THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE for Infants and Children. 90 well adftptad to children that mcad it u tupenor to any |>roAcnpUoo ton*.- H. A. Amrm. M D.. , -- Ul 80. Oxford St. Urookl/n, K. T. I WUhout uijurtoai Caatorla rarw Oolle. Oooetrpafl'm, Hour Htornach. iJiarrlmia, Kniotntion. Kills Worma, giva alcep, aad prxuuoeaB dl- Tsui Cnn-Ai-a COMPAVY, T7 Murray Street, N. T. D. McTavish, AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Colliiif,'wooil Street, FLESIIHKTON, - ONT. tnuf*cti.riiii; of !>fiuiocrat, ulr. ptl \ at nurlfH. t" SLI.M ia] aiii-iilim. ifivr <i i r i. -Mil i tV- t ami !'l -u Chains con- tnufl> orifiuud. SCIENTIFIC AMEW Farm for Sale. OfTvrn will b*t n-.-i ivi-il bv thtiuuilrrHixiied (or tin- |nirehA* of IxjU 5 ami 8, C'nn 12. Ouprev. <'<>ii'inii]K -no acrc niArr or less, tint name <-i>'i~iiiiiitiK A moat valUAble pro|H>rty. On tlia f Al In in (iri'etuU a lain" colllfoltable dwelling in -n- 1.. !nrr<. fraiuo Imrii an>l o'har oatbtif Idtafi 'I lu< fiimi in well wutrrpil About 1OH arreH i-1-nr...l Aiul iimlor cultivation, anil all IUIIK tlutni*tat uf th Int.- Jii-. Crawford, which IHUHI li. lil to wind 11)1 atTairA of docMtd. For f'nttirr partlonlan intrmllnii purcha*er Hlioiild apply to JUHIA1I (iAMKY. Maiwoll 1'. 0. . Jan. 30, 1KK). WIND * MILLS AND:- 1MJ.M1***' CSTABUISI-ftQ hi fully HltiPtrMlift. tt< -' t - W.M.I Kfur..- <rift. rublipiiM wMtklr. *cn<1 (or FIMT mcu ".i.*. ITI-. |.u yv'tr. (our UH-ntU'trl . : Ml''NN JH\>.. I*' in t-iouH, ^;; Mr ulw-J.-N.V. ARCHITECTS&BUILDERO Edition of Scientific American. V A rrcftl n <-. Kurh iMnm r<.fi(airi : '.thi>*f i. : r tutii f ' i 11 * . i pubhr liuiMifttf". NuiutT'-m nitrM\ ,. - nd full t>laii* an-i |f*elflraLh>t)i t r i nrb roiii^tuplnif '" '. > f fmr, ..<'! ^L'up). Ml NN & t ".. 1't 111 lUfc.i:-. PATENTS i li*I to MTNN A * " . w h o htiT. hifliivr l T n' r*,M>ri.M,rt mi<1 hf Miiit .r I'll, .01 *p|>u< jt!l<ifm f'T Afii-'l. nri MI 1 1 t un 'mi... i. !-.!! |, r IU..d' Cuf.c*. irMijr uiJtUlvntlai. TRADE MARKS. In rnA f , -ir rum k I* rir>t n-*; I- 1 r. .| In ' *t i i ui i . '[<. < i" \1 1 ' ' '"..iii") i-rucute 11. rwii'l fr I i . : <*IM* V II ll II Y* Ii 'f i . k, t KurU. mpc, I .MINN tl 40. I'm. MI *ol|rltr. Or NkiiAl. OlfUlK i-1 BUUA1>AY. N. V Having i m, h.-.-d .- Markilaln 'limp tm*iin'^t I winh tn nn- r -Mii.i'1- to thu public Hint I Hill )'! i JIM.II t| to OllanUn for nil km. IK -f pi!iii|.*if * very HU - ,n-iior tpiHlity K!n I'l Ml'i>. I.IKl i'l *ri- ( i. H if. l' ( fcj| vt'ti l>ru|i .-n pump* -.,. i u ;tv \\i ; ..i .\;ii!s \\iii..Uo i.ntiiiiii- t.. ti.rtnula. tun- \\ :nr| Mill- for citN-r "t ptmipii'i! cut JHH*, An. I lii-mn a prac- tical tn. i n&tili I i- . < >ni.t'ii-iit of turuiuu nut >' full til i;.Vi' Mitinfui-tUili. Vll H..ik ^'iiKiarti . l ii"!n n <li tniM-> will i.i.