Flesherton Advance, 10 Apr 1890, p. 1

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE. 1 TRUTH BEFORE FA VOR."-" PRINCIPLES, XO1 MEJY.' VOL. VIII. f NO 458. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1890. W. H. THURSTOU, "' R P *,, ETCR. Look Out! Armstrong Bros, to the Front! Eui['uiu With their fine stock of watches (Swiss & American) jewelry (Gold,and rolled plate), solu! 18 and 10 K. Wedding Rings, Engagement Gem Rings of the best quality and finest de- signs, Clocks Walnut 8 day and 24 hour, Nickel alarm and time. Watches adjusted and isochronised. J'AINTINO. TRIMMING, HOHSESHOEINO, \VOUU WOBk. FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOWN, LUMBBU. LATH. SHINCJI.KS. J011 WORK. FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHERTON, ONT. Frmn our otm t'lirrrspunilrnt. Mr. Wm. Wilson lias been danger- ously ill with iurlumation of the lungs, but we are pleased to leuru that be in recovering. Our school closed Thursday last, and wo have no doubt that the Easter holidays were welcomed both by teacher and pupils. The teacher will be allowed to strengthen his llightarm in order to wield the cat-o-nme-tails with "double away' for the remainder of the term. "What does it mean ?" Well, Mr. Editor, it means that the correspond- ence from Cinema winch appeared in the Thornbury Standard was not, as accurate as it might be. That corres- pondent lies, or stretches the truth very frequently, hence you need not credit any items that appear in the Standard from tiu.> same correspond- ent. There is considerable comment as to who is the author of such corres- pondence, some say it is Harry, others say it is not, but it is our br lief that we can locate the gentleman, if he be worthy of that uauie. We are informed that Mr. J. Y' Hoath is goiug to take up his abode 111 the vicinity oi Muaford, he having leased a farm there. Mr. Hoath b presence will be greatly missed is this neighborhood. Mr. b. denies hat given up his studies at the Colliugwood C. 1. and has entered upon a new course of study, namely, dentistry. We hope he will prove successful in this course. WILL WIMBLE. U;CkVH LAND BOLLKKS MOttKKS. BINDERS. PLOWS. Our Buggies the Best. Our Sleighs the Best. Our Gutters the Best. Our Improxed Harrows the Best. Our Patent. Uatu The Beat. Stevens Improved Spring Tooth II irrow the Best. STUAW riTTTEKS, SCL'KKLEHS. TU11SIP UltlLLS. <; VN ; i',., )i Copy of the Card GIVEN AWAY BY THE "CASH :-: IS T O R B." (FRONT.) <>' 10 10 1(1 10 10 10 10 10 10 30 9) 20 9U 90 JU 'JO tu au ai THIS CARD IS WORTH $6.00 TO YOU Bring This Curd that we may punch from it the amount y> 'ii buy. \\ he* your oanii purcbaiiM mnoant tn 130. 00 we will make you A pr,-*eut of the Biiormouii volume described on the back of this <mr<l, entitled " Wr.ntTKR's ENCTCLOP.UIIA or I'sKroL LNKOBMATIUII ANI> Wnui.n's ATLAS." THKSK I'.OOKS AKE ON KXHIDITION IN OUR STORE. MCDONALD & EVANS- GENERAL MERCHANTS. Flesherton, Ont. 90 a kl W SO 100 100 100 100 IOU 1UO 100 l*ncvi!le. From niir oiri ( wrmpotiiirnt. We are likely to have an early ypriug, fur onr foatlic'rcil ffieinls are all returning to us again from warmer climates. Several of our young inc-n have re turned from tliu Michiguu lumber woods. John McArtlinr, Esq., is preparing to rvnido on his farm in tlio coimtry during the summer scusuii. Mr. (ii'o. Trvou iia.n sold his butch- print,' business to A' i . Me. \inmon, of Holslein. G. \V. intends trviiifj liis hand hi tlio droving busiucsg for a while. Some of our town gossips have circulated certain rumors tlmt have spread like wildlirc over this section of country, asd without any found- itioii, it 18 said. Hut inine of our huly friundfi would "spoil" iftliey had uul sooio scandal to relate alter bem^ in foleuiu cou^lavc- at a "quiltiui;" or tea party. Measles arc prcvclant here at pres- ent. The assessor has paid us liin annual visit. Mr. Jan. Watson