u : it,-y will nend me their '^.xMSavwLPost OHbce Address. Respeclt'ully, T. M.O.. > W*at Adolavldfc ST., TORONTO, ONTARIO.

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