-iw* )>nrti''iilai ktij |>KMll|.l fctt* lltlull < Mil ' >l IT H .M.I I Kl.V AKTI.rY, Mtttrv.UN Pumps ! Fumps ! J. IVZcCulloueh. Markdiilc, niaunf '.riitini r i.f pjnipi. ilnniro' t i lufiilin I hr pulill. tlmt In' I-. plrpuli il to furill^.i |iuuipi for Deep wells, gravel wells, etc. arlirt who liave harotofur* IwddlUculty witb In H M. IN nit. Guarautesd Satisfaction nmilKinv artirli.n I l*unn-i| niv linslnrra ltli tb> latit.1. Ker of Mi-.. .1.1 tli.-- ii pi i lonu f Mli . . i' inip, , a i. i ,..!. -|. i w. .i.l in I net A ftfw >uai i* AMO I- i re ail. I oall oil lllit if \ . I If. 1 1.. nut Hi i n f l.i tb p ni|.|in J. M<- IIKMltll Monthly Faint. I in- MI fii Tu In each i ton .,-fi,,.. f vtlltf KEHDUL'S SPAVIN CURE. ! Dnrhitiii llul I 11. .i,o lit . . I. infitli *..i t h \l"inl M u.i/oi ,- I hirlmm H'-hhti.ii ..iiit-r NMtniiin\ bcfora CbMc wortb Hi* W.-iiilm l.i-fi.rt- iMiihaiu MBIIOV. i i].>i,'lhv l).>f,. ( i Duthftiu Tcnsorial . h. J. Orn : nri'MLr A. H i.r D..T AXU 1."IIIM DT) II "IB, U . . .. - Mr- I i. -i- almri pvrchw*Hl f.nvtfin i h' Siuiiii. ..... ii) iln- half d.*rn IK.III. -. woullllko |>rl>T>|n l..r k .r(|n ,tllllj. t ll.ll.k II I. iM>i.r Hi., u-i iliihnrui* ..a Mirtk. I htu u<-J .t ....*./...... r..r jriiart. tuiu>ln.l/, CHI*. A. 8*1 DLL KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL Mr I: ".-it W'.i k. . nl.. i MI Ib I ill. I i nl I I. ". I'm! 1 Ii i o |n hi il i. il A I.Arl .-I h..]t i MM.. '. block Wlii.< bu i i | II i 'i-M i . I I . HI I.' 1 I' - nil unit ill li'-in.r HhavliiK an.1 bair tiuUIni don* is tliu I hi lie ' f I'. KiZOItS IIO.NLU ami UKUI .M>. H.. .OM.TI. N. V. N !>. R J. T7rx. < D. r bli* . l <Wfii* toiilTP 'n l of 017 v*i l . rH>| < bmitjii'/ Mi.r k*<(nill wH|. . tm mi 1 bMv*i iMd R r r I iiM.rnr-., Hi it! Jil m nnl f- pit Tin*, it nj 1 ti<. ixun I it u h-jrw L UK-, IooiL.1- . ^ i . ..inn ml 'I > ft.l Inn < U4. ii VwUi*Uuij| A. R On wr <T. MaiUffK- Truy LjuiiHlry Huo.;**. IIEKDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. i Cvjvsrv, Un:o, C-v. in, MM. ilrtT tnfur tvhat I hra<l. ra J Wievili t.nfit. J bate .^in-l n I I ,-! l's.,.lra k n Ii. r .. . n r I I.I SpltVIIIA. It II ..f ring II.MI' . i - ..Vbinl li.i Bl lira* in .t rflt'Ja*. > . . . 1 l.>r k.l i.uti. r > u- |MH.)> klui . -uU*., ! Ua J u*.\.r c -M t.f n I ml. .pi <i ;:i.^ 1:1.111 K, ri.KSHI 1:1 'N Prof. Loisette's EMORY DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD In ii. f A liiltaTtl^l iniiuu^u *h*ch mira the Uu*<ir>, ft n 1 ura. lie*] nmtilUof llio Ottfftiul, ui >plU nf tt.N ni<v>t in nipnNM<nl*t.n l*y vrvimia w<*iil>l t j|ii|H-iit<>r-. KinliuKpiUot hyt44MppUtu ni>" turn A>DR>W TUMI a. IEDftiL'S SPAVIN CURL ill Drnr i . It ivIU U.i. KW>k*v<- i; . i, i ii i. T >."i i . It ivIU U.i. D* MMM4<Jn 4.11 "iii .,. i,i.,-l>)f IL.. jif. i"lf- iwx , H ^ i-.