was down to the city lust week. One of our citizens is likely to lose $150 by endorsing a uoto to oblige a neighbor. mis taken possession of the farm which has lately been occupied by Mr. Jus. Magee. . I.tn-aham Esq., iuiH recovered mflbmtlj from la grippe to oversee >hc running of his mill. Aiiiun the merry chirp of the chip- munk makes the woodi ring, the drummer partridge is on his lo and the mi in sings his evening song aa tin 1 sun gradually sinks beneath the ' western hill. Huroly with such evi- dence as this wo cannot doubtr the presence of spring. (BACK.) Tfter' Ms Alias No single book ever contained such a wealth of knowledge A . 'l!'l I I I ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY IN ITSELF . univur-ial ait*.iil ainl tre*Mir-liivuMof information on every ooniivbl subject from the ^V taonhol<l to th nmmifiM-torv. In ,hur, iiivu. Information about ythiiiu, liabolutlv lnolpSM*>b] to every one in all walk* of Ufa. The cuntouu being no neimnu.r.1, iiidesoJ ana ar- rautietl that tli.-v cuti bo luriioil to at uoce. Ifc if THE BEST ; Ji;W TtdN (ever issued. Th i artiolai are written by men wboiw live* havn been devoted to the lubinot* treato-l are horlaii'l oanciM, but oonliiu full information to ilato. It I* to be oonnultetl n every aiMcUan tbalarlM* in ovory ilay life by old ami young alike. It ooutains a map of every itate ami terri- tory and fwiviRii countries, in all FIFTY UK.MIH IKM M I:M.KV. MI u \r>. r.inl a Inn^riptlon of every country under llio-min. bo.<iJu inurhotliur matter relative to the Home M. -Kmnn. tSiii Kai'torv. I*. Pootieal Hnlectioii*. Luunl Form*, Syuunvuin. Kamu> llnrli; and Snip*. How t<> CaKnlat >, HJW i . , Cook, Ho* tn (lot Itirli. How to Cure S'mimrou* Ulso*en How to Minn, Wbototals ninl UiiU.il HuKMieM, Political Hintory of the U. 8., Innuiaiice, Hanking, Tablet of .'/I'l^iltS All 1 MuikMlrUN lill'l HiiudrrdH uf other Topics of rtut Value to Kvery Persoa. who doiirox to be ui> to tlio times. It in ul<uant!y bomi'l in inoroorooloth with bountifully doslgne<l nldn tamp and marblocl xlRr*, inakin;! at onoe the most haudoiii aoU duratle ait wellu thu mobt useful l>ook over ma*l of told for 6.UU. Copies of thin book can not be bought ; thoy can toobtaiiiad only by mint Mill card. Oall and Inspect the looks. MCDONALD & EVANS. Fnnn imr own Cii The "pied frog's orchestra" is again organized for the snimner months, and from their several logs and claps which tin. 1 1 in the stagnant pools.they favor the inhabitants of tins village with their clioiuust selections, limn HUTS and saws keep time to the music as boards are cut and fastened in place by the industrious hands of Messrs C. Knott and s. Uurritt. Ploughing lias commenced. R. D. and T. B. Carruthers have gone to Sclioiiiberg, where they intend to speud the summer. Mr. Best, from Keller's Bridge, Hastings, has moved to town with the object uf running opposition to Mr. Mdv'iizie in tho blacksmith line Wo are well supplied with ^tiiut class of tradesmen now, us there are three shops within the radius of a mile. Strikes will, uo douht, bu prevalent now. Mr. W. Scott i* preparing to build large barn on his new farm. During the past winter moving has been carried ou to a great extent, by which Knnbvrley hai increased in population, Mr. Simpson, of Osproy, Honor Roll. KIMBERLEY. FORM i. Claw IV. Lily (irahara 259, Magee 244, Ethel Hur<l _'<>7,.l<>lm Howell I !!. John Hainniond l:2. Class III, sr. Junies Wallace 209, Willie Lawrence 12, Vincent Gilbert 109. Class III, ji- Uudlue Lawrence 148, MnijQio Howell 111, Annie Scott 105. Class IT, sr. Hr.-ry MLen 102, Lily ttilbon !'>. iieori." 