-'' ' > *> ' 'JTtli rAM. TU OLD IJV .M. t N r "....11 >* <* iftai -.!.. KJ. xrli ill tit- W..I..I I'.i . IIM. Ar|wr Wi>riMi. ik. > ' M.I II. .11.1 II.-.I, U.lir, l-^r. iog*'h wilh ..iir lt, .. .11. .... rlloii.rU.1 .IV .. ft-ff. lll. t<i <'OI'XTY DISTRICT The Pestmajiter at Clarksburg died on Momlay of hint week. Wm. 81eior' bani, llth con. E,TC inont, wa* tleatroyed \iy fire. A calf kn kril a lantern OTbr. Mr. Tracey LudJin^ton, who rarrn-il on tin hutcher and drover buainuas in East Xorra mine yean ago, lias returned from buffalo, Dakota. Hit sjtent over tlirr.i yuan there, and has now conle back to settle down again at his old h< line. Hu says the tlistrcu u somethinr; awful. There i. not a furm but what is mortgaged. The state fixes the rate of HIM nil at 112 per cent, but iu many OMPS, in fact in nearly all, 'I'l pur cent, is chiir^od. - [Woodstock Times. A fatal accident occurred last Wednes- day afternoon at Keldon. Mr. Thos. A|i|ilvyard, who owns a aaw mill there) ws removing a .lab from a log while th null was running, by lorr.e means the lab touched tho *aw, and the old gentleman waa ao thrown against the saw Loth leg. were cut off iu tho upper third of the thigh. He survived hi. in- juries a couple of hours. [Mt. Forest Rep. The Hanover Post sajii : "Since 18SC Williuin Yodduu has taken the Post and when not too tired has care- 'ally read and criticised its contents, but during that whole time ho has failed to contribute a soliutry nickel, as far as we can learn, to wants its support. Last week his was returned marked re- 'u.inl. Was this not the act of an hnne.t Christian gentleman '' " If it was it i. a spucu-H of Christian gentlemen which is very uncommon, in fact when t specimen a fount! we consider him such a lusus laturu- that wu willassiiit in pasaing him around. "Thee old bech tree that stood on tho corner of the old Folwell farm," write* a :i!y li\ing near Struetsville, "bceame :i \ii-tiiu to the woodmen and their a\e* on Holiday inoriiiii}:. It hus stoml then- for over one hundred years, and on it are ut suv>ral name* whiclf are ili.ttinctly Visible, namely, I.'. W. Howell, 1W ; P. Folwell, llS4il ; (i. lluwanl, ilS.VI. !t ni-uxtin-s Mir Id t arms* ami liftoen feet n i in -irnffti-iiiv. There are many sweet reiiibranci'H connected with ihat old fi-li trre, and its absence makes ipnte \niil in tin- pl.t ! w'u-re it st... l. It's an old sayin.-, ami a true one, that "New .int."* iiKtku new laws. " [StrceUvill* Uvitw, K.xpi i iini-nts are not alw.tys succrufu!. as the following littK- iiii.-iilent will nho. In of our ca'tli'iiiiMi limi.ii^ that some .1 his Kim-Kris weru co\enl with \rrmm, ct his wits to woik to tiiul nif.ins of ting ml i'i the U;uu. Finally hf hit upon a happy expedient. Hu liret i.viTfil the animal well over with i-.'u! iii and then applied a lighted match. In hu tn inkling of an eye the pnor lieast was a sheet of llaine and the owner .. lining afraul that the tire miltht coin- iiui .mi t.i the straw , and thu. burn lown the barn, pulleil oil' hm fur coat and iliirw il over the bttriiing animal in pw of sinoi!ierin-{ out the flame. Animal, vermin and coat suffered to In nit un eiiuul extent. j'!iesley _ Kntcr U.cK^C* All yOU >!' lu 1.1 ! lk^ wlkA . nil * M iiMfflibon ..! I'M- AT".J < . Th W 41. Ml I tk. i.l. lyu.rauM af II i - 1 n ltll|il . . There was ijuitc a scene in the Baptist church nil Sunday evening last. After Kev. .1. .1. H.iKi-r. the jiaator, had coii- cludeil an able discourse on tho character of Imluam, a seedy liMikin^ individual lio has been selling salvua in town, am 1 . who, with 1m pack, occupied a front seat in the ayiiu^oguc, r.>u up ami aakud in rminsion to spxvik. The pnstor who evidently had hail a little experience with him l.ei.iit-, rrj.hed authontativelv : "No, IM lather you wouldn't speak, we me mun^ to take up thu otferilig row." Kilt thu fullotv wasn't to 1m .liscnura^ed or n>,t i. .11, .il With a remark that hoM speak anyway, wlicther the luinistur wished it or not, he prifeudud to criticise the sermon. Mr. Thompaon, one of the collector*, wont up to him and told him to sit down. ''Hands oil, don't dure ti touch me" was the rejoinder, and the aulvit a^eni launched out on hi* theme rt,Min 'tin ehoir struck up a familiar hymn, the rest of the audience joined in uth them, and the roaring, ami dfiiiom acal croaking "f the self-ordsinod beitdla were drowned in the singing of thu coli- grei<;iti.iii. Kinduit; that hu wa* not to be accorded a lu-ai in,', thu crank put on hia cap which looked worn-out and tired, took up his unp, and muttering|incoher- ently alung the way, man-hud out slam- IIIIIIL; the doors after him. Hu probably knows now that th Itaptiat church folk are unlike tiahutm in on* r>|>uct at least, they won't listen to n ass [Bruce H aid. ANNOUNCEMENT! I air. pleased to announce larjje arrivals of new goods fresh from the manufactures. Your attention is invited to a choice and carefully selected assortment cf the newest line in Ladies', Gents' and Children's boots, shoes and slip- pers. I endeavor to satisfy my patrons and demonstrate that the cheapest as well as the choicest stock in this line of goods, is at WM. CLAYTON'S, TLESIIERTON. Photos, Photos, Photos. Har now turning out work far tuperior in ttyle and jinith to any ntr pro duced in J-'lethertun. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FBAMINQ 'W in all itt btanchct. A yooil ttock of FRAMES ,,a,t MOCLDIXfiR krpt iintliiutlif un k'tnd. Will altu int -vduee ike new BRoMlDK PORTRAIT, n nieture (hut it yiriny eittirt Mlithn-tiH vhererer 1/i/rWi/cW. SAMPLES out be teen (it my Gallery ichtrt ull purtiruhirt at <i I'rict, Style Ac., can lit utctr- tained. T//7C* fff'f 1/JC T J7 /^*'e f> (. A,-//J/f f FLESHERTON- H KALTII FOR ALL " HOLLOWAYS PILLS&DIMTMEN? THE PILLS Purify tliv HliHl. i-uru't I all DlsonWs of , Mtoinuch, Iv uncl Thyliivlftoratitan1 rtmtorn tt> lioaltli IHibilitatud Coutitut>oiia. and aro invaluable In II ' itiualfiuf all *M<M. For I'hikirt'U anil tlir At[uU tbc> ai |Titclet THE OINTMENT >a Infallible rm..<1yf<ir Hail l^vvllaJ lirnn.lA. Ol.l Wi.nn.hi. Sorw and flccn. Iffauiof lluut ami Klifuiiiatuiu. Kor diivrdui-k of tlw < liit it ban uo v.piu For SO UK TIIUOAT, BROXVHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS UlandularSwolliugi, and all Skin I>laa<tt It ban nn rival, and for cuntraetwl and itifl oiuta it actn lilt* a ctiann. Manufsctnrcil only at 1'rufunior HOLUIWAV'K Kntalililiniont, : -. Nrw OxforO Htrrrt 4 Inlr .'.::. Otford Mrrrt ), I.in4oii. and AIO - iM at la. IJtl i^ IM , 4. Ad . ll , .'.. an. I \'* narb Mo\ nr I'ut, anil may b had of all Uad cillr Vnndori throrrlu.ut the \\ .u 1.1 }' \irflitittn hrtlil look h 'A iMtirl nn ihf /'o*.< nivl linrn>. Jj theatUreu if tint 5.t.t, ( > rfiipl Htnvt, hmdoii, Uiry nrr .ifini it/tu. FLESHERTON PLA\l\ti MILLS II r. in rmrchanpil tint Flenhertun I'hiniuj Mills liuu 1-. J. S]'ioulu, i:>u., liigw d*i>iri to inforin t)i PUBLIC that I am in a pimition to do ALL KINDS -OF - General planiug mill woi'k, uch tii SASH, IiOOHS, DOOUFKAME8 Planing and Matciiing, re sawing, etc. . i. nl WorkniunMhlp *.n.n am . . il. in tash will Ui paid for any qaalitj of Skiss ui ! , S, DAMUDK, Tuuncry A laix qnntit>- of good dry pii huiilicr ii lutiul. t Icnlierton. Flesherton Livery Stables. 0. < I. tYTOV I'roi.r.rtor. TBOAOVOBBftU) IU.UKSMIRI; Boar for Service, The undmlirnF'l haA for ner<ic at rrlcetili.- aftrat olau lli-ik>lnir Uoai.Utel> iiuruliaswl fi oiu Mr. K. Uivern, ..i Walkurloii TKHMS 'I Tli.i aii.ninl took firsr. ,., . Artvinmla full h.. Unit fall, ami MMMM ai tli V>alkurtou KxhtbtUoa. 1. A. U. KKHUl'SUN WM.BAl,NHOUSE, BOOT AND SHOE MAKKli. KLESHKllTON, OST. I>virr9 to thank bis uuiuarous cuiitoiocrA for the tr? liberal patronaftt nxtan.lo.l in tin- paat. anil is now pr<mar..J to all all ordoi < if;i I year* Iu bustuuan in Flasjiertoii, an<l huuiwt rtrsl uf bars*, aad T*blals f*r blra il Jaallng.wilh (jooil worktnan>inp.ha*8 bia raaivsakl* .t.. Ittoblsa aita Mankaw't aui wvl) known tbrvuokout thu vu-oiit>- ..4 t^eeta, al.m yahf * t*si*r4a i wd work a ;>( laity (Utrou bout-, mailo aalasss ' Win. l'ruUoao. KUtbaitua.