1 liraliaiu II 1 '. Averai'f attendance 28. . VOKM II. Class II, sr. -Ida Thompson 143, Daw- son Knott i:U, T. E. Abercioiiibie 12H. Class II, jr. -Leslie Plewes 129, Mary Knoit 120, Minnie Battrick 82. Part II. R-ib. Kawcett 142. Dorothy Mun.lel 131, Ethel Plewos 102. Class A. - Saul F:iweett '.C. Mary M - KI-II/.I.) 95, John Wickens 52. Class B. Jasper Stewart 98, Henry Wallace 107. Class C. Sandfonl Knott 00, Ben. Knott 40, Jennie McLean 30. Average attendance 'M. composed of the children of no less than eii-ht previous marriages. It would puzzle a magician to settle the exact re- lationship existing between this very assorted household. THE. MABIEfS FLESHEIITON. Carrfulln Corrected Kach Flour ... S4 m to Fall Wheat a to Rprlng Wheat an Harley ,... 30 OaU ._ o 27 llutu-r ... "... '.'.'. '.'.'. u KKK. freh u 10 ftrr. ^ r ::.".:.::. ::: ~ 4 Hay pi-r tou 00 Hi.lei 3 50 Turkey* '..."...'"...'".'.'.' 010 Chickens pr pair o SO Ducks iwr Ib o 08 Wool o 18 4 in nil Hi o n o >a o so 14 111 J 5 it. n in .1 MI 1 oo o or o 10 o :> o u- U 'JO FARMERS! LOOK! T.BLAKELY, Flesherton, Sells thu best farming impUMiiuiits ni.um- facturml, Hnmlfimt Luiht XU-fl Ititulrr und Minrrr. l'ii>iH,--i;niml Drill unit Spring Our Scrap Book. W >ay that iprinij in hero w T That m thiiiuovnrv pleaaaat ilay : %S turu tu i huiiKiii- <>f now priutj c'.othM. AuU thuii it -<uuwa ! r>iliortnoil now. 'Jiir !mp uive way Till ..in nliinei . tin n Htjiiiu -ay TheiprniK IH hurt wli.n. a baloro, It HIIOWI MI m u mure ' Three miuum in tlio Copper ('liu* ininp, uenr Sudbury,wcre killed on Kridayaftor- noun by bemj; crushud by a car. Nineteen prisoners have escaped from the county jail at Spokane Falls, Wash. A Chinese, mandarin can order n man's head to be cut off at any moment. Hut within three month.-, he iiiuM forward to the Emperor an affidavit from two pemoim dei-l:ii ini: that the execution was in thu interest uf religion and morals. He has no difficulty in getting such affi- davits, as lio can cut off thu hoods uf any who refuse tu make them. Henry M. 5>.anloy is in tlio fluid for 'boodle.'' he raid to a friend before he left America in search of Eiuin I'nsha: "I m Belting on past middle life. I have nut saved a cent. My books and lectures nh. ill pay mo within thu next livo years, tMiough to make my old at(o comfortable. This African expedition is for money, not glory." The WittrrliMt Plain ti.ul Thmhrrt. Nteby nmi Dnrand'a Mnttfurk. The gnod '|iluiitir <>f [hciw iinplctnrnt ure Riilttcii iiliT knnnn nnw to npntk fur tbomselvpi, witlmut ^uy -Ttr wnrdH fro-i m. .Anyliiiilv roipurng itnjiU ineiil^ in lln liin- wiiulii do wi-II to cxiuuinc rninr : not sln-mlv ncquainli-'l with them. Call "U mi HID! I will !> happv tn exhibit the yoo.l '(imliiifN n( tlii'Hf mscliini-H. T. A. RLAKELV, Flesherton. COME INSPECT SELECT Stock Large WELL ASSORTED. Marked in Plain Figures PRICES LOW. duality Considered. EoTABLMlED NEARLY SEVEN YEARS. FriKhtoMd by a Parrot. -A bur K la r . ^ arrant8 Personally SigUG'! nutMokiug a house 111 Chicago the oilier night, WHS greeted with a 'Hello, there ! " m a sepulchral voice from tin, gloom of a recessed corner. He stood uot upon ;<i" i ii ilr of going, but went at once. A parrot had worked in its solo stock of English with admirable rssulta. The bunclar dropped a purloined over- coat in his haste to get away, but bo subsequently recovered from his sufficiently to miter two other ) where ho secured several overcoats and 940 in money. At a small town in Wurtembun; re- cently a maiTiiiji! look place- which brings about a complicated state uf family re- lAtiuiiH. The woman bail been married thren times before, and each time had takeu for her husband a widower with children. Her fourth husband was also a widower, and as he had had children by his first wife, who was horaclf a widow with children whan he married hr, tlio scw'.y married couple have started their matrimonial companionship with a family and kept good. FINE WORK On all Grades of Watches, PERSONALLY DONE. Charges Moderate W. ATBUOWiN, Jeweller, etc. SIGN OF THE "BIG SPEX" MARKDALK

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